Introducing someone to your religion when they are at the darkest and lowest point in their life is inherently coercive and I’m never going to change my mind on that. It is a cult tactic to find people who are struggling and try to convert them, and the Christian church doing it instead of Scientology or something does not make that practice any less fucked up. Christianity can be a normal and healthy part of someone’s life, but if you have to introduce it to them in a coercive and predatory way, it’s probably not going to be that.
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creature-wizard · 7 months
A fun way to handle smug asshole proselytizers is to answer their questions with whatever random yet cool thing you can think of. Like,
"How do you think the universe was formed?" "I believe the Great One sent his servant, the Cosmic Weaver, to weave the fabric of reality into being."
"What do you believe the purpose of life is?" "I think we're here to invent the Ultimate Rock Song to please the Great One's ears."
"What do you think happens to us after we die?" "I think our souls are taken to the Heavenly Spa where servants of the Great One give us TLC to cleanse us of the impurities and damage we've accumulated in this life."
"How do you know your beliefs are true?" "I sat down and meditated upon God and the meaning of life, and I saw an angel descend from Heaven, and they revealed this to me; and I felt within my heart that it was absolute truth."
And so on and so forth.
Theses people's technique hinges on you being like, "ummm idk" so they can be like "AHA the Bible has the answer and the answer is JESUS!", so just blasting them with whatever fun answer you can come up with off the cuff just throws 'em off their game. >:3
If they start talking about the Big Bang or evolution and claim it's impossible, just agree with them and then give them your own explanation.
If they start bringing up Biblical prophecies, just point out that early Christians twisted and misinterpreted the old texts to make it seem as if Jesus was fulfilling them when he wasn't, and if you actually bother to read properly you can see this for yourself. This one is actually true, and you can just keep throwing it at them as long as they try to appeal to prophecy.
Also, if they try the whole "okay then how do you explain (insert event in gospel texts here)" line, you can be like, "oh buddy weird stuff happens all the time, you should hear what happened to my friend Josh the other day, he met this guy who descended from the sky and gave him this crystal inscribed with a message from the Great One." If express doubt, you can just come back with "Are you calling my best friend Josh a liar??? I've known him since kindergarten!"
Whether these people actually realize it or not, they aren't here to persuade you with Facts and Logic; they're here to try and win an Awesomeness Contest against you. And it's very easy to out-awesome them by throwing whatever fun and cool stuff you can think of at them.
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hindulivesmatter · 3 months
Some scary stuff happening here. My younger sister who's still in school went to the restroom with her friend. A Christian cleaning lady stopped them there and began asking them questions like
"What religion are you?" and "Do you believe in Jesus?"
Seriously? Has proselytizing started in schools as well now?
We've reported this but I don't know what's going to happen. I'm so worried. What happens if these questions are asked to younger kids, who cannot comprehend the concept of how conversion works? My sister was smart enough to know that the behavior was weird and told us, but this is a new low.
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spurgie-cousin · 4 months
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(In reference to Phillip Rodrigues preaching outside of the Walmart entrance) @fundiedata so in my experience, it's works similarly to the cult recruitment tactics I was talking about in an earlier post, in the sense that it's not designed to work for everyone necessarily but for a very specific kind of person.
It's meant to connect with the people passing by who are going through something hard and feel hopeless or desperate because like with cult recruitment, those people will ultimately be better long term church members because they are initially investing more into it than your average Joe. They come into the ideology with a lot of baggage that the ideology promises to fix, and that can inspire a lot of loyalty in people for the ideology.
Phillip probably doesn't realize all this of course, he probably goes into it thinking it should appeal to everyone because he's so sheltered. Just based on how I've heard his parents talk to people to try and "win" their souls, it's that very black and white, fire and brimstone-y kind of talk that definitely doesn't appeal to the masses.
But that kind of preaching is also peppered with enough false promises that I can see how it might be inviting when you're at your wits end, y'know? They promise peace and salvation too and for people who just happen to be walking by in tough life circumstances, that can be really attractive, and those are the kind of people they ultimately want.
