#puppydog tails au
hey-hamlet · 8 months
Fic Prompt: 13, Puppydog Tails AU, Hound Dog.
I can already imagine a scenario, however I'd like to see your take on it as well, not to mention that this character isn't one usually used, so that's a plus for me, getting to see an underrated character :D
What doesn’t kill you,” he continues, “changes you in ways you can never recover from. But what you do with those changes is up to you."
Getting Midoriya to attend therapy had been a hard fought battle. One, he noted as he meet eyes with a green-furred, sharp eyed, wolf-like dog, they'd not entirely won. It wasn't impossible to hold a therapy session when your client refused to shift into a form that allowed communication, but. Well. It certainly was more difficult.
He near refused to answer to his last name, leaving it up to teachers how they would refer to their newest student. Use his first name and subtly continue the implication he was less worthy of respect than other students? Or call him by his last name, distress the kid, piss off his friends and lose control of the classroom. Yagi and Aizawa had neatly sidestepped the problem by virtue of only calling him a nickname (my boy and problem child, respectively).
Hound Dog figured that giving the boy the agency to pick his own name was more important than implications.
"Now, Izuku." Hound Dog said, noting with a spark of happiness how Midoriya's ears pricked at his name. "This is just an introductory session, we won't be handling anything sensitive at this moment." He forward in his seat, eyes locked on Midoriya, but avoiding his eyes. Body language was tricky with mutants and animal shifters. The last thing he wanted to do was threaten the kid.
"I just want to make one thing clear first - you are just as worthy of safety and comfort as your fellow students. There is nothing wrong with the way you seek that comfort, even if it means we have to work a little harder to communicate, ok?" Midoriya stared at him, frozen for a moment before soft whimpers built in his throat. He watched the body curl in on himself slightly, sure tears would be dripping from his eyes if he were capable of it in his current form.
Ah - Hound Dog felt himself soften. Even now, the pup's tail was wagging.
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breitzbachbea · 9 months
The hormones are rampant. Rampant enough to think about the Myth AU again and I am SO sorry about the Irish court, but WHAT will beat the weird fucking Minne thing that Railey got going on. How am I not supposed to think about Robert's daydreams of success that involve a severed head in a bag. 'I come bearing gifts for my king and a solution for his wise man.' And like. Yeah the head's technically for Arthur, that is loyalty number one, but he wants to present it so badly to his lover. Look what I've done for you, your troubles are no more, tell me anything you want and I shall have it done with my own two hands, for I am worthy. Big strong knight is wagging his tail like a puppydog, because his role and standing in society are sooo tied to his pretty wizard boyfriend giving him approving smiles. Man is on a leeeaaash.
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di-verse-mlp · 3 years
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Name: Puppydog Tails Parents: Snips, Snails Description: A shy boy, Puppydog Tails is a sweet kid that keeps to himself and mainly interacts with animals. He’s about 8. He got his cutie mark after helping a stray dog, making him overjoyed; as a trans boy his cutie mark validated both his name choice and his identity as a boy, his cutie mark being a part of a nursery rhyme about what little boys are made of. He likes to work with animals and occasionally goes to fluttershys house, volunteering to help her in assisting them. As he’s so shy he is rarely heard talking unless it is to his friends or dads. Pronouns: he/him Identity: trans stallion Friends: Apple sauce, a few ponies outside of the di-verse Siblings: n/a Enemies: no one, he’s too shy to have rivalries.
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I see you're on break (congrats)and you want some aus? Perfect What about a single dad finally meets the kindergarten teacher and shenanigans occur or something like that? Remeber tonjoy your break tho and rest up :)
Ah Anon it makes me ever so happy to see you in my inbox! Please never leave my darling. And I hope you're good, and happy, and well. Don't worry I'm definitely resting up these hols (please ignore the fact that I'm posting this at 2am while I tell you I am resting)
So I know I said prompts were probs gonna be jercy but when I read this everything in me just screamed PERCABETH. So that's what I wrote. Side note this had biiigg Everything Has Changed music video vibes.
