taralen · 22 days
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Idea I had of Spamton in the late stages of puppetfication losing his absolute @#($, clutching to whatever's left of his shattered mind, and trying to make sense of it all while his SOUL dangles out of him, unrecognizable yet whole.
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gaiaxygang · 4 months
can they give me a bl character i can throw puppet or doll imagery on please there is a DISTINCT LACK OF THESE
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unikhroma · 8 days
the big acid theory post
(i am sorry for how long this is)
couple weeks ago someone on discord asked if i could dm them my gripes about acid theory, since they hadn't seen any criticisms of it. i was very surprised to hear that so of course i did what any normal deltarune fan would do and wrote an essay (aka complained for several paragraphs). posting for reference sake so i have all my thoughts in one place and never make a post about this topic again
basically my criticisms for acid theory are on all tiers/interpretations of it as an life-changing event where he ends up disfigured. i don't think it makes much sense to happen for multiple reasons
for it to happen from a narrative perspective i don't really buy it. spamton's downfall is already tragic in that he lost his friends, his fame and fortune, and got evicted. in regards to the mansion, the eviction itself is the tragedy, in particular that it's implied that it wasn't only him that got evicted that day. a swatchling says that the mansion used to be for high-class citizens. the rooms that were once for these citizens are now for lightners, so it wasn't just that he had no money, he was gonna get kicked out anyway.
i mention this cause a common interp of acid theory is that the mansion staff threw him in as punishment, and i think there's little evidence for that given the circumstances. a while ago i went on this whole spiel about how mischaracterizing queen and/or swatch to try and support the theory makes it weaker to me but that's additional stuff
and about the acid as a threat, it's hard to take it seriously when the majority of mentions of it are for gags or game design-related. for example, the gold berdly statue being dropped into the acid slowly dips in because if it just sank instantly, you could very easily miss it. the swatchling being stranded on the island is a goof with anticipating a battle the moment you set the bridge out for them.
for spamton falling into the acid as an explanation for whatever caused him to be a physical puppet (this is going off of taking the addisons' word that he was an addison too), it doesn't really line up. it doesn't make a lot of sense from a lore standpoint; there's no evidence to suggest that the addisons look like puppets underneath. i mean it's an interesting hc, but to assume it's canon that that's why spamton looks like a puppet now is kinda just filling in blanks.
that one q&a answer where spamton talks about there being some kind of "spamton method" he used every day and became "big" to me implies that it was some kind of slow transformation into a puppet. it's not much to go off of, but it's a lot more compelling than taking a tumble in acid. there's more mystery there and might even explain why spamton showed up to the mansion less over time
i think at this point it's clear that at some point he did get pushed in by someone, as stated in the spa attire from the sweepstakes and one of his valentine's cards, but to me it seems like it was an example of him being mistreated by the other rich residents in the mansion. before he talks about getting pushed in a pool, he mentions that he's gotten swirlies at the mansion, and to me it seems like he's still really bothered by his treatment there which is why he mopes about it.
queen mentioning that the acid can shrink people is also played for jokes, even susie in the ch3 video saying that they'll die if they drink the acid is played for jokes (also i think it would probably hurt them cause they're lightners and not cyber darkners)
anyway, if acid theory ends up being directly confirmed without any cryptic wording and all that i would still dislike it. i just don't think it fits with spamton or ch2's themes and it's randomly dark in a way that's not appealing to me. i like psychological horror more and the puppetfication thing already fits that. i know it's definitely appealing to others and i don't think people are bad for liking it per se, but it's not my kinda thing at all nor do i think it's canon, so i personally want nothing to do with it
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spamsandsuch · 21 days
so a bit ago i got a lot of compliments for the old version of my spamton ex, and while im very grateful for the compliments (thanks so much!!) i wanna explain why i wont be using that version as its lore relevant to my inl1997 au
So essentially maybe about two years ago I posted designs for when spamton fuses with the shadow crystal it was given (which you can see here if u want) and initially I designed it so that it contains spamton NEO motifs as a sort of foreshadowing. But recently I got a better idea, and Ive decided im going to revamp that idea and change it to when Spamton fuses with the shadow crystal, they transform into Spamton Ex. I think it would be interesting for a version of Spamton Ex to be as equally tied to his own strings as he is with NEO — in comparison to Mettaton — and for Spamton’s Ex form to be a negative experience as a result (especially when in my au, it preludes right before the events of Spamton’s puppetfication). here’s a concept design i sketched awhile back
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dahscribbler · 6 months
I love the downtime with the Dominoes series! The shenanigans, the banter! *Chef's kiss*
Makes me want to make an Echo to go with my PuppetFives.