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fangirl-saya · 11 months
Yesterday, I somehow got my 64yo mom, who is all about classic literature and renaissance art, to watch Renfield with me???? And she even sort of liked it? Her favorite part was the world domination map. She actually laughed out loud for that one. So, yay? XD
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shaftking · 24 days
Proselytizing is annoying and intrusive a lot of the time but I’d rather have some Ned Flanders mfer bothering me to come to church service with them than being threatened to convert or else be labeled an infidel and killed. Tbh.
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aunti-christ-ine · 7 months
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dougielombax · 3 months
Tumblr please stop putting Christian proselytising on my dashboard.
It’s freaking me out.
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I have been approached on four separate occasions today by people trying to get me to come to their bible study while I was walking to class/my dorm
Campus was crawling with them
Now it's not out of the ordinary for me to have trouble breathing on my walk, unfortunately, but today was especially bad, and I genuinely think it's because these people had me so stressed out I was on the verge of a mild panic attack
By the fourth time I was just done, and the third group hadn't picked up on my wild eyes and whispers of "please don't talk to me" as I walked by, so I decided fuck it I'm cutting this corner to get away faster, and I legit heard the girl say to her friends "oh wow I just got swerved did yall see that?"
I was kinda pissed tbh
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sneefsnorf · 3 months
In Gita Chapter 18 Verse 62, the Lord speaking Gita has asked to take refuge in which God other than Himself?
To Know download the "Hindu Saheban Nahi Samjhe Geeta, Veda, Puran" book from Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj App and read it.
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In Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, what is the reason given for Quackity's torture?
To know read my ao3 fanfiction and leave kudos:
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"He who preaches the loudest... ... sins the most."
Matthew 6:5-6
And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
If I can hear you or know you’re doing it, you're doing it wrong.
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hindulivesmatter · 2 months
why do you hindutvas call christians “rice bags”? don’t try to deny it lol i’m active on twitter and i’ve seen my christian moots get called that atleast once a day by you lindutva losers. not to mention actually threatening churches and christian communities irl too. and you claim YOU are oppressed? and yall do realize that someone converting for a rice bag says more about the value of hinduism/hindu culture right? so hinduism = price of a rice bag? which is like, what Rs 100 at best? LOL
Me after I go to Christian houses to call them rice bags:
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I have never called anyone this in my life pls 😭
"I'm active on twitter" Well that explains this. As if calling us “lindutva” yourself is not Hinduphobic?
Also, the fact that Christian missionaries are actively going around to poverty-stricken people and offering them rice in exchange for conversion is so fucking insidious. Holding food over someone's head to make them convert has to be one of the worst fucking things I've seen. Desperation will make people do anything. And don't even get me started on the proselytising that starts when kids are in SCHOOL. My own sister witnessed it.
And let me flip your question and ask YOU this. Making someone convert to get a rice bag says more about the values of Christianity, right? Why the fuck do you need to blackmail people into converting????
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creature-wizard · 2 years
There are many ways to be Christian, many of which do not involve being sanctimonious and patronizing toward people who never asked for your opinion. You aren’t acting this way because you’re Christian, you’re acting this way because you’re an arrogant asshole. The version of Christianity you find most compelling says a lot about your moral character, BTW. If you think forms of Christianity that disrespect people’s bodily autonomy are probably the most legitimate, that’s because you lack respect for people’s bodily autonomy. It doesn’t matter if your religion says your attitude and behavior are okay, it’s still disrespect. If you were genuinely a respectful person, you’d practice a more respectful version of Christianity.
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fangirl-saya · 5 months
She's at it again, ladies, gents and beyond!
Missionary dating, that is 😆. Dating primarily with the purpose of getting more people to watch Renfield 😆😆😆
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Ya hafta understand, I'm kind of hot by local standards. And I'm an equal opportunity player. Every candidate gets a chance to charm me as long as they agree to watch Renfield with me. This might be #4?
(And I am actually legitimately open to a relationship, so there's no foul play)
(I'm ENM, so I can be entertaining several such hopefuls at once 😆)
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prala · 1 year
As a vegan person I see a lot of other vegans proselytizing veganism and I don’t really approve of that. In my opinion, its counterproductive. Like just be you. The more you try to tell someone the way you think they should live the more resistance they will develop.
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