octomish · 2 months
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przeterminowanie · 2 years
ostatnio Ktoś stwierdził u mnie "niepoprawny optymizm".
co prawda mówiliśmy o moich sinych spuchniętych palcach po walce z podłogą w garderobie...
...śmiałam się, że doskonale zdawałam sobie sprawę z tego, co będzie, gdy toczyłam tę walkę.
że palce są tylko fioletowoniebieskie, a ja lubię te kolory.
lubię widzieć dobrą stronę, ten gościnny ciepły brzeg.
czym i kim bym nie została, pozostanę niepoprawna
natury nie oszukasz.
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marcusagrippa · 6 months
Eat your past. Eat it and make it go away. Eat it and let it fester inside you. Eat it and let it dissolve in you, sustain you, slowly become a part of you until you cannot imagine a life without it. Eat your enemies, who are just as empty as you are. Eat your trauma until it rips you open from inside and your guts spill out onto the sand. Eat your brothers and watch them die with you. Swallow your love. Swallow your affection, choke it down, soured by time and the cold hands of evil men. The fruit of your labours is overripe and rotting, bruised to sweetness by beatings and heavy chains. You are a weapon, are you not? An animal - nothing more, nothing less. So act like one. Devour. Bite the hand that feeds because all you have ever known is rotten meat. Life tastes like poison, love even worse. 
Eat your lover before they can eat you. 
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Under construction pinned post
🔞MINORS DO NOT FOLLOW🔞 this is not a nsfw blog, but it is a safe space for a grownup to be a stupid fuck up. You as a minor do not need to witness a 26 year old art student complain about their loneliness & mental health issues in a very personal way. Please be respectful of this wish & my boundaries and take care of yourself.
Hi! I'm Kurja (you can also call me Kani, Kanerva or Brutus) — illustrator/graphic designer and fine arts student — i yap endlessly about anything and everything, wail and complain, write bad pseudopoetry abt joy and shitpost :D — i post some aesthetic stuff i like: fine arts, home decor, fashion etc! Whatever i love & can find sources for — blorboposting, mediaposting, etc — would love to write more silly headcanons & media analysis so feel free to ask me for my thoughts on anything! :D
@kurjaturjat is my main blog & art blog and i follow back from there
If you send anon asks to me often, feel free to grab an anon emoji/name! This helps me recognise returning shy buddies & esp helps me connect previous messages to you since I'm really bad at connecting the dots :D claimed anon emojis/names & their tags:
kurjatxt for talking, and for particularly annoying whiny posts kurjawails kurjagoods for anything non-talky, eg. rbs from my main, my photosets & moodboards etc rb for reblogs aka not my posts
(Tba) for my more in debth blorboposting featuring headcanons & analysis kurjaliveblogging — me talking about whatever media im taking in at the moment
media tags: horror (texas chainsaw massacre, house of wax), Columbo, Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul, AMC The Terror, Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit, The Magnus Archives, Baldurs Gate, Cyberpunk 2077, Bleach, Columbo, the Sopranos, House MD, Dragon Age, Fallout (New Vegas)
fave characters tags: Valtiel, Peter Lukas, Cioccolata, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Balthazar, Malus Thorm,
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isawthetvglow · 2 years
sometimes tumblr pseudopoetry gets so tiring like girl the drugstore is not a semiangelic haven for broken souls it’s the drugstore. the glass on the table is just a glass. all that blood was never beautiful it was just blood etc etc
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pseudonym-pseudonon · 2 years
This is Pseudopoetry
It is not meaningful enough to be true art, it is not skillfully crafted.
It is simply words on a page, and yet,
Too flowery and nonsensical and rhythmic in the most unrhythmical way to be
Something that is not poetry
It is not beautiful
It is Pseudopoetry.
Gooood evening! Welcome, to this blog. Everything here is low quality but oh welll.
As I said on my main blog:
If anyone wants me to tag anything with a content warning or do something to make my blog more accessible, please ask!
My trigger/content warnings are sporadic and messy so I am very sorry about that. If I have the time I might go through the blog and tag tw s and CW s?
I will make a proper DNI at some point but until then please DNI if you are an ED/SH or NSFW blog. Also the usual DNI.
!Warning! I dislike my body and write about that - if you don't want to see that, please block me, filter my poetry tag (#pseudopoetry) or my negative poetry tag (#pseudonymetry)
I am on falcross! - A social nonogram game for solving and creating nonogram puzzles. I am @ shroombee
My falcross profile picture:
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I post some of my puzzles here so if you don't want the solutions getting spoilered for you, or you just don't want to see them, filter my falcross tag (#noncross)!
My main is @seagremlin , my aspec blog is @starsontheclosetceiling
I may post other things? I don't really know. If I do, they will be tagged as #else .
5 . ° . . : * +
4 *. o • .
