#proud of how Felix’s turned out tho lol
pathetic-gamer · 2 years
Happy FE Engage Day! The Blue Lions Class of 1181 signed ur yearbook to commemorate a horrific six years wonderful year at the Officer’s Academy :)
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hyunverse · 1 year
nooo no need to apologize babes i completely understand <33 i’m glad you’ll be able to get a break soon bc u deserve it !! life is crazy, i always feel like this time of year is just HECTIC so i’m proud of you for pushing through :)
yes yes yes you are correct and the names are definitelyyyyyy challenging 😭 i’m grateful that overtime names have simplified a bit more LOL
gahhh ur too cute i adore you sm ☹️☹️ OOOO yessssss pls do share the fit pics!!! i want to seeeeee !!! and you did not show the pulls but i would be very happy to see :))
ohhhhhh i’m so jealousssss 😩. i’ve had one dream w bang chan in it and he was giving me a piggy back ride ?? 😭. i’ve also had one dream w namjoon from bts and mark from nct LMAO idk what my deal is bc i don’t even bias them ?? they just appeared in my dream one day ??? also watch me cry at you calling me that 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 so so cute i hope you’re having a good week too my sayang 😋 so cute hehe i’m blushing. how do you say hi and how are you in malay?
- 🐈‍⬛
hello hello ^__^ so happy rn bcs my classes for today and tomorrow got cancelled!5!9!5!5 now i have four free days (not rlly cs i have so many assignments zzz)
i will i will!! i sent some fabrics to the tailor for my first day of eid’s outfit. so excited to see how it turns out hehehe. aaa i bought oddinary (frankenstein ver) and (mask off ver), here are my pulls!! i’m ngl i pulled lee know for one of the ids, but bcs my bsf loves him, i traded it for seungmo hehehe. i pulled felix’s mini poster from both versions, he won‘t leave me alone 💔 what a girl gotta do to finally pull hyune 💔 i be getting EVERYONE but HYUNJIN????
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nawt chan giving u a piggy back ride in ur dream, HELP? that is so random T_T i would love it tho like imagine him carrying u... i Need him rn.
heheh sayang is my favourite malay term of endearment ^__^ such a pretty pretty word. just like uuu n ur pretty heart 💗 you say hi & how are you in malay like this — hai, apa khabar?
gonna continue doing my assignments now 💔 not living da life rn but it’s ok!!! have a good day sayang, mwamwa!
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therainroguebts · 3 years
Kingdom: Legendary War ep.7, no thoughts, just chan screaming Felix’s name like a concerned parent
- oh no I'm not looking forward to the global rankings bro
- I'm like 90% sure stray kids fans are all powerful and are gonna bump them up in the global ranking
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- well at least ateez is second!!
- please let ikon be one rank higher please I'm begging you
- ateez third place... the global viewers are stupid as fuck this is driving me crazy
- I'm happy for sk but I also hate it lmao poor ateez
- ahhhh shindong!! 17 years bro, wow Donghae too!
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- Bobby is the only rapper in ikon? Oh God the pressure lol
- seeing rappers be so charismatic on the stage to being shy little beans when they meet each other is the most precious thing in the world
- look at Bobby making friends omg this is adorable
- bobby: wants to meet / them: cancels their schedule before he can finish his sentence
- Bobby the bunny 🐰🐇
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- lmao never let Bobby set up the camera omg he totally broke that bitch
- I think the auto tune was a bad choice but I think it will still be dope
- they did so well!! 👏
- they haven't even fucking started yet but the rap unit of mayfly is off the charts they're gonna kill it
- and then minhyuk forgetting his own lyrics lol how is this man so relatable
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- "We're going to eat now. Jealous?" GET THAT SHITTY LOOK OFF YOUR FACE CHANGBIN 😤 I am jealous bc I'm soooo hungry rn
- can we have a variety show where idols just go around to other agencies tasting their food? Lol
- dude their song is so lit 🔥 there's no way they're not gonna win!
- I WANT THAT SONG GIVE IT TO ME I will sell my first born for this fucking song please kingdom put your feckin shit on Spotify you bastards
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- If they don't win.... I'm quitting
- YES I fucking knew they were gonna win it was just way too hype not to ahhhh I'm so proud
- I love how it just spoils the fucking dance unit members 🤣
- bro it's so awkward oh this is gonna be painful but DK is here and he's gorgeous so it's worth it 👌
- also they do not seem the same age at all lol
- I feel like I'm about to watch a period drama 👀 I wonder how it'll turn out. DK fighting!!
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- bro I never thought I'd see the day where I was so captivated by a dance performance. I was silent the whole time and you know my loud ass never shuts up. Ahhh I'm worried for mayfly that performance was really feckin good
- as someone from the states where honorifics isn't a thing, I always feel strange when they make a big deal out of calling someone by their name. I understand that politeness is super important in Korea but my American side just doesn't understand. It's cute watching them lose their minds over it tho, unable to drop the formalities haha
- lol poor peniel, forced to be leader and everyone is looking up to him like toddlers asking their papa for milk
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- I have high expectations for my boys, and they better bring it if they want to beat that drama performance
- duuude how is team mayfly so perfect 🥰 I am literally in love I want these boys as one group lol
- I just want to take a moment to complain. Idk if it's the site I'm using, my internet, or if the universe hates me but the video plays smoothly until I get to the feckin important part - THE PERFORMANCE and then it buffers every few seconds it's driving me insane and only does it during the performances UGH
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- bro team mayfly might just get a triple crown omg 👑👑👑
- "mayflys journey ends here" "Who are you to decide when it ends?" FUCK HER UP PENIEL SHE DONT KNOW SHIT once a team, always a team 👊🏻 brothers (wolves) for life!💯
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- (mayfly will live on it our hearts) yes it fucking will 😭💙
- oh fuck you for the cliffhanger kingdom you bastards 😤 you know it leaves me emotionally drained and i have to take a break! Ahhhhh
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mmmleckerlecker · 3 years
Please do go off about why you chose certain chapter titles
I wanna know it all 👀
Well. I mean. *cracks knuckles* If you insist....
