pombomb · 5 months
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dood1e-bug · 11 months
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Finally made a clean ref for her
also a little hand holding UuU
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swagginton-art · 9 months
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Play Cassette Beasts
Anyways, here's my attempt a Cassette Beast sona, a fusion of Thwackalope and Puppercut
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charulein · 4 months
I've been enjoying Cassette Beasts so much!!! Started playing it a few days ago and it's really goooooooood!!! The ost slaps so hard and I just love the premise????
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smaiart · 8 months
we were looking at the cassette beasts tag, and you designed three of our favorite monsters‽‽‽‽
also we got a plant type puppercut and their one of our favorite owned tapes now
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southpaw is awesome, the word itself has always been one we enjoyed and the beast is even better :3
freaking awesome!!! happy to know you like southpaw's design! thanks so much ;u; 💙
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skyistheground · 3 months
give/kin assign the ISAT gang cassette beasts,,
i didn't explain my choices in that post because orion knows the game so i will explain them here
i gave siffrin scarleteeth because it's previous form, littlered because it's hooded, cat-like (i personally really associate them with red) and most importantly, it has potential. potential for both good and bad. and we all know where siffrin went. scarleteeth is the more monstrous remaster of littlered. if i made a crossover i think that siffrin's tape would remaster into this in a smiliar (energy wise) vibe to act 5 breakdown
i don't think they're fucked up forever though. permanently changed but it can get better
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(sorry in advance for no story details beyond this because i don't actually know what a crossover would be like but MAYBE i'll start thinking)
mirabelle got miasmodeus because the first stage, candevil, is one of the two starter beasts in the game. gives me a "chosen one" energy, and candevil (+ the other one. which i will talk about with loop) is said to be really rare. miasmodeus is fun and whimsical which i think fits her outward personality. as a beast, miasmodeus is capable of a good range of attack and support, which reflects her role in fights. it's very cute and she deserves to be cute
southpaw is a boxer which out of all the beasts fits isabeau's fighting style the best. southpaw is the remaster of puppercut, who is described as being very shy and weak, which reminisces me of how isabeau described himself before. changing (let's go transgenders). more confident self who is very charismatic
odile fit triphinx imo because it's slow and powerful. though honestly thinking she could specifically have a bootleg one (what type. i don't know). but bootleg because they are generally stronger and have more/different coverage. also she is cool like that
bonnie gets padpole because it's cute and also eventually remasters into a bigger frog called liligator with huge fists that hurt really bad if they hit someone (for like. an older bonnie). the padpole line is mainly for support moves (is how i used it, anyway. liligator is one of my favorite guys) with occasional damage
loop gets ramtasm. which is one of the final remasters for bansheep, the other starting guy. ramtasm is very ethereal and also has a special type, astral type, which is a starry-universy "element". in sasasap loop's sort of lack of significance wasn't as emphasized so i figured a starter would be ok
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decibelcoatl · 4 months
Monsters of Cassette Beasts and Gender Ratios - A Personal Headcanon
So I'm more or less halfway through Cassette Beasts (the main game, at least, still have yet to reach post-game so NO SPOILERS), and I've had this running through my head for a while now. Even though there are no genders at all, I still wanted to put in some genders of my own anyway just because I can.
Please not that these are all my own personal opinions, so take it all with a grain of salt if you will. Additionally, I did not include any monsters from the Pier of the Unknown DLC, as I have not gotten around to getting it yet. Fret not, however, for once I do get the DLC, I will make sure to update this ASAP.
Full list under the cut below.
