wildberry-12 · 3 months
Owners make sure to remember!
Puppies have sensitive noses for a reason! They love it when you grab a fistful of their hair and shove them into your crotch. They're sure to be nice and pliant after having been so thoroughly overwhelmed with your scent.
Make sure to experiment with shoving your puppies muzzle into other spots as well!~
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jpe3thedz · 1 year
Wet hole of a floozy endures deep penetration by a massive cock Russian fat mom shave pussy Lovely Teen Gets Fucked Gently Sexy tease with hot Indian MILF Priya Rai Big Tits MILF fucked by BBC and cuckold husband in pub threesome teen big ass Light skin boy gay sex and video of teen boys penis Zak Slides In And bajo falda de mujer con coche de bebe CULIONEROS - Hot Amazon Woman, Karina, Fucks My Friend On Cuchi Mami! Rough way for deep throat training Dominicana en MADRID singando en un ascensor ???
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author-main · 2 years
Need a fic where Wolfie gets turned into this
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al-n-cartoons · 7 months
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Oh no, he has the vulp glow.
He was originally bouncing but apparently my device isn’t strong enough for such joy.
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zvhw · 3 months
just came to say that ive began feral over that clip of the dog eating mina's mic
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blue-howlite · 4 months
Love languages
Doom breaker edition, headcanons.
Feat. Zephyr, Ned, Lucius, Altair, Ophelia, Fade, Dariel.
Warnings: maybe ooc, proofread? we don't know her, writer that can't write.
Author note: let's go with the first fluff piece; since the poll had two votes for that, I'll focus on that genre for the next independent pieces. NSFW had one vote so I'll also cook something for that (heheheheheh). As usual, remember you can send requests for specific scenarios!
His main love language would be acts of service.
It's what comes more naturally to him and he doesn't really realise it.
He's used to doing things for others for money (being a mercenary) so he doesn't think that small attentions like that are considered a love language. It's just what he's expected to do, and he thinks you're just kind if you do it back.
Although he does appreciate a lot when you do little things for him, he might think that's your love language and that he enjoys it because you're the one doing it, not because it's his love language too.
...yes he's not too bright in this department.
He thinks he's more of a words of affirmation guy. It's what he does consciously and how he perceives love more easily.
He likes having open communications with you and telling you that he's proud of you or thanking you for the small things you do for him.
And he's not afraid to apologise to you if he does something wrong. Which is rare, but still happens.
He's really a balance between quality time and physical touch.
He's not used to having control over his own life, so deciding that he can spend time with you is already a lot to him
And he's also touch starved, which makes cuddles and affections with you especially important to him.
He always tries to get assigned to work with you and stay close to you. If he can't, he'll probably still use his stealth bracelet to see you and kiss you while he's invisible (after making sure you know he's there).
And he's aware of all this.
Sometimes a bit too aware.
He might worry he's stealing your time by always trying to keep you to himself, since he knows what it's like to not have your full independence.
Or that he's making you uncomfortable or being too clingy, since he doesn't have an idea of how much affection is enough or too much.
Help him understand when he's overthinking, most of the time he'll hold back a bit in fear of bothering you.
He's your physical touch teddy bear.
Embraces, kisses, holding hands- that's how he expresses his affections. Sometimes he'll just hug your waist from behind and hold you there while he talks with you.
He's not completely aware of it. He notices that he does this with you but he thinks it's more about the fact that you're a couple and it's normal to do this with eachother.
His secondary love language would have to be receiving and giving gifts, mainly due to the fact that he's used to just be a representative of the church and receiving things for the church, not himself. This is more subconscious though, he doesn't realise he does it.
If you give anything to him he'll make sure to use it or at least have it on himself every time he can. Sometimes you can catch him smiling to himself as he looks at something you got him.
Also he'll see something that reminds him of you and just gift it to you. He spends a lot of time thinking about it though, wondering if you'll actually like it. Sometimes he'll look for something similar because he realised that exact thing doesn't match your usual aesthetic or taste.