Anyway I hope you enjoy! Love y'all. And thanks for the prompt! Keep em coming.
Masterlist for more crackships and other stuff
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Percy Jackson pulled into the designated pick up zone, his music blasting so hard his seats vibrated. His fingers tapped along to the beat against the steering wheel, head bobbing aimlessly. The time on the dashboard blinked 14:59 and as the song ended the clock struck the hour.
Little kids, dressed in all manor of outfits came pouring out of the school, throwing basketballs and strapping on bike helmets. He watched as a little boy in a lobster costume attempted to mount his bicycle, falling three times before he got frustrated enough to yank the costume down. Percy, and probably every parent in the vicinity, was grateful the little guy had a vest and shorts on underneath.
Another little boy looked on the verge of tears as he handed a broken pair of wings to his mom. She gave him a kiss and a chocolate and the kid beamed so hard the sun got a little jealous. He immediately turned to the little girl next to him and offered her some of his sugary contraband.
Damn Percy loved Halloween.
Speaking of which, where on earth was Estelle? She had been buzzing about the Halloween sleepover all week and now she was going to be late.
He checked the clock to find five minutes had gone by with no sign of his little sister. The front area was beginning to clear as little kids hopped on the school bus or into a parent's car. He gave it one more, impatient minute before getting out and stalking towards the schools entrance. His eyes wide and frantically searching through all the little bobbles and capes and various types of bugs. What was it with little kids and insects? Still there was no sign of a bright green tail or red hair clips.
Percy was starting to panic. He pushed the double doors of the school open, "Estelle? Estelle? Elle? Ellie? Elephant?"
His shouts echoed in the empty hallways but there was no response.
"Princess Ariel? Come on Elle this isn't funny." His voice shook with nerves as he peered into empty classrooms and around abandoned corners.
"Elle if you come out now I'll get you icecream on the way home." Bribing always worked.
"Come one Estelle, please," He could hear the panic in his voice now.
"Can I help you?" A voice from behind him asked.
He whipped around, stumbling as he caught sight of the stranger.
She was, wow. She looked like a princess from one of Estelle fairytales. Golden curls, and bright grey eyes. And a soft, expectant smile.
Expectant.... expactant. Shit. She was waiting for him.
He cleared his throat, "Uh yes hi I'm looking for my little sister. She didn't come out after school and I'm panicking just a little."
"Oh alright," She motioned for him to follow her before disappearing behind a door, "Can you tell me her name and who her teacher is?"
"Sure yea, her name is Estelle Blofis and her teacher is Miss Dare."
"Oh yes they had swim class for the last hour of the day. Come on I'll take you to the pool. Maybe she's still there."
"Thank you so much," He gave her a grateful look, "I'm Percy by the way, Percy Jackson."
"Annabeth Chase," Her tone was open but her answer was blunt.
Percy was confused and a little worried, and wow she was pretty.
"So you been working here long?"
She gave him a weird look and he realized it was probably a stupid question but before he could back track she was shrugging her shoulders.
"About two years."
"Must really love children huh?" He chuckled, "I think I'd go crazy if I had to look after a bunch of six year olds all day."
She looked at him then, grey eyes piercing into his.
"It started out as a backup plan while I waited to get into postgrad and kind of just became a thing."
"Well I'm sure you're great at it."
She laughed softly, pushing open the doors to the pool, "I'm great at everything Mr Jackson."
"Percy!" A small weight crashed into his legs.
"Hello Elle, where have you been?" He crouched down to look his little sister in the eye, "I've been worried sick about you."
"I'm sorry Pers," She gave him that puppydog stare, "We were having so much fun in the pool Miss Dare said we could stay in for a little extra. I didn't think you'd mind since you like to listen to your loud music." Her little button nose scrunched in distaste before she bounded away to change and grab her things.
