#proud nerd conventions
lyxchen · 1 month
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Can I just say.. that man. Is so fucking tall wtf
Like dude????
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moonlitdark · 3 months
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📷 schniekemona
JCB with fans at Welcome to Starcourt
📹 nakeno.cos
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designerairway0 · 3 months
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Mon été invincible
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londonspirit · 1 month
DT Con in Goch, Germany
Proud Nerd Conventions!!! Remember that name! And if there’s a chance to go to one that covers your interests GO!!! They’re doing amazing cons (well, the one I was at, but from the looks of it, others were just as happy with them as me so…) We did go - to the middle of freaking Nowhere which still amuses me but it was the most incredible thing EVER!!! It’s small (not like the huge Cons), the location in an old monastery was insane and the vibe was absolutely impeccable!!! And if you’re lucky you spot on of the guests just wandering around, taking pics of the wildlife (mainly chickens and peacocks), being amazed by them (*coughs* DT *coughs*)
Im still in heaven! Everything was wonderful. The people, the guests (even though we missed out a few panels because we were so in awe of everything… it didn’t help that DT did his Bentley photoshoot outside where everyone could watch which was niiiiiiice!).
The panels we DID see where very chill, the host did a great job and DT’s panel at the end was just soo lovely - being amazed by said peacocks and normal German screwdrivers (some wonderful person uploaded the whole thing in YT - go and watch, it was soo good!) (And I hope the person that fainted (?) at the end was taken care of quickly and is feeling better now!)
Also: Georgia was mentioned quite a lot which lead to some hilarious comment by both her son and her husband! (Reminder to self to go and see if anyone recorded Ty’s panel *mutters ‘Big Daddy’ under breath while trawling YT and Twitter*). Here’s hope she’s going to join her family for one of these one day - the love for her there was palpable and she’d love all the love for her!!!
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We got very lucky with the weather (I got a little sunburned even!) which made it even better - this location wouldn’t have worked this nicely with rain.
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The whole surroundings were soo surreal and soo cool. David’s photoshoot was in an attic - you had to EARN your way there (soooo many steps) but soooo worth it. I loved that you could see him taking his pics while you waited for your turn: that man had a blast!!! He was smiling the whole time, hugged everyone who wanted it and generally was ready for ALL the shenanigans! I’ve seen a few absolutely incredible pics! He felt sooo good and his jumper was sooooo soft!! GUH!!! (Im still very impressed with myself that I stayed really calm all day (probably helped that I’ve met him a few times before even though this was the first time I had my pic taken with him) but he makes it so very easy for everyone! One of the kindest and loveliest celebrities I’ve met!)
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And yes, he was wandering around in the five seconds he had in between everything - his schedule was PACKED and he was still smiling and joking at the end of the day even tho he was basically ON all freaking day! tips hat Im sure he was exhausted by the end of it (but he didn’t show it so yeah, RESPECT!!)
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So yeah, overall the whole trip was sooo worth the slightly higher prices for everything - the guests were all enjoying themselves it seemed, the fans had a blast and 'Don’t pet the chickens, Sarah’ was uttered more than you’d think at a CONVENTION *giggles*
Also, peacocks are REALLY loud and nesting chicken HISS when you get too close. (I still wonder whether there were any during the Bentley shoot, they were EVERYWHERE and seemed to flock towards any Tennant when they were outside *hehe*)
The best thing though was my darling friend. Somebody asked DT whether he’d nicked something from set. And while he was pondering that, she uttered rather absently (and quietly) 'Your wife’?!’ You can hear the guffaw of laughter from me and the row in front of us if you listen carefully. I love that woman and her way of pointing out the obvious!!! That was soo freaking hilarious and I wished somebody had filmed THAT!
And despite missing out on Peter, Sylvester and some of the other guests’ panel (as we mainly went for David), we saw them briefly as they left so that’s something. All in all, it was the most chill and laid back convention one can go to. And having done this for one of my all time fave, I couldn’t be happier! I love my picture with him, I said a few things, and I realized (pointed out by my friend again) that I have a matching set now:
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… so yeah, definitely considering the Proud Nerd Cons again if/when they do anything with favs of mine!!! Much much love for the organizer(s)!!! Next DT event: Macbeth in November!!! 2024 is shaping up to be an EPIC year!!!
