#pups shanty
seapups-cove · 1 month
There's something bittersweet about finally clearing out YouTube subscriptions from the same account I used as a kid.. going past phases and key points that made me the person I am today, Finding channels that no longer exist but specifically remembering the kind of content their once was.
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littlebittyrugrat · 2 years
CG!Glamrock Foxy Headcanons
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🏴‍☠️ Call's you nickname's like "Kit, Little Mate/Matey, Pup, Rascal, Rugrat, Munchkin, Sailor, Lil Cap'n."
🏴‍☠️ He usually take's off his hook when he isn't at shows, though especially around you since he doesn't want to hurt you. He uses a prosthetic hand instead.
🏴‍☠️ He is loves Littles of any age range, he enjoys caring for all the kiddos!
🏴‍☠️ He 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙨 to tell you stories of his wild "adventures" over the sea, [if you're comfortable] he'll have you sit in his lap and listen to his stories to!
🏴‍☠️ He's a bit of a prankster [though he never does it to you, you're to special], he has you help play tricks on the other animatronics for fun sometimes.
🏴‍☠️ He let's you ride on his shoulder's sometimes and let's you play captain while he's one of your crewmates or the ship.
🏴‍☠️ He can be awkward about PDA but he does just about anything for you, you're his special little sailor!
🏴‍☠️ He doesn't care what you do as long as you aren't hurting yourself or other's, he is very laid back.
🏴‍☠️ He comes to your defense in just about anything and kind of spoils you in all honesty. Painted the wall's and someone's upset? He's gonna defend you and say it's their fault somehow and not yours. ☠️💕
🏴‍☠️ He let's Monty or Bonnie babysit when he is busy; he gives them a strict list of things since he wants to make sure you are very well taken care of.
🏴‍☠️ Though he is laid back he can be a little strict about sweet's and bedtime, he knows rest and healthy foods are important to little guy's like you.
🏴‍☠️ He likes to teach you sea shanties!
🏴‍☠️ If you're a little who cusses sometimes he doesn't really care as long as it's not cussing 𝘢𝘵 anyone.
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minusgangtime · 6 months
(Random facts about the Alpaca Remix Gang-
(This is gonna be long, oh boy- 👀")
The Boyfriends are nonbinary in this AU as they go by they/them pronouns and are referred to as the "BFs"
The gang (except for Victor and Topsy (AR!Skid and Pump)) are based on characters from the game, Them's Fightin' Herds (both color schemes and outfit designs)
The BFs are based on Paprika
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While Blue is based on the original Paprika, Beta and MB are a combination of Paprika color palettes and other characters (Beta is based on Arizona and MB is based on Pom)
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Girlfriend is based on Velvet
Girlfriend has ice powers! ..Which she still needs to learn how to control- :/
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Pico is based on Shanty
Pico is also a pirate who loves to sail and explore the world
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Victor (AR!Skid) is a small werewolf pup that can talk and Topsy (AR!Pump) is a ghost who wishes to be a circus clown (which explains the nose))
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starsspin-a · 3 years
so i have a songs that give me serotonin playlist, and at the bottom it has like here’s some recommended songs and half of them are glee covers, even tho i don’t have any glee songs on the playlist. like spotify are you okay?
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corbcob · 2 years
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i was listening to sea shanties and in a brilliant moment of word association i was like “selkie…silco….*gasp* SEALCO” lol
anyways here’s silco and jinx as selkies! 🦭💕
silco is a leopard seal and jinx is a wee seal pup. (i really just wanted to draw silco in a big floofy coat hehehhe)
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shreddinsl0th · 6 years
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My pup loves to climb as much as me 💕
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bokettochild · 2 years
for a modern au what music would the chain listen to
Oh, um....
I think Sky would be kinda chill with his music tastes. He's the kid who'd be sitting here, bobbin' his head, and you think he's listening to like, a fun pop song, but he's actually listening to Guns and Ships from Hamilton. He takes music suggestions from everyone and listens to mostly everything. Heavy metal phases him no less than classical, and he enjoys both of them very much.
Time strikes me as a guy who would like jazz. Like, sure, he prefers orchestral compositions most times (especially Celtic), but he enjoys Louie Armstrong and Harry Connick Jr. and that sort of thing too. He also loves country music (especially when Malon sings along) but he won't play them with the boys around because Twilight will try singing along, and while he loves his Pup, Twilight can't sing for the life of him
Twilight loves country music, 100%, but Midna got him into some rock too. He doesn't care for the heavy stuff, but he enjoys it
Warriors is a k-pop boy, and you can't convince me otherwise. Man keeps on top of the newest bops and is the one to do most of the music suggesting in the group. He likes slower things and soft music too, but he keeps up the pretense of only being into the biggest groups at any time. He keeps his other interests mostly private (he has a weakness for musicals though). He pretends to hate country music with a passion, but it's actually because he picks up the accent when he hears it and he doesn't want Twilight to know.
Four is the one who is literally everywhere. Shadow loves rock songs and rap, Blue prefers Broadway and Opera as well as a good dose of romance songs (never tell his brothers), Red has a weakness for any sort of Pop, and Green likes Country. Vio, naturally, loves violin music, but he also enjoys dabbling in his brothers'/friends' interests. Vio also really likes rap, specifically fast-paced songs where his mind has to actually work to keep up with the words
Hyrule likes folk music, I think. He also likes most flute music and bag-pipes make his wings thrum with joy even when he doesn't have them out. Celtic music makes his blood sing and if he needs to be working, you better believe his headphones are providing something like The Isle of Skye or Scotland The Brave.