#001-#005 (Springheel, Hopskin, Ripterra, Snoopin, Scampire): 75% male, 25% female
#006-#010 (Carniviper, Masquerattle, Jormungold, Mardiusa, Aeroboros): Mardiusa is female-only, while the rest are 50% male and 50% female
#011-#013 (Traffikrab, Weevilite, Lobstacle): 50% male, 50% female
#014-#018 (Candevil, Malchemy, Miasmodeus, Vendemon, Gumbaal): 12% male, 88% female
#019-#023 (Bansheep, Wooltergeist, Ramtasm, Zombleat, Capricorpse): 88% male, 12% female
#024-#025 (Sirenade, Decibelle): 25% male, 75% female
#026-#027 (Dandylion, Blossomaw): 50% male, 50% female
#028-#029 (Macabra, Folklord): 50% male, 50% female
#030-#033 (Dominoth, Wingloom, Mothmanic, Tokusect): 50% male, 50% female
#034-#036 (Squirey, Manispear, Palangolin): 50% male, 50% female
#037-#038 (Kittelly, Cat-5): 50% male, 50% female
#039-#040 (Puppercut, Southpaw): 50% male, 50% female
#041-#044 (Bulletino, Velocirifle, Artillerex, Gearyu): 50% male, 50% female
#045-#046 (Diveal, Scubalrus): 50% male, 50% female
#047-#048 (Nevermort, Apocrowlypse): 50% male, 50% female
#049-#050 (Clocksley, Robindam): Male-only
#051 (Thwackalope): 50% male, 50% female
#052-#054 (Allseer, Khufu, Triphinx): Gender unknown
#055-#056 (Braxsuit, Flapwoods): 50% male, 50% female
#057-#058 (Sanzatime, Fortiwinx): 50% male, 50% female
#059-#060 (Salamagus, Pyromeleon): 50% male, 50% female
#061-#062 (Muskrateer, Ratcousel): 75% male, 25% female
#063-#065 (Padpole, Frillypad, Liligator): 50% male, 50% female
#066-#068 (Elfless, Grampus, Faerious): 50% male, 50% female
#069-#070 (Brushroom, Fungogh): Male-only
#071-#072 (Boltam, Plasmantler): 50% male, 50% female
#073-#075 (Busheye, Huntorch, Hedgeherne): 50% male, 50% female
#076-#077 (Terracooka, Coaldron): 50% male, 50% female
#078-#079 (Stardigrade, Galagor): 50% male, 50% female
#080-#081 (Mascotoy, Mascotorn): Gender unknown
#082-#083 (Binvader, Binterloper): Gender unknown
#084-#085 (Twirligig, Kirikuri): 50% male, 50% female
#086 (Jellyton): 50% male, 50% female
#087-#088 (Spirouette, Regensea): Female-only
#089-#091 (Jumpkin, Beanstalker, Draculeaf): 50% male, 50% female
#092-#095 (Pawndead, Skelevangelist, Kingrave, Queenyx): While Pawndead and Skelevangelist are both 50% male and 50% female, Kingrave is male-only whereas Queenyx is female-only
#096-#097 (Burnace, Smogmagog): 50% male, 50% female
#098-#099 (Faucetear, Fountess): 25% male, 75% female
#100-#101 (Cluckabilly, Rockertrice): 75% male, 25% female
#102-#103 (Pondwalker, Sharktanker): 50% male, 50% female
#104-#105 (Pombomb, Spitzfyre): 50% male, 50% female
#106-#107 (Icepeck, Cryoshear): 50% male, 50% female
#108-#109 (Sparktan, Zeustrike): 75% male, 25% female
#110-#111 (Kuneko, Shining Kuneko): Female-only
#112 (Djinn Entonic): Gender unknown
#113 (Arkidd): Gender unknown
#114 (Undyin): Female-only
#115 (Spooki-onna): Female-only
#116 (Khepri): Gender unknown
#117 (Averevoir): Gender unknown
#118 (Glaistain): Gender unknown
#119 (Miss Mimic): Female-only
#120 (Anathema): 50% male, 50% female
#121 (Pinbolt): 50% male, 50% female
#122 (Diveberg): 50% male, 50% female
#123 (Adeptile): 50% male, 50% female
#124-#125 (Trapwurm, Wyrmaw): 50% male, 50% female
#126-#127 (Ferriclaw, Auriclaw): Gender unknown
#128 (Picksie): 50% male, 50% female
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millipedish · 11 days
Thought I'd make a list of all my bootlegs, but I gave some of them nicknames and some others are just special to me so I have no intention of trading. So I thought it best to list them out:
