#psych 1x02
I think y'all are forgetting about Shawn's choice of seat in that diner when he first met Juliet. He chose a seat a cop would choose for a sting. He chose a place with good vantage.
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pineapplepluto · 1 month
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Psych 1x02 - Spellingg Bee
"Cut him loose, Karen! I mean... do whatever you think is best... Chief."
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sophsun1 · 3 months
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Queer As Folk – 1.02: Queer, There and Everywhere
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cupric-solution · 2 years
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goodwhump-temp · 10 months
Shawn Spencer Whump | Psych
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1x02 Spellingg Bee - Motorcycle crash, hospital, knee brace, limp, bumps into bin, pain 1x03 Woman Seeking Dead Husband - Held at gunpoint x2 1x05 Lives - Held at gunpoint 1x06 Weekend Warriors - Held at gunpoint 1x15 Scary Sherry - Nightmare
2x02 65 Million Years Off - Shot at, scared 2x03 Psy vs Psy - Hostage 2x04 Zero to Murder in 60s - Brief boo-boo (chair race sabatoged) 2x05 And Down the Stretch... - Childhood bully 2x07 If You're So Smart... - Bullied by children 2x09 Bounty Hunters! - Handcuffed, jumps off boat, held at gunpoint 2x13 Lights, Camera… - Nearly nailed to death (38:00), character funeral 2x15 Black and Tan - Sad (18:30) 2x16 Shawn (and Gus) of the Dead - Mummy 'curse'
3x01 Ghosts - [Flashback; emo/arrested] Increasingly angry about mothers' return, confrontation, heartbroken 3x04 Greatest Adventure in the History of Basic Cable - Shot at, chased x3, restrained, held at helicopter-point and gunpoint, betrayed 3x06 There Might Be Blood - Held at gunpoint, dangerous confrontation 3x08 Gus Walks Into A Bank - Held back, worried, bank hostage, tight gus hug, manhandled 3x10 Six Feet Under the Sea - Held at gunpoint 3x11 Lassie Did a Bad, Bad Thing - Punched unconscious, hostage, held at gunpoint, pistol whipped, fatherly care, nearly passes out (40:15) 3x12 Earth, Wind And… - Runs into burning building, oxygen mask, held at firepoint, caught in burning building, briefly thought dead, coughing/smoke inhalation 3x13 Any Given Friday Night at 10PM - 'Abducted' 3x14 Truer Lies - Held at gunpoint 3x15 Tuesday the 17th - 'Trips', held at 'knifepoint' 3x16 An Evening with Mr. Yang - Angry, mom held hostage, scared, heartbroken
4x01 Extradition: British Colombia - Held at gunpoint x2 4x02 He Dead - Daddy issues 4x03 High Noon-ish - Stampede/pushed, falls into mineshaft, pain, held at gunpoint, trapped 4x04 Devil is in the Details… - Confession 4x05 Shawn Gets the Yips - Scared/dumb ("bomb" on treadmill) 4x06 Bollywood Homicide - Slapped (39:15) 4x07 High Top Fade Out - Held at gunpoint, shot at 4x09 Shawn Takes A Shot in the Dark - Shot, abducted/missing, bleeding, pain, knocked unconscious, choked, jumps on moving car, weak, sling 4x10 You Can't Handle This Episode - Shot at 4x12 A Very Juliet Episode - Held at gunpoint, punched x2, knocked down x2, kicked 4x16 Mr. Yin Presents - Nightmare, angry, heartbroken x2, fatherly love
5x01 Romeo & Juliet & Juliet - Held at gunpoint, falls through window, kicked through wall, insane dodging skillz, knocked down, sore 5x03 Not Even Close, Encounters - Held at gunpoint/abducted by 'aliens' 5x04 Chivalry is Not Dead - Hanging upside down (tomato face), poisoned, collapse, hospital, unconscious 5x07 Ferry Tale - Held at gunpoint x2, hostage, kicked in the face, tear gas inhalation, restrained, trips/tumbles down a hill 5x09 One, Maybe Two, Ways Out - Seriously heartbroken 5x12 Dual Spires - Trapped in burning house 5x13 We'd Like to Thank the Academy - Held at gunpoint x2 5x16 Yang 3 in 2D - Held at shotgunpoint, scared
