#prog of the 1900s
courtingwonder · 10 months
Jethro Tull - Locomotive Breath (1971) --- youtube.com/watch?v=LP627X1JBow
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venomous-qwille · 9 months
I am in the mood for a question today : about GITM of course, your au and fic is amazing and you sure know by now that I am a great fan of it ✨️
Soooo : what type of musics the boys listen to? I can easily see for Fool or Misuta but the other are quite a mystery to me on that side and it is making me curious !
(Also : we watched Frozen as you said, seems like it soften the jester a bit until my doggo decide that he wanted to play with Sol's dear glove, my bad)
Oh this is tricky
Misuta listens to a lot of synth and prog rock, anything from the 80s particularly.
Fool listens to everything and enjoys everything but particularly older stuff, opera and musicals.
Sunspot loves jive and midcentury stuff, rock n roll etc. He also listens to your Deathcab and Owl City type indie music!
Nova anything as long as it is loud and has a high bpm. Sol really likes very old jazz and r&b, the stuff from the first half of the 1900s! He also enjoys Erik Satie as well as classical guitar stuff </3
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toneoparticle13 · 10 months
The Disease Of Scheuermann: What You Should Know!
Did you know that Holger Scheuermann, a Danish orthopaedic surgeon who initially characterised the Scheuermann disease in the early 1900s, received his name from the condition? For more information, keep reading.
The musculoskeletal condition Scheuermann's disease, also called Scheuermann's kyphosis, mainly affects the spine. Atypical spinal growth, which causes kyphosis, or a rounded or stooping posture, distinguishes Scheuermann's disease.
It is unclear what causes Scheuermann's disease. It is thought to result from a combination of hereditary and environmental causes. Numerous study results suggest a genetic risk. Environmental elements like poor posture, spinal tension, or food limitations during periods of rapid growth may also impact how it develops. 
What Is The Disease Kyphosis? 
Kyphosis is the medical term describing an unnatural forward curve of the spine. It can refer to a particular ailment known as kyphosis or be used as a general term to indicate an excessive upper back rounding. Kyphosis can be structural or postural and can affect persons of all ages, from infants to older people.
Teenagers are prone to postural kyphosis, which is typically brought on by poor posture. It can be reversed and has nothing to do with spine structural issues. Postural kyphosis can be treated with exercises, postural correction, and back muscle strengthening. 
An aberrant spine curvature is caused by structural deformities such as congenital anomalies, Scheuermann's disease, osteoporosis, or spinal fractures. A few illustrations of structural kyphosis are as follows:
1. Scheuermann's Kyphosis
Scheuermann's illness, as was previously mentioned, is a specific kind of kyphosis characterised by abnormal spinal growth during adolescence, resulting in a rounded upper back.
2. Inborn Kyphosis
This kyphosis begins at birth and grows abnormally as the spinal vertebrae develop.
3. Kyphosis Brought On By Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis deteriorates bone strength and increases the risk of compression fractures. Multiple compression fractures in the spine can cause an increase in forward curvature and kyphosis.
4. Kyphosis Caused By Trauma
This kind of kyphosis may occur due to spine fractures or other injuries, which could cause the vertebrae to collapse or misalign.
Scheuermann's Disease Symptoms 
Some of the most typical Scheuermann's disease symptoms, also known as Scheuermann's kyphosis, are listed below:
1. Kyphosis
The characteristic feature of Scheuermann's disease is an abnormal forward curving of the upper back, which results in a rounded or slumped posture. It is readily apparent and can be mild to severe.
2. Pain In The Back
A lot of people, to varying degrees, are affected by Scheuermann's disease, which frequently manifests as upper back (thoracic) pain. The discomfort may be mild or even severe, and it may get worse with activity or after spending a lot of time sitting or standing.
3. Stagnancy And Less Flexibility
Scheuermann's illness can result in several symptoms due to aberrant spine curvature. It could be challenging to bend or twist the back as a result.
4. Tiredness
Due to spinal stress, people with Scheuermann's illness may grow tired or uncomfortable after exerting themselves physically for an extended amount of time or while maintaining an upright position.
5. Muscle Cramps
Muscle cramps in the back might occur infrequently and hurt or be uncomfortable.
6. Uneven Shoulders Or Prominent Shoulder Blades
Due to the curvature of the spine, the shoulders may appear unequal, with one being higher than the other. The shoulder blades can be seen if they are prominent.
In uncommon neurological situations, the spine's nerves may be compressed or irritated, resulting in symptoms including numbness, tingling, or weakness in the legs. These neurological symptoms are less frequent, though.
The Disease Of Scheuermann Treatment 
Controlling symptoms, improving posture, and preventing the progression of the spine's curvature are the main objectives of treatment for Scheuermann's disease. Depending on the condition's severity and individual features, the course of therapy may alter. Here are some common medical remedies:
1. Monitoring And Observation
If symptoms are mild and the degree of spine curvature is not severe, a cautious observation strategy and routine checkups may be advocated in milder cases of Scheuermann's illness. This is particularly true if the individual's growth spurt has passed because the problem often stabilises with skeletal maturity.
