#project v13
thefalloutwiki · 10 months
Project V13/Fallout Online: PIP-Pad
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Pictured: The RobCo PIP-Pad, an experimental model of Pip-Boys, created for the cancelled Fallout Online, codenamed Project V13.
It was first used in the third volume of The Armageddon Rag, a promotional newsletter for Project V13.
You can read the third volume of The Armageddon Rag here:
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roleplay-abiogenesis2 · 8 months
Five Comfort Characters, Five Tags ~
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Cyno (Genshin Impact). To absolutely no one's surprise. Cyno started as a character who I pursued purely for aesthetic reasons (general soft spot for white haired boys, the Egyptian theme tickled the history nerd in me, and he wears my favorite color palette) to much much more. Due to timing I could have never predicted, he became the medium through which I escaped my pain in a time of severe grief, and walked me through all of its stages to a place of acceptance and healing. Cyno took me by storm and has been my strongest muse for half a year now, completely monopolizing my brain and my blog. On top of that, he gives me an excuse to tap into my horrible sense of humor that was there long before he came by.
Saruhiko Fushimi (K Project). The OG muse of this blog and still a muse I hold dear (as I should, considering I had his face permanently carved into my skin three times now). Saruhiko is possibly the muse I relate to the most for reasons I do not wish to cutie-fy. Looking at him is a bit like peering into my younger self, with all the troubles of those years (some of which come back to haunt me again on occasion). He is a muse full of flaws that I love to portray for the crude and toxic things that they are, with no romanticization or excuses for it.
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII). Not a character I relate to by any stretch of the imagination, Sephiroth may come as a surprise at first. But it is thanks to my fascination with him that I am here, both online and in-real life. Were it not for FFVII, I would probably have never found the drive to learn to speak English, a choice which in itself led me to the hobby of online writing, and roleplaying, and even to move to the UK. Not everyone can tell the story of how a videogame changed their life so drastically, and it's safe to say I owe it all to this guy. As well as...
Red XIII (Final Fantasy VII). My favorite playable character in the game and of my favorite Final Fantasy race altogether, Red XIII and I grew up with a strong hatred for our father that was entirely misconstrued. It would be many years later that I would come to this realization, when I too came to terms that the man my mother always told me about was one painted by her own bias and resentment and did not reflect the truth. Unfortunately, just like for Nanaki, it was far too late for me to find closure, as he'd already passed away by then. For this reason I hold this cub close to my heart.
ZEN (Mystic Messenger). Since I've mentioned my mother, here comes the cherry on top (and what a beautiful cherry he is!). The story behind Zen's route resonated deeply with me, a survivor of narcissistic abuse at the hands of their own mother. Through Zen's eyes, I recognized my own deep-rooted anxiety and difficult family issues. Whenever those feelings come back to haunt me, I know I can find comfort in writing him to ease my own pain and fears. Zen was my main muse in the days of Facebook Messenger roleplay, for a good 2 and a half years, and I'm happy to say he's here to stay.
Tagged by: @shouga-nai (took forever, but here it is!)
Tagging: some multi-buddies! @starscrxssed, @mmriesoftvat, @azure-steel, @ofdraiocht, @maquiscursed
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ivymp3 · 5 months
project issue so bad i started asking people from other companies for help 😭😭😭😭
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calder · 5 months
hello! i stumbled across your blog very recently and am curious as to what the tag v13 means- sorry if you’ve answered this before, i’m on mobile!
fallout is based on wasteland. wasteland is based on a canticle for liebowitz. a canticle for liebowitz is about catholics bickering about fiction in the dust of america for hundreds and hundreds of years. it is about religion and the concept of a dark age
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VAULT 13: A GURPS Post-Nuclear Adventure was the ip's name in the conceptual phase. the very first VAULT 13 worldbuilding pitch doc--a timeline--spoke of a Dark God, a term deployed throughout Fallout but only contextualized in the fallout bible, which does not actually use the term. Laura has a special voiced line just for Tell Me About: Dark,God: "The what?"
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Project V-13 was interplay's original Fallout Online, which was cancelled by the publisher bethesda like fifteen years ago now.
