#prumano valentines
pancake-man · 4 years
Hey @anamelodemelo! I’m a little(almost two months) late, but I was your prumano secret valentine! Big thanks to @prumano-week for organising this whole thing and @snowywolff for kicking my butt into gear to finish this. 
Your prompts were  Kiss, Funny, Fancy, Date, Nyotalia and I tried to cover all of them! I used fannames because I couldn’t find any good names for the Nyo!s, so Nyo!Prussia is Zoe and Nyo!Romano is Elena!  I hope you enjoy it!
Kissing + Mishaps = Kisshaps
They’ve been doing the same thing for years, curled up in blankets and surrounded by junk food, a cheesy movie neither of them has ever heard of blaring on the screen across the room. The same thing, except it’s changed. Both of them have grown, but not much, perpetually stuck below 5’4. Elena’s room has gone from pink hues and stuffed animals to reds and greens and potted succulents on the windowsill. Zoe cut off most of her long hair and Elena wears makeup now. But they’re still the same kids who met years ago on a playground. 
So now it’s Elena with her back against the mattress, sitting on the floor because she’s too lazy to get her glasses and she wants to see, dammit, and Zoe up on the bed, laying on her back with an entire bowl of chips balanced on her stomach.
The actor in the film has lost his shirt, again, and Zoe is laughing her ass off making fun of the script and costume department and everything else, really. Elena isn’t sure what about the plot requires the hero to be shirtless, but she’s not paying attention anyways. The flashing lights of cheap CGI reflect on Zoe’s face, making her stand out in the dark room. 
Zoe bites her lip and sucks in a breath as the scene shifts. It’s the hero’s younger sister, and the villain(Elena thinks, she’s still not sure what the plot is) They’re fighting, knives out and teeth bared until the sister has the other woman pinned to the ground. The actresses are panting, and Elena feels her own heart beat badump, badump, badump. 
The women on screen press their lips together, cheesy and dramatic. “What does that feel like?” She asks, blurts out, because Zoe has experience and she doesn’t. Elena asks because she’s curious, because she’s never kissed a boy, let alone a girl, and what’s on screen is never like in real life.
Zoe hums, sticks her tongue between her teeth like she’s always done. “Just like kissing a boy, I guess.” 
Elena’s nails dig into her palm. “Never done that.”
Zoe doesn’t respond for a moment. Then Elena hears the rustle of blankets as her friend rolls over. “Oh. It’s- um. It’s like there’s this space in your chest that you never knew was there, and then it’s just-” She pops her lips. “Filled.”
Elena hums. Her face feels on fire. “I get it,” she says, even though she doesn’t. The movie has moved onto another fight scene, this time with more men and explosions. Neither of them are interested anymore.
Again the sound of blankets, then Elena feels breath on the back of her neck. She turns around and Zoe is right there, so close. “I didn’t explain very well, did I?” Zoe’s lips move around the words, and Elena can’t decide whether to look at them or Zoe’s eyes.
“No, it’s- fine. It’s fine.” 
“I could just show you.” 
“Don’t be a fucking weirdo,” Elena laughs, but it sounds fake and hollow. She leans forward.
It’s nothing like how Zoe described. It’s actually kinda terrible. Elena goes in with her lips puckered like a blowfish and Zoe goes straight for a French. Zoe groans and Elena can feel the vibrations go straight through her. Zoe pulls away, taking all of her warmth and too-much-ness with her.
“What the fuck was that shitty excuse for a first kiss, asshole?” Elena begins, but then Zoe smushes her cheeks between her hands and guides her up onto the bed. She’s sitting between Zoe’s legs now, and Zoe uses her hands to move Elena’s head around like a doll, tilting it just so that when they meet again, it’s a thousand times better than the first. 
Gasps are quickly swallowed up by hungry lips as eyes close and hands move around each other. Zoe is still tangled in pillows and fluff, leaving a barrier between them that feels like miles of distance. Fingers are running through Elena’s hair, pulling at the tangled curls until she whines and retaliates by digging her nails into Zoe’s shoulders.
Elena feels- wait, is that teeth? Something sharp hits her lip and she yelps, jumping back and hitting Zoe square in the face with her head. Elena looks up to see an awful fountain of blood burst forth from Zoe’s nose- all over her clean bedsheets. Goddammit.
“Shit I’m sorry-” She starts to say, but Zoe cuts her off with a wheeze. 
“No! No it’s fine, I’m just gonna-” Zoe starts to stand up, but their cocoon of blankets is still wrapped around her legs and she falls backwards. Elena reaches out for her and insead falls right on top of her, wedged between the wall and the bed. 
“Seriously I’m so sorry that probably hurt like a son of a b-”
“Dude you’ve already apologised like, a billion times. It’s no sweat.”
“Zoe. Your arm is literally broken.”
“Yeah but it’s fine, see?” Zoe lifts up her arm, twisted at a horrible angle, and waves. “Can’t feel a thing.”
“I’m pretty sure not being able to feel your arm is really fucking bad! As in very not good! Kaput, nicht so gut.”
