l1qu1dsm00th · 1 year
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Sorry in advance for my usual trash artstyle but I needed to draw la squadra like this.
Also they aren't exactly Mermen since Ghiaccio is a Great White Shark, Illuso is a Tiger Shark, Formaggio is an Orca, Melone is an Octopus, Prosciutto is a Squid (might make him a gigant squid but idk rn), Risotto is a Dolphin, Pesci should be an Anglerfish, Sorbet should be a Manta Ray, and Gelato should be a Narwhal.
(also these aren't random drawings there's acutally a lot of lore to them and this AU as he whole even if idfk know if I'm gonna share it or not yet here we are✨)
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jjba-roleplay · 2 years
Hello, Join my 18+ JJBA RP discord server!
⚠️Keep in mind, proship content and proshippers are NOT allowed in here! I know it says “shipping server” but still smh.⚠️
Make sure to read the rest of the rules upon joining! Then write an intro with the template, and you’re in!💖
2024 EDIT: It's a bit dead now but feel free to try and revive it lol
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aroworlds · 2 years
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[image description: six lockscreens featuring a design of repeated arrows banded in the colours of various aromantic spectrum pride flags against a plain white background. Flags included are: aroflex (green/light grey/white/light grey/light green with inwards-facing black triangles), priori aro (dark green/green/gold/orange/red with greyscale centre), arojump (light green/grey/white/light grey/green with inwards-facing green spikes), arospike (grey/mint green/grey with outwards-facing pink spikes), fictoromantic (black/grey/green/grey/black with black-outlined pink centre circle) and initiaromantic (pink/light pink/light grey/grey/light grey/light pink/pink with grey cross).]
Aro Arrow Lockscreens
Flags: Aroflex, Priori Aro, Arojump, Arospike, Fictoromantic, Initiaromantic / Inactromantic.
I’ve turned my aro arrows into lockscreens! All backgrounds/wallpapers are available for free personal or non-commercial use. For flag creator credits, please see @aroflagarchive​.
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number-onekidqueen · 2 years
𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀
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Prim Everdeen x Rory Hawthorne
Warnings: Spoilers for The Hunger Games Series, class difference.
"Vick, it's not  wike dat!" Posy grumbled, as Vick took her by the arms and spun her around.
It had all started when Hazelle had found a frilly, pink dress of hers in a box that she had worn as a girl to a few reapings. She had given it to Posy that morning, who had been delighted.
And now Posy had got it into her mind that they had to dance in fine clothes, like Capitol people.
"It has to be much more pwetty," She commanded. "You have to take my shoulder and my hip and we have to step awound each other."
Rory watched as Vick put his hands in position, and began to follow Posy's instructions. It was going quite smoothly. Apart from a few clumsy mishaps, they were beginning to waltz, and Posy to smile.
Rory began to whistle a known romantic tune for them to dance to, and Posy giggled. Finally as the last notes came, their dancing slowed down and Vick and Posy bowed dramatically.
"Vick and Posy, ladies and gentlemen!" Rory mimicked in a Capitol accent, as he clapped.
"And now it's your turn Wowy!" Posy cried, latching onto his arm and tugging, "Come on, pwease, come on Wowy-"
"Posy, I can't," Rory said. "I've got to go meet Prim."
"You always have to," Posy grumbled. "Pwomise that when you come back, you will dance."
"I promise," Rory said with a smile.
Posy brightened. "Yay!" She said and gave him a hug, before releasing him and racing over to Vick, who was trying to escape.
Rory walked into the street.
The Seam looked as it always did. The grey tumbledown houses squashed into wonky 'streets'. Black coal dust even in the dirt of the path that led to the rest of District 12. A pine tree here or there.
He was walking towards the backstreets of the Merchant section, where he would wait for Prim behind the apothecary. That had always been the meeting place of Prim and him. Maybe some kind of connection drew them to it. Maybe it was the wonder of seeing the beautifully-iced cakes in the bakery windows, just next door. But since they were little kids, that had been their place.
He arrived at the back of the apothecary and waited, a nearby tree shading his face from the sunlight.
Five minutes passed.
Merchant children went by, ogling at the bakery goods, and then eyeing him confusedly. What was he, some bouncer for the apothecary?
Ten minutes. And then twenty.
Finally, he could see Prim running towards him. She was looking as she always did, simple and pretty with her long blonde hair in two braids, wearing simple and light clothes. She always looked like that.
But, she was . . . clean.
He had been used to seeing Prim grey-faced, and dirty, because of the water restrictions in twelve. But now she had hot water and soap, she looked different. She seemed to glow. Like she wasn't a Seam kid anymore. Wasn't the Prim he'd befriended.
"Hey Prim," Rory greeted, swallowing the hurt down.
She smiled in response.
"You're late again. For the third time this week."
"I'm sorry, Rory," Prim flushed, her smile fading. "It's just, I never realised how far away we are from the Merchant section. You know, in the Victors Village."
