#prospective release date is like the Friday before thanksgiving
hawnks · 2 years
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Cope Town release date postponed until November
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thezodiaczone · 6 years
November Forecast for Aquarius
Ready, set, goals! You’ll start the month revved up to finish 2018 on a high note, and the cosmic lineup is standing strong to support you. Go-getter Mars is wrapping up a long visit to Aquarius on November 15—its second of two this year. Since September 10, the red planet has put your personal mission on the fast track or catapulted you into a starring role, whether you felt ready or not!
The first week of the month is especially potent because lucky Jupiter, the planet of growth and optimism, is wrapping up a 13-month visit to Scorpio and your tenth house of career on November 8. Since October 2017, you’ve been soaring to the top of the charts as the stars aligned for you to reach new professional heights. Maybe you launched a business, took on a leadership role or locked in an impressive title. Other Water Bearers decided to venture down a whole new path, one that felt more authentically like you.
Mars won’t be back in Aquarius for another two years, and Jupiter won’t return to Scorpio for another 12, so lean ALL the way in while you’re feeling this capable and confident. Not that the opportunities will stop—but the energy will become less goal-driven soon.
And maybe that’s a good thing because it’s about to be a full-time party for many Aquarians! On November 8, Jupiter will move into Sagittarius and your eleventh house of teamwork and technology until December 2, 2019, sparking fruitful collaborations and bringing colorful new characters into your world. After a hardworking year, your social life will become a vibrant scene, and you could join forces with some trailblazers and thought leaders…people who, like you, don’t conform to rules and standards.
The eleventh house is the “home” of Aquarius, so you’ll literally be in the zone for the next 13 months. Prepare to expand your reach through networking, group projects and social media. A digital venture or a project that betters society might become your new platform. With worldly Jupiter in this innovative sector, you could soon be on the cutting edge of bringing some much-needed change through technology or politics. Prepare to take on “changemaker” status, in whatever corner of the world you want.
You’ll still have a few lingering Scorpio vibes fueling your ambition because the Sun will be in this intense sign until November 22. And on November 7, the very last day of Jupiter’s visit, a Scorpio new moon arrives. This lunar lift will plant prosperous seeds that unfold over the next six months, so pay attention to opportunities that arrive near this date. Be intentional about what you want, and don’t just TALK about it, Aquarius. Take concrete action, along with a calculated risk or two, and those lofty visions could soon become your reality.
On November 16, there’s a changing of the guard as Venus ends a six-week retrograde and Mercury starts a three-week one. Since October 5, Venus, the planet of love and harmony, has been backtracking through Scorpio and Libra, mucking up the most future-focused parts of your chart. This could have stirred up discord with colleagues or made it hard to get on the same page as your love interest about what you want for the long haul. Today, Venus corrects course and spends the rest of the month soaring through Libra and your ninth house of travel and expansion. Shake off the frustrating vibes of the past six weeks with a romantic trip—or a solo adventure where you might just meet a promising prospect.
Careful about inviting any friends along for the ride, though. Mercury, the planet of communication, technology and travel, will be retrograde from November 16 to December 6, spending the bulk of its backspin in Sagittarius and your eleventh house of groups. Misunderstandings could break out in your social circle, and team dynamics can get dicey at work. Back up important electronic data and keep your devices safe because this Mercury retrograde is especially eager to crash computers and wipe out important files. Get it all into the cloud in the first half of the month if you can! And while there may be some seriously tempting Black Friday sales, make sure any gadgets you buy have a rock-solid return policy since Mercury retrograde can leave you with a lemon.
Speaking of Thanksgiving weekend in the U.S., November 22 is not only Turkey Day, but it also starts the Sun’s monthlong visit to Sagittarius and your outgoing eleventh house. As the vibrant Sun joins Jupiter and Mercury, some of the retrograde effects may be offset. No, you can’t stop certain divas from overreacting—but you’ll have plenty of intriguing folks to hang out with while the “difficult people” stage their dramas elsewhere. Retrogrades are also a great time for reunions, and with a holiday weekend bringing many Water Bearers back to their hometowns, you could have a surprisingly warm reconnection with a long-lost friend. (Maybe you shouldn’t ignore that Facebook chat window that pops up after all?)
Hang the mistletoe early this year: On November 23, the year’s only Gemini full moon lands in your fifth house of passion and creativity, sparking up some lovin’ feelings. Well, a whole range of emotions could actually come up today, so watch out for button-pushing people who rile you up in the wrong ways. This full moon is also a cosmic coming-out party for Aquarians who have talents to share with the world. Book that album release or debut your magnum opus today. Since it’s Black Friday, business owners might launch a new product or grab people’s attention with a completely unique campaign.
Money matters brighten even more on November 24, when hazy Neptune ends a five-month retrograde through Pisces and your financial house. If you’ve been spending money as fast as you make it or have been feeling adrift at work (in spite of all the Jupiter-fueled opportunities), you’ll be better able to put some soul into your goals.
One of the year’s best days for collaborating arrives on November 26: The Sun and Jupiter unite in their annual conjunction, this time merging in Sagittarius. Your enthusiasm and persuasive powers are off the charts, whether you’re connecting with like-minded people or delivering an irresistible pitch for a cutting-edge idea. Think way outside the box, Aquarius, and share your ideas with the wider world. On a day like this, you almost can’t go wrong—or go too far! A new friendship could blossom into a meeting of the minds, and who knows what you’ll create when you put your totally original ideas together. Let the innovating begin!
Love & Romance
All fired up with nowhere to go? It might feel like that during the first half of the month, so you’ll need to manage the intensity that’s roiling inside of you. Revving your engines is Mars, which is spending its last two weeks in Aquarius before departing on November 15, not to return for two years. Mars has been heating up your sign since September 10, which can make you impatient, restless and even a bit pushy. Hosting sultry Mars in your sign also makes you quite the head-turner—if you’ve been feeling fierce and frisky, admirers have certainly noticed!
But until November 16, the other love planet, Venus, is finishing up a six-week retrograde that started on October 5. Venus is in Libra and your expansive ninth house all month, which is making it hard to channel all that galvanizing Mars energy into anything concrete. Frustrating! You might have to sit on your hands a bit—or just keep things in the talking/ideation phase and wait to implement.
November’s best day for blue-sky dreaming with your partner—or to take a chance on new love—is November 9, when Venus and Mars meet in a harmonious trine (120-degree angle). You’ve got the courage and charisma to take a big leap of faith or just be authentic about how you feel.
Because Venus is retrograde, you may need to honestly address something that’s NOT working for you in a relationship. By doing so, you can clear the air and bring back the love. Single Water Bearers could meet someone from a different background or “type” than you usually date, or you might reconnect with an old love interest, possibly one who lives far away. Don’t let the miles stop you from exploring if there’s something there.
On November 15, Mars will exit your sign—a bit of a relief, in some ways!—and settle into Pisces for the rest of the year, heating up your second house of money, work and security. Since job demands could intensify, be careful how much you take on for the rest of the year, or at least set some clear boundaries so you don’t miss out on all the parties and bonding and mistletoe moments this season. Watch your spending on those holiday gifts. You might want to splurge for a special someone this year—it’s okay to show your affection with a lavish present as long as you’re not trying to “buy” anyone’s love.
