#protects your plants and animals in exchange for potatoes
newtafterdark · 2 years
As I am once again writing some things for my own original characters & the setting they're in, I am once again reminded how fuckin' furious it makes me that so many germanic countries can't look at their old (pre-christianity) culture with love & base their own creative work on it without nazis ruining it for everyone by claiming it for their rancid selves.
I personally only feel comfortable adding things from old urban tales from my birth state (Saxony-Anhalt), because they are very specific and have not been ruined for me yet.
To this day I am thankful that my mom held onto a lot of old library books that the local library got rid of. Without "Die Vergrabene Truhe" (a book with a big number of tales from a very small part of my state that I grew up in) I wouldn't have a good chunk of the wonderful untainted concepts for my own stories - Farmer's dragons, forest spirits that turn the body parts you attempt to harm them with to stone, pond/lake/river mermaids (who are equal to the danish Nøkken in concept), witches (of any gender) being extremely morally grey yet are still respected... just to name a few of these things.
Maybe one day I'll feel comfortable sharing all that writing with more folks than just my close friends.
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fayegracexo · 5 years
How to Celebrate Lughnasadh
Somehow we are already to our first of three harvest festivals in the wheel of 2019! This year is flying by crazy quick! I can’t believe July is already over and it’s time for Lughnasadh on August 1st! (Fun Fact: The Gaelic word for August is ‘Lunasa’ - Lughnasadh is pronounced Loo-Na-Sah!)
If you happened to catch my last post (if you didn’t, click here! ‘Lughnasadh vs. Lammas’) then you already know the difference between ‘Lughnasadh’ and ‘Lammas’, and some of the history, which means it’s time to get into the fun part...how to celebrate it!
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To keep this post simple I’ll put it in list form, and I apologize in advance for mentioning some things more than once, there’s some things that end up being good crossover ideas, so sorry if it sounds repetitive at all! (Just your typical chronically apologizing Libra over here!) 
I’ll start with some traditional ways to celebrate, then list the correspondences, THEN go into a longer list of celebration ideas! I’ll try to keep this short but there’s lots of info and I wanted to give plenty of options, so if you don’t see what you're looking for, just keep scrolling it’s probably there! ;) (It’s long, i’m sorry oh geez)
If not, I’m always available for messages and questions, and i’ll be posting craft ideas, recipes, and more ways to celebrate on my Instagram account that’s connected to this blog. Check the ‘Lughnasadh’ highlight and my story on August 1st for more! @selfcarewitchxo​ 
Now let’s jump in!
How To Celebrate Traditionally
To start, I wanted to suggest some basic ways to celebrate in a more traditional way, and then go into a list with lots more options and details! Some of these might repeat in the list below so sorry in advance! (Libra problems again, I tried to organize the best I could...I’m so OCD)
Lughnasadh is about giving thanks for what has grown in summer, and for the abundance in our lives. We gather what has grown and begin to prep for winter and the darker, colder months, but not before celebrating a successful harvest season!
In the old days, it was tradition to climb a hill and bury or leave an offering of the first and best of your harvest to Lugh, usually the first loaf of bread you've baked. Offerings are left in exchange for blessings, gratitude, abundance, strength, protection, and growth. You can do the same hill idea, or leave your first loaf or other offering on your altar, or another special place.
Lughs’ original festival, was also focused on feasting, games, and athletic competition. Try recreating the same and have some friends over for a BBQ and some friendly competition! 
Gods, Goddesses, Animals and Other Deities
The Celtic God Lugh is the patron deity for this festival, but if you’re not from a Celtic background, don’t use Lugh in your practice, or are from a Dianic tradition, there are many other Gods, Goddesses, animals and deities to choose from to incorporate into your Lughnasadh holiday. 
Tailtiu (Lughs’ adoptive Mother who passed away, the festival is held in her honor) is a traditional female option, but any grain/agricultural/Mother Goddess/Father God figures make great picks. 
For Goddesses, Rhiannon, Annona, Persephone, Cerridwen, Ceres, Demeter, and Isis are all options, and Odin, John Barley Corn, Dagon, Taranis, Vulcan, Mercury, Loki, Tammuz and Adonis are suggestions for the males! This is just to name a few of course! 
As for animals, agricultural animals such as roosters, lambs, sheep, calves, and pigs are associated with the holiday, you can also use the majestic stag! For more mythological options, the centaur, phoenix and griffin are also associated.
Try adding statues, figurines, feathers, bones or other things associated with these Gods/Goddesses/deities/animals as altar decorations!
How can you have a holiday without some festive decorations? Take some time to redo your altar space, room, or even your whole house if you want, to get into the holiday spirit! Being a harvest, nature based holiday, there are many cheap, easy, decorating ideas, that include many things we already have at home! 
To start, use some seasonally scented candles, wax burners, or essential oils to make your sacred space smell like Lughnasadh vibes! 
Candles in holiday colors, or tied with holiday colored ribbon, make a good altar addition! (See below for list of color correspondences) 
Dried corn, rice, wheat, corn dollies, fallen twigs, dried straw, herbs, crystals, corn stalks, pumpkins, squash, dried oats, dried beans, a cornucopia, sunflower seeds, flowers, a scythe, a sickle, or a cauldron are quite seasonal options! (Keep reading for suggestions for crystals, scents and herbs!)
These crystals are associated with Lughnasadh. Try using them as altar decorations, in your spellwork, or to meditate with during the holiday!
Amber, aventurine, carnelian, citrine, moss agate, topaz, golden topaz, obsidian, tigers eye, brown agate, clear quartz, cats eye, lodestones, peridot.
Plants/Herbs/Flowers/Scent Associations 
Lumping this one a little since these have dual uses! 
Wheat, Basil, Mint, Queen Anne’s Lace, Calendula, Yarrow, Sunflowers, Marigolds, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Rose, Rosemary, Rose hips, Blackthorn, Vervain, Peonies, Poppies, Ginseng, All Spice and Chamomile all have associations with Lughnasadh. Use these to decorate, make tea, cook or bake with, scent your home or altar space, or to leave as an offering! (Keep reading for suggestions on how to use these) 
Try candles and ribbons in shades of green, brown, bronze, orange, yellow and gold. Personally, I always choose a yellow, brown, gold, and green candle for my Lughnasadh altar space.
Yellow represents solar energies, happiness, and transformation.
Brown represents earth energies, strength, protection, and animals.
Gold is to illuminate, for success, divine power, and the harvest.
Green represents abundance, prosperity, fertility, growth, wealth, life, and vegetation.
Food & Drink Ideas 
As Lughnasadh is a feasting holiday to give thanks, consider having some friends and loved ones over for a BBQ or potluck! both are great traditional ideas. Try these food and drink suggestions to indulge in holiday flavors!
Foods: BBQ, breads, roasted lamb, pot luck, berries - like blueberries and blackberries, potatoes, pies, nuts, pumpkin, mushrooms, garlic, honey, acorn squash, summer squash, apples, oats, rice, beans, fried chicken, berry pancakes
Drinks: Since wheat is a big thing, beer is a staple drink, but if you’re more of a wine person try elderberry, blackberry or blueberry wine. For alcohol free options, cherry or apple ciders are great, or plain apple juice. 
Mint and chamomile are associated herbs, they make a great tea suggestion! Sweet mint, peppermint or spearmint make lovely iced teas. Blueberry or blackberry teas are also delicious! 
I’m also personally adding mojitos to this list as a modern update. Since mint is associated, adding some from your garden in a refreshing mojito sounds like a good way to incorporate it to me!
Try some oats or blueberry pancakes in the morning with a seasonal juice or herbal tea, then do a bigger feast for dinner of lamb or chicken, with a beer, then pie for dessert!
More Ways to Celebrate 
Bake Bread
There’s lots of recipes online for you to bake your very own loaf. Try adding herbs, or twisting the dough into Celtic knots for extra flair. You can also ‘paint’ the bread! Try Pinterest for some great recipe ideas. Bake extra to give away to a loved one or leave as an offering!
Have a Popcorn Party
Since Lughnasadh is associated with corn, try having a movie night wit friends and making different varieties of popcorn! Do you like spicy, or sweet kinds? This is a great idea to try with kids! 
Have a Beer
As a grain holiday, relaxing with a cold brew is a good way to relax this Lughnasadh. Safely and responsibly of course.
Create a Besom
A besom is a witches broom. This is a good time of year to use dried straw, fallen twigs, ribbons and charms to create your own. Personally I love to see lavender in them, gorgeous!
Make Candles
If you have the supplies (even cooler if you have you own bees and wax!) try making candles. Bonus points for seasonal colors and scents, triple points for recycling old wax and bringing life back to old candles! 
Harvest your fruits, veggies, and herbs you’ve grown to use them in thanks in teas, tinctures, salves, your cooking, spellwork, and to hang up to dry. Make salsas, or preserves or jams to try on your Lughnasadh bread, or try canning to have a treat in the cold months!
Spend Time Outdoors
Take a walk, hike up a hill, have a picnic, visit a Farmer’s Market or produce stand for local goodies, or go pick fruits, like apples, berries or peaches at a local orchard! Find a way to soak up the last of the season’s warmth.
Have a Fire/Light a Candle
Have a bonfire solo or with friends, and consider burning away some things that need to be released. Throw things that don’t serve you (that are fire safe of course!) into the flames and let them be released. Let the fire ‘reap’ the bad from your life, and ‘sow’ positivity back into it.
If you can’t have a fire, choose a seasonally colored candle, or a few, and give thanks by it’s light! You can carve runes into them if you’d like also!
Lughnasadh works with themes of success and abundance, so it’s a great time of year to do spellwork involving your career, health or love life. If you or someone you know is trying for a new job, or hoping for a new relationship, or maybe buying a house, or moving to a new location, try a little spell to help you manifest your (or theirs!) goals.
Break out your tarot, oracle cards and scrying/divination tools! This is a good time to try new methods you haven’t worked with before, such as bones or runes. If you’ve never tried fire scrying, use your Lughnasadh bonfire or candle as a first attempt!
Cooking/Baking/Drink Making
Feasting with friends or loved ones is a good way to celebrate! (Try the menu ideas above!) Try using herbs you’ve grown or purchased from a local stand in the recipes!
Make a Corn Dolly
Traditionally the least sheaf that was ceremonially cut was used to make a ‘corn dolly’, and carried to the village. The corn dolly would be made into a corn maiden (or corn mother) if the harvest was good, or a ‘cailleach’ (Celtic word for witch, hag) after a bad harvest. These dollies could be clothed, or dressed with ribbon. If you make a doll at Lughnasadh, she can be used again in six months for Imbolc, and can be dressed in spring colors. The harvest Mother, becomes the Spring bride! (Some traditions don’t believe in reusing the doll, but that depends on your practice!)
Smudge/Cleanse/Bless Your Space
Smudge away that negativity that’s been lingering, clear the air, and your life, so that you may grow bountiful! Buy a smudge stick or make your own with sage and added herbs if you’d like. Mugwort, rosemary, lavender and juniper are good additives. Open the windows, let the light and breeze in! Start fresh and clean this holiday, and reap those bad energy places!
Make a Gift
Acts of service and selflessness are important on Lughnasadh. We’re in a place of abundance, and it’s time to share the bounty and love with others. Make a gift for a friend, loved one or neighbor to share the holiday spirit. Try flowers you’ve picked, breads or foods you’ve made, jams or jellies you preserved, or another homemade craft item. Make it with love! They’ll be sure to feel the positive vibes. They’ll see this act of kindness, and pass it on...the world needs more love!
Acts of Service
Lughnasadh is centered around themes of prosperity, generosity, continued success, and giving thanks; which makes it a great time to help those around us, and share the blessings of our abundance with others. 
Consider volunteering your time, organizing a community cleanup, picking up trash at the beach, having a friend, neighbor, or loved one over for a hot meal, or offering to help a neighbor with something they need. Devote your time, and watch the blessings come back to you.
Make a Gratitude List
What has ‘grown’ in you life this year that you’re thankful for? Have some seasonal tea, sit by a candle, and make a gratitude list of everything you’re blessed with in life. 
Make a reap/ sow list
On that note, you can also try a reap/sow list. Write down what you’re proud to have “planted” in your life, and watched grow, and also what your’re not proud of. What needs to be ‘reaped’ from you life? What weeds are strangling you, that need to be pulled for a bountiful harvest next year? Use this time as personal reflection, and choose what to reap and sow to live your best life in alignment with your true self. Think in ‘Regrets’, ‘Farewells’, ‘Harvest’ and ‘Preserves’
Regrets: Think about things you meant to do this summer that did not come to fruition. Project your regrets onto fire safe objects, like pine cones, and throw them into your fire. You can also write on dried corn husks or paper. 
Farewells: What’s passing from your life? What is over? Say goodbye. You can use visuals or writing for this, and also throw into the fire to release, or a lake or ocean. You could also use a flower bulb and plant it, to watch it grow back next year.
Harvest: What have you already harvested this year? What is sprouting? Find a way to represent those things and create a visual reminder to hang in your home. 
Preserves: Think about the fruits you have gathered this year and how you can hold onto the sweet memories. Make a remembrance box, or box altar, to help remember special things, times and people. 
Make a Craft
Lugh is the God of craftsmanship, so try making something festive to decorate your home or altar! Wheat can be used for wreaths and door decorations, apples can be turned into seasonal candle holders, or try making your own corn dolly or besom. Search Pinterest for these great ideas or check my Instagram account for the how-to’s! (@selfcarewitchxo)
Go to a Craft Fair
And again, on that note! Since Lugh is the God of this, see if there’s any local craft fairs in your area and buy some local goodies!
That’s it folks! Your complete guide to celebrate Lughnasadh! Thank you for being patient with me as I got this posted. If you hear from me on other sites you know I already typed this whole thing once and it got deleted! Ahh! I’m glad to have this up finally!
Connect with me on Instagram to see what i’ll be doing for the day, and send me the ideas you’ve decided to try out! I’d love to see your crafts or anything you’ve baked! Also if you have any ideas to add, let me know and I’ll post them!
Blessed Lughnasadh Witches!
~ Faye ~
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lokman20 · 4 years
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Our body is made up by 4% of various minerals. The role of various minerals in mineral protection is important, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc. Apart from these, there are some other ingredients which are essential for good health even in small quantities. These 'trace elements', which are present in only 0.01% of the body's weight, are essential for the body as they are part of various enzymes, hormones and cells of the body.
These low but nutritious elements are called essential trace elements. Minerals are two types of minerals that the body needs, which means they need at least 100 mg daily, such as calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, etc. And it takes a very small amount of microminal 6 Such as: iodine, zinc, manganese, fluoride, copper, selenium etc.
Mineral deficiency occurs due to the absence of these elements in the diet or in the supplementary diet. There are also a variety of unhealthy eating habits such as high intake of processed or canned food, low intake of vegetables or fruits in the diet, low-calorie or controlled diet, vegetarianism, any digestive disorders, failure to absorb food at the right level for any reason, various Such diseases can also occur due to food allergies or intolerance to lactose.
Iron is such a small element that it is only 0.004% of body weight. The hemoglobin in the blood supplies the oxygen needed by the body's cells to retain energy. If the body has less iron than it needs, the process of hemoglobin production is disrupted. Anemia is deficiency of iron or hemoglobin in the body. Iron deficiency causes weakness in the body and the body gets tired easily. Even such anemia can lead to heart failure and death.