Percy heard a soft snickering from behind him and stood up to see Annabeth covering her mouth, grey eyes sparkling with amusement.
"Someone's not a fan of your taste."
He scowled at her, "She doesn't count. Her favourite song is" Kiss the Girl" from Ariel."
"That's a great song," The blonde arched a perfect brow.
"Maybe when you're a kindergarten teacher," He teased, "I listen to real music like Led Zeppelin and Bon Jovi."
"Who said that's real music, Seaweed Brain?" She said pointing to his t-shirt that read Marine Biologists: seaweeds with brains.
"Haha," Percy rolled his eyes, "Well what do you consider good music?"
She opened her mouth to respond but Estelle beat her to it.
"Okay Percy I'm ready. Are we gonna get icecream on our way home?"
"What are you gonna give me in return?" They started waking back into the school.
"We can watch any movie you want tomorrow." She declared.
"Any movie?" He narrowed his eyes at her.
"Any movie. Oh except toy story. I don't like watching Andy give all his toys away. And that mean pink bear scares me."
"So we can watch Frozen?" He picked her up to look straight at her.
"Yes!" She giggled, "But you can't sing along to every word. I like Elsa and Anna's voice."
He pouted at her and glared at Annabeth who had been silent until this moment, when she had hurriedly tried to cover up her laugh with a cough.
"Why don't you run to the car, little one," He put Estelle down, "If you can get there in under thirty seconds I'll let you have two scoops of ice-cream."
The little girl didn't so much as blink before she was racing down the hall.
"So Frozen huh?" Annabeth smirked, "Guess that's also considered good music?"
"I'll have you know Elsa and Anna are queens and icons of this generation."
"Personally I think Nani and Lilo are better role models but whatever you say," She grinned at him.
"How about we settle this debate over coffee? Friday next week?"
"I hope you know I was captain of the debate team in college so you're definitely going down."
"All I'm hearing is that you accepted to go on a date with me," It was his turn to smirk.
She laughed as he wiggled his eyebrows. He knew he looked ridiculous but her laugh was buttery and warm and he'd do most anything to keep hearing it.
"It's a date Percy Jackson."
His smile was bright and unrestrained as they waved goodbye.
"See you then Annabeth Chase."
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starscattered-blog1 · 6 years
SPECIFIC VERSES FOR MUSES For Poppy: v; nothing’s standing in my way
-main verse, set prior to the movie’s events.
v; not all cupcakes & rainbows
-role reversal verse/au where poppy’s the grey grumpy troll and branch is the lively colorful royal troll. poppy’s father died when she was young, causing her to spiral into depression and lose her colors. meanwhile, branch never lost his grandmother, therefore he never lost his colors. he’s also the prince of the trolls.
v; oh the humanity
-basically a human verse where poppy and the rest of the trolls are human. poppy’s still a princess and is twenty-one, and her human fc is d.ove c.ameron.
For David: ;lake lilac slasher -serial killer david verse. david's still a counselor at camp campbell but secretly kills random people. ...and he seems as chipper as ever.
VERSES FOR ALL MUSES ;snips & snails & puppydog tails -anthro verse
;spooky high student
-monster prom verse
-fear the repo man!
-repo! the genetic opera verse, more to explain later.
If there isn’t a verse listed and a muse is in some other verse completely, I’ll try to come up with a verse! For now, these are... it.
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hey-hamlet · 1 year
I have an idea :D
What do you think would happen if you mix Puppydog Tails AU with A Pawns Game AU? I personally can think of 2 scenarios, the easy way and the hard way:
Easy way: Nezu doesn't realize that the person who manage to discover them and whose confronting him online is Izuku, and is at a cross fr he can't discover who that person is, and that both infuriates him and excites him. Someone who he can't discover their identity? That's something new and a breath of fresh air for him, if only they weren't working against him.
