akasanata · 3 months
For the emoji ask game 🧃 and 🎲 :D
Thanks! :D
🧃 cold drink: most fruit juices but specially lulo and passion fruit. If going the unhealthy way, Pony Malta 😋
🎲 game: Dishonored. I've had an obsession with those games for years
Ask me
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consulting--defective · 2 months
I was tagged by @tavolgisvist, thank you very much! <3
Tagging five people I want to get to know better and who haven't been tagged yet.
@elafranco2024 @justpaulmccartney @fullmetalcarer @pullakori @ditnightingale
(if you want to).
Three Ships:
Actually I'm not that much of a shipper, but if I ever shipped anybody even remotely, it'd be Jim/Bones from Star Trek AOS and maybe Professor X/ Magneto from X-Men '97.
First Ship:
Probably Captain Future/Joan.
Last Song:
Build me up Buttercup by the Foundations. After the snippet in Get Back I so wanna hear Paul sing it.
Last TV show:
The Boys. Very cool.
Currently watching:
CSI New York
Currently reading:
Living the Beatles Legend by Kenneth Womack and a lot of fanfic.
Currently eating:
Milchschnitte (German Snack)
Currently craving:
Banana milk
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sun4ndmoon · 2 months
THIS!! It gonna be soooo amazing! Thatgamecompany has never failed me lol! That's why I keep coming back to Sky every summer whenever school is no longer a pain :D. Also, tagging @pullakori. Idk if you know the game but I think you would like this, especially since they base the event (or could it be a season?) on the story of "The invisible child".
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niivani · 2 years
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Ik heb in 2022 49 keer iets geplaatst
Dat zijn 5 berichten meer dan 2021!
18 berichten gemaakt (37%)
31 berichten gereblogd (63%)
Blogs die ik het meest heb gereblogd:
Ik heb 47 van mijn berichten getagd in 2022
Slechts 4% van mijn berichten had geen tags
#niivani posts - 15 berichten
#xmen - 10 berichten
#marvel - 9 berichten
#niivani draws - 8 berichten
#xmen fanart - 6 berichten
#ofmd - 5 berichten
#erik lehnsherr - 5 berichten
#magneto - 5 berichten
#cherik - 4 berichten
#young royals - 4 berichten
Longest Tag: 93 characters
#the man created entire worlds and languages! he basically wrote history books for his worlds!
Mijn populairste berichten in 2022:
No okay but Wilhelm coming back to school trying to get any reaction from Simon only to be met with cold distance (which is understandable) must have hurt him so much.
And then him seeing Simon with Markus and getting jealous must have hurt even more, so he confronts Simon about it, and Simon not completely willing to let go of Wilhelm yet tells him that yes they hang out but they are not together; giving Wilhelm the first glimpse of hope that they might yet reconcile.
Then him finding out that Simon and Markus are in fact together and Simon "lied" about it, seeing them kiss in public in school. That must have been especially heartbreaking...
So he doesn't know what to do with his heartbreak and decides to just try to suppress his feelings, and tells Simon that he's going to leave him alone so Simon and Markus can be together without him in the way. And Simon again not quite willing to let go of Wilhelm goes after him and initiates a kiss. Obviously Wilhelm took this as Simon saying "I want to get back together!" so he smiles and finally feels this weight of sorrow fall off shoulders. He's so relieved!
But then the next day when he runs into Simon again he's told that it was a mistake and he's the reason everything good in Simon's life gets taken away.
To be longing for someone and having them actively reject you at first, give you a glimmer of hope the next day, completely shatter that hope a week later only to overload you with new hope that feels so real this time, and then take away that hope again the next morning
False hope is such a shitty thing, especially when you realize your hope was false
Wilmon will be the death of me, truly ToT
58 notities - Geplaatst 2 november 2022
Some bean-ified X-men characters for y'all to enjoy 💖
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Het volledige bericht bekijken
63 notities - Geplaatst 3 augustus 2022
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It's been a while since I've posted art here... So I'm just posting these to catch up, these are a bit old but still fun ;)
111 notities - Geplaatst 28 juli 2022
Codenames: X-men edition
136 notities - Geplaatst 31 juli 2022
Mijn #1-bericht van 2022
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When Charles temporarily loses his telepathic abilities due to the flue, Erik decides to look up his symptoms online...
