#pudding deficiency
urlmysunshine · 2 years
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creme caramel I made last night 🍮
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Shadowsan: I didn't drink that much last night. Carmen: You were flirting with Chase. Shadowsan: So what? They're my partner. Carmen: You asked if they were single. Carmen: And then you cried when they said they weren't.
Zack: Hey, Carmen you're smart, tell me what would happen if I chugged 3 gallons of chloroform. Carmen: Have you ever been to a mortuary? Zack: Yea, my grandma lives there. Julia: That is the worst response to that question.
Zack: I may be stupid. The Squad: … Zack: Oh, did you think I was going to finish that sentence?
Hideo: Suhara, what are you doing? Shadowsan: Making chocolate pudding. Hideo: It's four in the morning, why are you making chocolate pudding? Shadowsan: Because I've lost control of my life. Shadowsan: Here's your pudding, Julia. Julia: Oh that's okay, I'm not hungry anymore.
Hideo: Do you ever get pre-annoyed? Like you already know someone is going to piss you off? Carmen: What? No, I— Chase: enters room Hideo: jaw clenches
Carmen: Go on, give Zack a compliment. Ivy: How do you expect me to do that? Player: Just say something that you wish someone would say to you. Ivy: Uhh… You are now unbanned from Free Ham Sandwich Day! Zack, sobbing: Nobody’s ever said that to me before!
Chase: holding a salt packet It’s just a little sodium chloride. Julia: Actually Chase, it’s salt. Chase: That’s what I said, sodium chloride. Julia: Uh Chase, that would be salt. Julia: takes salt packer from Chase This is iodized table salt, which in addition to sodium chloride contains anti-caking agents and potassium iodate, which is added to prevent iodine deficiency. So not only are you being overly pretentious by insisting on using scientific terminology for everyday items, you are factually wrong. Your arrogance is your downfall, you annoying little shit.
Shadowsan, holding an antique bottle: Is this whiskey or perfume? Zack: grabs and chugs the entire bottle Zack: Zack: It's perfume.
Chase: The universe is cold and unfeeling. The only constant is chaos. Julia: Was that place out of chocolate-chip pancakes again?
Professor Maelstrom: Dr. Bellum, are you drinking… drinking hydrogen peroxide?! Dr. Bellum: It says H2O2! That means it’s the sequel to water!
Brunt: You disgust me. Cleo: eating a kitkat sideways I realize this and don’t care.
Brunt: looks over Dr. Bellum’s shoulder at their laptop What the fuck? Dr. Bellum: slams screen shut It’s just research! For something I’m writing about! I swear that’s it! Brunt: Why the hell would that involve the breeding habits of frogs? Dr. Bellum: It’s not just “frogs”, it’s the Surinam Toad. And it’s not “breeding habits”, it’s how they raise their young. This is important information my audience needs to know! Brunt: That doesn’t change the fact this is for one line in a fanfiction. Dr. Bellum, offendedly: You don’t know that! Brunt: I hear no denial.
Dr. Bellum: This food is too hot… I cant eat it. Cleo: You’re very hot, and I still eat you. Everyone at the table: silence Brunt: YOU GUYS ARE DISGUSTING! Professor Maelstrom: One dinner… I just want ONE DINNER!
Dr. Bellum: When I first got my autism diagnosis, my first thought was “woah… it’s canon” and I think that maybe thoughts like that is why Cleo made me get tested.
Professor Maelstrom: Is Cleo always like this when they lose? Dr. Bellum: Oh, yes. You should've been there for the Great Jenga Tantrum of 2015. Cleo: You bumped that table and you know it!
Cleo: Love is weakness and an evolutionary mistake. Brunt: You are literally making a Valentine’s day card for Dr. Bellum. Cleo, pointing their hot glue gun towards Brunt: You’re on thin fucking ice.
Dr. Bellum is shopping with Cleo Dr. Bellum: Can I get a silenced pistol? Cleo: If there’s one on sale.
Dr. Bellum: I think I mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart.
Professor Maelstrom: You use humor to deflect your trauma. Brunt: Awww, thanks- Professor Maelstrom: That’s not a good thing. Brunt: All I’m hearing is that you think I’m funny.
Dr. Bellum: How petty can you get? Cleo: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
Dr. Bellum: I drink to forget but I always remember. Professor Maelstrom: You're drinking orange juice.
Carmen: You lying, cheating, piece of shit! Ivy: Oh yeah? You’re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD Carmen: I’m leaving you, and I’M TAKING ZACK WITH ME Shadowsan, picking up the monopoly board: I think we’re gonna stop playing now.
Carmen, setting down a card: Ace of spades Ivy, pulling out an Uno card: +4 Zack, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you Shadowsan, trembling: What are we playing
Carmen: Dammit, Zack! Zack: What?! It wasn’t me! Carmen: Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, Ivy! Ivy: Not me either. Carmen: Oh...Then who set the house on fire? Shadowsan: whistles
Vlad: You should really cover your webcam with something, what if someone's watching? Boris: Huh, really? I probably have a sticker or something if that would do. Vlad: Sure, sure- Vlad: ...Why do you have a sticker of me? Boris: Oh, it's just one of the spares. Vlad: ...Spares?
Boris: *running towards Vlad with open arms* Vlad: *moves out of the way* Boris: Hey, why'd you move?! Vlad: I thought you were going to attack me. Boris: I was going to hug you! Vlad: Why would you hug me? Boris: WHY WOULD I ATTACK YOU!?
Boris: As top in this relationship, I think we should- Vlad: I can't believe you're pulling rank on me.
Boris: Cheers to our new "YAKT". Vlad: the "c" is silent. Boris, staring out at the horizon: Yes, it's very tranquil. You're right.
Vlad: Wow, Boris, you want to hold my hand before marriage? How awfully lewd of you. Boris: We literally slept together yesterday. Vlad: That's NOTHING compared to the lewdness of holding hands.
Hacker: Remember, when burying a body, make sure to cover it with endangered plants so it’s illegal to dig up! Hacker: Make sure to follow me for more gardening tips!
Ivy, seeing a banana on the car seat: What the FUCK?? Ivy, buckling the banana up: Fucking buckle UP, it’s the LAW!
Zack: Well, needless to say. Uh-oh Spaghetti-os.
Zack: Wait, if baby oil dissolves condoms, what does it do to babies? Shadowsan: Believe it or not, babies and condoms are made of different materials. Carmen: It’s like rock paper scissors. Baby oil defeats condom, baby defeats baby oil, condom defeats baby. Ivy: Rock also defeats baby.
Chase: I am a responsible adult! Julia: raises brow Chase: I am an adult.
Ivy, grinning: Before you were what? Julia: Before I was- Ivy: What? Julia: Before I was inter- Ivy: Before you were interrupted? Julia: Cut me off one more time and I swear I'll- Ivy: What? Julia: makes frustrated sound Shadowsan, nervously: Stop that. Before they hurt you.