Hard way: Nezu is aware of Izuku's identity, and let's Bakugo stay in the heroes course as another chip to dangle over his head, saying "I know who you are and still let you come close to me, I can do whatever I want with the only person you're close with so tread carefully", forcing him to be stressed 24/7 and even more anxious than normal, which isn't helpful to Katsuki, who sees his best friend and therapy animal acting like that and is twitchy and watching his surroundings all the time, making it harder to him to get anything done well in class and concerning all the teachers around, and he can't even bring it up to them in fears of them separating him from Izuku due to that.
Oooh Pawns Game and Puppydog tails is an evil mix - before I read your ask I'll tell you that my first idea for the AU mix is probably Izuku also being an experiment form the same lab Nezu was from, but a human to an 'animal' rather than an animal to a 'human'. Nezu destroys the lab with him and the scientists in it and he only lives because he changes into a mouse and was lucky enough to be able to crawl out. He gets back to Bakugo, his mother is dead and Nezu will kill him if he finds him because Izuku has evidence of more crimes of his than just murder.
Ok! Now to read your ideas! I love both your easy mode and your hard mode, but I think easy is likely what happened - Nezu is very intelligent but hes also pretty up himself, no way he expects there is another 'animal' that can rival him in intelligence - he didn't even think there were any people like that!
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hey-hamlet · 1 year
Gonna send another ask since it's pretty likely the one I sent at least months ago was eaten, lost or deleted by Tumblr :V
Do you think there's a way for Puppydog Pals AU (I think it was called that? The one where Izuku shapeshifts into Bakugou's therapy dog) and Yagi has a gun AU to be fused? I'll admit I can't think how they can be fused but it'd be hilarious if you find a way. I know I had an image of Izuku being a dog with a gun strapped on a vest he wears, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't meant for a fusion with Yagi has a gun AU :V
Oh wait, I just thought of something, maybe Yagi could get his gun after Bakugou reveals that Izuku is actually a person, and he trains with the gun since he doesn't have OFA anymore? (I think the reveal happened during the Kamino Ward arc at least :V)
Ah, Puppydog Tails! Izuku deserves assault weapons strapped to his vest, as a treats.
I think for this AU, after All Might finds out Izuku's spent all that time as an animal out of fear for his life he decided that Izuku could probably do with some weapons training. Complication: Izuku's list of trusted adults is about 2 people long and he's still scared of Aizawa, so All Might is really the only option. Uncomplication: All Might is great with guns and could use some more practise teaching.
Solution: Izuku and Bakugo (who are joined at the hip in a relationship that could generously be called close and more accurately referred to as dangerously codependent) take shooting lessons from Yagi twice a week. It was intented as a way to get Izuku comfortable and safe in his human form but ended with All Might all but adopting him and Bakugo, giving Izuku his quirk and also seeing how many animal forms could wield a firearm. (Everything with opposable thumbs, most things with opposable tails and an elephant if hes very very careful)
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hey-hamlet · 1 year
A dog's game AU ask :D
I saw the 2 different scenarios you gave out, one without my input and one with it, and I'm not sure which one I wanna tackle first, so I'll do both at once XD
For the case where Izuku escaped the same facility as Nezu, I can't begin to imagine how he would win in the first place, I'm pretty sure that the moment Nezu becomes aware of a green animal he'll go to the throat on sight, of course without it being able to be traced back to himself :V
In the other scenario I would like to think that Izuku would try to get as close to Nezu as possible in order to spy on him by shapeshifting into a rat or something, but I don't believe that would work, the moment Nezu notices an animal close by he'd stop doing anything suspicius, Koda is present after all, and he'd be able to know what he does if any animal other than himself knows of his plans.
The best part about AU prompts is how wildly different two AUs from the same prompt can be!
Yeah, my first idea I don't think Izuku wins that one - hes also Extra Traumatised because he was part of basically a quirked animal dog fighting ring - and not all of the animals were,,, animals. He didn't want to fight to the death but he didn't often have much of a choice. Nezu would have him and the Bakugos killed in an accident - but I feel like Katsuki and Izuku escape, scared and alone, only for the HPSC to arrest Izuku on murder charges (the Bakugos). Bakugo ends up in UA and Nezu considers getting rid of him too - he's not decided yet. Izuku is still alive, and the information the HPSC are sending him is fascinating!