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Or maybe when I can give them both facial mechanisms for extra emotions. 😁
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queam · 1 year
Puppetfication beam
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ohshy · 1 year
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I think Spamton's puppetfication was gradual, but what if it was instantaneous?
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drbtinglecannon · 1 year
(I haven't watched the leaked episode, if you did, please do not post any spoilers. You will be blocked if you do.)
King!!! King is back!!! Unfortunately it comes at the cost of him obviously being the Collector's servant basically. At least he still has François.
King also reads a book about the Collector, similar to how the end of S1 he read a book about Belos. It's an easy way to add lore to the show, and it calls back to another time he did so
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Not only do we get curly redhead Lilith, but she has a pixie cut now too!!! Her glasses are gone tho :(
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All of the Coven Heads (but Terra?) got turned to puppets ;___; as have most other citizens including Hooty, Principal Bump & the other Hexside teachers, and some of the other student body like the grudgby players
Also Eda does not seem to have a prosthetic like most people predicted, which makes me wonder what happened to Alador
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Mattholomule grew the worst facial hair lol (I am certain the 😑 expressions everyone made in that last promo image was at Mattholomule). Skara is there too!!!! And Barkus (maybe we'll get a gustholomule moment)
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Eda can still lose control of the Owl Beast in Harpy mode -- and I can't blame her considering the circumstances. Her eyes turn fully black in that inky drop motion like back in s1
I wonder if her short hair affects the look
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Huntlow moment 💚💛
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Dana was right, sparkly is a good word to describe this episode.
I'm not sure how I feel by the idea that almost all adults got captured, it does feel specifically like The Collector (a child like God) did it on purpose, but it still is kinda :/ to know most of my fav supporting cast are puppets now to conveniently write them all out of the episode so as to keep the cast from bloating. Like I get why it was done but I'm still salty about it
The Coven Heads (again except maybe Terra?? Idk why she wasn't there? Did she pledge loyalty well enough to not need to be puppetfied? Did she escape? Die? Lol could you imagine) all have slight whimsical features added to their designs, as with everyone who got puppetfied, but for once they're all moving & working in tandem haha. Raine's close up not only killed me, but gave a good callback to when they got captured by Kikimora then "brainwashed" for weeks afterwards. The parallels of Raine pretending to be an enemy vs now they are but completely against their will. Bah. I'm dying, I'm afraid to see Eda's face in that scene. ;__; I'm really unhappy to have any Raeda fluff or bonding during this special (or suggested to have happened in between KT & FTF) robbed from us, but angst is classic Raeda vibes so I'm not surprised
I did also notice we didn't see any hints of Amity, Gus, or Willow's families at all. All we know is Eda & Lilith seem to have escaped puppetfication. I have a feeling Hooty took the puppetfication blast for Lilith in that moment
I'm stoked about Lilith having red hair again, and I was not expecting her & Eda to both cut their hair short! Everyone's getting hair style changes!
This will definitely be a Collector lore heavy episode, if only for the fact King was reading that book about them. I wonder if there used to be more children of the stars, and where the others went/are if there were
And lastly I'm at the photo cap but Belos is there too. He is using glyphs to burrow into some area, and he's killing the wildlife as he goes. Y'know, classic Belos behavior. I wonder if he's trying to get to where Caleb's mangled remains are, and if so what the plan is from there. I doubt Belos will play a large part in this episode as it seems very heavily focused on The Collector instead, which I'm fine with as I figured the final confrontation with Belos was gonna be the last special, what with him being the main villain of the show.
Despite any hangups I have I'm very excited to see the special! I know Dana & the crew worked hard on it
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lemyondre · 6 months
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Do ya guys like OC’s?
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yes he used to “work” at the emperors coven. Until day of Unity. Then the whole puppetfication. Him finding his lil brother. And seeing Steve! Everyone loves Steve.
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 1 month
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Dear Wormwood by The Oh Hellos
Like Real People Do by Hozier
Can’t Catch Me Now by Olivia Rodrigo
The Night We Met by Lord Huron
Lady By The Sea by Stephen Sanchez
@strawberryscarecr0w @aalbliii @pinky-ghostface @yurinika @no-see-um-incorrect @callmerainman @plutocries @midnightanxietytm @itsargyle @puppetfives
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veeslug · 1 year
Hey!!!!!Just saw the!!! New trailer!!! Observations under the cut so spoilers for that!!!
Please keep in mind that I have not seen anything relating to the leaked episode except for what has been officially released. If I misinterpreted any of this or get something wrong do not correct me, I’ll just know I was wrong in a week.