Ivy: Where are you going? Hideo: To either get ice cream or commit a felony. I'll decide on the way.
Shadowsan: I only have two emotions: exhaustion and stress. And I’m somehow always feeling both simultaneously.
Chase: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming? Shadowsan: Can everyone in this godforsaken group please learn the skill called "Think Before You Speak"? Ivy: Ya know… it might be.
Zack: I was going to suggest we do Marilyn Monroe and JFK roleplay, but I’d get way too into it. Dash Haber: What- how? Zack: You’d be like “come to bed … Mr. President” and I’d be like, “I need to increase the amount of American military advisors in South Vietnam by a factor of 18.”
Young Shadowsan: I am a ninja. Young Hideo: No, you’re not. Young Shadowsan: Did you see me do that? Young Hideo: Do what? Young Shadowsan: Exactly.
Young Hideo: Suhara-kun, you're testifying in an aggravated assault case tomorrow, and the D.A. is worried about how you'll present yourself on the stand. Young Shadowsan: Why? I'm fine on the stand! flashback to Testimony #1 Young Shadowsan: Look, I'll make this real simple so even these dumdums can understand. Young Shadowsan, to the jury: MAN DID CRIME. flashback to Testimony #2 Young Shadowsan: I'm sorry, could you make her stop doing that weird thing with her face? Defense Attorney, next to the crying defendant: …Crying? flashback to Testimony #3 Young Shadowsan: And when this is over, I'm gonna find you and I'm gonna break those little fingers. Judge: Could the witness please stop threatening the stenographer?
Zack: Ivy, I screwed up, big time. Ivy: Zack, given your daily life experiences, you’re gonna have to be more specific.
Shadowsan: Zack is forbidden from monologuing.
Shadowsan: Turns on the kitchen light Zack: Sitting at the table, eating bread Shadowsan: It’s four in the morning. Zack: Turn the light back off.
At a zoo Zack: What are they in for? Player: Zack, this isn't prison. Zack: So they can leave? Player: No, but- Zack, pointing at a meerkat: I bet that one murdered someone.
Young Shadowsan: Fight me! Young Hideo, standing behind them and holding a knife: mouths Do not.
Shadowsan: What’s sexting? Ivy: I'm not having this conversation with you.
After picking Zack up from Denny's Shadowsan: I should've left you on that street corner where you were standing. Zack: But ya' didn't!
Shadowsan: Did it hurt when you fell- Chase: From heaven? Wow, I didn’t think you were such a flirt- Shadowsan: No, I meant when you fell down the stairs. Chase: … Shadowsan: You just laid there for 15 minutes.
Carmen: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Zack will and will not eat. Player: Grass? Yes! Carmen: Moss? Yes!! Player: Leaves? Ohh, yes! Carmen: Shoelaces? Strange but true! Player: Worms? Sometimes! Carmen: Rocks? Usually nah. Player: Twigs? Usually! Carmen: Ivy's cooking? Inconclusive! Julia: How did you… test this? Carmen: You just hand them stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if he eats it, he eats it. Julia: … I don’t know how to feel about this. Ivy: IS THAT WHERE ALL MY SPARE SHOELACES WENT?
Chase: I’ve been here in jail so long I think I’ve lost my mind. Chase: The days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months. Chase: How long have I been in here now? Almost a year? Shadowsan: This is Monopoly.
Carmen: Holding up a picture of a seemingly young anime girl WHO IS SHE?! IS SHE TWELVE?! Player: No! She's a thousand years ol- Carmen: Plays the reverse card on Uno Online Player: NO! NOOOOOOOOOO-!
Zack: There is no i in happyness… Chase: There is if you fucking spell it right.
Roundabout: That's not funny. Dr Bellum: I thought it was funny. Roundabout: You don't count. You started laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme you saw on Facebook.
Prof. Maelstrom: What do we say when life disappoints us? Countess Cleo: Called it! Prof. Maelstrom: No.
Dr Bellum: Can you name a single city in Oklahoma? Coach Brunt: Oklahoma City, bitch!
Dr Bellum: Look, I know we don’t always see eye to eye but— Coach Brunt: That's because you're too short to do so. Dr Bellum: …Listen here you fucking—
playing twister Coach Brunt: Right hand red. Countess Cleo: ends up on top of Dr Bellum Dr Bellum: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? Coach Brunt: I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't notice.
Prof. Maelstrom: Is it still visible? Where Lady Dokuso slapped me? Roundabout: Your face looks like a don't walk signal. Coach Brunt: Your face looks like a photo negative for the hamburger helper box. Countess Cleo: A palm reader could tell Lady Dokuso's future by looking at your face. Dr Bellum: The phrase 'talk to the hand cause the face ain't listening' doesn't work for you, because the hand is your face. Prof. Maelstrom: …A simple 'yes' would've sufficed.
Dr Bellum, to Countess Cleo: We had a date! Dr Bellum: aggressively points to Hello Kitty Coloring Book
Roundabout: So, how long have you and Countess Cleo been together? Lady Dokuso: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Countess Cleo and I are not together. No. No. Roundabout: Really? Sixteen ‘nos’? Really?
Coach Brunt: Gunnar told me that brown is just navy orange, and I have never been more disappointed with something I agree with.
Tigress: I know you love them. El Topo: I am not in love with Jean-Paul! Tigress, staring at El Topo: I never said who… El Topo: realizes El Topo: Shit. Well, anyways-
Hacker: Uhh.. Mime Bomb just asked if we want to… Hacker: “Fell the mighty before their time and display their carcasses in our homes?” Neil the Eel, not even looking up from their phone: They’re asking if you wanna cut down Christmas Trees. Hacker: Oh, that makes more sense.
Tigress, working at McDonald's: Sorry sir, we don't serve a McFuck here, so either you throw that one slice of pickle out or we're gonna have a McProblem.
Paper Star: Hey guys, what are your favorite kinds of pudding? Tigress: Pudding deez nuts in your mouth? Is that what you were about to say? Do you gain joy from tricking your innocent cohorts? What if I actually wanted to tell you about my favorite pudding?
Hacker: I have a problem. Tigress: Kill it. Hacker: Can you chill for like, two seconds?
Paper Star: Why are you wearing glasses? Neil the Eel: Errr…reading…? Paper Star: Reading? Paper Star: I didn’t know you could read.
El Topo: Can you please just apologize to Neil? Le Chevre: Fine, but I have to warn you that this may make me a nicer, better person and that is not who you feel in love with.
Carmen: What's an orgasm?
Ivy: When you fold paper to look like birds and shit.
Zack: That's oregano bitch.
Player: Sorry I was late I was zoomed in on Google Maps following a river from source to mouth.