Iron deficiency can also lead to brain damage. Anemia is the leading cause of maternal death in our country. Men and older women need 8 mg of iron per day and young women need 18 mg of iron per day. Such as meat, liver, legumes, nuts, whole grains; Iron is found in foods such as brown rice, oysters, bananas, apples, green vegetables, etc.
All meats contain about 15% iron. Meat is also rich in vitamin B, zinc, selenium and high quality protein. 100 grams of meat contains about 2.8 milligrams of iron.
Studies have shown that those who regularly eat meat and fish do not have iron deficiency. For those who have anemia, meat is a very important food. In particular, red meat is rich in iron and many meat experts say that meat alone is enough to eliminate iron deficiency in anyone's body. About 5 mg of iron per 5 ounces of chicken meat. And more in the flesh of laughter.
Pumpkin seeds
Sweet pumpkin seeds are a delicious and iron-rich food. Only 28 grams of pumpkin seeds contain about 4.2 milligrams of iron. Thus, pumpkin seeds are incomparable as an iron-rich food. Pumpkin seeds are also a good source of vitamin K, zinc and manganese. A 28 gram pumpkin seed contains about 36% manganese. This manganese helps prevent diabetes by making insulin and reducing the risk of depression.
Pulses contain a lot of iron. Half a cup of pulses contains about 8.25 mg of iron. In addition to iron, all types of pulses contain more or less potassium, magnesium and copper.
Cauliflower is a nutritious food, it also contains iron. 158 grams of cauliflower contains 1 mg of iron. Cauliflower contains not only iron but also important elements like Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Fiber.
Dark chocolate
This dark chocolate is as delicious as it is nutritious. 28 grams of dark chocolate contains about 3.3 mg of iron. Dark chocolate contains iron, copper, magnesium and prebiotic fiber. Studies have shown that chocolate has a beneficial effect on cholesterol. As a result, your risk of heart attack is reduced. However, not all chocolates are the same again. So, to get the maximum benefit, you have to eat chocolate made with at least 60% cocoa.
Beans and peas are the national food
Beans are basically the same winter vegetables. Beans, peas, lentils and soybeans are all the same. They are a great source of iron. . It is also an important source of folate, magnesium and potassium.
3.Zinc or zinc
It affects various metabolic processes in the body such as protein synthesis, immune function, wound healing process, cell division and DNA synthesis, testosterone production, male melatonin production and so on. It also plays an important role in the proper development and growth of the fetus during pregnancy and in the growth and fullness of the body during infancy and puberty.
Lack of the ingredient leads to memory loss, weakened immune system, frequent colds, diarrhea, sleep problems, loss of appetite and loss of taste and smell of food, hair loss, skin damage, etc. Excessive deficiency of the ingredient can lead to dementia, mental retardation, physical retardation and sexual dysfunction. It is found in animal and dairy foods such as red meat, poultry, oysters, dark chocolate, nuts, beans, etc. Sweet pumpkin seeds are a good source of zinc.
Zinc is a very essential mineral for the body. It is necessary for the proper management of more than 300 enzymes. It maintains your immunity and grows and repairs body tissues.
Meat is a great source of zinc. Especially red meat. Beef as well as mutton contains a lot of zinc. Village or open field cows which we call organic cows. 100 grams of beef contains 4.8 mg of zinc. Beef is also a great source of protein, iron, vitamins and other important nutrients.
Eggs 13 grams per day
Moderate zinc in eggs can meet our body's daily needs. Eggs contain calories, protein, healthy fats, B vitamins, selenium and many more vitamins and minerals. So keep eggs on your daily diet.
Vegetables reduce our body's risk of diseases like heart disease and cancer. Vegetables Fruits and vegetables usually do not contain much zinc. In some vegetables, of course, it matches. Such as potatoes and green peas contain zinc. However, even if you do not get enough zinc in these, it reduces the risk of diseases like heart disease and cancer.
Cereal food
Cereal food 232 grams per day and other starchy vegetables 50 grams per day.
Cereals include wheat, rice and oats which contain some amount of zinc. Cereals contain fiber, B vitamins, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium. These are very healthy and a good source of important nutrients.
Dairy foods
Dairy foods Dairy foods like cheese or milk are rich in nutrients and zinc.These foods are important for our bone health, including protein, calcium,and vitamin D.
Seed national food
Seed national food Pumpkin, sesame and pumpkin seeds contain sufficient amount of zinc. In addition, these seeds contain healthy vitamins and minerals.
Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate contains up to zinc. A chocolate bar weighing 100 grams contains 3.3 mg of zinc.
50 grams of nuts a day
Almonds Almonds are another food rich in zinc. Zinc-rich nuts like peanuts, pine nuts, cashew nuts can help us get rid of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Almonds contain healthy fats and other nutrients, including fiber.
This hormone secreted by the thyroid is necessary for the proper management of the thyroid gland. This hormone plays an important role in regulating the metabolic activity of tissues, converting food into energy, metabolic use of excess fat, regulation of estrogen hormones, protection of physical growth and mental health, improvement of mental agility and cognition.
Deficiency of this hormone is usually seen in women over 50 years of age and pregnant women. Goiter is the main symptom of iodine deficiency. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland fails to produce the required amount of iodine for a long time. In some cases, such deficiencies lead to a dangerous condition called 'creatinism' in which the child suffers from physical and mental disabilities.
The daily requirement for a child of 1-6 years is 90 micrograms, for a child of 9-13 years it is 120 micrograms and for adults starting from 14 years it is 150 micrograms. Marine plants, fish and other foods, eggs, milk and iodized salt are the main sources of iodine.
Selenium is another trace element needed by the body. One of the more than two dozen selenoproteins in the body is selenium, which affects fertility, thyroid hormone metabolism, DNA synthesis, and the ability to prevent cell damage and infection during oxidation.
Lack of the ingredient can lead to heart problems, mental retardation, muscle aches or even muscle weakness. The daily requirement is only 55 micro grams. Selenium is obtained daily from fish, beef, poultry and eggs, grains, nuts and seeds. Long-term selenium levels in the body can be analyzed by analyzing nails and hair.
Copper is a component of various carcinogens, enzymes and enzymes in the respiratory tract that play an important role in physical development and growth. The ingredient contributes to the iron attachment of hemoglobin to the blood, maintains the normal color of the skin, exchanges nerve signals, regulates the digestive, metabolic and immune systems.
Copper deficiency is seen in malnourished children and those with anemia.Lack of the ingredient causes white blood cell deficiency, uncontrolled heartbeat, bone problems, immune system problems and hair and nail growth problems.
It is found in seafood, nuts, beans or pea seeds, vegetables, fruits, beef or mutton. Only 900 micrograms per day is required. It is better for pregnant and lactating mothers to have a higher dose.
Since it is a component of vitamin B-12, a deficiency of cobalt means a deficiency of vitamin B-12. The daily dose is only 0.0001 mg. It stimulates your bone marrow cells to help make red blood cells, inhibits the absorption of iodine by the thyroid and regulates the supply of various enzymes.
Lack of it can lead to complex anemia, physical fatigue and weakness, weakness and numbness of some organs especially hands and feet, nausea, headache, mental confusion, digestive problems, weight loss, enlarged thyroid gland, heart problems, nervous system etc. May occur.
If you have a chronic deficiency of it in your body, there is a risk of nervous problems, memory loss, etc. Cow and goat liver, oysters, fish, eggs, soy food, marine plants and fish are good sources of cobalt. A small amount of cobalt is found in legumes, cabbage, lettuce, etc.
This ingredient plays a special role in the production of various enzymes required for good health and in causing various enzyme-related reactions. Eliminates harmful effects on sugars, fatty acids and carbs, blood sugar control, blood clotting, bone formation, hardening and strengthening, proper management of brain, nervous system and immune system, analysis of radicals called superoxide present in mitochondria etc. The material plays a particularly important role.
Prolonged deficiency of this element in your body makes the bones weak and brittle. It is found in whole grains, nuts, tea-coffee, leafy greens. Especially spinach, kachu, kalmi, puishak etc. You should eat it regularly.
This element plays an important role in regulating the metabolic activity of sugars, fats and carbs in the body and helps in controlling the amount of sugar in the blood. So even a slight deficiency of this ingredient increases the risk of developing diabetes. It also helps increase the amount of HDL in the blood.
Chromium deficiency can lead to a variety of problems, including narrowing of blood vessels, increased anxiety, decreased body strength, mental instability, decreased body growth in children, delayed healing from surgical wounds, or any type of wound. This ingredient is obtained from mushrooms, dark chocolate, cheese, nuts, whole grains, ripe tomatoes, lettuce, onions, peppers and various spices, legumes, etc.
Fluorine is also an essential element for the body which plays an important role in maintaining the health of bones and teeth in particular. Lack of the ingredient increases tooth and bone loss. Water is the main source of fluorine, but it is also found in marine fish, tea and coffee. Safe doses of 1.5 mg to 5.0 mg daily.
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Glitter & Gold
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Ancient Mythology AU. There is a limited number of encounters between gods and mortals.
Word Account: 5.424 (holy shit)
Warnings: mild mention of non-con, blink and you missed it. That’s all, I think.
A/N: This is my contribution to @whotheeffisbucky‘s challenge, because apparently I only write for writing challenges. And yeah, I created my own mythology, sue me. Ao3 link here.
I give my eternal thanks to @brightlycoloredteacups who was my beta with this one, and who also is a sweetness and an actual angel.
I think is painfully obvious that english isn’t my first language, so if you see any mistakes in the narration is because of that. Please let me know what do you think! The credit of the gif goes for it’s respective owner.
Part Two here.
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The days like these were the longest, when the sun shone high in the sky of Ballynoe and the breeze had gone far to relieve the suffering of someone else. Those who could stay at home on a day like this were lucky, protected from the heat and the hard work. But you weren’t one of those people, so you sighed, rolled up the sleeves of your dirty dress, and got to work.
Your knees sank into the ground as your hands did the same among the green leaves of the lush bush, ripping the weeds and putting them to the side. The task of collecting food in the field was not exactly the most desired job among the young people in your village, but it provides you with enough money to support you and live comfortably with your brother in the small cottage just outside the village, in the edge of the forest and near the river.
Even so, spending days in the hot sun of summer, getting dirty, was not exactly your idea of ​​pleasure. It was dirty, messy and on more occasions than you would like, wet. Your favorite days were Thursdays, when you went to the orchard to take care of the orange trees, peaches and apples, looking for signs of a plague and counting the days until the fruits were ready to be harvested. Your least favorite days, however, were the mornings after rain, when every step felt like quicksand, and you tried to keep your beloved plants from drowning.
However, you didn’t complain. Your work could be a little messy at times, but it paid for your food and kept a roof over your head. Your brother came out every day from your home with his bow and arrows, ready to hide among the forest plants to wait for your dinner, or that of some villager with enough silver coins.
Even so, not even the profits from both jobs together was enough to cover a whole month of food. You weren’t in crisis, but you couldn’t relax and afford a luxury either. Once or twice, perhaps in the hunting season or when the fresh grapes were swollen and juicy, you would bring home a new dress that wasn’t discolored and torn, or your brother would buy new arrowheads and shiny leather boots that didn’t have the cords hardened by mud.
Sighing in defeat, you removed a lock of hair from your face and left a stain of dirt behind, but you didn’t move to clean it. You took another carrot from the ground and threw it carelessly in the basket next to the other ones that you had already taken before; you'll clean them later. For now, you just wanted to finish the carrots and move to the potatoes.
You took vegetable after vegetable from the earth for another hour, stopping every now and then to dry the sweat of your forehead or to sit on your heels and look around. A couple of people were with you in the orchard, cultivating, watering or harvesting, but all are a good distance from you. That way you could cover more ground, although the task of taking care of the food made you want to bury yourself in the maize plants.
You stood up and walked slowly all the way to the stream not far from your work zone. You dragged your feet wearily on the dirt ground and lazily held the basket full of vegetables against you. Today had not been a particularly productive day; There have been times when you have harvested up to four entire baskets. Today, however, you had hardly filled more than half of one. Old Coulson was not going to be very happy about it, but what could you have done? Not all the plants had finished growing, and you couldn’t do anything to speed up the process.
After what seemed hours in the sun, you finally reached the edge of the stream. The sound of the water running down the rocks helped to soothe your grumpy mood a little. The stream was one of your favorite places in Ballynoe, and you are grateful to have it so close to your home and your work.
Putting the basket at your feet and sitting on your heels, you began to wash vegetable behind vegetable and when they were all clean and kept in the basket again, you allowed yourself to lie back for a moment and rest. In this part of the stream the trees were tall and their leaves were thick, leaving you in the shadows of the hot day, lying on the fresh grass. You let out a sigh of relief and let a small smile curl your lips. Gods, you were tired.
You could feel the intensity of the sun diminish, and you frowned slightly. Of course It wouldn't be so hot just when it didn't bother you anymore. The gods were conspiring against you today, surely. Twisting in a more comfortable position, you let your eyes close. You were going to take advantage of this rest as much as you could. Nobody would look for you for a while.
The sound of the birds singing and the wind stirring the leaves of the trees soon made your will to rise disappear more and more. You had always been a heavy dreamer, and with how tired you were, you knew it was only a matter of time before you fell asleep right there, your feet buried in the water and your hair tangled in the grass.
Just as you were on the verge of falling into the land of dreams, a loud crunch disturbed the tranquility of the stream. You jumped at the sound and your eyes flew open. The sun had diminished to a bluish glow. How long had you been asleep? It must be past four o'clock. Oh, Amer, you were in trouble. Your brother must be furious.
A second creak made you sit up and slap your gaze at the source of the noise. A man was sitting on the ground a few feet away from you, leaning against the tree that had given you your long-awaited shadow just a couple of hours ago. A black horse was drinking from the stream behind him, his dark fur gleaming with the last rays of the sun.
You backed away from the stranger. The man looked like no one you had ever seen before. He was tall, you could tell by the length of his legs and arms. Extremities that looked so muscular under the clothes and skins that covered them, shoulders as wide and firm as the tree on which he was leaning.
His blue eyes watched you analyze him slowly. He didn’t seem to have a problem with you looking at him so closely, there was even a slight flash of amusement hiding behind the piercing blue of his eyes, as if he didn’t wanted anyone to know what he feels or thinks. You felt like seeing that little emotion dancing in his expression was an honor for you, something that with another person or in another situation would not have been allowed.
Your head felt blurry and your train of thought was drifting away, and you could no longer hear the birds sing or the river run, although you were still very aware of the cold water on your feet dipped in the edge and the fresh grass against your hands, moistening your palms.
His appearance wouldn’t have jolted you so much if it had not been for the aura emanating from him. Never in your life you had been around anyone who made you feel this way. Your head was spinning and you felt like your mind was moving further away from you, like in those dreams that you only have when you fall asleep feeling safe and sound. The man's eyes stared at you without embarrassment, following every movement you made meticulously.
The black horse behind him had stopped drinking and had moved until he was a few feet away, his nose buried in the grass and eating without paying attention to the exchange his master was having with a confused peasant.
The man followed your gaze and looked behind him at his horse, letting the corner of his lips rise in the slightest of smiles as he looked with unmistakable fondness to the animal. You felt like an intruder watching this stranger undress his emotions so naturally before you. He was undoubtedly the most handsome man you'd ever seen, with those sky-blue eyes and dark hair framing his face like a portrait, tucked into the back of his head with a strip of leather. You couldn’t help feeling like you didn’t belong there, a mortal among the most divine beings you can imagine.