2. Stretching And Exercise 
Physical therapy exercises can benefit posture, the strength of the back and core muscles, flexibility, and pain management. A physical therapist can design a personalised exercise programme appropriate for the patient's needs and guide proper body mechanics and postural awareness.
3. Pain Control
Scheuermann's disease-related pain and inflammation can be managed with over-the-counter medications. Before using a medicine, visit a doctor.
The Final Say 
Consider anti-inflammatory foods, consume enough calcium and vitamin D for healthy bones, and follow a nutrient-rich diet to promote general health. When offering tailored advice, dietary requirements, restrictions, and weight-control goals should be considered. 
A diet specialist can help optimise nutrition and increase general well-being even though nutrition cannot treat Scheuermann's disease. For further information, speak with the orthopaedic department at Bansal Hospital.
About Bansal Hospital
Bansal Hospital is a multispeciality hospital and is one of the leading, reputable and reliable healthcare providers trusted by patients and their families across the region. It has all the major departments, including cardiology, neurology, oncology, orthopaedics, gastroenterology, urology, liver transplant, bone marrow transplantation, nephrology, gynaecology and more. The hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and technology and has a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors and medical staff who provide round-the-clock care to the patient.
Visit Our Website
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metalshockfinland · 9 months
Prog Rockers JORDSJØ Release New Single 'Ura' from Upcoming Album
“Salighet”, the fourth full-length album from Norwegian Prock Rockers JORDSJØ, sees multi-instrumentalist Håkon Oftung (TUSMØRKE, BLACK MAGIC, THE CHRONICLES OF FATHER ROBIN) and drummer KRISTIAN FRØLAND continue on their musical journey that draws its inspiration from Nordic jazz and folk music, classical 1900s music, and sensory expanding 60s and 70s rock. With “Salighet” set to hit the streets…
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“Salighet”, the fourth full-length album from Norwegian Prock Rockers JORDSJØ, sees multi-instrumentalist Håkon Oftung (TUSMØRKE, BLACK MAGIC, THE CHRONICLES OF FATHER ROBIN) and drummer KRISTIAN FRØLAND continue on their musical journey that draws its inspiration from Nordic jazz and folk music, classical 1900s music, and sensory expanding 60s and 70s rock. With “Salighet” set to hit the…
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saint-casual · 3 years
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puttin up a ragtime cover w/o context
i just like to imagine this guy killed abraham Lincoln
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Ghost: A chat with Tobias Forge; is an instrumental album in the future?
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Tobias Forge of Ghost has had an incredible year and it just keeps getting better. We were fortunate enough to speak with him about albums and arenas shows.
Ghost has been incredibly busy in the last year and a half. Between a new Cardinal, a new album, three dead Papas, a new Sister Imperator, multiple Chapter videos, three tours and two singles, all that’s missing is a partridge in a pear tree and Ghost has a holiday song to add to their repertoire. Tobias Forge, the leader of the band, is the busiest of them all adding countless interviews to the list of to-dos.
Given that information, we were extremely grateful when he agreed to talk with us for a bit to chat about Seven Inches of Satanic Panic, the differences between theater and arena shows and the chances of a full instrumental Ghost album.
The Interview
1428 Elm: Thank you so much for taking time from your very busy schedule to talk with us. Congratulations on the new single! Can I ask you what inspired those two songs? Any particular artists?
Tobias Forge: I can’t really talk about it that much. It’s 50 years old and I’m 38. I am personally a big fan of this style of music. I’ve always been.
1428 Elm: Would you say that Papa Nihil had any particular artists in mind when he did this music?
Tobias Forge: I don’t think he wrote anything but I think that the songs are very much in line with what was going on at the time. I definitely believe that he was influenced by the rock movement in the later 60’s. But it also does have sort of a Motown feel at times, so it wasn’t as psychedelic as some other bands were in 1969. They still had that mid-60’s sort of cheerfulness to it that for the most part was gone by then. Things got kind of darker in 1969.
1428 Elm: I can definitely see that. While “Kiss the Go-Goat”‘s theme is said in the lyrics, what would you say that “Mary on a Cross” is about?
Tobias Forge: I would say that a lot of music from that time because essentially the parent generation in the 60’s, were the people that were in their 20’s who were born in the 40’s, and their parents were born in the early 1900’s. So, the parents’ generation of the 60’s were extreeeeeemely conservative.
That’s why you have all these very subtle, sometimes not so subtle references because we’re familiar with the lingo, but back then it was very hidden from the parent generation who didn’t know what Mary Jane was for example.
Rolling Stones “I pledge myself to Mary Jane,” stuff like that. There’s so many innuendos, codes, like “Back Door Man,” “A Whole Lotta Love.” The 60’s was completely fused by playing with the lyrics just because they couldn’t rock it out. And I like that, I find that very interesting. And it takes a certain skill. Yeah, so that one, as most things from that time, has a subtle meaning.