(putting in a read more tho cause I just break down every chapter title so it gets lengthy)
Some of them are kinda obvious and simple. Like “The Meeting” details Felix and Benji’s first meeting. Duh.
“‘Someone Like You’” is named after a quote in the chapter HOWEVER it IS a quote that comes back once Felix learns about consuming and what Mrs. Marotta truly meant when she said it.
I think “Lion’s Den” was my first ‘clever’ chapter title. There’s not really anything deeper to it than being a reference to the fact that Benji innocently walks into a house filled with preds (the majority of which have consumed fatally)
“The Truth” is simply named for the fact that it’s the chapter where Felix learns the truth about preds and consuming. However, it’s somewhat unintentional (maybe I did it subconsciously), but I think most chapters that start with ‘the’ in the title, are sort of markers for important milestones in the story/character arcs. So, for instance, so far the Big Things to happen have truly been their meeting and learning the truth
“Trust” is also pretty straightforward but I do think it’s the beginning of a sort of reoccurring theme in the story. I also just find the concept of trust fascinating, especially when it’s given to people who naturally don’t seem to deserve it (like Felix)
And then there’s “Crush”!! This chapter was definitely named after the fact that it’s about Camille’s crush on Felix. HOWEVER I liked the sound of it because it was a sort of dark foreshadowing for how their relationship would evolve as time went on.
Was the chapter “Changes” inspired a little bit by the David Bowie song? Maybe so. Do I hear it play in my head every time I read the chapter title? Who is to say? (Same kind of goes for “‘Someone Like You’” where that Adele song plays)
Mmm and “Instinct” was of course named after the fact that this is when Felix’s pred instincts really kick into overdrive and start pushing him down the road to becoming Lux. I know it’s another simple title but I like to think it mirrors “Trust” in a way. Not only are they single word titles, but they’re both reoccurring themes in the story. They’re also both sort of the defining factor in Felix and Benji’s relationship. Does Benji have enough trust in Felix that he’s safe? Are Felix’s instincts powerful enough to jeopardize that safety? Only time will tell...
Okay now listen. Imma be honest. The line, “For Benji,” was NOT originally in this chapter. I was trying to come up with a title and I was like “doesn’t Felix think that to himself at some point?” Turns out ahh nope he didn’t. But no worries. I can do what I want. I simply slipped it in there and now it’s the chapter title. I really only wanted this title For The Drama.
Oof the title for “A Single Condition” was a little difficult to come up with. It’s just that SO MUCH happens in this chapter. It’s the longest chapter in the story so far.* But ultimately the line about Prey Man having a single condition really stood out to me as it’s basically the driving force for the next few chapters so that’s how I got that chapter title. (*Now when I say it’s the longest in the story, I mean it’s the longest POSTED chapter. There’s been more than one chapter I’ve had to split into two when posting cause they’re just too damn long.)
Now “The Scorpion” is one I’m super proud of. I uh dunno how many people got the reference but it’s to the Fable called “The Scorpion and the Frog” where a scorpion asks for a ride across the river on the back of the frog. The frog refuses at first, saying the scorpion will surely sting and kill him while he swims. The scorpion reassures the frog, saying that if he dies, the scorpion will also die by drowning as he cannot swim. The frog agrees to help.... and the scorpion stings him. As they both die, the frog asks why the scorpion did it, and the scorpion responds that it’s simply in his nature. The Scorpion, in this case, is Felix who betrays Benji simply by giving in to his nature. (Note that I don’t really agree with the message behind the fable, but ya know... The Symbolism.)
And then obviously “The Frog” is a reference to Benji who also makes the mistake of trusting his natural enemy and paying for it dearly. (Fun fact but these two chapters where originally one that I split into two to keep the lengths reasonable. And BOY WAS IT A GOOD DECISION. That one week between releases where everyone was LOSING it because they didn’t know whether Felix would let Benji out or not.... was a Good Week)
I think “A New Perspective” was a pretty straightforward title decision. As low key as the chapter itself. I do find it interesting tho that both chapters that start with “A” in the title have to do with Benji getting his world rocked upon learning how other prey view preds
YASSS and then there’s “Lux.” I like this chapter title purely because I don’t think people realized the significance of it when I first posted it. Like it really was like “oh Felix has a cute nickname. That’s fun!” And then several chapters later it’s just “oh okay so Lux really is this whole different side to him huh?” Like this chapter is the absolute true beginning to Lux. Love it.
And for “Lilian” this was a chapter title meant to mirror the previous one. They’re the only two chapters named after a character, they’re back to back, and they both start with an L (although that wasn’t intentional, it just sorta happened lol). This chapter was also originally combined into one chapter with the previous chapter, but again, I broke them up to save on length.