And for scenario 2 - Nezu never knew Izuku was intelligent, just knew there was a shapeshifting animal in the lab. He's not shocked Izuku escaped because he could just get as small as he needed to to avoid getting crushed, but he's just a dumb animal, no big deal. Nezu can let a fellow lab rat live. 1A seem to be fond of Koda's new green friend, no need to rock the boat.
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hey-hamlet · 2 years
The 5 headcanon game for that AU where Izuku has the animal shapeshifting quirk and acts as a therapy dog for Bakugou to hide his identity please :3 I forgot the name of that AU XD It was puppy something?
Puppydog tails AU! (it comes from the rhyme 'slugs and snails and puppy dog tails, that's what little boys are made of')
I don't think I ever decided when I was going to give Izuku One for All in this au so I think just after I-Island, so just before the training camp. In this AU Aizawa knows a bit about One for All because All Might was impressed on the value of talking to people about things, so Izuku has a rough handle on it by the time the camp is attacked. Not a good handle on it, but he can use the same amount as in the stain arc safely.
All Might would have given it to him earlier, but Izuku was still getting used to being human and he didn't want to stress the poor boy out. I-Island made him realise he really wasn't getting any younger, and that if he wanted to give it to Izuku it would have to be soon, otherwise he'd have waited until second year.
After getting One for All Izuku can transform into mythical creatures (as long as they are mammal(ish)) and one of his favourites becomes a Kitsune. He's got five tails, a tenuous control of foxfire and some very stabby teeth.
He can use One for All better as an animal than as a human, the running theory is that hes more used to the animal bodies. Downside is its more difficult to fight non lethally as an animal because most of your options are teeth or claws and no one likes a body mess of a fight. Also there is a real danger of poor Izuku catching something nasty.
1A's favourite animal transformation is the bear. Fluffy unit Izuku is best Izuku.
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hey-hamlet · 2 years
okay so in the praise be dogs AU, does Nedzu still invite All Might to teach at UA? i feel like even before it’s revealed that Izuku is actually human and not just a quirked dog, Nedzu would not be at all okay with All Might having a dog sidekick. i can’t imagine Nedzu being on All Might’s side like in canon if that’s the case.
Also, i’m curious about Nighteye in the praise be dogs AU. Like, did he work with All Might when he got Izuku or was that after he and Nighteye parted ways? and what did he think about it? i guess in that same vein, did All Might find Izuku before or after his fight with All for One? (sorry if this is too many questions, i’m just really into this AU ❤️)
There is no such thing as too many questions!
He's not happy about it, but the dog seems to be full grown, so he is an adult. Nezu assumes the means All Might's dog has agreed to do this, so he doesn't say anything because agency is important for quirk animals, he doesnt want to mess with Midori's. He's of the opinion All Might is on thin fucking ice.
All Might finds Izuku when hes 7, so roughly 2 years before the AfO vs All Might fight, so Nighteye is still working with him. Nighteye doesn't really question it too much when All Might says he's training a quirked dog as a sidekick? Like, the police have dogs - its probably the same deal here. All Might treats Izuku like an animal so Nighteye has no idea he's not.
Izuku doesn't actually join fights with All Might until after the big fight, All Might considers his training good enough by the point.
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hey-hamlet · 2 years
What would happen if you mix up Puppydog Pals and No Way UA? I imagine in this kind of scenario UA won't let Bakugo have Izuku/his therapy animal with him, so he simply goes to smewhere else like Shiketsu, thus UA unknowingly throws a wrench in All Might's plan to find a successor :V
This can work for the 5 headcanon game if you're still doing the game n.n
Bakugo tells UA to go fuck themselves after they only tell him he's not allowed to bring Izuku on campus after the entrance exam, making him the second UA top scorer who told UA to fuck off and went to Shiketsu that year! He and Inasa get along really well.
