itchyeye · 2 months
Heard this was where we went to bitch about protocol lmao, so here I am giving my two cents.
I know people talk about the characters and how it expects you to already care, which I agree with, but the thing that suffers the most to me are the statements, is the horror, like, some ideas are good, but it's just not scary, especially with how the episodes are structured, how there is no reaction to the statement besides an occasional "oh that was fucked" wait why are they not even trying to categorise them like we have not heard of the system in a while oh well...
The lack of follow ups is fuckin this up, it makes it less interesting, we don't know if we will even see anyone from them again (considering how many guest writers there are and the prompt system in place I doubt it), nobody cares and we are missing out on the juicy reveals of, oh I don't know A HAND BECKONING? THE HAHA MAN SCARED OF A SPIDER OH SHIT HE DIED HOOOOW? THE AUDIO FROM LOST JOHN'S CAVE???!
The one I actually like is, unsurprisingly in ep4, because that one actually takes its time to immerse us into its world and it is not scary per se, but it is interesting and it has themes (that the fandom immediately misunderstood, as usual). Unfortunately I doubt that guest writer will show up ever again and I feel like that's the current peak of this all. Like the statements we have now are shocking, but they don't linger, and they usually don't make up for that lack of horror.
The format of the internet ones has you doing all the heavy lifting trying to piece together what the fuck is supposed to be so scary
Don't even get me started on the tma bs. It's like making a tma ref and pointing to it like "you know this right? Go make your theory" and I feel like and I sort of hope it's a red herring, but at the same time there was TOO much of this so it'd be kind of a dick move, TOO much for it to not mean anything, but if it means anything then it's stupid as hell so like...lose lose scenario rn
i totally agree with you about everything re: statements and yes ep4 was my fav as well!! i love the tma historical statements both because i love old timey gothic storytelling and because jonah magnus is my left hand arm man. my silly rabbit. so augustus' statement was great because it reminded me of those letters. except unlike those letters it had no beginning, middle, nor end and no three dimensional fully realized narrator. harrumph.
also the tma tie-ins are just so.......... ham fisted. i know that for a lot of people tma was TOO slow with its build up but i think honestly the snail's pace at which the metaplot reveals itself is one of the series' greatest strengths. you SHOULD feel bored and annoyed and confused for two full seasons before things really start happening. the characters also feel this way. they are lost and scared and in the dark. so are you, the audience. it's perfect. it's poetry.
and just dumping a random s5 character in the middle of protocol to give the CORNIEST most SHIT BRICK-HOUSE ASS CLUES about who she is and what she's referencing is....
well it's what someone very young would put on wattpad
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ichsany · 1 year
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Logo Design: Bakso Kaldu Protol
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snototter · 1 year
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An aardwolf (Proteles cristata) relaxes in the grass in Savuti, Botswana
by Marco Valentini
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fabiansteinhauer · 2 years
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Pathosformeln als diplomatisches Protokoll
