#puddin in the queue
mauraxhiggins · 1 year
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maurahiggins: Scout is being promoted to big sister! @tylerhocchlin took those fanny flutters and we morphed them into two tiny feet.
>> view all 2,970 comments || @tylcrhocchlin
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Happy birthday Puddin'! ( @tylcrhocchlin ) Are you old enough for me to say that you're aging like a fine wine, or should I save that for your 40th? I love the life we're building together and can't wait to celebrate as many birthdays with you as the universe allows! xoxo Goldie
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midnightmoonbeams · 8 months
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This day had a LOT of good artwork posted. Seriously... how do people draw on digital surfaces? Not that I'm any good, but when I draw, I need the tactile feedback of pencil to paper. Are there any good digital surfaces these days that mimic that pretty well?
From September 28th, 2022
If you wanna join me in some turf war or salmon run chaos, you can find me streaming this game on Tuesdays at 1:30pm central time over on my Twitch channel!
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Would Curtis ever go full Pudding! to make Honey laugh? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
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100 Percent he would. If it makes Honey laugh, he is more then happy to pull down his pants for her.
Life Is Short So Make It Sweet Masterlist
Curtis knew just from the texts you had sent to him throughout the day that you were stressed with work. You had called him crying during your lunch period just rambling about how your morning had pushed you to your limit and now you still had a whole afternoon to get through.
He did what he could to calm you down and help you prepare for the next few hours, which helped. But he hated the dejected you sounded that you had to go back.
So on his way home, he picked up from your favorite Chinese restaurant in town, was sure to get that bottle of wine you occasionally indulged in, found the most decadent cheesecake to bring back to your apartment, and found a small bouquet that had a few of your favorites at the local flower shop.
When he let himself in, you still weren't home. Having mentioned you needed to do some shopping after work. You weren't expecting him, but he was comfortable enough in your apartment to now make himself at home at your place.
Food put away and a quick shower, he was just redressed when he heard you call his name. "Curtis, you didn't have to come over tonight." You sniffled a bit with a smile, good tears at seeing the take-out bags in the recycling and the small bouquet of flowers on your kitchen counter. "But I'm really glad your here."
"My girl was having a bad day." Curtis shrugged as you crossed the room to give him a hug, still sniffling as you buried your face in his soft tee, sinking in against him while he wrapped his arms around you. "So I got your favorites and figured we could queue up your favorite show tonight." He slipped your school bag off your shoulder. "If that's okay? Do you have anything you need to take care of?"
"Yes, I do. But fuck it." You finally lifted your face from his chest. "Tonight let's do exactly what you suggested. "
As soon as you confirmed that it was what you wanted to do, Curtis ushered you to go get comfy clothes and on the couch. He got the food reheated, wine poured and you two were wrapped up on the couch watching reruns of Supernatural till you started nodding off against Curtis's shoulder. The warmth and familiar feeling of comfort with Curtis finally taking hold.
"Come on Honey, let's go to bed." Curtis eased you up, making you groan.
"But I was so comfy." You whined a bit while he laughed, leading you down the hallway. "You staying tonight?"
"I was planning on it. And I'm not 20 anymore, if I wanna move tomorrow, I can't be sleeping on the couch." He teased. You moved into your closet to get changed, poking your head around the corner to smirk at him as he stripped to his boxers.
"Yeah, you look so damn old. I think I see some grey in your beard."
That made him pause, after taking off his tee, looking almost alarmed. "Do you?" His hand came up to brush against his bristles, scratching a bit at it.
Laughing as you came back out, in a tank and sleep shorts, you eased onto your bed to kick the blankets down. "Curtis, it's as dark as ever. I have yet to see a grey there. But..." You bit on your bottom lip, looking him up and down suggestively. "When you do go a bit silver fox on me... its gonna be as bad as your grey sweats and seeing your chain and nothing else on you. Now you coming to bed Stud?"
His hands were fallen to his waist, arching a single brow at your antics before huffing out exasperated. "It's coming and as soon as it does, I'm using it against you every chance I get Honey." You beamed at him, absolutely opposite of your mood earlier that day. "Until then, I gotta use other tactics." He leaned down enough to slip his pants down, kicking them off and yelling "Puddin'!"