Adeptile in earth Aeroboros in orange and astral Allseer in plastic and ice Anathema in earth Acrowcalypse in fire and lightning Arevevoir in fire Beanstalker in water Blossomaw in glitter, water and metal Boltam in poison and plant Bulletino in fire Capricorpse in glitter Carniviper in water and beast Cat-5 in beast Charlequinn in beast Cluckabilly in glitter Dandylion in poison Dominoth in plant(2), plastic(3), fire, astral, glitter and earth Draculeaf in fire Elfless in water and plastic Folklord in plant Frillypad in water Fungogh in metal and earth Galagor in fire, plastic and air Glaistain in poison, metal and air Grampus in glitter Hedgeherne in plastic Hopskin in astral and glass Huntorch in lightning Jellyton in ice and beast Jormungold in air(2) and glitter Khufo in water and glass Kuneko in glass Lobstacle in earth and poison Macabra in plastic, air and plant Manispear in metal Masquerattle in beast Mothmanic in water and astral Nevermort in water and plant Picksie in water, plastic and metal Pinbolt in glitter Plasmantler in metal Pombomb in plant Puppercut in metal(bootleg), plant and water Ratcousel in glass Scampire in glitter Shining Kuneko in Astral(bootleg) Smogmagog in poison Spitzfire in glass Spooki-onna in astral Springheel in fire Squirey in plant and fire Traffikrab in metal, beast and ice Undyin in fire Velocirifle in earth
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crystalelemental · 1 year
Also I can’t find Manispear.  There’s a quest or something to find one in the Deadlands, but it won’t show up, which is infuriating because the first time I went over there I was level 8 or so, and the first encounter had a level 10 Manispear, and it kicked my entire ass.  But now that I’m actually looking for it, it’s impossible to find.  Also I’m sorry, I’m going now, nothing frustrates me more than lost progress over continuous crashing.
This ties into another frustration: the scientist guy wants me to find different types of monsters, and apparently they’re all relegated to just being backups to other fights.  So I just have to encounter like a billion thing and kinda hope it’s in this one.  I know you can visually see encounters, and that’s always a step above invisible random encounters, but when the majority of your monsters are hidden as the backup to what you actually see on the overworld, you’ve defeated the entire point.  I thought we figured this stuff out with Galar and the shaky grass bullshit.  If you’re just going to put the rare ones in hidden encounters anyway, why bother?  It’s way worse when your game emphasizes side-quests, because the emphasis is always on those rare monsters.
I guess it kinda helps, since progress on hitting 5* for remastering takes forever, but EXP yields on that front are so hilariously small that it’s frankly not worth it.  Meanwhile my characters feel stupid overleveled.  The captain I tried to fight was around my level, I may have even been a level above.  The only reason I wound up losing was I didn’t have my Fire Dog with me, and thus no type advantages.  But I found the lady that gives rumors on the trial captains, and apparently the one I found is maybe third in line at best.  So even though I could have won that fight, I was out of sequence entirely.  Which is weird to me.  It feels bizarre, having to be like “Yeah, I’m wildly overleveled compared to everything I encounter, but what’s holding me back is that nothing is 5* to remaster, so we can still get our shit rocked.”  It feels like it’s already running into the same issues with EXP All that Pokemon did.
The thing is, I feel like this is one of those games where the difficulty is at the outset when you don’t actually have skills, but it gets way easier once you do.  Because right now, the big money action is Fusion.  But Fusion is locked behind Persona Social Links where I have to do a specific questline with my human partners to access it.  So it’s just Kayleigh right now, but I’ve gotta work on the quest for the other two, who I definitely don’t like as much as Kayleigh.  What I’m saying is I’m now spending more time on obligations than things I want to be doing, because instead of building up my monster roster and playing favorites, I’m trying to tackle sidequests that aren’t giving me what I need, and getting my other partners to have critically important skills.  Starting to think maybe emphasizing having a playable cast of characters in a monster collection game wasn’t the greatest decision.