1428 Elm: With psychedelic rock and almost pop influence rock added to Prequelle, are there any other genres that Ghost would like to experiment with? The dream genre that could be melted with Ghost’s sound?
Tobias Forge:  I think we’ve sort of touched upon most of the things, most of the genres that I liked. You can just balance it in a different way, maybe. I guess the only thing that we haven’t really done and I’m not sure if that could be a Ghost album, but is more like soundtrack, orchestral music. I like that a lot. I like when bands have a string arrangement for a song.
At least, if you have that in the background it sort of makes the song swell. But I’m not always super buzzed about a big orchestra and full heavy metal being played together at all times. There’s a lot of symphonic rock from the 90’s and 2000’s, a lot of them and it just becomes too much. It’s such a dense soundscape as is and you also add a full orchestra as well.
It sounds dramatic but not a whole lot of room to breathe so I’m not sure if I would make orchestral arrangements, like full orchestral that I would have the whole band playing along with it. It would be paced out differently. I listen to a lot of 70’s prog rock from Italy and a lot has orchestral music, very experimental.
1428 Elm: Would you ever consider a full instrumental Ghost album?
Tobias Forge: Absolutely. I love instrumental music. I always entertain having instrumental tracks. In the future, it may be 1 out of 10 but it’s always nice.
1428 Elm: You guys made the saxophone cool again with “Miasma.” You’ve talked on the next album about Ghost going back to its harder roots. Is there a past album looking back that you’re wanting to emulate or get that same emotional feel from?
Tobias Forge: No, not really one album. I always say that each new album is like a reaction to each of the previous so since like Prequelle is not a hard rock or heavy, heavy metal album, the natural reaction to that will be to write something that isn’t, I don’t want to use the word soft, it will be different from Prequelle.
The same way Prequelle was different from Meliora etc. I’ll write a record that we don’t have yet because otherwise what’s the point?  But I definitely have an album in mind with slightly more rippage [chuckles].
1428 Elm: Past albums have very strong themes and then the music takes you on a journey. Do you already have the theme in in mind?
Tobias Forge: Yes.
1428 Elm: I know you can’t say (damn!). Even from one tour to the next, your performing locations have changed quite a bit.  How was the energy performing a stage show in a theater different than that of performing in these massive arenas you’ve been doing lately?
Tobias Forge: For me, the three most important things are:1) is that we can bring the same production to every place even though technically the arena might not be dramatically bigger than playing in a theater because we’re not playing the round. We’re not playing to arena capacity.
So technically, sometimes, if the capacity of the area might be similar to a theater, which is like 3200 people or something, but the main difference is that we can have the stage. With very few exceptions, regardless if you live in a small market, the little town that no one plays in, you will get the same show as they would get in New York City or LA, which is very important for me. I think it’s extremely important that if you pay money to see it, you should get the same thing.
Which leads me to: 2) when we play the theaters, there was a constant day to day basis, “Oh, you can’t use pyro. We can’t do confetti. Oh, by the way the curtain doesn’t work. Oh by the way we have this big theater production here so the stage is part occupied.” So we had to change the set almost every day.
I am not a big fan of surprises. I don’t like that at all. I want everything to be identical every day just because the show gets better if it’s done the same way, more of less. There’s wiggle room for a human touch on the show; of course the show gets different if you have 30 ft of stage one night and then there 6 ft of stage and it’s like that every day.
It does make a difference on the band because you have to move differently. These are details, I’m talking shop here in a way that people might not think about.
1428 Elm: This is extremely interesting!
Tobias Forge: Back in the day, American hockey rinks were smaller than European ones because of the action. Americans like action, so the rinks were smaller which led to more fights, more physicality. If you came to a European rink, they were bigger which was harder for anyone used to an American rink. Same thing goes for us and the stage.
One of the most important things, I absolutely HATE sitting crowds.  Not on the bleachers or if you’re sitting on the side, that’s fine. You always want the most energized and enthusiastic people standing in the front. One big, big, big downside for theaters, in my opinion, is that they have seats all the way up to the stage and that really screws up the energy of the show.
Because you want people in the front who are supposed to be there. You don’t want people who can pay for it. You don’t want someone in the front sitting, eating popcorn. It becomes really awkward in terms of being in front of the crowd.
1428 Elm: As someone who went to two different shows in two different cities, I like to eyeball the crowds to see the difference and it’s shocking to see from one city to the other just how different the crowds can be and it makes a difference.
Tobias Forge: Oh yeah and it really does differ from city to city. And that’s one thing when we were repeatedly doing the theater circuit, which has its upsides don’t get me wrong. I definitely prefer theaters but a lot of that city temperament was sometimes lost because of the theaters because you ended up having the front section that were generally the people who were economically the ones that could pay for it.
It’s a Friday night and you come to a city that’s known for a vibrant crowd and still you have people in the front who act like they’re watching a movie. They are sitting back and then you have the people who are wanting to rock out and they are ten rows back. But unfortunately that’s part of the economics of theaters and that’s why I was very adamant about moving away from theaters.