Die These lautet, dass auch Aby Warburg 'nie modern gewesen ist'. Das heißt in dem Fall, ich benutze eine Formulierung von Bruno Latour, dass in Aby Warburgs Verfahren auch Antike nachlebt, nicht nur in den Bildern, die er zeigt, sondern auch in seinen eigenen Verfahren, etwas zu zeigen. "Das Nachleben der Antike" ist wiederum eine Formulierung von Warburg, die aber nur auf seine Objekte bezieht, nicht auf seine Methode. In Bilder soll Antike Nachleben, unter anderen weil die Gesten, die man dort sieht, aus antiken Vorbildern übernommen wurden. Nachleben meint unter anderem Referenzialität, es meint Übernahme von Motiven, von Figuren und von Schemata, die Bewegung, Regung oder Erregung, auch insoweit Pathos, zeigen. Seine eigenes Verfahren, Tafeln auf Tafeln zu pinnen, behauptet Warburg selbst, er sei der Erfinder und das sei modern. Auch für dieses Verfahren gibt 3s Referenzen, u.a. Codices, Sammelhandschriften der sog. Notitia Dignitatum. Das eine, modern zu sein, schließt das andere, nicht modern zu sein, wohl nicht unbedingt aus. Die Moderne, das sagt ja nicht nur Latour, ist schließlich selbst eine Zeit voller Widersprüche und wohl auch voller Asynchronien, Unzeitgemäßheiten und Ungleichzeitigkeiten. Meine Theselautet aber, dass sich Warburg Technik und das sich seine "Pathosformel" auf Routinen der römischen Verwaltung zurückführen lassen. Warburg zeigt nicht nur juridische Kulturtechniken, er nutzt diese juridischen Kulturtechniken auch, um zu zeigen. Er findet nicht nur Pathosformeln, er präpariert sie auch. Unter anderem protokolliert er, und des Begriff des Protokoll will ich in einem päzisen, technischen Sinne als ein Verfahren verstehen, dass graphisch sendet, schickt oder 'bewegt' und gleichzeitig bewegt ist. Das Protokoll ist ein Regime graphischer Bewegung, das verkörpert und animiert, auch im Sinne einer 'Beseelung. Es läuft zum Beispiel durch Gesandte (wie einen Protonotar), die sich gebärden und Gesten einnehmen, es läuft über Hände und Schreibzeug in Verträge und Unterschriften. Das Protokoll schafft damit einerseits 'Ur- und Tatsachen'. Mit seinen Verkörperungen und Animationen subjektiviert, personifiziert und 'hominisiert' ein Protokoll aber auch. Das Protoll zeichnet Menschen, Personen und Subjekte auf, die etwas sagen oder schreiben, die sich von dort nach da bewegen und die actio, Handlung oder Geschäfte ausführen. Ein diplomatisches Protokoll bewegt Körper, bewegt Körper an Körpern vorbei. Das ist ein graphisches Regime, dass von den Choreographien und dem tableau vivant des Zeremonial über urkunden bis zu Unterschriften reicht und dabei um die Figuren kreist, die bewegt werden, sich zu bewegen und die sich darum auch als Person, Mensch oder Subjekt auszeichnen sollen. Warburgs Pathosformeln, die nicht nur Nymphen und Flussgötter auszeichnet, sind in dem Sinne auch ein diplomatisches Protokoll, und genau das zeigt Aby Warburg auch auf den Staatstafeln, vor allem auf Tafel 78. Warburg weitergedacht: Seine Formeln kreisen nicht nur um jenes Pathos, das in der Rhetorik der hohe Stil ist, seine Formeln sind auch als Ethosformeln oder Formeln mittleren Stils denkbar. Die Erregung, die Warburg als Teil einer Pathosformel sieht, ist skalierbar, man trifft sie auch in milden Regungen, das zeigt Warburg selbst oft schon an besonnenen Figuren oder den melancholischen Figuren in Momenten ihrer Ruhe. Das Denken in Formeln ist ein büro- und studiokratisches Denken in Formularen, das kan Warburg 1929 gut beobachten, auch beim Abschluß der Lateranvertäge.
Heute stelle ich das erste mal mein Forschungsprojekt am MPI vor (auf Einladung von Anna Katharina Mangold hatte ich ws schon in Flensburg vorgestellt). Ich werde die beiden Staatstafeln vorstellen, beschreiben und dann diese These erläutern, in dem ich 'Pathosformeln' als einem diplomatischen Protokoll in zwei Beispielen nachgehen. Das eine ist eine Pathosformel, in der die Unterzeichner als Verzehrende, als Teilnehmer einer Tafelgemeinschaft und wie beim Abendmahl gezeigt werden. Das zweite Beispiel ist eine Formel auf Tafel 79, die Warburg um ein weibliche Figur anlegt. Auch das ist eine Pathosformel für Verzehr. Im Unterschied zu Tafel 78, die sich weitgehend auf das Protokoll selbst konzentriert und als Kommentar zurückhält, kommentiert Tafel 79 das Ereignis. Dabei entfaltet Warburg die Pathosformel für den Verzehr polar.