Another thing to set them apart. "Yeah,"
"Rory, you know I wish that we live back in the Seam, don't you?" Prim blurted. "I don't care if I have a bigger house and hot water and soap, I wished this never happened, and everything went back to how it used to."
"Me too," Rory replied. "But let's just forget about it, for now. What do you want to do?"
"I've got to go pick some herbs in the woods, because we're running low again," Prim replied, tapping the basket at her side. "You coming?"
The two walked all the way back through the crooked streets of the Seam to the wide, grassy fields of the Meadow. They glanced behind them cautiously, checking to see if anyone was following them.
There was no one. They were alone. Somehow that prospect excited and scared both of them.
Crouching, Rory crawled through the hole in the fence, followed by Prim.
They both weren't used to the woods.
It was peaceful, with mockingjays singing in tree boughs above them, but also intimidating, with no tracks to follow, and shrubbery and trees blocking any clear path.
"Do you know the way?" Rory asked Prim, stepping back to let her lead.
"More or less," She replied, tucking loose strands behind her ears.
They walked in single file, taking a twisting, turning path through grasses and shrubbery. The forest had grown to welcome them. Breeze ruffled through leaves, sunlight shone in lances through the canopy and birds and wildlife chirped and rustled all around them.
Eventually, Prim came to a stop. Surrounding them was a flat, grassy clearing, dotted with wildflowers and herbs. A small stream gurgled in the corner, water splashing over pebbles and stones.
Rory followed Prim, picking, crushing and gathering leaves and stems of the herbs she pointed out before placing them in the basket. After they had four neat, green mounds of herbs, she sat in the grass, and sprinkled them into glass jars she'd brought along.
Rory wandered off to the side and began to pick wildflowers, weaving them into a crown as Prim had taught him. When he finished, he crept behind her and placed it on her head softly.
"Princess Prim of Panem."
She turned to him, beaming.
"How's that for alliteration, Mrs. Jones?" he added, louder, referring to their ever-irritating teacher.
Prim laughed, her eyes full of mirth.
Her expression immediately shifted into a mischievous one.
"You know that means we've got to make one for you?"
"No! Never! Absolutely not!" Rory teased, lurching away from Prim's grasp. "You'll never catch me, Prim!"
"Oh, yes I will," Prim cried, scrambling up from the grass.
They began stumbling madly across the clearing away from one another, laughing wildly at each other's comic faces of triumph and fear.
Prim finally caught up to Rory, screeching with delight, and grabbing for him, she tumbled into him, crash-tackling him and knocking him over. Prim took a breath, about to giggle, then swallowed, as they began rolling with speed, down a steep slope she hadn't noticed.
"Prim!" Rory's eyes widened in surprise, and they grabbed onto each other's arms.
Whirling down the hill, they became one, tucked into each other. Heads smashing, elbows colliding with one another, they winced but also began laughing. Finally, finally they slowed to a stop, and they jumped apart, wiping the grass and its moisture off their hair and clothes.
Prim looked down at her pale clothes, which were now smeared with bright green grass stains, with a large frown. Her hair was wild, the braids undone. Rory thought she still looked fine. She became serious, her eyes jumping to his, filled with sincerity.
"Sorry about your clothes."
"These? They're just clothes. The stains will wash out for sure, don't worry." Rory scoffed.
Prim nodded, a grin covering her face.
"I'm going to make you a flower crown now, and there's nothing you can do to stop me."
Rory gave a dramatic sigh of disappointment.
Prim sprinted up the hill, and gathered some daisies, sitting and weaving them together into a crown as her mother had taught her.
When it was finished, she was giggling so much, she couldn't even proclaim his title, as she placed it on his head.
"Disgraceful," Rory sniffed in a drippy, Capitol accent.
That caused Prim to giggle even more, clutching her stomach tightly between peals.
"Well, your majesty-" She stated breathily before bursting into more laughter "-we best be off."
And with grins to one another, they charged back into the shrubbery, ferns, bushes and grasses brushing and raking past their legs. They made it to the fence soon after. It must've been about 3:00 in the afternoon, and Rory's mother would be coming home from work soon.
Rory suddenly felt guilty. His clothes would wash, but it would be even more work that his mother would have to do. Maybe he could wash it himself. He'd change quickly and-
"Prim!" Rory shouted, realising something. "Step away from the fence!"
The fence was on.
For some reason, they'd chosen today for the fence to be on. Rory could hear the quiet hum of the electricity from here.
Prim jumped back, realising the same thing. Oh goodness, she'd been so close. If she'd taken a step further, she could've been electrocuted.
"What should we do?" She called back, as Rory hurried over. "Just wait it out in some cave?"
"That's probably the best idea. Do you know where Katniss and Gale's cave is?"