Luckily the promoter felt, let’s try it and see how it works out, and I think the upsides are vast. I’m just happy that we’re able to bring the same show and you get the energy in the show and it feels way better now.
1428 Elm: Well the show looks incredible and I hope you have an amazing rest of your tour and a good rest in 2020 since you all have been go go going for quite a while.
Tobias Forge: Yes, well, there’s a new record so there’s not a whole lot of rest but it’s certainly paced in a different way.
Tobias was an absolute delight to speak with. If you are like me and want to have a fully instrumental Ghost album one day, let the band know your support. I think it would be an amazing change to the Ghost formula.
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stimuli_Stefano Lentini - Suite After the Furies by Kevin McGloughlin // Suite After the Furies Director : Kevin McGloughlin https://www.kevinmcgloughlin.com/ instagram.com/kevinmcgloughlin_gram/ FURY by Stefano Lentini | Release date: 16 November 2018 PREORDER OCTOBER 19TH iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id14371... Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/064Wl... A PMCE orchestra holding a veiled oriental touch is twisted by acoustic instrumentation. Elegant styled guitars get hurtling towards angry, crushing drums. Piano of Gilda Buttà (The Legend of 1900 and The Untouchables). Fury by Stefano Lentini is an alternative-classic project with a symphonic prominence, prog-electronic and folk influences. The instrumental concept album finds its roots in the exploration of anger as an oft-neglected feeling and the search of its meaning. Fury is a journey through the universe of human emotions, symbolized by the stunning complexity of cosmos and its savage celestial bodies. Official Website: www.stefanolentini.com Album Official Website: www.furythealbum.com Music composed and produced by Stefano Lentini Video directed by Kevin McGloughlin Mixed by Geoff Foster Mastered by Stephen Marcussen SIAE 2018 © All Right Reserved Stefano Lentini & Coloora Records
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z-n-k · 2 years
01 . A Page of My Story (As Light Remix)  -  2020/02/28
A Page of My Story / アンジェ (今村彩夏), プリンセス (関根明良), ドロシー (大地葉), ベアトリス (影山灯), ちせ (古木のぞみ)   -  アニメ『プリンセス・プリンシパル』ED曲
映画『プリンセス・プリンシパル Crown Handler』、皆さんはもう見ましたか?この文章を書いてるときはまだ2月末なので1章が公開された直後ですが、秋には2章も公開されるみたいですね。アニメの出来が本当にすごい、濃い。
プリンセス・プリンシパル公認本「Princess Ancillary」の存在を今年(2021)に入って知ったのでコレを持っている方は是非とも一読させてください…。
当初はOP曲の「The Other Side of the Wall / Void_Chords Feat. MARU」でRemixをしようと思っていたのですが、諸事情(aka 技術力の不足)によりED曲にしました。
ガチガチのFunky / Discoジャンルは初挑戦でしたが、個人的にはかなり上出来だと思います。 ファンキーなBass、シャレオツなエレピのChord、そしてなにより明るいStringsのメロディは書いててとても楽しかったです。一生踊ってたから作業が全然進まんかった。
ただしサビの8 + 「3」小節、テメーはダメだ。 アレンジどうするかめっちゃ頭悩ませたんだぞ!いや本当に!
Remixするまで全然気にしてなかったのですが、この曲は軽快な曲調と裏腹に歌詞がかなり重いというかアンジェの心中にある願いみたいなモノがクッキリと描かれているので動画にも歌詞を読みやすく書きました。 表記が英語なのもあり、アレルギーのある方はなかなか抵抗があるかもしれないですが、実際は短文の連続詩の体で読めるようになっておりますので読みやすいかと思います。是非気にしてみてください。ググったら普通に和訳も出ます。
タイトルの「As Light」ですが、例によっていろいろな意味に取れますが(取れるように拙い頭で考えているだけ)、前置詞や接続詞としての「as」だけではなく「A's」と読み換えるとまた面白い意味に取れると思います。
02 . HEAVEN'S RAVE (ZNK Bootleg)  -  2020/05/22
HEAVEN'S RAVE / AXiS [天神ネロ(水瀬いのり), 比嘉アグリ(渕上舞), 蓬莱タキ(川﨑芽衣子), 志摩サビナ(前田玲奈), 鹿込オト(黒瀬ゆうこ), 帝塚セネカ(辻あゆみ)]  -  ゲーム『Tokyo 7th Sisters』より
 次項の「COCYTUS」とセットでリリースしたのですが一応先に完成させていたのはHEAVEN'S RAVEの方だったのでまずは此方からコメントしていこうかなと思います。