You burst out laughing, falling back into your pillow while Curtis flipped off the light switch near him and tumbled into bed to cage you in beneath him, flushing kisses against your neck.
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labradoritedreams · 5 years
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Why-why-WHY do I fall in love with drag queens??? Am I just a sadist, wanting what I can never have?
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breathingliifc · 4 years
ooc;  e.o I just got off work, and I’m exhausted again. (What did I miss?! :D ) So I might lurk and read about how to run a successful bar while Larry peeks over my shoulder and eat ice cream. <3 
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errorsystemfailure · 5 years
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tombcnd-a · 6 years
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dvstpan · 6 years
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I think I went to an end-of-the-year party last night... I think I got drunk... I know there was alcohol... and I’m not sure how I got this eyeliner on my face but as Fergie would say, I am looking G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S. #iwokeuplikethis #beautysleepdoneright... #prettyfuckingexhausted
❤ 8K ✐ VIEW ALL 126 COMMENTS  @hzelmndes: i'm not saying you should keep the eyeliner but you could totally keep the eyeliner ↳ @hzelmndes: p.s i've added fergie to the work playlist for tomorrow, just for you. you're welcome!!! ↳ @dustygraves: it’s not coming off so looks like you are getting Glam Dustin for work tomorrow. ↳ @dustygraves: finally, something I can dance to.
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You’ll come with me, won’t you?
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Pairing: Harley Quinn x Reader
Warning: It’s different. Joker is a bitch. Reader becomes kind of morally weird as the fic progresses. People die. 
Summary: Y/N is a baby psychiatrist, who just started out. Suddenly, she is trusted with the most feared case of all. Harleen Quinzel. Y/N thinks it’ll be good for her career, or will it?
A/N: I couldn’t find a good ending to this for the longest time, I’m so glad I did. Also, this is for my 500 followers fic queue :) Thank you for the love, darlings✨
“Harleen Quinzel?”
That was a name you’d heard before. That was a name everyone’s heard before, at least once in their lives. But it was not the name that had surprised you, but it was the fact that her name was right there on top of your long patient list.
“Yeah, congrats Y/N. She’s pretty famous around here. Straighten her out and you’ll probably be in the big city in less than a year.” Your colleague, Megan peered into your books over your shoulders and patted your back affectionately.
You were one of the new psychiatrists in the business, and you had been dealing with criminal minors, the less mental mental patients and all the clients that newbies would usually handle. Being fresh out of university after holing up in the labs and libraries, you needed to gain some experience first before taking on the really hard cases.
Or... that’s what you were told.
“C’mon, Meg, you gotta know more than that. Why would they pass her case to me? She’s a rank SS psycho.” You pushed, looking up at her through your lashes in a slightly accusatory manner.
She gave you a look that asked; “Do you really want to know?” And you nodded.
“Well, I heard the other docs, the guys who were like 10, 20, hell, 30 years into the business, they all got their brains scrambled by... this girlie.” Her index finger landed on the profile photo of Harley Quinn, an apologetic look in her eyes.
You rolled your eyes, not necessarily at Megan, but at whoever it was that tried to deal this card to you. “You gotta be kidding me.”
“It’s cruel, but you can always turn it down, y’know?” Megan set her books aside, her left arm cradling your slumped shoulders.
“Yeah... But I might not.”
Megan’s dropped gaze snapped back up, her eyes wide with surprise. “Really?”
“Yeah. It’s a good way to kick-start my career, I guess.”
“Hello, new doc.” The moment you entered the room, you regretted making this decision immediately. Harley Quinn sat in a big contraption-looking chair, her hands and feet shackled onto the armrests and legs of the seat. Her platinum blonde hair was untied and unkempt, its bottoms still dyed red and blue, although it seemed to have faded over time.
The only thing dividing the space between you and Harley was a metallic table bolted on the floor, wide enough so even if Harley broke off her arm shackles and reached for you, she wouldn’t be able to touch you. You swallowed your nerves and entered the room with a confident stride, smiling sweetly at the guards as they closed the door with eyes of concern.
“Hello, Miss Quinzel.” You thanked heavens that your words came out right, especially in front of a woman who could sniff out people’s fears from thousands of miles away.