The fact the top scorers from the general and recommended exam both told UA to eat shit leaks and its really really bad press. All Might quietly tells Nezu he's going to guest lecture at all the major hero schools, and that if Nezu makes this easy he wont go public that hes also leaving UA. He grits his teeth and lets All Might go, because they both know UA being included as one of the top hero schools is good press at this point.
The League find out ALl Might will be guesting at all of the major hero schools and decide to attack the one who has an off campus event first. Shiketsu has their quirk assessment on the second day, at an off campus hero training facility joint owned by them and the HPSC.
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hey-hamlet · 2 years
okay so about the puppydog tails for the ask game... can we get puppydog tails + dptam too pretty please
Praise be Dogs is one of the few DPTAM aus in which he gets tore to shreds both by the media and either Stain or Kurogiri. Great times.
Izuku wants to be an underground hero! Nezu quickly enrols him into class 1A for a bunch of reasons, some of them being "you aren't a quirked animal but you are close so you are like me and like protects like" and "this boy can never have a normal life but he could have something close". Most of 1A dont know how to treat him - but Todoroki, in his own deeply awkward way, tries very very hard to befriend him.
In this AU Endeavour is a good guy and takes Izuku for his first internship along with Shouto, right after the sports festival. Because Stain in this AU is waiting for the chance to gut All Might like a fish, Tensei is safe and sound and taking his little brother around. Endeavour really just wanted this to be a nice, calm internship! Just let the poor traumatised boy do something he's used to in a nice, less horrifying context! And then the League send in a bunch of Nomu and Endeavour is about 30 seconds away from committing a crime so bloody even the HPSC will struggle to cover it up!
Aizawa is not on board with having Izuku in 1A - he should be in therapy. Izuku is very much not mentally healthy and Aizawa is of the opinion he should be in a much better place before he should even be considered for UA - and this is a valid opinion. Nezu is of the belief that if they rip another familiar thing away from this boy he's going to shape shift into an animal for the last time and refuse to rejoin society. This is correct.
Izuku shifts into a dog to comfort himself when he's upset or overwhelmed. No one is quite sure if this is a healthy coping mechanism or not, but the biting people when they get close to him is probably not, but it is valid.
Most other Izukus hate being babied, but this one quietly loves it. He was never treated like he was delicate before, like he was someone worthy of being treated gently. He wasn't treated as a 'someone' at all.
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hey-hamlet · 3 years
You know what? I’ll just send a prompt for the Puppydog Tail au XD
”I haven’t done nothing wrong” “I know this, and I love you” meanwhile, there’s explosions in the background, fires everywhere and chaos afloat
Izuku looked up at All Might sheepishly, resisting the urge to shift into something cute. While 'puppy dog eyes' worked, it was also pretty blatant that thats what he was aiming for. Plus, Aizawa had already told him off for his terrible communication skills that week and he didn't need even more ammunition.
Katsuki's cackling laugh really wasn't helping the air of innocence he was trying to project.
"Young Midoriya? Why - why are the changing rooms in pieces? And on fire? And - is that - are they flooded too?" All Might looked dumbfounded. Izuku sympathized.
"I'm so sorry!" he bowed so low his hair touched the rapidly growing puddle on the floor. "I thought Mineta was taking too long, so I shifted into a mouse to see what he was doing and he was looking into the girls changing rooms! Which was gross!" All Might nodded, gesturing for him to go on.
"So I shifted into an elephant to stomp on him and maybe exploded the rooms." All Might looked skyward; as if praying for some divine revelation. Katsuki just laughed harder. Izuku kicked out behind him while All Might wasn't looking, connecting with Katsuki's stomach with a satisfying thud. The traitor wheezed pathetically and crumpled to the ground but didn't stop his manic laughter, though it now sounded more like someone throttling a rubber chicken.