Endlich mal wieder Folien basteln und Powerpointkaraoke. Und das über Zoom, hmpf, möge es gelingen!
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judasizm1 · 9 months
Sosyal demokrat olduğunu söyleyen bir partinin başkanı seçimler döneminde bir başka partiyle özel protokol imzalıyor ve hiç kimsenin haberi yok!.. Kendi ekibinden bile saklamış..
Ben merak ediyorum; kraldan çok kralcı gibi konuşan Öztırak "kullanıldım, kandırıldım" diyecek mi?
Son seçimlerin tek kaybedeni var CHP...
Ve diyor ki çakma Gandi kemal; "İkimizin namusuna emanet edilmiş bir protol..". Soruyorum; CHP'nin namusu senden mi soruluyor, sen kimsin hadsiz! CHP kurumsal yapısı olan STK'dır öncelikle, senden öncede vardı senden sonra da yaşayacak. Kuvayi Milliye ruhuyla doğmuş CHP'yi senin gibi proje kuklalardan kurtaracağız. CHP'nin namusu sana mı bağlı hadsiz?.. Siz kimsiniz dersen, "Biz Atatürk'ün askerleriyiz".. Hani senin kaftancıoğlu'nun rahatsız olduğu kesim.. Emaneti sizden alacağız, NOKTA!..
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crisicsgames · 10 months
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innervision-dai · 1 year
SUN 「SHINE」 Official Music Video
ラップを合わせたBondan & Fade2Black「Kroncong Protol」とかもオモシロいです。
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kornstar · 2 years
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Some new toy pickups Harley Quinn S.H. Figuarts from The Suicide Squad My first piece for Crisis Protol. Never played it, but Needed Laura & Gabby . . . #collection #collector #toys #actionfigure #shfiguarts #dc #dccomics #Harley #harleyquinn #thesuicidesquad #marvel #crisisprotocol #x23 #wolverine #laurakinney #honeybadger #scout #gabbykinney #miniatures #gaming #xmen #rebelbase #rebelbasecomics #adammakesmeuseinstagram #mdib #brookemakesmeusehashtags — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/g4WUezB
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can-youimagine · 2 years
Be Mine (Derek Morgan x Reader)
Summary: Derek won’t let you ruin this
Chapter TW: swearing, talks of one night stands
Word Count: 825
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“Alright, sugar,” Morgan starts before you can even sit down, “settle this for me.”
“No,” Penelope protests. “She’s biased. We need to get someone else.”
“Maybe she’s biased because I’m right,” he counters.
“I can assure you,” you respond, “you are not right.”
Morgan feigns hurt before finally giving you the dilemma. “Valentine’s Day is the best day to get laid.”
You roll your eyes. “You’re gross.”
“But, I’m not wrong.” He laughs. “C’mon, (L/N), you know I’m right. Everyone’s out by themselves, lonely, needs company.”
You push past him on your way to the coffee maker, hoping that will get him to leave you alone. It does not, he and Penelope follow you into the kitchenette.
“Are you trying to tell me that you’ve never slept with someone just because it was Valentine’s Day?”
This is definitely not the conversation you want to have with Derek Morgan. Derek Morgan has been in some form of a relationship (or just not open to being with you) the entire time you knew him. Derek Morgan who you wanted desperately to be your Valentine. Derek Morgan did not need to know that a Valentine’s one night stand is the only time you haven’t been by yourself for the holiday.
“I didn’t say that,” you admit, staring into the drink. 
Morgan cheers, while Penelope insists that the two of them consult someone else. 
When things have finally calmed down (and Penelope has lost with some statistic from Reid about single women), you slinker back to your desk, hoping to go unnoticed.