The November 23 Gemini full moon brightens your fifth house of true love. A simmering attraction could reach full boil, and couples will be too busy enjoying the surge of passion to spend all day hitting the Black Friday sales. This full moon could also bring an outpouring of strong emotions you’ve kept inside. Take a deep breath before you unload and make sure you’re not just having a strong reaction.
Key Dates
November 30: Venus-Uranus Opposition Have you been screwing up your courage to confess your feelings or initiate a big conversation? If you’ve waited this long, hold off a little longer. Under this uneasy starmap, you could injure someone with your truth hammer. Even a well-thought-out and well-rehearsed message is likely to come out mangled.
Money & Career
The finish line is in sight, and you’ve got the rest of this year to reach it. Unstoppable Mars is bolting through Aquarius until November 15, after spiking your ambition since September 10. Your quest to put your personal stamp on a project or company has not gone unnoticed—and this is your last big sprint before Mars departs your sign, not to return again for another two years. With lucky Jupiter also exiting your career house on November 8 after a 13-month jaunt, you’ll want to strike while the iron is hot during the first couple weeks of this month.
In some ways, it’s a relief to have the pressure off of you since high-intensity Mars doesn’t come with a lot of downtime. But don’t stop yet! On November 15, Mars will enter Pisces for the rest of the year, heating up your second house of work and money. You might be offered a plum project or a chance to make a chunk of cash in a small window of time. The drawback? Deadlines may be short and hours could be long, so weigh the pros and cons carefully before taking on a demanding project that could spill into the holidays.
Watch your money, too: Intensifier Mars here can tempt you to overspend, and you don’t want to blow your whole budget on gifts now, especially since this cycle could bring a stressful but unavoidable expense. Finances will start to flow again on November 24, though, when manifestation magnet Neptune ends a five-month retrograde through Pisces and your money zone, unblocking any subconscious channels to abundance.
Key Dates
November 19: Mars-Jupiter Square You could lose sight of the greater mission if you focus too narrowly on the old “what’s in it for me?” Of course you deserve to be rewarded for your efforts, but too much emphasis on money or kudos could estrange you from the group or decimate morale. Remind yourself why you’re working so hard in the first place!
Love Days: 27, 31 Money Days: 11, 20 Luck Days: 8, 18 Off Days: 29, 29, 16
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leisurelypanda · 7 years
Life is Good chapter 16
Thanksgiving Day was, blessedly, uncomplicated. Beyond the actual cooking itself (Craig handled the turkeys), preparing for the family to arrive was actually quite easy. Andrew made Amanda’s favorite cherry pie without catching fire even once (they were all very impressed). The only tricky thing was what to do with Carl Jr. He was about 9 months old now and big enough to pose a threat to any food left on the counter top. They were trying to train that out of him, but as yet, they had not managed to eradicate the behavior entirely. The simplest solution would be to keep him in the basement and close the doors to the laundry room and the workout room so he couldn’t get into too much trouble.
“I think it’s cruel that Carl Jr. isn’t getting any turkey while the rest of us stuff our faces,” Amanda said after they had closed the door.
“You’re right,” Andrew replied. “It’s not fair. It’s also not fair to leave entire turkeys up where a puppy can get to and choke on a bone.”
“Fair point.” She said. “It’s for your own good, boy.”
“You’re not allowed to go back to college,” he said, hugging her. “I miss having you around too much.”
“Ugh, dad, feelings,” she replied. “As much as I’d love to stay and befriend our first dog, I got pictures to take, things to steal, establishments to break. You know, normal college stuff.”
“That’s my girl,” he said. “Now help me set up the tables.”
Smashley was the first to arrive, naturally. She came through the door with a store bought pumpkin pie, set it on the counter, and was immediately attacked by her twin daughters. Andrew immediately thought that it was going to be awkward seeing her again, especially since he was very seriously dating Craig now, but she just gave him one of her bear hugs that was half hug, half tackle, and half the reason for her unfortunate nickname.
“Andrew! Dude! How ya been, man?” she nearly shouted at him. “You never write, you don’t call, honestly I feel forgotten.”
“Hey Smashley, good to see you again,” he said with a bit of a nervous chuckle. They settled into a bit of a tense catching up session, her talking about her life and what she was up to these days, and him talking about what happened after they all graduated from college. Eventually she looped her arm around his.
“Can I talk to you? Alone?” she asked. Andrew looked at Craig who just smiled and waved them off.
“Sure, I guess,” he said. Please don’t kill me please don’t kill me please don’t kill me please don’t kill me.
They went outside, which at this point in Maine meant that it was cold as hell. Their breath made puffy clouds and there was a light layer of snow on the ground, good for stomping around in, but not good for making snowmen yet. It was peaceful, serene even. Across the way, Andrew could see Damien’s garden, which was beautiful and vibrant lie barren for the season. Damien had sold dozens of bouquets to the local flower shops before they all ended up dying. It was exactly the sort of relaxing atmosphere for too friends to catch up.
Or for a murder to happen, he thought to himself.
“Relax, champ, I’m not going to beat you up,” Smashley chided playfully. “I just want to know how it’s going between you two.”
Andrew swallowed, not yet reassured. “Things are great. Couldn’t be happier.”
“Good,” she said. “He certainly seems more relaxed than I’ve seen him in years. Every time he drops the girls off, he seems less like a lost puppy than he used to, though I doubt he’ll ever be okay with being away from them.”
“You should have seen him when he sent them to that sports camp over the summer,” he said. “A full week without them, he was inconsolable the first couple days.”
She threw her head back and laughed. “That sounds exactly like him. But seriously, ever since you two got together, he’s been better. Grounded.” She turned to face him fully, her face very serious. “Thank you.”
Andrew blinked. “For what?”
“For doing what I never could,” she replied. “I was actually afraid that he would run himself into the ground. I don’t know how you did it, but thank you.”
Andrew was honestly touched. He released a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. “You’re welcome,” he said. They hugged again, gentler this time, like two friends who had been apart for a long time reuniting. ****************************************************************************************************
Finally everyone had arrived and the meal was ready. Andrew was most worried about his daughter. Amanda had made friends with Craig’s mother, Brooke, who was now teaching her how to play poker over turkey and fixings. A lesson, which Andrew, Craig, his sister, and her husband all got roped into at the table in the living room, angled so that Brooke could simultaneously keep track of the football game. Together the two of them took all comers and soundly thumped them all. Fortunately they only played with poker chips and not actual money, otherwise Andrew would be completely broke.
“Good thing we aren’t playing strip poker, eh, boy?” Brooke teased. “You’d be buck ass nude and then I couldn’t teach your daughter a damn thing.”
“Ugh, Gramms!” Amanda protested. “Thanks for that image.”
“Leave him be, mom,” Craig said. “At least we know that he won’t blow our life savings.”
“Mm-hmm,” she replied drinking her beer. “You’re just happy we weren’t playing strip poker cause by now you’d be all hot and bothered.”
Craig’s face turned bright red. “Mooom! I’d at least try to be decent around the family,” he protested.
“Why?” she asked downing what was left of her drink. “I don’t.” As if to emphasize her point, she rose up and slammed her drink down to the table. Her team was losing. “What the fuck was that play? What the fuck were you thinking, you half brained jackasses! I could play better with both hands tied behind my back!”
Andrew leaned over to Craig. “Bro, is your mom always like this at Thanksgiving?”
Craig nodded solemnly. “She thinks that nothing in the English language is off limits as long as it’s said well. Which usually comes out when football’s on.”