まさかとは思いますが、万が一、本記事を読んで頂いてる方に失礼の無いよう、念の為、一応、補足をさせていただきますと、この曲のタイトルは「HEAVEN'S RAVE」です。 セブンスシスターズの超有名な曲は「SEVENTH HAVEN」なので是非注意していただきたいです(1敗)。 ちなみに「SEVENTH HEAVEN」で検索するとPerfumeやL'Arc~en~Cielが出てきます。
まず制作に至った経緯から話そうと思うのですが、3月末のセールで「Rob Papen - RAW Kick」という誰でもお手軽にHardstyleKickが鳴らせるというバカみたいなプラグインを値段に釣られて買ってしまったため「Hardstyle作りたいな~(適当)」と考えていた矢先、ライブラリ内でBPM150前後のアニソンを探してみると丁度ヒットしたのがこの曲でした。
今回のBootlegを作る上でメインのKickに関しては正直ほぼRAW-Kick頼りで作ってます。値段はそこそこ安い上にかなり即戦力なのでいい買い物したなあと。 (2:10~付近の)サビ部分を先に作ったところ、バチバチのDropになってしまったことと、原曲がもともとバチバチに作り込まれているアンセムなのもあったため、「箱鳴りの良さ」と「原曲とは毛色の違うクラブ感」を意識して制作していました。
主観的な評価だと、曲構成もカッチリハマっていてかなり良く出来たなあといった手応えを感じています。 特にアニリミBootlegというジャンルではクラブミュージックの曲構成とアニソンの曲構成の違いから生じる、「2サビ→Cメロ→ラスサビ」部分の処理に困る方が大半だと思うのですが、そこもうまく処理できたなあと思っています。
チラ裏話をしてもいいですか?しますね。 この曲ではサビでBassがクリシェ(半音ずつ下降する進行)をしているのですが、アレンジするにあたって耳コピしたあとコードをほぼそのまま使っているので(リハモはある程度していますが)、Hardstyleというジャンルにも関わらずHardstyle KickのBass/Release/Tail部分がクリシェで半音ずつ落ちるというバカみたいな現象が発生しています。これもkzってやつのせいなんだ…!
『Tokyo 7th Sisters』(以下ナナシス/t7s)というコンテンツはまあそれなりに追っていたのですが(急な古参アピール)、「いつかはRemixしたいなぁ~」と感じつつも、まず原曲のクオリティが軒並み高い…! それに加えて巷に溢れるRemixのクオリティも総じて高い…!!!
一番好きなユニットはNI+CORAとSiSHとCi+LUSです。 一番好きなアイドルは玉坂マコトさんです。兄です。 一番好きなアイドル(2)はアレサンドラ・スースさんです。 一番好きなアイドル(3)は臼田スミレさんです 一番好きなアイドル(4)は
ゲーム?とかよく知らないけど、Pが全然出ないので引退しました。 映画?とかもよく知らないけど、推しの劇場特典色紙がなぜか家にあります。
03 . COCYTUS (ZNK Bootleg)  -  2020/05/22
COCYTUS / AXiS [天神ネロ(水瀬いのり), 比嘉アグリ(渕上舞), 蓬莱タキ(川﨑芽衣子), 志摩サビナ(前田玲奈), 鹿込オト(黒瀬ゆうこ), 帝塚セネカ(辻あゆみ)] -  ゲーム『Tokyo 7th Sisters』より
前項の「HEAVEN'S RAVE」のBootlegとセットでリリースした、AXiSの(公式の)カップリングシングルでもある曲です。
HEAVEN'S RAVE(以下HR)のBootlegを作り終えた後、AXiSのシングルリリース日である5月22日にリリースをしようと考えたのですが、完成した時点では確か4月頃だったため「コレもう一曲できるんじゃね…?」ということで作り始めました。
原曲は128BPMのキレイな曲だったことやAXiSのEpisodeの文脈なども加味して、Prog系の浸れるようなアレンジも案としてはあったのですが、HRの方をバッキバキに仕上げてしまったので、「もうどうせなら行くトコまで行ったれ(連れてってあげるよ)」というメンタルでFuture Bounce気味の箱鳴り良さげなダンスミュージックに仕上げました。
で!例によってクラブミュージックとアニソンの曲構成の違いから、2ndDropはかなり異色な感じになっております。 Bass系のDrop作るの本当にノウハウがないから辛い……(シンセやサンプルをいじいじして頑張ってます…)
一方でクラブミュージックの「ビルドアップ」とアニソンの「ラスサビ」という文化に関しては非常に相性がいい(と思っている)ので、いつもラスサビのドロップを作る際は楽しみながら作業させて頂いております。 主観だとラスサビ→Dropの完成度はかなり会心の出来だと感じてます。
Dropのメロディでもかなり原曲を踏襲させていただいておりまして、原曲しか知らない人もしっかり気持ちよく聞けるように意識して作りました。 言うのは野暮だと分かってますがラスサビ前の対旋律メロは…まあそういうかんじです。
今回SoundCloudに此等の2曲を投稿した直後、Cocytusの片方だけがどうやらかなり影響力の高いプレイリストに追加していただいたお陰もありまして、1週間と経たずに1000再生を突破することが出来ました。 個人としての予想だとHRの方がA面で有名なのもあり、Cocytusより伸びるかと思っていただけに、かなり予想を裏切られて驚きました。 貴重な体験をさせていただいたなあという感傷と同時に、数に振り回されることの愚かさを身に沁みて痛感することとなりました。 伸びる/伸びないは運の要素が大きいんだなあと。
言い訳をさせて頂くと今年は心の方の病気でかなりやられておりまして「おきもち病院(aka 精神科)」の方に通院しながら息抜きも兼ねて作った作品が殆どですので、半ば自己満足のようなものばかりです。
Remix : 公式(=原曲)の雰囲気や物語性を加味した上で、自分なりの解釈を反映させている、音楽性として原曲が主眼にある作品
(名義) Remix : ボカロ文化では結構「原曲名 (名義)Remix」という表記がデフォルトになっているように見受けられたため、原曲がボーカロイドなどの場合の作品はこちらの表記にしております。
Bootleg : 原曲の要素を僅かに取り入れつつも非公式であるが故に大きな変更を施した、音楽性として自己を主眼に据えた作品
Arrange : 編曲等によって曲の印象を変える"行為"そのもの
Edit : 原曲をほぼそのまま使用し、一部のみ音色を追加するなどの加工を行うことで特定の使用用途に特化させた作品
そのため今回のAXiSの2曲はBootlegとさせて頂いています。 だからなんだよという話ではあるのですが…別にこんな文読んどる人間そうそう居ない気がするし備忘録で書いててもええやろ……
とはいえ上記はあくまで一例ですので、単純に非公式であるという理由故に文脈性を加味していても「bootleg」としている例もあります(e.g. Kaine Salvation ZNK Bootleg)
それでは、また2022年でお会いしましょう。 この後年間ベストの執筆をします…。
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davybe777 · 4 years