Player and Carmen are texting
Player: You're only gonna catch feelings and get hurt
Carmen: But she's. So funny
Player: So are clowns. Do you see me texting Chuck E Cheese everyday
Zack: I don’t remember that. Chase: Do you remember that night last week when you slept in a revolving door? Zack: …No. Chase: Okay, do you remember when you were chased by those wild dogs for two miles? Zack: Not especially, no. Chase: It was in between those two things.
Carmen: Make no mistake. Not only am I party rocking, but I am also in the house tonight. Ivy: But are you shuffling? Carmen: Everyday. Shadowsan: What language are you two speaking??
Brotherly Bickering going on here
Shadowsan: I intend to stay pissed at you forever. Shadowsan: Even if I seem helpful. Hideo: Then you're in luck. Hideo: Because you don't.
Zack: I love cooking breakfast. It makes the whole house smell like bacon. Shadowsan: That’s true, but it also smells like fire and panic. Zack: You and the smoke detector need to get off my case.
Zack: Why do you act like we’re three year olds? Shadowsan, exasperated: WHY?!? Shadowsan points at Ivy: YOU TRIED TO HYJACK A CAR! Shadowsan points at Chase: YOU NEARLY JUMPED 20 FEET OFF A CARPARK! Shadowsan points at Zack: AND YOU ATE MULTIPLE DRIED LEAVES AND ROCKS OFF THE GROUND! Shadowsan: AND YOU ASK ME WHY????
Zack: Reverse tooth fairy where you leave money under your pillow and the tooth fairy comes and leaves you a bunch of teeth. Ivy: Why? Zack, shaking a bag of teeth: Just because.
Shadowsan: What's this? Chase, hugging Shadowsan: Affection! Shadowsan: Disgusting. Shadowsan: …Do it again.
Maelstrom: That's a nice arguement, Brunt. Why don't you back it up with a source? Brunt: My source is that I made it the fuck up!
Maelstrom: Time sensitive question how flirt boy. Saira: Throw rocks at he. Brunt: Hot Dogs. Cleo: Kill him. Maelstrom: Thanks guys.
Boris: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos- Vlad: I wrote you a poem. Boris, already crying: You did?
Boris: Wow, they really hate us. Vlad: Yes, perhaps they’re homophobic. Boris: But we’re not gay, Vlad. Vlad: Boris: Vlad: We’re not?
Zack: Two bros! Zack: Chillin' in a hot tub! Zack: Zero feet apart 'cause we're GAY AS FUCK!
Dash: I want to kiss you. Zack, not paying attention: What? Dash: I said if you die, I wont miss you.
Dash walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: Zack, I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK. Zack, sipping coffee happily: I love you too :)
Neil : Mimebomb and I are no longer friends. Mimebomb, Signing: NEIL THAT IS THE WORST WAY TO TELL PEOPLE THAT WE’RE DATING!
Neil and Mimebomb are in Paris. Neil : I'm…moved. I…I don't know what it is I'm feeling right now. I feel…destiny? Mimebomb, Signing: But… Neil : I don't know what it is. I feel like… I just never thought I'd see it with my own two eyes. And here it is. It's just there. It's right in front of me, and… Mimebomb, Signing: This is what you wanted to see? The bridge from Inception? Neil : Yeah. Mimebomb, Signing: But the Eiffel Tower is behind us, babe. Neil : Yeah, but this is the bridge FROM INCEPTION. Mimebomb, Signing: Okay, alright.
AND THAT''S THE END. Or is it....?
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critical-birb · 1 month
Random things I feel people outside of Scotland should know about Scotland.
-Kilts are formalwear. You only wear that kinda thing to like - weddings and funerals and stuff usually, maybe a fancy party. You wear a sporran with a kilt, it's like a little pouch that's usually fuzzy.
-If you live in Edinburgh/Glasgow/Aberdeen you probably hate bagpipes because everywhere you go there's buskers with bagpipes. They just....appear. you'll be trying to work your 9-5 and suddenly there's a bagpiper on the corner by the office and for the next six hours you have to listen to it. There is only one song that is played on the bagpipes and it gets real repetitive real fast.
-I am ruining the joke for everyone but as an autistic person who would be super confused by this unspoken rule in another country I need to share - literally everyone in Scotland will try to convince you as a foreigner that the wild Hagis is a real animal that lives in the Highlands. Every single museum has a Haggis exhibition with like a weird taxidermy animal that's usually a mash up between like a hedgehog and a bird or something. People will, with a straight face, talk to you about how they were hunted to near extinction. Zoos and safari parks will have empty exhibits with signs saying there is wild Hagis living in there hiding. This is the most widely known Scottish joke that literally every Scottish person is in on.
-Haggis is lamb, fat and oats boiled in a sheeps stomach with a bunch of spices. It's unironically good actually if you give it a chance. It's basically fatty spiced meat.
-Other popular foods in Scotland include Cullen Skink, which is a rich cream based soup with potatoes and fish. Black pudding, a sausage made with blood - great for iron deficiency. White pudding, a sausage made from oats, grains, herbs and spices. Stovies, which is basically potatoes/onions/meat boiled together and usually eaten with bread, Neeps and tatties which is mashed potato and sweed. We are also known for deep frying anything, any corner shop chippy will deep fry a chocolate bar for you. Somehow we are obsessed with sugar and fat but at the same time we also put salt on our porridge.
-A Ceilidh is a group dance - a similar concept to square dancing if you're in the US. Except a lot more violent. Someone will usually briefly teach everyone the steps and then you are thrown into chaos and the music gets faster and faster. Someone will inevitably be thrown into you at high speeds and you will break a bone. It's extremely fun. Often done to accordion music. Lots of larger pubs do ceilidh nights you should go to one if you can, it's good if you go alone because they only work with an even number of people and 99% of the time they're begging for a single person to join to make up the numbers. You'll make a lot of drink friends and possibly get vomited on as you're thrown around at high speeds and kicked in the shins laughing like a loon.
-The more North you go the less you will understand people. I'm from Edinburgh and live near Glasgow and for the fuck of me I can't understand a word anyone says here. I went to Aberdeen once and I swear they were talking gibberish. They felt the same about me. The dialects are too strong.
-We also have a rich history of language including Gaelic and Doric and a few others. Scots is what you probably think of when you think Scottish people - it is technically its own language but is very similar to English just with lots of different terminology. Our native languages like Gaelic were outlawed by England when they colonised us and it's only in recent decades we have started to try to reclaim them.
-We dislike England. Don't ever call a Scottish person 'British' rather than Scotish, it opens up a whole can of worms I am not about to go into right now.
-Iron Bru (the bright orange soda that tastes like a candy store) is more popular than Cola here. Scotland is the only place worldwide where Coke isn't the most popular carbonated beverage. Iron Bru is the lifeblood of Scotish people and it is literally everywhere.