“Dude your accent is terrible,” Zoe laughs, with a loud snort at the end that nearly makes Elena swerve off the road. Driving with Zoe was usually distracting, let alone in the middle of the night when she had a broken arm. The arm that broke after they made out. That arm.
“Why are you still calling me dude? I feel like we’ve passed that point,” Elena rolls her eyes. But really… Maybe that kiss hadn’t meant anything to Zoe. Maybe Elena was just another girl. Maybe they really were just on ‘dude’ terms. 
Zoe shuts up for once, which normally would be great but now it just makes Elena more nervous, and she blows through a red light. “Jesus fucked a cow on a whole wheat bun, Elena! Keep your eyes on the road!”
“I’m sorry!” Elena blurts again, for the billion-and-first time. “You’re really distracting!”
“Don’t be an asshole, you know what I mean!”
“No seriously, what? I’m just me.”
Elena groans. She wishes she could pull over and have a proper conversation, but no, she needs to get Zoe to the hospital before she bleeds out or something. “You know, like, everytime you do stuff I just can’t focus.”
“Oh?” Elena is keeping her eyes on the road like a good driver, but she can hear the stupid smirk in Zoe’s voice. “Like what?”
“Like! I don’t know! Fuck!” 
Zoe snorts.
“Not like that!” Elena bites her lip and tries to find the words. “Like that right there! When you snort! It’s really fucking cute! And I liked your long hair but now that it’s short I mean- shit, have you ever looked in a mirror? You’re hot! Really hot! And I’ve known you my whole life so you’re kinda like my sister but not because that would be weird, you’re so much better and… fuck!” She didn’t mean to ramble that long. She glances over at Zoe, quickly, just to see her reaction.
Zoe is quiet. She’s holding her arm close to her chest, so it must actually hurt, and she’s just being a bitch about it. 
“Sorry, I know I’m not your type-”
“Dude, I thought you were straight.” Zoe moves her good hand over Elena’s. It’s awkward reaching over her seatbelt and broken arm, and Elena’s hands are still on the wheel so it probably isn’t safe, but Elena’s heart does flip-flops anyways.
“I mean… I don’t know what I am. I’ve never… liked anyone else.” Elena takes a deep breath. “Just you.”
Silence from Zoe again. Then- another snort. She starts laughing. “Dude! I thought you were straight!”
Angry tears prick Elena’s eyes. “Fuck off, bastard! I’m driving you to the hospital, don’t be a dick about my feelings!”
“No! No no no.” Zoe pulls her hand away and holds it up in surrender. Elena’s hand feels cold. “I meant, If I knew you were into- well, into me, I would’ve asked you out a long time ago.”
Now Elena does slam on the breaks and pull over. There’s nobody behind them, thank god, but Zoe is still thrown forward and it jars her arm. She cries out and curls into herself. 
“Fuck! Sorry, I just- what?” Elena unbuckles her seatbelt and tries to help Zoe back up. She’s crying- no, wait, she’s just laughing again. Zoe unfurls and launches herself at Elena’s face, slamming their lips together in a way that’s definitely painful. Just another bruise to add to the growing list. 
Zoe pulls away with that cute smirk of hers. “I like you too, dumbass.” 
Elena gasps in offense and punches her. In the arm. Which is broken. Zoe crumples again. “Right! Fuck! Hospital! Sorry!” She rebuckles and starts the car again.
Emergency room staff are the best. They’ve seen so much weird shit that they don’t blink at two teenage girls stumbling in at three in the morning, covered in blood and attached at the mouth. They barely notice at all, actually, and Elena has to fight to get any kind of immediate attention. She stays in the room through the whole ordeal(almost puking at the sight of Zoe’s arm being set into place) and peppers many more apologies throughout the night(Apparently Zoe’s nose is broken too. Elena peppers in kisses for good measure). 
The adrenaline of driving your friend(?) to the hospital in the middle of the night is finally leaving her body when the nurse finally leaves the room, and from the looks of it Zoe is just as tired. She’s all wrapped up in bandages, just like the blankets they’d left at home. The hospital chair Elena was given feels about as comfy as Zoe’s bed looks.
“Mmf mhm hh meh?” Zoe says eloquently.
“What?” Elena replies in kind.
“Bunch of fuckin’ messes aren’t we?”
“Ha. Yeah. You look worse than me.”
Zoe snorts, smirks. “You’re just as covered in blood.”
Elena’s eyes widen. “No way,” she retorts as she fumbles for her phone. Sure enough, when she opens her camera she can see her face is smeared with blood, especially around her lips. From Zoe’s bloody nose. “Oh, GROSS!” She gags and grabs some of Zoe’s bandages to wipe the rapidly-drying mess off. Zoe only laughs harder, wheezing an ‘ow’ between each snort.
“Did you mean it?” Elena asks, cutting off Zoe’s laughing fit. 
“All of it.”
“So, uh, wanna go to prom?”
“Sure, fuck it.”
“Fuck you.”
“On the first date? Elena, you foxy little-” 
“Fuck you!”
Prom is two weeks later. Zoe’s cast is covered in black lace to match her dress. They look baller. There’s a lot of making out after. And this time, nobody ends up in the ER.