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Pedal of the Day - Snake Oil Fine Instruments - Marvelous Engine Distortion . This is the companion pedal to last night's pedal from Snake Oil Fine Instruments, a Rob Chapman company, maker of Chapman Guitars. This one is a full Distortion pedal. . The aesthetic is late 1800's, early 1900's barbershop quartet, traveling sideshow kind of deal, but the sound is all good. I use this with my Vox AC15. I find it works well with my style of playing with that amp. . It has Gain, Volume, Voice, and Tone controls, all of which work as you'd expect. The voice control changes the saturation of the distortion. You have to play with it to see what works best with the guitar you're playing. Very useful! The construction is solid, it feels solid, and the tone is great. . It runs on standard 9V adapter or battery. . . 🎶🎵🤘 . #oldschool #guitarist #bassist #musician #originalmusic #metal #rock #heavyrock #heavymetal #gothic #doom #sludge #prog #shoegaze #blackmetal #ambient #popmetal #pedals #originalmusic #cruellogic #cruellogicband @fuzzlordeffects @behringer @blackhawkamps @marshallamps_uk @voxamplification @peaveyelectronics @bossfx_us @jimdunlopusa @ehx @tcelectronic @fender @nuxefx @proco_sound @catalinbread @fulltone @darkglasselectronics @schecterguitarsofficial @joyoofficial @orangeamplifiers @moonrootlogos @redbeardeffects @incendiumonline @snakeoilfineinstruments @walrusaudioeffects @earthquakerdev @oldbloodnoise @pedaltrain @focusritepro @m_audio @presonusstudioone @toontrack (at Ocean County, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAY3mHyHzgg/?igshid=13chsqdw385tq
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somanysoundtracks · 7 years
Pet peeve: people who post about MUSIC SUCKS SO MUCH NOW I MUST LISTEN TO MUSIC FROM THE -names decade somewhere in the mid to late 20th century- WHEN MUSIC WAS ACTUALLY DECENT
We live in one of the most internationally available and diverse ages of music at the moment. There are so many genres. So many artists. So many different instruments. So much possibility with new technology (and no, I’m not talking about autotune), or just people doing revivals of old stuff with new twists. People who couldn’t afford an instrument and join a band and get marketing or would never be noticed by companies are making music on YouTube and SoundCloud, etc., all around the world in every language humans have to offer, with words, without words, w/e, and people who might not have had the money or the knowledge to find any of these musicians can access them with just a few keyboard clicks. If you can’t find something made after 1995 that suits your taste it’s not the music that sucks; it’s your ability to use Google.
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johnmauldin · 6 years
MAULDIN: 20 Positive Trends That Will Make You Feel Good About the World in 2018
I’m probably one of the most optimistic people you will ever meet. I’m confident in the future of humanity. But I also recognize that we must overcome many challenges to get to the future we ultimately want.
In other words, I try to stay balanced.
For whatever reason, we tend to tune into bad news more eagerly than we do good news. The media is partly to blame, because murders, fires, and nasty weather sell advertising. But something deeper is at work.
It’s an instinctive bias toward watchfulness for danger. This behavior makes perfect sense as the consequences of ignoring bad news are higher. On the other hand, it distorts our collective perception of reality, which creates all sorts of consequences.
Overcoming this bias takes an intentional effort, and to mark the holidays, I’m going to help you do it.