Anyway there's your Scotland facts of the day
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morp · 2 months
Why did the chia pudding yogurt combo replace my cravings for ice cream what is Going On
Edit nvm its the vitamin d deficiency
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A Kinder World AU- Part 7
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Luzu’s House
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1) The main entrance to Luzu’s house is actually only accessible from the water and that’s wholly intentional. Although the man loves guests (the ones that are polite anyway) he is very happy to troll people too. Having five or six row boats crowded in front of his door always makes him giggle when it comes time to invite people over for tea, coffee, and brownies. The reason he has his door so close to the water, however, is to make it easier on himself to get home. As a fisherman, he’s often out on the water for long hours, and as Luzu, he tends to stay out far later than is considered healthy. Sometimes, when time slips away from him, he’ll stay out all night to fish by the light of a lantern, only coming home when the sun rises. Having a potassium deficiency doesn’t help matters, as some of his symptoms during flare-ups including irregular heartbeat, brain fog, muscle weakness, and at its worst, disorientation and mental regression. On such days, having his bed be only a few ladder rungs away rather than a full walk down the pier is a necessity.
2) Luzu is a gentle, sleepy soul and he will sometimes take a day off to pull his boat up onto the sandspit under his house and nap there for a time. Tilin, who he often babysits, loves to join him and the child will happily snuggle into his sweater for a nice afternoon siesta. Luzu never comments on it but he always remembers his dreams, which often depict the past with alarming accuracy. Perhaps the trait is to make up for the memories that are lost when his mind slips away from him, who knows? Only Tilin is there to witness his nightmares and they’ll never tell.
3) Luzu’s house is of fairly standard make and model and was given to him for a reduced price by Vegetta due to their long-running friendship that dates back to their high school days. The first floor consists of a small bathroom, a combined living space and kitchenette, and his bedroom, with a small study on the second floor that he’s since refurnished into a second bedroom. He’s a fairly decent cook and is happy to provide for his guests but for himself, he often cooks things with bananas in them. Banana pudding, banana ice cream, banana bread, bananas on toast, bananas in his cereal- he works hard to get enough potassium in his diet to mitigate the worst of his deficiency. Children like Tallulah and Bobby don’t mind this quirk of his, but not everyone is so happy to open his fridge for a snack and see a wall of banana-filled foods looking back at them. Dapper is probably the only child in town that’s never stayed with Luzu and the bananas are a not insignificant part of that.
4)  The second level of Luzu’s house sees an ever-rotating panel of guests ranging from drunken adults (Quackity) to grieving parents (Maximus) but the most likely resident of his second bedroom is gonna be under the age of fourteen. Given Quackity’s sometimes lax parenting and the desire from some of the parents to have an off day, it’s not uncommon for Luzu to stash a kid in his second bedroom for a sleepover until things improve for everyone involved. He rarely minds so long as the kid in question is polite and doesn’t outright try to prank him, but if the child is naughty he’s all too happy to prank them right back. Luzu is the first one to break out the water guns, as he did during the summer at the start of the narrative, and the last to have a word in any argument he’s involved in if he can help it. The man may always have a smile but he’s vicious with the peanut butter and banana peels.
5) Luzu’s light is always on. Always. Rain, shine, snow or storm, Luzu’s light is a beacon both for himself and for anyone lost in need of a calm place of respite from the world. Even at his most delirious, Luzu has engrained it into his soul to follow the light and it will lead him home- and it seems others have followed this method as well. People go to Roier when they’re ready to solve their problems, or go to Rubius is they need someone to give them unbiased advice. Luzu simply listens, and sometimes, that’s a body needs. A silent boat carries a troubled mind to his door in the middle of the night and he’ll be there with a beer and a patient smile, ready to hear whatever a person needs to say in order to feel better. Such late night confessions mean that Luzu always has a handful of secrets he keeps close to his chest, but he’s good at that- he has a few secrets of his own, too.
(For those of you wondering, Arin is indeed a product of Luzu’s potassium deficiency and he’s 100% a thing in this AU. And potassium deficiencies are scary things and can very much cause things like Arin to pop up, my grandma has a deficiency and when she doesn’t take her supplements, she apparently starts talking and acting like a child. Freaked her husband out the first time it happened and they took her to a hospital asap, eesh.)
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If you thought I was done, think again!/lh Can you answer #14 for Solara and all the Fuelara kids?
:wah: Oh my, what a horror :P /j, lh
I actually did answer for Solara! But I'll just copy/paste the answer
14) What are some of your OC’s comfort foods?
She’s someone who eats to live, so to say, so eating isn’t a source of comfort for her. (And she would go as far as to say that she doesn’t particularly enjoy eating to begin with, it’s just a necessity). But this doesn’t mean that she couldn’t develop cravings, since a craving is a body’s way of telling that there is a deficiency of something. However, she sometimes indulges in a good steak tartare, a beef roast, a hot cup of tea, or a soda. It depends on the time, the mood, and the situation. (As said, cravings can be something else too)
During the winter, one of the dishes that will surely bring a smile to his face is a beef stew, where the meat is so tender that it could be cut with a spoon, and in the pot there would be some potatoes, carrots, rosemary, thyme and cranberries (along with other ingredients ofc). During summer he would love a berry sorbet! Something like raspberry or strawberry.
She loves smoked salmon. There was a time where she would only want to eat that, and was rather fussy about it. So, in a creamy soup, served with a side of potatoes, as it is, or in a casserole. As long as it had smoked salmon, she was all for it. And she would argue that it works during all seasons (because it does).
It depends. Because she does enjoy a good steak, since it reminds her of all her "fun" "adventures" with auntie Mereo, where they would eat primarily meat they hunted themselves. But, if she's feeling particularly homesick, or would be in need of comfort, she would ask for some vanilla pudding. (And yes, it would take quite a lot of her wanting to admit that she'd want such a mellow dish, because her spice tolerance is high, and vanilla pudding is such a "soft" dish!) It's a well guarded secret of hers, but her family knows. ;)
Thank you for the question!!
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Merlin's Merry Marriages
A story written for @hinnyfest for 6 Nov. Prompt: "You are speaking about my future wife/husband. Be more respectful".
Story - Read on AO3 here. Many thanks to @turanga4, @hinnyfied, and the fine folks at @thethreebroomsticksficfest for fun and inspiration.
Full story below:
The day after their engagement announcement was published in The Daily Prophet, Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley received no less than 37 letters from wedding venues across the country, inviting them to tour their properties for what had been heralded as the “wedding of the century.”
Harry snorted at the pronouncement – it was only 2002, two years into the 21st century. He was perfectly happy with a Burrow wedding, which he’d always felt was his home away from home, but Ginny had other ideas.
Thus began a great search for the wedding venue that would witness the nuptials of Harry James Potter and Ginevra Molly Weasley.
They began at Merlin’s Mansion, a sprawling property with gardens to rival Queen Mary’s. Merlin’s Mansion was advertised as the “premier, luxury option for the finest in magical society.” Harry was immediately against the idea of being married there; their tour guide and possible event planner, one Pansy Parkinson, greeted them with the same familiar, pug-faced sneer Harry had almost forgotten. She haughtily explained that if the Potter-Weasley wedding were to take place there, it would be the first wedding of a “different” nature to be celebrated at Merlin’s Mansion.