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vartiart · 4 years
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For @zimsbothantennae for the @prumano-week valentine event! The prompt was college study date with a nervous Romano!
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zimsbothantennae · 4 years
Sharp Feelings
A prumano secret valentine for @latviacantsleep
event hosted by @prumano-week
Prompt: Character A gets fatally injured and character B is more upset than anyone expected.
Tags: m/m, pining, fatal injuries, jealousy, hurt/comfort (kind of), frenemies to friends to lovers, requited love, pre-relationship, open ending, Lovino goes to therapy for his anger issues, nongraphic canon typical violence
Words: 983
Lovino’s screech cuts through the otherwise still Saturday evening. A couple of doves take off in a flurry of feathers and cooing. “No!” he yells. “No, I refuse to fucking believe it! Fuck! Damn it!” The curses don’t stop pouring from his mouth.
Antonio reaches his hand out, pulls it back, but gathers the courage to place it on Lovino’s shoulder. “You’re so torn up, Lovi, I didn’t think you liked him?” he says. Everyone had scrunched up their faces in horror at the accident, Francis even vomited, but no one had exploded like Lovino.
The five had hung out together since Lovino was twelve and wasn’t trusted to babysit his four years younger brother on his own. Antonio who was three years older had been their babysitter for years because of his maturity. The first time he brought his friends Francis and Gilbert over, Lovino had fumed with resent. They were cooing over Feliciano and dragging dirt in with their shoes. Gilbert who was only fourteen hadn’t had the same growth spurt as Francis, the oldest, so Lovino settled for punching him. “Take your damn shoes off, bastard!” he scolded. Gilbert just ruffled his hair, flustering him by commenting on how feisty he was.
“You never see anything, you jerk bastard!” Lovino snaps, shrugging off the well-meaning hand on his shoulder. Affection for other boys had never come naturally to him, he was always too scared of being rejected or shamed. When boys he liked beamed around other people, praised his brother more, or babied him, his heart shriveled up. He couldn’t leave himself vulnerable.
Gilbert had suffered many jealous kicks and scoldings for gushing over Feliciano, but Lovino hadn’t been all spikes throughout the years. The older he got, the calmer. The school psychologist had taught him about thinking traps and action traps. Begrudgingly he took Gilbert’s coat, hanging it up for his guest, straightening it as if he were pressing the wrath out of the fabric. Doing the opposite action of what he wanted to do brought on a warm feeling. The corner of Gilbert’s mouth curled up but his eyes scrunched up, confused. They were bright, beautiful, boring into his soul.  A gentle shove brought Lovino out of his daze. Lovino could swear Gilbert had been on the verge of timid that evening.
Bitter laughter interrupts them. Gilbert, kneeling, takes a tense breath despite the pole penetrating his chest. “Crybaby, this is nothing.” He lies.
“I know no one can stay away from awesome me, but you’re borderline in love with me, man!” he tries to piss Lovino off, rile him up, anything to not see that broken look on his face.
Lovino doesn’t explode. Doesn’t defend himself. He sobs. Quietly. Not like when he found out his art teacher failed him on purpose and Antonio, Gilbert and Francis had hyped up his rage enough to talk to the principle. He hadn’t let anyone see him weep this sorrowfully before. The feeling of his heart cracking in tiny, sharp shards reminded him of a phone call.
The first time Lovino was allowed to babysit Feliciano on his own he was fifteen. He had always wanted to be trusted. He had always wanted to be in charge. Why did the house feel so empty?
Lovino called their groupchat, making up an excuse about Francis’ cooking being way better so they should come over.
“Hahah, I think you just like us! What if we don’t wanna come?” Gilbert had teased. Lovino hung up. His whole chest clenched up in pain.
The trio had come over, coaxing Lovino out of the bathroom with a bowl of la blanquette de veau that Francis and Antonio made together. Antonio was like a big brother to Lovino who trusted him enough to let himself be comforted. Antonio put him and Gilbert on dish washing duty for fighting.
“It was my idea to come.” Gilbert broke the tense silence, scrubbing the dishes harder. “I didn’t want you to think I meant it. I say a lot of things all the time, if I say I don’t want to see you it’s a lie.”
Lovino swallowed the lump in his throat. “I didn’t want you to come over just to cook for me,” he took a shaky breath, “I- wanted to spend time with you.” Especially you, he didn’t say.
A splash of bubbly dishwater came Lovino’s way and he retaliated by giving his friend a bubble beard. The rest of the evening was filled with shy playfulness and comfortable silence.
“Fratello, you’re in love with him?” Feliciano whispers, crying quietly. He was fresh out of high school but never stopped being the most sentimental of the group. Squeezing Lovino’s arm comfortingly, he leans in close enough to whisper that it must be mutual. It only made Lovino cry harder.
“You just had to keep going after we told you to stop. You never take it seriously when everyone says to be careful.” he forces out between sobs. Eye contact makes his stomach turn. His eyes dart anywhere but his love. Gilbert has been a daredevil since they were kids. Now he has taken it too far. “If you just listened, I wouldn’t lose you.” Back when they were still in high school too, Gil had broken his arm the day before graduation because of a dare. It felt surreal to wish his friend had just broken a bone this time too.