That had to be, you thought. There is no person on earth with an appearance like that, there are no mortals with such divine essences that make your knees feel weak and make you forget everything else. Like he was inside your mind, the man turned his head in your direction again and looked straight into your eyes, and smirked.
It has to be, you can not be wrong. No mortal could look into your eyes like that and make your stomach jump back. You resisted the urgency of run away and squeezed your hands in your lap, dragging a little further away from the man.
Encounters between mortals and gods didn’t end well in most cases. The most divine beings that exist wouldn’t descend to the world of evil for anything. There is only a limited number of reasons for a deity to appear before a mortal, and almost all were a bad omen.
An avalanche of memories hit you from nowhere. You remembered the stories that your mother had told you about the gods when she was still alive, those days at the entrance of your home on the grass, when she stroked your hair and told you legends of the most powerful beings in this land and another far away.
She told you about Amer, the great god of justice and truth, king of heaven and of the honests. He was a good deity, the god that true believers deserve and worship.
Amer was the one you prayed to when you were desperate, when you could not bear the thought of continuing to live one more day in misery, that time your mother finally let out her last breath, and for the first time your brother and you faced the world alone, without money and without jobs. Amer had answered you.
You let out a gasp when your sight cleared. For a second, you had been there again, lying on the grass with your head in your mother's lap, listening to her tell you about the power and generosity of the gods, hearing as your brother threw wooden arrows at the targets carefully scattered by the trees that surrounded your house and laughing when he cried out with pure joy whenever he hit one.
You took a deep breath and threw yourself back, watching as the man dropped his head to the side, looking at you with a small smile on the curve of his lips. He had done it, he had submerged you in a trance, in a spell, in a memory. You stared at him with your mouth hanging open, trying to catch your breath even though you had not moved since you woke up.
You were trying to find the strength to talk, to move, to scream, but you couldn’t. You are petrified by the presence of this deity, by the evident power he has over you.
It was then that you heard the creak that awoke you again.
The man–no, god, had one of your carrots in his fingers, playing with it while chewing on the bite he had taken. He smiled with obvious mischief when he realized that your gaze was leaping between his mouth, the carrot in his hand and the basket that still was at your feet.
Your voice was hoarse when you spoke for the first time in hours, "That's not yours"
The man stopped chewing and looked at you, raising an eyebrow with curiosity, and you couldn’t help the mortification that you felt. His hand slowly lowered to rest in his lap, the half-eaten carrot still tangled between his fingers. The deity leaned back, leaning against the trunk of the thick tree and allowing himself to relax. There was no way in this world that you were a threat to him. The only weapon you had was your tongue and your recklessness.
"You cannot blame me," he said, his deep voice sending shivers down your entire body. The way he spoke, as the words slipped from his tongue into the void of air, made your head feel blurry. He was smirking again, that little curve of his lips that made you feel like he was making fun of you. "You left them there like nothing. They looked so tempting "
You opened and closed your mouth like a fish out of the water. What were you supposed to answer to that? You couldn’t find anything to say or do. This man, this god, was talking to you for no apparent reason, making fun of you. This is not how you imagined yourself spending your afternoon when you woke up that morning.
You didn’t know which answer was correct, so you went with what you tell your brother every time you find him stealing something from the collected.
"My employer does not like it when the rations are incomplete," you murmured, refusing to take your eyes away from his, even though his eyes on you made you tremble. The stranger chuckled, shaking his head as if he couldn’t believe what you were saying.
You forced yourself not to look away when he stopped laughing, attaching his incredible eyes to yours, the same glow of pleasure that you had seen before was still there. Then, without taking his eyes from you, he took another bite of the carrot in his hand.
You didn’t know what possessed you to act like that, but you couldn’t help but speak the way you did, "I'm serious!" You raised your voice. The man just laughed at you and crossed his arms over his chest, giving you a clear expression of 'And what will you do about it?' "Old Coulson has an inventory meticulously–"
"Old Coulson will forgive you for this time," said the god, swallowing the piece of carrot before throwing it aside. Both watched as the vegetable fell in the water with a wet noise, quickly disappearing with the flow of the river. The man returned his gaze to you when he could no longer see the vegetable again. "I'll make sure of it"
You were sure he would, there was no doubt about it. But that didn’t make your mistrust fade. He was playing with you, mocking you like a hungry beast hunting his prey. With each passing second you felt more and more suspicious. You could no longer hear the birds sing, or the leaves fly in the wind. Only the slightest whisper of the wind in your ears and the water of the river becoming colder and colder.
The god could sense your suspicion, you could tell. The gleam of mockery in his eyes was still there, but now it was mixed with something else, something you couldn’t decipher, not being so submerged in the divine influence of this deity. His smile wavered, but he held it as he stretched out towards you. You stepped away from him instinctively, away from the water and into the bushes that surrounded the stream.
You seemed to see a flash of pain in his eyes, but it disappeared as fast as it came. Who was this deity? At times he undressed his feelings before you and then closed them abruptly. The gods were usually jealous and arrogant beings, most wouldn’t let a mortal like you see their souls exposed.
But then most gods wouldn’t even be here with you, playing like their new toy.
The god didn’t let your mistrust discourage him and he advanced towards you again, stopping so close that you could feel his breath. The nearness sent shivers down your spine, but you refused to keep moving away.
The man felt your submission, and with a soft smile he bent over you. "I've been watching you"
Your heart skipped a beat at the confession. Your breath caught in your throat at the thought that came into your head. Memories of the stories of gods captivated by mortals, too submerged in the spell of lust to think of the consequences of their actions.
Was that what this deity was here for? You didn’t know what to feel at such idea. Not in all these stories the mortal was willing to fulfill the whim that had so consumed the god, but that never stopped them. The bitter feeling of fear was slowly taking hold of you, flooding your stomach and climbing up your back.
The god felt your change of emotion and frowned, all trace of fun fading. He raised a hand and cupped your cheek, and he didn’t move it away when you trembled and closed your eyes.
"I'm not going to hurt you, Y/N" he whispered, so close to your face that you could feel his breath against your nose. You opened your eyes to see him in front of you, his face still wrinkled in a grimace of concern, but his eyes send you security. He knows your name.
You don’t even know what to think; there are so many gods, so many myths. Some are good, benevolent, generous, the gods whom you pray in times of weakness and suffering.
Others, however, are cruel to mortals. They cheat to gain their trust and take what they want afterwards, usually taking lives with it. Only people with dark souls worshiped these gods, and you were scared of the amount of power that a few followers could give to a deity that had no interest in the good.
You still weren’t sure which one was the god in front of you.
The man called your name, moving his thumb gently on your cheek, the movement sending a wave of tranquility through you. It was a light, friendly touch. It couldn’t be someone who wanted to hurt you.
It felt like your mother's caresses, like when she taught you to plant flowers and shrubs in the yard of your house and wiped a spot of dirt from your cheek, the same soft, loving touch that you were feeling right now.
Your mind is swimming in a sea of ​​darkness and you cannot see anything but the smile of your mother. He is doing it again, immersing you in a memory of the past where you were happy, where you felt calm. He's trying to make you feel safe, you thought. Using your own memories to his benefit. You were confused and disoriented. One thing is clear: he doesn’t want you to be afraid.
"Look at me," you hear the soft voice of the stranger, just a word carefully whispered against your face, and suddenly you can see and hear everything again. The sky has darkened to a shade of pink and red, the last rays of sunset illuminating the river that is now freezing the tips of your toes. With a small jump you remove them from the water and bend your legs under you. Some birds sing in the distance, but it's just a whisper of farewells. The black horse of before still is eating grass, but now lazily, like waiting for the moment when he can leave.
Even the wind moving the branches of the trees and the air you breathe makes you feel so aware again, back in your senses.
The god had laid you on your back, the wetness of the lawn wetting the back of your dress. He had laid down on his side, leaning his face over yours and holding his weight with one hand, while the other removed the hair of your face.
His blue eyes drank every detail of your face and body, and the look of concern of before was now replaced by one of fascination and curiosity.
"You are Winter" you let out with a sigh, so low that he would not have heard it if he weren’t so close to you. "Master of memories and will." His eyes went up at yours, and a small smile curved his perfect lips again.
"You're such an interesting creature," he said in the middle of a laugh, caressing the side of his face with tenderness. "I knew you would find it out for yourself, but it took longer than I thought"
"What are you doing here?" You asked him, and you allowed yourself to feel proud that your voice didn’t shaked as doing so. "What are you doing with me?"
"What do you mean?"
"Gods and mortals don’t cross paths often. And when they do, usually it doesn’t end well”
The corner of Winter's mouth curled in a gesture of bitterness, and for a moment you wondered if you'd said something wrong.
"My people are not always the most pleasant, you're right" he said after a few seconds with something that sounded like annoyance while playing with the collar of your dress. "But I'm not here to hurt you or anyone else," he said, returning his eyes to yours. His gaze on you still made you shiver, but now in a different way. Winter's smile tinged with sadness as he whispered his next phrase, "Maybe just myself"
Winter's story was heartbreaking, to say the least. When he and Amer were still mere mortals they participated in a war older than your people. Winter and Amer were heroes in their day, defeating army after army of their enemies, but were unexpectedly betrayed by an alleged ally, and it was Winter who suffered the consequences.
It is said that he was tortured by the souls in pain of the soldiers who had chosen the path of evil and had joined the troops of Hydra, an evil deity that fed on power and fear. Winter was brave all those years; where an ordinary mortal would have surrendered after a short time, Winter persisted and endured all the punishments that his captors gave him. But someone can only endure a certain amount of suffering.
Over time, Winter lost his soul to the pain and torture, and memories of her mortal life with Amer and his loved ones disappeared. Hydra used him for centuries to torment those who opposed him, stealing the power of his choices and forcing him to harm innocent people. But it was not until Amer learned the truth that Winter was finally able to return to his side as his right hand and rest in peace.
When he became a god, his memories returned and his ability to choose his destiny forged his divinity. No one with the blessing of Winter would be manipulated to do anything against their will. In times when believers felt lost, Winter would return their most precious memories to keep going and not give up. Winter was the god of those who died a little inside and were born again, like the first ray of sun after a storm.
Winter was a good deity, one that would not harm an innocent in the way he was harmed. He wasn’t here to hurt you.
"If you're not here to hurt me, then, for what?" Any trace of fear had faded from your voice, now that you knew who your companion was. The small smile that adorned his lips was bright, affectionate. Like he has known you all your life. But then it became that mocking smile you'd seen before, a almost flirtatious flash appearing in his eyes.
"I've wanted to talk to you for a while" he pulled away from you a little, giving you back your personal space. You were grateful for that; his presence in itself was overwhelming without having him so close to you. His hand stayed in your stomach, however, a slight weight on the base of your belly. "I couldn’t find the right moment, until my friend over there forced me to come and greet you." He gestured at the black horse behind him, which had stopped chewing and is looking at you two disapprovingly.
"Who is it?" The question came out of your mouth before you could stop it. You didn’t want to push the limits with personal questions.
But Winter just laughed, shaking his head and giving the horse a look of amusement, "That's Sam, doll. He is getting bored and wants to go home. But I still have something to finish here." Winter felt your confused look and caressed his hand up and down your belly. "I think you know him as Falcon, if I'm not mistaken"
Your breath caught in your throat. You met two gods in one day, two gods who have apparently been watching you for a while.
Winter gave you a few minutes to recover before talking again. He was no longer smiling with that gleam of mischief and mockery, and instead his eyes returned to that look of curiosity and admiration. His hand continued to run up and down your stomach, the heat of his palm penetrating the fabric of the dress and leaving a pool of fire in your belly. "Your eyes are bright with this light," he whispered a few inches from you, his face so close to you that you could see his eyelashes and the shade of gray in his eyes. He had a slight stubble of beard, like the one that your brother grows when he spends several days without shaving.
You vaguely registered the sound of wings fluttering in the wind, and the back of your mind told you that Falcon –Sam– finally was gone. But your head was elsewhere, concentrating on keeping your pulse from sounding so loud that Winter could hear it over your breath.
He leaned over you, his nose brushing your own in a soft touch, light as a feather. The hand in your stomach moved to rest in the curve of your neck, his callous fingers caressing the sensitive skin within reach. With each passing moment your eyes felt heavier and heavier, and you couldn’t think of anything other than his lips so close to your own.
The hand on your collarbone moved to rest on the nape of your neck, cradling the back of your head as like holding you up. Winter's expression was difficult to read and at the same time so open, so clear. No one had ever looked at you the way he was doing it, as if you were a divine creature, something too fragile and gentle to be mistreated. You had never felt like someone undressed their soul before you, with all his desires and intentions.
And the intentions this god has with you made your legs tremble in anticipation.
Winter leaned closer still, as if that were possible. His beard tickled your cheeks, his breath mixing with yours. Your heart was beating so hard in your chest that you were afraid it would run out of it. Winter stroked your scalp gently, like he felt your nerves. "I want to remember you until our next time"
He didn’t give you time to think about what he told you. His lips brushed yours in a soft touch, doubtful, like he was asking for your permission. It took a few seconds to react, but then you moved your lips against his.
Kissing a god was definitely an experience to remember. Her lips felt soft against yours, his kiss chaste, almost timid. You haven’t kissed many people in your life, but you knew this kiss was different. His mouth moved in sync with yours, like he knew exactly what you were going to do next. The hand on the back of his neck had moved higher up, sinking into your hair and clenching his fist with softness in your hair.
You savored the kiss as much as you could, taking your hands to the furs that covered Winter's chest, holding him like an anchor that kept you on the ground. Your lungs screamed for air, but you couldn’t heed them. It was too good, too pleasant. The power of this man over you, the strength of his hands in your body, all over him consumed you like burning fire.
Winter pulled away from you with one last movement against your lips, leaning his forehead against yours and taking deep breaths. You didn’t know gods needed to catch their breath, but damn if you did. "Winter ..." you whispered breathlessly.
You heard his laugh and you felt his happy mood without having to open your eyes. "Call me Bucky," he whispered against your lips, his name sliding into the air with a trust worthy of his person.
You smiled for the first time in what felt like years, "Bucky"
Your heart pumped blood furiously into your ears and your chest rose up and down sharply. The soft brush of a hand against your swollen lips made you open your eyes slowly.
"Keep this memory until our next time" he whispered, running his thumb over your lower lip, a smile of happiness decorating his. You closed your eyes when his hand moved to your hair, caressing it away from your face and behind your ears. You hadn’t felt so calm and safe in years, since your mother died.
The hand in your hair slowly backed away, and when you opened your eyes to see his, Bucky was gone.
"Y/N!" Your brother shouted when he saw you approach the entrance of your house. The knot of nerves in your stomach loosened when you saw that your brother's expression was more relieved than furious. In a few seconds he was in front of you, the dust of the ground flying behind him, squeezing your face between his gigantic hands. "By all the gods, where have you been? I look everywhere for you, I thought a bandit- "
"Clint" you called his name, squeezing your hands in his and pulling them away from your face. It was past five already, and the sky had darkened; the stars and the moon had led you safely home. "Forgive me, brother. I fell asleep in the stream, and when I woke up it was late" you said with your best puppy eyes, begging him not to ask you any more questions. You didn’t want to lie to him, but you didn’t know whether it would be wise to tell him about your encounter with Bucky.