“So, sugar,” so much for that, “what’re your Valentine’s plans?”
“I suggest you cancel them,” Hotch says, urging you to join him in the meeting room. “We’ve got a case.” 
Of course, this case is not enough to keep you away from the god-forsaken holiday. The love motif is ever-present throughout the crime scenes. Hotch, who actually wants to celebrate the holiday, is disgusted by the scene. Rossi, whose last Valentine’s Day ended with a drink thrown at him and has since sworn off the holiday, stands with you and treats this like any other crime scene.
Luckily for Hotch, and those on the team who do not hate the holiday with all of their being, the case ends late on the night of the thirteenth. Luckily for you, the jet isn’t able to leave until the morning, meaning that you have an excuse for spending half of the day alone.
The two groups compromise, having a heart-shaped breakfast together.
“Guess you didn’t have to cancel your plans,” Hotch says, referencing your conversation before you left.
Morgan, suddenly reminded of that conversation, looks up. “Yeah, you never told me what those were.”
Now, everyone’s attention is on you, causing you to shift uncomfortably. “It doesn’t matter now,” you answer. “We won’t be back until the afternoon, and I am way too tired to do anything anyway.”
“That sounds like an excuse.”
“What’re your plans, Morgan? Protoling bars for sad, single women who are willing to sleep with anything that breathes?” As soon as the words leave your mouth, you regret them. It’s too late to take them back, especially with the entire team having witnessed your interaction. You open your mouth to apologize, but he’s already up. He makes some half-assed excuse that lets him go back up to his room, while you sit there in silence.
Muttering a small curse, you follow him up. A difficult key card is your saving grace. “Morgan, fuck, Morgan, I’m sorry. I don’t know what-”
“(L/N).” He leans against the door. “Look, I don’t know what your problem is, but there’s no problem admitting you’re single. I wasn’t trying to embarrass you. I-” he rolls his head back “-I was genuinely asking, because I was hoping you would make some quip about a take-out dinner that would make everyone laugh, like you always do. Then, I had this whole thing planned out, picking up dinner and flowers, you were going to get the whole nine yard, but it doesn’t matter.” He finally opens the door. “You don’t think I’m capable of doing anything for anyone else.”
You push yourself into the doorway behind him. “Derek, that’s not true. Can you give me a chance to explain?”
He opens the door wider, letting you in. 
“I know it’s insane, but I constantly want to impress you, and if I let you know that I’ve never had a good Valentine’s Day, you wouldn’t like me. It doesn’t make sense, and it doesn’t entirely explain why I said what I did, and I’m sorry. I’m sure that Reid has some statistic about people who say stupid shi-”
He kisses you. Derek Morgan is kissing you, and you’re just standing there. “Fuck, (Y/N), kiss him back,” you think. Apparently, you are doing everything in your power to mess this up, and Derek won’t let you. God, how lucky can you get?
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udggear · 6 years
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Ready for action! By @samyramirez
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sillyminds · 4 years
For the first time in forever, ngambil cuti hanya karena memanjakan diri sendiri. Bener bener cuma di rumah aja. Kemarin malem habis overthinking parah trus pagi tadi disuruh suami buat ambil cuti aja mengingat udah mau ada tanda2 maag.
Awalnya gak rela, biasanya ambil cuti selalu buat pergi yg jauh2 atau kalo ada urusan keluarga berasanya sayang banget kalo cuma buat rebahan aja dirumah. Tapi suami meyakinkan dan kupikir nanti klo aku tetep berangkat, suami gak ridho, malah kenapa2. Akhirnya memutuskan untuk cuti.
Habis memutuskan cuti malah akhirnya curhat sama suami yg berendingkan nangis bareng keinget betapa baiknya Allah sama kita dan seberapa banyak kejadian2 miracle yg bekerja diluar nalar kita kalau memang sesuatu itu ditakdirkan untuk jadi milik kita.
