anthonycrowley · 3 months
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jayjamjary · 5 months
Missing my wives again. (Fictional grown ass men)
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queenbees21 · 1 year
Let’s talk (Re-blogs) — likes and comments
This is just my opinion but, I’m getting really tired of seeing (adult) authors constantly complaining about re-blogs, comments, and likes to their followers. Including How they are gonna move to another site, because of the lack of reblogs.
Look, I get that a lot of authors want readers to reblog their stuff because they want their work to go out there, and because it encourages them. Although; what gets to me is that they from what it looks like to me, are trying to force their readers into re-blogging their stuff by telling them that they are going to move to another site and never come back to Tumblr again. And that’s not okay, it is your followers, and readers' prerogative if they want to reblog your stuff, Not yours.
Personally, I don’t mind if readers or followers, don’t Reblog or comment on my stuff. Because it doesn’t affect me, it won’t hurt me. Don’t get me wrong, it makes me happy to know that others like my stuff, and I do appreciate the reblogs and nice comments, but I’m not going to force you into liking, Re-blogging, and commenting on my work.
Authors need to understand that your readers, do appreciate your stuff just by liking them, I want you all to know that your work comforts your readers and that is why they only like and follow you. Again, It’s not that your readers don’t appreciate your works, your works just gives them comfort and yes, sometimes your readers would like to share their comfort by re-blogging. But also, when your readers are feeling down or just not in the mood to do anything, they will only like your stuff. And some will just like it, because they like it.
Please, stop trying to force your readers into re-blogging, I promise that your readers and other readers will come out of their shells and start re-blogging your stuff. We just need to be patient and wait for them.
Don’t let the lack of re-blogs discourage you, your readers and followers appreciate your hard work, and they would like to continue reading your works on this site. Please don’t push them into it, just be understanding and have patience. I guarantee if you do two of those pieces of advice, some of your followers will start re-blogging and commenting on your stuff.
That is all I wanted to say today. Have patience and be kind everyone,
Be safe everyone, Have a good day and night, thank you for reading.
(If you have an opinion on this text, please be mature and kind in the comments section, or else I’ll block and report you for the hate and your behavior.)
Go outside everyone, spend time with your family, and get good grades/work hard at school and your jobs, But for now, just fucking chill (😂).
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mydyspraxiablog · 2 months
'Exploring the small town of Stafford may seem like an idyllic experience, but for those with dietary restrictions or a love for video games and writing, it can present unexpected challenges. As I strolled through Victoria Park, craving a gluten-free meal, I was disappointed to find that two pubs offered no suitable options. And even in my virtual world, I faced a frustrating setback as my beloved game Sims 3 refused to load, while trying to share my school story on Wattpad. Amidst the mundane concerns of weather, church, and my upcoming birthday, I struggle with a more important decision - whether to sponsor a second child from compassionuk, yet hesitant to break the news to my mother. Join me on this journey as I navigate the ups and downs of life in Stafford, with its lack of gluten-free options and my own personal dilemmas.'
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ofovertime · 5 months
'Oh, come on, that hill is perfect for sledding!' / from ino :)))
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there were times he had to remember that the other was still rather young. Even if he was getting closer to his age, he couldn't help but enjoy the other's spirit. It was a cold day, and even if they were just heading to get something to eat, they had a nice walk between the two and when they came up to a hill nanami couldn't help but smile a little.
hands in his pockets, and huddling in his coat, he looked at the other for a moment or so longer before turning his head away.
" if you wish to go down it, go right ahead. I won't be joining you, I don't feel like pulling something in my back today."
winter prompts. || accepting @cherrygardn
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piraytoro · 2 years
Really wanna post my cancer (mcr song) video where I turned around to get the whole crowd with their phone lights bc it looked incredible but you can clearly hear me singing along and I’m just off-tune enough that EYE can hear it so if anyone else perceived that I would shrivel up and die
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regrowzin · 2 years
To help repair the damages and get back strength and health for your natural hair, the natural remedies and natural ingredients always put up a better role. REGROWZ has a 36+ ingredients and involves a Scalp Stimulant & Restoration serum to do the job in the most natural way.
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bakudo4 · 2 years
people fighting against feminism be like , "just admit that you hate men and go"
well there u have it lol
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bennett-mikealson · 3 months
Bonnie VS Anna:
TVD stans will never cease to amaze me when it comes to how hypocritical they can be with other characters in comparison to Bonnie all because they want to look for a reason to heavily villainize her and have an "I got you" moment with her.
This conversation was in regards to Bonnie lying to Elena and The Salvatores about Deactivating The Bennett because she wanted to avenge Grams and Save the town.