When I say "aesthetic" one might think this only refers to clothes or accessories, but he'll literally get you daggers, writing equipment, books- he knows your passions well enough to make accurate gifts.
One of her more evident love languages is quality time.
She might not spend much time with you because of her busy schedule, but she always makes sure it's meaningful and you two do something you both enjoy.
She might use her authority to get you away from your duties now and then... Hope you don't mind that too much!
However acts of service are her actual main love language.
She's used to commanding people and ordering them around, or courtesies because of her status, but genuine small attentions? She doesn't get many of those.
She doesn't have big reactions but she notices all the little things you do for her. There's that little shine in her eyes when you offer her your arm on the side of her non-dominant hand; or when you pull the bed blankets over her shoulders so she doesn't get cold.
Sometimes she struggles giving you the same small attentions; or well, she thinks she does. In reality it's a very spontaneous thing for her, she often helps you with your duties for example (or getting out of them to be with her).
But if she asks you what she can do for you, try asking for something, even a small thing; telling her "nothing" might make her overthink it. Even something small will give her the sense of accomplishment and the reassurance that she's doing well in the relationship.
She's really into quality time.
But she's not the best at asking for it.
Most of the time she'll make something up like training, or helping you. Admitting that she just wants to spend time with you is really hard for her and will rarely happen.
With that being said, after some time into the relationship she is less shy about it.
She'll still find a reason for you two to spend time together, but sometimes it can be something like just keeping each other company.
Another love language that she often manifests is acts of service.
It's something that comes easily to her and her main way of showing that she cares.
She can be a little overwhelming at times, but it comes from a good place. Just put some boundaries if it ever becomes too much.
If you do little things for her... it really gets to her. She needs a few seconds to elaborate, then thanks you and probably keeps it in mind for the rest of the day.
He doesn't have a love language, he has an "I tolerate you" language.
I'm joking, he's just the least stable of the bunch.
But he does have ways of showing affection. His main love language would be words of affirmation.
I discussed all his attachment issues in a few other posts, but basically it means that he loves you so much he will communicate openly with you even when he's having a bad day.
He might just tell you "Sorry, not right now" but that's already a lot coming from him. He tends to verbally express himself a lot with you.
And he also appreciates you talking to him, being honest but thoughtful at the same time in how you express yourself.
However, physical touch is another way that he has of showing you his affection.
He doesn't like keeping his hands on you all the time, but he likes occasionally coming up to you to hug you or kiss you.
It's his thing.
He'll especially seek these things when he's tired.
He's a receiving and giving gifts guy.
And the way he expresses it is very similar to a crow bringing trinkets to people they like.
Shiny rocks, freshly fallen flowers, he just brings it back if he thinks it's pretty.
He is able to make less impulsive gifts, but he has that labrador retriever energy that makes him bring back everything he finds aesthetically pleasing.
He also loves receiving similar small gifts. If they're wearable he has them on 24/7. If not, he keeps them safe. Don't pick flowers though, elves are very protective of nature. The ones that fall off trees or petals are fine though.
He also really likes physical touch.
Hand holding, forehead kisses, he's touching you every chance he gets. Discreet but not shy at all.
He gets really flustered when you're the one touching him though. He doesn't dislike it, but he's a bit awkward and doesn't know how to handle it.
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hyenabrainedpup · 4 months
Dying im not seeing my girl till next weekend how will i go on
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https-furina · 10 months
this puppy boys work is <33 hurting my soul
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cluepoke-archive · 1 year
Hmm I've been considering making puppets of calendertowns characters as a bit of a fun side project for myself ( I made a mock up for cricket out of rolled up paper balls and scrap fabric even!!)
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falsehound · 1 year
i have had puppy fever all year so far and ive been having a pretty terrible year LOL.. my newly acquired obsession has been with irish setters since my girlfriend likes them, i am just Thinking Thoughts!
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crimsonflowerz · 2 months
reddit, AITA for puppifying my gf until she can’t speak or take care of herself without me?
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ohbo-ohno · 6 months
in reference to the last Serial Killer!Ghost Captive!Soap ask: first off, HOLY FUCKING CHRIST. Second: I’m already thinking about how a reader may factor in.