Mentioning Katniss' name was a mistake he realised. Prim flinched, turning away from him, and Rory swore he saw fresh tears bubbling and shining in her eyes.
"Yeah," She said quietly, and began walking in another direction.
It must've been about 9:00 now, and the cold was beginning to seep in.
Rory had borrowed Katniss' bow, and with the few basic skills he had, managed to kill a hare after a few hours.
Prim had made a good fire in the cave, and had cooked the hare on a spit she had constructed out of a long stick. The rabbit's meat was tasty and soft, and filled them up with warmth.
And now they were sitting together in silence, watching and feeling the warm, orange glow of their fire flicker in the shadows and darkness of the cave. Watching the amber sparks dance and spin into the starry skies, as the fire crackled merrily.
"You know," Rory said slowly, "Katniss will make it, Prim. I'm sure of it."
"How?" Prim asked quietly.
"She's spent her whole life hunting and surviving. Katniss is as tough as anyone. Tougher than anyone. She's already survived the previous games. She'll survive again, I promise you."
"I guess she already lived the first two days."
"Exactly. All she needs to do is survive the next few ones, and then she'll be home. Twice a victor, with a home in the Victor's Village, and all of the food and hot water and-"
"Rory, that's not all I want." Prim said sharply.
"It isn't?"
"No, of course not. Rory, I don't just want Katniss to come home, and have even more winnings. To be above everyone in the Merchants Section, the Seam. I don't want to be rich.
"I want to be able to share that to everyone, so all of us can live better. So there is no Seam. So we're all equal in wealth and status, and mostly I want President Snow to die."
Rory considered her words in silence, tumbling them over in his brain.
"Really?" He asked quietly.
"Of course, Rory. I'm tired, so, goodnight. I'll see you in the morning."
The morning came, and thankfully, the electricity on the fence had turned off. Prim and Rory crawled through and after a brief goodbye hug, they went their separate ways, one the rich way, one the poor.
But all Rory could think about were Prim's words last night.
Because if she did think that . . . and if there were people like her, and if Katniss did come home . . . 
The Seam just might have a new hope.
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iamnathannah · 5 months
Twenty years ago today, the Gilmore Girls spring break episode, "Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist" aired for the first time on The WB, and everything shifted in that moment for me. Rory Gilmore and Paris Geller had a fun and light few days of fun, let off all the steam, yelled at some guys about how they ate bananas, watched some Power of Myth, listened to the Shins...oh, and maybe Paris kinda kissed Rory and introduced her to lesbianism in a panic about being cool on the dance floor 🥹. Sure, Prory didn't happen in ASP's "canon", but so many young minds shifted from 'god is there any other guy besides Dean and Jess Rory can love' to 'PARIS IS THE LOVE OF HER LIFE THIS IS THE DESTINY SHE TALKED ABOUT GOING BACK TO WHEN SHE TRIED TO SEDUC–I MEAN INIMIDATE RORY WITH A READING OF SONNET 116 STOP FORCING THESE MEN UPON THESE LOVELY AND SMART LADIES!"
This episode changed my life, made me who I am today, gave me so many friends I treasure to this day, and even if it ended up with Logan the next season, the AU where Rory doesn't pull away from Paris and says 'let's take this back to the room' and they become the happiest Boston marriage of all time still fills many a Gellmore shipper's brain to this day.
Thank you, episode 417 for showing Rory and Paris at their best.
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greato-days69 · 30 days
Silly JoJo ship names
Melone x Ghiaccio [MeloGhia]:
Frozen fruit
Baby Album
Prosciutto x Risotto [ProRis]:
Death Metal
Caesar x Joseph [CaeJo]:
Clacker Bubbles
Pesci x Prosciutto [ProPesci]:
Land and Sea
Grateful Beach
Formaggio x Prosciutto [ForPro]:
Charcuterie board
Dead Feet
[Reply with additional ships if you want]
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dissiasims · 1 year
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Prori Bodysuit (Top)
47 swatches
Base Game Compatibile
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Get it from TSR: Prori Bodysuit (Top)
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ijosijen · 4 months
Some parts of my H.G. grammar need a dependency relation and some parts need constituency, which leads to some fun features. e.g, there's this thing called anticlausal raising (name's kind of a misnomer; nothing actually moves) that means the subject is at once outside the predicate yet also just another argument inside the VP.
Which is to say: a lot of the systems i use to analyze and explain high gavellian - in universe, especially - are themselves stuff i came up with, even if they're nulls in the phonetic/orthographic final product. It's not just conlanging, it's conlinguistics, and i really like that.
Much of this a prori model-making came as part of the process of formalizing my grammar, and I feel like i'll need to do something similar for my sound system, which in the words of the timeless immortals are "fucked up atm." Especially in their artificial deadlang context.