6x01 Shawn Rescues Darth Vader - Jumps off roof 6x02 Last Night Gus - Hungover, stressed, jumps from balcony, shot at 6x04 Amazing Psych-Man & Tap-Man - Trips, found unconscious, punched, kicked x2, thrown, sand to the eye, exhausted 6x06 Shawn Interrupted - Mental patient, hands covered, knocked unconscious, restrained, held at gunpoint 6x09 Neil Simons Lover Retreat - Robbed, heartbroken x2 (29:35), smile through the pain (42:00) 6x10 Indiana Shawn and the Temple - Hand stuck, slapped, manhandled, held at gunpoint, 'crying' 6x13 Let's Doo-Wap it Again - Appendicitis, collapse, hospital drama-queen, held at gunpoint, drugged, drugs wear off, le rigor mortis, le pain, le kitty cat! 6x16 Santabarbaratown - Held at knifepoint, knocked unconscious, black-eye
7x01 Santabarbaratown 2 - Scared, angry, thrown, active mine, held at gunpoint x3, Lassie love 7x02 Juliet Takes A Luvvah - Traumatized (27:00) 7x03 Lassie Jerky - Shot at, held at gunpoint 7x04 No Country For Two Old Men - Held at gunpoint 7x06 Cirque Du Soul - Pain from pull-ups 7x07 Deez Nups - Huge confession, heartbroken 7x08 Right Turn Or Left For Dead - Insomnia, regret, depressed, head slammed into glass, bruise, concussion, denial, stabbed, nearly hit by truck, headache, tackled 7x11 Office Space - Poked x2, trips, bloody nose, scared, framed 7x14 No Trout About It - Painful yoga, choked, fired
8x01 Lock, Stock… - Held at gunpoint, "restrained" 8x05 COG Blocked - Jumpscared out of hammock, painful poke, body decked by cane, held at gunpoint 8x07 Shawn & Gus Truck Things Up - Hand squeezed painfully 8x09 Nightmare on State Street - Slapped, zombie 8x10 The Break-Up - Nervous, held at gunpoint, shot at, emotional
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niktheniknik · 7 months
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Psych 2006 - 1x02 - Spelling Bee
Can y'all tell that I'm already in love with this woman?
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drsilverfish · 2 years
What’s with all the claws? The Winchesters
There are a lot of talons and claws and tentacles and spines in The Winchesters monster-parade so far (episodes 1-6)
Is that just because monsters are generally claws-and-teethy or is there a symbolic function to all these claws in the narrative?
In the pilot we see the long talons of what? An Akrida, the Akrida leader, a Wicked Witch of the West-esque entity?
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In SPNWin 1x01 Pilot we meet a Loup-garou with its very long werewolfy talons:
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Image credit: http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/Loup-Garou 
It was placed as a guard by the Men of Letters over the mysterious, trans-dimensional box which can entrap demons, and, apparently, the alien Akrida.
In SPNWin 1x02 Teach Your Children Well, La Tunda has tentacle-vine talons which seek to suck the life-force from her victims:
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She is an abusive parent feeding on the life-force of rebellious children, and her lair is other-dimensional (like the Akrida’s, who come from another world).
Second image credit: http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/File:LaTundaVines.png 
In SPNWin 1x03 You’re Lost Little Girl, the Bori Baba emerges, talons first, from its portal-sack into a child’s bedroom:
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It also seems to feed particularly on children and young people (judging from the number of stuffed toys in its lair) and its sack is a portal to another alternate realm/ dimension.
SPNWin 1x04 Masters of War has the God Mars-Neto as the monster, so no physically manifest talons there. But the theme of an alternate reality is present, as Mars Neto creates an illusionary return to Vietnam, within which he traps John and Carlos, forcing them to relive and re-experience the traumatic effects of the war.