“How did I miss this when we were younger?”
“I think we were usually a mile high or drunk or in a food coma or a combination of the three,” he said. “I mean, you practically lived with us for a while, bro. It’s amazing that you didn’t know.”
Since the poker game was interrupted by poor football prospects, Amanda made her way over to their side of the table.
“Yo Pops, my new Grandma is the bomb,” she said. “Can we keep her?”
“I don’t think the freezer downstairs is big enough, Manda Panda” he joked. Craig snorted into his drink.
“Daaaaad, she can just sleep on the couch and we can get a rocking chair so she can sit out on the lawn and yell at rowdy teenagers, it’ll be fun!” she said.
“Much as I would like to keep my mother around as a constant corrupting influence on my young daughters,” Craig said, “I’m the youngest, so I’m the last in line to have to take care of her.”
His sister, Rose, heard that from the other end of the table. “What was that, little brother, I’m first in line?” she asked. “No no, as the most successful of us, you’re the first one up for taking care of her in her old age.”
“Who are you calling old?” their mother demanded.
“You mom, you’re 65,” she said.
“None of you are allowed to call me old ‘til I’m on my deathbed!” she declared. “So you’re all gonna be waiting a long damn time!”
Amanda laughed loudly. “See, we have to keep her!” ****************************************************************************************************
Later that evening, as Craig and Andrew were lying down on their bed, Craig turned to his bro and said, “I love you. Happy Thanksgiving, bro.”
Andrew smiled back. “Happy Thanksgiving, bro. I’m so grateful to be with you.” ****************************************************************************************************
Black Friday was spent, oddly enough, not at the office, as Andrew half expected. Rather, when he awoke in the morning and wandered out into the living room, he found Craig trying to teach River how to walk. He held her arms up gently with her feet set on the floor in front of him. She was making hesitant steps as Craig cheered her on.
“Morning workout seems a bit different this morning,” Andrew quipped.
“Tiny bro has her regimen, too, dude,” Craig said without looking up.
“Does this mean I get a rest day?” he asked.
“Just for that I’m gonna push you even harder today.” He teased. He let River go to let her stand for a while.
“Nice knowing ya, Popsicle,” Amanda said from the couch.
“Make sure to say something nice at the funeral,” he replied. “Something poetical. Something with imagery.”
“I’ll write a haiku,” Amanda promised.
Just then River fell to the ground and began crying. Craig knelt down and began encouraging her and helping her get back into a standing position. She sniffled, but let him help her go through some clumsy steps. Just then Carl Jr. trotted into the room wagging his tail slightly as he sniffed River. River smiled and let go of Craig’s fingers and reached out and grabbed Carl’s fur, using him to cruise around. Carl didn’t seem to mind and walked around slowly as he supported her tiny body. Amanda took out her phone and began taking a video of the two of them as Andrew and Craig heaped gobs of praise on both the baby and the dog.
The effect was eventually ruined by River falling down on her butt. She started crying in frustration, but Carl Jr lay down behind her and began to lick her face. Her crying stopped and she began giggling. The lesson officially ended as River began playing with Carl’s fur and ears.
“Amanda,” Craig said. “Can you watch them? I’m gonna kill your dad.”
“I’m not even dressed yet!” he protested.
“You have a t-shirt and pajama pants. Just throw some shoes on, what more do you need?”
“Have fun!” she cheered as Craig dragged Andrew down to the basement. ****************************************************************************************************
True to his word, Andrew felt like he was dying. By the time Craig announced he was done, his entire upper body felt like it was about to disintegrate. Craig, on the other hand, looked great, even if he himself had gone as hard as he had pushed his bro. His biceps were pumped, his chest was heaving, and his shirt was so sweaty it clung to his body and Andrew found it difficult to be cross with his bro while he looking so sexy.
Be that as it may, even if Craig were in the mood, he didn’t think he had the energy to have sex with him. He also just wanted to get in a shower and wash himself off.
“Hey bro,” Craig said, bumping his shoulder with his fist. “You did good today, I’m really impressed with how far you’ve come.”
Andrew blushed despite himself. “Thanks, I couldn’t have done it without you,” he replied.
Craig gave that toothy grin. Dammit I’m supposed to be angry and he’s being cute. “Aw bro, you’re gonna make me blush.”
Andrew gave in and grinned. “Much as I enjoy complimenting each other, I’d love to wash off. I feel gross.”
“Wanna save water?” Craig asked.
Andrew grinned and his dick expressed interest. Maybe I do have a little energy left over after all. ****************************************************************************************************
Amanda was trying really, really hard not to think about how long her dad and Craig had been in the shower and focus on introducing the twins to one of her favorite shows: Warehouse 13. She was, after all, 18 and knew that there was a limited number of things people did in the shower. So far, Briar had declared that Artie was her favorite character and Hazel threw her lot in with Myka. River wasn’t paying much attention, as she had curled up on the floor with Carl Jr and fallen asleep and Carl lay his head protectively in her lap. Amanda had gotten lots of great pictures that she fully intended to frame and put on a wall somewhere in the house.
Just then Andrew and Craig walked out of their room, clean and refreshed. Their eyes took in everything that was happening. The show, the twins captivated by the show and River and Carl sleeping together on the floor.
“Please tell me that you got pictures of that,” Craig stage whispered. “This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Hell yeah, dude,” Amanda replied in like fashion, holding up her camera. “I couldn’t pass up an opportunity like this!”
Craig walked over to her to give her a fist bump, but his plans were ruined. Amanda got up and hugged him. Craig was a bit surprised but returned it gently.
“I love being part of this family,” she said.
Craig smiled. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his bro wipe his eye. “Me too, Amanda. Me too.”
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bryanfaganlaw · 5 years
Creating a workable child visitation and possession order in Texas
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If you have need a best suitable service your Child Law experience, Creating a workable child visitation and possession order in Texas with the great process!
Houston Divorce: If you are a parent and are going through either a divorce or child custody case, chance are that you have been thinking about what you would like your child’s life to look like after your case. At the end of the day you are doing this case primarily for them. That’s a noble goal and something that you do not take lightly. The fact is that you as a parent are in the strongest position of anyone that your child comes into contact with to determine their future course towards success.
Unfortunately much of your ability to parent and have direct say over your child’s life is impeded when you enter into a family law case. Your child’s other parent and possibly a judge will also have an opinion on issues related to your children. From the judge’s perspective he or she will need to determine what is in your child’s best interests before making any decision regarding possession, access, visitation and support. It is literally called the “Best interest” standard and gives judges a wide degree of latitude if the judge in your case is called upon to make decisions for your children if you and your child’s other parent are not able to.
That brings us to today’s blog post topic from the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC. When we talk about issues related to children the one that comes up most frequently with clients of our office is how much time will the client be able to spend with their child after the divorce or child custody case. These folks understand that the days of them coming home form work and automatically being able to see and spend time with their child will be gone. So there is an added emphasis on negotiating for as much time as possible while still in their family law case.
For you and any other parent going through a family law issue in Texas, today’s blog is for you. We are going to walk through the different types of possession orders in Texas and will speak to various issues that may impact your case in this area. To start off with, let’s define what a possession order is and the role it will play in your case.
