#prototype AU
underhanded-lamb · 10 months
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More Pokemon Prototype AU brainrot ✨this has nothing to do with me starting a new Soul Silver game shssssss
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shadesofnavy · 3 months
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That was... a little odd in a nice way, he supposed.
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hugsandchaos · 1 year
I recently saw a TikTok edit with J and N and that “you are Athena” song playing, and now I love it. I love the idea of N being accepted into J and V’s squadron and the two somewhat teaching him things. They don’t bully him, but tough love is pretty common with them.
On a side note, I think this would go well with the storyline of J and V having a more peaceful meeting with Uzi and becoming her friends as well. Or maybe they’d just bring her to the spire and be like “We can’t have you being scared just to say what you want or being lonely when we’re not here, so we brought you a friend” and N jumps up and goes “UZI!!!” And snatches her away in a hug. Then he explains that this angry worker drone saved him once and he saved her in return and ended up becoming best friends before he was accepted into their squadron. They’re a bit surprised, but hey, they hit the bullseye.
“Are there any other worker drones that are your friends we should know about?”
“Well, there’s Thad. He’s great! Very good company, and a good sport. He loves racing with me, even if he knows he’ll loose. And there’s this guard drone named “Ron”, and I think he’s starting to like me? He just gives me stuff to draw with if I’m waiting on Uzi or Thad. And I don’t think Uzi would appreciate any of us killing her dad, so I crossed him off my list, even though he hates me and all.”
I suppose what I’m trying to say here is when I think of a more peaceful timeline where J wasn’t shot, I think of “Badass lesbian power couple trying to make their traumatized, self-blaming son/little brother happy”. Things like J having a word with Khan when N returned to the spire thinking he might one day actually hurt Uzi after what Khan said to him, V giving him dating advice with Uzi, the two of them having their first sparring session with him and being really impressed considering N talked down on himself a lot, and sometimes N being the only murder drone who can actually fly and can’t handle sunlight so the two make sure he gets back to the spire before sunrise like a pair of passive aggressive mothers or sisters or checking on him if he crashes into something while flying.
“Hang on, I got a call from J. Hello?”
“Where are you?! It’s almost sunrise!“
“Sorry! Sorry, sorry, Uzi and Thad were telling me about this thing called “sleepovers” and lost track of time! I’ll head back home-- I mean the spire!”
“...How much oil do they have there?”
“How much oil do they have there?”
“Hang on... Uzi said each worker drone has around 3 gallons of oil incase of an emergency situation. Why?”
“....Congratulations, N, you’re getting your first sleep over. Don’t talk to strangers, stab anyone who tries to hurt you, and call me or V if you get into any trouble.”
“Really?! Thank you so much!!”
“Don’t mention it. And make sure you get some sleep, young man!”
“Yes, ma’am!”
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squid-propaganda · 10 months
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i have sooo many thoughts about my au but none of them are comprehensible so just take this art
+ 2 versions w less background under the cut bc i’m indecisive
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dailywatchersiblings · 7 months
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the sleeping eeper
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diejager · 7 months
I watched someone play Prototype (2009) and now I’m thinking. What if you were a survivor like Alex and Heller, contaminated by the Blacklight (Mercer) Virus. Laswell discovered you through thorough snooping of the events connected to Blackwatch and it’s weaponising human tests, and found you after a following the mile long trail of missing persons. Talking and convincing you to help her as an asset in exchange for feeding you information and whatever you wanted (that you couldn’t get through consuming) as part of your deal with the CIA.
And lo and behold! Laswell has some contacts following a familiar trail of human testing and monsters looking eerily similar to infected you’ve killed and eaten. And it just happens that she was close to them and knew they needed assistance from someone who had prior interaction with these monsters and knew more than Laswell herself.
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bloonmonnie · 1 year
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Big fucking THANKS for @bones-of-a-rabbit to make this beautiful beautiful fanart of my little boys :D
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kosmicdream · 1 year
“Official” FFAK AUs
I only call these official because they’re the AUs I’ve developed the most in my free time and wanted to share a bit about them for fun! I’ve actually had these all for many years now, so you might have heard about them before if you’ve been following my tumblr for a while. Here’s some quick summaries of the premises. 