“The Alliance” was simply named for the Pred-Prey Alliance in the chapter, also the driving force for the main conflict (but also note that it’s another chapter title that starts with “the”)
AND THEN we have “The Facility,” the title for which is meant to mirror the one before it because... this is it. These are the two chapters that cement Camille and Felix going down completely opposite paths with Benji stuck right in the middle.
“Homecoming” I think is... a kind uncreative title. But truly not much happens in the chapter itself except that.... Benji comes home
Now for “A Place to Belong” (note how this is the other chapter title that begins with “A”), I think simply titling it “Epomis” was a huge temptation. It’s The Big Reveal and it would sort of mirror the title for chapter 17 “The Facility.” HOWEVER. I thought naming it that would be too much of a spoiler. Especially if a new reader happened to be skimming through the list of chapters. It would give away the significance too soon. And I hate giving spoilers away more than I liked the drama of the title, so I went with “A Place to Belong” instead.
Okay and I’m very much proud of “Golden Boy” because it’s such a small line in the chapter, and the title itself is vague enough that no one would question it until they had more context. And then you get the context and you REALIZE how significant The Golden Boy really is. (Also maybe a little bit cause Lux’s name means “light” and I just like the image of golden light)
“Busy Work” was another one of those uninspired titles for another one or those lowkey Benji chapters. Hmm maybe they should get a category of their own since they keep happening. Anydays. The title mayyy have also been a small reference to the Avatar episode “Bitter Work” in which Toph first (attempts) to teach Aang to earthbend. (Because that show is my favorite ever and I think it inspires my writing a lot in general.)
“The Mission” title is also quite obvious but notice how it’s another “The” title! This is the chapter that marks the beginning of Benji’s path back to Felix/Lux. I’d say that’s pretty important.
Mmmm I love the title for “‘To Live and Give.’” When I first wrote that line a few chapters earlier I was evil smiling to myself about how I was planning to bring it back with a MUCH darker twist. I love it.
“‘All Mouths That Surround You’” aka one of my fave chapters. The perfect intro for the new Lux. This is a reference, of course, to the alt-J song “Every Other Freckle,” which I’ve associated with Lux from the beginning. Now. I realize that some (most) lyric sites list that line as “all baths that surround you.” I think out of context, that line sounds strange, but there IS another line that’s clearly “all showers that shower you” so I guess that would make more sense to include baths as well. But is that as sexy as “mouths”? Absolutely not. So we improvise, overcome, adapt. Moving right along.
“The Reunion,” which I sorta mentioned earlier, is meant to mirror the very first chapter, “The Meeting” and I think that’s beautiful. Like I’m all about taking everything that seemed happy and innocent in the beginning of this story and twisting it so it matches the darker tone of the rest.
“Table Talks” is a little bit of a meh title to me but I do find it entertaining that I think table talks are usually.... not as angsty and full of conflict as Benji and Lux’s is.
“Kleptoparasite” is, as mentioned earlier, a reference to Lux stealing Cecil’s prey. It’s the ~scientific~ term for an animal that acquires its prey by stealing it from other predators. I mostly chose it because I wanted something more clever than “Stolen Prey” (and also I like incorporating Real Life stuff into the story. Like how Epomis is a beetle whose larvae practice predator/prey role-reversal in nature).
And finally there’s “Crumple” which is a callback all the way to chapter 6 “Crush.” This time Camille really IS a crumpled mess. The chapter really hits home with how her and Lux’s relationship has changed over the years. And, of course, it’s just me again doing the classic twist of making things in the early years darker to fit the later years.
Okay! That’s everything up to date so far! I hope this is what you meant when you wanted to “know all” 😂
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skzmp3 · 3 years
so i had a stray kids as tower of god characters series planned...
and well i keep trying to find clips and plan it but it's going way slower than i wanted. considering tower of god is like. a year old at this point, i don't think i'll ever complete the series, but i really wanted to share my thoughts because i was so proud of (most) of the pairs i made!
so with further ado, check out stray kids as tower of god characters! you don't really need to know tower of god to understand, bc i'll explain the characters below!
(warning: spoilers for the series! nothing major about the plot, but more about the characters themselves! i'll put pictures of the characters as well!
just as an additional disclaimer: this is all based off the anime only. i haven't read the webtoon yet, only saw the anime because my brother was interested and i wanted to watch with him.)
bang chan as khun aguero agnes
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bang chan as khun aguero agnes
this is best explained with this quote - “Imma protect Stray Kids, do it for the squad, do it for the team!” like chan, khun is a natural-born leader, and does everything in his power to protect his team. he's very outspoken and does things his way regardless of what the people in charge of the test does (much like how chan does what he wants regardless of jype lol). khun is very smart and analytical, thinking two steps ahead of what the smartest move is in the game, much like how I'm so sure chan has stray kids career moves planned out for like the next five years already. but like seriously, just watch tower of god and tell me khun isn't chan in anime form.
lee minho as endorsi jahad
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she's highly ambitious and confident in herself, much like how minho is extrememly self-assured, not allowing others to sway his opinion. i related her story to how minho saw bts performing and wanted to someday be on the stage like them, and worked his way through all the hardships to get there. endorsi's story is the same, where she had a goal in mind and did everything she could to get to the end (tho... her ways were way more violent than minho's...) endorsi is definitely more manipulative and sinister, but i always admired her in the anime because of how she knew those traits about herself but still continued the way she was - much like how minho won't let anyone stop him from doing what he enjoys (snow filters, anyone?)
seo changbin as rak wraithraiser
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listen rak throws a spear changbin is spearb i got nothing else. okay that's sort of a lie l o l. when i first made this list, i wasn't sure who changbin should be and was planning to make this as like a joke. but really, changbin in a way does portray a lot of what rak does. rak has a clear goal in mind and everything he does is towards that goal. likewise, while i don't doubt that the other 7 are dedicated to making good music and growing as artists, changbin really embodies the saying "music is my life" the most of them all, where he will give it all towards his music releases. (also - rak has it out for khun much like how changbin and chan are always playfully bickering, but at the end of the day, they respect each other and work together well.)