Maybe she’s there with her friends, partying it up in the woods by a bonfire, and everyone is too drunk to notice she wanders off after hearing some whimpering from the thicket. She stumbles on Soap, muzzled tight and filthy and frantic and cradling his twisted ankle, and knows something is seriously wrong.
Immediately she drops everything and starts trying to help. She asks him if he’s okay, what happened to him, don’t worry, she’ll get him out of that muzzle. She picks at it with her fingers and nearly gets it off before she hears and FEELS a gunshot whizz right past her head.
Ghost found them. And seeing this precious little thing trying to help his good boy, immediately putting herself in front of him to keep him safe if need be, makes him start to wonder if Johnny could use a friend. And he hoists his rifle again, misses on purpose to make her yelp, and watches her back into a tree while he checks on Johnny. His ankle is fine, just a bit sprained, he’ll be back on his feet in no time. But he’s whining and shaking his head, trying to plead with Ghost through the muzzle not to kill this kind stranger who almost cut him free. He doesn’t want to see her die!! And Ghost turns back to the Reader, trembling against the tree and trying to hide behind her arms, and he comes closer like the menacing brick shithouse he is and she nearly sobs and begs that she’ll do anything, god, just please don’t shoot her!!!!
Maybe Ghost goes and kills all her friends first, comes back to find her still curled up against that tree with Johnny next to her, and she screams when she sees him fucking drenched in blood. Or maybe he takes her home first, puts her and Johnny in a crate together and locks it to make sure they stay out of trouble, and then goes out for blood; maybe he comes back to them dragging the bodies of Reader’s friends and it’s all she can do to keep from passing out. Maybe she gets included in their little chase game later on…
someday i'll write my actual serial killer au but it is NOT TODAY so let's indulge in some variances <3 (ask is referencing this post)
i don't usually puppify my reader inserts to the extent that i do soap but holy SHIT if this ask doesn't beg for a puppy reader
ghost hunting his hound down, finds his poor boy injured and what seems to be an equally feral girl standing above him, totally protective :/ even when soap tries to shover her away, she stays crouched in front of him, hardly even flinching at the gun in ghost's arms
and isn't that interesting? this little thing so eager to protect what's his? oh, ghost is hooked immediately. (what's better than one guard dog? two guard dogs!)
manages to finally scare her away from soap with a few well placed bullets, poor thing tries hard as she can not to go skittering away but instinct gets the best of her eventually. she's not quite brave enough to tackle ghost when he gets closer, but he sees her eying his gun. ghost is quick enough checking soap that she doesn't have a chance to try anything
he'd come with a leash for soap (always makes the man crawl back to the car after their little hunts, just to keep him in that puppy headspace so he doesn't start struggling) but doesn't have an extra. good news is, soap is so desperate to keep ghost from killing his new friend, he's perfectly willing to follow without the leash when ghost hooks his collar and leash on the new girl
she doesn't have a muzzle (ghost doesn't have an extra, and none of them would fit her anyway), so he ends up tugging this wriggling and shouting thing along while his pup stays right at his side, providing such a good example for their new pet. ghost is already planning his rewards
he tucks them both into johnny's crate after wrapping the pup's ankle. gives his new girl a bone to chew on (plugs her nose and stuffs the gag between her teeth, tightens it until she growls at him and then ruffles her hair, locks her hands into some paw gloves so she starts to understand what's happening) and covers the crate in a blanket. smiles when johnny looks up at him nervously and his girl tries to cover her fear with anger
takes about an hour to kill & get rid of all her little friends.
and oh how she howls when he comes back home without hosing himself down. she squirms and writhes, kicks johnny's ankle and goes still when he whimpers. ghost can't help but laugh when she taps her forehead to his, an apology. his pups already get along so well, he can't wait to see how she'll fare after a little training
it's about time he got soap a friend, anyways. pups are social creatures, and he knows johnny needs someone to play with when ghost's busy. the new pup showed up at just the right time <3
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kendallroysmethpipe · 1 month
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KenMJ just got puppified !!!!!!