209 notities - Geplaatst 1 augustus 2022
Bekijk je jaaroverzicht van 2022 →
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crystallized-iron · 4 years
Hi! 10, 18 and 23 for the fic writer ask game, please
Writers Ask Game!
10. How do you stay motivated to finish what you’ve started?
Okay, this really goes for chaptered fics. A deadline. I think the only chaptered fics I’ve managed to finish so far have all been for big bangs. Anything else, I have no time limit for so I can put it off a little more... a little more... a little more...
How many months has it been?
18. What is your favorite writing prompt?
Something angsty. Something that can spark an idea so strong and so fast that I just keep writing and then post it to hear what I put the readers through lol
23. Long chapters or short chapters?
I try to be consistent at around 1k words for myself. I like longer chapters but sometimes a good ending point is a bit shorter.
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castielista · 4 years
rules: post the last line you wrote (from any WIP) and tag the same number of people as there are words.
I was tagged by the lovely @hellfre thank you!💕
Perhaps it had been the passage of time, and not Charles, that had tamed Erik after all.
Tagging (if you want to): @insertmeaningfulusername @pullakori @sareyen @turtletotem @fouraligments and whoever feels like doing it ;)
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hraishin · 4 years
(thanks for the tag @lyricfulloflight ❤️)
Rules: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch small animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see dawn / the smell of dust is comforting dust + gasoline mostly but also just dust/ i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love the chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north my dad and my brother can naturally do this but i had to work at it / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
tagging: @secretlymagneto, @queerneto, @pullakori, @crystallized-iron, @kindaresilient, @insertmeaningfulusername, @ikeracity, @himbomcavoy, @turtletotem!
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lavender-lotion · 4 years
Tagging game.
tagged by @lyricfulloflight & @pullakori & i thiiiink one more but i can’t find who :grimacing:
Rules: post the last line you wrote then tag as many people as there are words in the line.
It breaks his heart even more that that’s something Dad knows to do—he never wants to hurt his dad, but he’s been doing it inadvertently his entire life.
I am tagging: @4magicandmayhem, @belgianreader2, @elimaryholmes, @elledelajoie, @enchantedtalisman, @insertmeaningfulusername
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pullakori · 4 years
17 Questions
Thank you so much @crystallized-iron for tagging me! I wanted to do this the moment I saw this, but I had busy couple of days so I had to wait.
Nicknames: Here, you can call me Pulla. Pullakori is a nickname my best friend gave me when we were on second grade. Others are Jansu, possu (means piglet) and Janice.
Zodiac: Pisces.
Height: About 175 cm
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff!
Last thing I googled: (I use ecosia but...) “Bluebear animal crossing”
Song stuck in my head: None at the moment.
Number of followers: 7
Amount of sleep: 7 (again!) hours I think. Quite the average for me.
Lucky number: 2. It has had a constant presence throughout my life. 
Dream job: I still don’t know X’D 
Wearing: Hufflepuff T-shirt, old jeans I cut so now they are shorts and a green hoodie.
Favourite song: I’m not sure I have just one... But Carnival of Rust by Pooets of The Fall is one of them
Favourite Instrument: Harp. It’s soft and beautifull
Aesthetic: I really love cottage aesthetic.
Favourite author: I don’t really have one. I read lot of Rick Riordan as a teen though.
Favourite animal noise: Whale singing, it sounds magical.
Random: I want to study environmental sciences. Maybe I also find out what I want to do with my life XP
Still feeling tired, so if you see this and want to try it out, consider yourself tagged!
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akasanata · 12 days
Tagged by @lyricfulloflight, thank you so much! ❤️
Rules: List your five all-time favourite films and have people vote on which matches your vibe
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Tagging @pullakori @fullmetalcarer @brawlingdiscontent @oops-all-birbs @leafy-m @turtletotem
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akasanata · 2 years
I'm curious to hear some lyrics ( ╹▽╹ )
Thank youuuu!!! I should have warned you that most would be in Japanese 😅
From Lacrimosa by kalafina
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My translation attempt: I was born and fell here
I want to love without fear this world drenched in blood
send me ∞ and I’ll shuffle my music player and give you my favorite lyric from the song that comes up.