In SPNWIn 1x05 Legend of a Mind we learn that the Akrida have stingers which they inject into some people’s brains in order to control them:
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This appears symbolic of the hold childhood trauma has on the mind (a claw/ spine/ talon/ tentacle of poison, hooked into the self) given that we explore Mary’s childhood trauma at the hands of her hunter parents (with the help of Ada’s Djinn son as a healing mind-guide) after she is brain-injected with an Akrida stinger herself.
And in SPNWin 1x06 Art of Dying Darla is found dead in a barn, mutilated by claw marks, and Carlos finds a claw embedded in the ceiling. The team initially think a werewolf is responsible (this theme of misrecognition of monsters is a recurring one; Mary thought that the monster in 1x03 Teach the Children Well was a shapeshifter). Another taloned creature is responsible, a Soucouyant:
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All of which makes me think of the expression, “to get your claws into someone”, meaning to gain a controlling hold over them.  
Psychologically speaking, The Winchesters is exploring the way trauma, in particular the trauma parents visit on their children, gets its claws into the psyche. The claws, talons and tentacles of the monsters symbolise the dark hold that such abuse has on the mind.  
In terms of the recurring themes of alternate dimensions and misrecognition, that may be symbolic of the larger frame of the narrative (which, as I’ve explored in earlier 1x06 meta) might suggest that the entirety of The Winchesters is actually taking place in Dean’s mind, in a liminal state between dying and rebirth, where he works through the main themes of his life; parent-imposed trauma being fundamental.   
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dayscrazed · 2 years
Roswell, New Mexico Timeline (through season 4)
1x01- reunion 1x02- 1 week later Liz visits Rosa’s grave 1x03- 2 days (?) the morning after Malex have sex again 1x04- morning after the drive-in/blackout 1x05- morning after since Noah’s looking for Iz 1x06- the same night Max tells Liz the story 1x07- 1 week later police question Liz about the fire 1x08- 1 day or 2 after Iz admitted on psych 1x09- 6 weeks later Michael & Liz work on an antidote 1x10- next day, Alex talks to Michael, Iz is out of the pod 1x11- 1 day or 2 after, Iz shares her memory of Rosa 1x12- 3 days after Noah’s been in a pod 1x13- morning after Noah escapes
Whole season = around 10 weeks (Start of June through the 2nd week of August)
2x01- 2 weeks from Max dying 2x02- 2 weeks Mimi’s been missing 2x03- 2 weeks Michael has been at Pony 2x04- 2 weeks Isobel’s been going to cafe/ Michael been in “weeks-long hibernation” 2x05- next day, but then 3 weeks Max recovers and Iz attacks 2x06- 3 days they’ve been giving Max antidote 2x07- 1 week Rosa’s been training 2x08- 1 day or 2 ‘cause Max follows up on Jenna 2x09- that night they talk to Sanders, Max is arrested 2x10- 1 or 2 days later, they road trip to the reservation 2x11- 1 week since Alex never made it to the AF base 2x12- 1 day later, Michael building the bomb 2x13- that night, “tonight at Crashcon,” then a few (3?) days later
Season 2= 15 weeks; Through late November
3x01- 1 year after s2 finale (episode is 2 days) 3x02- the next day they put Jones in cage 3x03- next day, Lockhart machine on day 46 in previous episode and then goes off 3x04- next day Jones escapes 3x05- next day after Max heals Kyle and causes Liz to collapse 3x06- next day after Kyle went missing 3x07- next day because Jones healed Max 3 days ago 3x08- next day or 2, Michael says water tower was “the other day” (2 or 3 days ago) 3x09- 3 days later, Max has been asleep for 2 days/ Alex has exposed to machine for 2 days (episode is 2 days) 3x10- 2 days later, Michael says they fixed it a few days ago 3x11- day after, urgency to get save them from Jones 3x12- the same day, episode leads to night/the next day 3x13- same day, nine hours later because that’s the time limit of the serum they defeat Jones. Then, episode one day later
(Whole season = 18 days or 2 weeks and 4 days) A year later, through the end of November into early December
Season 4 = 6 months later
4x01- June 14th Hatch Day 4x02- The next day, after St Elmo’s Fire 4x03- A day later at night- Michael meets Bonnie. Ep goes through another day 4x04- That night and then the next day after Mimi dies 4x05- Next day, Tezca mindscapes Max 4x06- Next day, Isobel and Kyle morning after & Michael still sick 4x07- Next day, Max powerless and Liz is mad 4x08- Next day, Maria, Liz and Rosa panic about Alex 4x09- Next day, Liz in mist coma 4x10- Next day, evil!Liz jumps into science 4x11- Next day, Michael searches for Alex & Liz back at Crashdown, moved out 4x12- Next day, Liz detoxing and Malex attempt at wedding/ fuel to leave 4x13- Same day, daytime when they fight Clyde; but then another day (or two, maybe more?) until the wedding and then the day after the wedding, Max leaves
Whole season = about 16 days (2 weeks, 2 days)
Relationship Timelines:
- Michael sleeps with Alex 6 weeks, 4 days before sleeping with Maria. Alex talks with Maria and in less than a week, she kisses Michael. 