“I love you too.” Gil confesses, understanding the other’s emotions.
Sirens assault his ears. An ambulance arrives.
“While you idiots were busy freaking out, I called 911.” Francis says.
As Gilbert is helped into the ambulance with the pole still awkwardly stuck in his chest, Lovino pulls at Antonio’s sleeve. He nods, understanding what Lovino needs. “Our friend will be okay, right?” he asks one of the personnel. They assure him, they will do what they can.
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im-exploding · 4 years
Happy Valentines Day!
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Bonus :
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(Thank you for being such a huge source of inspiration and motivation for me!)
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!!! aAA omg thank you very much!! have a wonderful day!
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allthehetalia · 6 years
Headcanon #3
Aph Prussia is the s/o that spams your messages with hearts and kissy faces (aka me)
Aph Romano is the s/o that just wants you to stop sending him kissing emojis so he can fuckin go to sleep (aka my bf)
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dranoko · 4 years
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The priest has his own vices, for sure. He was only human. The usually boisterous knight was like putty in his hands. After all, how could he resist when the knight confessed to him that the priest made his heart ‘flutter like a cute little bird’?
--- Prumano Valentine’s Exchange for @guiltipanda! 
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12cb · 4 years
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Lovi was expecting yet another prank from the joker, but was surprised with a gift instead.
Hello @chizu5645 ! I was your @prumano-week secret valentine~! I picked the cardverse prompt, I really hope you like it. Happy Valentine’s Day!!
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keiksy-cake · 4 years
All Hetalia Fanmade Content Translated On This Page (click “keep reading”)
Updated 1/23/23
Other Links:
Hetalia S7 sub
USUK translator
cashapp, kofi
My Favorites:
Lunatic Blue
The Day You Killed Me (Rus and Liet)
Hand and Hand (Rus and NyoUkr)
Grandpa Rome and the Youth
Another Side of Valentine's (GerIta)
Romano Can't Sleep
Holy Rome’s Visit
Impermanence (Prussia)
A Cold Cradle (RusAme)
Upon Sorrow Already Tainted (Prussia)
Lunatic Blue (1000/10 series, highly recommended!!):
Lunatic Blue 1
Lunatic Blue 2
Lunatic Blue 3
Lunatic Blue 4
Lunatic Blue 5
Lunatic Blue 6 
Lunatic Blue 7
Lunatic Blue 8
Lunatic Blue edit I made :>
Child America and Russia
Russia and the Axis
Hand and Hand (Russia and Ukraine)
The Day You Killed Me (Russia and Liet)
Your Cold Room (RusAme)
Ivan and Francis
Holiday (RusAme)
Jumping In A Pool (RoPru)
Running Away (Frussia)
Till Tomorrow (RusFin)
RoPru Short Thingy
So No Head? (RoPru)
The Outside World (RoChu)
Until Death Do Us Part
A Star
Left On Read (RusPrus)
Walks With Lithuania (RusLiet)
Finland Is Strange
Staying Together In The Cold (RusAme)
Happy Birthday Russia (RusAme, TW: trauma)
Get Up
The Revolutionary Trumpet (RoChu)
The Summit (RusAme)
A Cold Cradle (RusAme)
Where Are You Going (RusAme)
Russia Is Dead (RusAme)
Liet & the Ferocious Taiga Bear
Unrequited Love (RusAme, RusLiet)
Good Friends (liet)
Edible Aftereffect (ropru)
A Special Feeling
False Thorns Preview
Another Side of Valentine's
GerIta Prison Date
Can't You Be More Like (2p!GerIta)
Holy Rome’s Visit
Pasta Baby
Caught In The Rain (gerita)
GerIta Friendship Song
I Want To See You (HRE/GerIta)
The Voice Of God (hretaly)
Romano’s Blessing
Prussia (&hre?):
Das Blut fur Liebe (Child Germany)
Pomeranian Prussia
Prussia's Awesome Album
Prumano Pocky Game
Prussia’s Pumpkins (prumano)
NyoHre Bullying NyoPrussia
Prussias Military Uniform
The Strongest Country In The World (preview but really good!)
Impermanence (Prussia)
Telling A Lie (Prumano)
Prussia’s Nendroids
Welcome Back (PruSpa)
PruHun Pancakes
Upon Sorrow Already Tainted (Prussia)
Shochu (Japan, Ger Bros)
Edible Aftereffect (ropru)
Prost Mit Pancakes (hre, germany, germania)
SpUK Lost At Sea
The Countries Feel That Winter Has Come
The Moon Is Beautiful (Japan and Tai)
TurGre Doujin
Nekotalia Axis
Nanakusa (AsaKiku)
RoBul Punishment
Grandpa Rome and the Youth
Italian Brothers Fall In A Hole
Spamano Mid-Birthday
AngloSaxon 1
Ricetta (Romano)
Attachment (FrUK)
AsaKiku Youkai
Tomato & Port-san
Ranting A Bit To Germany (kinda gerpan?)