“What does that mean?” Ginny asked, tightening her grip on Harry’s arm.
“Oh, you know,” Pansy said, smirking. “Merlin’s Mansion serves only the worthiest of magical society…your fiancé’s fame makes up for his…deficiencies.”
“Deficiencies?” Ginny screeched, stomping her foot angrily. “Excuse me?”
“Gin—” Harry began, but Ginny shook him off.
“You are speaking about my future husband,” she spat. “Be more respectful!”
Pansy’s eyes widened, feigning shock. She began a half-hearted apology, but Ginny cut her off.
“You and Merlin’s twats can shove it up your arses. We’re not interested.” Ginny took Harry’s hand and dragged him back to the front door, stomping angrily through the gardens, uncaring that they were trampling over prized plants.
“Wait!” a voice called from behind them. “Come back! Mr Potter! Miss Weasley!”
Harry tugged Ginny back. The tall, lanky figure of another one of his old classmates, Theodore Nott, was coming towards them.
“Wait!” he shouted. “Don’t go!”
“We’re not interested,” Ginny said flatly. “Merlin’s Massive Moron in there ruined it for us.”
“We have Morgana’s Manor,” Nott said, wheezing. “It’s smaller…cozier.”
“If you wanted our wedding, you wouldn’t have treated us this way,” Ginny said, her eyes blazing with the radiance of the setting sun. “It’s not about size, it’s about integrity.” She eyed Harry, who felt slightly uncomfortable at the mention of size, but without brooking any further input from the staff of Merlin’s Mansion or Morgana’s Manor, they set off for their next destination.
Camelot’s Corner was located on a generous plot of land in Bedfordshire. There were no extensive gardens or posh landscaping; what had once been an old Muggle farmhouse atop a hill had become a popular wizarding location for special occasions. According to their letter, Camelot’s Corner prided themselves on being the “reasonably priced option for the budget-conscious witch or wizard.”
Harry and Ginny were pleased with the location. With plenty of trees, the fall foliage would provide a lovely backdrop for their wedding pictures. Camelot’s Corner was large enough to host the dozens of guests they wanted to invite, but not as huge or ostentatious as Merlin’s Mansion.
Everything was going perfectly well, until they tried the food. Ginny didn’t seem to mind the dry roast or the flavorless potatoes. She didn’t seem to notice the lackluster mushy peas or even the inexplicably rubbery Yorkshire pudding. She winced slightly at the treacle tart, but Harry was outright offended at the offering.
“We are not having our wedding here,” he grumbled, spitting out a bite of tasteless, gritty treacle tart. “I’m not eating this.”
“But it’s pretty here,” Ginny countered, eyeing the trees longingly. “Mum could help with—”
“I’d rather be eating Kreacher’s maggoty Christmas present than this rubbish.”
Harry stood from the table, offended that anyone could ruin treacle tart so spectacularly, and walked out of the house at Camelot’s Corner, where he cast Aguamenti and let the water pour into his mouth directly from his wand tip.
“Really, Harry?” Ginny asked, with a hand on her hip.
“I did not die twice and come back to life for bad treacle tart,” he grunted, feeling his stomach convulse with what he was sure would become a mighty, painful bowel movement.
They took a quick break to relieve themselves and returned to their search early in the afternoon.
The next venue, Madam Rosmerta’s new, high-end wizarding restaurant in Diagon Alley, The Painted Porlock, looked quite promising. The food was outstanding, but the restaurant was small, and even with magical expansions, it would be too tight a fit for the Potter-Weasley wedding. The Weasleys alone would take up half the space.
The Galloping Gargoyle came next. It was right on the edge between Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley, which wasn’t entirely a problem, except for the cart outside the restaurant that sold the skulls of the game slaughtered for supper.
Neither Harry nor Ginny fancied the idea of being gifted with the skull of their dinner, a “perk” of booking their wedding at The Galloping Gargoyle, and so they politely declined before moving onto the next location.
As they moved through the list of venues, their options became worse.
A surprising amount of people had written to Harry and Ginny, offering their homes as wedding venues. While many were welcoming and kind, it became clear that their hosts either wanted an autograph from Harry (which he denied, unless children were asking for it) or from Ginny (which she always agreed to, but signed as Goonie Wazlib).
Near sunset, they approached Priamus’ Pigpen, a locale near Cambridge. Above the  pigpen was a sign that read: “You’re here to get married,” with the image of a pig in a bride’s dress on one side of it and a matching, tuxedo-clad groom pig on the other side. Below the sign, in rougher writing, read: “Name your wedding pig for only 10 Galleons!”
“Too bad Pigwidgeon’s already been taken,” Harry said wryly, watching Ginny roll her eyes.
“These are prize pigs,” the proprietor, a man called Harold, said in an accent that reminded Harry of Hagrid. “The lot o’ them. Ter die for.”
“And we get to choose our own?” Ginny asked. “That’s very important to us, that we get to choose our dinner.”
“’O course! Come here,” Harold said. He brought Harry and Ginny around to the other side of the pen, where many piglets were oinking and squealing loudly in the spring mud.
“They were born las’ month,” he continued proudly, gesturing at the piglets. “By October they’ll be fattened up real good an’ they’ll be ready. Yeh can pick one out if yeh like.”
Ginny’s eyes flew open. Harry stood next to her, holding her hand, mildly uncomfortable at the thought of choosing his dinner six months in advance.
“Harry, we can save one,” Ginny said quietly. “Want a pet—”
“Sir,” Harry said politely, “what else comes with the wedding package?”
Harold tucked his hand into his pocket and pulled out a grimy, bready blob. “One free sandwich. Just one!”
“I…” Harry stared blankly at the proprietor.
“Till death do yeh part,” Harold said wistfully. “'S a tradition in our family tha' when a couple gets married, they share a sandwich. I made this one today an' I'll save it fer your wedding day.”
“That sandwich is our,” Ginny shook her head lightly, “wedding sandwich?”
“Beautiful, innit? Bacon smoked jus’ this week!” Harold beckoned for Harry and Ginny to follow him into the kitchen, but the smells emanating from it were overwhelming.
“On second thought,” Harry said abruptly, “I’ve just remembered I’m Jewish. Can’t have any of this, I’m afraid.”
“Jewish?” Harold asked, surprised. “Is tha’ the one that likes cows?”
“Love them,” Harry replied, his lips and jaw twitching as he tried to keep his expression neutral. “If I could be an Animagus, I’d be a cow.”
Ginny leaned against him, shaking from laughter. They slowly extracted themselves from Priamus’ Pigpen, managing not to take a piglet home, and returned to their home to prepare for the last wedding venue.
“This one’s only accessible by broom,” Ginny said, pulling out the last letter. “Merlin’s Merry Marriages, for the couple on the go.”
