#progressive hypocrisy
hilacopter · 6 months
Thinking about that time I expressed concern about the rise in antisemitism and got hit with "yeah but there's also a rise in islamophobia". Don't get me wrong, there absolutely is and it's horrible. But the reason I'm terrified of the rise in antisemitism in particular (besides the fact that I'm a Jew so it affects me) is because it's happening among the left. Yeah, no shit right-wing assholes are using this conflict as an excuse to be islamophobic. When have they not. But the left? The fact people who pride themselves on being inclusive and progressive are all of a sudden refusing to listen to Jews and expressing support for an inherently antisemitic terrorist group is definitely alarming. You people are giving antisemites and Nazis an easy disguise and allowing them to worm their way into your movement without doing anything about it. And no, simply stating you don't want them there and going "punch a nazi" doesn't count as cleaning up your movement when it so clearly doesn't drive them away. Whenever Jews call you out on your bullshit and try to educate you, instead of actually listening and learning how to avoid antisemitism in your activism, your solution is to try and define antisemitism yourself or to go "yeah but I don't have time to not be antisemitic because there are bigger issues to address" (because oh how could you possibly tackle more than one issue at once??). Instead of addressing the rising antisemitism on your side of the political spectrum, you'd simply rather point fingers and only address issues you aren't complicit in. I thought being a leftist was about learning to self-criticize groups you belong to. To know that if history makes you feel happy and proud, it's propaganda. But now I see that for so many of you, that self-criticism only serves to make you feel like "one of the good ones", rather than actually correcting and bettering yourselves. Feeling guilty for existing doesn't make you a good person, feeling guilty over your mistakes does.
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pharosproject · 1 year
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Whoopi hates "intolerance"
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politijohn · 5 months
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jewelleria · 18 days
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the UN right now be like
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historyistold · 27 days
Have you heard about the new trend?
Looking for international recognition and don't know how to get it? Just slaughter the Jews.
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I said it before and I will say it again here. But I swear some of these so-called " Leftists " and "Progressive's " be it here online or some in Real life seriously be showcasing to me more examples by the minute of how some of these people truly don't give a flying shit about actually taking the steps and effort to make things better and seems to be ready for the whole world to go to Hell.
Especially noticing the usual anti-Voting rhetoric from them or how some of these people who "claims " to care about minorities or marginalized people rights, seems to be real fine with letting someone as highly dangerous as Trump himself gets back into power again. The same no-good corrupted White supremacists loving and supporting piece of human shit who is out here repeating words from Hitler speeches and is saying OUT OF HIS OWN MOUTH! That he wants to be a damned dictator.
Yet its seems to some of these " Leftists ", especially some of the white ones seems to be just okay with that. Like there okay with all of America becoming a full-on Fascist dictatorship just so they can live out some sick Revolutionary fantasies of theirs like its something out of a fucking Comic book?! I swear these fools are showing me just how super unserious they are when it comes to politics or how full of bullshit they are and how they really don't care about putting in the real work to make things better in government and seem to be ready for things to go downhill because they think that will make a Utopia finally happen somehow?
As I said before, some of these supposed "Leftists" really be showing how some of them are no better then Christian Fundamentalists waiting for the Apocalypse to happen so they can get to heaven a lot faster.
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lilithism1848 · 4 months
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wildfeather5002 · 2 months
Gotta love it how right wing conservatives keep talking about the 'fragile woke people' being 'sensitive snowflakes' when they themselves have huge victim complexes and throw temper tantrums when you dare to point out the racism / homophobia / transphobia / ableism / religious abuse & manipulation / etc. in their talking points.
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phantomlordreshiram · 10 months
Metal Albums from Every Year I’ve Been Alive
Part 2: 2005. Lots of good picks for this year so I had to narrow it down.
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- Nile - Annihilation of the Wicked
- Dream Theater - Octavarium
- Opeth - Ghost Reveries
- Avenged Sevenfold - City of Evil
- DevilDriver - The Fury of Our Maker’s Hand
- Dark Tranquility - Character
- Black Label Society - Mafia
- Trivium - Ascendancy
- Hypocrisy - Virus
- Gojira - From Mars to Sirius
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mightyflamethrower · 7 months
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politijohn · 1 year
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juniperandjustice · 10 days
"Remember, never forget: all matter of conservative grievances are just 'something that I made up in my mind and it scared me', 'I had a scary thought and now it's your problem'." ~Hasan Piker
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jewelleria · 26 days
They came with politics built on the idea that people are profoundly good, denatured only by capitalism, by colonialism and whiteness and heteronormativity. It was a heady, beautiful philosophy. The police could be abolished because people are kind and—once rescued from poverty and racism—wouldn't hurt each other. Homeless addicts can set up long-term communities in public parks because they absolutely will share space conscientiously with local families. Neighborhoods can be given over to protest movements because those protest movements know how to hold themselves accountable, and because city governments are old-fashioned and unnecessary when people are good. We don't need to authorize new housing because we can just ask young professionals not to move to a crowded town, and they'll of course understand. Gender dysphoric children should be given the medical interventions they ask for, at any age they ask, because those children know themselves perfectly. If a nonprofit leader says they are spending money on black lives, then that's what they're doing, and to ask for records is part of the problem. The New Progressive knows that people are good and stable, reasonable and giving.
— Nellie Bowles, Morning After the Revolution
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stopthewoke · 1 month
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soulthom · 3 months
A propos de Léa, vraie ou fausse féministe ? La question ne se pose même pas car le destin du féminisme était de n’être qu’une surface sur le mur du réel.
Le féminisme n’est qu’un des deux sexismes qui il est vrai prend des formes apparemment contradictoires.
Par ailleurs le passionnant Deleuze avait en fait tort (ce qui n’enlève rien à la pertinence de bien des problématiques qu’il ouvre et à la re-création qui peut en découler : on a droit à l’humour (et je ne m’en prive pas en tant qu’ « artiste », sous-productiviste certes !)) : point de schizoïdie réelle au programme finalement mais bien au contraire un évitement (apparent mais en fait inévitable) de la psy-cause qui n’a rien de nouveau par le biais de l’emprise d’un imaginaire miroitant anti-harcelant et d’un symbolique tordu ou le Même se retrouve simplement démultiplié à l’infini, sans réellement d’individuation à chaque itération (non). Bref simplement une réaction reformulée, indéfiniment adaptative, névrotique-perverse.
La vie ne se doit ni d’advenir (vraie) ni n’est. Cependant à quoi servirait-il de ne pas s’op-poser (*) à l’horizon borné ainsi défini ? A rien, et c’est là que le question du sujet, de la sub-version et de l’âne-atman pointe son nez…
(*) Enfin ce n’est qu’une façon de parler car le renversement de perspective est (tout) Ça, c’est là l’aspect apparemment « surprenant »  du problème... Il ne s’agit certainement pas d’un quelconque « activisme » poli-tique. Après chacun jugera par lui-même jusqu’à quel point et comment il peut dés-activer… mais à ce point on ne peut que rester suggest-if, car la question n’apparaît jamais en tant que telle (sinon ce serait du boude-isme, or nous ne voulons que du bouddha (**), notons tout de même que rien que la qualification d’ « Eveillé » procédait déjà d’un retourne-ment de type « T’es tas ? Claque ! »…).
(**) ou Goed « A », à savoir ce qui n’ex-iste pas.
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chocolatespyro · 7 months
Uh I still think Cabby is cool. Im just tired i think
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