+ the picture is misleading on purpose l o l. look up other pictures of rak and you'll know what i mean :))
hwang hyunjin as hatz
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honestly when i saw hatz first i only thought of how pretty he was. but watching the series, hatz is more than just a pretty anime boy - in the same way that hyunjin is more than his visual. they're both super dedicated to their craft (hatz with his swordsmanship and hyunjin with his dancing), and both worked hard to get where they are. in the anime, hatz is at first very wary and guarded around the others (they honestly all are by nature of the tests), but he grows to be one of the most loyal to the team as he gets more friendly with them, to the point of going up against a ranker alone to ensure his team advances. in a similar manner, I've always felt that besides chan, hyunjin is most protective of stray kids, and is the most loyal to the stray kids brand.
han jisung as phonsekai laure
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sleepy bois™ l o l. but like, don't let that fool you. laure is sleeping for like half the series, but the other half he's blowing everyone away with his explosive talent. i would argue that laure is the most powerful of all these characters (at least in the anime!), because you wouldn't suspect it from his demeanor, but when he reveals his power it comes almost out of nowhere. likewise, jisung is called their ace for a reason - that even with how young he might be, he is so talented it's almost ridiculous to see. they're both the hidden powerhouse of their respective teams.
felix as shibisu
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shibisu is so full of love for his team - like how felix is literally the biggest ot8 supporter out there. he's always hyping everyone up and confident in their skills even if they aren't. the thing about both shibisu and felix is that sometimes their own talents are written off. shibisu is almost seen as like a joke in the series, because the others don't see him as talented as they are, and that he got in because he got lucky and found the right teammates. but shibisu deserves to be in the tower test as much as everyone else is, much like how felix deserves to be in stray kids as much as the rest are. and they both do have so much talent, with more just being revealed as the series/time goes on.
kim seungmin as anaak jahad
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i love anaak so much, because like. we don't know exactly how strong she really is. she may seem small and not as big a threat, but really, behind the stoic facade is so much power. for me, pre-levanter era seungmin was the same - not necessarily seen as a complete powerhouse but rather as someone who was a good support to the more core members of stray kids. but really, seungmin stepped into the primary vocal role so well from levanter on, and every single day we just see him surprising us with exactly how much talent he has hidden away. (also - endorsi and anaak hate each other but also they don't, so like basically. minho and seungmin.)
yang jeongin as baam
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anyone who watches tower of god and stans stray kids probably saw this coming haha. baam is the main character of tower of god, and in the beginning, he's seen as this super weak and unassuming character, with an impression of being small and not as strong as the others, only getting through because of luck. but really, much like khun saw the great amount of potential in him, the rest of stray kids saw how much jeongin would grow with the right guidance, and gave it to him to turn him into the idol he is today.
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waspgrave · 4 years
now to finally share detective facts about my girls because I Luv Them So Much. And this is long bc it’s both of them but that’s why there’s a readmore here 
Charlotte Logan
REALLY good at combat and tech/science. She’s very charming and friendly and works well with others! 
Nate and her are ♥. And Mason wound up her best friend.
Good relationship with mom. Could be better, but it’s comfortable. Barely remembers her dad but loves him though most of the time it’s very ‘oh, well he died when i was little so i’m not devastated’. She still keeps pictures of him around and loves what little memories she has. 
She looks A LOT like Rebecca they could probably get mistaken as sisters sometimes. She is a carbon copy of Rook in personality, though, and her name is even a homage to his. She also has his eyes (Hazel) 🥺
Had a bit of a wild streak as a teen and got in trouble quite a bit (which has to be surprising to people) much to Rebecca’s dismay since it was very much an acting out sort of deal. She worked through it, thankfully, and wound up doing a lil bit of traveling after college as a little gift since she made it more than clear she wanted Adventure. She found out she hates big cities in the process.
She’s very fun and charming but also a lil closed off when it comes to personal relationships. The past is the past with her - or so she says lmao. She tends to bury personal shit as far down as possible and shakes it off with forced humor and confidence. Any hurt feelings or annoyance tends to get buried with it, too, so she probably comes off as super chill and tough to a lot of people.
She dates a decent amount though tends to ghost on people or it doesn’t work out after a few dates. The thing with Bobby hurt quite a bit but honestly, it’s something she shrugs over now. 
Nate and her are So Good Together, though. He really gets her to open up and usually sees past her attempts at shrugging things off. 
majored in English and minored in anthropology. Fluent in English and Japanese and is TRYING to learn French but it evades her.
big fan of sleeping in, baking (never pretty outcome but always 👌 in flavor), trying (and usually failing bc she’s impatient) new hobbies and listening to weird history podcasts, and reading up on fun mythologies and history. 