There’s still the issue of random encounters too.  Everything that isn’t wildly underleveled random encounters will get a hit in, and it’s probably going to hurt.  At this point, other human battles involve hits dealing like half HP or more in a single swing if they’re lucky.  I had one dude like 5 levels lower than me OHKO one of my options.  It wasn’t even type advantage as far as I’m aware.  And I think this kind of thing would be fine, if it weren’t for the healing situation.  Healing items are super finite, you can’t take many with you, and resting at campfires costs incredibly valuable resources in wood.  So I’m really not pro-camping, and have to return to town, and the only quick-travel points are the train stations you discover.  Which is to say, there are very few of them, and I’m spending a lot of time just running across terrain because something two-shot my Puppercut, and I had to haul ass back to town.
I dunno.  I was having fun for a bit there, but if this crashing stuff keeps up, I may well drop it entirely.
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shaymiens · 4 years
Sohinki just talked about r/aub without naming him but said that he had a fever of 101 during summer camp and was worried about a bad reaction to his meds, which is why he left early. Once he left SMOSH, r/aub kept showing people the video of him leaving early to say that sohinki wasn’t a team player. He also has big love for all of the cast (named everyone except i/an and r/aub 👀) but mentioned that they’re in a tough spot since they’re still in that environment and tacitly supporting... (1)
(2) But it’s also their livelihood. But he also said some amazing things about Keith specifically and how he’s like pure positivity and hilarious. He said when you see Keith you can’t help but smile 🥺❤️
oh thank you for sharing what happened in his stream, i had classes going on :o wow hearing that, i can see what boze meant when she said matt just didn't like sohin :/ and i totally get what sohin's saying about supporting and loving the cast while also feeling conflicted about who/what they're associated with. i really respect sohin for acknowledging the complexity of the situation, he really didn't need to do that but he did and i– 🥺
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pombomb · 9 months
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dood1e-bug · 7 months
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Made little chibis for my two Cassette beasts ocs with their main tapes (but pre-evo)
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She's had this hairband on her head for ten minutes and hasn't realized that it's there yet.
I think I might try to achieve this with other objects as well...
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the-apocrypha · 3 years
8 songs, 8 tags
thanks to @toast-the-unknowing for the tag!
1. your favorite song at the moment
WE AREN'T STARTING EASY ARE WE. I'm so bad at favorite songs. Um. I finally listened to Montero by Lil Nas X about two weeks ago and it is a BOP. I'm probably the last person on earth to discover this. I've also been obsessed with the last Taylor Swift album since its release, particularly coney island because Taylor + The National = *chef's kiss*.
2. a song you associate with a favorite character or ship
Well I have a whole playlist devoted to my last fic, so that's... a lot of Stucky stuff, though largely specific to the themes of the fic. Dust to Dust by The Civil Wars is a big Steve Rogers one for me, though.
3. a song that could be about you
Mmm tough one. No Roots by Alice Merton is probably pretty close, I guess? I've definitely had phases where I was like "Yes, this song is ME", but then those phases passed and so did the songs. Right now I don't really have a personal anthem, so this one is about as close as I get.
4. a song you think is overrated
As a former marching band geek from Ohio, I have a personal vendetta against Hang on Sloopy by The McCoys, and probably only other people from Ohio will understand why. FUCK this song.
5. a good song that reminds you of a specific memory
Us by Regina Spektor - a road trip in the fall, the winding roads of eastern Pennsylvania with currents of autumn leaves skittering over the road
Aimee by Pure Prairie League - playing Bullshit by the light of a lamp in the middle of the desert, dust in every imaginable crevice, coyotes barking in the distance
Hopeless Wanderer by Mumford and Sons - a 3 am trip to Denny's in a blizzard, the zenith of the midwestern living experience
6. the last song you listened to
I'm in the middle of Hadestown (yet again), so How Long?
