#psycho pass senguji
pan-gya · 1 year
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so guys, how do we feel about this?
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christianlep · 8 months
Blog 10- 2/7
Psycho-Pass is an interesting vision of a dystopian future in which technology, in its all glory of endless possibility, is utilized as a means of enrichment and oppression. Within the first episode, we see that the society is imbued with technology, and one aspect is the advent of the psycho-pass, a piece of equipment that analyzes one’s mental stability and likelihood of engaging in criminal behavior. This serves as the basis for the rest of the show (or at least what we watched), in which individuals are stigmatized and punished as soon as they pinged for having an elevated psycho-rating. I believe that beyond the actual premise of Psycho-Pass,  this show provides insightful commentary on the potential of humanity's trajectory under the guidance of technology. This show was released in 2012, five years after the first iphone; a super computer held in the palm of your hand. When looking at the  technological boom from the early 2000’s to even the 90’s, it’s clear that there has been exponential growth within the sector, and technology is only going to become more advanced as time goes on. While amazing and necessary for the advancement of civilization, all of these breakthroughs and utilization has quickly made us reliant on technology. A comment made by Toyohisa Senguji (the cyborg in episode 9) touches upon this topic, in which he tells the reporter that her daily life is surrounded and catered by technology, that she couldn’t effectively operate without it, making her a “cyborg to a degree.” This is true in our current climate. As we reach the information age, wars are no longer simply fought physically, they are fought within the cyberspace too, and that's because if our nation’s infrastructure was compromised for even a minute, there would be billions of dollars worth of damages and countless lives ruined, from the leaking of critical information, to essential control systems shutting down, to traffic lights suddenly not working, and so on. On an individual level, we are also reliant as Toyohisa suggests, as we all rely on our smartphones to communicate and find information (same with our computers), and now entire homes and other appliances are fitted with systems connecting to the cloud. Now, while I doubt that our society would embody the one seen in Psycho-Pass, it’s important to understand that there are serious precautions to take as we approach (and if we ever achieve) Singularity (When AI can think for itself) and discover even more powerful uses of our technology along the way, before it can be used as a tool of total surveillance and control.
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masonuf · 8 months
Post for 2/7
Psycho-Pass was a fun watch. It felt like time had passed very quickly when I was done watching the episodes, so it is safe to say that they kept me engaged. I think the show does a good job at capturing a dystopian future where your verdict is based on your potential to do crime rather than the crimes you have actually committed. It is an interesting concept that Inspectors are tasked to overlook Enforcers so that Inspectors have less risk of clouding their Hue, which essentially measures their innocence. In the first episode, we learn that the Crime Coefficient is contagious, thus necessitating the distinction between Inspectors and Enforcers. However, as we can see, it is never that easy to separate the roles of Inspectors from Enforcers in a black and white fashion. Time and time again, we see Akane, the main protagonist who is an Inspector, treating Enforcers such as Shinya and Tomomi as wise superiors who pass on their knowledge and experience to her. Akane constantly blurs the line between Inspectors and Enforcers, seeing them as a team, while Shinya remarks about how unusual their collaboration is. Attempts to unify the two roles are scorned by Inspectors such as Ginoza, as his past experiences inform him of the dangers tied to that idea. Anyway, I would not have minded if we were assigned to watch more episodes. Episode 9 left us on a cliffhanger because we don't get to see what Senguji plans to do to Shinya.
This is the obligatory part of my post where I mention the weapon. The Dominators that the Inspectors and Enforcers use are a cool concept: a computer and a gun meshed together? And they switch to different combat modes depending on the situation? Sweet. My only complaint is that they don't work offline.
Let's hold a class fundraiser to purchase this $1,300 Dominator replica and write it off as an "educational expense." Worth it.
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Image from https://gstore.cerevo.com/dominator-10th-anniversary-edition/.
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thinenotthee · 8 months
tell me why it took me ten years to understand the meaning behind this psycho-pass episode title 🤦🏽‍♀️
methuselah: that dude from the bible who lived forever->toyohisa senguji game: reference to the most dangerous game, which is what's going on down here in this subterranean warehouse
ro's clown moments on full display. i literally make jokes about this being the most dangerous game episode ALL THE TIME and didn't. put 2 and 2 together. how embarrassing
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prof-kenny · 5 years
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psycho-pass Happy Birthday Senguji toyohisa 12.25 2019
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lucidink · 3 years
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From Gakuen Psycho-Pass
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rens-room · 3 years
psycho-pass (season1) thoughts: 
I’ve heard this op so many times before and know I finally can place it. 
canon wlw?? in my anime?? 
ahhhhhhh the dystopian world sets in. 
there’s so much to say about ethics of crime and judging human life and the validity of people making their own choices (and mistakes) but I’m sure the show deconstructs it better than I can. 