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crystallized-iron · 4 years
Fanfic reader ask meme, 1, 13, 14 :)
Hi, thank you for sending these! :D
1: are there any fics that you wanted to leave multiple kudos for, and were disappointed when you could only leave one?
There’s one by @lyricfulloflight that comes to mind right away. The Consequence of Hiding is amazingly written and just so beautiful. I wish I could have left a kudos at every chapter.
13: do you read author’s notes usually?
I think I mostly do, or at least skim through them. Depends on how old the fic is I think. Older ones I may be less likely to.
14: what’s your favourite AU setting?
I know the answer for writing, but reading? Hm. -actually checks bookmarks- Looks like I read quite a bit of Modern AU lol.
Thank you for these! It was fun!
Fanfic Reader Asks
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crystallized-iron · 4 years
For Fanfiction questions 6, 13, 19, 28 and 51, please. (Too many good questions here!) XD
You can ask me as many as you want, I don’t mind XD
Fanfiction Questions!
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
X-Men: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier (cherik)
Gundam Wing: Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Fruits Basket: Haru Sohma/Yuki Sohma
Cardcaptor Sakura: Sakura Kinomoto/Syaoran Li
Vampire Knight: Takuma Ichijo/Kaname Kuran
13. Any NoTPs?
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
The first one to come to mind is No More Chances. I think I never put this on tumblr because I felt this one was pretty dark and well, there’s a scene at the end where they’re holding each other, foreheads pressed together, and it would need to be that one. I’m not giving more detail than that in case anyone sees this and wants to read it. My only warning is definitely check the tags first. Maybe the end story notes too because that would spoil a possibly triggering thing about the end of the fic.
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
AO3 has the option of “Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings”. This DOES NOT EQUAL “None Of These Warnings Exist”. There’s a separate option for that. And I don’t think the writer is required to spoil it anywhere. Readers who see that warning on a fic should be cautious and if you don’t want to take the chance with it, then don’t.
“Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings” and “No Archive Warnings Apply” are two completely different things. Their meanings are not the same. Do not look at “Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings” and assume that none of the warnings are in the fic. And the writer is not required to put a note at the bottom of the page to reveal the possible warning(s).
Thank you for the ask!
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crystallized-iron · 4 years
Hey! ^-^/ How are you? The most resent ask meme, 5, 8 and 10.
Hi there! I’m doing pretty well, thank you!
5. Do you tell the people in your life that you write fics?
Most of my family knows that I write. My grandparents on my dad’s side are the only family members I’ve told about fanfic. They don’t judge but they want to read some of my writing and I’m kind of like ‘I don’t think it’d be kind of stuff you’d be interested in’.
8. What is a scene you wrote that you are most proud of?
Bite Me, chapter 15
His veins burned. So hot, so hot. Twisting and turning, he couldn’t find a way to relieve the pain. Cold. Bitter. So bitter. The blood still tasted so bitter in his mouth, in his throat, feeling like it sizzled on the way down.
What was happening to him?
Noise. He could hear a… a scream? Who was -
It’s me.
It was torture.
Am I… dying?
A dull sound came to him in the background of his hazy agony. It began as a vibrating hum, one he could feel all over his body. The vibration slowed to a constant quick pounding that echoed in his skull. As the pain began to lessen, the speed slowed more. Boom boom, boom boom, boom boom. Continuous thudding that pushed the poison through his body. His own heart.
The heat was cooling. He caught the whisper of fluid racing through a tube and realized it was his blood.
Outside the door that felt so far away were murmurs.
Muffled crying.
Whispered prayers.
He opened his eyes.
Every fine detail, every speck of dirt, every line in the wood, reflections on shiny surfaces; he could see it all.
Not right. Not right.
A new scent caught his attention and he quickly sat up.
How did he know? Everything in him alerted to the presence of a vampire close by, but how did he know?
I… I can smell them?
What happened?
He put a hand to his throat and found the new scar that sat so cleanly over Bucky’s.
“He bit me.”
Although his voice was low, he could hear intimidation and power behind it.
