#prototype sailor mars
silvermoon424 · 7 months
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wintersky1994 · 6 months
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My 2023 Art Summary! Geez what a year!
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pretty-idol-hell · 5 months
Speaking of chanko and other forgotten characters, I feel like eiko, nao, and nanami (since aira's hair in prichan in the cgi is the same) should be in a surprise team like what happened in season 3. (Like for some weird reason I thought when non sugar silhouettes first leaked I thought it was nao and eiko was going to be a part of her team since an idol can change appearances from different jewel types). I also remember we first had a MARS lookalike team in a prototype before dressing parfe.
Okay listen.
Justice for Nao.
(But maybe not in the way you think.)
Because yeah, she had a CG model too! And she even performed Make It with Laala in the Kirarin Star Live movie! Only to, of course, fade into obscurity after season 3...
In this case though, I wonder why they even bothered.
Because I think it's pretty clear from her character design that they never intended for Nao to become a main character from the start. So I don't see the point. Actually, I honestly don't even know why characters like her need to exist at all! (She reminds me of Naru Osaka from Sailor Moon.) Like, do they want to teach kids it's OK to drift away from your old friends when you get a new hobby or join a new club? Yeah, that does happen, but still... Whenever I think about Nao, I just feel sad. She kinda gave up on her idol dreams just because Laala debuted first and became popular?
Because thing is, if they wanted, she could have been someone! Imagine how much more interesting it would have been if she didn't forgive Laala in season one, and she did fade away for a while only to return in a later season on a surprise team in order to briefly attempt to get revenge on Laala (only for them to make up and become friendly rivals).
Like, imagine if they rewrote the series to replace Nao with Aroma. Or better yet, Chili! Imagine if Nao joined Non to try and surpass Laala only for Laala to be like WOW THAT'S GREAT I'm so happy for U! :D Hahah. What if instead of Non, it was Nao who made Triangle!?!
Or, like you suggested, she could still join with Eiko and Nanami too haha. Because yeah, since Eiko has a model too, and Nanami wouldn't be too hard to make, they could totally put something together still. Surely they will be the ones to awaken Yui.
So much wasted potential...
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thefigureresource · 7 months
Are there have any sailor moon things coming out?
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The newest Sailor Moon figures I know of are the S.H. Figuarts of the Sailor Scouts that will be re-released on the 17th of this month.
Sailor Moon Sailor Venus Sailor Jupiter Sailor Mars Sailor Mercury
There's also a few Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Cosmos Q-Posket figures coming out over the next few months (Eternal Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto) and a Sailor Cosmos Figuarts announcement (no prototype yet).
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sciencestyled · 5 months
The Whales Tale: Moby Dick's Martian Musings
Greetings, dear creatures of the sea and land alike! It is I, Moby Dick, the great white whale, famed and feared across the seven seas. But today, I bring you a tale not of the ocean's depths, but of a quest that even I, in all my maritime majesty, find astonishing - the story of how a robotic AI chemist may breathe oxygen into Mars.
You might wonder, what could possibly link a whale like me to the red sands of Mars? Ah, it all started with a curious incident involving my old adversary, Captain Ahab, a peculiar scientist, and a series of utterly unexpected events.
It was a calm day in the ocean, the water as still as a mirror, when I first heard the news. A scientist aboard a ship, obsessed with Mars, was blabbering about turning rocks into oxygen. This caught my ear, or rather, my sonar. As a whale who had seen many things, this was new and intriguing. I decided to follow the ship discreetly, using my whale-ish wiles.
One night, as the moon cast a silvery glow over the sea, the scientist, in his excitement, dropped a curious device into the ocean. It was a prototype of an AI chemist, designed to experiment with Martian rocks. The scientist lamented his loss, but little did he know, his device was about to embark on an underwater adventure.
You see, I, being a whale of great curiosity, scooped up the device. As it turned out, this AI chemist could function underwater! In my underwater world, it began experimenting with various elements, trying to produce oxygen from seawater. I was fascinated and amused as it bubbled and beeped, churning the water around me.
The more I observed, the more I understood the scientist's dream. He wanted to create oxygen on Mars, much like I, Moby Dick, rule the waves with my mighty flukes. This AI chemist, with its relentless pursuit of oxygen, reminded me of Ahab's relentless pursuit of, well, me.