Clint frowned and gave you his 'You're in trouble, young lady' look. You knew you were, but you could not help but feel happy that you were. You still could not believe what had happened, what you had felt. And you would never have done it if you had not Fallen asleep several hours ago.
"I brought you carrots!" You hurried to add when Clint opened his mouth to continue to berate you, surely. You raised the small basket where you had hidden a few vegetables as a consolation prize, now that you knew Old Coulson didn’t know how many you harvested.
Clint opened his mouth to protest but closed it when you discovered the carrots, washed and clean. "I ..." he stammered, looking at the vegetables with longing. He took one of the basket and you smiled at your victory, knowing that you had tamed it. Clint noticed your satisfying smile, and as he took a big bite of the carrot in his hand, he tried to put the most serious and intimidating expression he could with his mouth full of food, "We haven’t finished this discussion! You are in serious trouble, Y/N"
"Yes, of course I am," you said mockingly, passing one side of him and walking towards the entrance of your cabin. "Hurry or I'll eat them all by myself!" you called for your brother behind your shoulder.
Clint ran after you towards the house, and before you could react he took the basket from your hands and fled to the safety of your home. "Clint!" You shouted, rushing behind him.
A/N: Ballynoe is the name of the village the reader lives in, and, in case you didn’t figured it out by yourself, Amer is a diminutive of ‘America’ which makes it obvious that yes, Amer is Steve. Sam is the god of the sky and the loyalty, and also is a shapeshifter, because that’s cool.
Also, the agriculture in this isn’t exactly accurate, but then I thought to myself ‘Fuck it is my own universe and I can plant whatever I please’ so yeah, ignore the potatoes.
I wanted to introduce waaay more god characters, but it was getting too long, so it didn’t happened. But I could always make a second part (oh god Salimah no you already have too many series ideas) if you guys wanted me to. As always, leave a comment of what you think and let me know if you see any mistake. 
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lowcarbnutrients · 7 years
Best Diet For Hypoglycemia
Hypoglycemia (plummeting or listed below normal blood glucose degrees) is represented by a sense of fatigue, weak point, fainting, rapid heartbeats, appetite or quivering that develops due to poor glucose or sugar in the system which is vital force for the cells.
The finest hypoglycemia management technique is to make certain consistent, consistent and slow entry/absorption of foods or glucose into the blood which is ideally accomplished by customizing dietary habits.
Best Diet for Hypogycemia
Be Carb Conscious
Totally getting rid of carbs from your dietetic consumption isn't essential though you must enlighten on your own and work out caution on which one will certainly work in your favour.
Gradual break down and also absorption of complicated carbs right into the blood doesn't cause abrupt variations in blood sugar levels as opposed to that seen after the intake of easy carbs. Hence, incorporate complicated carbohydrate foods into day-to-day diet plan that have a low GI (or glycemic index - gauge of price at which a carbohydrate is exchanged sugar as well as gets in the system). These consist of:
Leafy green veggies - (Watercress, spinach, collard, mustard and turnip greens, kale, lettuce) Cruciferous veggies - (Broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, brussels sprouts, cauliflower) Other veggies - (Girl's finger, radish, cucumber, brinjal, celery stalks, artichoke, yam, asparagus, pleasant potato, onion, tomato) Fructose-containing fruits - (Orange, pear, strawberry, grapefruit, apple, plum) Dry fruits - (Apricot, trim, almond, macademia nut, walnut) Rice - (Brown, black)Pasta - (Thicker, entire wheat, brown selections that are cooked 'al dente') Whole grains - (Muesli, oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, couscous, millet, bulgur, quinoa) Legumes - (Black-eyed, pinto, kidney, soybean, navy, lentils, split peas) Dairy - (Fat-free/low fat range of yoghurt, milk, soy milk)
Simple carbohydrates have a standard composition (single or duo sugars) therefore facilitating their quick food digestion which creates swift surge in blood glucose levels and also strikes the body faster.
Commonly determined wrongdoers consist of honey, corn sugar or syrup or HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), molasses, white breads and rice, refined sugar, potato, some kinds of fruits and also veggies like peas, corn as well as carrot, candies, cookie, ice-creams, oxygenated drinks, breads, jam as well as jelly. Coincidentally, these foods are likewise high glycemic index carbohydrates that cause early drop in blood sugar level levels.
Protein is Paramount
Dieticians strongly suggest that carbohydrates should certainly be paired together with proteins as they work in unison for stabilizing post-meal spikes in blood glucose levels. Some amount of time is needed for conversion of healthy proteins into sugar (glucose) which makes certain an eased and consistent pace of entrance right into the bloodstream.
Hence, hypoglycemia victims should preferably consist of some type of protein into their daily diet like animal-based kinds (fowl, fishes, egg) or from food-based kinds such as selections of nut, seed, bean, cheeses, tofu, nut butter.
Fabulous Fiber
Insoluble fiber is that part of the plant that appears crude, crunchy with a hard housing or seeds within as well as is your finest friend for protecting against hypoglycemia as it delays adaptation of sugar. Wheat bran, snacks, whole wheat or entire grain cereals as well as breads are instances of insoluble fiber that help in less complicated flow of foods by means of the gastrointestinal system. Stay clear of consuming insoluble fiber as a standalone dish or while empty-stomached as well as guarantee matching it with soluble fiber.
Soluble fiber with its ready solubility tends to form a thick gel, hold-ups the rate at which foods are being soaked up and help in maintaining blood sugar degrees after meal time. Suitable sources are the pectin presence in fresh fruits (oranges, apples) and the coarse case of different varieties of grain, vegetable and oats, psyllium, brinjal, lady's finger as well as flaxseed. Make certain consuming alcohol a minimum of eight ounces of water together with your soluble fiber source for efficient results.
Chromium is Crucial
This essential trace aspect puts on a crucial duty by maintaining normal levels of blood sugar and also insulin. The ideal sources include romaine lettuce, oyster, potato, brewer's yeast, entire grains, banana, fishes, meat and also poultry, green pepper which has to be consumed on a normal basis to avoid any deficiency.
Other Cardinal Mistakes to Avoid
Those people who are susceptible to hypoglycemia need to avoid from caffeinated and alcoholic drinks as they have the tendency to intensify symptoms. One can change to a decaffeinated version of tea or coffee or ones with lower percentage of caffeine in it.
Hypoglycemia prevention starts with eating the ideal foods in proper amounts, eating a minimum of 3 meals that must be spaced no much longer than 4-5 hours apart and also duo mid-meal snacks (100-200 calories worth) that must be filled with fiber, excellent fats, carbohydrates and lean forms of proteins.
Always carry some sugar-containing foods like hard sweets, juices, fruits or glucose tablets to obtain a dose of around twenty grams of carbs or sugar whenever hypoglycemia strikes.
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kevinscottgardens · 6 years
25 February through 8 March 2019
This week’s plant ident was pulled together by Charlotte, plants named after women was the theme and it tied in very nicely with International Women’s Day, 8 March 2019.
Acanthaceae Fittonia gigantea Nineteenth century Irish botanical writers, Elizabeth and Sarah Mary Fitton. Sarah Mary Fitton (1796 –1874) was an Irish writer who had an interest in botany. She is most famous for her 1817 book “Conversations on Botany”, co-authored with her sister Elizabeth. Belgian botanist Eugène Coemans named a genus of perennial flowering shrubs Fittonia in honour of the Fitton sisters in 1865.
Amaryllidaceae Nerine filifolia The genus name by William Herbert in 1820 derives from the Nereids (sea-nymphs) of Greek mythology that protected sailors and their ships.
Asteraceae Artemisia dracunculus Artemis in the ancient Greek religion and myth, is the goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, the Moon, and chastity. A more specific reference may be to Artemisia II of Caria, a botanist and medical researcher who died in 350 BC.
Cooksonia Cooksonia is an extinct grouping of primitive land plants. The first Cooksonia species were described by William Henry Lang in 1937 and named in honour of Isabel Cookson, with whom he had collaborated and who collected specimens of Cooksonia pertoni in Perton Quarry, Wales, in 1934.
Iridaceae Libertia pulchella Marie-Anne Libert (1782-1865) Belgian botanist and mycologist. She was one of the first women plant pathologists. She was one of the first to identify the organism responsible for the "late blight" disease of the potato, which she named Botrytis vastatrix Lib. and of which she gave a detailed description in a report written in August 1845.
Palowinaceae Paulownia kawakamii Anna Pavlovna of Russia (1795-1865) was a queen consort of The Netherlands. She is described as being intelligent, sensitive, loyal to her family, with a violent temperament. The genus Paulownia was coined by German botanist Philipp Franz von Siebold to honour Anna Pavlovna.
Plumbaginaceae Ceratostigma willmottianum Ellen Ann Willmott (1858-1934), a horticulturalist and plant introducer from Warley Place, Essex, UK. She was an influential member of the Royal Horticultural Society, and a recipient of the first Victoria Medal of Honour in 1897 (one of two women that year, the other being Gertrude Jekyll). More than 60 plants have been named after her or her home, Warley Place. In 1905 she became one of the first women to be elected a fellow of the Linnean Society of London.
Pteridaceae Gaga germanotta Named after American singer and songwriter Lady Gaga  (née Stefani Germanotta) because the ferns closely resemble Gaga's costume at the 52nd Annual Grammy Awards. The fern also bears a distinct DNA sequence spelling GAGA. Seventeen of the nineteen species were reclassified, having previously been assigned to the genus Cheilanthes. Biologists at Duke University explained that they listed the ferns with the name Gaga, due to the singer's active support of equality and individual expression. The ferns have the ability to self-fertilize and "fluid definitions of gender".
Solanaceae Atropa belladonna The genus name Atropa is derived from that of of the three Moirai in Greek mythology who determined the course of a man's life by the weaving of threads that symbolized his birth, the events in his life, and finally his death, with Atropos cutting these threads to mark the last of these.
Strelitziaceae Strelitzia reginae Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1744-1818) was a patron of the arts and an amateur botanist who helped expand Kew Gardens. She was a British queen, wife of King George III. In an age of discovery, when such travellers and explorers as Captain James Cook and Sir Joseph Banks were constantly bringing home new species and varieties of plants, she ensured that the collections of Kew were greatly enriched and expanded.
Xanthorrhoeaceae Kniphofia northiae Marianne North (24 October 1830 – 30 August 1890) was a prolific English Victorian biologist and botanical artist. The scientific accuracy with which she documented plant life in all parts of the world, before photography became a practical option, gives her work a permanent value. A number of plant species are named in her honour, including Areca northiana, Crinum northianum, Kniphofia northiana, Nepenthes northiana, and the genus name Northia.
Over the past two weeks, we finished installing the new interpretation! Yeah! It looks great in situ and I’m happy it is done. I also installed a new irrigation point to one of my areas of the garden. I’m currently fixing a pipe that I punctured when erecting the winter protection. We are gearing up for spring. My wrist is slowing feeling stronger. 
The pests have woken up and are already a nuisance. Jess has biological control on the way. Robert is taking the reins of propagation. Charlotte will be in Edinburgh for her work exchange. It’s all go, go, go. I did some moving of plants and a big eradication of smyrnium and arums throughout the world wood. The luffa I am nurturing in the tropical corridor is almost ready to harvest and dry out!
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Book club was this week and most of us enjoyed “The Black Tulip”. The next book for book club is “Feral: Searching for Enchantment on the Frontiers of Rewilding”.
I was in Madrid last weekend and it was great to spend time with Juan and David. We visited Don Quixote’s windmills, a few hours from Madrid, and the home of Cervantes, Alcalá de Henares, close to Madrid.
Plant of the week 1 March
Boraginaceae Echium simplex DC.
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common name(s) - white tower of jewels, pride of Tenerife; Español: arrebol tajinaste synonym(s) - none conservation rating - none native to - Canary Islands location - glasshouse 2, accession 2017-0209 leaves - silvery gray-green covered in smooth hairs above and prominently veined below and are held in tight rosettes atop a short stem flowers - after two to three years emerges a stout solitary unbranched, tapering inflorescence that rises vertically 1m to 3m in late winter to mid spring bearing small white flowers densely held the entire length habit - perennial, evergreen to 2m tall and 500mm wide habitat - mountainous Anaga region in the north-east of Tenerife, the largest of the Canary Islands pests - slugs, snails on young growth disease - generally disease-free hardiness - to -5ºC (H3) soil - well-drained; drought resistant sun - full sun propagation - the main plant dies after flowering and it perpetuates itself in the garden by seedling about pruning - none nomenclature - Boraginaceae - borago - shaggy-coat, burra with feminine suffix (the leaves); Echium - viper, εχις, a name εχιον used by Dioscorides for a plant to cure snakebite, derived from echion with the root word echis meaning viper, but the reason for this has several interpretations, included among these are the shape of the seed resembling that of a viper's head and from the age-old belief that Echium vulgare, a plant called viper's bugloss, was a remedy for the adder's bite; simplex - undivided, entire, single NB - produce a very distinctively flavoured honey
References, bibliography:
Gledhill, David, (2008) “The Names of Plants”, fourth edition; Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 978-0-52168-553-5
IUCN [online] http://www.iucnredlist.org/search [10 Mar 19]
Plant List, The [online] http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/kew-2784354 [10 Mar 19]
San Marcos Growers [online] https://www.smgrowers.com/products/plants/plantdisplay.asp?plant_id=3908 [10 Mar 19]
Plant of the week 8 March
Boraginaceae Symphytum grandiflorum DC.
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common name(s) - creeping comfrey, dwarf comfrey, common comfrey, knitbone, knitback, consound, blackwort, bruisewort, slippery root, boneset, yalluc (Saxon), gum plant, consolida, ass ear synonym(s) - none conservation rating - none native to - Caucasus location - dicotyledon order beds, accession _____ leaves - mid-green flowers - spring and early summer bears one-sided sprays of hanging, tubular, cream flowers, opening from red-flushed buds habit - rhizomatous herbaceous, rather sprawling, hairy, deciduous perennial to 1m wide and 300mm tall habitat - banks of rivers, ditches, woodland pests - generally pest-free disease - generally disease-free hardiness - to below -20ºC (H7) soil - moist and well-draned to poorly-drained sun - full sun to part shade propagation - division of fleshy roots in spring, by root cuttings in early winter, by seed sown in pots in a cold frame in autumn or spring pruning - cut back after flowering to encourage neat, young foliage nomenclature - Boraginaceae - borago - shaggy-coat, burra with feminine suffix (the leaves); Symphytum - grow-together-plant, ουμ-φυτον, Dioscorides’ name, ουμφυτον, for healing plants, including comfrey, conferva of Pliny; grandiflorum - with large flowers NB - Permaculturists like Symphytum grandiflorum because it will fill out a polyculture’s herbaceous layer at a slower rate than other comfreys, which can be helpful if your food forest or woodland garden is very young and there are other plants that need time and space to establish. Dwarf comfrey is also a dynamic accumulator, beneficial insect habitat, nutritious and quickly decomposing top mulch and vital compost tea ingredient.