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peachesofteal · 6 months
i love it when fic portrays soap as the intelligent and calculating man that he is, and i love how he's using his intelligence and power to come up with ways to make cypher his. it's scary yet attractive at the same time, i love it so much 🧡
he's so delulu when it comes to her, but he's also so smart and cunning it'll be too late for cypher to escape from him when she notices. she's already in his trap and she can't do anything about it
I really enjoy Johnny in all aspects, but I’m especially enjoying writing him in soap x cypher because I’ve always envisioned him as a strong willed, strong headed, intelligent, world class operator, with a little spark of ✨ chaos ✨ in his blood, for fun. So getting the chance to explore him like this has been great, although I don’t hate it when he gets puppified either 😈
He is very delulu, but also very smart about it. He’s slowly making her dependent on him, breaking her down and confusing her about her feelings and reactions about him, learning everything there is to know about her, etc. I love him. He’s nuts.
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r0zeclawz · 2 years
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gets puppified
aliceling redesign
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https-furina · 10 months
— puppified ! ♡ | edition: men, version 1.0
ft. cyno, tighnari, kaveh, gorou, thoma, diluc, aether & childe x fem!reader content. modern!au, fluff - jackal!cyno, fox!tighnari, puppy!kaveh, puppy!gorou, puppy!thoma, puppy!diluc, puppy!aether, fox!childe
archon’s decree. it’s more canines than anything but !! this is all the boys who i think are pups/canines <3 there’ll be a kitty version so hold on, i might think your fave is a kitty cat instead!
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✉️ mail received! sender: cyno
cyno has habits of keeping to himself (read: attempting to keep to himself.) he’ll curl up on the couch when you’re away at work, his tail hanging off the edge and swaying slowly in the solace that is left in your shared apartment but the jackal’s ears display otherwise. he’s twitchy, his ears twisting and turning when a vehicle will drive past obnoxiously loud or his sensitive hearing picks up a microwave oven beeping a few apartments away.
that is because as much as he’ll deny it - or lack to deny, that he misses you when your presence isn’t around. he’s naturally very quiet (until he gets the zoomies) so even when you come home from work, the jackal does not rush to your side. he will potentially yap at the sudden noise, his ears pressed before he realises it’s you, ruby eyes softening as his ears perk back up. truly, his ears are his greatest enemies when it comes to displaying emotions.
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“cyno?” you call out, flipping the light switch as the warm, yellowed light of the entrance hallway turns on so you can see where you’re stepping. you kick off your sneakers, raising a brow as you glance down the hallway in mild curiosity. there's a stir from the lounge and a grin crosses your face.
your footsteps are light as you make your way through the dimly light apartment. you know that you can't fool the jackal, who already has his ruby eyes trained onto the door of the lounge.
"you look like a fool," he comments and you can make out the silhouette of his tail swishing in the moonlight that breaches through cracks in the blinds, "you're so noisy."
"i am not noisy," you reply pointedly, puffing your cheeks as you flop down onto the limited free space cyno has left on the couch, "it's not my fault you have these-"
you lean across to the pointed ears perked upon his head, the pads of your fingertips brushing against the soft fur. cyno tenses, the cunning jackal taking the chance to curl his tail around your leg. it's his turn to grin, pulling you close as he wraps his arms around you, "you took too long at work."
a sigh escapes your lips, a small smile growing as you relax and rest your head against his shoulder. he'll never explicitly say that he missed you but you knew exactly what he meant.
✉️ mail received! sender: tighnari
tighnari is more or less a restless fox. his hands are always busy fumbling with something - usually the assortment of plants that fill every crevice of your shared apartment. you yourself work as a florist so your fox boyfriend having a green thumb is what you like to call a sweet thing called fate when you walk in on him happily pruning his array of exotic plants, big bushy tail swaying behind him as he hums to the radio.
on odd days, tighnari likes to visit the flower shop you work in - situated directly below your apartment. the moment you hear the metal steps behind the flower shop clanging when someone descends them, his ears giving him away as they protrude from his shadow cast on the ceramic floor.