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444names · 1 year
the entry on "terror" from the wiktionary
Abbra Ablencian Ablese Ableses Abook‎ Acence Ackey Alascua Alatic Angues Anins Anish Antruche Apporeive Arcomez Arece Arepl Arign Ataccian Atalish Atian Atioli Ation Ationuns Audan Augues Bacata Baliccen Barensi Beive Beißne Belook Boklan Bookmål Borowar Bortic Boval Bovalan Bratta Brishart Cabus Calicaur Calish Candlis Cater Cenation Cendlish Ceregiai Cesencion Chect Chpory Ciadri Cintala Cionar Clabbrish Clatian Clemmay Colic Colish Cology Cortut Corwed Crionsbn Crish Crífieran Crítio Datinglis Dayour Decionun Dectin Defear Deficatal Degian Degiciai Dermolian Derre Desendin Diciat Dintugues Dreuroɾ Drian Eciadó Edided Elanight Elookmål Enese Engar Enreißnew Entarlese Ented Esspole Eterra Etheng Etimastal Etinglia Etion Etive Etyczny Eurortut Exams Exavak Explaryzm Exples Extraling Extran Feadás Fearibus Ferrura Finpor Finszó Fords Fordspa Fordspán Foremmas Forhymeon Fortugh Fortum Forwegiat Frearia Frező Fribify Friderrum Frify Frish Frism Frortár Furum Galarign Gariai Genen Gengcathe Genglis Genglish Genglism Gengposé Genta Grente Grumpl Gésio Gómese Hakad Harem Harperrēs Hatived Hentymes Hirdsla Honunchar Honunsbr Hormaslan Horms Houbdues Hunaness Hymeived Hymeon Hyper Iddle Idenish Ilian Ilish Illat Inansh Inarmass Inarms Indedic Ineng Inflego Ingcan Ingféleme Inglish Inhen Inicianse Inish Initeng Inoreō Inpolar Insbn Intalus Inted Iples Isherrōrī Ishunción Ismodego Ithish Itintugal Itive Itymes Językadó Kenglian Lancia Lanign Latalis Laterra Lathaka Laticato Latinspas Lation Latives Leado Legian Lemmadó Lemmagene Lenese Lesspold Leterre Lictico Linsk Maccaus Maceive Madish Madászar Masdanare Masse Massinar Mation Mationyme Megicilg Meish Meive Menic Mesebso Mesrhary Miang Mianst Mulan Mulanens Mulayoun Mulisman Nacke Naren Nelmíre Nerrords Nomeons Nonlan Nonst Nonunse Nonyme Noribleme Norms Norrōrigh Nortugues Nortum Nounch Nouncian Nouncou Noung Noungcabe Nounglish Nounguesh Nounse Nounsh Nounslish Nounst Nountreō Nouseld Novaka Nyely Nymern Objecke Obson Ocatiai Olict Onpori Onsgarom Onunskia Opeat Ortugal Ortugue Ortumple Orwedoss Orítés Oxfort Oxfortsz Pangarian Paninter Pansdand Pantal Paspa Pative Pecencek Pholise Pholować Phosian Phran Plesour Plest Poleedos Poles Polia Polick Polist Polithish Pollatin Polook‎ Polso Pored Porms Portugh Priai Prian Projecios Prons Prorian Prorroped Prortugua Prory Prota Prować Quotanto Quoto Reareses Rehonauda Reish Reißnese Remmased Rended Renguess Reuro Rhymon Rojecle Rokmål Roria Rorian Rorped Rupor Ruposé Sictio Siterrór Slable Slanita Slatal Slation Soling Sperrian Splusia Spoles Sporiatal Sporokla Sterm Sterrōria Stkadem Subduess Sublese Suchation Suctiony Sufficia Sufficion Swebookla Sylla Syllan Syllanan Syllatins Syllatio Sylly Synortugh Synotable Synountym Synous Szarm Szavare Tedisendo Tedos Telítés Temed Tencian Tenciate Tenco Tenssiai Teral Tereatic Teremez Teres Teria Terianish Terre Terreade Terres Terrhymes Terrian Terrish Terrok‎ Terromes Terroppos Terrord Terrords Terroreō Terrorian Terrorish Terrēs Terrōrego Terskia Tersols Thaka Tharlto Theclate Thenga Thish Thishe Tholish Thonss Tianta Tiolish Tione Tordbook‎ Torífify Tralatalg Trenen Treproped Trorwed Tr̥rega Tárces Tárch Tótfaluro Tótár Tɛrːory Tɛrːɔr T̪ɛrːord Unssporor Usenryzow Usiation Varric Viela Vocabilg Vortugues Vorwed Wiege Wierrór Wievarian Wievion Wikied Wikipl Wiktio Wiktion Willato Witive Woremo Worező Worinan Wormonese Wortár Xamess Xamez Xedición Érticatal Értut
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maxdhros · 1 year
It’s been a while since I’ve done this but here I am with another request I am looking for f/nb roleplayers who are looking to write Jojo rps!