“Fly-through weddings,” Harry read aloud. “Satisfaction guaranteed. Broomsticks not included.”
Ginny shrugged and grabbed her Firebolt, a gift from Harry upon becoming a Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies. Harry grabbed his, and the two went flying together towards Scotland.
They reached the Grampian Mountains, where the pamphlet directed them, until they saw the ring of blue light, indicating they were near.
“They do weddings on the spot!” Ginny called from her broom. “After today, I reckon—”
“Get married now?” Harry grinned at her, watching her flaming red hair fly behind her as they flew through the mountains. He would never know what he did to win Ginny’s heart, but he felt like the luckiest man in the world, thinking he might just be married tonight.
A figure emerged near the blue flames, dressed in resplendent purple robes, reminding Harry of Dumbledore. The long, white beard nearly made his heart jump in his throat, but it couldn’t be—
“Good evening and welcome to Merlin’s Merry Marria—”
“Luna?!” Ginny sputtered. “Is that you?”
“Oh, hello,” Luna said, pulling the fake beard down her chin. “Are you here to get married?”
“Luna, what are you doing here?” Harry asked, close enough that he could see her familiar, wide eyes and radish earrings.
“I’m here to help you get married, of course.” Luna pulled the fake beard over her chin and tapped her wand on her eyebrows, making them thick and white to match the beard.
“But Luna,” Ginny said, regaining her composure, “why? Why are you doing this?”
“Well, you see, people want to get married and I can marry them.” Luna spoke so matter-of-factly that Harry struggled to find anything intelligent to say.
“For an extra Galleon, I shall tell you of all my sordid, illegal marriages of ages past.”
Ginny dug into her pocket and gave Luna a Galleon, commenting, “We might not get married here, but will you tell us the tales?”
Luna beamed underneath the fake beard and began telling the tales of lovestruck vampires, fairy-werewolf romances, and even a troll who had fallen in love with a giant. Not a word she said was believable, Harry thought; however, Luna told the fantastical tales with a passion unlike any other.
“Are you ready to be married now?” Luna asked. “I always had you down to be married in the forest.”
Harry glanced sideways at Ginny. The only forest he knew of was the Forbidden Forest, and considering his history with the place, he thought that getting married among centaurs, Acromantulas, or even the old Ford Anglia was not in his best interest.
“You know what I just thought of, Harry,” Ginny said slowly. “That story about the poetic troll and fairy artist reminded me – what if we got married where your parents did?”
“Godric’s Hollow, you mean?”
Ginny nodded enthusiastically. “Then the Burrow for dinner?”
Harry felt his lips curl into a smile.  “I think coming here is just what we needed,” he said, turning to Luna. “Thank you.”
“Another happy couple,” Luna said, beaming brilliantly, as she rained down a shower of sparks over Harry and Ginny. “Merlin’s Merry Marriages wishes you a lifetime free of wrackspurts!”
Harry and Ginny flew back to their home in happy spirits. They’d investigate Godric’s Hollow the following morning, but Harry had a good feeling about it. They’d be married in his first home, and celebrate in what he considered his second home after Hogwarts. Though they wouldn’t choose their own pig – much less name it – at least Harry knew he’d have the feast of a lifetime from his future mother-in-law.
He couldn’t wait.
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odekiisu · 2 years
Anaemic dragons: a thought.
So both the dragons of Pern and other native Pernese fauna have green copper-based blood/ichor, whereas herdbeasts etc, being of Terran origin, have red iron-based blood.
This makes me wonder - can dragons who are fed mostly on red-blooded herdbeasts develop copper deficiency and anaemia as a result of that? Do dragonhealers suggest a diet containing at minimum a certain percentage of wherry meat to those who seem to be lacking in energy? Are there specific copper-rich concoctions that are fed to dragons recovering from injury and blood loss to help them recover quicker?
Furthermore: humans on Pern also eat wherries. Could copper poisoning from consuming eg too much wherry blood be an issue for them? (wait, were the humans also genetically altered for life on Pern? if so, an increased copper tolerance might be a thing.)
I can easily imagine healers developing the theory that red-blooded things fare better when being fed red-blooded food and vice versa for humans and dragons (and other carnivorous/omnivorous animals). Equally, I can see eg cooks teaching their kids how you can make black pudding out of herdbeast blood but not out of wherry blood because anything more than a single bite of that will make you sick, or something.
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captainskylock · 1 year
Poem: How to bake a wedding cake.
I get asked to write people poems for their weddings. A lot. I'm starting to struggle to come up with original ideas, since the usual topics of love and commitment are beyond my ability to contribute any sort of original take. However: I can offer unbridled chaos and unrelenting horror. So this is my most recent work, written for my aunt's wedding back in April. Started and finished in the wee hours of that very morning, as is tradition.
So. It has come to this: the grandest mistake Volunteering to concoct a whole wedding cake Overselling my talents, a cuisinier fake And there is no recourse left now but to bake
But how can the unskilled prove they can shine? The same way as experts: just research on-line! I’ll soon find the secret, the day will be fine And all will be pleased when on cake they shall dine
Whole milk, and egg whites, and all-purpose flour Why this is easy, I’ll be done in an hour! Sugar and butter and nothing too sour- Wait, where’s the Wi-Fi? I’ve lost all the power!
I’ve already forgotten everything I just read! The wedding’s tomorrow! I’m filling with dread Show’s over, I’m done, I’m totally dead! The fearsome bride will be after my head!
No! I can manage, a capable man With reason and logic here at my command I have this cake licked, it’s fully in hand I’ll make it up as I go and it will be grand
I think there was… milk? My memory’s rough But I’ve only one pint, will that be enough? Well not to worry, substitution’s not tough I’ll scoop in the mayo, it’s just the right stuff!
Now it needs body, and here’s the corn flour No way that’s enough, so let’s search for more powder Some curry, some chilli, I’m sifting a shower More mustard and matcha! The flavour gets louder!
And… were there eggs? There’s none in the fridge So protein a la proxy shall be my new bid It’s round and it’s white, with a bit of a squidge… Yes that will be perfect! Toss in a few squid!
Which is sugar and salt? I just cannot see These pots are all labelled incompetently! “Pure Food Grade Fine Crystals, Citric Acid Kay-Gee” Well I have no clue, but looks sugary to me!
I think there was butter? But look! It is marred! By toast crumbs left strewn by an incautious card Emboldened, I feel that I’m quite avant-garde When I substitute butter with a great block of lard
Is wedding cake pudding? With fruit is it packed? These things one must learn as an auto-didact Well tomatoes are fruit. Now that is a fact! I’ll toss in a can, and that will be that!