I ran across a great list from the Future Crunch website recently: “99 Reasons 2017 Was a Great Year.”  Here, I’ll list some of the best things that happened this year and add my own comments.
Breakthroughs in Medicine
1. This year, the World Health Organization unveiled a new vaccine that’s cheap and effective enough to end cholera, one of humanity’s greatest-ever killers. New York Times
2. Cancer deaths have dropped by 25% in the United States since 1991, saving more than two million lives. Breast cancer deaths have fallen by 39%, saving the lives of 322,600 women. Time
3. In July, UNAIDS revealed that for the first time in history, half of all people on the planet with HIV are now getting treatment, and AIDS deaths have dropped by half since 2005. Science 
4. Leprosy is now easily treatable. The number of worldwide cases has dropped by 97% since 1985, and a new plan has set 2020 as the target for eradicating the disease. New York Times (Seriously, did you read that? That’s awesome!)
5. And on November 17, WHO announced that global deaths from tuberculosis have fallen by 37% since 2000, saving an estimated 53 million lives.
I'm bullish on all kinds of life-extension technologies. I really expect to live well beyond age 100 with all my faculties intact.
One by one, killer diseases like cholera are giving way to humanity’s fast-growing medical knowledge. Some of the greatest threats to human beings will be essentially under control within 10 years: Heart disease, arteriosclerosis, cirrhosis, you name it, will have mainstream cures.
And don’t even get me started on induced tissue regeneration, which has the potential to reverse your body's aging to the point where you will be—oh, pick an age—let’s say, 25 again, but with all of the experience you have today. 
All these developments are wonderful news from a human standpoint, but also economically. Think of all the potential genius and innovation the world never sees because disease robs it from us. By preserving these lives, we enhance everyone’s life.
A Beautiful World
6. Chile set aside 11 million acres of land for national parks in Patagonia, following the largest-ever private land donation from a private entity to a country. Smithsonian
7. A province in Pakistan announced it has planted one billion trees in two years, in response to the terrible floods of 2015. Independent
8. Cameroon committed to restoring over 12 million hectares of forest in the Congo Basin, and Brazil started a project to plan 73 million trees, the largest tropical reforestation project in history. Fast Co.
9. In 2017, the ozone hole over Antarctica shrank to its smallest size since 1988, the year Bobby McFerrin topped the charts with “Don’t Worry Be Happy.” CNET
Nations and individuals increasingly set aside land for preservation and replant trees by the millions.
The United States is now the major supplier of wood for the United States, and all from renewable areas. We now have more 9 billion more cubic feet of trees in the US than we did in 1953!
That’s 50% more than we had 60 years ago (US Agricultural Service). And the trend is not happening just in the US; Europe and other areas of the world are seeing a real upturn in the growth of forests.
In 1630, roughly half of this country was forest. Today the figure is about 35%, but the bulk of that loss came during the 1800s. Since 1900, we’ve seen overall growth in forests to the point that today we have 820 million acres covered in trees.
Up from Poverty
10. The International Energy Agency announced that nearly 1.2 billion people around the world have gained access to electricity in the last 16 years.
11. In the last three years, the number of people in China living below the poverty line decreased from 99 million to 43.4 million. And since 2010, Chinese income inequality has been falling steadily. Quartz
12. The United States’ official poverty rate is now 12.7%, the lowest level since the end of the global financial crisis. And the child-poverty rate has reached an all-time low, dropping to 15.6%. The Atlantic
Since the turn of the century some 1.2 billion people have gained access to electricity. That’s one of the first steps out of poverty. All the modern technologies that enrich our lives and wallets need electricity to work. 
It may be surprising that 12.7% of Americans live below the poverty line. Of course, we define poverty differently than much of the rest of the world does, but we still leave too many people behind through no fault of their own. 
Much remains to be done, but I think we've at least noticed the problem now. That’s the first step to fixing it.
The rich are also getting richer. The number of households with a net worth of $1 million (measured in 1995 dollars) grew from 2.4 million in 1983 to 10.8 million in the latest survey in 2017, far outpacing average household income growth.
As a nation, I know we worry a great deal about wealth and income inequality, but in general, we are all getting better.
Endless Energy
13. In the United Kingdom, the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, carbon emissions fell to the lowest levels since 1894, and on April 21 the country did not burn any coal, for the first time in 140 years. UK Independent
14. The cost of solar and wind power plummeted by more than 25% in 2017, shifting the global clean energy industry on its axis. Think Progress
The cost of solar has been plummeting 20–25% a year for years now. By 2030, at the latest, we will not be building any natural gas power plants, other than in areas that receive very little solar energy. There are many places in the world where this is possible now with our current technology. But with the improvements that are coming down the pike? Oh my.
15. A new report from the European Union said that between 1990 and 2016 the continent cut its carbon emissions by 23% while the economy grew by 53%. So much for the propaganda of fossil fuel lobbyists.