Her apartment is super cute and colorful and she takes a lot of pride in how cute she’s managed to style it. It actually contrasts quite a bit with herself since her fashion is pretty casual and full of darker colors.
it’s no surprise that she was super chill with finding out about Unit Bravo. She’s delighted to work with them! Even the Trapper thing is like “oh wow that’s a thing? Lol” while her boyband - but especially Nate - is just 💀
also she punched Murphy and got bitten but honestly she’s such a badass. no wonder mason is her bff 
Esme Wolfe
Her deduction/knowledge and her people skills are both pretty equal. She’s also super genuine and leader-like.
She and Mason are unintentionally in love. Felix is her best friend! 
absolutely Awful relationship with mom but is open to making it work with time. There’s a lot of resentment there with how little she saw her while growing up. Really looks up to her dad and wants to be something that would make him proud thus takes her job and desire to help people very seriously. 
It’s hard to tell who she physically favors more between him and Rebecca but she definitely has his humor and compassion and big expressive puppy eyes.
Super, super creative! She got super into photography as a hobby p early on and has a closet full of paintings and sketchbooks that she’s actually a lil nervous to show anyone. 
She hangs up a few that she’s proud of and Tina even demanded she buy some to hang up at her own house. 
So sweet and friendly it’s ridiculous. She tends to default to helping others before herself which she knows can be a fault 😔 that doesn’t keep her from being stubborn and no-nonsense, though, so she doesn’t hesitate snapping at someone or taking charge. She’s actually quite bossy and very leader-like and i’m proud of her
She had one other relationship that ended poorly before Bobby. And she gave SO MUCH for Bobby, who absolutely decimated her trust and broke her heart in the process so she hasn’t done anything romantically outside of the one time she let Tina try and set her up with someone. Now she just uses work as an excuse which she was pretty chill with, honestly.
The whole thing with Mason is hilarious though because even if she’s pretty shy, she was totally down with a fun FWB situation because ‘hell yeah no stress’, but then they both wound up Yearning. 
She was majoring in psychology back in college, but wound up dropping out after Bobby stole her thesis work in a class they shared. It was between that and dealing with some Big Embarrassing College Trouble because of it so she went back home with the determination she’d do something else. 
Loves just chilling quietly when she can which means a lot of her down time is spent in her apartment, walking, and hanging out at the park to just people-watch and enjoy some stress-free time. Otherwise it’s painting/sketching - she has a whole closet full of  sketchbooks and paintings the world has never seen (except for UB bc Felix DEFINITELY snooped through the closet back when they were all staying there. None of them but him would mention it tho)
her apartment is colorful in a wild ‘nothing really matches’ sort of vibe. All of her furniture is thrifted and she’s a big fan of owning weird shit that makes people stop and stare in confusion because ‘why do you own a display of antique spoons?’. 
she had a panic attack in the Agency  lol. she wasn’t Scared per se - she already knew UB were trustworthy, but her world definitely got turned upside down for a few days. She’s very protective about supernaturals though but especially UB
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nekomura-tsukiyo · 6 years
Boyfriend!Stray Kids comforting you when you are in an extremely bad mood
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~notices quickly that you are off
~listens to your rantings very attentively
~if you still feel bad afterwards he’d comfort you
~but if you feel even just a little better he’d cuddle you
~like, cuddling you as if there’s no tomorrow
~makes sure to make you a cup of hot chocolate or anything you like to cheer you up
~”it’s alright baby girl, everything’s good”
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~even quicker than Chan to realize you aren’t in the best mood
~also makes you spill what’s bothering you
~tries to comfort you by giving practical suggestions
~and hugs
~if you can’t sleep that night he would sing
~very soothing uwu
~”which song do you want to hear? or do you want to have asmr live?”
~”asmr if you can contain your crackheadness”
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~didn’t notice your frown at first
~not until he tries to go to have tea with you and you refuse
~immediately feels bad when sees you break down
~wipes away your tears, hugs you and pats your back
~basically treats you like a baby
~showers you with kisses when you seems to feel better
~and cuddles you like a cat
~”you’re not going anywhere when you look like shit - NO I AM SORRY I WAS JOKING” or “minho wants y/n to smile~” there’s no in-between
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~wonders why you never smile that day
~until at night he confronts you about it
~panics a bit when he sees you breaking down while ranting
~immediately pulls you into a hug
~tries to cheer you up by turning on his baby changbean persona
~and ofc it succeeds because baby changbean is too cute
~gives you the softest smile when he sees you crack a smile
~”you look better when you smile”
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~notices your bad mood but doesn’t say anything about it until night
~chats with you with your problems
~soothing your back non-stop while you complain
~kisses your tears away if you feel better after crying
~or else he will just wipe it
~praises you like a princess for the rest of the day (not that it’s a long time lol)
~”you are the best person I’ve ever seen”
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~very worried 
~lends you his back or lap or whatever large enough for you to cry
~does aegyo to cheer you up
~and it worked because no one can resist the adorable squish’s charms
~so proud of himself uwu
~but still remembers to cuddle you for the entire day
~writes you encouraging lyrics 
~”there are more beautiful things in life than shitty things!!”