I feel like I’m on a Production IG binge going from Noblesse to Haikyuu, to Kuroko no basket, to Psycho-pass lol. 
you can’t name the weapons Dominators, I’m not mature enough for that. 
the technology is really cool, from the self upgrading guns to the concept of sibyl system analysis of literally everything. however, nothing compares to kogami’s detective skills. 
listen, this show made a character that if you remotely like (anime) men, you’re gonna be in love with kogami. 
funny how many division one hounds’ names start with K. 
ginoza looked less like a dick with shorter hair. 
YAYAOI WAS A MUSICIAN??!! that’s so cool. 
I do wish the show had better lighting, I would like to be able to see everything on the screen and not just reflections because it’s so dark. 
I feel like it would be more helpful to the makishima investigation if uhhhhhh the people were left alive to be questioned and not just blown up on the spot. 
also how do you miss makishima?? his design screams anime villain. 
he can’t be your father!! I didn’t actually see this one coming even though it probably was obvious. 
I have a bit of a thing for detective shows lol. 
woooo we reached the destruction of social order that was carefully orchestrated by the antagonist. 
kagari probably has my favorite character design. it’s a colorful and lively contrast to the rest of the enforcers and the environment in general. 
this anime feels so nostalgic to me. particularly the ops and eds. 
I personally am not a fan of name dropping authors and reciting quotes from memory, I’ve always found it more pretentious than classy, but if you do like that sort of thing I know just the anime guy for you. 
monocropping is bad and you shouldn’t do it. I learned that in high school, come on. 
the girls are fighting! and they have SWITCHBLADES! 
the ending coming full circle/paralleling the beginning had no right to hurt me that bad. 
not bad. a little predictable but it is still a detective story so that is to be expected and the themes and message are powerful enough to balance out the predictability. 
not sure if I will watch the other seasons, this one kinda killed my favorite characters and idk if I have have the patience to deal with a new cast each season. 
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va--fail · 4 years
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Old men at Psycho-Pass are badass.
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psycho-pass-lists · 6 years
Ask your blogger: Psycho-Pass edition
With the movies coming out, I think the Psycho-Pass community on Tumblr should get closer together and know one another better!
Reblog if you want to be asked these questions and send a character in a person’s ask!
Akane Tsunemori: What is your proudest moment?
Kogami Shinya: What’s the worst injury you’ve had?
Ginoza Nobuchika : What’s your best feature?
Mika Shimotsuki: What is the last lie you told?
Yayoi Kunizuka: Put your iTunes on shuffle - what’s the first five songs that come up?
Hinakawa Sho: Do you have any strange phobias?
Shion Karanomori: What is your biggest “what if”?
Togane Sakuya: How can I win your heart?
Kamui Kirito: Where is your hometown?
Masaoka Tomomi: Tell me about your favorite mentor/teacher you’ve ever had.
Makishima Shogo: What is your real name?
Sugo Teppei: Describe your best friend?
Rikako Oryo: Current desktop photo? Home screen of your phone?
Saga Joji: What is your biggest regret?
Senguji Toyohisa: If there was a robot invasion, what would be your weapon of choice? How likely do you think you are to survive the apocalypse?
Gu-sung Choe: Which languages do you speak? If you could instantly learn 5, which ones would they be?
Mizue Shisui: What were you doing last night at midnight?
Risa Aoyanagi: Are you currently in a relationship? How many have you had?
Nicholas Wong: What is your current occupation?
Kagari Shusei: Have you ever pranked someone? Has anyone ever pranked on you? How did you/they react?
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who-clouds-hue · 6 years
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I have regrets.
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thedigitalpen · 6 years
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I like that Makishima’s “amusement” has to be pointed out to him by another because it highlights that while Makishima usually treats others with a slight air of indifference, when it comes to Kogami, he expresses emotions - so much so that it can be seen clearly upon his face.
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ANIME: PSYCHO-PASS( cyberpunk, crime fiction,psychological thriller)
This is one of my top favorite anime of all time.