“You’re the first girl I’ve had.” She mused, her eyes twinkling with mischief. But the light in her eyes has lost its original color, you thought. She looked much more lively in photos taken way back then. When she was just a psychiatrist.
“Hm. I guessed that it would be nice to have some heart to heart, female to female.” You reassured your anxious self calmly in your head, repeating the words ‘you got this, Y/N.’
“Do you know why I’m here, and not... Damien? Who usually comes in for your check-ups?” Stowing your clipboard away on your lap, you continued.
“Yeah. Before him was another guy, then a grandpa and just... a buncha stupid-lookin’ guys. But I didn’t like them.” She replied as if it was the most simple thing in the world. The files back in the company would argue differently. Every single guy, either was tormented by her psychotic attacks or totally gone insane from her mental tricks.
“Are you going to do the same thing to me?” You asked, not really knowing what answer to expect. Your eyes remained soft, a small smile gracing your lips as you waited for her answer.
“No. I like ya.” She answered quickly, shrugging and adverting her gaze away to look down at her shackles. “Can I sit down like you?” She shook her wrist lightly, the chains rattling against the armrest.
“Maybe next time, Miss Quinzel.”
“There’s a next time? Yeah!”
You internally smiled to yourself, what a successful human being she would’ve been if not for a man like Joker to ruin her life. Right then, you vowed to whatever higher power was out there, that you’d get Harley Quinn to break free from his spell.
The people in your office were surprised, to say the least, that you were able to keep up your visits to the prison, and that an amateur therapist like you could get the queen of Gotham in a tight little leash. You didn’t like to think about it like that, but rather that she trusts you better than any of the others.
The weekly visits became 2 days a week, and from weeks of good behavior, Harley was allowed to be without handcuffs during her sessions now. You weren’t afraid she’d leap up and strangle you, because of some sort of connection the two of you formed after all those times spent together.
“Hey doc, why can’t you visit me more ‘round here?” Harley pouted, interrupting the current therapy session with an abrupt comment.
You looked up from your clipboard, dumbfounded. Why would she want to have you around more?
“Harley, I’m just your therapist.” You tapped the end of your pencil against the material of the clipboard, locking eyes with the woman. Anyone could see that she was starting to look better, particularly her eyes. They looked more human, compared to the hollow shell they used to be.
“I know, Y/N. But I’ve been doin’ some thinkin. It’s pretty fuckin clear that Mister J isn’t coming for me, and the suicide squad was probably just a one-time thing. And... You’re all I have.” She admitted, slowly sliding down from her pipe chair and laying down on the concrete floor.
The wooden chair you sat on scraped against the hard floor as you pushed it back. Standing up from your seat, you walked over to her in 3 steps. You kneeled down beside her, her skin just inches away from you. “Do you want a hug?” You questioned quietly, your voice softer and more inviting than usual. Harley felt this too, sitting up in a millisecond just as the offer left your lips.
“Yeah.” She almost crawled over to you, her arms wrapping around your neck desperately. That would’ve been terrifying if it was out of context, but she actually wasn’t trying to kill you. She genuinely just wanted a warm embrace.
You felt her slender torso tighten and loosen as if she was trying to repress a sob. Hand carefully sliding over her back, you whispered; “Let it out.”
And she did.
Time flew by as you continued to work on her case, and you fell into the worst situation a psychiatrist could possibly be in while working. You grew emotionally invested in your client. As a friend, who cared for her well being and happiness. 
Maybe... even more.
You still didn’t know if you could trust her though, you managed to keep a cool head and your mind was rational, but that only confirmed the fact that Harley wasn’t playing any tricks on you. That you were genuinely becoming attached to the beautiful prisoner.
Harley, on the other hand, did intend on ruining you at first. Make them run back to where they came from crying, so no one would disturb her again while she waited for her puddin.
But it was all starting to feel different with you.
“Hey, doc?” Harley called out from inside her electric cage. She was being a little bit mischievous that day, and she pulled an armed guard against the buzzing bars when he wasn’t looking. He probably died, she guessed.
But she didn’t like that she couldn’t be near you during your sessions. So a man died, big deal!