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pylon v-13 is a location at the end of Fallout 76's map where a character from Project V-13 built a time portal and disappeared. it is the most cursed location in the game
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by accepting its premise, we arrive at v13 lore, the rejection of canon in light of canonical time travel and multiverse, which has always been a thing, and is also literally a joke. it's the realization that fallout is defined by creativity, interpretation, expression, and argument. it is the understanding that non-canon lore and controversial lore are basic and vital pieces of the history of the setting. and it's the begrudging admission that fallout is a cultural legend, irreplaceable and beyond anyone's control. fallout makes sense to everyone and demands our imagination. it always will
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enabled by all the most hated and rejected lore, my characters are time-travelling supervillains who know the things i know, and scour the wastelands endlessly to expand their knowledge. this diegetic headspace and cosmology is a lens i use to explore the concepts of conspiracy theory, paranormal thought, religion, and occultism, all of which i am deeply critical of. i have learned a lot about these matters because i was able to fully engage with them in the context of fallout.
also the talking deathclaws lived in vault 13 and the courier carries the vault 13 canteen. there's also some esoteric shit about 13 high priests, 13 ghouls, and 13 landmarks. it's a pretty specific throughline. it's there if you're mad enough to look for it. and we'll never really know what it means if anything
thats what it means. to me
another thing i always say is. any setting where humans don't see ghosts is a strange fantasy. humans have always seen ghosts. don't mean ghosts are real. just means folks see ghosts. and at some point you gotta talk about it
hope this isnt complete nonsense
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Divination with Hieroglyphs!
Hello hello! I recently saw a Discord Bot that offered hieroglyphics as a form of divination and then I ended up on a very deep dive about hieroglyphs for divination because the source for that bot was a site on Wicca and it was literally the only one that I could find. I'm not going to name either the bot or the website because I don't really think that we should like, shit on them and frankly that's not the intent of the post lol. Anywho!
Hieroglyphs have, historically, not always been used for divination, but in today's world they absolutely can be used! If you're interested in learning more, the rest is below the cut so that it wouldn't be a crazy long post on your dash lol
So, there are like a couple hundred to a couple thousand different hieroglyphs in total that we've found, and it would be incredibly impractical to use all of them for divination. There are 23 ones that are used by the bot and that are listed on the website (though their names are wrong lol), and then there are a bunch more that I, personally use, so I thought I'd make a post to share them!
All of these names (with the exception of one, which I will note in the list) are the names that Egyptologists have given them, and the hieroglyph meanings are derived from both their general like, appearance, and the esoteric meanings that Egyptologists have been able to discern. The letter-number combination in parenthesis beside each one references the Gardiner code and the unicode associated with it.
So the 23 that are listed on the website and the 23 that are used by the bot are as follows (these are the correct names, and not the names used by either the site or the bot):
The Mouth (D21, U+1308B): communication, meetings, working out details with others
The Forearm (D36, U+1309D): receiving something positive; a gift of fate, the help of another, things falling into place unexpectedly without any effort
The Hand (D46, U+130A7): personal skill and ability, being able to make the situation however you want it to be
The Leg (D56, U+130BE): travel, movement, influences from other locations or people
The Egyptian Vulture (G1, U+1313F): a need for emotional distance from the situation, stepping back, not getting caught up, the emotions of the moment may be blinding, looking at the situation from a distance
The Owl (G17, U+13153): wisdom, insight, knowledge, having an overview of the situation and seeing it clearly
The Quail Chick (G43, U+13171): new beginnings, new directions, new doors opening, opportunity, potential
The Cobra (I10, U+13193): power and authority, taking a humble role and working within a system controlled by others
The Reed (M17, U+131CB): growth, expansion, business with many projects, creativity, self-expression
The Double Reeds (M17A, U+131CC): over-extension, too many obligations and too much to do, taking on more than you can handle, a need to cut back and simplify
Slope of Hill (N29, U+1320E): challenges and difficulties, an uphill battle
The Door Bolt (O34, U+13283): safety, protection, lack of fear
The Stool (Q3, U+132AA): help and support of others, good advice or aid from others will be helpful
The Lasso (V4, U+1336F): unseen problems obstacles or challenges, approach with caution, second looks at a situation
The Waters/The Ripple of Water (N35, U+13216): the divine is guiding one, relax and go with the flow, divine providence
The Lying Lion (E23, U+130ED): bravery, courage, self-confidence, strength to face the situation and strength to stand up to challenges
The Tethering Rope (V13, U+1337F): wealth and prosperity, solidification of wealth and having things you desire
The Twisted Wick (V28, U+1339B): letting go of the old to make way for the new, eternity, long lengths of time, let go of what you've outgrown
The Metal Vessel (W6, U+133B5): change, transformation, development from one thing to another, from chaos to order
The Loaf of Bread (X1, U+133CF): taking care of others, fulfilling duties or requirements in a situation, necessary details, doing your part to make a situation successful
The Cup (W10, U+133BA): pleasure, joy, enjoyment, good friends ad positive situations
The Palm Branch (M4, U+131B3): success, positive attention, admiration of others, reward of effort and honor, recognition
The "Slug" (there is no hieroglyph that is named the slug, but it looks like a slug so I'm calling it the slug, and that's what the bot and the site call it) (L8, U+131AC): slow movement, patience, the situation needs to develop at its own pace, things need to fall into place before they move forward.