7. a song that makes you laugh
Most recently, the song I discovered while doing WW2 research for my last fic - Hitler Has Only Got One Ball, released in the late 1930s, which is an exquisitely graphic song about German testicles that rapidly became a popular marching song amongst Allied troops. This led to a rabbit hole on the surprisingly saucy releases of the 1930s, including Shave 'Em Dry by Lucille Bogan and My Girl's Pussy by Harry Roy. These are part of a larger music genre known as the 'dirty blues', and if you're interested in music history I can't recommend a better rabbit hole than the Great Depression experienced through the African American musician's perspective, already at the bottom of society and now forced even lower by economic downtimes. How the blues, scorned by white people and picked over by record labels in a time when they could only afford to promote a few, reliable (white) musicians, developed instead as an underground musical culture solely for and about the Black experience. The brutal honesty with which it chronicled their lives, unconcerned with the outsider's perspective. How the repeal of Prohibition ushered in the age of jazz, when white people decided they liked African American musicians again, and how the popularization of their music necessarily changed the style of it as a result, especially in a transition from rural blues to the urbanized sound of jazz as a result of major record labels forcing musicians to migrate to cities and--
Anyway. Uh. If that interests you, you should do some JSTOR searches and have a look at the history of blues.
8. a song you want your mutuals to listen to
The Sound of Silence, covered by Disturbed. This is my sixty-something year old mother's favorite song. "He has such a lovely voice," she says. "He shouldn't scream so much in his other songs."
As always, I have no real friends on this hellsite, so, I shall tag the last eight people who liked something from my feed. That's what you get for participating! @theonionpicardo, @jazzathebunny, @mklutz, @subtle-skipping, @echosera, @fiveandoh, @devildoll, @puppercut
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shayneysides · 4 years
What does "believe in the gospel" mean?
Okay! Thank you for letting me geek out.  Please note, I am not an unbiased perspective (but I’m of the opinion that no one is), so I definitely value one understanding of “gospel” over another.  With that caveat, here goes:
  So “gospel” can mean a few different things.  The word gospel comes from the Greek word “euangelion” and means good news, or a good message.  So, the first four books of the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) are officially titled “The Gospel According To [insert name here]” (eg. The Gospel According to Matthew).  Essentially, they are “The Good News According to Luke,” etc.  [Side note, they are titled like this because they are each different! Written to different communities, have different things they want to focus on, tell the story of Jesus’ life, ministry, and death in different ways.  If someone tries to tell you they are all the same or conflate them into one thing, they’re wrong.  It’s important that they are different, there’s a reason why four were chosen to be included in the Bible’s canon instead of one.  But that’s a whole different thing.]  
  These four books are collectively called “the gospels” plural in Christianity because they are telling different versions of the same story: that of Jesus’ life, ministry, and death.  There are other gospels (aka books that talk about Jesus’ life) that aren’t included in the Bible called the apocryphal gospels, but that’s also a different thing.  
  Mark, for example, opens with “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ” which might say “gospel” instead, depending on the translation.  “Christ” isn’t a name, but a title which means “anointed one.”  It is essentially the Greek version of the Hebrew word “Messiah,” which also means “anointed one.”  The Messiah was also the expected king of Israel.  The kings (and priests/prophets) of Israel were anointed with oil (Exodus 30:22-32, 1 Sam 10:1) to consecrate them as holy (set apart by and for God) and signify their role, hence “anointed one” evoking the idea of kingship and relationship with God.  So, Jesus Christ could also be said as “Jesus the Christ.”  And this opening of Mark is a powerful political statement in the context of the Roman Empire when it was originally written.  