Possession Orders explained
When we refer to a visitation order what we are really talking about is what are the periods of time that both you and your child’s other parent will be in physical possession of your child. Possession orders can be established by a court either when you and your opposing party agree to the terms of a possession schedule or when a judge issues orders at the conclusion of a hearing or trial. A possession order can also be amended or changed in the future if the circumstances merit such a change.
There are basically two types of possession orders that you are likely to come into contact with in your divorce or child custody case: a standard possession order (SPO) or a modified possession order. Let’s get into each of those in greater detail.
Standard Possession Order (SPO)
Houston Family Lawyers: It is presumed that a Standard Possession Order (SPO) is in the best interests of your child at the conclusion of your family law case for any child who is over the age of three. Contrary to what many people believe, a SPO does not tell parents when each can have possession of their child. Rather, a SPO notes that whenever possible it is best for parents to be able to work together to mutually agree on possession schedules for their child. This allows for the greatest amount of autonomy possible for you and your child’s other parent when it comes to your relationships with your child.
However, in the event that you and your child’s other parent cannot agree in all instances on how to divide up parenting time with your child, a SPO provides fall back orders that will determine when each of you are able to spend time with your child.
The big difference in a SPO as far as parenting is concerned is that one parent will be named as the person with the right to determine the primary residence of your child. This means that that parent will live with your child on a weekly basis. The other parent will have visitation rights that will follow a schedule that looks like this:
> First, third and fifth weekends of each month. This typically means that the “weekend” begins at 6:00 p.m. on Friday and ends at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday > Thursday evening during the school year. I will tell clients this is a “pick up and go to Chic-fil-a” visitation period > Holidays that alternate depending on the year. Spring break and Thanksgiving alternate from year to year. Christmas is a little different because it is split up into two parts: the first half begins when your child is released from school and the second half begins typically two days after Christmas. The half that you are entitled to alternates on a yearly basis > The parent with visitation rights will have an extended period of visitation (usually thirty days) during the summer broken up by a weekend of the other parent’s choice. Specific dates are usually exchanged in writing between you and the other parent by April 1
The above visitation specifics exist when you and the other parent live within 100 miles of one another. If you and the other parent do not reside within 100 miles of one another then whichever parent has visitation rights would likely have only one weekend per month, no midweek visit and extended time in the summer of 42 rather than 30 days.
Modified Possession Order
A modified possession order takes some principles of a SPO into account then tailors the possession schedule to something that works out better for you and your family. Whereas the Texas Family Code lays out the schedule for the SPO, a modified possession order is come up with either by a judge or by you and your child’s other parent in mediation. It is much more likely that you and the other parent would come up with this on your own because judges are much more likely to order a SPO that to attempt to modify a visitation schedule.
There are various methods to implement a modified possession order. For older children, a “week on, week off” possession schedule works quite well. Older children are more able to function independently from both of their parents than are younger children. As a result, not seeing a parent for as long as a week will not be as much of a shock to their system. A week on, week off agreement allows you and the other parent extended time with your child and achieves a 50/50 split in time that many parents find very appealing.
The next concept in a modified possession order is basically where you and the other parent agree to alternate weekends and then to divide up your weeks in different ways “2/3/2” or similar arrangement hold that you will have two weekdays of possession of your child in one week and then will have three the next. This schedule does not work for all kids or parents. Some parents are not able to do the exchanges from a logistical prospective. Some children have needs or schedules that make going from house to house this frequently a costly and stressful endeavor.
More questions on visitation and possession? Head back to our blog tomorrow in order to read more
Houston Family Law Attorney: If you have more questions regarding possession and visitation that you would like to have addressed, please come back to our blog tomorrow as we continue to discuss this interesting and important topic. In the meantime, if you have any questions that you would like answered sooner, please do not hesitate to contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC. Our licensed family law attorneys offer free of charge consultations six days a week. We can answer your questions and address your concerns in a comfortable, pressure free environment ... Continue Reading
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furederiko · 7 years
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My 2nd and last Random-News-Digest for the month of November!
(Images courtesy of Disney Pixar Studio, Walt Disney Pictures, Marvel Comics, Marvel Studios, and CAPCOM. Taken from Official Trailers and/or Official Sites)
Pocket Monsters
This was actually a news from earlier this month. But since I was more focused on the launch of "Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon" on my previous R-N-D, I've decided to put this on hold.
Variety reported that young actor Justice Smith has been cast as the male lead of "Detective Pikachu". Smith will be playing the human companion of the titular character, who was seemingly a brunette-haired white boy in the video game. I'm not that much familiar with Smith, but the change on the race angle is acceptable because it shows that Hollywood is being proactive in casting POC actors as lead. Of course, the main question in everyone's mind, is WHO will be voicing Detective Pikachu himself. Will Danny DeVito, the actor that seems to be on every fans' wishlist get the part? We'll see...
Disney Animation
The much awaited and demanded sequel among Pixar Studio's roster, "The Incredibles 2", delivered its first poster and official teaser. The teaser might be really brief, as it only features Craig T. Nelson's character and the little baby Jack-Jack showcasing his numerous superpowers. But it didn't stop it from snatching every attention and breaking record along the way. According to various sources, the story will focus on Holly Hunter's Elastigirl and their older kids, while Mr. Incredible is stuck babysitting. Will that be a good storypoint for a sequel? Can this one be better than the likes of... I don't know, "Monsters University", "Finding Dory", or at the very least this year's "Cars 3"? We'll see when the movie arrives in Summer 2018...
Thankfully, at the same time the studio's "Coco" also captured the Thanksgiving holiday buzz, and gained an immense positive reaction from families. The A+ Cinema Score result was a solid win, as the hispanic-themed musical easily defeated the might of DC superheroes to be the number 1 movie over the weekend. It also proved that Pixar still has what it takes to churn out original stories, and not rely on sequels. I strongly hope this movie will have a strong leg going forward, and becomes a financial success as well. Even if to encourage the studio, and other animation studios to work on more originals.
Disney Live Action
If you think the teaser for Ava DuVernay's "A Wrinkle in Time" was weird, then wait till you see its full official trailer. It doesn't look A BIT like DuVernay's previous work, "Selma", that's for sure. LOL. This feels like what you'd get if "Doctor Strange" is combined with an equal dose of bright colors and wackiness from "Thor: Ragnarok" and "Guardians of the Galaxy", with a mixture of a "Chronicles of Narnia" movies and James Cameron's "Avatar" in the story department. I might be scratching my head hearing all those pseudo-science mumbo jumbo, but I also really want to see Oprah Winfrey, Mindy Kaling, Zach Galifianakis, and particularly Michael Peña being weird deities or something like that. My only concern, is that this also reminds me of Brad Bird's "Tomorrowland". With a POC female director behind the wheels, I genuinely want this movie to succeed. So let's just hope it does NOT end up like that Disney movie. March 9th, 2018 can't come soon enough.