I am mainly looking for CaeJose (I can write either) or some rarepairs like ForLuso, ProRis, KiraBoss and SorLato!
Please check my pinned for any rules and if you are interested, please like this post and I’ll send you a message!
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l1qu1dsm00th · 1 year
Did this with my La Squadra otps 🗣🔥
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Clear template under the cut!!
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number-onekidqueen · 2 years
𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗯𝗶𝗴𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝗸𝘆 - 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗿𝘆
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Primrose Everdeen x Rory Hawthorne
Warnings: MAJOR Mockingjay spoilers, death, mentions of depression, bombs, survivors guilt, just AnGsT
I sat huddled in the corner of the hovercraft airport. This was the place where we'd last met.
Where I'd said my goodbyes to Primrose Everdeen.
Sweet Prim.
For as long as my memory stretched, we'd always been friends. It'd always been the little pair of us taking on the cruel world we lived in. And then the bigger pair of us. And then the big one. The kind-hearted, golden-haired younger sister of the feisty and brilliant Katniss Everdeen and the hard-working, yet lowly younger brother of the brave and mighty Gale Hawthorne.
Well, that mightn't have been everyone's perception of it; but that's always how Prim and I thought of ourselves.
We were always friends, each other's best buds.
And then we became more than friends.
It was incredibly sudden for me. 
Despite the terrible society we live in, when Posy asked Mum to tell her tales of true love and affection to help her get to sleep, Mum always had plenty.
Although I wasn't really listening that hard, true love seemed to have a recurring theme. The gorgeous princess would watch her valiant prince fight in battle, and suddenly she wouldn't see him as a simple boy or as a protector, but as her lover.
I never believed this would happen. It would be so simple. Wouldn't you know from the start that you loved a person, or know you don't feel anything except friendship for that person?
But love really is complicated.
I still remember the night, clear as a summer sky when I realised it.
Peeta Mellark had just warned us that Capitol bombers were coming for us, and so we had evacuated to the underground bunkers in semi-organised chaos. 
I'd shuffled to my crowded bunker with Mum, Posy, and Vick, and we were just sitting around, waiting for Gale. As the minutes crept by, we all became more and more unnerved by his absence. So much so, that I left my bunker and was about to go up and search for him.
And then I saw Katniss racing up the stairs like a lunatic, apologising at people she shoved, and pleading and yelling at guards.
"I need to go get my sister! Prim's still up there!" She was screaming.
All I remember was knowing in that moment I needed to find Prim too, I just had to, and before I knew it, I was pushing through the crowds as well.
And then Gale burst through the doors, with Prim beside him and a dishevelled Buttercup cradled in her arms.
And as heavy relief flooded through me, and I went to hug Prim, after Katniss had, an epiphany struck me in the face like a slap.
I never wanted to lose Prim. And the fierceness that had surged through my chest as I readied to try and find her was unlike any friendly protection I had ever felt for her before.
I stayed up half the night thinking about it. 
I loved Prim.
I loved her two blonde braids, her fondness for Buttercup, her shy smile, everything. 
It was so obvious that she was more than just a close friend, or someone nice I knew, I felt like such an idiot for not knowing my feelings before. For not acting on them.
And as I accepted and began to acknowledge my feelings, the rebellion truly began heating up.
Although Prim and I knew little about the rebellion with only the parts that Coin shared to the general public, the propos we watched, and the bits that Katniss or Gale told us, we could tell that a turn of the tide, for better, or for worse, was on its way soon.
After her shifts as a nurse, with nothing else to do, we mainly hung around and talked about it. What might happen. What could happen. What we would be able to do after the war.
Prim was always so optimistic. She had big hopes and dreams for the future.
"Just think about it, Rory! A Panem where there are no games, no Capitol. We can make our own future! One where we don't have to work to the bone, or sign up for tesserae to feed our families. One where things could be better, where we could all be happy, and united." She would say.
And it made me dream too. Maybe there could be a Panem, someday, where everything was as sweet and golden as Prim herself.
Then there was the storm of the Capitol. Prim and I talked a lot about that. We were scared. Katniss and Gale were the strongest people we knew, and knew only too well how to survive, but the Capitol had Peacekeepers and mutts. And an evil dictator whose number one mission was to hunt them down.
We were listening for news of their squad eagerly. When Coin announced that the squad had been terminated, life felt like it had ended. Gale and Katniss were dead. Our older brother and sister. They were gone. Forever. 
For that whole day, we only talked to each other. Even with the kind sympathy we received from everyone else, we were the only ones who really understood each other's pain. I can still remember our sobs echoing around the walls of some random storage cupboard.
When the Capitol announced that Katniss and Gale were alive, hope came again. Prim went back to the hospital and treated patients with ease. I went back home and talked to my mother and siblings of what we might do after the rebellion.
The rebels were in the inner Capitol. They were going to storm Snow's mansion and kill him. The man who had ruined and ended so many people's lives was going to die.