Other Hieroglyphs
The Crouching Man Behind the Wall (A5, U+13004): concealment, secrecy, hiding, obscured truth and lack of honesty and transparency
The Seated Man Under A Vase (A6, U+13006): cleansing your space, purifying surroundings and heart, return to a situation refreshed and with a blank slate
The Man with A Basket (A9, U+1300B): overworked and underpaid, being weighed down by too much with nowhere to rest, burnout
The Man with Tied Arms (A13. U+1300F): traitorous, harmful behavior, needing to reconsider who one trusts
The Woman Suckling Child (B5, U+13054): nourishment, concern, taking care of others, looking to others for support
The G-d with Jackal Head (C6, U+13062): Anpu, abrupt ends, weighing one's decisions carefully, considering outcomes
The Goddess with Horned Sun-Disk (C9, U+13065): Hathor, feminine joy and liberation, sexual liberation, radical joy
The Goddess with Feather (C10, U+13066): Ma'at, order, balance, stress from disorganization, anxiety of disorder
The Horns (F13, U+1310B): new beginnings, clean slates, fresh new start
The Backbone and Spinal Cords (F40, U+1312B): length, strength, extension, long-lasting, welfare
The Bee (L2, U+131A4): Neith, sweetness, unification, productivity
The Stack (M35, U+131E4): abundance, growth, reaping the benefits of what you've sown, creating abundance
The Brazier (Q7, U+132AE): light, clarity, illumination
The Loaf on Mat (R4, U+132B5): offerings, boons, pleasing experiences, pardons, being pleased or happy, at peace, count your blessings, revel in the good things in your life
Two Bows Tied Vertically (R24, U+132CB): Neith, need for protection and order
The Ankh (S34, U+132F9): life, eternal life, nourishment, protection, the soul
The Sekhem Scepter (S42, U+13302): power and control, take control of your situation, work towards the end goal of what you need
The Bow (T10, U+13314): stretched and over extended, step back and re-evaluate priorities, what is most important?
The Divided Cartouche (V11, U+13378): division, exclusion, disconnecteness, loneliness
The Crossed Diagonal Sticks (Z10, U+133F5): breaks, division, overload, getting rid of what you must.
These are not all the hieroglyphs one could use if they chose to, in fact you have a whole plethora of hieroglyphs at your disposal! Research any meanings they might have had, if they resonate with you, and then add them to your practice if you so see fit :D
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nitsan · 4 months
TYPO3 Insider Scoop - 2023 December Edition
What an incredible year 2023 was! From the 25th-anniversary celebrations to the TYPO3 v12 release party, TYPO3 Conference 2023, and T3DD23 – it has been remarkable for the TYPO3 Community. Cheers to another year of collaboration, celebration, innovations, and excellence.
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Recently, TYPO3 announced the latest TYPO3 V13 update, featuring new features, enhancements, and security updates. The main goal of TYPO3 v13 is to enhance the user experience in TYPO3 Backend, streamlining recurring actions. This version introduces frontend presets, backend usability, external system integration, and more.
Shutdown of Pootle Translation Server:
In the last year, TYPO3 announced the big news of shutting down Pootle Translation Server for TYPO3, replaced by Crowdin. Pootle server initially shut down on May 2, 2023. TYPO3 users faced challenges migrating to Crowdin, but TYPO3 shared guidance on migrating to the new server.