Niki Caro's "Mulan" reimagining has found its lead actress. Crystal Liu, or Liu Yifei has been selected over 1000 candidates to portray Fa Mulan. In case it's not obvious enough, Liu is 100% Chinese, so there's no whitewashing this one. She's a very popular name in her home country, though honestly this is the first time I have heard of her. Not surprisingly too, she has had experiences with Hollywood having been part of action movies like "The Forbidden Kingdom" and 2014's "Outcast". So... not exactly an unknown name, huh? Disney is not taking any chances, I suppose. But oh well, at least we won't be hearing whitewashing complains anytime soon. Now if only Godfrey Gao could be cast as Captain Li Shang. He IS, around the same age range to Liu, right? Mmhmmmmm *nods* *grins*
Jurassic Park
"Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom" had shared its first official image. Coming straight from writer Colin Trevorrow's twitter account, it portrayed Chris Pratt's Owen Grady with his son... er, I mean a baby Velociraptor. Hmmm... those who have seen the first "Jurassic World" and possess a logical brain, would quickly question one thing: WHY ON EARTH do these guy still mess around with the dinosaurs, instead of leaving them be?! Seriously, Owen might be a Raptor trainer, but these creatures almost killed him too!
Trevorrow's name has been painted rather 'negatively' thanks to his departure from "Star Wars", so many people have been watching this title closely whether it will get the same effect of his "Book of Henry" or not. Of course, J.A. Bayona is the director for this one, but who can really tell what kind of influence Trevorrow brings, right? "Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom" roars into theatres on June 22nd, 2018. You might want to wait a little longer to see a trailer...
DC Films
When filmmakers keep on using lame excuses like "This movie is made for fans and not critics" to explain bad reviews, then... well, that's exactly what you get. Only fans... in fact, just half of them and not all, came to see "Justice League" on opening weekend. I'm not trying to throw a shade or being sarcastic here... (or am I, you decide), but the first weekend performance for the movie? It was NOT good. It even didn't reach the minimum expectation number. Great goodness, where did all those so-called devoted DC fans go?! #SARCASM
I know this news has been reported pretty much everywhere, but let's have a quick recap of what happened. Signs of trouble were already apparent when the movie had a somewhat 'troubling' start on Thursday, November 16th. Comic book adaptations, and in particular DC properties tend to be massively frontloaded, because unlike other studios, Warner Bros usually opened their movies on the same dates worldwide. So the fact that it had a dismal Thursday night was quite a surprise. But it was still a higher number than critically received Wonder Woman, giving it a glitter of hope. Then Friday sum came along, and it was another disappointing number. Again, still better than Gal Gadot's solo movie. But then the overall weekend estimation came out, and the concern was justified. "Justice League" 'only' took $96m domestically, which was a 'disaster' for a movie featuring not one or two, but SIX of DC's iconic superheroes. Some folks were still spinning a positive point of view, saying that it at least had passed the lowest speculated number (which was $95m, by the way). Oh no, it got bett... er I mean, worse. The ACTUAL revenue wasn't even inline with those numbers, as the movie merely achieved ALMOST $94m. OUCH!!!
As I've talked about in an earlier category, last weekend the movie quickly fell down from its top spot, thanks to "Coco" dominating the Thanksgiving holiday. The movie might have passed $480m worldwide in its 2nd week, but judging from the family power of that Disney Pixar movie that has yet to open in European countries, combined with the wonders of "Wonder", and strong leg of "Thor: Ragnarok"... can we even expect "Justice League" to perform much better compared to previous titles on its kins? I doubt. The movie is still on the path of 'biggest bomb' of 2017 if not all time, and is prone to inflict loss for the studio. Of course, should we even be surprised about it, when even the underestimated "Power Rangers" fared better than this movie?
Say what you will to defend this movie, but to WB it all comes back to nothing but business. You can even call this, an unmitigated disaster. This low number would totally influences the executives' upcoming decision regarding their Movie Universe. Seriously, because this is NOT the first of its kind (already the fifth, in case you forgot), yet the opening numbers of each movies continue to decline. It's an ambitious ensemble movie that the studio boldly expected to perform as big as Marvel Studios' 2012 "The Avengers", but wasn't able to even achieve the same response to an obscure team of "Guardians of the Galaxy". Compared to WB's own DC catalogue, even the oft-ridiculed campy had "Batman Forever" opened higher! That might be acceptable in the eyes of 'fans' or average moviegoers, but for a studio as big as WB? Likely NOT. Especially when they still can focus on other more beneficial franchises like "Kong: Skull Island" or... the next category *grins*.
Could we be heading towards another Dark Universe situation here? Really though, I think I can actually agree with a reboot or some sort, so the universe can keep the good parts (like Gadot's Diana Prince) and pretty much ditch or change everything else. Ben Affleck is on his way out anyway, and Henry Cavill's prospect to continue with his version of Superman has become very dim because he has completed his obligation. "Aquaman" and "Wonder Woman 2" will still be released. "Shazam!" is set to start production early next year, but its script might be reworked to safely exclude the character from the continuity. An idea that I'm totally ALL IN! *grins*. Matt Reeves' "The Batman" will be set in an entirely different Bat-Family-verse, possibly alongside Joss Whedon's "Batgirl" (no, Whedon is NOT fired or anything like rumored. Seriously, what is wrong with you DC Fans?!). And that R-rated "Deathstroke" movie might still see the light of day, even if because its lead actor is desperate keen to have it made. But the rest of the movies planned or talked about? You might not want to get your hopes up for them too soon, to avoid disappointments. Unless... the studio decides to resort to "Flashpoint" for a soft reboot.
Anyway, back to "Justice League" for a bit before I wrap up this category. Apparently some fans are already hilariously campaigning for the studio to release a Zack Snyder 'Director's Cut' version of the movie. Not surprising, considering WB had indeed DONE that TWICE already with the garbage that were "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" and "Suicide Squad". Three times the charm, huh? To the point that they are desperate enough to do practically ANYTHING to get what they want... as reported by a movie critic whose name has been illegitimately used for 'the cause'. *sigh* Here we go again...
No offense to those 'over-passionate' people, but this is EXACTLY the problem with these fraction of DC fans. They are quick to act without properly thinking about things first. Why? 1) As Batman-News has pointed out, WB did NOT like Snyder's cut. He screened his unfinished version, like 10 effing months ago. So naturally, Snyder could NOT have his 'version' done considering WB immediately handed over the job to Whedon, who took over the entirety of the movie's post production. If a 'Director's Cut' these fans are asking, then that would be Whedon's and not Snyder's. 2) Despite the fact Snyder showed support in one, or how his cinematographer is dying to see one, his Director's Cut version would obviously require additional funding to finish. Don't forget that despite the worldwide response that leans towards positive, the movie's theatrical release might end up as a financial LOSS to WB. That pretty much prevents WB from spending extra money for another retool. They would be crazy to shower more money into this already-expensive movie just to please fans (for as much as they say they make movies for them, they don't actually give a damn). Unless of course, Snyder pulls a Ridley Scott and finished his version with his own money. Meaning, he probably would need to buy the movie's rights, and pay for all the visual effects, etcetera etcetera. 3) This petition proves that instead of going to the theatres to see the movie again to... I don't know, boost its revenue number, these fans would rather whine and demand for a HOME VIDEO release. No wonder the opening weekend was low! 4) I'll have to repeat my previous criticism here. If WB will indeed release an 'Ultimate' or 'Extended' home video version, then... well, the more the reason to NOT see this in theatres now, right? No kidding, why would we waste money on a half-baked product?! Just wait a few months, and we can see the whole thing with just a bit of extra money, right? That's the easy logic right there, and precisely the method I took to see these DC Films titles until now. The fact that WB had done it twice, is also the reason why some folks I know blatantly REFUSE to see the movie in theatres. After all, nobody would want to be fooled more than TWICE, right?