References, bibliography:
Gledhill, David, (2008) “The Names of Plants”, fourth edition; Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 978-0-52168-553-5
Green Light Plants [online] http://greenlightplants.com/index.php/plant_catalog/symphytum-grandiflorum/ [10 Mar 19]
IUCN [online] http://www.iucnredlist.org/search [10 Mar 19]
Plant List, The [online] http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/kew-2475615 [10 Mar 19]
Royal Horticultural Society [online] https://www.rhs.org.uk/Plants/17885/Symphytum-grandiflorum/Details [10 Mar 19]
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purplesurveys · 6 years
Ever had a friend online for a long time without seeing a photo of them? : Yes, that was the case with a lot of people when the Tumblr wrestling community was still up and kicking.
When you did see a photo, was it how you’d imagined them?: I was 14 at the time and the whole sensation of seeing other foreign people was a little surreal. Idk I was younger and only ever saw Filipinos like me, so to see people my age but on the other side of the world and, say, having much cooler rooms or wardrobes, or seeing the older people have nose piercings and be a little edgier than what I’d normally see everyday was really cool. The last time you threw up, what caused it?: It was around Julyish last year. I had too much gin and was dizzy and dead. If you saw Rent Live on Fox, did you like Valentina as Angel? I hate Rent. Did you have any foreign exchange students at your high school?: They weren’t exchange students. They were simply foreigners who landed in our school but yeah, we had them. We had a Korean classmate in fourth grade and then an Italian one in high school. They didn’t stay for too long though.
Did they have favorite foods from your country they’d never had before?: I dunno, I never talked to them. Any foods from other countries you would like to try but haven’t yet?: Anything Moroccan or Ethiopian. I’ve tried just about everything except those. Has bad weather ever prevented you from getting to work?: I don’t work, and the government automatically suspends classes when the rain gets too bad. Do you think the world would be more peaceful without any religion?: That’s too bold of an assumption, but on a selfish standpoint the lack of religion would be such a relief for me. Have you ever internet stalked anybody?: I guess. When I want to know someone, I always go through their photos. It’s never anything concerning though. Have you ever had a stalker?: I guess as well, but it’s never been obsessive. Do you think sage smells like marijuana? (Some people do.): I don’t know the smell of either. Are you ever guilty of hypocrisy?: Sure, I have my forgetful moments. Have you kept the same icon here for a long time?: Yes. I kept the same icon on my old survey blog the whole time I had it. Why did you choose your icon, anyway?: Because showing my face doesn’t hurt. Have you ever made any friends through Bzoink?: I never made an account on there. Would you like to make any friends through Bzoink?: Any fun facts (on any topic) you’d like to share?: Been stuck on this question for over a day. I got nothing haha. Did you ever watch Labyrinth?: No, I’m not too familiar with the title either. Could you ever see anybody other than Bowie as Jareth?: Does it hurt your feelings when people talk shit about things you love?: No, unless they’re personally disrespectful about it. Do you like it when people give you nicknames?: I wouldn’t know how to feel, since I’ve always went by Robyn. Do you often find yourself checking out people’s butts?: I only ever do that with Gab haha. Can you be friends with people with opposing political views?: I don’t think I could last with them. Political views go beyond politics and extend to things we’re supposed to decide upon–abortion, same-sex marriage, even fucking vaccines. I can’t last with someone who internally thinks the above things are wrong. When you make friends, are you usually the one to ‘make the first move’?: No.  What fandoms are you in?: I stopped the fandom life years ago lol. Are there any fandoms you used to be in, but left?: It’s not that I left, I just grew out of them. YouTubers, wrestling, Beyonce, Kristen Stewart. Anything the fans in your fandoms do that pisses you off?: The fans can get overboard and be really protective/disrespectful/purposely annoying. That’s mostly with the wrestling/Bey fandom though.  Do you ship anybody in your fandoms?: Of course. If so, what is your OTP? Your NoTP?: My biggest one was and is Punk and AJ. Do you more often feel superior or inferior to others?: Depends on the person but tbh I never really waste time thinking about this?? What kind of pasta is your favorite?: Spaghetti, fettucine, or linguine. I don’t eat any other kind. Do you like beef jerky?: Never had it, we don’t have those here. Do you prefer ruffly or regular potato chips?: Doesn’t matter. What smells remind you of your childhood?: Plants being watered. My grandma would water the plants and attend to her garden every single afternoon for the whole time I lived at our old house. When she would go out and do it, it was my signal to go out as well and play with my neighbors. Do you write down your own recipes, or just commit them to memory?: I don’t cook. Can you do any impressions?: Local celebrity ones and my friends, but nobody too notable. What color do you want to dye your hair?: Dark green, but I can’t be assed to.
Do you have a ‘meet cute’ story with your partner or friend?: I have no idea what you’re talking about. Did you know A Star is Born was technically a remake?: Yeah isn’t the one with Barbra Streisand even a remake too? They’ve made too many versions of the damn thing. How do you like your chicken?: I don’t like chicken but uhhhh fried or baked I guess. Do you enjoy cheese fries?: Yes, I need my fries slathered in cheese. Do you eat refried beans?: No, I hate beans. What is a food you enjoy, but don’t have very often?: Steak, cos it’s expensive. Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn? Why?: AUDREY. I never really vibed with Marilyn. Audrey’s my babygirl forever–she’s my icon in my old survey blog. Watched 90% of her movies and I had 2000 photos of her on my old iPad. Favorite fictional world?: San Junipero. Do you like fuzzy socks?: I can enjoy it. Do you wear slippers all the time in the winter?: Do you use lint rollers often? : Nope. Do you carry pepper spray?: No but I probably should get one. Have you ever had to use it?: Thankfully I haven’t been in a situation where I needed one and didn’t have it. Have you ever been kicked out of a public place? Why?: Technically. A few years ago, my friends were at McDonald’s making a huge racket playing a dumb card game. I knew it was pissing people off so I pretended I wasn’t from the same table haha. Eventually a grumpy old man approached the guard and asked if we could leave. Best thing to do during a power outage?: Save your cellphone’s power, write, eat...tbh just go out to the mall hah. Has your power ever gone out for more than a day?: Yes, once. Art posters and tees where they have put tattoos and piercings on Old Hollywood stars – yay or nay?: Nay. They do that to Audrey all the time!!! The disrespect!!! Do you have/have you ever had an unusual pet?: No. Do you donate to any associations that care for animals?: I would if I had money of my own. What keeps you coming back to Bzoink?: Never running out of surveys.
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hedge-witch-des · 6 years
My Holidays
Since I’m not a Wiccan and find it off putting to celebrate Wiccan holidays, so after talking with my Mama and finding out more about my past I decided to celebrate our holidays instead!
Idea based off this post here
Beginning of the Year:
NUDANAE: (The New Year)- From December 28-30 we celebrate Nudanae, the new year. On these days we close the book on the past year and make way for the new. We feast, drink, exchange presents (usually hand made), and gather around a fire in song. This holiday is reserved for close friends and family.
Colors: Gold, Blue, White
Foods: Ham, turkey, potatoes, bread, corn
Symbols: Snowflakes, pine trees, stars
SUDONAE: (The Spring Equinox)- On the days between March 20-23 we celebrate the coming of spring, Sudonae. On this day we tend to our gardens and plants and the new growth that is coming in. Take sometime to walk through nature and enjoy the new sights, sounds, and smells of the world around you. Maybe make things using flowers (real or fake are acceptable). On this day we also wish Persephone a safe trip to Olympus and wait for her return.
Colors: Greens, Yellows
Foods: chocolates, eggs, ham
Symbols: Eggs, rabbits, flowers, seeds
MANUTE: (May Day)- On the day of May 1st we celebrate the workers and the beginning of Summer. On this day we rest and reflect on the work he have done up to this day and spend time relaxing, out in nature enjoying the summer weather that’s rolling in, and with animals if possible. Have a bonfire or do a ritual to protect your crops and plants this coming season.
Colors: Greens, Blues, Yellows
Foods: Any meats that can be cooked on a fire, salads
Symbols: Fire, plants, water, air, birds
SAMADAE: (The Summer Solstice)- On the days of June 19-23 we recognize Samadae, the Summer Solstice. This is the time to enjoy the summer sun! Get outside, have a picnic, run barefoot in a field, take the dogs for that extra long walk for once, go off trail hiking. Just get out there and enjoy the sun!
Colors: Yellows, Oranges, Blues
Foods: fresh fruits and vegetables, summer squash or any orange or yellow colored foods, herb teas, fruit juice
Symbols: Foxes, leaves, flowers
End of the year:
HADAMADIO: (The First Harvest)- On August 1st we celebrate Hadamadio, the first harvest. On this day we pick the first crops from our fields/gardens. It is a time to give thanks for all your fields/gardens have done and share in your harvest. Make a meal out of your fresh pickings and share it with others!
Colors: Reds, Oranges, Yellows
Foods: corn, rice, bread, fruits and vegetables, berries, elderberry wine
Symbols: Fallen leaves, migratory birds
MUNADAE: (The Autumn Equinox/Mabon)- On the days of September 21st-24th we celebrate Munadae, the Autumn Equinox. On this day it’s time to bring in the crops, celebrate Mother Earth for all she has given us, and rest after bringing in the crops. Usually a bonfire is held after a feast of harvest foods. We also take the time to welcome Persephone home to the underworld, and her husband Hades
Colors: Gold, Orange, Red, Brown.
Foods: apples, gourds, pomegranates/seeds, bread,
Symbols: Pomegranates, Cerberus, corvids
SUTAKIN: (Halloween/Samhain)- On the days of October 31st through November 1st we take time to dress up in costumes (traditionally hand made), feast, spend time with family and the dead, welcome in spirits who wish to celebrate with us, and dance around fires! Usually a feast is held later in the night with ritual food.
Colors: Oranges, Blacks, Purples.
Foods: Gourds, candy, potatoes, bread, soups, soul cakes
Symbols: Pumpkins, skulls, bones, graves, ghosts
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brandavenniehe · 7 years
I and Love and You In the Raw (Dehydrated)
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
I and Love and You In the Raw Dog Food receives the Advisor’s second-highest tier rating of 4 stars.
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The I and Love and You In the Raw product line includes 3 dehydrated dog foods.
Each recipe below includes its related AAFCO nutrient profile when available on the product’s official webpage: Growth, Maintenance, All Life Stages, Supplemental or Unspecified.
Important: Because many websites do not reliably specify which Growth or All Life Stages recipes are safe for large breed puppies, we do not include that data in this report. Be sure to check actual packaging for that information.
I and Love and You Raw Raw Turk Boom Ba [A]
I and Love and You Raw Raw Chick Boom Ba [A]
I and Love and You Raw Raw Beef Boom Ba (3.5 stars) [A]
I and Love and You Raw Raw Chick Boom Ba was selected to represent the other products in the line for this review.
I and Love and You Raw Raw Chick Boom Ba
Dehydrated Dog Food
Estimated Dry Matter Nutrient Content
Protein = 27% | Fat = 9% | Carbs = 56%
Ingredients: Chicken, yellow split peas, sweet potato, cabbage, carrots, whole egg, flaxseed meal, banana, tricalcium-phosphate, almond meal, spinach, alfalfa, kelp, ginger root, salt, zinc sulfate, iron (ferrous sulfate), vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin)
Fiber (estimated dry matter content) = 5.6%
Red items indicate controversial ingredients
Estimated Nutrient ContentMethodProteinFatCarbsGuaranteed Analysis24%8%NADry Matter Basis27%9%56%Calorie Weighted Basis26%21%54%
Protein = 26% | Fat = 21% | Carbs = 54%
The first ingredient in this dog food is chicken. Although it is a quality item, raw chicken contains up to 73% water. After dehydrating, most of that moisture is lost, reducing the meat content to just a fraction of its original weight.
After processing, this item would probably account for a smaller part of the total content of the finished product.
The second ingredient includes peas. Peas are a quality source of carbohydrates. And like all legumes, they’re rich in natural fiber.
However, peas contain about 25% protein, a factor that must be considered when judging the meat content of this dog food.
The third ingredient is sweet potato. Sweet potatoes are a gluten-free source of complex carbohydrates in a dog food. They are naturally rich in dietary fiber and beta carotene.
The fourth ingredient is cabbage. Like broccoli and cauliflower, cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable rich in protective anti-oxidants and fiber.
The fifth ingredient lists carrots. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, minerals and dietary fiber.
The sixth ingredient is whole egg. Eggs are easy to digest and have an exceptionally high biological value.
The seventh ingredient is flaxseed meal, one of the best plant-based sources of healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Flax meal is particularly rich in soluble fiber.
However, flaxseed contains about 19% protein, a factor that must be considered when judging the actual meat content of this dog food.
From here, the list goes on to include a number of other items.
But to be realistic, ingredients located this far down the list (other than nutritional supplements) are not likely to affect the overall rating of this product.
With three notable exceptions…
First, we find almond meal, an excellent source of healthy monounsaturated fat. Almond meal is rich in dietary fiber.
However, almond meal contains about 28% protein, a factor that must be considered when judging the actual meat content of this dog food.
Next, this recipe contains alfalfa, a flowering member of the pea family. Although alfalfa is high in protein (18%) and fiber, it’s uncommon to see it used in a dog food. This hay-family ingredient is more commonly associated with horse feeds.
And lastly, the minerals listed here do not appear to be chelated. And that can make them more difficult to absorb. Non-chelated minerals are usually associated with lower quality dog foods.
I and Love and You In the Raw Dog Food The Bottom Line
Judging by its ingredients alone, I and Love and You In the Raw looks like an above-average product.
But ingredient quality by itself cannot tell the whole story. We still need to estimate the product’s meat content before determining a final rating.
The dashboard displays a dry matter protein reading of 27%, a fat level of 9% and estimated carbohydrates of about 56%.
As a group, the brand features an average protein content of 27% and a mean fat level of 10%. Together, these figures suggest a carbohydrate content of 56% for the overall product line.
And a fat-to-protein ratio of about 37%.
Near-average protein. Below-average fat. And above-average carbs when compared to a typical dry product.
When you consider the protein-boosting effect of the peas, flaxseed and almond meals, this looks like the profile of a dry product containing a moderate amount of meat.
Bottom line?
I and Love and You In the Raw is a plant-based dehydrated dog food using a moderate amount of named meats as its main sources of animal protein, thus earning the brand 4 stars.
Highly recommended.
Please note certain recipes are sometimes given a higher or lower rating based upon our estimate of their total meat content and (when appropriate) their fat-to-protein ratios.
I and Love and You Dog Food Recall History
The following list (if present) includes all dog food recalls since 2009 directly related to this product line. If there are no recalls listed in this section, we have not yet reported any events.
You can view a complete list of all dog food recalls sorted by date. Or view the same list sorted alphabetically by brand.
To learn why our ratings have nothing to do with a product’s recall history, please visit our Dog Food Recalls FAQ page.
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Dog Food Coupons and Discounts
Readers are invited to check for coupons and discounts shared by others in our Dog Food Coupons Forum.
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A Final Word
The descriptions and analyses expressed in this and every article on this website represent the views and opinions of the author.
The Dog Food Advisor does not test dog food products.
We rely entirely on the integrity of the information provided by each company. As such, the accuracy of every review is directly dependent upon the specific data a company chooses to share.
Although it's our goal to ensure all the information on this website is correct, we cannot guarantee its completeness or its accuracy; nor can we commit to ensuring all the material is kept up-to-date on a daily basis.
We rely on tips from readers. To report a product change or request an update of any review, please contact us using this form.