  In the context of the Roman Empire, the “good news” of Jesus Christ (ie. Jesus the anointed king/savior of Israel), would have been understood by the Israelites as challenging the “gospel” of Caesar who claimed to be a “savior” who brought peace to the world.  However, Caesar’s peace (aka the Pax Romana which was the peace between nationalities in the Roman Empire, “pax” meaning peace) was not peace predicated on justice.  Rather, the Pax Romana only happened because of Rome’s military might, so it was really coercion of “do what we say, get along with each other, don’t challenge the Roman rule, because otherwise you’ll end up nailed to a cross.”  So the Pax Romana was actually compliance to the status quo via fear, intimidation, and violence, not actual peace [especially not peace as the Israelites would have understood it, which was “shalom” which meant peace as in justice, friendship, welfare, prosperity, and health as in wholeness (wholeness of community and relationships between both humans and God, aka right relationships built on justice and equity).]  The Pax Romana was framed as the “good news” (gospel) of the Roman Empire, so saying that Jesus’ life, ministry, and death was actually the Gospel/good news of the “Christ” (messiah, king of Israel), is a direct challenge to Roman imperial rule.  [This is why Jesus’ death was a political one!]
  For the context of Christians today, “gospel” can still mean a few different things when people  say “believe in the gospel,” depending on their theology.  If they are more conservative or fundamentalist, they might mean “believe in Jesus as your personal savior, who has redeemed you by grace so that you can go to heaven.”  The gospel in this understanding is very much just the death and resurrection of Jesus, aka the Easter story.  Jesus died for our sins, he rose from the dead, we are redeemed by this.  This is a very individualistic faith and meaning of “gospel,” the “Jesus is my personal Lord and Savior” understanding of gospel.  This understanding of “believe in the gospel” doesn’t touch on the political aspects of Jesus’ life/ministry/death at all, the ways in which he challenged the Pax Romana and the status quo.  Rather, this understanding of “gospel” is very ethereal and spiritual, in that it’s all about the future heaven, not about the here and now.  This is typically the white, middle-class, Evangelical, American Christian understanding of “gospel.”
  If someone is a progressive Christian, ascribing to more communal (versus individualistic) faith, and/or leaning more into liberation theology, “believe in the gospel” means something a little different.  For this group, the gospel/good news IS political; they don’t mean just “believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ,” but “believe in the gospel of the kingdom of God.”  The gospel in this understanding is also the life and ministry of Jesus, not just his death/resurrection.  Therefore, the gospel does include the message of Jesus as savior and the gift of God’s grace, but it doesn’t stop there.  The Gospel is also about God’s kingdom, which isn’t a future heaven with pearly gates, but a possible reality that we can experience on earth, one that Jesus began to usher in with his ministry and miracles during his life, one that he was killed for.  And so, the “gospel” in this regard is also an invitation to participate in the in-breaking of God’s kingdom, in continuing the work that Jesus began by continuing to challenge the status quo of the world and demand economic and social justice, by centering and lifting up marginalized and silenced voices.  So, when someone says “believe in the gospel” from this theological standpoint, they are saying “believe in Jesus as the Savior, in the God of the oppressed, in the now-and-not-yet kingdom of God that dismantles hierarchy and offers peace via shalom: wholeness and justice.”  This understanding of “gospel” is way more often going to be an understanding from a marginalized perspective, versus a perspective of privilege.
  To cite sources and to live into the uplifting of marginalized voices and communities, here are a number of liberationist and womanist theologians of color who talk about this second understanding of “gospel”: James Cone in his “God of the Oppressed” and “The Cross and the Lynching Tree,” Delores Williams “Sisters in the Wilderness,” Kelly Brown Douglas “The Black Christ,” Shawn Copeland “Enfleshing Freedom: Body, Race, and Being,” Gustavo Gutiérrez “A Theology of Liberation.”  In addition, here’s a website for resources from queer theologians: https://www.wordmadequeer.com/resources.
This was submitted by user puppercut, go check them out!
Thank you so much for explaining this to me! Literally everything that I’ve ever heard in church makes a lot more sense now and you’ve helped me understand a lot both about the history of the gospel and the current significance. Also thank you for being super nice about it, I was worried I was coming off as ignorant but you’ve been awesome at not making feel like I’m a bad person for not knowing all this. 
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cutecornflakes · 5 years
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As seen on WeRateDogs, "This is Beaux. He would like to box, but only if you go easy on him. Might hit you with a left hook or maybe a swift puppercut. 12/10"
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