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~basically similar to Jisung
~but instead of aegyo he does crackhead stuff becaue he’s memelix
~like the stupid fortnite dance or girl group dance idiot version
~and makes you laugh so hard that you forget about your problems
~gives you the most adorable laugh when sees you laugh
~oh, and also blackmail material of other members
~”cheer up baby cheer up baby -"
~"do you really have to sing Twice non-stop?"
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~worried but didn’t show
~at least until you spill yourself
~depending on his own mood, he either does aegyo or tells you how he trolls the other members
~doesn’t give up until you smile
~probably being the sweetest you’ve ever seen
~since he hides his savageness for once
~”smile for minnie minnie seungminnie~~”
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~freaks out when you look...scary?
~poor boy doesn’t know what to do
~and he’s shy
~so he uses his (and your) plush toys to create a puppet-show thingy to try to cheer you up
~because he knows you at least coo over his adorableness even when not happy (he doesn’t like being called adorable tho)
~”squirtle is sad because y/n is sad too”
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rvkis · 6 years
180915 KBS in Berlin
so after being emo all sunday and monday i finally got the strenght to write my report about music bank in berlin and about the whole trip in general. if i got anything wrong you may correct me, since my memory might be messed up bcs A LOT happened. well, here we go ~
Friday, arrival in Berlin: later at noon i met up with my friend in düsseldorf to take the plane to berlin, since her sister and parents were already there but that’s not important. i was super nervous bcs it was only my second flight and without a parent at that. it was pretty cool tho, night flights are amazing. when we arrived we found out, that if our plane didn’t had a 30 minutes delay (bcs we were 3 people too much and couldn’t start off lol), we would’ve have arrived together with taemin, exo and wanna one. how cool would that be.
Saturday, D-DAY: after a very, very short night (berlin is hella loud jeez) we headed to the venue pretty early to grab some fan stuff and banners to cheer for our favourites. while we looked around first, so that we know where eveything is, we wanted to head back to my friends parents to tell them, that we’ll grab what we can get and then leave again. we had seated tickets so we didn’t need to line up for numbers. so on our way back to the car to tell them that, a van arrived just when i wanted to cross the street. and guess who was in that van - EXO. (so i can say i got nearly hit by exo, literally lmao) we had short eye contact with sehun who was sitting in the front and scrunched up his face bcs the sun was blinding, he looked so funny and cute haha. since there weren’t many people at the gate we decided to watch get them in to the venue. the girls next to us screamed so loud it sounded like she was giving birth, which made us laugh a lot haha (you can find the video of exo arriving on my twitter: skelettblume)
well then, after exo arrived we waited a little longer for taemin. but boy he was taking long, so we decided to grab some fan goods and banners and then leave, since we also wanted to do some sightseeing (so we missed taem :(). in the end berlin wasn’t really that nice, at least not too us. and due to the marathon that was going on it was pretty crowded and stuffed. so when we arrived back at the hotel around lunch time we were pretty tired and took a nap to re-charge our energy. then an hour before let in, we headed back to the venue to line up.everything went really smooth and we were inside after like 45 minutes. inside the venue they played music videos of all the groups that were to perform and fans chanted a long, it was super cool and set up a really good mood.
Stray Kids: the opening, after the mcess had a short speach, was made by them. they were really cute. and since it was felix’ birthday we even sang for him. in german tho since this was organized by the staff. originally we fans planned to sing in korean but ok lol. felix was really touched and even teared up, cutie. ;;
Songs Performed: district 9, hellevator, my space
GIdle: tbh i’m not a big fan of girl groups, therefor i don’t have much to say about them. only that they had one of the cutest fanboys. :)
Songs Performed: latata, maze, hann
WANNA ONE: they were def the 3rd strongest group this evening. fanchants were really loud and their perfomance was lit. during their ment they said they are really grateful that fans give so much love and support even tho their debut wasn’t that long ago.
Songs Performed: boomerang, energetic, light, beautiful, burn it up
TAEMIN ( ❤️ ): so, since i’m a shawol since the beginning i have A LOT to say here. it was my second time seeing taemin. i first saw him with the rest of the band back in 2011 during smtown paris. his performances were LIT 🔥 . he was so cute during his ment (he introduced himself in german ;;) and since i literally saw him grow up i can say he improved SO MUCH. I’M SO PROUD. he also prepared a video message from minho and kibum and was like “do you want to see them more than me?” and when the fans just screamed he took it as a yes and pouted haha. during hypnosis then emotions took over and i started crying bcs than it sank in just how much he grew up and everything. ;; and that he continues to be there for fans after you know... -anyways during press your number the fanchants def were loudest and he literally turned his perfomances into his own concert. 😁  something that was also really sweet was when he together with vcr minho and kibum sang I WANT YOU and the crowd flipped ;; it was such a cool surprise. kibum and minho said that they are sad whole shinee couldn’t come but want to next time. minho also looked really proud and happy for taemin. :)
Songs Performed: move, press your number, (with vcr minho and kibum) i want you, hypnosis, danger
EXO: like some maybe expected they def dominated the show. even tho taemin was just as strong with the fanchants but still exo boys really got it. but that’s okay bcs i’m also a fan lol (but shinee will always come firs <3). they were really cute ofcourse. suho really did his best and even wrote what he wanted to say on his palm ;;. as always as it seemed baekhyun’s mic was too low (when will they ever learn ugh). kyungsoo looked SO HAPPY during boomerang ;; i wanted to squish him so bad. kai spoilered a move for cb uhuhu and also looked really happy bcs of the fanchants. suho, chanyeol and sehun danced a few parts of WE YOUNG during ments. baekhyun sang a bit of YOUNG and looked really proud a the end. fanchants were SUPER LOUD and we all went crazy during WHAT U DO, it was awesome. OHHH and we sang happy birthday for jongdaes upcoming birthday and he also looked so proud haha. chanyeol thanked fans for liking WE YOUNG and all the love they get. he was so startled when he talked bcs he was really, really loved (i would say he and taemin def got the most love).