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"ah- shit..." the fox grumbles when his tail hits against the wide leaves of his monstera plant, which has doubled in size since he acquired the cutting from a friend a few months ago. your eyes raise from the book you'd been reading, a small smile caressing your face.
"maybe you need to space them out again, love?" you suggest softly, watching the way his large pointed ears twitch in your direction. he scratches at one with a gloved hand, frowning slightly as he considers it.
"if i keep spacing them out, we'll end up with plants in the kitchen." he sighs, placing the spray bottle full of water down as he turns to look at you. you have a crocheted blanket draped over your legs and you're halfway through the book you'd started. in a slump, he throws himself down beside you, nestling his face into the crook of your neck. his ears flatten in a form of frustration, not appearing to like the concept of plants in the kitchen.
you make a noise, amused as you lower your book and reach a hand up to run through tighnari's dark locks, fingers gently grazing past black fluffy ears and emitting soft whimpers from the male, "you worry so much, nari - perhaps we need to just work on how much your tail wags when you're tending to your plants?"
tighnari groans, brows knitting together as if he'd like to forget his unfortunate predicament. said tail curls up over his lap as he hugs it close to his chest, his head nudging against your hand when you think to stop stroking his hair for even a moment.
✉️ mail received! sender: kaveh
oh he’s simply the sweetest puppy - he’s so loud and boisterous, he’s definitely a golden retriever. kaveh is needy and isn’t afraid to say it out loud too. whether you’ve left the bed to go to the toilet or you did the groceries without him locked to your side, he’ll be sure to whine endlessly until you’re back. he’s stubborn and a little bit prideful however so moments after he’ll be sure to deny ever whining.
you like to joke that maybe the blond has separation anxiety - not that you’d complain about that - but sometimes it genuinely does feel as if he’ll implode whenever you leave for mere moments.
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thanks to the silence of the apartment, you can already hear your boyfriend’s faint whines from where he’s cooped up in your shared bedroom. his blond hair is probably tussled amongst white pillows, sheets messily tangled with his long limbs when he buries his face into the pillows and lets out another dramatic whine - it’s a sight you’ve seen numerous times now.
you sigh, a smile creeping onto your face as you place the grocery bags onto the kitchen counters, glancing in the direction of the bedroom. it’s suddenly silent, the rustle of the grocery bags being the only known sound. you give him five seconds… five… four… three…
the blond appears in the kitchen doorway before you finish counting mentally, floppy golden ears perked and rusty coloured eyes glittering excitedly as a wide beam brightens his face.
“you’re home!” he exclaims, wrapping slender arms around your waist as he nuzzles his head into your hair. his tail is wagging like an unstoppable force, hitting against the kitchen cupboards in a way that you know will have him pouting later, mumbling about how his tail hurts.
“i figured i’d let you sleep in longer but i know you don’t like me leaving you alone.” you muse, running a hand through long blond locks that he’s yet to brush. there’s a small ‘hmph’ from the tall male as he pulls away, folding his arms across his chest defiantly as he puffs out his cheeks.
“who says i don’t like being left alone?” he huffs as he turns his head away somewhat, tilting his chin up with sass, “i like when the apartment is quiet!”
despite his claims, his tail has not given up with its excited wagging, giving away the truth behind his words so easily that you can’t help but laugh at your stubborn boyfriend’s failed attempts.
✉️ mail received! sender: gorou
gorou is another prideful pup who carries his head high with his chest puffed out. his tail is almost never between his legs (unless that fox lady is nearby!) and he loves to act like a personal guard dog. however this makes him extremely tense sometimes, the fur on his tail bristling and standing straight at the mere sound of a vehicle passing by.
you have to laugh at your boyfriend, stroking the soft fur of his tail in reassurance whenever he gets worked up over the smallest things.
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a soft growl falls from the lips of your boyfriend, your eyes moving from the television to where he’s stood by the window, watching the streets below - sometimes it bewildered you how good his hearing was.