Each review is offered in good faith and has been designed to help you make a more informed decision when buying dog food.
However, due to the biological uniqueness of every animal, none of our ratings are intended to suggest feeding a particular product will result in a specific dietary response or health benefit for your pet.
For a better understanding of how we analyze each product, please read our article, "The Problem with Dog Food Reviews".
Remember, no dog food can possibly be appropriate for every life stage, lifestyle or health condition. So, choose wisely. And when in doubt, consult a qualified veterinary professional for help.
In closing, we do not accept money, gifts or samples from pet food companies in exchange for special consideration in the preparation of our reviews or ratings.
However, we do receive a fee from Chewy.com for each purchase made as a direct result of a referral from our website. This fee is a fixed dollar amount and has nothing to do with the size of an order or the brand selected for purchase.
Have an opinion about this dog food? Or maybe the review itself? Please know we welcome your comments.
Notes and Updates
11/12/2017 Last Update
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dietauthority · 8 years
Top 25 Vitamin A Rich Foods
We need a healthy body, mind as well as soul completely health. For this reason, it is required to develop and embrace a disciplined way of living. You can attain this by doing workouts, caring for skin as well as hair and proper diet.
Eye care is one of the most important routine that can be quickly accomplished by getting rid of call lenses before resting, not seeing TV screen very closely, wearing glasses when using the computer, taking appropriate diet regimen by consisting of Vitamin A rich foods.
Vitamin A need to be included in your day-to-day diet regimen to remain fit and healthy. This advertises healthy and balanced working, development of the eyes, teeth, skin, soft tissues, mucous membrane layers, skeletal system, and also body immune system. Vitamin A is crucial for correct growth, to eliminate against lots of conditions and also maintain the reproductive system.
Vitamin A could be located in various fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, as well as milk items. Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin that originates from the unsaturated hydrocarbons such as retinal, retinol, and beta-carotene. Cartenoids have alpha, beta and gamma carotene that further exchange Vitamin A. Carotenoids are dark-colored pigments that are located in plant foods and obtain transformed into Vitamin A as beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant, which is beneficial to protect your cells from damages due to complimentary radicals. Free radicals cause countless chronic conditions and are one of one of the most essential reasons for aging. Beta-carotene supplements are also useful to lower the risk of cancer.
There are 2 types of Vitamin A that are acquired from the diet. Preformed Vitamin A can be obtained from animal items like cheese, fish, poultry meat, as well as dairy foods. While, pro-vitamin A is acquired from plant-based foods like fruits or veggies. Beta-carotene is the most common sort of pro-vitamin A that can additionally be obtained from dietary supplements. It is suggested to maintain the required level of Vitamin A to cure many health and wellness conditions.
Fighting infection
Healthy eyesight
Cure ocular diseases
Maintain healthy bones
Strong teeth
Treat urinary stones
Boost immune system
Destroy tumor cells
Prevent cancer
Healthy endocrine system
Healing properties
Healthy skin
Skin disorders
Reduce stretch marks
Healthy scalp
Reduces hair dryness
Reduces dandruff
Breast feeding
AgeMaleFemalePregnancyLactation0-6 months*400 mcg RAE400 mcg RAE7-12 months*500 mcg RAE500 mcg RAE1-3 years300 mcg RAE300 mcg RAE4-8 years400 mcg RAE400 mcg RAE9-13 years600 mcg RAE600 mcg RAE14-18 years900 mcg RAE700 mcg RAE750 mcg RAE1,200 mcg RAE19-50 years900 mcg RAE700 mcg RAE770 mcg RAE1,300 mcg RAE51+ years900 mcg RAE700 mcg RAE
* Adequate Intake (AI), equivalent to the mean consumption of vitamin A in healthy and balanced, breastfed infants.
Top 25 Vitamin An Abundant Foods Checklist:
Most pets' livers are loaded with nutrients. They can be prepared by steaming or frying with onions and also various nourishing natural herbs. Which is exactly what makes this source an instead scrumptious food abundant in vitamin A.
Make them your tasty turkey supper. You could additionally add turkey liver to the gravy or things them to gain many minerals and vitamins. 100-gram turkey liver will certainly provide you 1507% of the Vitamin A required on a daily basis. 100 grams Turkey Liver consist of 273 calories.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gTURKEY LIVER72372 IU228 g
When we mentions foods abundant in vitamin A, how can we leave the beef liver. The liver is a wealthiest resource of Vitamin An and also Vitamin C. They have been used for many centuries to cure anemia. 100-gram beef liver will certainly supply you 300% of your needed Vitamin A for a day.100 gram Beef Liver consists of 135 calories.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gBEEF LIVER31718 IU191 g
The butternut squash is yellow-orange in shade, and is an abundant source of beta carotene. This gets exchanged Vitamin A in your body. This dark orange squash preferences scrumptious and also has nutty and also sweet flavor. One cup butternut squash will certainly give you 400% of the everyday needed Vitamin A. It also includes Vitamin C, potassium, and fiber that benefits health.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gBUTTERNUT SQUASH11155 IU40 g
Mustard greens are widely consumed in North India. We recognize these spicy as well as crunchy flavored green leaves by the name of 'sarsoo ka saag'. In some components, this is also referred as leaf mustard. It includes the maximum nutrition as compared to any other green-leafy vegetables. You could eat them raw or cooked, as it has superb flavour and also nutrition. This offers 118% of the day-to-day required Vitamin A. They are additionally the wealthiest source of manganese, calcium, carotenes, folate, fiber, protein, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, vitamin K, and several anti-oxidants.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gMUSTARD GREENS6234 IU15 g
Whole milk is also tastier than skimmed milk, as it is rich and also velvety. Whole milk has more dietary worth compared to skimmed milk. One cup of entire milk contains a great quantity of calcium, healthy protein, Vitamins D, A, and magnesium. It additionally consists of fat that can be consumed in moderate quantity.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gWHOLE MILK676 IU300 g
Vitamin A is loaded with antioxidants which is crucial for vision. This works for proper maintenance of healthy mucus membranes as well as skin. Dried basil is abundant in Vitamin-A which will certainly stop your body against lung as well as oral dental caries cancers cells. This dried basil has a quite flexible taste and also flavor that can be contributed to a lot of the recipes you prepare. Add them over any foods to get Vitamin An as well as for preference improvement. 100-gram dried out basil will give you 15% of the day-to-day needed quantity of Vitamin A.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gDRIED BASIL9376 IU251 g
Dark green leafy veggies are the healthiest foods. Light eco-friendly Iceberg lettuce is additionally the wealthiest resource of Vitamin A. They can be contributed to your salads as well as sandwiches to obtain your day-to-day need of Vitamin A. One cup Iceberg lettuce will offer you10 calories, and also different other essential nutrients required.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gICEBERG LETTUCE502 IU14 g
8. PEAS:
Add these wonderful environment-friendly peas to your side meal of any dish as a healthy and balanced nutritional supplement. One 1/2 cup pea can give 134% of the required worth of Vitamin A, and 62 calories. They additionally consists of a good quantity of Vitamins K, C, and B.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gPEAS801 IU84 g
Some agricultural research studies have actually verified that tomatoes are fruits. Add them to your day-to-day diet regimen, as they contain reduced calories as well as many essential minerals and vitamins. One tomato can offer 20% of the Vitamin A required for a day. They are also a rich resource of vitamin C as well as lycopene.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gTOMATOES833 IU18 g
Add spinach to your day-to-day diet regimen for a healthy and balanced life. One-cup spinach can give 49% of the everyday needed value of Vitamin A. Spinach is likewise the richest source of Vitamin C, manganese, iron, Vitamin K, and also calcium.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gSPINACH9376 IU23 g
11. KALE:
Kale is made use of famously for common garnish. They taste scrumptious and also have numerous nutrients. Include them to your daily diet plan completely wellness as well as Vitamin A. One-cup kale can provide you 200% of the required vitamin A.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gKALE15376 IU50 g
Carrots typically concern the mind when you believe of Vitamin An and eye health. They are believed to be the most effective treatment to improve eye vision with several other health advantages. One carrot will give you 200% of everyday suggested vitamin A. Carrots likewise contain vitamins B, C, K, magnesium and fiber in huge quantity.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gCARROTS16705 IU41 g
Sweet potatoes are tasty in preference and also have high nutritive worth. One wonderful potato will certainly provide 438% of the day-to-day needed Vitamin An and also 103 calories.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gSWEET POTATOES19217 IU90 g
Mangoes are the most liked fruits in any type of part of the world. They have sweet, juicy, zesty taste. This can be added to the main course or in desserts. It is filled up with nutrients and vitamins that advertise a healthy diet regimen. One cup mango can give 36% of the daily needed amount of Vitamin An and also 107 calories.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Systems) Calories 100 gMANGOES765 IU65 g
Peach has an extremely tasty flavor and also has exceptional dietary worth. Peaches have a great amount of magnesium, Vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and also iron. One peach could offer 10% of the day-to-day needed Vitamin An and also 59 calories.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gPEACHES326 IU39 g
Papaya is a tropical fruit that is loaded with minerals, enzymes, vitamins, as well as antioxidants. One papaya can give 29% of the everyday needed vitamin A. The papaya could be eaten in numerous methods such as raw, included in salads or in smoothies.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gPAPAYA1094 IU39 g
Bell peppers make a scrumptious vegetable that is taken in raw or prepared. Raw bell peppers are crispy in structure as well as could be utilized in salads as well as dips. Cooked bell peppers have smoky, pleasant taste that is made use of to improve the taste of other meals. Red Bell peppers have a moderate pleasant preference that is made use of to prepare pimentos as well as paprika. Red peppers could also be contributed to veggie dip, clambered eggs, and also pasta meals. This consists of several health benefits, as they are an abundant source of anti-oxidants such as Vitamin A, lycopene, Vitamin C.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gRED BELL PEPPERS3131 IU31 g
Cod liver oil supplements are the richest resource of minerals and vitamins. Cod liver oil is offered in fluid and also capsule form, which has the amazing quantity of Vitamin A, D, as well as omega 3 fatty acids. One tablespoon of cod liver oil can offer you required Vitamin A worth for the day and also 126 calories.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gCOD LIVER OIL100014 IU902 g
Grapefruit juice has great nutrients like potassium, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, phosphorus, calcium, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin A, and also phytonutrients. These important nutrients support the body immune system of your body to eliminate versus ailments and also healthy and solid life.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gGRAPEFRUIT JUICE440 IU39 g
Oatmeal is consumed as a staple breakfast in nations. It is full of nutrients and also is the richest resource of dietary fiber. They contain a fair amount of phosphorus, potassium, minerals, as well as iron. Oat meal can offer you 29% of the daily required vitamin An and 159 calories.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gFORTIFIED OATMEAL621 IU68 g
Paprika is the most popular flavor made use of in South American, Sri Lankan, Indian, and also Spanish cuisine. They have fiery poignant taste that can be included in your any type of favorite meal for health advantages and as a taste booster. One tbsp will offer 69% of the day-to-day needed Vitamin A. this likewise has potassium, calcium and Vitamin C.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gPAPRIKA52742 IU289 g
They have juicy flesh with a pleasant scent and are intense yellow-orange in different colors. They could treat and also stop your body from numerous conditions. Cantaloupes are low in calories and also fat. They have countless vital vitamins and nutrients that promote health. They have delicious flavor and can be utilized in fruit salad, snack, or dessert. One wedge of Melon will give you120% of the required Vitamin A for the day and 23 calories.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gCANTALOUPE3382 IU34 g
Add leafy greens to your daily diet regimen once and for all wellness. Turnip Greens are quite reduced in calories, high in nutrients, and also are very easy to prepare. Turnip Greens need food preparation or steaming for consumption. This supercharges their nutritious worth to get soaked up in your body.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Systems) Calories 100 gTURNIP GREENS8611 IU35 g
Dried apricots are a tasty snack, and also they include many nutrients, anti-oxidants, and energy. Dried apricots are likewise the richest source of Vitamin A. One cup of dried apricot can offer you 94% of the required Vitamin An and also 313 calories.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gDRIED APRICOTS1275 IU85 g
Dried Marjoram is included for their special tastes as well as numerous wellness benefits. Dried out marjoram is the rich resource of vitamin A. 100-gram can give you 161% of the needed Vitamin A for the day. You could likewise include them to many meals to obtain 271 calories.
Food SourceVitamin A in IU( International Units) Calories 100 gDRIED MARJORAM8067 IU271 g
1. Stay clear of eating them in big or low amount. This could have adverse wellness effects.
2. Extreme intake of Vitamin A brings about central nerve system problems, reduced bone mineral density, abnormality, liver irregularities, weakening of bones, etc
3. Vitamin A could create mother's death, decrease ability to overcome infections, evening loss of sight, xerophthalmia, keratomalacia, measles, respiratory system as well as diarrheal infections, decreased development rate, slow-moving bone growth, etc
4. Vitamin A supplements should be taken in only after taking proper examination from your doctor.
5. A lot of foods in our everyday diet plan consist of some quantity of Vitamin A.
6. Lots of multivitamins supplements can likewise fulfill the requirement of Vitamin A value.
This is our extensive checklist of Vitamin An abundant foods. Hope it aids you think of a healthy yet scrumptious diet regimen! Do leave us a comment.