Fans be fans, and expecting them to change would be beyond comprehension. But at the very least, I hope on the other side of the table, both WB and DC Entertainment are learning the correct lessons from this outcome. Things as general as... don't rush into things, don't put too much stuff without proper payoffs, focus on telling a good story, or don't treat audience like they are stupid, to the most philosophical one like stay humble, be nice to others (whether its fans, critics or other studios), and stop trying to best a rival who's already waaaay ahead in their game *sigh*.
I'm not rejoicing or being rude or anything, but I believe DC direly needs to hit the reset button on the movies. And if it's possible, ditch WB completely if they want to do this right. Much of the DC Films ordeal actually have gotten to do with the studio execs meddling too much and demanding so many things that has continued damaging the properties. DC fans DESERVE better movies, and I don't think this flawed universe can hold it up anymore. Much like how Rebirth 'deleted' New 52, time to create a clean slate for the movie universe as well! If it works in the comics, why not, right? In the end, I think DC should just stick to what they do best, or better than the competitor: TELEVISION. FYI, this is what they get from not utilizing or banking in the same actors from those successful CW shows. Told ya so...
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Bring on "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald"!
Yes, I might be the odd man out, but I'm genuinely more interested to see what the "Fantastic Beasts" franchise has to offer next instead of DC Films. I admit, my favorite part of the first movie was Eddie Redmayne's Newt Scamander Pokede... I mean Private Zoo, so I felt pretty disappointed that the sequel will focus on Johnny Depp's Gellert Grindelwald. But the words of executive producer David Heyman has made me highly intrigued. Talking to Entertainment Weekly, he said that the sequel will have "a very different feel than the first. It’s got a thriller quality. And it’s also a story about love and passion and all its forms — paternal, romantic, political. And it’s just a thrilling and very fun adventure.". That 'thriller' aspect is enough to catch my attention. Can we expect to see a darker turn, possibly involving Jude Law's young Albus Dumbledore? How will Scamander and his Scooby-gang be properly integrated into this situation without sacrificing the things that made them interesting?
Heyman also teased that the movie will look more 'dynamic' with "contemporary cinematic approach". Despite the time setting being maaaaany years prior to "Harry Potter"? Now THAT is what I'm curious to see too. I hope the end result will not mirror the issue with "Star Wars" or "The Lord of the Rings" franchise. Remember how their prequel stories look waaay more advance (in visual and also... actor's age LOL) than their original stories? "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald" opens on November 16th, 2018.
X-Men Universe
According to a very fresh report that just came in yesterday, apparently talks between Disney and FOX about the latter's movie and TV division have resurfaced. It's still rumor for now, but I'm not surprised if it's true. Other corporations, including SONY and Comcast have approached FOX for the same proposition, so it makes perfect sense that Disney will up their game and pursue the deal more rapidly. After all, FOX had some movie copyrights that would benefit Disney greatly. As I've mentioned before, there will be pros and cons if this acquisition becomes a reality. Naturally, fans everywhere are already filled with logical and occasionally pointless concerns over the fate of FOX's Marvel movies. A bit premature, if you ask me, but I guess that's what makes the internet such a fun and... crazy place. Let's just see how this turns out, okay!
Meanwhile, actress Lizzy Caplan has entered negotiations to play the lead female actress in Channing Tatum's "Gambit". It's still unclear if she will be portraying Bella Donna Boudreaux, considering actress Lea Seydoux had previously been attached to the role. Assuming the script has not gone through massive alteration, that could very well be the character Caplan has been offered. At least, that's the general notion in many people's head for the time being. Of course, things could have evolved since the movie was first promoted as a sexy thriller heist, so it's not yet a sure thing until it is confirmed. Directed by Gore Verbinski, "Gambit" will arrive on February 14th, 2019.
Marvel Studios
This here is the main reason why this R-N-D got postponed a few days to the end of November: the first trailer of "Avengers: Infinity War". Yes, OFFICIALLY available worldwide around 8,5 hours ago (following the 08.00AM EST premiere on Good Morning America), it's Marvel Studios' answer to the crazy buzzing cries of demand that got many people... uhm, emotionally riled up. It has gotten to the point that people have been shamelessly leaking actual footages from the movie itself. Not cool people, NOT cool.
I personally didn't really need to see a trailer for this movie. But I'm not gonna lie, the HYPE machine was tooo strong, that well... a not-so-strong-on-the-inside guy like yours truly would easily got swept away. I think ANY fans of the Marvel Studios release would be weak for this kind of thing. LOL. Is the trailer any good? You're kidding, right? Of course! #MINDBLOWING. It teases that the movie lives up to its somber title, and... that's all I'm going to say, as you need to see it yourself to have the full experience (I almost had a heart attack when I first saw it... Oh, Vision T_T). Beside, every entertainment sites will surely be talking about it, excessively analyzing every details that will decorate their pages. For at least two weeks ahead (if it hasn't started before... LOL) until its Disney-cousin "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" comes knocking on everyone's door. "Avengers: Infinity War" arrives on May 4th, 2018. But I'm sure you're already aware about that... XD
True to what Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige had promised, said trailer arrived in November. Timed perfectly just a few days after Vanity Fair unveiled its special coverage (published on November 27th, to be precise) to that much-talked-about exclusive photoshoot that took place in Pinewood Atlanta Studio last month. A grand celebration to the studio's 10 years of enduring success. For the record, Vanity Fair held their own separate photoshoot featuring only 32 out of 83 people involved in the event (a small percent are likely directors, writers, and producers), so the actual result of said event is still big question marks to any of us. Thankfully, the magazine's coverage is a marvelous substitute. It details the studio's journey and rise to fame from an independently-funded team into a billion dollar maker. It also pushes Feige's hidden personal story to the spotlight, exposing the key ingredient to the Marvel Cinematic Universe's success and global domination: FANBOY FEIGE himself. Go ahead and visit Vanity Fair to read the entire coverage, alongside its coupling stories about the superhero looks and look back to "Iron Man". Those are really good and highly recommended reads!
"Ant-Man and the Wasp" has officially wrapped on November 20th. This one was finally confirmed by director Peyton Reed himself and lead actress Evangeline Lilly. Lead actor Paul Rudd on the other hand, had some fun on HBO's "Night of Too Many Stars" benefit show, flaunting his latest Ant-Man suit while making a joke about his previous movie "I Love You, Man". I personally loved this comedy, so I fully understand what he's saying. The end of production also filmed a rather spoilerific scene in Hawaii, featuring Michael Douglas' Hank Pym and Michelle Pfeiffer's Janet van Dyne. You might want to avoid that link if you don't like spoilers. Anyway, with "Infinity War" trailer out on the market, the greedy question now is: When can we get one for this movie? LOL. "Ant-Man and the Wasp" opens in July 6th, 2018.
On the "Captain Marvel" side of things, the one and only Jude Law has entered talks to portray a key role: the original Captain Marvel... Dr. Walter Lawson a.k.a. Kree Warrior Mar-Vell himself. Mar-Vell is an important figure in the Marvel universe, because not only he's partially responsible for Carol Danvers' powers, he's also the father of another superhero, and a Guardians of the Galaxy member. Having this character in the MCU is inevitable, because I'm sure his involvement will bleed into the next 'Phase' paving way for new characters. And of course, if Law agrees to accept this role (which I think he will), then we'll have two pair of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson in the MCU! If there's one thing Marvel Studios' movies are always good at, it's in their choice of picture-perfect A-list casting. To think that Law wasn't even the first big name who was approached for this part...