Recap of TYPO3 Conference 2023:
After four long-awaited years, TYPO3 announced hosting TYPO3 Conference 2023 in Düsseldorf. Highlights included keynotes from Nicolas Janni, podium discussions on AI & Content, and the much-awaited TYPO3 Gala award nights, making 2023 a memorable year.
TYPO3 Developer Days 2024:
Former PR officer Luana Valentini announced important dates for TYPO3 Developer Days (T3DD24) and TYPO3 Conference 2024 (T3CON24). T3CON24 introduced a Special Focus Day for the Public Sector and Higher Education on November 27th, showcasing TYPO3's impact in government projects and education.
Update of EU’s Cyber Resilience Act:
The European Union is progressing on the CRA act, involving stakeholders, including TYPO3 and other open-source software projects.
TYPO3 Extension Visibility with Packagist Integration:
This article covers challenges in extension discovery, the dual publishing dilemma, TER solutions, an inclusive approach, and the future enhancement of TYPO3.
As we conclude this last month of 2023, from our journey through the TYPO3 universe, we will provide more in-depth news and insights from the TYPO3 Community for our readers.
Until I see you all next time !
Want to in-depth News from the TYPO3 Community — Read More !
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manyblinkinglights · 11 months
Sadly still need to get smooth flight and smooth pickup into the script. But those ARE in fact the LAST things that are going in The Project, I’ll be able to post the Maximum AnyTaur as final lucky v13.
The Minimum AnyTaur I’m going to put on my old, very first gryphon base, that stripey biped one. I’ll resculpt it as a quad and then rig that. Maybe if people give me a ten dollar gratuity they can get a version that shapeswitches between biped, quad, and taur. More about giving me ten dollars than receiving product tbh but sometimes people like to give me ten dollars
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Don’t think I’ve ever mentioned this, but I gave my rebornverse OCs trainer classes and theme songs/melodies. Well, I actually have an idea, but I’ve been sitting on it for quite some time so it’s high time I share it with y’all.
Let’s start with Hauyne/Artemis! Her trainer class is originally Lost One, which changes to Light Fragment in Act 2 and finally Resolute Guardian. Act 1 Theme - Fate/stay night (2006): Solitary Pilgrimage Act 2 Theme - FFXIII Lightning Returns: Lightning ~ A Distant Glimmer ~ Post-v13 Theme - FFXIV Endwalker: Close in the Distance
Next is Dark Knight Viviere, who gets very little spotlight compared to Hauyne and Orion because she’s relatively recent. Her final class is Shadow Fragment, though it is only seen in her Nightmare Realm battle. Theme Music - NieR Gestalt Dispossession (Piano) Battle Theme - Touhou Remix Project: Wicked Child Nue Nightmare Realm Battle Theme - FE13: Don’t Speak Her Name!
Last, but not least, is Orion! Their starting class was Adrift Soul, which later becomes Ascendant and finally Protector of Reborn after they ascended to the Champion’s throne. Theme Music 1 - FFXV: Noctis Theme Music 2 - FFXIII: Serah (Instrumental)
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prismshrimp · 2 years
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"I wonder can anyone of you truly call me your friend ,your ally when you don’t know a thing about me, when you can’t even see the real me underneath the guise of this illusion emplaced onto me ? “ 
- Asther
The description below contains some V13 spoilers.
Asther’s original form or as I like to call it, Asther when she wasn’t dead or ND! Asther for short.
To summarize her backstory, she was a lone woman in a very futuristic world where Pkmn doesn’t exist, then she get isekai’d into the Rejuvverse during the Garufan Inc Era in the middle of nowhere. She later met the people there after she fell in a hole like dumba$$. She made a deal with them being that they were to find a solution to send her back to her original world while she must assist them in whatever project they were having through whatever means possible, thus she spent undetermined years working with them. At some point she became the Interceptor through unknown means and realized the Garufans never intended to hold u p their deal, feeling embittered she left Garufan Inc and met certain duo who convinced her to reset the timeline and Asther agreed purely out of spite towards the Garufans. As Asther witness this world’s destruction, all that would remain proof of her existence is the hairpin made from a black comet decorated with preserved white poplar leaves that would remain buried deep inside the many abandoned buildings of a lost society.