But we noticed there was one problem, watching the live reports taken from all over the Capitol. When Snow offered to take in all Capitol children to his mansion, to protect and feed them, he'd been lying.
Prim and I watched in horror as we saw a sea of children with varying ages of three to seventeen, barricading the mansion with Peacekeepers at their sides.
If a group of rebels tried to shove in, the kids would probably let them through, but the Peacekeepers would make them keep their formations.
Which meant the only way we could achieve entry, the only way we could ever win, was if we destroyed the barricade. Destroyed the children. Killed more innocent people. There was no other way.
Everything was on high alert, and so no sneak ins could possibly end well, and we couldn't afford to have casualties wasted on a naive plan. It was terrible. Killing. This was what we were trying to stop! Why we went to war in the first place!
Either way you looked at it, it was going to end in blood for either side. Which was why Prim and a bunch of other medics were called to the hovercraft port a few hours later, to wait until the right moment to leave.
And that was where I last met Prim.
I jogged to keep up with the sea of grey-uniformed medics walking away towards the port. My eyes scanned the crowd, looking for any signs of her. . . and there she was. Walking quietly at the side of the crowd, her distinctive golden hair in a braid resting on her shoulder.
"Prim!" I called as I came closer.
She turned, spotted me and smiled, pausing in her place.
"Hey, Rory," She said in greeting.
"There haven't been any casualties yet. Are you all going as a precaution?" I asked.
Prim nodded.
"Hopefully there won't be many, but. . . President Coin thinks it's going to end pretty messily."
"It probably will," I responded.
Prim seemed to pause, eyeing me intensely, emotions colliding through her blue eyes.
Then she launched herself at me, wrapping her arms around me in a tight embrace. After the surprise, I hugged her back.
"Be careful out there," I muttered to her.
"Don't worry, Rory. Medics are helpers and healers of everyone, and so no one should be targeting us specifically. 
"And-and even if something bad does happens, and, I do. . go, I'd want it to be that way. To die helping people, or trying to at least, and making the world a better place for everyone. Just remember that if-if it does happen, okay?" She whispered.
A lump in my throat stopped me from talking, so I just gripped her tighter. Prim dead. I couldn't imagine a world without Prim.
"Oh well. I better go. Goodbye Rory. Don't worry too much about me." She said with a laugh. I didn't want to let go, but she pulled away and smiled at me.
I smiled back and voiced my goodbyes too, just like it was a normal day. But it was while she was walking away, in dreamlike slow motion almost, that a sudden anguish took control of me. Prim was risking her life in this operation. She could die easily. And she'd never know that I felt more for her than friendship. She needed to know. I needed to tell her.
"PRIM!" I yelled, desperate to get her attention.
She turned once more, her expression startled.
"Yeah? Are you okay, Rory?"
I raced over and grabbed her by the shoulders. Although she looked disturbed, I payed no heed. Logic had left my mind hours ago and all subtle and smart ways of expressing my feelings had left me. All that was left was my raw intentions and my desire to say what I had to.
"Prim, listen. 
"The other day, when the Capitol bombed District 13, you were back getting Buttercup. Katniss went after you, and I was just behind her. And as you came through those doors with Gale, I realised that I couldn't live to see you die, and that you were so much more to me than a friend, or even a best friend. Prim, you might not feel the same, but I love you. And I need to tell you that, because I need you to know, because you could be hurt or. . . or. ." I trailed off, my strength lost.
As Prim's expression still stayed surprised, my heart sank. I suppose that it was more important that at least she knew, but a tiny part of me had been hoping that she would respond the same way, and that she would love me back.
My expression must've been crestfallen, because Prim spoke immediately, her voice filled with softness.
"Rory, please don't be upset. I'm sorry, I'm just very surprised that. . well-"
"That I feel that way. And you don't." I said, my voice saddened as I pulled away.
"No, no, not that at all," She said, a smile spreading across her features, as she gripped my arms. "I'm surprised that you feel the same way. I love you too, Rory. For a while, I've thought I was the only one."
Then it was my turn to be surprised. Prim felt the same way. She loved me. We loved each other.
Our joy was immediate. I was the one that leant down, but Prim was the one that kissed me. It was full of joy, and softness and sweetness. We pulled apart and looked at each other, beams on our faces.
"Well, Rory, if you'll excuse me, now I really need to go!" Prim laughed.
I laughed too, and said goodbye and that I loved her, giving her a last, long and lingering kiss.
I should've stayed longer. I should've waved. I should've come with her, protected her, just done something.
In my happiness, I'd forgotten the silent threats lying overhead, quietly promising death.
And then it was too late. I saw her blow up on live television. I saw my Prim die, lost forever.
I let Prim go. She'll never come back to me.
She'll never cheerily say good morning to me.
Never walk by my side.
Tease me for being sensitive.