- Michael ghosts Maria for 2 weeks. Then, 2 weeks later, Michael parks at Pony and stays for 2 weeks, then she pushes him away. After 5 weeks, 3 days, she calls him: cornfield incident. They officially date for 3 weeks, 2 days
- Liz and Max kiss 7 weeks and 4 days after Max confesses his love. They sleep together a week later. 
-After Max is resurrected, he and Liz sleep together and then they date officially for 3 weeks 2 days. 
- About a week after Forrest leaves, Michael kisses Alex. Malex officially are together for the last 9 days (week and 2 days) of the season.
- Liz admits she still loves Max 10 days after she came back to Roswell. They finally kiss a week after that and officially get back together.
- About a week after Isobel meets Anatsa, she asks her out for drinks. Isobel and Anatsa start seeing each other for the last 5 days of the season.
- Alex gets trapped in Theo’s dimension for 11 days. Michael learns he’s missing after a week and goes after him on day 9.  
- Michael and Alex move in together after being together 6 months, and then get married roughly 2 weeks after they move in.
- Max and Liz have officially been dating for 6 months (plus the 3 some weeks they were together before) and have been living together for 4 months when Max tries to propose.
- Liz tries to propose roughly 2 weeks after Max tries to propose.
- Isobel kisses Kyle a week after she breaks up with Anatsa, 6 days after she learns about his feelings.
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girls-are-weird · 5 months
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#NowWatching: Psych 1x02 "The Spellingg Bee"
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1x02 spellingg bee commentary
Steve Franks, Kelly Kulchak, James Roday, Dulé Hill
JRr: That's me, you were seeing my butt, now you're seeing me from the front
DH: Hi I'm Dule Hill. *doesn't say anything else for a sec.* This is how I'm going to talk this whole episode
KK: I'm Kelly Kulchak, producer. *lauhing too hard so she;s just quiet*
Moved this episode in the air order
They took this scene from another episode bc of the air order. "It was plucked"
An extroardinary amount of fake cat hair.
JRr: I actually spoke like thi swhen i was twelve years old
This scene was a lot longer originally.
Her parents have NOT been together for 30 years now...
The paper the layout the vantage point, oyou're totally a cop! (Shawn: got himself a paper, sitting in the same point)
All the cops leave & she's ust there
"They asked me if I wanted anything to drink :)"
SF: That's actually Corbin's real hair. We shave it off for the modern scenes & then he grows it back at the end of the week
Different child actors. They needed an older pair.
"You can see that young shawn has a moustache"
Wearing the same shirt XD. DH as gus: Shawn probably took it out of my closet that's what happened
they ad libbed "is that my shirt" but had to cut it :(
They made a lot of money on the first case to afford an office space like this beachfront
They had to colour correct his suit bc collins brought his own suit
bummed bc the tivo bar.