Japan & Belgium 150th Anniversary
School Classmates LietBela
Romano Can't Sleep
Refracting Circuit (Nyo!AusHun)
Queen Of Hearts (iggy)
Flowers For Belgium
Bel’s New Boyfriend
Tomato Toothbrush
Sesame Latte (Spamano)
Bel’s New Ribbon (SpaBel)
Spain and Germany
Don’t You Hate Being Here? (lietbel)
Near Your Limit (lietbel)
The Baltic Duo
Latvia’s Imagination
What Is “Goen”? (japan, russia, ame, iggy)
Summer Vacation (Spamano)
Quarrelling As Usual (ame & iggy)
Blooming Withering Flowers (Japan)
Smorgastarta (Nordics)
Delivering Chocolates To Russia (baltics/bela)
Romano’s Blessing
FACE At The Doctor
Hey Toris! (liet)
SuDen Comic 
SuDen Comic (Pt 2)
You’re Absolutely Right (japan)
Germany and the Kagamines (vocaloid crossover)
The Cold Rain Will Soon (aushun)
I Wish You Happiness (joan of arc)
Hetalia Art Logs:
Haruki Chise Log (mostly fruk)
Ristuka Frapan Log
Lac Russia Log (tw)
Lac Russia Log 2
Takibi RoPru Log
IchiAno Log (mostly tomato)
Touna Log (mostly lithuania)
Manatsu Log (mostly spain)
Kusao Log (mostly italy)
Kobu Log (hre, italy, prussia, japan)
Random Log
Kobu Log 2
Random Log 2 (russia)
KumaChan Log 2 (russia)
Mijiokane Log (mostly fruk)
Other fandoms:
Steven Universe’s Christmas
Kokichi Mask
Kokichi Ouma Murder Case
Other languages:
Ivan & Francis 🇻🇳
Frapan Log  🇻🇳
Cold Cradle  🇻🇳ju
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guiltipanda · 4 years
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My gift for @azumeowth!! A comic I didn’t know how to finish
For soulmates, Gilbert and Romano get off to a rocky start, but they grow on each other. Maybe they even decide to meet for the first time on Valentine’s Day, who knows :) 
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pancake-man · 4 years
My gift for @canadiatuxedo for @prumano-week‘s secret valentine!! I went with the prompts Bakery and Fantasy AU, which turned out less fantasy and more medieval times? Anyways, sorry it’s late, I really hope you like it!
AO3 link
The world is a vast place, and Gilbert had travelled the whole thing round three times before he stumbled on a town named Lumin. It was nestled in tall mountains, and so small it hardly deserved a name. Normally it wasn’t the sort of place Gilbert would stop at, but one does grow tired of large fantastical cities eventually, and so he decided to try his luck somewhere more… quaint.
(This was his excuse, anyways. What actually happened was that Gilbert ran out of money halfway to the great city of Aveni and the carriage he hitched a ride on had unceremoniously dropped him in the middle of nowhere and driven off without looking back. Gilbert was stuck there until he earned enough money to grab another ride, but who knew how long that would take in a town that relied more on trade than money)
A small town, Gilbert thought, was the perfect place to start his fortune. So he had set forth with nothing but the clothes on his back and his flute, eager to entertain the town with his beautiful voice, stories, and musical skill.
Now he sat on a fountain in the town square, exhausted from a day of playing his heart out. His poor flute seemed just as tired, sitting quietly on the stone beside him. In his cap he’d only received a few copper, not even enough to rent a room, let alone buy himself a ticket out.
As Gilbert began to reason a back-up plan, his nose picked up a smell drifting on the breeze. Rossinia has one main street with the town square, the church(which doubled as town hall), a small inn, and a small number of shops. Gilbert gathered his things and stood, following the scent to the bakery. He counted his coins. Four copper. Enough for a roll, at least. Maybe a sausage if he was lucky.
Gilbert pushed open the door to the bakery and was immediately greeted by the warm scent of baked goods. He hadn’t realised how chilly it was getting outside until he was surrounded but hot ovens and warm rolls. His mouth watered. He went to the counter to order and-
“Fuck off, we’re closed!” Came a cry from the back. Gilbert leaned around the counter and saw the back of a young brunet working the oven. He had a large iron rod and was poking at the coals. He leaned over to add more and Gilbert’s mouth watered for a different reason.
“Um, I just need something small?” Gilbert looked around for a menu with prices, but there wasn’t one to be found. Of course not, because that would make sense. 
The man in the back room cursed again, threw the door to the coals shut, and wiped his hands on his apron before stomping out to the front. He looked about ready to tear Gilbert a new one when he paused and gave him a once over. Gilbert stood up a little straighter and pushed his silver hair back self-consciously, and gave the man an eye himself.
He was short, even compared to Gilbert, which didn’t happen often, and seemed only a few years younger. He had dark curly hair and tanned skin, and the brownest eyes Gilbert thinks he’s ever seen(and he’s seen a lot of eyes). His lips and eyebrows seemed permanently pulled downwards, but with his pudgy cheeks it was the opposite of intimidating. He wore a green short-sleeved tunic and an apron, both of which were covered in flour and served the added bonus of showing off his (very nice) arms. Really, he was pretty cute.
“You’re not from around here,” the man said with a scowl.