And one final thing that will prove my proficience Vanilla to counter the flavour deficience But one bean will surely prove quite inefficient So in goes the bundle, now that is sufficient
And into the oven, scraped into a pile My gusto for baking surpasses this trial Passion means heat! So crank up that dial! Five hundred degrees and leave in a good while
I take up the spoon, I’ve never felt braver And put it to taste-bud to take in the flavour Growing ever light-headed the longer I savour And with cause unrelated my wakefulness wavers
A few hours in, I awake from my coma My culinary skill must be worth two diplomas As I realise that what once was a pungent aroma Has nicely burned off in a blazing corona
And next, to assemble, now the fires have fizzled Though the size of the cake has slightly shrivelled And the tall stacking layers continue to sizzle The shape is perfected and expertly chiselled
It needs decoration, that’s not my concern The family expert will cover the burns As for this challenge and all I have learned I cannot be stopped when the Internet spurns!
And next the wedding, the service, bouquet The drinks and the mingling, twee games of croquet At dinner a slice of my cake comes my way I politely decline, I put down for soufflé!
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terminaxshowtime · 10 months
do you often think about what would happen if the world was made of pudding?
well, firstly, the pudding-earth's mass would shrink very significantly (assuming the pudding-earth is the same size as the normal Earth). this would affect other factors such as the gravity of the planet, therefore a large amount of the pudding-earth's atmosphere would disperse. not only would this kill us all through oxygen deficiency; the sun's deadly rays would also kill us in an instant, among the many other problems this would cause with our moon and whatnot.
short answer; we'd definitely be dead. but i guess it could be tasty, so whatever.
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konveeart · 9 months
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I thought last year I made the Art Summary post in January but I played myself. Anyways, Happy New Year!
I figured in early 2023 that I have a difficulty differentiating "want" with "have to". It's a real piece of tangle that became alarmingly obvious in the last months, between end-September to spectacularly turn into an aggressively-flashing-sign in December. I found more balance than I ever have to this date in the first half and by losing it in the second I can confirm what made it work, which is a big win. I am entering 2024 determined, carrying my worries and feeling nervous, but I don't feel desperate. At least, not in art..! For the future.. the pov might heavily rely on my dopamine levels and Vitamin D deficiency.
I drew a lot this year! The difference between sketching and drawing/painting grows in my folders but I've consistently for 2 years kept a "warmup" folder which also grows with a satisfactory level of diligence and fun. I taught myself to draw decent hands (still struggling when they are closed or.. doing more things than fingers being spread-out to show "I am a hand"). I also did a lot of new things!
::Quick Summary
January: launched an enamel pin ks campaign || February: drew a lot of アキ天, zine work & made my first home-made sticker-sheets🍓|| March & April: chibi-style exploration, SK8 sticker-sheets, sketchbook challenge and campaigned another special-merch collaborative project (」*´∇`)」 || May: Convention time! ..and final zine work for the year ( ̄▽ ̄)ゞ || June & July: busy with the ks & packing orders || August: r e s t ♥ (with the best beans! I miss you all!!) || September: revisions, file-sorting, wrap-up commissions, picking up my projects again || October: online-shop run, comic-drafting, life gets busy || November: life is on fire, paperwork, learning to study (and succeeding) but getting tired, trying my best to keep on drawing!! || December: burnout caught up, Christmas cards give me life (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡, escaped to the mountains, pet a lot of cats
Thank you for an adventurous year 🌱 Wishing everyone all the best for the coming one ♥
Fun facts:
I've done a decent amount of work for myself and I plan on doing more! I keep having the difficulty of working out some boundaries for myself but it's improving.
This is not a resolution but if by the end of the year I have not sorted out my files, that's it I'm deleting them...! (bold statement)
Feb-Mar-April I discovered The Pudding Club and GOON and their music gave me so much energy! This is one of my favorite songs and makes me do a little dance every time I hear it~
What steadily led me to burn-out by December was denying myself wind-down time, daily, for four months (if not more). I remember feeling anxious in Jan - April for making so much work and still going. "Can it really be this good? Is this normal??". But the seedling sprouted and I took good care of it, despite my worries. I intend to keep taking care of it with more diligence. Sleep and food are necessities, and so is play.
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zaryathelaika · 2 years
Recipe: Dog Porridge
Posting this translated recipe from Finnish in English. If you appreciate the translation, please consider tipping via PayPal.
The recipe listed here is a derivative of a popular Finnish recipe of home-made dog food ”Yrjölän puuro” [trans. Finnish: “Yrjölä’s Porridge”] developed during the 1950s by J.A.U Yrjölä, a judge, a former Chairman of Finnish Kennel Club’s Board of Directors and a chairman of Suomen Rottweileryhdistys ry.
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Adapted from and with permission from the Rovaseudun Pystykorvakerho ry:
1 litre of water
1 ts of salt
1 dL of powdered milk
½ dL short-grain rice (eg. sushi rice, Arborio, or Nordic pudding rice)
½ dl whole pearl barley
½ dL whole millet groats
½ dL whole buckwheat groats (eg. kasha)
300 – 500 g ground pork and beef
2 — 3 carrots, grated
Grease the baking pan with margarine
Add a litre of water to the pan
Add salt and powdered milk
Add rice, grains, ground meat and grated carrots
Mix the ingredients in the pan
Place the pan in the oven and bake at 200°C for 1 ½ to 2 hours
Cool the porridge and place them aside in containers as single-serving portions
Freeze for later
1 L is 10 dL, 4.2 US cups or 34 fl. oz
1 dL is 100 mL, 0.42 US cup or 3.4 fl. oz
100 g is 3.5 oz
200°C is 392°F
This recipe is fairly easy to make and is a time-tested one. Yrjölä’s Porridge is one of the most popular recipes for dogs in Nordic countries and readily available in many grocery stores in the frozen or refrigerated sections for only a few dollars.
The nutrient profile for this one has not been translated yet, but nevertheless fairly easy one to make and can be adjusted.  During working season, it might be wise to have very fatty cuts; and during the off-season, lean cuts. The reason for using this recipe is because a previous dog did well with Acana for the first year and a half of his life before Champion Petfoods changed the formula as the result of the gluten-free or grain-free trend. The problem with the changes in ingredients is that he couldn’t digest starches from tubers such as potatoes and yams. Unfortunately, tubers are very common as binders in dog kibbles, and the brands which still use rice or other grains were difficult to come by or were low-quality. There are many more home-made recipes available in K9 Kitchen and Optimal Nutrition by Monica Segal. Familiarize yourself with the Association of American Feed Control Officials’s guidelines as well as European Pet Food Industry Federation and the National Research Council’s. Most recipes out there will lead to long-term deficiencies and owners won’t recognize the symptoms.
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ageofshadows666 · 2 years
(Adventure Time) Why Princess Bubblegum is a bad person:
1. She wants the Duke of Nuts arrested just because he stole her pudding (in which we learn he needs pudding because of his deficiency). She literally forced the poor guy into hiding just because she hates him.
2. When Bubblegum discovered the King of Ooo was going to officiate Tree Trunk’s wedding instead of her, she went completely bonkers and broke into the King of Ooo’s caravan. She interrupted the wedding when she could have waited.