Something marvelous happened in the UK this year, when that country burned no coal at all on April 21st —the first such day since 1877. How is that even possible? Renewable energy sources are finally stating to show the capacity to displace fossil fuels. That doesn’t mean coal, oil, and gas will disappear in the near future. They’ll still have a place, but as parts of a bigger and cleaner energy menu.
Further, the world’s biggest polluter, China, is beginning to acknowledge the danger and discomfort of living in polluted cities. They are planning to spend $367 billion on renewable energy by 2020 and to make renewable energy 20% of China’s total energy supply by 2030. 
Better Life
16. Saudi Arabia said women would no longer need male permission to travel or study. A few months later, women received the right to drive. BBC
I like this new Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman. Not saying it’s all rainbows and ponies, but he is doing his best to pull Saudi Arabia into the 21st century. 
17. New figures showed that the gender pay gap in the United States has narrowed from 36% in 1980 to 17% today. For young women the gap has narrowed even further, and now stands at 10%. Pew Research
18. Global deaths from terrorism dropped by 22% from their peak in 2014, thanks to significant declines in four of the five countries most impacted: Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Nigeria. ReliefWeb
19. Rates of violent crime and property crime have dropped by around 50% in the United States since 1990, yet a majority of people still believe they have gotten worse. Pew Research
20. Snow leopards have been on the endangered list since 1972. In 2017, they were taken off, as the wild population has now increased to more than 10,000 animals. BBC
Sometimes humanity is its own worst enemy.
The things people do to each other through war, crime, or simple disrespect hold back progress for everyone. But 2017 brought some improvements.
We see women and minority groups gaining new recognition and equality. Terrorism deaths and crime rates have fallen. Some endangered species have recovered.
Cleaner Water and Air
There is good news on this front, too. As you can see in the chart below, we are using roughly the same amount of water in the US as we did back in 1970, but the population has grown by almost 50%. 
We are producing vastly more food, generating more hydroelectric energy, and doing more of all the other things that can only be done with water.
Source: USGS Water Science School
And if you go to the EPA website, you find that carbon monoxide emissions are down 77% since 1990; lead in the air is down 99%; total nitrogen dioxide is down over 50%; particulate matter emissions are down on average about 44%; and sulfur dioxide is down 85%. And that’s just in the last 25 years.
Some of us with a few gray hairs on our heads remember flying into this Los Angeles and not being able to see the city or the Valley for the smog.
Again, you can read the full list for more good news. I might quibble with the authors on some items, as they represent government interventions that may have negative side effects, but most of the 99 items represent welcome progress.
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metalshockfinland · 10 months
JORDSJØ Reveal "Salighet" Album Details + New Single 'Sankeren'
Norwegian Prog Rockers JORDSJØ are back with a brand new studio album that sees the duo continue on a musical journey that is inspired by Nordic jazz and folk music, classical 1900s music, and sensory expanding 60s and 70s rock. Titled “Salighet”,  the album will be the fourth full-length work from multi-instrumentalist Håkon Oftung (TUSMØRKE, BLACK MAGIC, THE CHRONICLES OF FATHER ROBIN) and…
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Norwegian Prog Rockers JORDSJØ are back with a brand new studio album that sees the duo continue on a musical journey that is inspired by Nordic jazz and folk music, classical 1900s music, and sensory expanding 60s and 70s rock. Titled “Salighet”,  the album will be the fourth full-length work from multi-instrumentalist Håkon Oftung (TUSMØRKE, BLACK MAGIC, THE CHRONICLES OF FATHER ROBIN) and…
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natventureholidays · 4 years
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How about Holi amidst nature with natural herbal colours??? Progam Details Check In 9th March 2020 at 1700 hrs Check Out 10th March 2020 at 1500 hrs Rate: Rs. 1650 per head Venue Natventure Camp Magic Forest, Vikramgarh, Wada Inclusions: Stay in AC Tabins or Dorms, Veg Non Veg Buffet Meals with Itinerary as under 👇 1700 hrs arrival welcome and Rooming 1730 hrs Evening Tea and Snacks 1800 hrs Treasure hunt 1900 hrs ME TIME 2000 hrs Holika Dehan and Camp fire with Music and Starters 2100 hrs Dinner DAY 2 0600 hrs wake up with morning tea and cookies 0700 hrs Rope Courses like Burma Bridge, Ladder Bridge, Zip Line, Free Fall, Commando Crossing 0900 hrs Breakfast 1000 hrs Holi prog with Rain Dance Music 1300 hrs lunch 1500 hrs departure Interested call on +91- 8928172835 +91- 8928137651 And book your experience right away. https://www.instagram.com/p/B9GrFPMA82N/?igshid=18ojpfepgpg0f
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Watching a House Through Time. Really interesting looking at what it was like when previous owners lived in the house and comparing the professions back in the 1890s. Amazing to think of all the different people to have lived in one house and the conditions that they lived in. Amazing how much research has gone into each of these programmes. The way they compare the streets and use images from back in the early 1900s and late 1890s is really interesting and something that I wanted to do with my project. However I haven’t been able to find images of each place at the time that the guidebook was written in 1884.
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