Smile brightly at me as we part.
Laugh at Posy's little jokes.
Her light and warmth is gone.
And it was all my fault.
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im-tryingtoloveyou · 4 months
Sì, io ho fatto l'esempio di Thuram e di Pavard per dire che non bisogna guardare solo allo stipendio (della serie: "si sono accontentati di tot") perché ogni situazione è, appunto, a sé. Thuram l'abbiamo convinto con l'ingaggio rispetto ad ingaggi più bassi, ma c'era qualcuno che gli offriva più di 6 milioni? ( perchè 6 milioni non sono pochi per un ventiseienne alla prima esperienza in una big e reduce da un infortunio importante. se non fosse venuto a zero lo stipendio non sarebbe stato quello). Pavard è evidente che non sia un fessacchiotto come quell'idiota di Skriniar che pur di andarsene a zero e per soldi s'è fatto un anno in rotta con società e tifosi. Lui s'è messo la carriera davanti a tutto e pur di andare a giocare nel ruolo che voleva, dopo un esborso esoso da parte della società, ha accettato uno stipendio a ribasso per rientrare nelle possibilità finanziare della società visto che non conta solo il cartellino ma anche lo stipendio spalmato su un tot. Si può rispettare l'aspetto sportivo della decisione (e infatti la rispetto, se andava via a zero avrebbe preso di più ovunque) ma parliamo sempre di professionisti che giustamente si fanno i loro conti. Calhanoglu è andato via dal milan perché voleva di più, se ha accettato il rinnovo a 6,5 mln è perchè lo sa che meglio di così non trova. Se pensava di meritare di più andava via pure lui, figurati. Ognuno si fa i prori conti e quindi anche Lautaro che quelle cifre le vale indipendentemente dai problemi dell'Inter
Se non sbaglio il Milan gli aveva offerto un milione in meno rispetto a noi. Sì, ma appunto, l'Inter un compromesso per prenderti o farti rimanere lo fa se dall'altro lato c'è la disponibilità del giocatore a trattare e venire/rimanere nel club. Si spinge fino alla cifra che ritiene opportuna e che può coprire, se no ti saluta. Vedi Dumfries, chiede 5 mln e non intende scendere.
Su Skriniar , secondo me, c'è da aprire un discorso. Era stato messo sul mercato, i due pelati chiedevano una cifra troppo alta al psg e nel frattempo si sono fatti fottere Bremer e a quel punto come facevamo senza piano B? Skriniar alla fine ha seguito i soldi, ma ha fatto anche bene per come è stato trattato dalla società.
Ogni giocatore deve fare la scelta che ritiene più opportuna. C'è chi mette davanti la carriera ai soldi e viceversa, non c'è niente di male, è così che funziona, il tifoso se ne fa una ragione.
Se Lautaro pensa di meritare 12 milioni significa che la serie A non è più posto per lui. Spero riuscirà a trovare una squadra disposta a pagarlo così tanto e vorrei capire qual è questa squadra, perché qualcuno gli deve aver fatto annusare questa cifra e l'agente non può dirlo apertamente nelle interviste.
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famlamarizk · 10 months
PALING LARIS, Tlp 0815-1113-5518 Grosir Obat Nyeri Haid Alami JELITAGrosir Obat Nyeri Haid Alami KLIK https://wa.me/6281511135518, Obat Nyeri Pinggang Saat Haid Gunungjati, Obat Nyeri Haid Selain Feminax Pekalongan, Proris Obat Nyeri Haid Karangwage, Obat Untuk Wanita Nyeri Haid Banjarbaru, Obat Nyeri Haid Di Warung Mejayan
Kombinasi ramuan herbal yang diformulasi secara khusus untuk memelihara kesehatan organ intim kewanitaan serta mampu meningkatkan kualitas hubungan menjadi lebih hangat dan bergairah bersama pasangan
JELITA | OBAT HERBAL KEPUTIHAN MENGANDUNG : •Daun Sirih •Biji Pinang •Kunyit •Temu Rapet
Obat Herbat Jelita Juga Berfungsi Meningkatkan Stamina, Menyehatkan Rahim, Merapatkan bagian vagina, Mengatasi Keputihan, Meningkatkan Gairah Seksual, Membantu Proses Penyembuhan Luka, Mengatasi Bau Tidak Sedap di Vagina, Mengatasi gatal-gatal akibat jamur, meredakan nyeri haid, herbal ini juga membantu, Melancarkan aliran darah dalam Rahim, membantu mencegah adanya kemandulan serta Mencegah penuaan dini, dan meredakan gejala depresi.
