nie7027 · 3 months
{{I've had this draft saved literally since April 18th 2019 but I didn't post it back then because I wanted to finish the super5 headcanons first... which i of course havent done.
But I think it's finally time I post it.
I reread it recently and I don't think it's as spoilery of other wips as I had initially and thought and its related to the other stuff I'm gonna post soon so why not use it as a preview for it?
Anyway it finally is here. I hope you enjoy this tiny list of headcanons}}
Mob psychobook headcanons
These could actually apply to any social red but Psychobook is the one i know besides Tumblr (and no, none of them have tumblr...maybe just Seri)
Teru's used to be the typical popular kid psychobook where used to he the typical popular kid psychobook where he posted pics of the parties he went("Crazy night guys, thanks for inviting me!), his soccer matches ("Another victory for Vinegars soccer team. You are welcome~") and trainings(even some from his personal training when it didnt end that bad), the food he ate at the new trendy coffe he went and the obligatory selfie every couple of days that will make his notifications blow up everytime with likes and comments
Now he sometimes still does those but he posts mostly pics of nice sights he finds on his bicycle routes, pics of him hanging with his friends/new family or the lastest fuck up Reigen did
He, Shou and Tome are invested in a meme competition. Whoever makes Mob laugh the loudest wins. Sadly they have to be with him so he can see them.
Rarely Terus posts a pic of him & Mob (or Mob alone) with the emoji equivalent of a gay keysmash and when he does it drives crazy the whole alumnae of Vinegar middle school, everybody wondering who is that bland looking guy and what Teru meant by that.
Mob's used to be empty but now it's filled with pics Tome posts of their karaoke outings, pics where the body improvement club tag him and Terus, shous and tomes memes
But he rarely uses it and doesnt get to see them. Still he likes the milk memes teru found (do those even exist?)
Thats why he doesnt know he has basically become the body improvements star. Captain musashi and the others tend to photos of him with inspirational quotes (warrio male kind of) in the club page to attract new reclutees
After terus mysterious post a swarm of Vinegar students tried to add him as friend
But Mob thinks they are internet weirdos and ignores their invitation
It's actually Dimple who uses it more
Ritsus used to be th pristine psychobook profile proper of a student council member. He had added the majority of the school and he made posts of the schools next event, resolutions the council had reached after their last session or answered any question any student could have but was to shy to personally ask.
His most personal post where the seldom book quotes he posted from the lastest book he read and liked.
Everything changed with Shou
The students didnt know who he was but suddenly this random kid started to tag Ritsu in even more random posts(most of them hamster related...Ritsu liked all of them?) and post pics of him AND RITSU doing the weirdest things you could imagine
Theres a pic of Ritsu with the most ridiculous susprised face(thats the most expressive people have seen him?? Whats going on?) in front of a microwave in flames. The fact shou edited it with a caption saying "And he didnt believe me eggs could explode" didnt help
Theres another of them hangin at the tallest part of the city (people dont undertsmad how is that even possible? You cant even acces that area)
And theres even a blurry pic that looks like they are running away from a police car
Shinji, who knows whats Ritsu is truly capable of, likes each of those pics
Everybody in Salt middle school is confused. But the only thing they get is Ritsus "Sorry" to Kamuro when the council president makes a blank comment in the infamous police pic.
They quickly recognize Shou as the kid that sometimes flies(yeah FLIES) besides Ritsus classroom or sneaks in the school
The only reason Shou made a psychobook profile was to keep in contact with the espers that helped him during the domination arc
But he quickly realizes how useful it is to annoy Ritsu when he is bored
Besides the memes and Ritsu pics, his psychobook is full of interesting facts of different animals and reblogs of drawings from artist he follows and tutorials
As Mob he was invaded by a swarm of vinegar students once he appears in one of Terus pics. He accepts all of them the same way he accepted Ritsus classmates. It ends well for him because that way his drawing are seen by many peoplea and he receives lots of likes.
It takes a while but he finally unblocks Seri one day. Seri likes each and every thing he posts and makes encouraging comments on his drawings.
Seri had a profile during his isolation days where he added many "friends" (random internet weirdos) with whom he talked about the things he liked and the media he consumed
Once he rejoins society with the Spirits and such cre he makes a new personal profile
He only has his family, the spirits and such crew, his school friends and the super5 added but thats all he needs
He follows many cooking and baking pages and once he learns to cook he saves the recipes he wants to try
He doesnt know if he cried more the day Shou unblocked him or they day Teru put him as his dad.