“Can you let me out?” She pleaded in the sweetest voice she could muster, calling out to you who was currently propped up on the usual desk, writing down some notes on your clipboard.
“No, Harley. I don’t have the keys to your cell.” You replied without looking up, but you could imagine the cute pout that Harley had when you denied her of something.
“But would you open it if you did?” You looked up at that question, seeing her smiling from ear to ear now, anticipation glowing in her eyes.
“Maybe. I know you won’t hurt me.” You smiled back at her, watching her facial expression carefully. How would she react if you showed some warm friendliness towards her? Could she possibly return to the life she used to have?
“Maybe I will, doc. You don’t know what goes on in here.” Harley leaped up to her cloth swing she’d made for herself, her now almost completely platinum hair draping down her back.
“I hope you won’t hurt me, then.”
You couldn’t forget that split second where Harley’s eyes looked more humane than it ever has been for many, many years.
“Warning. Warning. Escape Attempt in Sector 9H11.”
The sound of the speaker and the blasting alarm merged together in a chorus of chaos, guards and officers running around to stop whoever the escapee was.
It was 9:30AM and you were just about to enter the asylum for your shift, when this sudden noise almost blasted your ears off. Before you could process what was happening, a bomb went off right next to you, making you scream and clutch your head as you ducked.
The debris fell everywhere along with broken pieces of concrete, and you just stayed there trying to collect your thoughts. Right when a random hand grabbed you by your wrist. 
“Hi, doc. I was lookin’ for ya. You’ll come with me, won’t you?” Harley pulled you to the side, hiding the two of you behind a few bushes. Her eyes were electric making you realize that the true “Harleen Quinzel” you’ve been trying to look for is right in front of you now.
“Yeah. Yeah, I will.” You didn’t hesitate to take her outreached hand. Your mind had already been made up since the first time you laid your eyes on her. 
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mauraxhiggins · 10 months
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📍 Levi, Finland 799K LIKES maurahiggins: Thank god, I don't have to get a new set of monogrammed everything!🤣💍 >> view all 620 comments || tagged: @tylcrhocchlin
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mauraxgoldiexhoechlin · 7 months
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324K LIKES maurahiggins: 365 days of you. Let's start by aiming for another 365, sound good? I love you Puddin' >> view all 23000 comments || tagged: @tyhocchlin
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doggernaut · 3 years
Tagged by @porcupine-girl to share what I've been up to lately:
Last song I listened to: I had a "coffee house" station on in the car yesterday and the last thing I remember hearing was "Crazy" by Patsy Cline.
Last movie watched: We watched Thunder Force with Melissa McCarthy and Octavia Spencer a couple weekends ago. It was ... about what you'd expect from the trailer, but I will put up with lot for Melissa McCarthy and Octavia Spencer .
Currently reading: I read something like 50 books last year and I've already read 13 or 14 this year and my brain needs a break so ... nothing at the moment. I need to start my book club's May book (Trust Exercise by Susan Choi) soon. I've got the audio books for You'll Never Believe What Happened to Lacey by Amber Ruffin and Lacey Lamar and Puddin' by Julie Murphy in my Libby queue for long runs but have started neither.
Otherwise, I've been reading fic! There are a few Check, Please! WIPs I'm invested in right now.
Currently watching: The Americans and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
Currently craving: Strawberries with coconut whipped cream. A vacation.
Currently working on:
Fic: Editing the last chapter of The Placebo Effect. Also, I was not planning this but I recently posted a snippet from a WIP I may or may not finish and the response was a lot more positive than I anticipated. I may have written an additional scene the other night that got me excited about working on it again. It was kind of that effortless writing that has eluded me for most of the past year. So I might (will probably) be jumping into writing that as soon as The Placebo Effect wraps up.
Original fiction: I decided to focus on original fiction last July and then I got a full-time job so I'm sort of struggling with that right now. I have a good idea, I just need the time to really focus.
Other: I like my job because it's easy and flexible but it's also been really slow lately and I don't have a lot to do/the initiatives I had started working on are on hold due to higher priority projects that don't involve me but involve people on my team. I'm not actively job hunting but I've seen some cool (and better-paying) full-time and freelance opportunities lately so I've been applying for a few.