“Beautiful flowers, too, eventually wither and fall. That’s the fate of all living beings.” – Shogo Makishima
“I wonder what sort of criteria you use to divide people into good and evil.” – Shogo Makishima
“Society doesn’t always do what’s right. That’s exactly why we ourselves must live virtuous lives.” – Akane Tsunemori
“Books are not something that you just read words in. They’re also a tool to adjust your senses.” – Shogo Makishima
“Isn’t using the net just like using knives for cooking or using paper to write things down? It has nothing to do with good or bad. It’s like, it’s there, so we accept and use it.” – Akane Tsunemori
“A perfect plan doesn’t mean having everything go within expectations. A perfect plan is achieved when it has the plasticity needed to flexibly deal with troubles.” – Shogo Makishima
“They say that fools learn from their experiences, while the wise learn from history. I hope you’re not a fool.” – Nobuchika Ginoza
“In order to measure a person’s worth, you must do more than push them. The real way to test their worth is to give them power. When they gain the freedom to act outside the boundaries of law and ethics, you can sometimes see their souls.” – Shogo Makishima
“Everyone here is the same. They don’t notice anything. They don’t say anything. And they don’t think anything. They are merely a shell of their former selves and soon they will disappear like the melting snow. This epidemic leads innocent people to their deaths, and yet, it’s pathogen will never be eradicated. This is a disease called serenity – a form of death that people have wished for.” – Oryou Rikako
 “I just long for a world in which ordinary things are done in an ordinary way.” – Shogo Makishima
“It’s not the final judgement of “good” and “evil” that’s important. What matters is that you come to that decision yourself. That you agonize over it and eventually accept it.” – Akane Tsunemori
“I think the only time people really have value is when they act according to their own will.” – Shogo Makishima
“What are humans desires? What I think the most troublesome desire is the desire for attention. It’s the source of jealousy and relationship problems, too.” – Shogo Makishima
“When you entrust so much of your everyday life to those electronic devices, the argument that you arent a cyborg isn’t very convincing.” – Toyohisa Senguji
'' you look away and just turn your back on those you don’t understand, you’ll regret it someday. Accept what’s happening before your eyes as a fact. That’s a shortcut to becoming an adult.” – Nobuchika Ginoza
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Toyohisa Senguji (PSYCHO-PASS)  » December 25
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sociopath-analysis · 3 years
Sociopath Profile: Rikako Ōryō
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From the anime series Psycho-Pass Season 1 (2012-2013) and its manga adaptation Inspector Akane Tsunemori (2012-2014) Voiced by Maaya Sakamoto (JP) and Brina Palencia (EN)
This high school girl looks like a sweetheart. She has the love and adoration of all the students. A talented artist and a model student. She scores high on all her marks. Including her Psycho-Pass rating which is a 472! The second-highest rating on the show!
One thing that you wouldn’t see at a first impression is that she’s a prolific serial killer who uses her victims’ bodies in her personal art sculptures. She is inspired by her father’s art, who was against violence. You can see that she clearly missed the point and very much enjoys the horrible violence that she commits.
She manipulates the other girls in her school either by seducing them or kidnapping them to use them in her sculptures and show them off to the world. She is shown to be quite charming and magnetic, but it never really shows the true extent of who she is. Her superficial charm only works to a point.
Shimotsuki: Her eyes...are sometimes blank.
And since the only person she cares about was her father, she feels no remorse for any of the innocent girls that she brutally mutilated. She tries to get as much attention as she can with her gruesome sculptures. While she says she wants to honor her father, she has no genuine talent at creating ideas, taking all of them from her father and Makishima.
On another point of lack of remorse, she gets chased down by the mechanical dogs for eventually losing Makishima's interest, she gets her hand caught in a bear trap and caught on the wrong end of Senguji's shotgun. What does she do? She smugly tells him that she isn't safe from Makishima and he'll share her fate once he no longer sees use for him. She has no remorse for the violence she committed, only telling her killer that she'll be in her position eventually.
You too will be discarded when Mr. Makishima gets bored of you.
Defiant to all, she shows to be one of the worst criminals on the show.
Female Sociopath List
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prof-kenny · 4 years
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psycho-pass Happy Birthday Senguji toyohisa 12.25 2020
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immloveanime · 7 years
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Shinya Kogami x  Toyohisa Senguji
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