Many, many years later after the event, Asther was given a second chance by Variya by becoming the Interceptor once again since the A-gang could not accept the role due to their trauma. Considering that not even death could send back to her world, she agreed not only because she sympathize with them but also to redeem herself for what she did during her role as Interceptor, feeling regret over basically condemning a civilization’s future.
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newmusicweekly · 1 year
Electro Rock Powerhouse The Division Red Pay Ode To Analog In Chroma Compute
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After an exclusive premiere with V13, Los Angeles based alternative duo The Division Red have released their newest project Chroma Compute across streaming platforms today. In Chroma Compute, The Division Red dials back their hard rock and alternative roots showcased in their debut album, 2019’s The Speed of Light, opting for a more electronic approach carried forward in their 2020 EP Arcade. Though at the same time, the band judiciously uses the “wall of guitars” sound, borrowing from classic and modern progressions.   The sophomore album release ranges thematically from track to track, resulting in a record that rocks out and delivers dance grooves at the same time, but is also conscious of making these blended styles work together in harmony. The ten track journey takes listeners through a wide array of emotions, weaving unique and enchanting melodies backed with the band’s signature guitars and electronic beats.     Tracks such as the lighthearted anthem “This Life is Beautiful” to the sultry and symphonic “Paris Café” are all artfully intertwined in Chroma Compute, resulting in a record that embraces experimentation with familiar ideas, but never falls victim to stale tropes. Lead vocalist and producer Daniel Houlemarde wanted to make an album that embraced modern electronic instrumentation and samples, but was also rooted in the analog domain and feel of a certain time.    “Before Read the full article
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slovenlyrecordings · 1 year
Spitting Image “FULL SUN” LP out 2.3.23 on Slovenly Recordings
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To announce this news we’re excited the share this killer cover artwork, a sewn collage by our friend, the inimitable Nick Larsen with text from legend Omar Pierce.
To pair, we’re also premiering a new video for the song “Plea Dealer” on V13. Our dear friend MaryAnne Carey directed this lush rear-projection video for us.
LP recorded by Tim Green and additionally by Morgan Travis.
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thelensofyashunews · 1 year
INTERESTING TIMES GANG: New Song, “Rashomon,” Premiered Through V13; Solo Project Of Kowloon Walled City’s Ian Miller To Release The Spirit Of Science Fiction Via Pax Aeternum This Month
INTERESTING TIMES GANG: New Song, “Rashomon,” Premiered Through V13; Solo Project Of Kowloon Walled City’s Ian Miller To Release The Spirit Of Science Fiction Via Pax Aeternum This Month
photo by Rachel Z Photography Stream INTERESTING TIMES GANG’s “Rashomon” HERE. “Rashomon” is the new single from INTERESTING TIMES GANG, now playing exclusively at V13. The song is the latest audio preview of the act’s impending sixth full-length, The Spirit Of Science Fiction, nearing release this month through Pax Aeternum. INTERESTING TIMES GANG is the prolific solo project of Ian Miller.…
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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calder · 2 months
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The following is based on Project V13 promotional material and is not canon.
In some situations, the term also specifically refers to those mutants who are uniquely compatible with plant life, such as Harold with Bob.[3]
// Background: Defcon is the second son of T-Minus. He is the spiritual leader // of the ghouls of Gravestone. He is a particularly leathery ghoul, and like // Harold, grows a little bonsai out the back of his head
On the sixtieth day of vomiting, St. Harold commanded that those followers closest to Plutonius shall not engage the heathens of the land. For those so close to achieving an understanding of the fire "One Cannot See" must remain pure of energy absorbing poisons.
DEFCON:  "(Shouting with religious fervor) And Plutonius said to Atom, "He who collides with another particle will, in turn, split the air asunder with shimmering power until his enemies are vanquished!!!"
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copperchips · 2 years
Angular V13 Available for Download: Read to Know the top Features
Angular launched the all-new Angular 13 on November 3, 2021. Considering all the previous releases, we can say it is one of the most streamlined and previously planned upgrades for a broadly accepted TypeScript-based web framework.
Get Angular v13 now by running ng update in your project. We also have an update guide available at update.angular.io to help teams get instructions on how to update their projects.
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