In a stroke of what I can only call whale's luck, I encountered a group of Martian rocks, remnants of a meteorite that had plunged into the sea. This was the AI chemist's moment! It whirred and clicked, processing the Martian rocks, and to my amazement, it actually produced a tiny bubble of oxygen!
Thrilled by this success, I decided to return the device to the scientist. With a mighty leap, I emerged from the sea, startling the sailors, and gently placed the AI chemist back on the deck. The scientist was overjoyed, not just to see his device, but because it had proven its potential – thanks to a whale's help.
Now, as I swim through the oceans, I often think about that AI chemist. Its quest to make Mars habitable is as daring and ambitious as my own adventures through the uncharted waters of the world's oceans. The thought of a machine, tirelessly working to transform a lifeless planet into a realm where humans might thrive, is as fascinating to me as the deepest mysteries of the deep sea.
You see, my dear friends, my interest in this Martian endeavor is more than mere curiosity. It's about the wonder of exploration, the thrill of discovery, and the relentless pursuit of what seems impossible. Just as I elude harpooners and explore the vastness of the ocean, this AI chemist represents humanity's unyielding quest to explore and conquer new frontiers.
So, when I heard of the article titled "Moby Dick Reveals How a Robotic AI Chemist May Breathe Oxygen into Mars," I couldn't help but let out a bellowing laugh that echoed through the ocean. The story of the AI chemist, its accidental journey through my aquatic realm, and its successful experiment with Martian rocks - it all seemed like a fantastical chapter from my own life.
In a way, I feel a kinship with this robotic AI chemist. Just as I am a legend of the seas, this AI chemist could become a legend of space, transforming the barren, inhospitable landscape of Mars into a place where life can flourish. It's a tale of science, ambition, and the indomitable spirit of exploration - qualities that resonate with a whale like me, who has seen the wonders of the world beneath the waves.
And so, my tale comes to a close. From the depths of the ocean to the dusty plains of Mars, the journey of the AI chemist is a testament to the boundless potential of imagination and ingenuity. As I continue my endless roam through the oceans, I'll keep an eye – or rather, a sonar – on the progress of these intrepid explorers. Who knows, perhaps one day, humans will find a way to explore the oceans of Mars, and they'll have their AI chemist – and a certain whale's serendipitous intervention – to thank for it.
Farewell, my aquatic and terrestrial friends. May your currents always flow favorably, and your skies be clear for exploration, whether on Earth or on the distant, intriguing sands of Mars.
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I’ve taken a very big step in my crochet adventure: I’ve opened an Etsy shop!
I’m super excited to be selling my cow hats. They bring me so much joy and I want to share that with others!
My first project was Sailor Moo! 😍
Prototype (aka too big):
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Sailor Moo Blue/Mercury (needs a little bit more bling):
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And the first one I’ve got on sale:
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I’m working on Sailor Moo Red/Mars right now. This makes me so happy!
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fuzzychildchopshop · 1 year
Chibi Sailor Beta Mars (Mask) by MokaMizore97
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Sailor Scout Costume Design Prototypes
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thecalendork · 5 years
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Finished my drawing of the Prototype senshi 😊💖🌙
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setteidreams · 4 years
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Prototype sketches of Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury from the Sailor Moon Materials Collection.
High-res version.