"Why is it on fire?" Izuku shank into himself. He fought not to do it literally - it was hard for a mouse to answer for his crimes.
"I think I broke some of the wiring." He teared up unconsciously. "I'm so sorry All Might! I didn't mean to - Mineta was acting like a villain! I didn't mean to break anything!" All Might softened, gathering Izuku into his arms for a brief but comforting hug.
"It's ok, my boy. I know you didn't mean to break anything, you aren't in any trouble." Izuku, with his face still buried in his mentor's stomach, didn't notice the dangerous look he shot at Mineta. Mineta very much did. "But maybe young Mineta and I should visit the faculty room. Just to talk."
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hey-hamlet · 3 years
Hi, so I was going through your aus for like the millionth time and I've been wondering something......in puppydog tails I'm pretty sure you mentioned that it's probably a dfo au......so I was wondering, how does afo react in both the regular puppydog tails au and the praise be dogs au to the little green "animal" that keeps popping up/is all might's sidekick(?) actually being Izuku?
The original AU sees Inko die to villains trying to take her and her son back to All for One. He's enraged they killed her and his son - he just wanted to protect (vault) them! They get murdered creatively. He never finds out his son lived - Midoriya wasn't Inko's original first name, but its the only one Izuku remembers.
praise be dogs sees AfO using Kurogiri to teleport into All Might's house when he's put under house arrest pre-trial and slit the man's throat. the heroes stationed outside swear they didn't hear anything! but like. no one actually cares enough to check with neighbours or anything.
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
in the dptam puppydog tails au(i think that’s it?) does izuku ever change back into his human form? or does he stay in his doggy form 24/7?? like does he stay That Way forever or does he ever change back?? blease i just want him to be happy. but also like the amount of angst that could come out of this is just :)))
With All Might he’s always an animal unless All Might requires him to be human for whatever reason. When they get to UA he’s just there as All Might’s... side kick? Canine partner? Idk what you’d call him. 
He’s revealed as human at the USJ - here All Might arrived at UA when he was supposed to but stepped out to talk with his PR team about something, so Izuku went along with Aizawa. Katsuki looks physically pained whenever he sees Izuku and Aizawa is really meaning to ask about that at some point, but oh no! villains! Aizawa jumps in as usual and Izuku follows, taking out villains and watching his back. When the Nomu rushes to Aizawa, Izuku gets inbetween them, trying to defend him. When Shigaraki calls for the Nomu to “end the mutt” Aizawa uses his quirk on it in an attempt to stop it. Izuku is caught in it. 
Suddenly the Nomu is clutching a scared, bruised, skinny child in ill-fitting clothes. Everyone freezes for a moment, Izuku snarls and snaps even in his human form, clawing at the hands holding him and growling harshly. It doesn’t suit his human mouth. The Nomu has no clue what to do because this clearly isnt a dog so it just kinda,,, stands there. Shigaraki laughs maniacally, it's clear he's kind of horrified, as is everyone else. 
“Turns out your symbol of peace isn’t so righteous, huh?” 
After that whole event plays out All Might tries playing dumb but it just doesn’t work, and everyone is horrified as Katsuki explains who that is and the piece together a timeline that shows Izuku has been living like this for almost a decade. It’s rough going for a while - Izuku was taught to a high school level but he doesn’t speak, his social norms are a mess and he’s so used to doing what he’s told its hard to teach him to have any agency. He has to be actively encouraged to stay in human form because he’s just not used to it.
Yeah, All Might gets fucking crucified by the media.
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
Don't praise the puppydog tails au, but it's Ed's and Tucker's exchange from "The Life Sewing Alchemist" "How old is your dog?" "16 years old." "How long ago did you get the dog?" "10 years ago" "How old was Izuku Midoryia when he disappeared?" "eeuuh....6 years old" "How old would he be today?" "16 years old" "What is Izuku Midoryia's Quirk?" "Shapeshifting....SHIT!"
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