* . 3 . - x . .
- × 2 :. . O
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X • . ° ×BLAST OFF×
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defenderparrish · 3 years
there's an inert body on the floor,
but you don't remember anything,
no you wouldn't do that...
you're not like that,
you're crying now.
why did you do that?
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lunebleues · 4 years
e eu permaneço, incansável.
no cômodo escuro da minha mente tem palavras empilhadas, aquelas que eu nunca ousaria dizer, por mais que manter elas entaladas e trancafiadas doa o equivalente a ter farpas na carne que fica abaixo das unhas.
e você já se encontra cansado de saber que eu permaneço e não sei bem o por quê
mas eu continuo, mesmo isso sendo pesado de se dizer, você não é merecedor de tamanha insistência e eu sei bem o por quê
e mesmo assim eu continuo de forma insistente me prendendo a essas palavras, trancando elas lá no fundo enquanto me consomem, é tanta mágoa.
e por que eu continuo se nas horas mais difíceis eu fantasio com o momento em que me desvencilho e te deixo pra trás?
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I scream at gods for fucking up my life and you yell at stars for not helping you out, and honestly, we are just two idiots with our heads gone in the clouds, stupid enough to believe any un-natural being would find us interesting enough to ruin our lives, let alone help.
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nadie-ningune · 4 years
sin título
de qué me sirve amar tanto si nadie me quiere siquiera
me he cansado de ver a la gente
puesto que nadie me mira
ver sus problemas
y nadie escucha los míos
de serles sincere
porque todos mienten
es mi turno de decir mentiras
y no oír sus lamentos
de ignorar a todos
he decidido quedarme sole 
y olvidarme del mundo
pudrirme en secreto 
y aquello que no me concierne
lo jodan ellos
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nashlancrew · 5 years
Otro pseudo poema para tí escrito en el murmullo de una clase
Te esperaba en la estación de tren.
Con maleta en mano y una sonrisa porque te iba a ver.
Hoy estos versos te dedico, esperando en la estación.
De esos, que no te dibujan sonrisas, sino que te derriten el corazón.
Ya se está haciendo de noche, la luna ya ha salido, te está esperando aquí conmigo.
Mis ojos te reclaman.
¿Dónde? ¿Dónde? Dime dónde estarás.
Dime dónde encontrarte cuándo la noche esté a punto de terminar.
Llegaste al final.
Dos o tres campanadas, que tu presencia anunciarían.
Mirada extraña, ropajes rotos.
Sin maleta y con los pies sucios.
Di de dónde llegas.
Di hacia dónde vas.
Con las manos llenas de tierra y vacías te encontrarás.
Allí, entonces te preguntaré y me contestarás:
Ya no soy quién fui antes de irme, sino alguien mejorado. Solo que estoy partido en los trozos que se encuentran en los lugares que he dejado.
- Nash Lancrew
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przeterminowanie · 4 years
jak tak ma wyglądać świat, wolę być skazana na samotność,
przynajmniej ze spokojem doczekam śmierci.
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headlesshagrid · 5 years
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I don't like a fucking thing!
I've been around the world, I've seen a million girls
Come forth, my old friend, and set your foot on the land
Too tragic to stay with you
Welcome to my kingdom madness
No hatred, fuck racists!
Jag hörde en sång från djupet
Respect! Ore-tachi no mirai
I have lost all the signs that I followed
Standing at the crossroads, world spinning round and round
(Wow, this actually worked quite well! :D)
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tecitoconcedron · 5 years
Arañas saliendo de la manga, paseándose por la mano, 
que apoyada como afirmándome la cabeza, hace de puente,
para llegar a la cara.
Se pasean por mejillas, mentón y nariz, entran por las fosas nasales, 
sin respeto ni permiso.
Algo buscan, no sé qué, 
¿Qué comen las arañas?
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thinksomenoise · 5 years
Existence keeps
shYtting its figures
all over our faces.
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sevdxz · 6 years
Alguien y algo: de eso y de ti.
Relativamente eras nadie, exactamente para mi; no es que fueras nadie, solo que en mi vida no existías, quizá en mis entrañas, en el olvido, pero para mi no estaba. Para mí: ahí donde piensas y sientes, no tenía tal registro de tus movimientos y sonrisas. Pronto comenzaste a existir, era extraño, casi que ni podía retener tal imagen, aquella que poco a poco empezó a importar y aparecer con mayor fuerza. Ya no solo podía retener tu imagen sino que invadía mi camino, a la vez que agregaba un zumbido a mi estómago y quería manipular mi quehacer. Interrumpió aquel que era nadie y que ahora no sabía como llamar, quizá interés o miedo, o de pronto pregunta. Solo quería saber, saber y saber, de eso y de ti, de aquello que emergía ante tu presencia física e imaginaria, pero también de la causa de tu existir en mí.
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