PT LAMARIZK PRIMA SEJAHTERA KANTOR PEMASARAN : JL.H.Ahmad Tarmiji No.48 Kelurahan Pinang Ranti Kecamatan Makasar Kota Jakarta Timur DKI Jakarta
#obatperedanyerihaiddiwarunglembang, #obatrasanyerihaidsolokanjeruk, #obatnyerihaidopistansalatiga, #obatnyerihaiddansakitkepalapandeglang, #apanamaobatnyerihaidcijeruk, #obatnyerihaidpusingchinãº, #merkobatnyerihaidbambanglipuro, #namaobatuntuknyerihaidjembrana, #obatnyerikepalasaathaidsambas, #obatnyeri.haidbondowoso
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cinglamarizk123 · 10 months
Distributor Obat Nyeri Haid Tempel JELITA PALING BAGUS, 081511135518
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Distributor Obat Nyeri Haid Tempel KLIK https://wa.me/6281511135518, Proris Obat Nyeri Haid Kopuo, Obat Nyeri Haid Taiwan Karangmalang, Obat Nyeri Haid Pertama Muntok, Obat Nyeri Haid Di Indonesia Gunung Sindur, Obat Nyeri Haid Asam Mefenamat Surakarta
Kombinasi ramuan herbal yang diformulasi secara khusus untuk memelihara kesehatan organ intim kewanitaan serta mampu meningkatkan kualitas hubungan menjadi lebih hangat dan bergairah bersama pasangan
JELITA | OBAT HERBAL KEPUTIHAN MENGANDUNG : •Daun Sirih •Biji Pinang •Kunyit •Temu Rapet
Obat Herbat Jelita Juga Berfungsi Meningkatkan Stamina, Menyehatkan Rahim, Merapatkan bagian vagina, Mengatasi Keputihan, Meningkatkan Gairah Seksual, Membantu Proses Penyembuhan Luka, Mengatasi Bau Tidak Sedap di Vagina, Mengatasi gatal-gatal akibat jamur, meredakan nyeri haid, herbal ini juga membantu, Melancarkan aliran darah dalam Rahim, membantu mencegah adanya kemandulan serta Mencegah penuaan dini, dan meredakan gejala depresi.
PT LAMARIZK PRIMA SEJAHTERA KANTOR PEMASARAN : JL.H.Ahmad Tarmiji No.48 Kelurahan Pinang Ranti Kecamatan Makasar Kota Jakarta Timur DKI Jakarta
#nyerihaid3haripalimanan, #merekdagangobatnyerihaidmetro, #obatnyerisaathaidblangkejeren, #obatnyerihaidselainkirantijepara, #meloxicamobatnyerihaidkarangasem, #obatnyerihaidwarnakuningpungging, #apaobatnyerihaidalamikarawangbarat, #costanobatnyerihaidtuban, #obatperedanyerihaidyangamanpagaralam, #rekomendasiobatnyerihaiddesajanget
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kerjalamarizk · 10 months
Jual Obat Nyeri Haid Ampuh JELITA YANG BAIK, (0815-1113-5518)
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Jual Obat Nyeri Haid Ampuh KLIK https://wa.me/6281511135518, Obat Nyeri Haid Neuralgin Kotamobagu, Obat Penghilang Nyeri Haid Di Apotik Kemang, Apa Obat Nyeri Haid Alami Lamongan, Proris Obat Nyeri Haid Sukoharjo, Obat Nyeri Haid Ibu Menyusui Kaliwungu
Kombinasi ramuan herbal yang diformulasi secara khusus untuk memelihara kesehatan organ intim kewanitaan serta mampu meningkatkan kualitas hubungan menjadi lebih hangat dan bergairah bersama pasangan
JELITA | OBAT HERBAL KEPUTIHAN MENGANDUNG : •Daun Sirih •Biji Pinang •Kunyit •Temu Rapet
Obat Herbat Jelita Juga Berfungsi Meningkatkan Stamina, Menyehatkan Rahim, Merapatkan bagian vagina, Mengatasi Keputihan, Meningkatkan Gairah Seksual, Membantu Proses Penyembuhan Luka, Mengatasi Bau Tidak Sedap di Vagina, Mengatasi gatal-gatal akibat jamur, meredakan nyeri haid, herbal ini juga membantu, Melancarkan aliran darah dalam Rahim, membantu mencegah adanya kemandulan serta Mencegah penuaan dini, dan meredakan gejala depresi.
PT LAMARIZK PRIMA SEJAHTERA KANTOR PEMASARAN : JL.H.Ahmad Tarmiji No.48 Kelurahan Pinang Ranti Kecamatan Makasar Kota Jakarta Timur DKI Jakarta
#namapilobatnyerihaidsolok, #obatnyerihaidampuhslawi, #molasicobatnyerihaidsalatiga, #obatnyerihaidresepdoktercilacap, #oskadonobatnyerihaidmojokerto, #obatnyerihaidtaiwanbojonggede, #obatsakithaidpalingampuhboyolali, #nyerihaid3harigandhrel, #jenisobatnyerihaidblangkejeren, #obatspasminaluntuknyerihaidbanjarsari
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