Jadi langsung menghapus overthinking2 yang sebelumnya, kayak yang... ya ampun ngapain sih aku mikir gimana kalo ini itu, gimana caranya bs ini, aku maunya gini trus gamau tau yg lain, kalo pada akhirnya juga yg capable mengatur dan mentakdirkan semua itu cuma Allah. Tugas kita ya cuma melakukan hal hal baik sembari menunggu adzan sholat berikutnya, that’s it. Kalo capablenya cuma melakukan ya mau disuruh mikir how to nya, ya gimana badan bisa gak protol semua karena menyalahi kodratnya.
Wallahualam.. semoga Allah selalu memberikan petunjuk dan mengarahkan kami ke jalanNya yang lurus. Aamiin...
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pryotra · 4 years
GilHaku going back in time during the Arthurian Era, during the Camelot Conspiracy. What are the changes they might do that accidentally unravel Proto Lancelot and Guinevere's plans, other than meeting King Arthur and Proto Merlin?
Well, I see Gil actually being accepted as a king from a distant land. It’s not too odd for kings to be running around on their own. Hakuno is likely the first to notice that something is wrong given that she’s very good at reading people. 
One of the big things that she’d likely do is because she’d be very unaffected by ProtoLance’s own charisma/abilities to get people to like him, she’d be more there springing things early, asking questions and causing descent so that the civil war can’t start up. Gil given his own ability to see the future might purposely reveal Mordred’s parentage to Arthur so that they can get that over with and Mordred doesn’t go through this his ‘expose father’s enemies in public so that then he’ll be proud of me!’ plan. 
Assuming that ProtoMerlin was imprisoned at his point, I see Hakuno being the one to talk to Arthur about it, and try to unravel what happened, and why, and why Arthur didn’t go after her. While there might be some harsh words given that Hakuno can be harsh, they’re likely a few things Arthur needs to hear. Particularly that he’s losing sight of himself and the people closest to him, and if this ‘perfect kingdom’ is one where everyone trying to run it is quietly suffering, than they need to change it and take that risk. 
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chord-gitar · 4 years
[Intro:] D# Fm jangan opo.. jangan kangkung Fm A# tempe opo, tempe koro A# D# ngopo kok bingung D# ra lapo lapo [Chorus:] Cm aku ra nyongko Fm kowe tego karo konco A# jarene konco kentel D# bojoku tok sleding tekel Cm opo ra ono Fm lanang liyo sing seneng kowe A# Cm nganti kowe nikung bojone konco dewe [Rapp:] Cm hey.. kowe koncoku sing jarene CSku Fm nanging nyatane neng mburi kok kowe koyo pabu A# mbribik nikung nyiak bojone konco dewe D# ora mikir koncone tumindak sak penake Cm paitan cangkem lunyu, kau merebut pacarku Fm tusuk dari belakang ah mana ku tahu A# seakan kau arjuna padahal engkau kecu Cm ra nganggo sopan santun kau dustai diriku [Pre-Chorus:] D# A# sak tenane atiku loro Fm Cm nanging aku mencoba rapopo D# A# sak tenane atiku loro Fm G nanging aku kebacut loro [Chorus:] Cm aku ra nyongko Fm kowe tego karo konco A# jarene konco kentel D# bojoku tok sleding tekel Cm opo ra ono Fm lanang liyo sing seneng kowe A# Cm nganti kowe nikung bojone konco dewe [Rapp:] Cm aku kurang opo, kok kowe iso tego Fm opo ono salahku trus kowe nikung aku A# opo kudu tak jarno, po aku kudu lilo D# rasano tumindakmu sek ngrugike awakku Cm pancen kowe konyol, ning utekmu kok protol Fm pendak dinone awor eh bojoku tok gondol A# tak bisa aku