Minegishi only has the super5, Mob Ritsu, Tome and his coworkers added as friends
He follows many pages about plants and how to take care of them and pages that post downloadable audiobooks for Shimazaki
He rarely posts but he likes all the posts where he is tagged.
His elder coworkers tag him in lovely pictures of flowers with inspirational quotes. He likes those too.
The other super5 make fun of him for this but they secretly like them, especially those that talk about being a good person.
He follows many trolling pages too but never reblogs them. He doesnt want the other to know where he gets some of his humor sense.
Hatori follows mostly memes pages, specially those about programming because he can "relate"
He say he understands them. (He doesnt)
He almost fell for the "delete system32 to make you computer faster" joke but his coworkers stopped him. He passed it as him messing around
Shibata follows personal trainers and healthy foods pages
He and Seri swap recipes they find and think the other might like
He saves exercises routines and tries to convince the other super 5 to try them with him.
Specially Hatori, he needs them.
He is only succesful when he finds those routines based on fictional characthers
It doesnt last much
He follows the body improvement club page. He actually sends some of the quotes that end up in some of the Mobs pics.
Shimazaki doesnt have a psychobook per se
It's a bot that hatori made to post "uwu" ":3" or "nyas~" every once in a while
The profile pic is the photo they took of Shimazaki wearing the prank glasses
Sometimes the other super5 post photos of their hang outs
"Its our register of Shimazakis progress!" says Hatori
Sometimes it receives messages from internet weirdos and most of them go along the lines of "Weren't you the guy that kidnapped the prime minister?".
The others are horny texts.
They delete all of them.
Tomes psychobook can be considered the normalest of the spirits and such crew.
Even though half of her posts are cospirational thories and supposedly aliens sightings
Apart from that she has the normal amount of friends ("Seriously guys, why do you have every random you find added?") and posts a regular amount of pics of her hangouts
Besides the memes. Teru and she share LGBTQ content they find interesting
Seri somehow is the first to know about the lastest news of the videogames they follow and tags her on them
She edits Terus posts of Reigen fuck ups and turns them into memes. The super5, Ritsu and Dimble(using Mobs profile) always like them.
Its on psychobook where she organizes the telepathy club next reunion
She has been nagging Mob and Take to use their psychobooks more so they can see in time what they are planning to do
Take has enough with the whole wind reading thing. Good luck trying to convince him to make a psychobook profile.
Since his birthday during the separation arc Reigen decided to completeley get away from his psychobook seeing as how little those persons cared for him
But he forgets to delete the app
So one day his phone cant stop blaring with notifications and when Reigen picks it up to see what the hell was going on
He had messages and messages of exfriends congratulating him for his son and saying things like "Wow Reigen, you had it very closeted" "we didnt know you were so private" "who is the lucky mother?"
Teru had put him as his dad
Reigen was having an existencial crisis and needed some comfort so he started searching Seri
Only to find him crying because Teru did the same to him
They ended togeyher as a crying mess sprawled over the couch. Only Dimple got to see them like that
So writing my fanfic "Sunflower" made me think of these headcanons but i couldnt post them then because i hadnt finished the super5 headcanons and didnt want to spoil some things. As you can see this finally shows what Ive been saying of "College funds", "Sunflower" and the "super5 headcanons" taking place in the same universe.
Really, i wrote down a timeline of how these things overlap and can tell you what the s&s crew were doing while shimazaki was fucking around or what the super5 were doing while the crew celebrated terus birthdays.
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qwertyfingers · 2 years
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doing the daily rounds on tmoblr, psychobook, and sasunaru.com
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theharpermovieblog · 1 year
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I re-watched Jesus Shows You The Way To The Highway (2019)
I've talked about this film before, but I think it deserves another review this year. It's so weird and just so fun and should be beloved by weird film enthusiasts.
A dwarf employed by the CIA who is planning to retire for a better life with his true love, gets trapped in a virtual reality world known as Psychobook.
Madrid born director Miguel Llansó makes his films in Ethiopia. He is an experimental director with an insane style, which is clearly an uncompromised vision.