Fine details lost on everyone. "It would have been more impressive to pull it off ["it" being the tivo bar implication that it happened in the past] considering we couldn't put shawn & gus in different shirts, but did manage to get the tivo bar"
cupils? batche balls? crouqet balls on his desk
"blue to help offset the blue" "we painted the trash can blue just to get some colour"
Budd collins basically made up his own dialogue XD
the comfort room doubled as the basement in the chainsaw massacre
Gus speaking with his really big words
"Dule lent collins that [ugly] tie"
improv "this is more interesting than the woodcarving finals"
"you can't chew any more gum tim" *shows up with popcorn*
He borrowed that tie from Bud too
On Wall Seizure, fave of Jacquie DeCrenezz (idk how to spell her name)
SF "like he's stuck to the wall" JRr "I got you"
DH: I really started being confused about what James was doing
That little bit of life before he succumbs to the demon
That was his stunt double who did the extra flail
introduction of the supersmeller. Gus & Steve Franks.
Shawn vision is the actual term they use for when they light something up
*really fast zoom into the face & then staring at something*
JRr: That's what the poeple want, as much of my head filling the screen as possible
*happens to have an evidence bag*
My gal was the reporter in the stereo robberies too!
seven different versions of screaming chinese food names
Mel Dambsky
I DID notice the hill 100ft above the ocean & now they film from the backyard
Shawn has created the office with his connections with contractors in the area
The dog house that has been under this tarp for 20 years
SF: When I wrote this, it was in the attic & he had to climb into the rafters to pull out this decrepit thing
DH: You'd think that with Shawn Vision he would have seen it when walking by
SF: You forget they are estranged. You can eplain anything
KK: Who is surfing in there?
SF: ... Season 3
Oh hey they are three flashbacks in this ep.
SF: You know it's a flashback because of the sepia tone.
KK: I thouhgt it was the hair
The pineapple is in the bag OR in shawn's hand, a slice, I can't tell
When did shawn get his jacket & sweater
SF: James, why does Shawn have a pineapple at this time of night
JRr: A selfish attempt at getting pineapple into every episode.
SF: It was a hard day of work
JRr: & pineapple is very refreshing
KK: Didn't they have a plate of fruit for you to choose from?
JRr: I had to ask Clive
I haven't seen motorcycle acting like that since Fonzi jumped the chicken shack
"That's why we don't see much more of James on the motorcycle in season 1"
Had to reshoot the stunt
"They grew all the plants on the sound stage"XD
Gus' scene with dr sloan (named for lindsey sloan) was added later & gus is actually smart
A limp is hard. Even I'm struggling to limp & I stepped on a nail yesterday. You want to keep weight off your foot, but it is so awkward, idk how to limp properly when I'm legit injured, let alone acting.
DH: That's coming out in season seven, Gus has strong vision too
Hill I love gus I think he is so smart & deserves more credit.
Keeping the leg straight while building the doghouse. My man was biking home from his dad's last night, went to the hospital, called gus, & never had the chance to change bc he immediately went back to finish the doghouse
HS: I thought u gave up
SS: Nope. *doesn't tell his dad he just went home to sleep & didn't show up at 6am the next day bc He Was In The Hospital
HS: What happened to your leg?
SS: Absolutely nothing
SF: idk anything about running roofing vertical
I mean neither do I & I had a job roofing for a bit
DH: Henry has a heart henry hears a who
Shawn IS on pain medication or will have to drive or smth, hooray for responsibility
improv: Park Hyatt for Poodles
I jut realized, Henry plays poker. He forbade shawn when he was a kid, but he WAS a kid.
The network's fave shirt he's worn all season. I can see why.
JRr: *gasping in pain as his character gets up*
I just noticed the visitor badge on his brace XD
TO's hair: it's tight & smooth & real. The most stable thing on the show
Between the pilot & this episode, "she, what we like to call, gave birth" (sf why say it like that XD)
SF: Our show is very subtly anti smoking & we make fun of... say smoking is bad for him.
DH: When you smoke you get locked outside doors.
SF: & lung cancer. Those are the two tings
Just like when shawn says he won't let gus date a man who smokes
SF: Mitchum is my deodorant of choice
Ok bestie
For Shawn, any name tag of any sort goes on the pants
*discussing what BS means on his weird short" We know it's not a black sabbath concert t." 'Bring socks.'