pendam, mana sangup ku tahan Cm ning ngarep kok apikan, ning mburi kurang ajar [Pre-Chorus:] D# A# sak tenane atiku loro Fm Cm nanging aku mencoba rapopo D# A# sak tenane atiku loro Fm G nanging aku kebacut loro [Chorus:] Cm aku ra nyongko Fm kowe tego karo konco A# jarene konco kentel D# bojoku tok sleding tekel Cm opo ra ono Fm lanang liyo sing seneng kowe A# Cm nganti kowe nikung bojone konco dewe [Rapp:] Cm yo wis sak karepmu, nek ngeneki caramu Fm yes wis iki dalane, aku mung ikhlas wae A# kowe mung tak titeni, kok watakmu kemlinti D# pacar teman sendiri, kau anggap permaisuri Cm gek ndang rumat kono, gek ndang untal kono Fm mugo iso seneng, awet tekan tuwo A# sakjane aku ngguyu, mikirke tumindakmu Cm kok kowe nggragas banget, ngopeni turahanku [Pre-Chorus:] D# A# sak tenane atiku loro Fm Cm nanging aku mencoba rapopo D# A# sak tenane atiku loro Fm G nanging aku kebacut loro [Chorus:] Cm aku ra nyongko Fm kowe tego karo konco A# jarene konco kentel D# bojoku tok sleding tekel Cm opo ra ono Fm lanang liyo sing seneng kowe A# Cm nganti kowe nikung bojone konco dewe [End Chorus:] Cm aku ra nyongko Fm kowe tego karo konco A# jarene konco kentel D# bojoku tok sleding tekel Cm opo ra ono Fm lanang liyo sing seneng kowe A# Cm nganti kowe nikung bojone konco dewe
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redustim-blog · 4 years
Redustim: Best Slimming Device in Qatar
Redustim is a hands-free medical device to reduce abdominal fat. The French company has an innovative approach that aims to reduce fat through bio magnetic field activation. The stored fat is eliminated through the body's natural fat-burning process. The hand's free device provides a visible, lasting result after twelve 30-minute sessions. The device has no side effects. It does not affect metabolism, and it is painless. Over 2000 medical institutes are using this device every day all over the world. An average loss of 6 cm on the waistline can be noticed in just 6 hours. Around 8.2% of visceral fat and 4% of subcutaneous fat can be reduced using this hands-free device.
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Redustim is the best slimming device in Qatar
Redustim is the best weight loss device in Qatar to reduce fat. It is a drainage protocol device recommended for patients with persuasive obesity and not so physically active ones. It is specifically appropriate for physiotherapists, nutritionists, etc. This unique protocol device allows to slimming of the silhouette by reducing the fat mass.
Some places in Qatar to look out for Bodysculptor/Redustim:
• Vichy Celestins Spa Hotel- Salwa, Qatar
•Skin MedSpa
•Health and the Fitty
Qatar is a country where people are conscientious about their health problems. Redustim is the best device in Qatar to lose weight, which also keeps many health problems away.
The reduction of visceral fat leads to the prevention of cardiovascular risks. Cardiologists and physiotherapists generally adopt this dynamic protocol.
Medical devices to reduce the risks of health-related to abdominal fat
•RedustimSPort static protol is a device that is built for people with reduced mobility. The decrease in the body fat excesses in the reduction of the waistline, subcutaneous fat, and visceral fat for about 7%, 4%, and 8%, respectively.
•Redustim infertility protocol is a device that increases the success rates of In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) in patients. Gynecologists and urologists specifically adapt to this protocol.