Last Hatched AU
The most Developed of the AUs, in this AU Knife (who is only known as Perkons in this version) is the last of the 5 Hekatons to hatch, and was able to fully incubate in his egg. His hair is prehensile, his eyes are fully developed, he can speak with a loud booming voice and is more top-heavy and muscular with a beard. He also can lay eggs, but does not wish to and fights with Dievas over this. In this AU, he is not raised by Good Leadman and instead hates humans. Velns is still the outcast and neglected by the others, as Lauma is very close with Perkons and wants him to be her mate. Velns grows to resent his family for abandoning him, and one day under mysterious circumstances, he vanishes from his restraints- as a certain Good Leadman breaks him out. It is unknown how he does so and what might happen as a result.
Dead End AU This AU is the one closest to canon, as it actually is just a deviation of events of chapter 1. Instead, when Rome enters the tunnel to kill Aeschylus, his gun jams and he is eaten instead. Due to Aeschylus’ memory almost being gone, he adopts Rome’s personality and memories.. And also gets pink hair/eyelashes and his bad eyesight, lol. In this AU, Knife likely is successful in killing both Romeschylus and the King, despite Locket trying his best to protect them.
Prototype AU This AU is the furthest from canon, as it not only deviates from history but also the entire structure of the story/characters. I try to replicate and build off of the “original” prototype concepts of FFAK and its characters/plots, which means more than half the cast simply do not exist in this canon. The hekatons have changed considerably, and there is only 3 of them - Knife/Spoon/Fork, which are now a trio of siblings with Knife as the oldest and Fork as the youngest. Their king is the king worm Chiron, who is known as being Dollop’s king (who appears as a horse.) Dollop still exists in this canon and is sort of a “cousin” to the hekatons, as she’s another species created by the same worm. The Hekatons are also only around 100-150 years old. While the 3 of them are technically the same age, Fork’s growth was stunted due to his lack of eyes (which were still removed by Knife) and was still raised by Knife. He does not like Wibbleworld in this AU, and instead is bitterly annoyed by the franchise. Overall, Fork’s personality in this AU is that of a cynical, sarcastic slease and does not hold much empathy for others. Spoon and Knife do not have a relationship, but Spoon still holds a flame for Knife. He also still explodes/splits when it’s believed that Knife is dead. (he isn’t, obviously.) Knife also is not on his quest to kill all hekatons, since there’s only 3 of them. They still work for Thumb, and primarily live in the Lobe with their King. 
Other big changes is that Celadon as we know her in canon does not exist and Cadmium is the only Helper who gets created during the course of the story. Cash also appears, but uses a Helper body, which are still part of society as a type of flesh robot. Crimson does not have any history with the helper. Chain/Aunt K also do not exist, but the red knife/fork/spoon weapons still do. 
Characters included in this canon: Rome, Antony, King, Rome’s Parents, Marc Aiguille, Good Leadman, Cash (but no cress), Priam, Dylan, Pluto, Ducky, Cadmium, Crimson, Rock (who is a human cyborg), Rem-Bots, Paper (who is not a worm), Penelope, Barfy, Sneezy, Clappy, Licky, Helix, Aeschylus ( who does not return after dying), Mr Rotten, Dollop, King Chiron, Knife, Spoon, Fork, Scissor.  Anyone not listed just doesn’t exist in this version. So yeah, it changes a lot of things!!
Anyway, i just felt like sharing a bit about the AUs !
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"See ya, stinkies!!!"
"Really kid?"
"Listen buggy, they're the ones that brought out their stupid helicopter! And you threw me to get them!!!"
"....You told me to."
"And look how right I was! Anyways, sure hope they got enough insurance! Hahaha!!"
-Eclipse and Alex.
My partner ( @sourentropy ) who writes Alex Mercer, brought up their Alex and my Eclipse meeting! Thus this AU was born. In this version, the Black Arms were the ones who brought the very first virus. They were wiped out. Alex and Eclipse meet and discover the truth!