I didn't know they cut commentaries but now I AM wondering what inappropriate thing you said bud!
SF: When I remember things I think of them as 8mm home movies
SF: I wanted you to solve three crimes in a hotel in one episode, but then I realized the episodes weren't four hours long
DH: I had to grab his neck a couple times.
JRr: You should piledrive me, pin me in front of a group of onlookers
SF: If we had that on film, I would have put it on the show
JRr: Shawn says it's his neighbour's dog, which implies that Shawn has a home
School of marco!
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laufire · 11 months
☕ Top 5 favourite argument scenes (any show/movie)
I love argument/confrontation scenes in general so it'd be nearly impossible for me to land a definite, fixed top 5, if I'm honest. But I'll try to go with the ones that come to me (since it means they stayed with me lol), in no particular order
Black Sails is probably one of the best shows out there when it comes to verbal fights (among other things). I could fill the list with it alone, tbh. As it is, I'm going to choose two (that are in ~conversation with each other, so we'll count them as one): Max and Eleanor's in 1x02, and Flint and Miranda's in 1x07. They illustrated the show's themes perfectly and they were emotionally devastating.
The Plecverse didn't slack in this department either. But one that I never forget is Forwood's breakup. It's highly emotionally charged and I understand both characters so well and feel so much for what they're going through. A+
Jason and Bruce's final fight in UTRH (specifically the comic's version, but I appreciate the film's as its own thing and as a point of contrast). SO MUCH TO UNPACK THERE. AND IT WILL REMAIN UNPACKED I GUESS.
The Lion in Winter. All of it. I won't elaborate. Watch the film.
Calling it an argument might be a stretch (if it is, it's a very um. One-sided one lol), but. Angel and Wesley in "Forgiving"? There's always a tiny part of my psyche that's playing that scene in a loop. ALWAYS.
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gracerings · 1 year
so i finally watched the first episode of succession -- and i did not particularly enjoy it. but i know that for some shows it takes more than the pilot, so i'm willing to try more. would u maybe tell me when it clicked for you/how far you think i should watch to get a good idea of the show?
okay so I think 1x02 is required watching to get a sense of the show, because it’s kinda Part 2 of the pilot. it introduces some key players that aren’t in 1x01 and it gives you more of an idea of the workings of the company, how they handle crises and what’s to come. it raises the stakes for sure. also you get to know the siblings a little more, you see how they interact with each other and you get a glimpse of how complex and fucked up this family truly is.
if you’re still not into it after that, I would say try and make it to 1x06, because there’s some kind of turning point there and it’s also one of the more high-tension high-stakes episodes of the season.
But. while I enjoyed all of season 1, the episode that really made me go ‘this is one of the most brilliant things I’ve ever watched’ is 1x10. every season finale of this show so far has been some of the best television I’ve ever watched. 1x10 has a scene towards the end that is a masterclass in acting from brian cox (logan) and jeremy strong (kendall), but also the writing, the direction, the MUSIC. everything is superb.
however, you have to like shows about mega-rich white people who are fundamentally Not Good in any way shape or form and accept that this is both a greek tragedy about a deeply compelling deeply dysfunctional family and also an intensely satiric commentary on capitalist america. it’s maybe not for everyone, but if it is for you it will probably rearrange your psyche and change your brain chemistry.