“gorou? what on earth is it?” your brows knit together in confusion as you raise to your feet, wandering to the tense puppy as he bares his teeth to something out of your line of sight. he doesn’t respond minus a quiet whimper at your approach, his ears flattening for a moment before a car door slams and they perk almost instantly again.
your eyes notice the postal van parked outside the apartment complex and you try to hide your laugh behind your hand, shaking your head, “it’s just the post, baby!”
gorou makes a small noise akin to that of embarrassment, clearing his throat as he looks away. his tail noticeably relaxes, hanging by his leg as his ears press to his head.
“uh- yeah? so?” he pouts, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly when your fingers brush through the ginger fur of his tail, humming softly.
“nothing, nothing at all, my love,” you grin, pressing a kiss to his warm cheek.
✉️ mail received! sender: thoma
thoma is keen to be the helping hand around the house, especially when you work. he’s nailed every chore down, perfecting them within weeks of the pair of you dating. he uses his heightened senses to your advantage too, picking up the foul waft of something gone off in the fridge before it can even be detected by your nose. it’s not unusually to catch the ginger mopping the laminate floors of your apartment, his tail wagging as he does what he loves most.
sometimes friends and family applaud him for being such an ideal househusband and thoma will simply whine in embarrassment, floppy ears twitching as his tail tucks between his knees and his fingers fumble with whatever he’s holding.
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the apartment smells heavily of bleach, you note as you stretch your limbs, burying your face into sheets that smell of fresh cotton - thanks to thoma completing a load of washing the day prior. you groan as you wake up - not in distaste for your boyfriend’s love of chores, no, simply because you’re awake with the sunlight glowing into the bedroom once again. you swear your dreams are only lasting five minutes.
“you’re awake?” thoma perks up curiously, his head peeking around the door. there’s indeed a mop in his hands and he’s made a small ponytail out of his bangs to keep them out of his eyes. the sight makes you laugh into the pillows.
“mhm,” you hum, rubbing your eyes as you roll onto your back with another half energised stretch of your arms, “what time is it?”
the puppy makes a noise, his nose twitching - you do wonder how he works with bleach so much with that nose of his - as he reaches into his jean pocket and pulls out his phone, “10am, was i too loud?”
you shake your head, catching the way thoma balances the mop against the wall so he can enter the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed. a ginger tail curls around his lap but you reach a hand over, fingers buried into the thick fur. thoma grins, watching you contently when he notices your eyelashes fluttering shut once more.
✉️ mail received! sender: diluc
diluc remains a very reserved man even as a puppy - you don’t blame him at all, you’d discussed his past a few months into dating and you’d sworn promises that you’d never hurt him. after a few weeks, diluc has almost entirely warmed up to you. he’s a very loyal puppy, even if he’s not excitable or needy, or even clingy.
his loyalty extends as far as working alongside you in your coffee shop, tending to making drinks and keeping on top of the dishes. the kids love him! he’ll even crouch down for them and let them touch at his ears - as long as they’re gentle.
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you hear the excited exclaims of children and a smile grows on your face, turning your heard to glimpse at the twins who are regulars alongside their mother but you know precisely why and that is narrowed down to your boyfriend, who stands with perked up ears when he recognises those familiar childish giggles.
he turns on his heels, ruby eyes twinkling as he crouches before the two of them. his hands continue to work idly on drying a mug with a cloth, his tail swaying slowly behind him as the twins glance between his tail, his face and his ears - they’re almost vibrating with the excitement they can’t contain.
“well? do you want to touch?” he prompts, his deep voice spooking the twins. small chubby hands reach up, fingertips brushing against the dark fur of his pointed ears in amazement as if they’d never touched them before. it’d become a routine for the three of them, diluc was beginning to cherish the twins. it was a sweet sight, one that you had to pull your gaze away when the steamed milk before you is done.
you continue to make the drink in question - one that is specifically for the twins’ mother. she raises her gaze from her children to thank you as you slide her drink towards her, a smile adorning her face, “come on you two, we have to go deliver this to daddy at work.”
the two pout, bidding your boyfriend farewell as they join hands, following their mother’s steps as she leaves the coffee shop. diluc stands, stretching his shoulders as his eyes glance over at you. he sees that playful grin you wear and a small scoff comes from him, clearing his throat as he continues drying the dishes.