He rose to his feet, looking himself over. Stained and ruined clothes were seen first, but then his eyes froze on his own skin, looking so sickeningly pale.
Like Bucky.
Like… like Bucky.
He went to a reflective surface and opened his mouth to check his teeth, finding two sharp fangs.
He touched with his fingertip to be sure, pricking himself on the point.
The hand dropped to his side. His breath quickened to a rapid pace.
Nightmare. Please be a nightmare.
A long blink and nothing changed.
A sharp pinch and nothing changed.
“No. N-no.”
This couldn’t be happening. He couldn’t be a…
… a vampire.
Covered in his mother’s blood.
Like ‘my Maya’.
10. When you write fics, how much of canon are you willing to ignore/skip over?
I prefer going very AU in terms of plot. Characterization I try to stay closer. Lately I’ve been in the X-Men fandom and I try to get their personalities right, but the powers I tend to play around with.
In Hunt Me (possible spoilers here, skip ahead if you don’t want to know!), those that are vampires gain their powers after transformation. Sometimes you can gain similar powers from the one that transformed you.
In The Gifted they are born with gifts that will awaken at some point.
But they are definitely not set in the canon universe lol. Vampire AUs, Fantasy AUs... I will step closer to canon only for quick prompt fills.
Thank you for the ask!!
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crystallized-iron · 4 years
X-men ask 6, 10 and 22 ^-^/
6. What is your favorite mutation?
I really love Charles and the potential of what he is capable of doing, so I need to say Telepathy.
10. Do you have any characters you really dislike?
William Stryker. Seriously. The things he’s done...
22. What is your favorite movie?
Uhhh... Which do I like most between the two I’m thinking of... It’s between X-Men 1 or First Class...... First Class.
Thank you!!
X-Men Asks!
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crystallized-iron · 5 years
Not sure if I'm doing this right... but for the fanfic writer ask meme, J and V
Hey there! You did it correctly, no worries :)
J:  What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
I actually have trouble knowing what is and isn’t a trope. It’s something that I haven’t quite figured out, but maybe...
friends to enemies to lovers
I have a prompt fill that has potential for that, and it feels like a route I’ll be going in my current project (something about all that drama and just, yes)
Did that count?
V: Are there certain comments you’ve received on your stories that have stuck with you?
Yes, there are a couple specific ones when I started posting Promised Love on AO3 (it wasn’t on AO3 until I had like 10 chapters posted on tumblr because I was still debating on how far I would go with intimacy and wanted to tag it appropriately, then I had to play catch up)
I want to say this is the same reviewer, not signed in but using the same term as a name every time.
On chapter 8
I think this is one of the more realistic portrayals of a poly relationship. Steve and Bucky are both making an effort to get the other to be fair to Tony, but there are moments where they are honestly like "whatever, we should just enjoy ourselves". Even Sarah does that weirdly enough where one moment she is all empathy and the next "Anthony should suck it up we dealt with Howard's death years ago!" as if the orphan's feelings wouldn't be deeper when he's left without family and support (that was kind of rude of her, but at least Steve called her on it and then she went back to Mama bear for Tony too.
I don't know, I think this portrayal is more honest and healthy as well. I've read some poly's where Tony just takes whatever he can get and has to make all of the sacrifices because he comes into the relationship later--and that's not healthy no matter what anyone says. So I hope you avoid Tony giving too much and the others consistently taking. It seems like you're off to a good start since they are all willing to call each other out on it.
On chapter 11
They are way aware of Tony, and I really appreciate that. A lot of poly fics seem to excuse being callous and favoring one partner over another as natural when a pair is inviting (or forced to invite) a third into the mix. That is really unhealthy. If a pair can't make an honest, heartfelt attempt to include a third equally at the get go then they shouldn't even try. I'm not saying that it's possible, but that doesn't mean that they should excuse the behavior when they see it happening. It's cruel and belittling.
These comments really let me know I was doing something right with my portrayal of stuckony, and this is an arranged marriage AU. I write a lot of fantasy and things but I do try to be realistic with the characters as much as I can.
I still think back to these comments every now and then and wonder what happened to that reader. They might be wondering why I haven’t finished yet. Woops.
Thanks for the ask!
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