This film's use of 1970's and 80's film techniques, along with truly strange stop motion sequences, an unlikely casted hero, and a truly bonkers script and execution, might make it my favorite discovery of the 2010's.
The film is, as it's listed on Google, an action/thriller. It's about a CIA operative after all. But, it's also a fever dream, science fiction film and a comedy. The basic idea behind it seems to be to recreate a B-level action film through the filter of a wild dream, or just to be as strangely imaginative as it possibly can. And, in the strange B-films department it does not disappoint. You've never really seen anything like it.
Llasnó's so intentionally made every choice here. This film is so specific in every way. From The dubbed dialogue, to the look of the virtual reality world of "psychobook", to the look of the technology and the very odd choice to make Batman a major villain. These choices can seem like a grab bag of nonsense, and in some ways they are, but it's used as effortless world building.
This movie has the CIA, a virtual reality world, Batman as the president of Ethiopia, Stalin, aliens, Jesus, and that's only really scratching the surface of it's ridiculous energy.
On top of that it has a weirdly engrossing little spy story, a little romance, and never once takes itself too seriously.
Now, this is obviously not for everyone and it might be too weird for most. You gotta love B-movies and the attempt at absolute independent insanity to be in on the joke. But, this is another one that I highly recommend for anyone like me who loves anything that is able to stand out and be different, as well as embrace what makes outdated techniques so amazing.
Gather your friends and watch this movie. It deserves to be more popular and should absolutely have cult movie status.
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princewolfgangx · 2 years
i saw this video on tiktok and would like to write what i think of it bcs it looks fun
if you wanna try it out, read and do the questions first before you read what it means!! its more fun that way
okay so these are the set of questions in the book:
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my answers:
1. the forest i see myself in is those pretty ones with light shining in from the top. i dont see a path though.
2. the cup i see are those cute frog ones you can get off of etsy thats made of ceramic and its painted and glazed. its pretty and clean with little to no moss around it. i do take the cup bcs those shit are hard to find.
3. so i imagine it being like those rivers in animes. the blue crystal clear ones that have smooth stream with light bouncing off of the waters. pretty, clean and clear. its not that deep, around ankle to knee deep so that means i can cross it pretty easily just have to sacrifice whatever im wearing a bit.
4. okay i will be honest, the first bear that came into mind was the ones in nucarnival (ill add a photo below) but after rereading the question, id change it from a taunting bear to one far off in a distance but close enough that i can see it in my line of vision. its a grizzly bear to be exact. how i go around it is just by sneaking slowly around it hoping i dont make a lot of noise and carry on my journey.
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although thinking about it now, if i do come across this type of bear that has its eyes on me, id go and throw the ceramic cup i got earlier and run away lmao.
5. if i do see a beach id be happy if there were at least two people but ideally i see myself looking at three. id imagine the forest clears and the beach to be very wide so around 20-30 steps away from the forest clearing? not sure but i imagine to see these three people not that close but close enough for me to see their faces.
okay! now for the results!!!
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oh wow. number one is unexpected bcs i sure do not know what i want in life. but idk maybe this is a sign 🤷
number two: the frog cup sounds like a trophy to me :] also the cup was empty and moldy so no water to drink from it. but yeah its kinda right, id always look forward to a reward rather than refusing one
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omg. my sexual attraction can be easily defined with me being demisexual. i guess it is correct for the most part. this is kinda scary how accurate this is tbh.
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anyway, i guess since i did see myself with both passive and aggressive bears, both explanations are correct with what im experiencing now in my life. and since i did try to move forward from the bears, it kinda make sense? idk
okay last one
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okay this one takes the cake. im an introvert and loveeee alone time, but knowing that theres people there for me brings me huge comfort. this is absolutely insane.
you guys should try this out before reading what’s what in the end and feel free to tell me! i love reading stuff like this honestly!!
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feralprodigy · 4 years
“Were I to check, “Once in a while I think of things too bad to talk about,” it would help the test giver to know that I write novels and thinking abominations is my job.”
Psychobook; Julian Rothenstein on psychological testing
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janeyhogan · 8 years
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brokehorrorfan · 4 years
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Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway will be released on Blu-ray on September 15 via Arrow Video. Austin Hinderliter designed the new cover art; the original poster is on the reverse side.
A blend of the absurd, surreal, and dystopian, the 2019 exploitation-action-comedy is written and directed by Miguel Llansó (Crumbs). Daniel Tadesse, Guillermo Llansó, Agustín Mateo, and Gerda-Annette Allikas star.