Songs Performed: the eve, kokopop, boomerang, what u do, power
SPECIAL STAGE - CHANYEOL: there were a few special stages, including a video message of bts, but since i don’t really have much to talk about them and also only want to say something to chanyeol’s one, i’ll leave the rest out. so, mr. park chanyeol - istg he gets my heart so weak. he was so considerate and sweet and performed WIND OF CHANGE from scorpions for us. i got goosebumps and teary eyes. his rap voice is already something but his deep singing voice just does things to you. also i felt so touched that he showed so much interest and prepared something so meaningful ;;. really i love soft pups. he also looked really proud/happy when he was done and the whole crowd chanted “PARK CHANYEOL” it was heavy.
Song Performed: wind of change from scorpions
Stray Kids - happy song, dna, hard carry
Wanna One - pick me, bang bang bang
GIdle + Daniel Lindemann - sunny by boney m
Somi - rollercoaster, gashina
besides the special stages, we also had a QUIZ and RANDOM PLAY DANCE break. the best question of the quiz was “is taemin beautiful” and everyone chanted “YES” and then it was his time to perform <3. during rpd break songs from top kpop groups were played (i only remember red velvet tho, bcs our section screamed for suho HAHA exo fans know what we meant). it was really energetic and hyped everyone up even more.
CLOSING: since exo was the last group to perfom, the mcees said a few more words and then everyone got on stage and bid goodbye with gangnam style. really, even tho it went on for 4 hours it felt really too short. but it was a really nice experience, since it was my first with lightsticks and fanchants (i really need more kpop concerts haha). since i’m a shawol first (before an exo-l) i spend more time with them and everyone was so sweet and worked so hard with handing out banners and even lightsticks. HUGE THANK YOU TO Y’ALL ;;. and of course like after every concert my post-concert depression is SUPER HEAVY like can i pls turn back time and go again ;;. anyways, i hope you all liked my ‘short’ report and i hope you get to see your favourites soon too. if you have any questions, just hit my inbox. thank you and that’s it. <3
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answer all of em'
Wow haha okay I’ll try my best :’) 
1:Something I fantasize about: Moving out and living in my own apartment. I fantasize about that e v e r y day2:Zodiac sign: aries 3:Three fears: losing anyone close to me, having feelings for someone and deep oceans4:Three things I love: already answered that :)5:4 turn ons: actual interest of getting to know me, smile, personality, soft touches (lol idk)6:4 turn offs: being rude, thinking your better than everyone else, socks, too pushy 7:My best friend? @hellothunderclatter8:Sexual orientation? heterosexual 9:My closest Tumblr friend: besides my best friend up there my closest tumblr friend is @tragikern10:How tall am I? 170 cm11:What do I miss? summer12:What time was I born? 23:30 ish13:Favorite color? purple14:Do I have a crush? not huge but yeah maybe15:Favorite quote? “The happiest you’ve been won’t be the happiest you’ll be”16:Favorite place? my bed. or grandmas apartment 17:Favorite food? tough one…………………. but I guess Vapiano’s pasta carbonara18:Do I use sarcasm? uh absolutely not?19:What am I listening to right now? now and later20:First thing I notice in new person? hair I think21:Shoe size? 4022:Eye color? greenish23:Hair color? red bronde24:What do I like about myself? already answered25:Ever done a prank call? yeah when I was like 1226:What color of underwear I’m wearing now? black27:Meaning behind my URL? I absolutely love Stockholm as a city (eff some people in it) but the city is so beautiful. My biggest dream is to live in an apartment in the big city one day! Stockholm i mitt hjärta is also a swedish song by Lasse Berghagen28:Favorite movie? Must be Dirty dancing29:Favorite song? of all time it must be Every breath you take by The police, Dom andra by Kent and Samma barn by Norlie&KKV30:Favorite band? Kent31:How I feel right now? already answered that32:Someone I love: My friends and family33:My current relationship status: As single as you can be34:My relationship with my parents: it’s great. They’re the best. Annoying sometimes but who’s aren't 35:Favorite holiday: I love the christmas feeling36:Tattoos and piercing I have -37:Tattoos and piercing I want -38:The reason I joined Tumblr: I was a hardcore Justin Bieber fan in my younger days so my first tumblr blog was a fanblog39:Do I and my last ex hate each other? no we don’t hate each other 40:Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts? sometimes41:Have I ever kissed the last person I texted? yes, just for fun tho42:When did I last hold hands? I work in a kindergarten so the little kids come and grab my hand to show me things all the time 😍43:How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 35-45 minutes44:Have I shaved my legs in the past three days? hahaha nope. 45:Where am I right now? in my bed46:If I were drunk and couldn’t stand, who’s taking care of me? my best friend! She’s my rock 47:Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? loud48:Do I live with my Mom and Dad? yes49:Am I excited for anything? idk50:Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? maybe51:How often do I wear a fake smile? like at work when I have to chitchat with parents when they’re picking their kids up from kindergarten52:When was the last time I hugged someone? Last night53:What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? Jahapp54:What I’d do if I won in a lottery: depends on how much I’d win, but if it’s a lot I would buy myself an apartment or a car55:What is something I disliked about today? I’m having a cold and I hate being sick56:If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? wow