“Eh, yeah, I’m just dropping by. Travelling bard, yaknow how it is,” Gilbert hefted his flute as evidence. The stranger’s scowl didn’t let up.
“What kind of dumbass comes to a town like this for money? You’d be better off in Aveni or something.”
“Oh, this is just a stop. Consider yourselves blessed to get to hear my amazing playing,” Gilbert winked and leaned on the counter.
The man calmly pulled a rag from the pocket of his apron. “Hair and eyes like yours don’t seem like a fucking blessing.” He whipped Gilbert’s arm off the counter with the rag. “And nobody wants to hear your shit music.”
Okay, ouch. Both the rag and the comment. Gilbert jingled his cap. “I’ll have you know I earned four coppers today, thank you very much. My music is awesome.”
His cap was snatched from his hands before Gilbert could react, and the man poked through the change before handing it back with an eyeroll. “Yeah, you can get about jack and, let me check, shit for that. I might have a stale bread roll in the back for that much.”
Now Gilbert’s easy air fell. That was a high price, though he supposed it made sense considering how far they were from any actual people. “That’s… it?” He poked through the coins again. “I can work for a bit more or something. I’m not very strong, but I’m smart. I’m Gilbert, by the way.” He stuck out a palm as a way of calming the stranger’s (frankly unwarranted) dislike of him. 
“Tch,” the man batted Gilbert’s hand away. “Don’t care.” He stretched and looked around the room. “I guess I can give you a fresh one…” he started.
“Oh! Awesome!” Gilbert grabbed the man’s hand anyways, shaking it vigorously. “That’s really nice of you, yknow I’ve had a pretty tough week and it’s good to know there’s nice people even in a weird town like…” and on he went. 
The man looked taken aback, too stunned by Gilbert’s sudden change in demeanor to comprehend any of his babbling, let alone retrieve his hand. “Oi!” He finally snapped, cutting Gilbert off mid-tangent. “I’m not your damn friend, capiche? I’m just giving you extra because you look like a fucking ghost and it makes me feel bad. I mean shit, when was the last time you ate?”
Good question. Gilbert had snacked plenty on stolen goods from his ride’s bag, but it had been a while since he’d gotten a proper meal. He shrugged. The man threw his arms up. “You see! I hate people like you, wandering from town to town and expecting people to take care of your dumb ass because you can’t take care of yourself. You’re lucky you’re cute, for fuck’s sake! Even with the weird eye thing,  I mean seriously what the hell is up with that? It’s fucking weird. And-”
It was Gilbert’s turn to cut him off. “You think I’m cute?” he asked, feeling his ears start to go red.
There was a pause before the man was shaking his head, clearly flustered. “No, I didn’t mean- I barely even know you! That’s a weird thing to say to a complete fucking stranger! What the fuck, Lovino?”
There was practically steam coming out of Gilbert’s ears as he attempted to parse what just happened. He’d been hit on before, sure, but never by anyone this pretty, and never so outright. The red eyes usually threw off anyone who actually found him hot, and even without them Gilbert wouldn’t consider himself ‘conventionally attractive’, whatever that meant. The only thing his mind managed to pick up on was “Lovino? Is that your name?” 
Lovino was working his fingers through his hair and looked up at that. “Yes?” he squeaked. “I mean! No! Fuck you!” He grabbed the nearest baked good, a warm pretzel covered in butter, and shoved it at Gilbert. “It’s free! Fuck off!” He said and pushed Gilbert towards the door.
Gilbert was still tasting the name Lovino on his tongue and went on instinct. He ended up outside, pretzel in hand, wondering what the hell just happened. Turning, he could see Lovino (Lovino, he thought again) hurriedly closing the place up. It was bright inside the bakery. The light spilled through the windows and into the quickly-darkening street. Gilbert looked up to see the last bits of sun dip behind a mountain.
By the time he turned again, the bakery was dark, and the door to the back room was closed. There was still bread on the shelves and flour on the floor, but apparently Lovino had decided that was enough and the day was done. A chill blew down main street, and Gilbert stuffed the warm pretzel into his mouth. Maybe he could find a stable to sleep in… Or even better, a barn.
The next day found Gilbert again in the main square, cap on the stone before him and flute pressed lightly to his lips. Today he caught the children headed home from a day of school, and they were eager to gather round and listen to his stories. Being children, they only had two copper between them, but they more than made up for it with sweets, shiny rocks, and marbles. This brought Gilbert up to six coppers and enough sweets to make a meal(anything adults say about ‘vegetables’ and ‘health’ is a lie).
Even while doing his bit, Gilbert only needed to glance up to be able to see the bakery across the street, and Lovino inside, very pointedly ignoring him. The butcher, the cobbler, and even the bishop were kind enough to step out and listen to Gilbert’s tunes, but Lovino kept his back to the windows whenever possible. It was cute, Gilbert thought. The more he watched the man, the more he felt a tightness in his chest.
Six copper… Hardly enough for a carriage, but a perfect place to start saving. Gilbert chewed on his lip as he counted out his day’s earnings. The sun would set soon, and most people had gone home or were in the process of closing up their shops. Surely he could spare a few coin, right?