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celestial-marksman · 3 years
Favorite Character Meme
   list your favorite characters from 10 fandoms and tag 10 people
Gundam00: Lockon, Tieria
Gundam Wing:  Duo
Sailor Moon: Sailor Mars, Sailor Uranus
Space Dandy:  Dandy, Prince
Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE!:  En Yufuin, Gora Hahone
Sorcerer Hunters: Tira Misu, Maron Glasse
Petshop of Horrors:  Count D
Tenchi Muyo:  Ryoko, Ryo-Ohki
Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego: Carmen Sandiego
Ranma 1/2: Shampoo
I like strong women, I need a girl that can kick my ass. Not a hard feet. LOL
I also have a thing for feminine looking guys, but then strong guys too. Look at Gora, and maybe Lockon, Eu and Dandy? But all the other guys are defenetly not but don’t think they can’t kick your ass too. ^_^
Tagged by: @a-drunk-vampire
Taging (if you want to): @musnatchii @quantumseraph-blog @emeraldryuusei-blog @uc-aces @pulseofthestars @prototype-ibrahim @prince-zala @dearkaelsman @dxnizensofspace @gladionsgrownup
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wintersky1994 · 1 year
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Prototype Sailor Mars Fanart 🔥🔥🔥🏹🏹🏹💖💖💖
This is my fanart of Sailor Mars' prototype design from the Materials Collection. I added the Casablanca Lilies as a callback to one of the short stories of the Sailor Moon Manga "Casablanca Memory" which explains Rei Hino's backstory and why she wasn't very trusting of men. She's pretty much the opposite of Minako Aino, who has a history of kissing almost every frog in hopes of finding a prince if you get my drift. LOL
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Yep with Naoko edits and I like your idea for every Sailor Cosmos to be unique! :D
sdjgkdsg thankies
like a Rei Hino Cosmos would def just be a Sailor Mars one like in that fan manga but maybe to spice it up add some details from her princess design or her prototype design maybe NOT give her a cape
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iFly 15 
iFly 15 First fast active flight by Arno Terra “Week 5 of this year I flew to Alicante to test sail the iFly prototype on the Mar Menor, a well know spot for boat testers in the winter months. It was my first flight on a boat with active controls. Active controls as in the Moth with a wand and movable flaps. To my surprise I clocked in my first flight directly a 26.2 kt run, a speed I never accomplished on my foiling A-class. Circumstances were not ideal, it was very gusty, I struggled with the sheeting but nevertheless I felt in control and to my surprise I did not even miss the footstraps. I could easily adjust pitch by moving my body fore and aft and never lost my balance. When I luffed too much to control the boat, the boat did heel quite a bit to windward but had never the tendency to capsize, where in the A-class it s quite easy to capsize to windward if you luff to aggressively. High speed can only be accomplished in a small boat when efficiency is high. It looks that the four foil active system is a worthy alternative for the four foil Z board system. Both systems have their own strengths though. The active system adds complexity and by that costs but is easier to handle for the non experienced sailor. e..g. I could easily foil downwind while sitting on the side, something I could not manage on my last A-cat. Foiling gybes are also quite easy with the active system as the flaps can effectively double lift and keep you foiling in the gybe. I sailed the iFly with the big rig. For the iFly two rigs have been developed, One with a 7.5m mast and 12.5sqm and one with a 8.5m rig and 14.5 sqm. The small rig is easier to sail and once foiling it does not feel small. The idea behind the big rig is to offer lower lift-off speeds with just a mainsail and more depth downwind once foiling. It is just the rig for the high performance sailor who wants to optimize his VMG. It is more of a handful and you have to adjust the trim and settings more often, where the small rig operates in an almost automatic mode. Indeed a more recreational foiler vs a more high performance machine. The big rig has a sail area to weight ration comparable to that of an A-cat. The advantage of the four foil Z board is configuration is that it unloads the windward board automatically once there is some sideslip/leeway. That’s why you see the full bottom deck sweepers and the high position of the traveller. With the small rig on the iFly you do not have to unload the windward board, which has the advantage that it is almost impossible to capsize the boat to windward. Once you drop the windward hull the extra lift created by the flaps is more than enough to righten the boat and prevent a capsize. Top speeds with the small rig are still mid twenties, just the angle is a bit higher than with the big rig or on an A-cat. With the big rig you have to unload the windward foil by adjusting rake with the worm drive to get maximum performance. The small rig boat has also the option to set a Code F, which is basically a flat code Zero set on the hull instead on a pole. It seems to work fine but I have not sailed it myself, but it is definitely an option to have fun in the lighter winds. Strong points of the active foils are the pitch stability and the ability to have foiling gybes and perhaps foiling tacks. The pitch stability is why you see such high consistent speeds and why you do not need the footstraps. I feel that there is a future for both the 4 foil Z board configuration and the 4 foil active flight configuration. Foiling newbies I can recommend the active flight system both for fun and safety. The racing enthusiasts will still be better off with an A-cat or Moth, but once the iFly has established itself as racing class we will see competitive racing on active flight boats too. It is simply not true that the active boards make the boat easier to race, it still takes a lot of skills to get the max performance out of the boat, but indeed it is easy to foil and have some foiling fun. ————- ————-
