motyl-vaniliowy · 1 year
Czym jest dla mnie ana?
Ana na początku dla mnie to sposób był do schudnięcia , miałam tylko schudnąć ana to był środek nie cel , a teraz ana to cel ana=perfekcja do której darze ana to styl i sposób życia i bycia peefekcyja dążymy do samo rozwoju fizycznego i psychicznego . Ana to cel który równy jest kontroli nad sobą nad życiem swoim oraz działania . Anoreksja miesza w głowie i jak ktoś za bardzo uzależni się od any i mocno zachoruje to może umrzeć z ana trzeba uważać bo jest przyjacielem ale jeżeli przekroczysz granice pewna ona cie zniszczy . Tak postrzegam anoreksje a wy jak ją postrzegacie ???🦋🦋🦋🦋
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skinimin114 · 5 months
Listening to other people freely talk about weight loss makes me so anxious
I guess that’s what happens when you lose too much and have to pretend you aren’t trying to lose weight so you don’t get in trouble
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gauntconotations · 3 years
androgynous thinpo bc my gender swerves off the road
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anaasang3l · 3 years
i was in class today and my friend grabbed my other friends wrist and was like omg your wrist is so skinny!!1 and i was there contemplating why i ate breakfast because my friend is super skinny and i want to be at her weight tbh
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piawantstobeskinny · 4 years
i’m so scared to weigh myself. i hate when my weight is fluctuating. i really let it get to me when it goes up just a tiny bit
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Ok so, when my bf picked me up i did the ”so you think im skinnyyyyyyy™️” and he said ”nooo, i think youre average :)”
So brb gonna go cry in the corner and never eat again
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spoopythinmints · 4 years
i just came up with a kinda good idea..
what if like every time i binge i take something away
ex: i binged today so no tv until i dont binge for a week.
idk i kinda thought it was good
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Dear Ana community
Pls use only tags that fit to your post.
If I search for thinspo, I want to see skinny girl, not memes.
If I search for recovery, I want to see body positive posts, not meanspo.
If I search for fasting, I want to see encourage posts, not your foodlog!
Thank you!
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killm3pls · 4 years
i went to the doctor today and ive lost 10 pounds since my last appointment which was a few months ago. not nearly enough but at least i didnt gain.
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motyl-vaniliowy · 1 year
Ledwo dzień się rozpoczął a ja już zjadłam około 500 kcal to jest żałosne i wstyd mi za to ale nic straconego pójdę na spacer potem spotkam się z przyjaciółkami które chcą abym kupiła im wódkę i wkłady wrócę do domu o 15 prześpię się do 17 spotkam się z przyjaciółka o 19 wrócę do domu i zjem coś może i potem poczytam trochę oraz pooglądam tik toka
Jako iz zaczynam na nowo z tym wszystkim do końca tego tygodnia chce jeść do 800 kcal następnie 500 kcal przez dwa tygodnie i w sierpniu tak 300 kcal uda się bo tego chce i muszę pamiętać do czego dążę nie mogę się poddawać ani zapominać o tym pod koniec dna dodam tu bilans
Trzymajcie się kochani 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
Zmieniłam dietę do końca tyg jem 1300 ale najlepiej mniej niż 1000
Dziś bilans
1100 zjedzone
200 spalone
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thiccbutterfly · 4 years
Fxckuedyourworld założyła snap motylkowy, wbijajcie do niej na snapchat 💝
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gauntconotations · 3 years
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liking goth-inspired thinnnpooo a lot rn
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grungyb0nes · 5 years
Reasons I will never, EVER give "ana advice" or "tips and tricks" and don't think anyone ever should:
• regardless of trigger warnings and telling newcomers to get out while they can, they won't.
• 14 year old me back in 2012, dying just to feel pretty, soaked up that advice deep into my subconscious. I'm 22 now and my bmi has ranged from 15-30 in that 8 year time span. Yoyo-ing life and death, recovery and relapse. Once you have a disordered mind, it never goes away. You can never just turn it off.
• It's not a short or long term solution. When u hop on the train your metabolism is fucked. You can't stop when u reach ur gw, ur stuck.
• you're not just giving harmless weight loss tips, you're giving 'how to miss out on life' tips, 'how to destroy yourself and everyone close to you' tips, and 'how to kill yourself' tips.
Don't be stupid enough to think that everyone who reads your "tips" post will be someone who's had an ED for a long time. Every fucking day I come across young girls on this app who are "new to ana."
People won't genuinely like you more when you're skinny. No one is going to genuinely love you just because you became skinny. It's not worth it.
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piawantstobeskinny · 4 years
|Calorie Diary Day 4|
Today I ate 910 calories
Today i worked out for 63 and minutes and burned 230 calories!
Calories today in total: 680
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rx-health · 5 years
That snacking is not binging. Those calories aren’t going to hurt, to make you gain any more weight than you need, or physically add fat to you. You need those calories. You need to function. You deserve to eat.
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How to run yourself over with a car
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