Currently playing: The New York Times Spelling Bee is my #1. I paid money for the damn app because the free version locks you out after a certain point (I get the crosswords with that too). I like it because it's easy to play when I have a few minutes here and there.
Tagging: I have no idea who even reads these or has been tagged. Please, consider yourself tagged if you're reading this!
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labradoritedreams · 5 years
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LOVE these two!
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hoekageyama · 4 years
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↳ pairing: kenma kozume x gn!reader
↳ summary: playing overwatch with kenma when he makes a bet you can’t refuse
↳ wc: 860
↳ warnings: language, confusing gaming lingo (i explain what most of it means at the bottom of the post lol), and very very bad writing
↳ a/n: just really wanted to write kenma using my irl experiences w comp ow lmao. meaning i just rlly wanted to write him as the sweaty, dps main i 10000% believe he is hehe. i hope you enjoy reading this! i had a lot of fun writing for kenma! also sorry this is so late!! (school blows ;-; but here we are)
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“yooooo!” you exclaim into your headset while tapping rapidly on your keyboard, signing into your blizzard account like you’d done a million times before
“wow, look who finally decided to hop on.” you hear kenma snicker a little at kuroo’s jeering. “hey y/n” he greets you as you feel yourself blush a little from his voice, the sweetest sound to your ears. you could listen to him forever.
minutes later you and the boys are queued up for a warm up match of casual. you opting to play support while kuroo and kenma choose to play tank and attack, respectively. 
during your third match you hear kuroo exclaim defeatedly, “FUCK.. i can’t play main tank today. i can’t stop dying to that junkrat and i haven’t landed a single shatter this game!”
“sorry tets, i can pocket you more, to make it easier on you.” you suggest while using mercy’s ultimate ability to fly over to him quickly. you manage to save him from dying to yet another attack from the enemy team’s junkrat, along with healing your entire team in one go.
after a while kuroo leaves the two of you to play on your own with the excuse that he forgot he was supposed to help his grandmother around the house today. “hey y/n, how about we switch it up this round. you play attack and i’ll tackle support.” kenma mentions a little quieter than usual tone. 
“uh sure ken, but why exactly?” you chortle to disguise your confusion at the random suggestion. “i’d just like to see if we could pull off a pharmercy like we normally do, but y’know just.. with a better mercy.”
“wait... are you saying that you think you’re a better mercy than me? i literally main mercy, kenma, what are yo-” “you said you didn’t have her cute spray, right?” kenma interrupts your tangent, leaving you just a little more bewildered. “i mean, yeah... but what does that have to do with anything?” you ask, scratching your head in confusion.
“neither do i, but i bet you i can get it in one game.” you can practically see the shiteating grin plastered on his face on the other side of the screen. kenma was always leagues better at any game the two of you played together. he never bragged or talked down on you, so this new attitude seemed very out of place. 
after a beat of silence, kenma finally adds “look i’m not saying you’re a bad mercy, ok? what i’m saying is…. why don’t we have a little bet? if i manage to get her cute spray in one match, i win. if i don’t, you win.”
“what do i get if i win?” you ask, while playing with your hands absentmindedly. “if you win, i’ll take you out to dinner anywhere you’d like, my treat.” the blonde answered confidently through his headset. 
you feel your cheeks heat up at the thought of a date with kenma. you two had been friends for years. you both somewhat knew how the other felt through kuroo’s incessant whining over the two of you “pining” for each other, but there was never any way to confirm or deny his accusations. “so like, a date?” you sputter out, suddenly very shy.
“precisely that.” and with that confirmation, you find yourself growing eager to play another match. “you better be ready to cough up some money, blondie. i’m in the mood for some grade a sushi tonight.” you giggle while warming up your hands for the next game.