The Hollywood Reporter coverage of the same story, seemingly confirmed that actor Ben Mendelsohn has officially become part of the movie's ensemble. Although many have speculated that he could be playing a Skrull Commander, it looks like he could be portraying another key role in Brie Larson's Carol Danvers' ascension to hero: the super villain Yon-Rogg! Not that I'm surprised, of course, regardless of the source's... uhm... lack of credibility. Lastly, a report stated that the movie's production has undergone another schedule change. Apparently, production for the movie is now expected to begin early March to mid-July. However, casting process have already begun because several key roles are expected to film earlier in January. Are they needed for "Avengers 4" then? Quite possibly. Larson herself has already been confirmed to be part of it, which also explains the swift progress the studio is taking with Mendelsohn. With the same reason, I think we can expect follow up regarding Law's status in the near future as well. "Captain Marvel" might be released on March 8th, 2019, but her buzz is already getting louder and louder everyday!
As for what's next? Well... this is where things get rather startling. In a fascinating mysterious way. In the Vanity Fair coverage, Feige confirmed that the May 3rd, 2019 "Avengers 4" will indeed bring a finale or some sort. "There will be two distinct periods. Everything before Avengers 4 and everything after. I know it will not be in ways people are expecting.", he stated. But about that 'everything after'? He revealed that the studio has already mapped not one, not two, and definitely not just three movies after the UNTITLED Avengers movie... but TWENTY COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ONES. Calling that as a 'big plan' would be a huge understatement. Okay, assuming the pattern of releasing 3 movies per year goes on, that means we'll be getting around 6 more years of MCU after 2019. Feige wasn't kidding (he's a man of his words) when he said the studio have plans until 2025. But what will they be?
We know that a sequel to "Spider-Man: Homecoming" is set to be the third 2019 release. "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3" from James Gunn (who was recently generous enough to share his first draft while providing details regarding the second movie) will spearhead 2020, while paving way for more cosmic branches. Scott Derrickson probably had already signed up a directorial return to do a sequel of "Doctor Strange" in the same year, opening the portals to more multidimensional journeys. Both "Black Panther" and "Captain Marvel" will most definitely get sequels. Perhaps, we'll get another bromancing Thor and Hulk by Taika Waititi as follow-up to his "Thor: Ragnarok", while Tessa Thompson unites with the other female heroes for an "A-Force" adaptation. And then a cosmic movie featuring Adam Warlock because he might NOT be in "Vol. 3". That's EIGHT... what about the remaining DOZEN then? LOL. A solo movie for the popular Ms. Marvel, or a live action version of "Young Avengers"? Those would be DOPE. Not to mention, that number most likely does NOT include Marvel characters currently under FOX and/or SONY. Imagine what would happen if Disney ends up merging with FOX!
One thing for sure, Marvel Studios' movies are here to stay! Meaning we'll still some great fun times at the theatre for several years ahead. So what are you waiting for... celebrate the 10th year, and speculate on!!!
Marvel TV
The 5th season of Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." will premiere in just a few days from now on Friday, December 1st 2017 08.00PM EST. In order to amp up the hype and anticipation level, Marvel TV had released an official extended trailer to give audience a glimpse of what to expect. And if that's not enough, they have also published the debut episode's first 17 minutes on Youtube. In case both clips weren't obvious enough, the setting is in space, and all but one (Fitz! Who else?) active members of Clark Gregg's Phil Coulson's team are trapped in a galactic prison or some sort. Fans of the show only need to wait a bit longer for their beloved characters' return.
As for me? That extended trailer has totally convinced me... to SKIP this season entirely. No, this is not a drill. Hmmmm.... I don't know how, but I guess because this looks... redundant? The prospect of going interstellar felt engaging and promising when the previous season ended. But things have changed in the months after, when new space-themed series like "Star Trek: Discovery" and "The Orville" debuted and gained attention. Including yours truly. I admit, in AoS' case it felt more like "Firefly" or "Star Wars", but my point remains: it's a space opera or any of its variations. And being not much of a fan to the genre, I'm already good with following just one of it this season. Care to guess which one?
Besides, good reviews and/or words of mouth don't instantly mean everyone is going to like it. Take for instance... Marvel's "Runaways". People everywhere are praising this Hulu show, yet only two episodes in, and I'm already feeling utterly... BORED by it. Many said that this show is unlike or even better than CW's "Riverdale", but I say... it's more or less the same thing (but with superpowers) or even worse. I'll give it the benefit of doubt and continue watching for a few more episodes (possibly until episode 4 or 5 out of 10), but only out of obligation to a personal quirk. Come on Hulu, just release more episodes for "The Tick" already! Anyways, the same goes for AoS. People have been saying good things about its two hours premiere, but my gut is telling me that... it's not working for me. Call me back when Mr. Lance Hunter returns, okay! *winks*
Over on the Netflix side, Marvel's "Luke Cage" has wrapped filming. That's what the production staffs seemed to be hinting at. At the very least, it's nearing completion to pave way for other Marvel-themed shows. LOL. Considering this could be the last season for Mike Colter's Luke Cage on Netflix (with that Disney streaming service and all), this could be a bittersweet news for its fans. Oh well, let's move on...
DC Television
Speaking of dedicated streaming service, DC is already ahead of Marvel (See? DC's forte is on television, so they should just totally focus on it). Aside from the highly demanded new season for "Young Justice", and "Titans" that has gathered almost all of its core cast, a new original title has been added to its roster. Yes, coming from the producers of the short-lived "Powerless", an animated "Harley Quinn" series has already scored a 26-episodes first season! This series will be a half-hour adult action-comedy, written by the same set of guys: Justin Halpern, Patrick Schumacker, and Dean Lorey.
According to Deadline, actress Margot Robbie is the desired candidate to voice the titular character. She might not be reprising the same incarnation from the live action "Suicide Squad", but banking on her popular name would totally give benefit to DC. Of course, I personally prefer Arleen Sorkin or Tara Strong to reprise their roles from "Batman: The Animated Series", but who am I to argue. The story will focus on Harley, who after breaking up with The Joker, wants to become the criminal 'Queenpin' of Gotham. Her bestie Poison Ivy will naturally be part of the show, alongside other DC heroes and villains. Can Harley carry a whole series on her own? We'll see.
Do you want a new season for "Justice League Unlimited" in the service too? Well... keep asking DC about it, and you might get what you wish for. Hey, it worked with "Young Justice", right? Especially when voice actor Kevin Conroy himself is up to do one. Come on DC, make it happen! I just hope that it doesn't involve cancelling "Justice League Action", because it IS close to ending its first season...
Marvel vs. Capcom
Those three leaked DLC Marvel characters for "Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite" have been confirmed! Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier, Natasha Romanova / Black Widow, and Eddie Brock / Venom will be available starting next week on December 5th, 2017. Each can be purchased separately, or directly available to those who own 2017 Character Pass. PlayStation 4 players have been given exclusive opportunity to test out these characters through a free demo during the weekend. You can check out the official announcement trailer on Youtube.
As I said last month, these characters are pretty much... redundant. However, all three have devoted fanbase thanks to the live action movies, so perhaps CAPCOM is trying to attract their attention? I must say though, seeing Bucky's cybernetic metal arm changing from left to right in between scenes is pretty disturbing. It's excusable for a 2D fighting game (because developer would refrain from creating different data for left and right sides of a character), but this is supposed to be 2,5D right? Can't they do it proportionally in this method?