They stated the obvious things everyone always says about Bonnie in season 1 & 2 "I don't like how she acted towards Elena and the Salvatores after Grams died/ why was she "mean" to Elena & The Salvatores when she's responsible for Grams death". Then there the "she was so mean to Caroline like she wanted to be a vampire not to mention she's responsible for Caroline, Tylers dad and Anna death".
While I adressed all their points something that stuck with me is their constant need to fight for Anna as if she was a good person to Bonnie.
I got called selfish because I pointed out how Bonnie didn't need to care for Annas death because Anna put Bonnie in harms was by kidnapping her & Elena to try and force Bonnie to open the tomb. Not to mention she lied to Damon about knowing Katherine wasn't in the tomb and was originally using Jeremy to get info/close to the MFG.
In response to that they basically didn't care about all the prombles Anna casued for everyone and excused her actions because "all she wanted to do was get her mother back".
So let me get this straight:
Anna: Gained Damon and Jeremy's trust despite knowing that Katherine wasn't in the tomb and knwing that she was using Jeremy only to get close to MFG. Then she kidnapped Elena and Bonnie to try and force Bonnie to open the tomb. All in the name of saving her mother.
Bonnie: lied to Elena and The Salvatore's about Deactivating the Bennett Device. All in the name of Saving the town from murderous vampires and avenging her Grams.
Two very similar situations, yet Bonnie's the one that needs to be held accountable for being a bitch to everyone and betraying Elena and The Salvatores trust while Anna is the innocent girl who did what she had to do the save her mother.
Okay 😒
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freakin-nightmare · 27 days
finn and damian all of your prombles would be solved if you two just fucked
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anthonycrowley · 3 months
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babygirl you are so prombles
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mariana-oconnor · 2 years
Today someone at work accidentally spelled "problem" "promble" and I shall henceforth be using the new spelling and appropriate pronunciation. If you have any prombles with this, I will not be taking notes. Thank you for your time.
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bill-cipher-enjoyer · 8 months
🍊🥬🌶️ for ariyah :] (sorry for not giving u enrichment™ lately,t'was busy).
Tysm!!! and no promble (don't feel obligated to ask, I was gone for a while for mentol helth screenings anyway)
Orange - She doesn't have a prophecy, but if she did itd definitely be one of those "holy shit you were doomed from the start" prophecies that the protagonist basically says "nu-uh" to. if that makes any sense at all.
Lettuce - Ariyah has an actual allergy to being mundane/normal/boring. She will break out in hives /hj. She's quite unpredictable until you realize the predictability of said unpredictable actions (this makes sense in my head idk if it does on compter)
Pepper - Well she already has 2 or 3 sworn enemies so...have a list instead:
Ariyah's sworn enemies:
-Lucifer: daddy issues.
-Zernamon (post-betrayal): "He LITERALLY stabbed me in the back. OF COURSE i hate him" (not really though)
(Kenday is a child of Satan (so heir of Wrath) and OOOHH BOY is he annoying. Ariyah fucking hates him. He thinks they're on equal levels and has tried a coup on multiple occasions. )
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cosmik-homo · 1 month
The promble with watching star trek voyager is I'm unproportionally affectionate of both Kes and Neelix in completely different ways that horribly clash (Kes is great and deserves so much more than that dipshit. Neelix COULD HAVE BEEN SO GOOD and deserves better than to be that dipshit but also I can't stay mad at him long enough on her on anyone's behalf cuz hes a funny little man.)
It's running my life . And they're barely in the SHOW
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thecookiefoster · 9 months
Um hello I have a promble there is a mermaid looking cookie trapped in my pond not sure how they got there it’s not conceded to anything. I heard there was a really dangerous mermaid looking cookie so can you inform me if they look like this. White and pink as main colors they have a little staff if that helps.
Not only did you find a Black Pearl, it’s a rare Faded Radiance breed!!! :O
Also known as White Pearls, this breed is the more docile and cheerful form of Black Pearls! They are said to be how they used to look like before the “transformation” event (which seems to be caused by excessive stress and traumatic events)
You are free to approach it, though please do take care! White Pearls are very unfamiliar with land creatures like us and may be scared at first!
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yanderelmk · 11 months
🦤🌈 oh happy days I will go do that.
I am promble Going to send in a x reader ask cuz my OC is still kind in the world I been working on her for a Year and I just have two things left
I bring you SHINY stuff I stole from ffm and a dojo with a shadow monkey and a very hot place with lots of bulls
Give you a coth bag and leave it open so you can see red son glasses. A lamp and some SHINY armor and a red hand band
I be back when I can have a wonderful day
Flya away on a rainbow snic I can fly with wings
OOOOOOOO [Puts them on] Treasures,,, :0< Gee wonder who this all was gotten from :3
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