3 . She brutally attacked the Fire Kingdom. First, she implanted a video camera inside Cinnamon Bun before allowing him to live in the Fire Kingdom. Then she had Ice King cool the kingdom’s core, putting the people of the Fire Kingdom in danger. She knew this would force Flame Princess into turning to her for help, and she convinced Flame Princess to show her the Sleeping Fire Giants. She proceeded to attempt to steal the sparks and then lied about it before her bag ripped. She then manipulated Flame Princess by provoking her and using her quick-to-anger personality against her, destroying all the Fire Giants except one. Even though Flame Princess isn’t a huge fan of Bubblegum, she had no intention of ever attacking the Candy Kingdom. By spying on the Fire Kingdom and stealing their weapons, Bubblegum could have started a war between the two nations. If it wasn’t for Flame Princess’ mercy, the Candy Kingdom might have been up in flames by now.
Yes, Bubblegum does care greatly about her people and will go to great lengths to protect them. But that does not justify her actions listed above.
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pacifymebby · 5 months
Have fun at Lidl bestie !⭐️
Oh man I'm already back I did such a chaotic menstruating shop 😭😭😭 it was just milk, those stupid chocolate protein puddings they do, raspberries and slices of beef and also diced steak hahaha it's giving iron deficiency
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originzz · 7 months
Chia Seeds vs. Pumpkin Seeds: Exploring the Nutritional Powerhouses
In the world of health-conscious eating, chia seeds and pumpkin seeds have emerged as two nutritional powerhouses, each boasting an impressive array of health benefits. These tiny seeds pack a punch when it comes to essential nutrients, making them popular additions to everything from smoothie bowls to salads. In this blog post, we'll compare chia seeds and pumpkin seeds, exploring their nutritional profiles, health benefits, and versatile uses.
Nutritional Content
Chia Seeds:
Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is beneficial for heart health.
They are an excellent source of fiber, providing both soluble and insoluble fiber, which can aid digestion and promote feelings of fullness.
Chia seeds are packed with antioxidants, including polyphenols and flavonoids, which help combat inflammation and oxidative stress in the body.
They are also a good source of protein, containing all nine essential amino acids, making them a complete protein source for vegetarians and vegans.
Pumpkin Seeds:
Pumpkin seeds, also known as pepitas, are a good source of magnesium, which is essential for bone health, muscle function, and energy metabolism.
They are rich in zinc, an important mineral for immune function, wound healing, and cell growth and division.
Pumpkin seeds are high in antioxidants like vitamin E, which helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
They also contain iron, which is vital for transporting oxygen in the blood and preventing iron deficiency anemia.
Health Benefits
Chia Seeds:
Heart Health: The omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds can help lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Blood Sugar Control: The soluble fiber in chia seeds slows down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, which may help stabilize blood sugar levels.
Weight Management: The combination of fiber and protein in chia seeds can help promote satiety and prevent overeating, aiding in weight management.
Hydration: Chia seeds can absorb up to 10 times their weight in water, forming a gel-like substance in the stomach that helps maintain hydration levels during exercise or hot weather.
Pumpkin Seeds:
Prostate Health: The zinc content in pumpkin seeds has been linked to prostate health, with studies suggesting that pumpkin seed consumption may help reduce the risk of prostate enlargement and improve urinary symptoms.
Immune Support: The combination of zinc, vitamin E, and antioxidants in pumpkin seeds supports immune function and helps protect against infections and illnesses.
Sleep Aid: Pumpkin seeds contain tryptophan, an amino acid that the body converts into serotonin and then melatonin, promoting relaxation and better sleep.
Mood Regulation: The magnesium content in pumpkin seeds plays a role in mood regulation and may help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Culinary Uses
Chia Seeds:
Chia seeds can be added to smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, or baked goods for a nutritional boost.
They can also be used to make chia pudding by soaking them in liquid until they form a gel-like consistency.
Chia seeds can be sprinkled on salads or used as a crunchy topping for avocado toast or fruit bowls.
Pumpkin Seeds:
Pumpkin seeds can be roasted and eaten as a snack on their own or added to trail mixes.
They can be sprinkled on salads, soups, or roasted vegetables for added crunch and flavor.
Pumpkin seed oil can be used in salad dressings or drizzled over roasted vegetables for a nutty flavor.
Both chia seeds and pumpkin seeds are nutritional powerhouses packed with essential nutrients and health benefits. While chia seeds are known for their omega-3 fatty acids and fiber content, pumpkin seeds stand out for their magnesium, zinc, and antioxidant content. Incorporating a variety of seeds into your diet can help diversify your nutrient intake and support overall health and well-being. Whether you sprinkle them on your morning smoothie or incorporate them into your favorite recipes, chia seeds and pumpkin seeds are delicious and versatile additions to any healthy diet.
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Pregnancy Cravings? Pick a nutritious bowl of makhana 
When we enter into the most important phase of our lives, It’s really important to eat the correct foods in a balanced way during pregnancy. Additionally, cravings for specific types of food tend to be more significant during than the entire meal. However, not every type of hunger is beneficial. So, if you’re desiring a quick snack like chips and crackers, go ahead and grab a bowl of makhana—it’s a lot healthier than chips and crackers when you’re pregnant. Makhana, sometimes referred to as lotus seeds or fouts, is a pregnancy superfood.Furthermore, the following explains why makhana is a superfood and a tiny nutrient powerhouse:
Pack of nutrients – Makhana is an excellent source of calcium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, vitamins, and amino acids. Controls blood pressure – It controls hypertension as it has high potassium and low sodium content. Controls diabetes – It has a low glycemic index so it’s even good for pregnancy with gestational diabetes. Good for digestion – It is rich in dietary fiber and strengthens the digestive system. women require a good amount of calcium during pregnancy for the healthy development of a fetus. Calcium deficiency is one of the common issues in pregnancy. To avoid this, consuming makhana in moderation is the key to healthy bones in pregnancy assuring healthy bones. Controls weight gain – Makhana is low in calories and has no unhealthy saturated fat, hence controlling the excessive weight gain during pregnancy. It provides the healthy weight gain for pregnancy. Energy booster – It’s an instant energy booster due to its high nutritional value. Boosts immunity – Makhana is rich in antioxidants boosts immunity and keeps the body healthy overall. Prevents pregnancy symptoms – It helps in avoiding morning sickness and nausea. Promotes good sleep – The alkaloids present in makhana prevent anxiety and insomnia during pregnancy and promote good sleep for a pregnant woman. So, to add more flavor and happiness to your pregnancy, consume your makhana in a variety of ways. Enjoy them as a dessert, or cook makhana raita and curry, roast them in ghee with salt and black pepper, or create makhana kheer and pudding. These are a few suggestions for a nutritious makhana diet that will support a healthy pregnancy lifestyle.
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