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goodwhump-temp · 1 year
Ray Palmer Whump | Legends of Tomorrow / Arrowverse
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LEGENDS OF TOMORROW 1x02 Punched, bleeding, imprisoned 1x03 Reckless, hit by a rock (unphased), sad, worried 1x04 Knocked unconscious, captured 1x05 Gulag, beaten, weak, bruised/bloody, annoyed, restrained, tortured/electrocuted, sacrifice/beaten by hammer, weak, unconscious, carried 1x06 Bruised 1x07 Losing oxygen, passes out, heart attack, betrayed 1x08 Psych ward patient (brief), stranded 1x09 Stranded, upset 1x10 Guilt, shot out of the sky, sad 1x12 Thrown, dying, severe internal injuries, past self attacked, bleeding, weak, comforted, heartbroken 1x13 Gut punched, shot unconscious, heartbroken 1x14 Manipulated, heartbroken, choked unconscious, arrested 1x15 Imprisoned, fated to die, knocked unconscious
2x02 Imprisoned, attacked, weak, captured, restrained 2x03 Punched, knocked out, stranded, knocked unconscious, restrained, interrogated/punched, bleeding, angry, knocked down 2x04 Sad, unconscious 2x05 Identity crisis 2x08 Body slammed, protected (26:55) 2x09 Memory loss, kicked x2, hostage, thrown in trash compactor 2x11 Arm twisted 2x12 Fated to die, 1v1 swordfight, shot, unconscious 2x14 Punched x5, crash landing, stuck with Thawne 2x16 Memory loss, punched, pinned 2x17 Choked, killed, punched x2
3x01 Knocked down, painfully pinned 3x02 Allergies, imprisoned 3x03 Drowned unconscious 3x04 Younger self killed, dissapears, bullied, shaken, emotionally hurt (17:10) 3x07 Captured 3x08 Electrocuted, unconscious, mourning 3x09 Therapy, tackled 3x10 Table pinned 3x12 Shock (34:15) 3x13 Captured, leg (indirectly) hit, pain, choked, restrained/gagged, knocked down 3x15 Severely injured, dying/unconscious 3x17 Thrown, unconscious, choked
4x01 Nervous, hallucinating, lovelorn 4x02 Turned into a pig, carried 4x03 Lovelorn, undercover, pinned, knocked out (offscreen) 4x05 Lovelorn 4x06 Mean Constantine (15:25) 4x07 Knocked unconscious, choked 4x08 Shot (16:30), "dead" 4x10 Bug of truth, scared, arrested 4x11 Guilt 4x12 Thrown, unconscious, emotional, possessed 4x13 Tempted, stabs himself, pain, upset, fully possessed, missing 4x14 Possessed, missing, body threatened, throat cut, knocked down 4x15 Possessed 4x16 Possessed, Hell therapy, hit (lightly), collapses, upset,
5x02 Shaken, knocked unconscious, 5x03 Handcuffed, framed 5x05 Mind controlled, choked 5x07 Choked 5x08 Emotional goodbyes, crying
ARROW 3x10 Annoyed 3x11 Punched 3x15 Obsessive, insomnia 3x17 Jealous, trust issues/'betrayed', kicked, bruises 3x18 Shot by Arrow, bleeding out, hospitalized, weak, blood clot, seizure 3x19 Punched multiple times, choked, crash landing, pain, beaten/choked, more pain 3x20 Heartbroken 3x22 Intense crash landing, imprisoned, poisoned, unconscious 3x23 Restrained, caught in explosion
4x06 Caught in explosion, trapped, 4x07 Sad/angst
5x08 Memory loss, knocked down, kicked, trapped
FLASH 1x18 Crash landing 3x08 Brain pain, abducted, mind controlled 6x09 (Superman version) literally dies/destiny changed
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psych episode masterpost (18 july)
season one
🍍 pilot 1x01
🍍 spellingg bee 1x02
🍍 speak now or forever hold your piece 1x03
🍍 woman seeking dead husband: smokers okay no pets 1x04
🍍 9 lives 1x05
🍍 weekend warriors 1x06
🍍 who ya gonna call? 1x07
🍍 shawn vs. the red phantom 1x08
🍍 forget me not 1x09
🍍 from the earth to the starbucks 1x10