Limited to 2,000, the set includes a second disc featuring Llansó's previous film, Crumbs. His 2015 directorial debut is a spiritual predecessor to Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway.
Special features are listed below, where you can also watch the crazy trailer.
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Special features:
Audio commentary by film critics Alexandra Heller-Nicholas and Anton Bitel (new)
From Talinn with Love - Visual essay by film critic Will Webb exploring the influence of exploitation cinema on Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway (new)
Audio interview with director Miguel Llansó, conducted by film critic Josh Hurtado
Crumbs - Writer-director Miguel Llansó’s 2015 feature directorial debut
Chigger Ale (2013) & Night in the Wild Garden (2015) - Short films directed by Miguel Llansó
Proof-of-concept trailer
Theatrical trailer
Image gallery
Double-sided fold-out poster
Collector’s booklet featuring new writing on Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway by Barry Forshaw and Crumbs by Anton Bitel
What do you get when you cross Afro-futurism, Cold War paranoia, the dystopian world of Philip K. Dick and 60s exploitation cinema, along with a hefty dose of Lynchian surrealism? The answer: Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway, the second feature by Miguel Llansó and one of the most striking and original films you’ll see all year.
The year is 2035, and Special Agent Gagano (Daniel Tadesse) dreams of leaving the CIA to open a business with his wife Malin (Gerda-Annette Allikas). Before he can hand in his resignation, however, a strange cyber virus attacks Psychobook, the CIA’s operating system, forcing Gagano to enter cyberspace via virtual reality to combat the threat. Before long, however, the virus starts to reach out into the real world, destabilising the fragile socio-political order for its own ends, and Gagano, trapped in the VR world, must find a way out before it’s too late.
Featuring encounters with an Irish-accented Joseph Stalin, a kung-fu-fighting Batman, and Jesus Christ himself, to name but a few, Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway is absurd, audacious and like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
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cultfaction · 4 years
Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway (2019)
Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway (2019)
Written and directed by Miguel Llansó, Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway is a mash up of Afro-futurism and Cold War paranoia that is,set in the year 2035, where Special Agent Gagano (Daniel Tadesse, Crumbs) dreams of leaving the CIA to open a business with his wife Malin (Gerda-Annette Allikas). Before he can hand in his resignation, however, a strange cyber virus attacks Psychobook, the…
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jenni-thirlwell · 7 years
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Got some work published in @broken_grey_wires new book. . . . . . #BGWpsycho #linocut #psychobook #reliefprint #linoprint #lino #printmaking #embroidery #embroideryart #printed #printmakersofinstagram #testprint #lady #portrait #floral #floraldesign
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peggie95i · 2 years
Read PDF Psychobook: Games, Tests, Questionnaires, Histories PDF -- Julian Rothenstein
Download Or Read PDF Psychobook: Games, Tests, Questionnaires, Histories - Julian Rothenstein Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => Psychobook: Games, Tests, Questionnaires, Histories
[*] Read PDF Here => Psychobook: Games, Tests, Questionnaires, Histories
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likovnielementi · 3 years
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The McAdory Art Test, devised by Margaret McAdory in 1933, is one of a number of tests that purport to aid assessment of aesthetic sensitivity or artistic taste as measurable psychological predispositions, or to reveal “artistic aptitudes.” Which is the best design? Any such judgment is both necessarily subjective and culturally determined. Taste is convention; aptitude is given but conditioned. Change is possible in both categories. It’s fun, though. Which do you think is the best design?
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saladieciocho · 4 years
1° Lima Alterna: 'Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway', de Miguel Llansó
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Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway, de Miguel Llansó (2019).
Escribe: Luis Vélez.
Gran película con la que nace Lima Alterna Festival Internacional de Cine. La inaugural de su primera edición responde al nombre de Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway (2019) y es dirigida por el cineasta español Miguel Llansó, que con éste su segundo largometraje (el primero fue Crumbs, de 2015), se consolida como un realizador a observar con atención. Llansó ha sabido construir un lenguaje propio y vigoroso, heredero de especiales subgéneros, que han de responder a sus filias, y que hacen del discurso y su lectura un pase de vueltas.