Gilbert went into the bakery.
Immediately he was greeted by a snort, and “You again? I told you I don’t do handouts! And also to fuck off!”
Gilbert grinned and deposited his earnings on the counter. “No handouts, today. Turns out your town actually enjoys my awesome music.”
Lovino poked at the copper like it was a venomous spider. “You didn’t steal it?” That was actually rather insulting. Gilbert’s eyebrows knit together. “Of course not! I was out by the fountain all day. If you’d bothered to look up, you’d have seen me.”
There wasn't a response, instead Lovino stared at Gilbert. Or right behind him, it wasn’t clear. Gilbert looked about and back to Lovino. He had such deep brown eyes,  Gilbert could write songs about them. "You have hay in your fucking hair," he said, in a voice that was absolutely melodi-
"Eh?" Gilbert raised a hand to pat at his hair. "Where?"
"It's right- no, you're missing it. Just, shit, let me-" Lovino leaned across the counter, his dark fingers combing through Gilbert's hair, and Gilbert forgot to breathe. Lovino pulled back with a large clump of straw, and the two looked at it for a moment.
"Huh," said Gilbert. "I dunno how I missed that."
"Haybrain," Lovino scowled, and turned to toss the straw in a wastebasket. "How the hell did you get that much hay in your hair anyways? Sleep in a fucking haystack?"
"Uh, yeah, actually." Not far outside of town, Gilbert had found a nice barn to sleep in. It was small, and brown, and missing a door, but it still had a good haypile, and not too many bugs, so he counted as a win. "I've slept in worse places though, no big deal."
The coins made a scraping sound as they were pushed across the counter to him. "So you're a hobo," Lovino said and began packing a bag full of rolls. "How much shit have you eaten since that pretzel?"
Gilbert's ears turned red again. "I prefer awesome travelling bard, but yeah, sure, hobo. And I'll have you know," he turned up his nose, making light of the situation, "that I recieved a fortune's worth of candy from the schoolchildren today, and it has fed me quite well."
"A haybrain hobo who steals from kids, sure." A smile twitched at the corner of Lovino's lips if Gilbert squinted just right. The baker closed the bag and handed it over. It was still warm from the oven. "I don't do handouts. You owe me." Gilbert began to go on his grovelling spiel when Lovino held up a finger to stop him. "Nope. I'm serious. Go play your dumb songs until I'm closed, then I've got a place for you to stay until you fuck off to Aveni or wherever. But you work for your keep, capische?" Before Gilbert could respond, Lovino pressed his finger forward and into Gilbert's lips. "Capische?"
Gilbert nodded. Lovino pulled away, satisfied. "Okay, then help me clean this shit up. Nobody gets a proper dinner or sleep until this place closes, and it's gonna take a while since somebody fucked me over last night. So stop fucking distracting me with your pretty, stupid face."
"My what?" Gilbert managed to ask.
"Your pretty fucking stupid face. Here." A broom handle was shoved into Gilbert's hands and he was directed into the back room to sweep the hearth. In the time it took him to clean the ashes, Lovino had put up all the unsold items, washed all the dishes, wiped down the counters, and shut the blinds and locked the door.
Gilbert wiped a sooty arm across his face and smiled. "Anything else, Lord Lovino?"
Lovino frowned at him. "How in the fuck did you manage to get that covered in soot?"
"I've never had to clean a fireplace," Gilbert shrugged. Lovino groaned.
"Fine, I might have a shirt or something that would fit you."
The only thing left to do was blow out the candles. Lovino made him resweep the shop front anyways before he deemed the bakery clean enough to close, and put out the lights. He led Gilbert upstairs to a small living quarter. There was a fireplace with herbs strung to dry above it, a small shelf lined with jars, a trunk, and a table with one chair, but Gilbert's eyes were drawn to the bed. The only bed. The small only bed. Now his whole face was red.
Despite Gilbert's best efforts, Lovino caught this, and his eyes widened in embarrassment. "I'm so sorry, I didn't- I didn't even think about that," he blustered through a series of surprisngly curse-void apologies while digging through the trunk. "Just, here," and he threw a tunic at Gilbert's head.
Gilbert caught it easily. It was a plain red linen tunic, and seemed only a bit too big. He looked at Lovino. "Aren't you going to turn around?" A squeak of shame and Lovino turned his back. Gilbert slipped off his sooty clothes with a promise of "I'll wash them tomorrow," and put on the tunic. "Okay, you're good."
Lovino looked back and froze, bottom lip between his teeth. Gilbert pulled one of the sleeves up from where it had slipped off his shoulder self consciously. "Is there still hay in my hair?"
"Nope!" Lovino said, far too quickly. "I mean. No. You look great. I mean fine. I mean you look like shit. I'm going to bed." He swiveled on his heel and went back to the trunk, procuring a pile of furs, probably saved for cold winter months. "The floor should be fine enough, at least better than a hay stack, for fucks sake. Figure yourself out." With that, Lovino threw himself into the bed and turned his back to Gilbert.