✉️ mail received! sender: aether
aether knows exactly how to get what he wants, he has the definition of puppy eyes when those golden eyes you love so much look at you, innocent and pleading and his hands clasped together in a begging motion - but he’s such a good boy, how could you ever deny your boyfriend? his tail wags feverishly, knocking against everything in the nearby vicinity, including you but you simply can’t fault him.
he’ll do whatever you ask of him, obediently and almost instantly too. he recognises that running tedious errands for his beloved girlfriend will always get him what he wants in the long run, even though he never asks for much.
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there are those damned eyes again, you think as you bite your lip. he’s attempting to use them on someone other than yourself however and it’s most obviously not working. you squeeze his hand, his fingers tangled with yours as he snaps his attention to you, golden ears perked up - a telltale sign that he doesn’t care about what he’s attempting to puppy eye his way to.
“come on, we have ice cream - it’ll melt, aeth,” you comment, tugging at his hand as you pull him away from the street food vendor, “anyways you ate not that long ago.”
“i’m a growing pup,” he defends with a pout, his tail wagging back and forth contently as the two of you continue to walk home. you send him a look, your eyebrow raised and he sends a sheepish smile back, “okay, maybe i’m a grown pup.”
“that’s more like it,” you taunt, grinning as he huffs with a whine, rolling his eyes, “it’s takeout night tonight, don’t be too greedy.”
the puppy’s eyes sparkle at the reminder, a smile growing on his face as he nods and lifts your joined hands, littering your knuckles in feather light kisses. you roll your eyes this time, squeezing his hand once more in a returned act of affection towards your boyfriend. he grins playfully, leaning over to press a kiss to your lips instead when he grows tired of your knuckles.
✉️ mail received! sender: childe
he’s a mischievous fox, albeit still very cunning. childe likes to keep you on your toes every chance he gets, testing your patience virtually every day since you met him. he does sometimes wonder why you fell for him but he doesn’t voice it out loud, instead opting to tease you for falling for his charming looks. you merely argue back that he knows exactly why you fell for him. the sly fox doesn’t deny.
as much as he may love his pranks, taunting his girlfriend with a grin, they don’t always work in his favour. if only it wasn’t for those pointy red ears and bushy tail that ruined his fun.
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the house is silent. that’s never a good sign, childe doesn’t sleep this early in the afternoon unless it’s with you. you’d memorised the routine of your fox boyfriend in the year you’d been together, down to every last detail. this silence could only mean one thing - trouble.
you don’t call out his name, knowing it’s futile as you step through the building. he hasn’t even kept the television on. the only sounds come from vehicles passing on the street outside, their sounds enhanced ever-so-slightly by an open window in the kitchen. you consider checking all your known locations for childe’s hiding spots, biting the inner of your cheek.
your eyes gloss over every last inch of the house that you can see, moving from room to room. the floor occasionally creaks beneath you, no matter how quiet you’re stepping - you curse buying such an old house on the market.
that’s when you catch it, in the middle of the lounge behind a couch. a pair of red, pointed ears with darkened tips and if you look closer, you can spot the white tip of a bushy tail peeking around the corner of the aforementioned couch. you grin, having caught the fox before he caught you.
you continue to act coy, slowly moving around towards the couch. he jumps up suddenly when you’re close enough, wrapping his arms around you from behind as his bushy tail sways playfully. sharp fangs show as he grins, unaware that you’d know the whole time.
“there you are!” you gasp, turning in his arms to press your chest to his. childe chuckles, leaning down to capture your lips with his. he tastes sweet, you narrow it down to the berries he snacks on in between meals.
“you knew, didn’t you?” his hot breath fans across your face and you grin, running your fingers through tresses of bright orange hair as you nod. he puffs his cheeks, scowling as he realises that once again, his own appendages had ruined his fun again.
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