Formalmente una comedia absurda y una sátira política de ciencia ficción, Jesus Shows You the Way To the Highway atraviesa, subvierte y se alimenta de las películas de espías, del cine de artes marciales, del de superhéroes que parecen extraídos de Bollywood o, Nollywood o Wakaliwood, y de más de una línea de explotiation y de serie B estadounidense o africana. A nivel sci-fi rescata el concepto del avatar y la misión del agente conectado al interior de un mundo de realidad virtual, a una "Matrix" en la que los enemigos son virus informáticos. El doble asunto es que con la pandemia y la adopción cotidiana de la virtualidad, con sus nuevos espacios para el desenvolvimiento, la película de Llansó inevitablemente tiene una correspondencia con la actualidad.
Placentero es que lo consiga de forma delirante; bajo una idea estética heterodoxa, kitsch, lisérgica, paradimensional y atemporal; tan atemporal que su textura fílmica y sonora se puede encontrar en las grindhouses setenteras, su tecnología futurista es noventera, y los miedos que la impregnan son los derivados de la Guerra Fría y los fascismos de todas las épocas y lugares. La historia recorre escenarios que van de la "Casa Blanca" y la "CIA" a "Psychobook" y "Beta Etiopía" (con locaciones en Letonia, Estonia y Etiopía). Elementos todos que finalmente nos llevan a apostar a cómo Jesus Shows You the Way To the Highway va rumbo a convertirse en un filme de culto. En cuanto a que Lima Alterna la haya elegido para llegar al mundo, ello es tomado como una declaración de principios.  
El 1º Lima Alterna Festival Internacional de Cine va online del 18 al 27 de septiembre. La programación completa y la plataforma para el visionado de las películas y compra de entradas es Cineaparte.com. Jesus Shows You the Way To the Highway y el cortometraje Obatala Film, igualmente inaugural, están disponibles desde hoy 17 de septiembre a las 19:00. También hay varios títulos gratuitos. Habrá además un conversatorio con Miguel Llansó, director de este delirio fílmico, y con su productor Sergio Uguet de Resayre, este lunes 21 a las 15:00 vía FB Live en la fanpage de Lima Alterna.
Más detalles y actividades del Festival, en sus redes sociales y página web.
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tomorrowedblog · 4 years
First look at Jesus Shows You The Way To The Highway
A new trailer has been released for Jesus Shows You The Way To The Highway. No release date was specified.
The year is 2035, and Special Agent Gagano (Daniel Tadesse) dreams of leaving the CIA to open a business with his wife Malin (Gerda-Annette Allikas). Before he can hand in his resignation, however, a strange cyber virus attacks Psychobook, the CIA’s operating system, forcing Gagano to enter cyberspace via virtual reality to combat the threat. Before long, however, the virus starts to reach out into the real world, destabilising the fragile socio-political order for its own ends, and Gagano, trapped in the VR world, must find a way out before it’s too late.
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b-sides-magazine · 5 years
Cyberpunk a 8 bit: JESUS SHOWS YOU the WAY to the HIGHWAY (2019) il bizzarro film di Miguel Llansò
Cyberpunk a 8 bit: JESUS SHOWS YOU the WAY to the HIGHWAY (2019) il bizzarro film di Miguel Llansò
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“Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway” è una sorta di “Martix” 8 bit ironico e originale diretto con grande cura.
In un futuro imprecisato Psychobook, l’intelligenza artificiale che governa la città di Tallin, è minacciato da un virus informatico russo. Gli agenti speciali della CIA Palmer Eldritch (citazione da Philip Dick) e DT Gagano (Daniel Tadesse) devono debellare la minaccia informatica…
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bee-odarko · 8 years
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Psychobook Games, Tests, Questionnaires, Histories Edited by Julian Rothenstein Hardcover | 192 pages 8.25 × 11.75 in. (21 × 29.8 cm) 128 color + 35 b&w illustrations
Published Fall 2016 by Princeton Architectural Press
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nie7027 · 5 years
Well fuck me
I have now a fully fleshed the good place au for mp100 and I'm making myself cry.
I havent even finished the first season of the good place!
Whats wrong with me??
I still have to finish College funds and the super5 headcanons
And i had other projects planned (("Skyscrapers", psychobook(which is already written actually), original version of reigen asking teru to live with him, teru&seri fic, super5 backstories, take with everyone else, age swap super5...))
Not to mention...my actual school workload
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