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celestialblueboy · 1 month
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Love that this man makes the sluttiest choice every 👏🏼 single 👏🏼 time 👏🏼
Pulling out the Crowley eyebrow/glasses? Signing the statue’s ass? 10/10 no notes
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rainbowpopeworld · 2 days
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(Quote from David Tennant is from this video and the photo is from Staged)
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donjuaninsoho · 1 month
omg someone got david's whole answer for me on trans issues on video 😭😭🥹🥹🥹 i love him sm
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ayumi-honda · 27 days
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Today in features that never made it into the Good Omens book/series: 60s female presenting Crowley, the Citroen 2CV and the mention of "psychedelic black" as revealed by @neil-gaiman in tumblr asks and the Script Book for season 1.
This largely self made cosplay "premiered" at the Proud Nerd Con in Goch and is based on a mix of 1960s fashion research and incredible fanarts of our favourite grumpy demon. The car belongs to hannah._.horror 🚘
Free background from freepik.
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And my absolute highlight at Proud Nerd Con was, of course, meeting David Tennant.
I can tell you, he really is a wonderful person. Often when you meet actors in real life, it's a little bit of a disappointment, and the things we love about them, are just show. That's not the case with him.
He cares for his fans, and he means it. It was an incredible busy day for him, autograph sessions, photoshots, meet and greets, and pannels, he really was rushing from one thing to the next all day. But he went out of his way caring for his fans, even when he was getting tired at the end of the day.
He answered as many questions as possible, he had smiles and kind words for everyone, and even some hugs (with asking consent first, of course.). It really felt like he had adopted all of us.
He loved being at the convention. He called it "absolutely bananas" and said he enjoyed the cheerful atmosphere. Everybody got to be themselves, and no one needed to hide anything.
He is also incredibly funny. And it's not that kind of funny that mocks other people that you see so often in bad comedians. He loves to tell stories, he loves to play with with language, and he really had us laughing our heads off. His jokes are silly (the good kind), and his humour is incredibly intelligent.
His charms and great personality carried a big part of the event and turned it from a wonderful day into a truly magical day. Everyone was still glowing on the bus ride back to the train station.
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ingravinoveritas · 1 month
Video of Ty Tennant at the Proud Nerd Con today answering a question about flirting with Michael in GO 2 and calling Michael his "daddy." I'm dying...
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lyxchen · 1 month
Okay so as everyone probably already knows I MET DAVID TENNANT YESTERDAY!!!! at a convention but I also got some other cool stuff there so I wanted to show that to all of you
First of all I bought this cute adorable amazing pin that I just love so much, like just look at it!!!!!!!<333
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Then I bought this cute art of all the new Doctors <3
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And from the same place I also got this super mega adorable keychain which sparkless
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(The artist's name for these two is 'glasworks' on Instagram)
Now as for autographs I got this picture that Catherine Tate signed in London also signed by David Tennant!!! (I would have loved if he could have signed something else too but it was only one thing per autograph so that sadly wasn't possible)
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Then I also got an autograph from both Maggie Service and Nina Sosanya and I had them sign the same picture too <3
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Lastly so many fans were giving out cute bracelets and I got four and they're so cute!! and then in the train home another person who was at the con too gave me this snake ring :3
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moonlitdark · 3 months
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rainbowcrowley · 1 month
david tennant comforting a fan - (source)
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irvinis · 28 days
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Комикон хороший и конкурсы интересные.
Based on David's adventures on Proud Nerd Con. I don’t know the author of the statue, but dolls from @lydiablackblade
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mizgnomer · 29 days
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David Tennant & Friends - Convention photos - Part Two
Link to [ Part One ] of this set
With extra-special thanks to Rich Keeble, Maggie Service, and Georgia Tennant for sharing some of these shots from the Proud Nerd Convention. ...and additional thanks to @BloodyTwittah10 for her "Georgia Is That Special!" sign, which Ty Tennant liked so much he asked to keep it so they could take their own photo with it (as seen above). Thank you for sharing your story and for letting them keep the sign! 🥰
Video Source [ rtl news ]
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clairedelune-13 · 1 month
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