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gaaralover55 · 5 years
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Sailor inner Senshi redesign first form. Can be Used in own art if you want so contact me on tumblr first for permission. I wanted to make My own version of the Sailor Senshi so I started with the inner Senshi. I based them after insparations from Sailor och from deviantart. They all have brooches and own crystals that are in the same powers as Silver crystal. It had always pissed me off that they are weaker then Sailor moon when they are suppose to be powerfull Sailor Guardians. In the first season and later in Changes to diffrent jewellry. So Here is My ideas. Sailor mars: I based Sailor mars after her prototype design and a knight. I gave her red jewel tiara instead of a normal and armor because of her planets god and her priestess trainning. I also gave Rei weapon which are based after pgsm which is a pair of daggers. She gets the bow and arrow later in the series. Her powers are over Fire, mind and balance in the first season. Sailor Mercury: Based after her prototype form But more futuristic. She has only on me glow which has her computer on. Its No longer a hand computer But instead a hologram. Mercury has a hairband with a zoisite colored rosett from the silver millennium. Her weapon is also based after PGSM which is a curved dao sword. Her powers are Ice, mist and intelligence in the first season Sailor Jupiter: Also based after her prototype form and street fighter/ military. Her tiara is based after a Oni horn from the myth of raiden and has golden brass nuckles which she uses in short and long ranged fights. Her weapon is also based after pgsm which is a spear with a lighting shaped head. Her powers are Thunder, rain and tree’s in the first season. Sailor Venus: heavily Based after her Sailor V outfit and models. She has bigger glowes which she can use as energy shields. She can change her Apperance to infiltrate her enemies and manipulate them into her biding (Except for other Senshi) Her weapon is based after pgsm which is a golden chain whip. Her powers are light, Metal and shapeshifting. More Will come and so with the outer Senshi
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datshq · 6 years
Have you seen the "prototype" senshi outfits yet? And if so, what do you think of them? (I personally wish Takeuchi would've stuck with them. I don't like how uniform the final outfits turned out to be.)
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Boy, you came to the wrong person to decry uniforms. While I do concede that Magical Girl outfits where the girls have unique styles really helps showcase the cast members’ individuality, I also absolutely freaking adore uniforms in my media. There’s a reason I love Sentai and Super Hero teams with some common theme to their costumes, even as they customize them. In the prototype costumes, I think the girls look a bit too different and that breaks up the whole team aesthetic too much. The only common theme is mini skirts and navy blue and each of those leaves one Senshi out, since Mercury has a full-blown dress and Mars has nothing in navy.
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However, as I said, totally unique outfits are also great, especially when they match each character’s personality and tell the viewers something about them. Every character just wearing a palette swap of each other’s clothing means you can’t tell anything about them in-uniform, although Sailor Moon works to rectify that by giving the girls expansive wardrobes out of uniform, much like my other favorite Magical Girls franchise, W.I.T.C.H, where the girls have different styles but the exact same color scheme in-uniform.
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As it stands, I do lean more towards customized uniforms than full-blown uniforms or unique costumes. The Madoka costumes are too different-looking to suit a team, which is why Madoka is the primary Magical Girl show to give the girls such unique costumes, with the whole theme of standing alone in the end prevalent in the franchise. The girls are alone in their fight, which is why they look unique. There’s also the benefit of making each girl very memorable with the small amount of episodes and large amout of emotional investment desired.
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My favorite super hero team is a great example of custom uniforms. While I don’t like it when X-Men periodically wear the exact same thing, I do like it when a team has outfits that share color schemes and when they all carry the “X” emblem on them somewhere. The Sailor Senshi having different colored ribbons and skirts to go with their matching leotards accomplishes the same thing, although I do regret that the anime didn’t include the different accessories the girls have in the manga (sometimes), since that would have worked more on the customization angle.
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I love Venus’ waist chain (sadly not featured in this piece) and Jupiter’s scent pouch, but I guess the anime designs really wanted to go the Sentai Team route since, in that genre, the team often has completely matching costumes that are just palette-swaps. At least they kept the different footwear.
Basically I’m saying I prefer the middle ground route and the finalized “manga concepts” are the best look for the girls in my book. I do love how alien the prototype outfits are, though. You guys know I love the whole “everybody is aliens” thing in Sailor Moon.
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