"This'll be fine, thanks," Gilbert began, but it was clear Lovino was ignoring him. Eh. He put his flute and his cap on the ground and spread out the furs, then laid down. He wasn't used to sleeping this early, so instead he studied the eaves of the ceiling above him. He rolled over, stared at the back of Lovino's brunet head.
Lovino was an interesting person. Gilbert had met lots of interesting people in his travels, but none quite like this. People were generally either kind or not, but Gilbert had never met someone kind enough to open their home to a complete stranger, who then pretended to hate everyone and everything. He didn't understand. He wanted to understand. It was weird.
"Lovi?" He asked the back of Lovino's head. Silence. Then:
"The fuck did you just call me?"
"Why do you live alone?"
Another pause, this one longer. Gilbert almost asked another question to break the tension before Lovino responded. "Cause my family all had better places to be. Why do you travel alone?"
"Cause I left my family behind," Gilbert answered, easily. Lovino shifted in his bed. "Are you lonely?"
"No. Are you?"
"Yes." Lovino stiffened. Gilbert rolled onto his back. "I was never really close with my folks, even before I left. It's hard to miss what you never had, but I miss it anyways."
Quiet stretched between them. Gilbert could hear Lovino's breath slow, to the point that he almost thought him asleep. "Are you cold?" came Lovino's question, whispered so softly Gilbert hardly heard it.
"Yes," Gilbert lied.
He heard the sound of blankets shifting, and when he looked over, Lovino was staring back, his blankets open in a welcome. Neither said anything. Gilbert stood from his nest and shuffled into the already warm bed, pressed himself against Lovino's warm body.
"Fuck!" Lovino shouted, kicking away his feet. "Your feet as cold as balls!"
Gilbert laughed and shoved him back.  "That's just because you're too warm. Sorry, Lovi."
Lovino rolled so his back was too Gilbert, his legs pointedly pressed to the wall and away from Gilbert's. "Fuck you," pause, "Gil."
(I realised only afterwards that this would’ve been better from Lovi’s perspective but, eh. Two lonely losers who managed to find each other. Gilbert ends up staying in town and working at the bakery, probably also teaching music lessons or something. Lovino gets to buy a bigger bed. It’s gay. Sorry you didn’t get a kiss. Happy Valentine’s Day!)
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prumano-week · 4 years
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Hello everyone!! 
After some thinking, I have decided to host another Prumano Secret Valentine this year as there were lots of people enthusiastic about it!! Just like last year, it will be a low-effort kind of event so everyone can participate without feeling pressured due to time/energy/etc.
So, how does this work? Simple enough: down below, under Requirements, you’ll find a link to a google form. Simply fill it in with some prompts and preferences and—ta-da!—you’ve joined! I’ll leave the link up for 1.5 weeks (from the 10th until the 20th of January), then hopefully by the next day (the 22nd of January at the latest), you’ll be given a secret valentine and you’ll have until the 14th of February to create something for them!
Please follow this blog for updates on the event and spread the word!!!
Harassment and hate will not be tolerated.
Please break up long posts using a read more.
Use proper warnings for sensitive content, NSFW and common triggers. If you have triggers you’d like for me to tag, please don’t hesitate to message me!
Please tag your post as #prumanovalentine2021 and @ this blog so there’s little chance of me missing it!!!
Sign up HERE (you can also indicate if you’d like to be a backup in the form)
Make sure your DMs are either open to everyone or that if you have them set to “Only allow messages from Tumblrs you follow” in blog settings, you are following @snowywolff, otherwise I will be unable to contact you and give you your assignment. 
Creation criteria are 500 words for written pieces and a completed sketch/lineart (so colours aren’t required) for art pieces.
Naturally this is a Prumano (Prussia/South Italy) event, so they are required to be the main pairing.
If you are unable to complete your gift by the 14th of February or wish to drop out, please contact me (@snowywolff) ASAP so a replacement can be arranged!
If you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to ask them!!!!
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norwegian-butterfly · 4 years
Here is my prumano secret valentines gift for @celosia-starfall , their prompt was “spies/agents” so I decided to draw them in some kinda fight, but Prussia is not focusing at all.
I’m not 100% pleased with the results but I had to settle for something, and this was the best one I made.
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If it’s not clear what they are saying, here:
Prussia - Beanbags are just boneless sofas...
Romano - Not the time idiot!
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celosia-starfall · 4 years
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This is my gift for @pancake-man for the @prumano-week Secret Valentine’s Exchange! I went with the prompt “soulmates” and did a bit of a twist on the “red string of fate” iteration of the soulmate au, where Lovino and Gilbert are celestial deities (the sun and moon) who are bound together across space.
I’m definitely really happy with how the picture turned out!
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azumeowth · 4 years
The Albino Shark
Title: The Albino Shark
Words: 2011
Summary:  Lovino's days aboard a Spanish ship are always the same, then he meets a mystical creature he can't help but be drawn to.
Gift for @the-prussian-siesta for Prumano Valentine Week 2021 @prumano-week
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the-prussian-siesta · 4 years
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My gift for @snowshower for the @prumano-week secret valentine event!!! I’m soo sorry it’s late I chose to do the Flower shop Au I hope you enjoy and Happy belated Valentine’s Day
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