We said that one of the things Alex can do is have Eclipse cling to his back and he can also sling shot him into the helicopters. So Eclipse can take the men out.
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animesketch-es · 7 months
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The brainrot is brainrotting 🤕
Smiling Critters infection/apocalypse AU I don’t actually have a name for yet because I haven’t thought that far. I just thought I’d draw what I had in mind before it disappeared never to be seen again… 🕊️
The general premise is that after the outbreak, the SC formed their own survival group based in DogDay’s house and were doing well for themselves until CatNap suddenly got infected. Now it’s a mix of apocalypse survival and trying to find a cure + interpersonal drama because of course
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lyss-sketchbox · 9 days
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Iudex wrio from the swap au doodles
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underhanded-lamb · 10 months
Hi! I LOVE your artstyle and your Sun x Moon content!
Wanted to ask... What Pokémon do Sun and Moon have?
Searching "Pokemon Trainer Sun"...downloading Galarian Records...
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no recorded battle footage of "Trainer Moon"...system error
hehe thank you for your kind words and interest in my little scribbles!
You can also peek at Sun's and Moon's Paldea teams (made with Showdown Teambuilder) if you want...👀
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goldenjuniper · 1 year
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eyyy it's my au!! y/n is an engineer working at faztech and their latest assignment is the ISA, an intelligent surveillance automaton :3
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hugsandchaos · 1 year
Never wrote a tickle fic before now, so it may not be very good. If you want to give any advice, let me know.
N was seated on a high support beam in a fetal position, letting his wings dangle on either side with his tail wrapped around it for safety measure. He was up in the much higher part of the spire, where they had to use a couple support beams to prevent the whole thing from falling apart. Luckily, it was more than capable of supporting his weight, so the rafters quickly became his safe space. Besides, N was the only one who could get up there.
Down below, the other two members of his squadron were play wrestling together. They did that a lot, and it was kinda fun watching to see who would win. It was usually J who won, but V certainly puts up a good fight. N didn’t really like the idea of joining in at first, but he eventually joined in and it was actually pretty fun! He didn’t use his wings much other than to give himself a little boost when dodging their attempts to tackle him since flying would put them at an unfair disadvantage, and it was only a game.
Speaking of flying, the sun was almost down, so he could go out and stretch his wings soon. Until then, N would lay down and focus on relaxing like his squad members advised him to during his first few weeks there.
Wait a minute.
N sat back up when a familiar sound processed through his audio receptors.
Were they... laughing??
N glanced down at them again and raised an eyebrow in confusion. J was holding V’s arms up above her head with her tail and poking at her sides and abdomen, which for some reason was making her laugh? N moved into a crouching position and opened his wings. He unwrapped his tail from the beam and leaned forward to glide down and investigate.
He folded his wings a bit so he’d fly down at an angle and landed on the side of the landing pod, which would’ve definitely caught the attention of J and V, but they were growing used to the sound. The first time really startled them since he moved so fast, but now they would just turn their heads, which J did as he hopped off the pod and onto the ground, folding and retracting his wings into the hatchets. V was too distracted by whatever J was doing to make her laugh the way she was to look at him. J used one hand to wave before resuming the weird poking.“Oh, hey, N! Wanna help me tickle V?” She asked.
“What’s tickling?” N asked, titling his head slightly in confusion.
(Slight POV change)
J immediately stopped, and V’s laughter soon went away. If V wasn’t also surprised by N’s question, she would’ve taken her chance to attack J back. Instead, she sat up and glanced at her boss with a mischievous smile, which she soon noticed and caught onto what she was suggesting.
Both of them stood up and looked back at their youngest squad member.“Come over here and we’ll show you.” V offered. N still seemed confused, but he nodded in agreement and began walking closer. He stepped over a few disembodied worker drone limbs, inwardly grimacing at them as he did, and failed to notice the growing evil in V’s eyes. Once he was close enough, V lunged forward and knocked him over.
She quickly moved to sit behind his head and pinned both his hands on the ground, wrapping her tail around them to make sure they were secure. J instantly jumped into action and began tickling his sides.