“let’s switch accounts real quick.” kenma quickly suggests as you’re about to queue up another match in competitive. “uh.. ok sure.” the suggestion leaves you questioning his intentions, but you decide to save them for later. not wanting to delay your games any longer than needed.
as time passes, you find that kenma hasn’t really been talking much, fully concentrated on winning this bet. “hey, you never mentioned what you get if you win! i’d like to know if you plan on making me fork over some money for food ahead of time.” you say giggling quietly as to not distract him too much. “oh, that’s a surprise. you’ll see.”
sighing defeatedly, you see your character get torn to shreds by the enemy team’s genji, “pudding head, i’m down. do you have a rez ready?” “i got you. haha what’s wrong? can’t handle that little green man?” he laughs at his own very shitty jeering. “very funny. ..how’s that spray coming along anyway?” you ask, moments later seeing the match come to an end. 
“you can check it out, but i’ve gotta go. i’ll text you.” he says in a very hurried tone. as you open overwatch back up with your own blizzard account, you see the achievement notification “huge rez” pop on your screen. as the corners of your mouth upturned in a big smile and heat dawned your cheeks, you feel your phone vibrate on your desk.
turning it over, you see a new notification displayed on your screen.
puddin✨: i’ll pick you up in 30. be ready for me, yeah? kinda feeling sushi tonight.
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here’s a lil reference for the words in bold above:
shatter — reinhardt’s ultimate ability; allows him to swing his hammer and drops all enemies in his way, demobilizing them for a few seconds
mercy’s ultimate ability — valkyrie; allows mercy to fly for a certain amt of time, and grants her the ability to heal/damage boost her entire team all at once
pharmercy — overwatch league players (aka ppl who actually know what they’re talking abt lmao) explain what it is here; simply it’s the use of both pharah and mercy together (idk the video shows how it works lmao, this is very very old meta)
mercy’s cute spray — looks like this; unlocked for the player by successfully reviving 6 players without dying in a single match
rez — a term for resurrection; one of mercy’s abilities
huge rez — the achievement name for unlocking mercy’s cute spray
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— hoekageyama ‘20
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harley-quinnn · 5 years
Haunted - (Haunted by Beyonce)
Jared Leto x Reader
Prompt: @jaredletodaddy/@garraebbrae asked: Hi ! I love your fan fics😍 I was wondering if you could do a fan fiction (Jared x reader ) based on the song Haunted by béyonce? Thank you ☺️☺️☺️💕
{A/N} Hiya puddin’! Sorry this took so long. I hadn’t heard the song before but gave it a listen and it kind of took me in a different direction than I thought it would! The tune itself made me want to write it in an atmospheric and almost a little eerie way. I hope ya enjoy the way I spun the song! Requests are open and there are a bunch in queue as well! <3
xo Harley
Warnings: Smut smut smut. But tasteful smut this time? You be the judge lol. Oh and a little daddy kink going on, too, of course.
“He was the sweetest guy I’ve met in a long time. And god.. He’s so handsome. We flirted the whole time,” I gushed to my friend, Lena, over the phone. I was staying in a luxe hotel, all thanks to a ‘me-time getaway’ from my family. They noticed all the hard work I’d been putting into other things that peppered my life, and I wasn’t going to say no to a free stay in a suite just below the penthouse- which meant the view was amazing.
“You have to tell me all about it when you get back. I can’t believe you ran into him. What are the odds? Is he filming something? No! Wait- maybe he’s on tour? I don’t know girl, but you’re one lucky bitch. Jared Leto..” she yawned then after her thousand miles a minute disposition wore thin on herself, and it was then that I decided to let her go, promising to give her all the details when I returned.
Charging my phone, I set it down on the nightstand and turned off the lamp. I watched lazily as the curtains danced lightly with the breeze from the open door to the balcony just off the bedroom. I inhaled and exhaled, my chest rising and falling as I thought about him. When my eyes finally closed, he was waiting; drifting like a ghost in the depths of my mind, only coming to fruition again through my dreams.
I leaned down toward him, my palms pressed into his shoulders like my body had been only seconds ago. The air was chilly and warm all at the same time as my every fantasy was finally coming to life.
His fingers slid carefully up my soft flesh, so carefully it almost tickled. My hair cascaded messily around my face, but when he held your gaze with an ice blue intentness, there was nothing else you could concentrate on but him; but the moment surrounding him and the now disembodied echoes of the groaning that’d been filling the silence between us that still lingered in my head.