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asegbolu · 8 years
ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS. FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2014/2015 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION NAME:... The colour of Nigerians flag is __________________ and ____________________ An example of the dimension of civic education is ___________________ (a) people (b) family (c) library _____________ makes a society well-governed. (a) law (b) corruption (c) fraud The capital of Nigeria is ___________________________________________ ______________ refers to the total way of life of people. (a) culture (b) society (c) civic We as citizens should promote _________________________ in Nigeria. (a) fight (b) hatred (c) unity The ___________________ is a shield that serves as a special symbol to Nigeria. (a) picture (b) coat of arms (c) ibbs uniform We must ____________________ all our national symbols. (a) disrespect (b) respect (c) destroy An example of our national identity is ___________ (a) National flag (b) National television (c) National cake A feeling and sense of belonging to a nation is called _____________ (a) family (b) schooling (c) National identity A family is the first contact a child has where he interact with other people. (a) True (b) False The activity a society carries out to make ________ is called economic dimension. (a) children (b) money (c) laws Nigeria is made up of over ___________________ ethnic groups. (a) 150 (b) 250 (c) 500 We must ________________ other peoples culture (a) respect (b) disrespect (c) disregard In the school, we receive _______________ and grow up as responsible citizens. (a) abuse (b) beating (c) knowledge One of the ways of civic duty is ____________ (a) payment of taxes (b) beating of others (c) disobeying rules and regulation The senate president is ________________ (a) Senator Bola Tinubu (b) Senator David Mark (c) Senator Aliu Aliya The democracy date in Nigeria is celebrated on ____________ (a) May 1st (b) May 29th (c) May 27th The first lady of Nigeria is _______ (a) Dame Abimbola Fashola (b) Dame Patience Jonathan (c) Dame Ruth Munroe The ruling party of Nigerians politics is __________ (a) PDP (b) APC (c) APGA Theory List 2 elements of National identity (a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________ Mention the four dimensions of civic education (a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________ (c) ______________________________ (d) ________________________________ The governor of Ogun State is ____________________________________________ The speaker of the Federal House of Representative is _________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ List 2 components of civic education (a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________ The ruling party of Lagos State politics is _________________________________ Nigeria is in _______________________________________ continent of the world. ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS. FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2014/2015 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME:... When a man marries more than one wife, it is called _________________ (a) monogamy (b) polygamy (c) multigamy The gift exchange in traditional marriage is called ____________ (a) bridegroom (b) bride price (c) gold We have _________ types of religion in Nigeria. (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 6 A Christian marriage is done in ______________ (a) Mosque (b) Church (c) Registry An unmarried woman is called __________________ (a) bachelor (b) spinster (c) widow ___________ is the legal union of a man and a woman to become husband and wife. (a) contract (b) marriage (c) divorce One of the characteristics of culture is ______________ It tells who we are (b) It is bad on us (c) It is expensive ___________ is the function of nuclear family to one another. (a) fighting (b) protection (c) quarrel As children, we are taught to be good members of our family. (a) True (b) False Our fathers side is also called _________________ (a) maternal side (b) paternal side (c) in-law side Your sister or brothers son is called __________________ (a) niece (b) nephew (c) aunty _________________ is one of the disadvantages of extended family. (a) It is too large (b) They support themselves (c) They live in co-operation The total way of life of people is called ________________ (a) culture (b) diversion (c) unity There are ________ types of culture. (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 8 Greeting is an example of ____________________ culture. (a) material (b) non-material (c) multi Religion teaches us ______________ (a) love (b) hatred (c) destruction People who practice traditional religion are called ___________ (a) Christians (b) Muslims (c) traditionalist One of the items used in marriage ceremony is ____________ (a) money (b) Gun (c) toy Culture changes from time to time (a) Yes (b) No ____________________ is a group of people related by blood. (a) family (b) friends (c) colleagues Theory List two types of family (a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________ Mention the two types of culture (a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________ Write out 2 roles of a member of an extended family to each other. (a) __________________________________________________________________ (b) __________________________________________________________________ List 3 types of religion in Nigeria (a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________ (c) ______________________________ List 2 examples of culture. (a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS. FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2014/2015 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE NAME:... _______________ foods that give energy to man and animals to do work. (a) carbohydrate (b) protein (c) vitamins ______are foods that build the muscles and repair worn out tissues of man and animals. (a) carbohydrates (b) mineral (c) proteins __________________ are herbs and shrubs planted for the purpose of eating them. (a) fruit (b) cassava (c) vegetables ____________________ are grown mainly for their leaves. (a) carrots (b) tomato (c) leafy vegetables ____________________ can be obtained from animals products (a) beans (b) meat (c) fruits The following are example of grains crop except ________________ (a) maize (b) rice (c) potato Some fruits have sweet taste while others have sour taste. (a) True (b) False Vegetable can be divided into _________________ (a) two (b) five (c) four _____________________ is an example of fruit vegetable (a) tomato (b) onion (c) lettuce ___________________ can be gotten from eating fruits and vegetables. (a) vitamins (b) protein (c) energy _________________ helps in blood formation. (a) body building food (b) energy giving food (c) fruits and vegetables __________________ are foods items which have a lot of oil (a) cucumber (b) oil (c) cocoyam Palm kernel is an example of oil food. (a) Yes (b) No Oil can be used for cooking (a) True (b) False ______________________ are food items which contains a lot of fat. (a) bread (b) fatty food (c) indomie Oil is put into _________________ to make them work easily. (a) machine (b) freezer (c) oven Example of Farm implement is ____________________ (a) gun (b) tool (c) pin ___________________ is used for carrying things on the farm (a) shovel (b) wheel barrow (c) axe ___________________ is an example of stem tuber. (a) yam (b) water melon (c) maize _____________________ can bee processed into juice. (a) palm oil (b) vegetable (c) fruit Theory List four categories of vegetables. (a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________ (c) ______________________________ (d) ________________________________ Write three examples of local energy giving food. (a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________ (c) ______________________________ Give two examples of root vegetables. (a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________ Write four uses of oil. (a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________ (c) ______________________________ (d) ________________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS. FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2014/2015 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE NAME:... ____________________ describes how long an object is. (a) length (b) volume (c) unit __________________ is an old method of measurement (a) arm length (b) measuring tape (c) weight _________________ is an instrument for measuring the weight of objects (a) time (b) spring balance (c) wall clock We have _______ main methods of measuring time (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 8 Candle is one of the olden methods of measuring time. (a) True (b) False We use ____________ in measuring length (a) metric unit (b) additional unit (c) hair glass Measuring tape and ruler are standard methods of measuring lengths (a) Yes (b) No __________ is the gravity of an object (a) water (b) weight (c) scale Temperature of an object is the degree of hotness or __________ (a) coldness (b) sunny (c) brightness __________ is used for measuring temperature (a) needle (b) thermometer (c) tape rule The ________ of an object is the amount of space it occupies. (a) volume (b) deep (c) height Plants are living things because they can _______________ (a) feed (b) talk (c) dance Plants produces young ones and die. (a) True (b) False The young ones of a hen are called __________ (a) maggot (b) chick (c) calf ________ is the amount of matter found in an object. (a) thermometer (b) mass (c) weight Pendulum is modern instrument of measuring time. (a) True (b) False A plant needs food, water and ____________ (a) oil (b) sunlight (c) hotness Young one of a butterfly is called _____________________ (a) maggot (b) caterpillar (c) kitten Which animal live in the soil? (a) hen (b) earth worm (c) ant Flower beautifies the environment. (a) True (b) False Theory List three olden methods of measuring length (a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________ (c) ______________________________ Mention two standards methods of measuring length (a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________ Identify two types of weighing instrument (a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________ List three olden methods of measuring time. (a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________ (c) ______________________________ List five things living things can do. (a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________ (c) ______________________________ (d) ________________________________ (e) ______________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS. FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2014/2015 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: QUANTITATIVE REASONING NAME:... Circle the greatest number 1189 1127 1039 1110 1154 1271 1301 1288 1300 1299 1500 1300 1400 1200 1100 1450 1478 1466 1411 1387 1040 1051 1000 1035 1079 Complete the sequence in the following 125 130 __________ __________ ___________ 410 __________ 430 __________ ___________ __________ 1350 1400 __________ ___________ 1100 1200 __________ ___________ ___________ __________ 480 __________ 500 510 Operation of addition 11.) (12.) (13.) 14.) (15.) Circle the smallest number 16.) 1049 1109 1050 1009 1062 17.) 1234 1340 1127 1401 1350 18.) 1100 1000 1101 1115 1111 19.) 1279 1231 1453 1438 1321 20.) 1499 1500 1439 1488 1478 Operation of subtraction 21.) 22.) 23.) 24.) 25.) Operation of multiplication 26.) (27.) (28.) 29.) (30.) ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS. FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2014/2015 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: VOCATIONAL APTITUDE NAME:... Subsistence agriculture is for the purpose of ________ (a) selling (b) eating (c) stealing Tools are _________ held object (a) leg (b) mouth (c) hand Farm implement are driven by __________ (a) train (b) tractor (c) motor Is rice a food crop? (a) Yes (b) No Cash crops are for sale. (a) True (b) False A person that studies engineering is called ___________________ (a) engineer (b) lawyer (c) doctor ________ design computer programme (a) software engineer (b) chemical engineer (c) civic engineer Engineering involves construction of _________________ (a) civil (b) book (c) table __________ engineer repairs electricity (a) machine (b) electrical (c) chemical Is engineering a science (a) Yes (b) No Can we use farm implement in subsistence agriculture (a) Yes (b) No _____________ is the raw material for weaving (a) rope (b) rubber (c) palm tree Is craft work an artist work. (a) Yes (b) No __________ involves the making of object by hand. (a) beating (b) craftwork (c) stocking Wood carving involves the use of __________ wood. (a) soft (b) hard (c) tiny _______________ is a container made of woven strip of materials. (a) cup (b) plate (c) basket Pottery is a craft work. (a) True (b) False __________ is the aspect of agriculture which involves growing of flowers. (a) planting (b) cutlass (c) watering can __________ is used to water plants (a) hoe (b) cutlass (c) watering can ____________ is used for protecting the hand (a) cloth (b) hoe (c) hand glove Ornamental plants are decorative plants (a) True (b) False A person that work in a garden is called a ______________ (a) Planter (b) harvester (c) gardener ________________ is found in a garden (a) fish (b) flowers (c) snail ___________ is a product of timber (a) wood (b) cotton (c) fruit A _______________ is found in the forest (a) mango (b) ball (c) timber __________ is the person that fell down trees and takes them to sawmill. (a) screw jack (b) lumber man (c) hijack The __________ make use of wood in doing their work. (a) carpenter (b) mechanic (c) lawyer _________ is an example of timber. (a) iroko (b) rope (c) raffia Can we use wood in making furniture? (a) Yes (b) No ________________ sow our torn clothes (a) seamstress (b) hair dresser (c) lawyer ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS. FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2014/2015 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS NAME:... Section A: Complete the following 7 hundreds + 2 tens + 9 units = ______________ 6 hundreds + 2 tens + 1 unit = _______________ 8 hundreds + 7 tens + 5 units = ______________ Write down the number shown by the abacus H T U (5.) H T U Write these numerals in words 6.) 458 = ______________________________________________________________ 7.) 992 = ______________________________________________________________ 8.) 1,573 = _____________________________________________________________ 9.) 3,929 = _____________________________________________________________ 10.) 10,375 = ___________________________________________________________ Write the place value of the underlined digits 11.) 1970 = ___________________________________ 12.) 8248 = ___________________________________ 13.) 4672 = ___________________________________ 14.) 3588 = ___________________________________ 15.) 1097 = ___________________________________ Skip counting 16.) 20s: 200, 220, ________ ________ ________ 17.) 50s: 50 ________ ________ ________ Put in the correct symbol >, < or = in the blank space 18.) N7.00 N70.00 19.) 528 780 20.) 200 Two hundred Section B Divide 60 oranges into 5 equal parts What is ¼ of 48 H T U 4.) H T U 7 5 9 8 5 7 + 5 9 1 + 3 2 1 5.) Add the following (a) 3/9 + 5/9 (b) 3/10 + 4/10 One book has 124 pages and another has 213 pages. How many pages are there in the two books? Subtract the following? (a) 5/7 2/7 (b) 4/10 3/10 (c) 8/9 3/9 ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS. FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2014/2015 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: VERBAL REASONING NAME:... Underline the word that contains the vowel sound in the box cat lucky hot sit jump hard bad bed mad map boy card sad big baby Circle the first word when arranged in alphabetical order Example: grid caught scoop zone late grip adore colour shear dragon pineapple grape pear lime lemon whale bones swim hoe yam Re-arrange the following in alphabetical order Ditch Wedge Binge Damage ________________ ______________ ______________ _______________ Azeezat Tola Samiat Divine ________________ ______________ ______________ _______________ Red Pink Green Hazel ________________ ______________ ______________ _______________ School Home Church Work ________________ ______________ ______________ _______________ Re-arrange the following jumbles letters to make meaningful words fecht = ____________________________ briged = ____________________________ twach = ____________________________ yewoll = ____________________________ olw = ______________________________ Write three words containing the following phonic alphabet Ou aw Count Law ____________________________ (19.) __________________________ ____________________________ (20.) __________________________ ____________________________ (21.) __________________________ Fill in the missing letters in the following 22.) Caug ___ ___ 24.) Rou ___ h 23.) T ___ ___ ght 25.) Ca ___ gh ___ Circle the right spelling in the following Example: Instiad Instaed Instead Enstead 26.) Tooth Toth Tourth Thoat 27.) Biol Boil Bol Boel 28.) Trian Train Tiran Tran 29.) Chair Chiar Char Chriar 30.) Appel Aple Appil Apple ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS. FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2014/2015 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE NAME:... How old was Abraham when God called him to leave his land and family. (a) ninety-two years (b) seventy-five years (c) fifty-five years ___________ was Abrahams wife. (a) Sarah (b) Haggai (c) Mary The children of Israel crossed the _____________ (a) Nile Sea (b) Red Sea (c) Niger Sea Jacob dreamt about ____________ going up and down a ladder (a) Children (b) lamps (c) Angels To Passover means to _______ (a) crossover (b) jump over (c) dance over What is the name of the promise land God gave Abraham (a) Canaan (b) Israel (c) Haran Jacob used a ________ as a pillow when he had a dream (a) sand (b) slippers (c) stone The name Moses means ______________ (a) I drew him out of water (b) I picked him from the floor (c) I dragged him Jacob had _________ sons (a) 22 (b) 12 (c) 19 God delivered Israel from ____________ (a) Egypt (b) Canaan (c) London Jacob and _______ were Isaacs sons (a) Joseph (b) Esau (c) Laban The Passover lamb was a ___________ male (a) Black (b) Brown (c) White Moses hit the Red Sea with his ___________ (a) Rod (b) Wire (c) Cane God punished the Egyptians with _________ plagues (a) fourteen (b) nine (c) ten Jesus is the ___________ Lamb (a) Passover (b) loop (c) scape The ___________ announced the birth of Jesus (a) friends (b) angels (c) family Prophet __________________ talked about the birth of Jesus. (a) Isaiah (b) Elijah (c) Jacob Emmanuel means ______________ (a) God with us (b) Jesus saves (c) teacher saves Jesus love ____________________ (a) some people (b) everybody (c) nobody _____________ is the mother of Jesus. (a) Mary (b) Hagar (c) Esther Theory State two Passover rules given to the Israelites. (a) ______________________________________________________________ (b) ______________________________________________________________ Write one importance of the Passover (a) ______________________________________________________________ Where did Jacob move to ____________________________________________ Abraham gave birth to _______________________________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS. FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2014/2015 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: CREATIVE ART NAME:... DRAW A CAR ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS. FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2014/2015 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME:... Body hygiene are things we do to keep our body clean in order to remain ______ (a) healthy (b) sick (c) limp _______ is a type of hair infection. (a) ring worm (b) lombing (c) threading We ________ our clothes before having our bath. (a) iron (b) wear (c) remove It is healthy to wash our hands _______ times a day. (a) once (b) several (c) rough We must dry our body with a _______ towel after having our bath. (a) clean (b) dirty (c) rough One of these is a material used for bathing (a) sponge (b) rice (c) stone Taking care of the body helps to prevent ___________ (a) shinning (b) body odour (c) good health __________ can enter the body as a result of dirt (a) bacteria (b) sweet (c) water We use our ________ to defend us from any form of attack. (a) head (b) lips (c) hands Our hand help us to _____________ (a) balance (b) stand (c) jump Our feet are used for _____________ (a) touching (b) movement (c) liking Dirty feet can cause ___________ (a) infection (b) coughing (c) blindness __________ and ________ are types of hair. (a) fake and original (b) natural and artificial (c) rope and wire __________ is an article for taking care of the hair. (a) comb (b) rake (c) fork ___________ skin is when the body produces too much oil. (a) normal (b) dry (c) oily The human skin can be dark or ________ in colour (a) pink (b) fair (c) white The skin produces ________ when the sun shines on it. (a) Vitamin d (b) Vitamin k (c) Vitamin b _________ is a method of skin care (a) dancing (b) sauna bath (c) swimming Too much sun can make our skin ____________ (a) nice (b) wet (c) dry We must wash our armpits and private parts to prevent body odour. (a) True (b) False (c) Im not sure Theory List 3 items of taking care of our body. (a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________ (c) ______________________________ State 2 types of hair infections (a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________ List 5 body parts (a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________ (c) ______________________________ (d) ________________________________ (e) ______________________________ List 3 materials for skin care (a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________ (c) ______________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS. FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2014/2015 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAME:... Comprehension Instruction: Read the passage below and answer the questions 18, Itse Street, Warri. October 6, 2013. My Dear Alero, I hope everyone at home is well. I got to Warri safely last week. Warri is a big town with very many people. There are many big and beautiful houses. Some people work in offices and others sell things in shops and big markets. There are many cars and long vehicles called trailers. I am always afraid to cross the roads because there are too many cars and lorries. There are also many schools and colleges. It is not like our village with just one primary school. In the big markets, there are so many nice things. I shall buy a few things for you and others. Most houses have water taps, electricity, radio and even television. Warri is a very noisy town. But I love the town. I will be home next week. bye! Yours, Abie. Questions Is Warri a big or small town? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Why is Abie afraid of Warri? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ What do the houses in Warri have? ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ What type of houses do you have in Warri? __________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Are there schools and colleges in Warri? ____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Grammar Choose the past continuous tense of the verbs given in the brackets. She _____________________ (was crying, is crying) as she was scared. My parents ______________ (were sitting, are sitting) in the hall when the man came. It ________________________ (is raining, was raining) when I reached home. Choose a suitable word from the box to complete each sentence Underground, rewrite, binoculars, unlock, unequal An earthworm lives ____________________________________ I have been asked to ____________________________________ my test. The opposite of equal is __________________________ Can I use your _________________ to check what is happening down the road? Please _____________________________ the door. Underline the correct homophone in each of the following sentence The wind (blew, blue) the leaves off the tree. They (steel, steal) the goods when there is no one around. What will you (where, wear) to Nkechis birthday party tomorrow? Fill in the blank spaces with the opposite of the words in bold Kehinde is dark but his sister is ____________________________ Snow is white and coal is ___________________________________ My brother is young but my grandparents are _______________________ He took the wrong turning but still ended up at the place. __________________ Composition Write a composition on Myself
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shtfandgo · 8 years
New Post has been published on SHTFandGO Survival and Emergency Supplier
New Post has been published on http://www.shtfandgo.com/2017/01/15/raising-livestock-in-shtf-situation-what-you-should-raise-and-why/
Raising Livestock in SHTF Situation: What You Should Raise and Why
In the case of a SHTF event, we could live without internet, cars and gadgets. We could survive without electricity, air conditioning, heating systems and hot water. But we couldn’t make it without enough food supplies. Canned tuna, frozen beans and boiled potatoes can only last so far. All these supplies are bound to end sooner or later, leaving us exposed to starvation. So how can preppers improve on this aspect and ensure their food supply doesn’t run out after three days? The answer is raising livestock. Our ancestors didn’t have supermarkets, had never heard about take-away, fast-food, processed food or preservatives.