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Okay so Collector lore right off the bat. This one screenshot has a lot to it.
- First of all, King!!! My son!! I’m glad that he at least seems to be okay and not locked in a hole somewhere. And I think he’s getting along with the Collector somewhat? Like, he’s obviously worried about something (although based on later info I’m not sure if he remembers what that something is) but he seems to be doing fine other than that.
- Okay so the Collector is, like, OLD old. Like, books chiseled into cave walls, old. And from the sounds of the book, there are/were more collectors. So where are they? Do we have another addition to the “last of my species” club in this show?
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Lilith!! And Hooty!!! Lilith finally has her red hair back, and hooty looks like…. That….. Ngl I thought he was just flat out dead here upon first watch.
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This whole screenshot has about ten different things I wanna talk about.
Eda!! She’s obviously either about to go owl mode or just got out of owl mode. I think this is the first we’ve seen here like this, as in struggling with the feathers, since early season two.
The “beware of beast” sign in the background. I’m assuming this is the owl beast since it seemed to recognize and attack the Collector at the end of the trailer.
These designs! Listen, I know that the coven heads are most likely puppets with little/no free will in this form, but the designs that come with them are great. I would also like to note that Terra is missing from the group. Not sure what that means, but she’s such a prominent coven head that I highly doubt that it’s an accident.
The way Hooty is positioned here kind of does make me think that maybe the puppetfication affected him differently. Maybe he is dead?? Or at least in some sort of comatose state?
The paintings in the background are pretty obscured, but I think the one closest to the left depicts a Titan and a Collector just… hanging out. I wonder when that sort of thing ended (or perhaps was misinterpreted) by the titan hunters, since, from what we’ve seen, the Collector (or at least THIS Collector) seems pretty cool with titans.
King!! Looks like he’s got some sort of authority since he’s allowed to just walk around the area without the Collector. I also think it’s interesting that he looks surprised that Eda’s here. Not happy surprised like he’s glad to see her or scared surprised like he’s worried about the coven heads getting her, just sort of shocked. I don’t think he’s the one that called the coven heads on her, but I do think it’s interesting that he doesn’t look particularly happy to see her.
Making a part two later because tumblrs being glitchy and won’t let me add anything else
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spamtonology · 2 years
disgrarding any acid theory in this and instead going on the take that his physical puppetfication happned by other means, how do you think he would react to it? I know a common idea is that he would wear gloves to hide hand joints but I bet beyond that there would be a lot of terror in the irony of his situation in becoming an actual puppet.
Denial, at first. He would insist there's nothing wrong (as he says in his dialogue when you fight him for the first time!). He would go any means to try and hide this process, both from others and from himself.
Later, when this puppetification becomes so painful and unbearable, he would simply snap and even isolate himself in his room for days on end, later going to the basement to pray for salvation. He's terrified and angry, why is this happening to him and how? What did he do to deserve this? He's a Big Shot!
...Or so he thought.
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
Did the caller drag Spamton into a f-cking phone? (About the last chapter)
Also this idea, about Spamton dying on the street and possessing the puppet, is it appliable to the fic? (Yeah, yeah, we love Spamton, but we also like to hurt him)
Cause, well, if addisons ever find out about it.. geez.
Sorry but the fic does not use the dying on the street headcanon, that's an idea I play with more than actually use. Though, the ads may believe that is what happened before they got him back (minus the possession part)
The caller did not drag Spamton into the phone either. I was trying to allude through the burning feeling Banner felt, the splotches and the pattern of the mess that Spamton's normal body was transformed in a very gruesom way, the feeling akin as if he been dropped in acid. I'm a big magic puppetfication theory, sometimes I like the slow transformation but I decided to go the quick route here. The caller could have made it painless bit it's a bitch.
TLDR; Spamton pissed off the caller and got a rather perminant punishment for it. The mess was simply the collateral of him trying to escape something he couldn't and being in agonizing pain.
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spamsandsuch · 1 year
although i really like the idea of spamton’s physical puppetfication happening gradually, i like to think that for my spam in particular his puppetfication actually happened suddenly and shockingly. Like it was something that wasn’t supposed to happened (as expected from both spamton and the caller)
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st-froy · 3 years
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Idk which I like more: him keeping the closed eye look, giving Him horrifying animatronic eyes, or just dots after puppetfication
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crtter · 2 years
Now that Toby Fox has “confirmed” in a more formal setting thay Spamton CAN close his lips in certain occasions, he just doesn’t usually, I’m recruiting more people to join me on this very funny headcanon of mine: Spamton’s puppetfication hasn’t actually affected his mouth at all and he just has incompetent lips:
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