The fullness between my thighs was a euphoric sensation, there was no one else who felt quite like him as he thrusted in and out of my soaked entrance, meeting my hips as I rocked them in turn, desperate to feel as much of him as I could. Every sound I made only upped the ante; it was a game he seemed to be playing with himself- just how much he could make me scream as my nails dug into his skin.
We’d only met hours ago, but the sparks that flew were instant. I wasn’t the kind of girl for a one night stand- hell, I was hardly the kind of girl to give it up so easily to anyone. But being presented with the opportunity of having Jared Leto take you to Mars, per se, how could I say no?
His hand reached for the back of my neck, gripping onto it with an urgency that plagued only a man riddled with carnal desire, pulling me down to press his lips to mine, parting them only to taste my tongue with his. He quickly became my favorite flavor as he rolled us both over with ease, pinning me to the large bed that cradled us both. It almost felt as though my wrists would snap under the weight of the muscles that donned his arms, but it was a beautiful sensation all the while.
The open windows let in the cool night air from the penthouse he’d slipped me the key to. It wasn’t his but he acted like he owned the place. The sounds of the city could be heard in what felt like an eternal distance, never quite catching up to my ears like his whispering against my hair did.
“You’re gonna take all daddy has to give you, aren’t you?” He asked, his tone almost demanding that I do, anyway.
I nodded, my legs splitting themselves apart again as he pressed a kiss to my ear, and then my neck, nipping at my clavicle and sucking on the tops of my breasts. He’d had me pinned against the doorway the moment we’d started, gripping my jaw and lightly slapping my cheek after every bratty remark I made to him, pushing me and testing me as he pressed his hips into mine, letting me feel just what I could do to a man like him. Oh, but I needed all of him; more of him. And I needed him as close as possible.
“Fuck..” I whimpered blissfully underneath his strong frame, feeling the presence of his thick member push into my velvety walls once again. “I’m gonna cum so hard for you, baby..”
Coating himself with my arousal, he slid in and out of my entrance slowly, groaning with each rough stroke back inside. My body jerked against the sheets, and all I wanted was more. My {E/C} eyes met his as he lifted his head, his hair falling perfectly as though he’d never had to try to style it in his life.
He claimed I was angel, but he was taking me to heaven tonight.
It was surreal and yet, tangible all at once. Like he was filming a movie and I was the leading lady. His thrusting grew rougher and quicker by the second, the pleasure building within me like a million fires burning in the dark. His touch was electrifying, his gaze enlightening.
If there was religion, it was him.
The moment he had me crying out, arching my back and trembling under his lustfully possessive grip on me, was the moment he roared my name, feeling everything all at once, just as hard.
And then we were back again, right where we were in bed from the beginning. His hands running back through my hair, my hands on either side of his face. He looked at me as though he’d never seen anything so beautiful in his life. His hands on my hips held a touch of clinginess to them, as though he were almost afraid I was going to disappear before his eyes. I offered him the softest of grins as his fingertips moved to lightly trace over my cheek.
My body exposed to him. His warm skin against mine. The silk sheets that covered just enough of both of us. It was all there, it was all felt. Until he blinked.
He was sweating.
Dripping sweat, and gripping the sheets, he panted. His eyes shot open, searching the room for any sign of life before he sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes. His face was godly, chiseled to perfection as though he’d merely been in a meditative state for the past few hours. A glance at the clock on his nightstand told him it was 3 AM, and a glance at his pants told him he’d only been dreaming.
She was on his mind, and he hated to think about it. He’d stayed busy once he’d arrived back at the penthouse he was staying in that evening, which wasn’t a hard thing to do for an already busy man such as himself. But he was seeing her in his dreams now, unable to control the situation. She was already proving to be a hard girl to forget, and while he tried, his mind wouldn’t allow him to. Or maybe, it was his heart.
She was haunting him, that much was certain. But he was onto her, the game she’d played so effortlessly when they’d met just hours before his slumber. The casual flirting, the light touches; the way her eyes met his in such a meek, delicate manner.
He shook his head, trying to come down from the sudden rush of adrenaline and heat. As he laid back down, he wondered if she was onto the game he played right back…
If she was haunted by him, too.
{A/N} I hope this was understood as “shared dream” the way I intended it! Haha. Thanks for reading if you’ve gotten this far!!
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