Their survival depended on livestock, fruits, vegetables, plants and seeds. Nowadays you can learn about all of these by getting an agriculture degree. But back then, knowledge was passed down from generation to generation and people had to learn from trial and error rather than from a YouTube tutorial. If you want to make sure you are truly ready for anything read all about the livestock you should raise and why. It’s never too late to start researching livestock and becoming an expert in the field.
If we would have to advise you what livestock you should raise and why, based on rate of growth criteria, chicken would win by far. They manage to double their number with every year and they don’t require a complicated set up or high maintenance. They are great because they yield plentiful supplies of meat and eggs in relation to how much food they require. For example, a hen could supply you with 10 to 12 eggs for each five pounds of food. Another great benefit of raising chicken is that the birds are not picky about what they eat. They will happily peck on anything that they can find, from insects and weeds to leftovers from your dinner. The only drawback with this is that they can easily damage your garden, so you might want to fence them in to keep that from happening. Another pro for raising chicken is that they don’t need a lot of space or sturdy fences. However, you should keep in mind that these fowls will learn how to fly, so you might want to build a six-foot fence or add a top to their pen. You should also watch out for predators: foxes, owls, rats and opossums will all try to take a swing at your chicken if they’re not protected enough.
Also dubbed the best garbage disposers, pigs will munch anything you put in front of them: kitchen leftovers, greens, roots and grains, just to name a few. In exchange for these, in return, they will give you bacon, ham and plenty of meat. Not only unpretentious eaters, pigs don’t need too much room either, despite their great size. The best time to buy a piglet is in the spring in order to give it time to grow and develop to more than 220 pounds over the summer. All the maintenance pigs require is feeding and watering two times a day as well as cleaning their pens every few days. Butchering a hog that weighs over 200 pounds is no easy task. But you’ll only be reaping the benefits. Almost every part of the pig is edible and ready to be turned into steaks, broths, aspic, bacon, ribs, sausages, pork loins and trotters. Even the skin is edible, although most people are reticent to eat it because pigs are not among the cleanest animals. Bear in mind that they might test your olfactory tolerance before you manage to fatten them up and transform them into pork chops.
Not only pretty faces, rabbits are clean, quiet and prolific. Ideal for small spaces, rabbits will thrive in modest sized cages and as long as their manure is cleaned out regularly, they will remain odor-free. These furry animals are extremely rewarding for the amount of care and food they require. Rabbits feed on hay, which should be cut in three-inch lengths and stacked into the hay-racks that must be kept full at all times. They will also eat dried bread or crusts and, as it may be expected, they enjoy nibbling on carrots and roots. A buck and two does will yield as much as 50 rabbits per year, which translates into roughly 170 pounds of meat. Not too shabby for the effort you have to put in every day. Rabbits can be consumed as soon as they are seven or eight months old, but you can wait and make a more consistent stew from a three-year old buck. While they can withstand harsh cold weather, they are not big fans of wet or hot conditions. Keep in mind that they will need a cool place in the summer that has plenty of ventilation and fresh water supplies.
Most people would prefer to have cows’ milk rather than goats’ milk. However, there are many reasons that goats make a better survival animal. They are much less expensive to purchase, they eat a lot less and will happily eat brush instead of pasture, and they take up a lot less space than a cow. A good doe will give birth to 2 or 3 kids and will go on to produce milk for up to two years. A dairy cow will give milk for up to a year and normally has one calf. Plus, keeping a bull around is not a fun prospect. A buck is much easier to handle. When your goat wears out, it will provide you with a more manageable amount of meat, whereas a butchered cow will take a lot of work to can or dehydrate. In addition, goats produce milk that can be used to feed orphaned foals, pigs, rabbits, dogs, cats, and baby humans. Cow’s milk is not as easy to digest for these youngsters.
Keeping livestock is not a decision to be taken lightly. These animals will depend on you for their food, water, and shelter. During drought conditions it will be difficult, if not impossible, to care for your animals. In that case you will need to butcher or trade them. Do you have what it takes to chop off a chicken’s head, or slit the throat of a pig? You may be surprised what you can do when put to the test.
If you can handle the responsibility of caring for animals, they will make your life much easier when there’s an economic collapse or worldwide disaster. Any animals that you do not need for food can be used to barter for other supplies. There will be a huge demand for eggs, milk, and meat after the stores close. So consider keeping a few easy care animals now, for survival in the future.
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brandavenniehe · 7 years
Wellness Core RawRev (Dry)
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Wellness Core RawRev Dog Food receives the Advisor’s top rating of 5 stars.
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The Wellness Core RawRev product line includes 3 dry dog foods.
Each recipe below includes its related AAFCO nutrient profile when available on the product’s official webpage: Growth, Maintenance, All Life Stages, Supplemental or Unspecified.
Wellness Core RawRev Original [M]
Wellness Core RawRev Wild Game [M]
Wellness Core RawRev Small Breed Original [M]
Wellness Core RawRev Original was selected to represent the other products in the line for this review.
Wellness Core RawRev Original
Dry Dog Food
Estimated Dry Matter Nutrient Content
Protein = 40% | Fat = 18% | Carbs = 34%
Ingredients: Deboned turkey, turkey meal, chicken meal, peas, potatoes, dried ground potatoes, chicken fat (preserved with mixed tocopherols), freeze-dried turkey, tomato pomace, chicken liver, natural chicken flavor, ground flaxseed, salmon oil, spinach, vitamin E supplement, broccoli, carrots, choline chloride, parsley, apples, blueberries, kale, sweet potatoes, taurine, mixed tocopherols added to preserve freshness, zinc proteinate, zinc sulfate, glucosamine hydrochloride, chondroitin sulfate, calcium carbonate, niacin, ferrous sulfate, iron proteinate, beta-carotene, vitamin A supplement, copper sulfate, thiamine mononitrate, copper proteinate, manganese proteinate, manganese sulfate, d-calcium pantothenate, sodium selenite, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, chicory root extract, Yucca schidigera extract, vitamin D3 supplement, biotin, calcium iodate, vitamin B12 supplement, folic acid, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), dried Lactobacillus plantarum fermentation product, dried Enterococcus faecium fermentation product, dried Lactobacillus casei fermentation product, dried Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation product, rosemary extract, green tea extract, spearmint extract
Fiber (estimated dry matter content) = 4.4%
Red items indicate controversial ingredients
Estimated Nutrient ContentMethodProteinFatCarbsGuaranteed Analysis36%16%NADry Matter Basis40%18%34%Calorie Weighted Basis34%37%29%
Protein = 34% | Fat = 37% | Carbs = 29%
The first ingredient in this dog food is turkey. Although it is a quality item, raw turkey contains about 80% water. After cooking, most of that moisture is lost, reducing the meat content to just a fraction of its original weight.
After processing, this item would probably account for a smaller part of the total content of the finished product.
The second ingredient is turkey meal. Turkey meal is considered a meat concentrate and contains nearly 300% more protein than fresh turkey.
The third ingredient is chicken meal, another protein-rich meat concentrate.
The fourth ingredient lists peas. Peas are a quality source of carbohydrates. And like all legumes, they’re rich in natural fiber.
However, peas contain about 25% protein, a factor that must be considered when judging the meat content of this dog food.
The fifth ingredient is potato. Potatoes can be considered a gluten-free source of digestible carbohydrates. Yet with the exception of perhaps their caloric content, potatoes are of only modest nutritional value to a dog.
The sixth ingredient is dried ground potato, a dehydrated item usually made from the by-products of potato processing. In most cases, dried potato can contain about 10% dry matter protein which can have a slight affect on our estimate of the total meat content of this recipe.
The seventh ingredient is chicken fat. Chicken fat is obtained from rendering chicken, a process similar to making soup in which the fat itself is skimmed from the surface of the liquid.
Chicken fat is high in linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid essential for life. Although it doesn’t sound very appetizing, chicken fat is actually a quality ingredient.
The eighth ingredient is freeze-dried turkey. Freeze-dried turkey can be considered a raw meat “concentrate” that contains nearly 300% more protein than fresh turkey meat.
In addition, freeze drying tends to preserve and protect perishable nutrients.
The ninth ingredient is tomato pomace. Tomato pomace is a controversial ingredient, a by-product remaining after processing tomatoes into juice, soup and ketchup.
Many praise tomato pomace for its high fiber and nutrient content, while others scorn it as an inexpensive pet food filler.
Just the same, there’s probably not enough tomato pomace here to make much of a difference.
From here, the list goes on to include a number of other items.
But to be realistic, ingredients located this far down the list (other than nutritional supplements) are not likely to affect the overall rating of this product.
With four notable exceptions…
First, we find flaxseed, one of the best plant sources of healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Provided they’ve first been ground into a meal, flax seeds are also rich in soluble fiber.
However, flaxseed contains about 19% protein, a factor that must be considered when judging the actual meat content of this dog food.
Next, we note the inclusion of salmon oil. Salmon oil is naturally rich in the prized EPA and DHA type of omega-3 fatty acids. These two high quality fats boast the highest bio-availability to dogs and humans.
Depending on its level of freshness and purity, salmon oil should be considered a commendable addition.
In addition, chicory root is rich in inulin, a starch-like compound made up of repeating units of carbohydrates and found in certain roots and tubers.
Not only is inulin a natural source of soluble dietary fiber, it’s also a prebiotic used to promote the growth of healthy bacteria in a dog’s digestive tract.
And lastly, this food contains chelated minerals, minerals that have been chemically attached to protein. This makes them easier to absorb. Chelated minerals are usually found in better dog foods.
Wellness Core RawRev Dog Food The Bottom Line
Judging by its ingredients alone, Wellness Core RawRev looks like an above-average dry product.
But ingredient quality by itself cannot tell the whole story. We still need to estimate the product’s meat content before determining a final rating.
The dashboard displays a dry matter protein reading of 40%, a fat level of 18% and estimated carbohydrates of about 34%.
As a group, the brand features an average protein content of 41% and a mean fat level of 17%. Together, these figures suggest a carbohydrate content of 34% for the overall product line.
And a fat-to-protein ratio of about 43%.
Above-average protein. Near-average fat. And below-average carbs when compared to a typical dry dog food.
Even when you consider the protein-boosting effect of the peas and flaxseed in this recipe and the pea protein contained in another, this looks like the profile of a dry product containing a significant amount of meat.
Bottom line?
Wellness Core RawRev is a meat-based dry dog food using a significant amount of named meats as its main sources of animal protein, thus earning the brand 5 stars.
Enthusiastically recommended.
Please note certain recipes are sometimes given a higher or lower rating based upon our estimate of their total meat content and (when appropriate) their fat-to-protein ratios.
Wellness Dog Food Recall History
The following list (if present) includes all dog food recalls since 2009 directly related to this product line. If there are no recalls listed in this section, we have not yet reported any events.
Wellness Dog Food Recall of March 2017 (3/18/2017)
Wellness Dog Food Recall October 2012 (10/30/2012)
Wellness Dog Food Recall May 2012 (5/5/2012)
You can view a complete list of all dog food recalls sorted by date. Or view the same list sorted alphabetically by brand.
To learn why our ratings have nothing to do with a product’s recall history, please visit our Dog Food Recalls FAQ page.
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A Final Word
The descriptions and analyses expressed in this and every article on this website represent the views and opinions of the author.
The Dog Food Advisor does not test dog food products.
We rely entirely on the integrity of the information provided by each company. As such, the accuracy of every review is directly dependent upon the specific data a company chooses to share.
Although it's our goal to ensure all the information on this website is correct, we cannot guarantee its completeness or its accuracy; nor can we commit to ensuring all the material is kept up-to-date on a daily basis.
We rely on tips from readers. To report a product change or request an update of any review, please contact us using this form.
Each review is offered in good faith and has been designed to help you make a more informed decision when buying dog food.
However, due to the biological uniqueness of every animal, none of our ratings are intended to suggest feeding a particular product will result in a specific dietary response or health benefit for your pet.
For a better understanding of how we analyze each product, please read our article, "The Problem with Dog Food Reviews".
Remember, no dog food can possibly be appropriate for every life stage, lifestyle or health condition. So, choose wisely. And when in doubt, consult a qualified veterinary professional for help.
In closing, we do not accept money, gifts or samples from pet food companies in exchange for special consideration in the preparation of our reviews or ratings.
However, we do receive a fee from Chewy.com for each purchase made as a direct result of a referral from our website. This fee is a fixed dollar amount and has nothing to do with the size of an order or the brand selected for purchase.
Have an opinion about this dog food? Or maybe the review itself? Please know we welcome your comments.
Notes and Updates
05/05/2017 Last Update
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