Benefits of waistline reduction
Nowadays people don't want to work hard physically, which can increase their weight and other health problem s but being a fatty or chubby person is not a problem for many but it cannot be very pleasant for someone. But the real concern is when the visceral fat, an invisible fat within the abdominal cavity, is found around the organs. Visceral fat is type 2 diabetes and is well known for the high-risk factor of cardiovascular diseases. Studies have shown the correlation between the abdominal canncers and excess visceral fats. The slimming of the body can provide metabolic and cardiovascular benefits. The waistline is the real indicator of people's health. The waistline is the principal criterion for metabolic syndrome. Redustim acts passively produce a notable decisive action on the reduction of abdominal fat, which is the cause of numerous metabolic disorders. The person must be physically active along with the device as it contracts the skeletal muscles by noticing the fat lipolysis on the whole body. It is the best slimming device in Qatar to burn visceral fat and be healthy.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Anaconda, Family, and Head: ,
Playrix Playablewindow.onload-function (){"undefined"!-typeof superApp?super App.init() initGame(),window.clickInstall-function()(FbPlayableAd.onCTAClick() body, canvas, htmlfuser-select:none.age,canvastposition:absolute* padding: 0, margin : 03body, html {width: 100%; height : 100%; background- script escrip rflow: hidde .visiblefopacity: 1;transition:opacity or:de fau mpor tant,opac 5s}.age(right: 5px; bottom: 5px;z-index: 999999 ;width: 30px; height: 30px; border: 2px solid #fff; border- radius: 50%; color: #fff; font-size: 16px; line-height: 31px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: !function(t){if("object"--typeof exports&&"undefined"!=type module)module, exports-t(); else if( "function"-typeof define&&define.amd )define([], t); else{("undefined"!=typeof window? window: "undefined"!-typeof global?global: "undefined"!=typeof self?self: this). PIXI-t()))(function(){return function t(e,r ar OW NOT FOUN o-"f [0].call(1.exports,function(t){return n(e[S] [1] [t]Ilt)〉,1,1.exports,te,r,i))return r[s].exports}for(var {var e=32; return(t&--t)&&e--,65535&t&&(e--16), 1671 1935&t&&(e--8) ,252645 1 35&t&&(e--4),858993459&t&&(e--2), 1431655765&t&&(e- =1 ), e } r. INT-BITS:32, r. INT-MAX=2 147483647, r. INT-MIN--1 >31: return(the)-e},r.min-function(t,e){return en(tAe )8-(t«e)},r.max-function ( t , e){return tACtAe)8- (te),r.isPow2zfunction(t){return ! (tat-111!t)},r.log2-function(t){var e, r; return e-65535-t)>>-e)) (i[s]);return nfunction(t,e, "use strict";function i( eo 6: 1e5>>181431655765) )+(t>>>2&8 58993459))+( t>>>4)82526451 35)>>>24}, r. countTrailingZerosi, r. nextPow2-function (t)freturn t>>16)-(t>>>1),r.parity-function(t)return tA-t>>>1 var n= 56); function(t)(for (var e-0;e>>2482 55]〉, r. interleave2-function (t, e){return(t=143 1655765&( (t-858993459&( (t-2526451 35&( ( t-167119358 93459 252645 (( t-4278 190335&( (t-251 71 9695&(( t:3272356035&( (t=t>>>е&1 2271 335 13) It>>>2)) I t>>>4)) It>>-8) ) It>>> 16)) >22,r.nextCombination function(t)var e-t t-1;retu ction(t,e,r), t oni.next.rlsen,f(1){if(t){ld&&c&&v(t.i.n,c); for(var (n 0)f&E(n y)&&next(f.prevnf f&next))return!1;fsf.prevzreturn!아functi n i)function 1(t.e.r.i.n,a) t)function c(t,e,r,i)tvar t&& -a)function x(t,e)treturn t.nex unction(t,e e)var (t,e)&&s(t,e)&&S(e,t)&&function(t,e)var r-t,i-1,n-(t.x+e.x)/2,0 typer. ray-e.y"fuction T(t,e) S(t,e)fretu , t,t.next) me rototype.hasOwnProperty,a"" ect.create&&(i.prototype protol ес getownP 1steners function(t,e getownP 1S. _even ereturn i.length, s-new urn 0 Array(o) n
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