N’s reaction was exactly what the two were hoping for; Breaking out into laughter and trying to pull his hands down in order to shield himself.”Ahahahahaha! Wha hat’s thihihihis?!” He asked with another tug. He was strong, so V had to come up with something quick or he’d accidentally send her flying.”Ah-Ah! You’re not allowed to do that, it’s against the rules.” She lied. N stopped tugging so hard, but still tended up as if he wanted to a few times.
“Whahahat ruhules?!” He asked, trying his best to stop laughing and speak more clearly. V soon lifted one of her hands to join J and poke at his abdomen, which made him try lifting his legs to protect himself that way.”Nohohoho! Wahahait! Hahahahahaha!” J pushed his legs away and played along with V’s harmless lie.“Well, that’s pretty much the only one; Try not to escape, or things will get worse.” She briefly explained.
“Wohohohorse?!” N laughed. Neither bothered to elaborate, they were too busy testing different areas in order to map out the worst spots.
His sides got him giggling, which was good, but not exactly what they were looking for.
His belly was the same; enough to make him start laughing and want to protect himself, but again, not what they needed to find.
Under his arms got a better reaction, he almost broke the first rule.
His feet got absolutely nothing. J was confused at first, but then remembered that he has protected nerves down there to help with fast landings.
And his neck was a good place to tackle, but they were hoping to find a spot that sent him into hysterics.
In the middle of N’s attempts to not thrash around, V noticed his wing hatches when he would go to turn onto his side to protect himself, but then remember the first rule of their game. In a moment of curiosity, she moved her hand from under his arm and scratched around the hatch.
N squealed and suddenly shot up to get away, startling his squad mates and yanking his hands out of V’s grasp. Before he could stand up, J tackled him and knocked him back down, wrapping her tail around his wrists and pulling them forward to keep him down. After a few seconds, J moved a bit so V could get to the wing hatches that got the exact reaction they were looking for.
“We told you it’d get worse if you tried to escape.” J said. V proceeded to scratch just under his wing hatches while J did her best to keep him held down. Judging by the hysterical response from N, he was doing really well holding back from using too much strength to shake them off. His tail started wagging as he laughed, and his squad mates wondered if it wasn’t just the fact that they’re all playing together making it move so fast. Suddenly, his wings flew out of their hatches, but that didn’t stop V. In fact, it actually gave her the chance to see if the wings themselves were also sensitive. Spoiler alert; they definitely were.
“AAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” At this point, he was laughing so hard that J began to worry that he wouldn’t be able to form enough words to get them to stop when he’s had enough.“We have a safe word for when you’ve had enough. The safe word is “Comet”, so just say that when you want us to stop.” She instructed. N nodded and buried his face into the snow to try to hide the dimly glowing yellow lines on his face.
After only two more minutes, N finally gave up.”COHOHOHOMEHEHET!! COHOHOMET!” He said. They both stopped almost immediately and let him go. N just curled up into a ball and laid there to catch his breath. The two glanced at each other, hoping they didn’t overdo it.
When he finally stood up, he walked over to a nearby head and picked it up to drink the oil from it.“Did you have fun?” J asked jokingly. Once N drained the head of oil, he dropped it and stretched his wings as he moved anxiously towards the entrance of the spire.”Maybealittle, butIneedtogostretchmywingsnow, okaybye!” He rambled before taking off into the now dark sky.
It took the other two a moment to process what he just said, but once they did, J made a mental note of things to cheer him up with and V sprinted after him. Even though he was much faster.”GET BACK HERE, YOU TALL TWINK!!!” She shrieked.
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squid-propaganda · 29 days
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thinking about prototype au again. what tee hell
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dailywatchersiblings · 8 months
okay so for the prototype au i wanted to create a design for Marle that was just really. off. it's meant to be like Tee's perception of Marle bc he doesn't really remember what she looks like. anyways to do this i had two of my friends who've never played PPT2 to look at a photo of Marle for like 20 seconds and then try to draw her
i combined their two doodles to create this design and uhh
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it worked like. scarily well. goddamn
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