Idk… It’d be really cool to meet JB tbh57:What do I think about most? things I don’t have or wish I was58:What’s my strangest talent? lol idk mitt “partytrick” är att jag kan typ böja mig dubbel och stå med både fötter och handflator i golvet på samma gång om du fattar hur jag menar hahah har typ inga talanger59:Do I have any strange phobias? idk60:Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? both61:What was the last lie I told? The one I remember was when I told my parents that I would sleep at a friends house when I was somewhere else62:Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? video chatting63:Do I believe in ghosts? Yes 64:Do I believe in magic? Hm nah65:Do I believe in luck? I think so66:What I’m really bad at: being genuinely happy for others. I just see the things I don’t have. I try to be better and I hate that I’m not67:What was the last book I’ve read? Färjan av Mats Strandberg sååå bra68:Favorite pizza topping? shrimps 69:Do I have any nicknames? Emmis haha but only my dad calls me that70:What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? I don’t recall having any major injury71:Do I spend money or save it? save it72:Can I touch my nose with a tongue? no73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? yes74:Favorite animal? horses75:What was I doing last night at 12 AM? on my way home from what was supposed to be a good night out76:What do I think Satan’s last name is? what’s his last name?77:What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Öppna din dörr - Dannys version78:How can you win my heart? Show me that you really want to get to know me as a person, that you’re thinking about me when we’re not together. You remember things I’ve said and done. That you’re proud to have me79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? bye bitches!!!! (joke)80:One of my scars, how did I get it? I was hit by a boy with a stick when I was like 3, but you can barely see it now81:Play any musical instrument? I can play some chords on the guitar and the piano, I’ve also played saxophone but idk if I could play it today82:If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? stop being so fucking proud and tell people how you really feel about them. don’t leave them guessing and worrying about things they don’t need to worry about. life’s too short for that shit83:Where do I want to live when older? In Stockholm city84:What super power would I want? read minds, not all the time but like decide the moments I wanted to read someones mind.85:What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? idk tbh86:What is my current desktop picture? From when I went skiing in Trysil87:Had sex? Yup88:Bought condoms? Yep89:Gotten pregnant? nope90:Failed a class? no91:Kissed a boy? yes92:Kissed a girl? yes93:Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? I think so94:Had job? Yes me work now95:Favorite TV Show? right now Skam, grey’s anatomy96:Bullied someone on the Internet? sadly I think I have commented anonymous “mean” comments when I was a little shit that shouldn’t had been online97:Had sex in public? haha yeah98:What was my favorite toy as a child? probably all of my teddy bears99:Smoked weed? no100:Did drugs? nope101:Smoked cigarettes? yes102:Drank alcohol? yep103:Am I a vegetarian/vegan? no104:Do I like my handwriting? sometimes, sometimes not105:Was I named after anyone? no I don’t think so106:Been to a wedding? yes but I was like 3 so I don’t remember anything107:Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? probably108:Watched TV for 5 hours straight? duh109:Been outside my home country? yes I have110:Gotten my heart broken? yup yup111:How many kids do I want and what will be their names? right now I don't feel like I want kids at all. but maybe in the future I would want 2 kids. I like the names Kasper and Felix for a boy112:Broken a bone? no I have not113:Cut myself? mhm long time ago tho114:Been to prom? yes omg I miss it115:Been in airplane? yes I have116:What do I want for birthday? an apartment, a car and a loyal boyfriend :-)117:Been rejected by a crush? haha like every time118:Had a crush on someone of the same sex? yeah119:Learned another language? me hablo espanol lol 120:Had a surgery? no121:Lost my virginity before I was 18? yes122:Had oral sex? yup123:Dyed my hair? yep124:Rode in an ambulance? no125: Been fishing? yes
omg that took a while. your welcome :’)
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interstellix · 4 years
huh I’m trying but I think I won’t have enough time to study everything for my exam so I’ll just see how it goes,, omg 7 years is so long I’m so proud of you love! 💛 I actually live on an island but tbh we don’t have snow here so yeah :(( it’s impossible not to associate felix as the sun and his freckles as the stars like 🥺 the fact is that I messed up my sleeping schedule and I can’t fix it :(( btw you are the cutest here!! and I’m gonna turn 20 next month and yeh I am a soft child 👉🏻👈🏻💓
oof i'm sorry to hear that :( i hope it turns out well but however it ends up, remember that all you can do is your best and that alone is the most important part!! 😤🌻
thank you sweets 🤧💓 idk i've never been good with skirts and dresses so it felt,,, odd, to say the least :0
snow ain't shit, it just causes a ton of annoying stuff so trust me when i say you're not missing out on anything lol but an island tho, i've always found islands more exciting pls lemme come over jdsldksk :((
true true, felix is a whole sky himself omg :') that's such a mood tho, my own sleep sched is absolute chaos so it's you and me both love and here we are advicing each other to sleep wow the irony and, pls, look at your asks again and tell me you're not the cutest. also??? we're??? the same age??? oh my god??? what day exactly if i may ask? :oo
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