🍍 he loves me he loves me not he loves me oops he's dead 1x11
🍍 cloudy with a chance of murder 1x12
🍍 game set ... muuurder? 1x13
🍍 poker? i barely know her 1x14
🍍 scary sherry: bianca's toast 1x15
season two
🎤 american duos 2x01
🦖 sixty-five million years off 2x02
🍍 psy vs. psy 2x03
�� zero to murder in 60 seconds 2x04
🐎 and down the stretch comes murder 2x05
📰 meat is murder but also murder is murder 2x06
📚 if you're so smart then why are you dead? 2x07
🍼 rob-a-bye baby 2x08
🚤 bounty hunters! 2x09
🎄 gus' dad may have killed an old guy 2x10
🍷 there's something about mira 2x11
💊 the old and the restless 2x12
🎬 lights camera ... homicido 2x13
🍍 dis-lodged 2x14
🍍black and tan: a crime of fashion 2x15
🍍 shawn (and gus) of the dead 2x16
season 3
🚙 ghosts 3x01
🏫 murder? anyone? anyone? bueller? 3x02
🏍️ daredevils! 3x04
🍍 the greatest adventure in the history of basic cable 3x04
🍍 disco didn't die it was murdered! 3x05
🛢️ there might be blood 3x06
🛼 talk derby to me 3x07
🏦 gus walks into a bank 3x08
🎅🏻christmas joy 3x09
🐬 six feet under the sea 3x10
🍍 lassie did a bad bad thing 3x11
🧯 earth wind and ... wait for it 3x12
🏈 any given friday night at 10PM 3x13
🍍 truer lies 3x14
🏕️ tuesday the 17th 3x15
🍿an evening with mr. yang 3x16
season four
👑 extradition: british columbia 4x01
✈️ he dead 4x02
🤠 high noon-ish 4x03
⛪️ the devil's in the details ... and the upstairs bedroom 4x04
🥎 shawn gets the yips 4x05
🥻 bollywood homicide 4x06
💻 high top fade out 4x07
🐺 let's get hairy 4x08
🍍 shawn takes a shot in the dark 4x09
🪖 you can't handle this episode 4x10
🍍 thrill seekers and hell raisers 4x11
❤️ a very juliet episode 4x12
🦠 death is in the air 4x13
🍍 think tank 4x14
🦈 the head the tail the whole damn episode 4x15
🎞️ mr. yin presents 4x16
season five
🥋 romeo and juliet and juliet 5x01
💉 feet don't fail me now 5x02
👽 not even close ... encounters 5x03
🍷 chivalry is not dead ... but someone is 5x04
🏎️ shawn & gus in drag (racing) 5x05
🍍 viagra falls 5x06
⛓️‍💥 ferry tale 5x07
🍍 shawn 2.0 5x08
🚁 one maybe two ways out 5x09
🍍 extradition ii: the actual extradition part 5x10
👻 in plain fright 5x11
📧 dual spires 5x12
🚓 we'd like to thank the academy 5x13
🍍 the polarizing express 5x14
🍍dead bear walking 5x15
💉yang 3 in 2d 5x16
season six
🇬🇧 shawn rescues darth vader 6x01
🍍 last night gus 6x02
🩸 this episode sucks 6x03
📰 the amazing psych-man & tap man issue 2 6x04
⚾️ dead man's curveball 6x05
🍍 shawn interupted 6x06
🍍 in for a penny 6x07
🧘 the tao of gus 6x08
💍 neil simon's lover's retreat 6x09
🖼️ indiana shawn and the temple of the kinda crappy rusty old dagger 6x10
🗡️ heeeeere's lassie 6x11
🍍 shawn and the real girl 6x12
🍍 let's doo-wop it again 6x13
📚 autopsy turvy 6x14
🍍 true grit 6x15
🍍 santabarbaratown 6x16
season seven
🍍 santabarbaratown 2 7x01
🏠 juliet takes a luvvah 7x02
📹 lassie jerky 7x03
🇲🇽 no country for two old men 7x04
🎸 100 clues 7x05
🎪 cirque de soul 7x06
💍 deez nups 7x07
🦋 turn right or left for dead 7x08
🪟 juliet wears the pantsuit 7x09
💛 santa barbarian candidate 7x10
🗑️ office space 7x11
🎙️ dead air 7x12
💉 nip and suck it 7x13
🍍 no trout about it 7x14
🎵 psych: the musical 7x15
season 8
🪄 lock stock some smoking barrels and burton guster's goblet of fire 8x01
s.i.e.z.e. the day 8x02
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Do y'all Psych/Spn fans ever just remember that Alex Calvert was in 1×02 of Psych??? 'Cause I do.
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bookdork1 · 3 years
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