Naturally, the snowball didn't stop with these characters and has continued to roll. As soon as they are confirmed, talks and rumors regarding MORE characters have begun surfacing. Claims on Reddit and other outlets have brought variety of names as potential 2nd Season DLC characters. They include: Star-Lord, Ms. Marvel, Green Goblin, Wolverine, Cyclops, Psylocke, Magneto, Storm, Deadpool, Doctor Doom, and Daredevil from the Marvel side; Asura, Lady, Gill, Rashid, Captain Commando, Nina, Deis, Regina, Gene, Vergil, Akuma, and Apollo Justice from the CAPCOM side.
Many of those names have been openly thrown around, but among them are several characters who have been reported by multiple sources. According to Youtuber Maximilian, there are 5 names with a solid match between various sources, with 1 other one in question. So yeah, just like the first line of DLC, it might be 6 characters... but in an opposite pattern, as this one will contain 2 Marvel character and 4 CAPCOM ones. The Marvel side is said to herald Star-Lord and Ms. Marvel, while the CAPCOM side will bring fan-favorite Asura, "Street Fighter III" big boss Gill, and "Devil May Cry" Lady. The last character might be either "Street Fighter V" Rashid, "Dino Crisis" Regina, or "Ace Attorney" Apollo Justice, because the sources didn't seem to be in agreement about it. This report came along a potential 2 vs 2 co-op gameplay rumored to be available in Summer next year.
Just for the sake of speculation, let's talk about them! Star-Lord? Another pretty redundant Marvel character. But I understand if they want to bank on him due to his popularity on the big screen. Ms. Marvel is a fantastic choice, even if she's pretty much the Marvel version of former MvC roster, Dhalsim. Asura is also a great choice, considering the fans already went wild over that "Asura's Wrath" DLC that pitted him against Evil Ryu. Gill is an interesting addition that makes good sense, since it's pretty unlikely to see him showing up in "Street Fighter V". Rashid is similar to Ms. Marvel, because he works by adding much needed diversity to the game... aside from being a cool wind-powered fighter. Apollo Justice, and Regina will be a clone version of Phoenix Wright, and Black Widow/Jill Valentine respectively, while Lady practically serves as the female versions of Dante and/or Vergil. Personally, I would rather the last character be Rashid, but Apollo will bring his unique style that (similar to Phoenix) separates him from the other fighters.
In the end, these are just rumors with no certainty that it's going to be accurate or not. For now, let's just enjoy the three DLC characters already available in the game, as we wait for three more to arrive very soon. Don't forget that CAPCOM can always stretch the second set for almost a year after... *sigh*
Street Fighter
Yeah, you did catch the jabs I threw CAPCOM above right? Because we all know the both seasons of DLC characters for "Street Fighter V" took an entire year to release, eventhough there were only SIX each. The last one for Season 2 has only arrived last month, even if we probably have been teased about it since last year.
Of course... when the dust settles, a new wind blows. The topic of the game has since shifted towards... "Arcade Edition" and 3rd Season DLC. Inline with its half-brother in the category above, a slew of rumors regarding 6 more characters have begun dropping throughout message boards. The same leaker who posted the potential characters for "Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite", stated two things that some people have found to be... rather conflicting.
The first one headcounted Sagat, Sakura Kasugano, Cody Travers, Sodom, and two newcomers (who could either be "Final Fight" Roxy, or a Shadaloo member). This one COULD be considered credible because many other sources have been singing similar tune. For example, dataminer X-Kira claimed that Sagat, Sakura, and Neo Shadaloo (Ed's team member on his Story Mode) are three of the DLCs. Flowtron (the user who successfully leaked the entire Season 2 characters) mentioned a somewhat different set: Sagat, Sakura, Blanka, "Mayor", "Another Bae", and "President". But the user also warned, that they no longer had connection with CAPCOM, that even they couldn't be sure of their own statement. LOL. At the very least, if the Red Bull Battle Grounds was any indication, then Sakura has pretty much been officially confirmed.
The second part of the leak claimed that four characters; namely Crimson Viper, Q, Necro, and Oro; will be available as free characters for the Arcade Edition's free update. Flowtron has debunked this, saying it's not true. Youtuber VesperArcade commented that while the previous names made sense, these free ones sound rather unlikely. He argued that to pull this off, it would require CAPCOM to make all four character available when the update is launched on January 16th, 2018. And the company doesn't really have a good track record in developing things quickly. Remember when the first set of DLC mostly ran out of its initial schedules? Beside, CAPCOM would have announced this kind of update in advance, to ensure that players who have purchased the vanilla "Street Fighter V" be pleased... and not complaining. But there's no such thing about it until now.
To be honest, I'm merely talking about this because I'm excited about the probability of seeing my champ Cody back in a Street Fighter game. If he IS part of the 3rd Season, that gives me more reason to purchase the game... as soon as I get a PlayStation 4 or a strong enough PC. LOL.
Moving on from rumors, CAPCOM have also released official information. Eventhough there were some concerns about the promised secondary V-Skills and Critical Arts, the company confirmed that every character will indeed receive one among other new stuffs. And to prove that, they even released an official trailer (available in Japanese as well) to showcase them in action, with a note saying "Street Fighter V players will receive the free Arcade Edition update. In addition to an all-new Arcade Mode and new monthly challenges via Extra Battle Mode, every character will receive a second V-Trigger attack. These are but just a few to get you thinking of new possibilities for 2018 and beyond…". Here's hoping this update will boost or rekindle interest for the title among fans and gamers in general.
Meanwhile, "Puzzle Fighter" had launched for iOS and Android last week. The free for download puzzle game should be available worldwide with a new look and new features. If you ask me, it actually feels more like a "Capcom All Star" game, because of those other characters from non-"Street Fighter" titles. I guess that is expected to appeal wider demographics, huh? You can download the App game on your smartphone right away to try it, or you can watch the launch trailer on Youtube to get a visual taste.
The King of Fighters
Looks like we'll be getting another update for "The King of Fighters XIV". Following the result of a social media design contest that took place last month, SNK Corps will soon add two things. A Saudi Arabian-themed fighter named Najd, created by designer Mashael Al-Barrak from Saudi Arabia, and a modern day Masmak Fort stage, created by Oman designer Zainab Al-Lawaty. It's currently unclear when they will be added to the game, but I hope SNK will also expand the roster with more characters. Now if only SNK would hold a similar contest in my country...
To wrap up this month's final R-N-D, we have some happy news from Nintendo. The company's popular and highly praised "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild", has scored several wins at the Golden Joystick Awards in UK. The open world RPG won 'Ultimate Game of the Year', as well as 'Best Audio', 'Critic's Choice Award', and 'Nintendo Game of the Year'.
While the alternate reality "Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon" hit the market, its original titles "Pokemon Sun & Moon" also won the 'Handheld/Mobile Game of the Year'. These titles could be the reason why the game developer itself got crowned as 'Studio of the Year'. This award relied exclusively on public votes, which means Nintendo has gained a truly positive buzz this year. And that's before the equally praised and critically acclaimed "Super Mario Odyssey" could take part in. Could we see the Zelda and Mario game pit against each other in future Awards? I believe that would be the case.
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