Wind likes sea shanties, naturally, but he also enjoys folk music and pop as well. Definitely memorized the words to all of warriors' favorite songs because he likes them too, and will must out with vine like timing with all sorts of songs to make a situation funnier. He also likes rock though, Time is worried he might be hitting an emo phase soon.
Wild actually prefers instrumentals. He doesn't care for listening to unknown voices singing to him, since he deals with that enough. If he can see the singer though, he doesn't mind. The others like dragging him to concerts for that reason, so he can enjoy their music and not feel weird about it. He enjoys most music, but more sedate and contemplative pieces are his favorites.
Legend is a music man. he likes all music. Now, there are things that he will stubbornly insist do not qualify as music; certain artists, certain songs or styles, but when the others fight about what to play in the car during road trips, he will just chill through it all. There are certain moods he needs to be in for some styles, but he's pretty much good with it all.
Ravio like everything too, but he hates country music
Malon likes country music specifically
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wolf-and-bard · 3 years
Jotastic?! Who suggested Eskel got the spikes on his shoulder? Was it a monster inspiring him? Or did someone suggest? Or did he see this really canon-age-punk kid and got inspired?
Pandawesome! 💕 Because the last one turned out soft, this had to turn out sad, I'm sorry!!! I hope you like it anyway...
cw: angst, mentions of trial-related trauma, (possibly) unrequited feelings
Nights You Don't Remember (M, ~1.6k)
Eskel sits alone at breakfast, the other trainees around him merry and joyous as they chat about the upcoming day. He doesn’t have much to add, doesn’t want to do anything else than quietly eat his porridge. He knows the masters worry about him, think he’s behind in his development, but Eskel still needs time to process all this.
Kaer Morhen.
The witchers.
His newfound future.
At six, those concepts seem rather insurmountable.
Eskel sits alone at breakfast until someone slides into the seat opposite him and catches his attention with a wave so that Eskel looks up from his spoon, wary.
"You like crafts, don't you?" the boy says, cocking his head. His hair falls in long strands of orange-red so bright Eskel has a hard time looking at him for long. He doesn’t know the boy’s name even though they are so similar everyone in the keep remarked on it the day Eskel arrived.
"How," Eskel asks, then breaks off and shakes his head. The boy exposes a gap-toothed smile, and presses a lump of rock into Eskel's free hand. It's cool and smooth and Eskel is almost certain there is some metallic component to it. That much he remembers from his father's workshop, how to distinguish ore from plain rock. "How did you figure?" he finally manages.
"I saw you whittle a toy knight from wood and give it to one of the younger pups," the boy says, a little sheepish.
Eskel must know his name. They are in the same cohort, they have been attending the same classes. He's only been at Kaer Morhen for a month or so, but his memory is usually so sharp. Why can’t he remember?
"... I also overheard Master Vesemir ask you about the quality of your practice sword and you seemed to know a lot about that, so I thought... well it might be stupid anyway." Red creeps into the boy's impossibly freckle-speckled cheeks as he looks away, and Eskel's lip twitches.
"What's your name again?"
"Thank you for this, Geralt, I know just the thing to make with it."
Geralt's head whips back around and his grin bursts anew. He gives the rock in Eskel's hand a pat, then skips away to where Master Rennes is collecting their class for their early history lessons. Eskel lets Geralt's unexpected gift slip into his pocket and gets up to follow him.
That night, Geralt and Eskel sneak out of the dormitories to search the sky for shooting stars. They find none, but in the way only young children can form attachments, they have become the best of friends by the next morning. Nothing will ever come between them, Eskel thinks once he's back in bed, the rock cradled close to his chest.
Eskel is afraid. He is so fucking afraid of the Trials, for his own life, for Geralt's, for everyone in their cohort. He is also afraid of what will come after, what life will be like. He knows the theory of it, he will make a good witcher his masters say, but reality looms greater than any beast or monster could and Eskel is afraid.
"I have something for you," Geralt says when he approaches Eskel out on the training grounds where he's been sparring with the dummy. It's the evening before.
"Hm?" Eskel puts down his sword and wipes the sweat from his brow. His stomach gapes with hunger, his body burns from all the effort he's been putting it through, just to get his mind off things, his heart is beating way too fast. Something the Trials will remedy, no doubt.
"Here." Geralt holds out his cupped hands which hold a great, grey ball of... rock. The very same rock Eskel still has on his nightstand. Eskel blinks, then bursts into laughter. "Hey, don't laugh at me. It's to help..."
"How is this going to help me survive the Grasses?" Eskel asks, but he takes the rock and he also takes Geralt's hand because he can.
"Well, I just thought... you might need some more. For whenever you decide what to do with it. It could be your activity while you... recover."
"Oh," is all Eskel says and Geralt squeezes his hand.
"Wanna spar?"
"Sure." The rock disappears into Eskel's pocket and they fight until day's first light.
Eskel holds the rock clutched tightly to his chest all throughout the Grasses and none of the masters have the heart to take it away from him, not when he starts screaming for Geralt the second they do.
He holds it throughout his recovery and throughout Geralt’s second set of Trials. He holds it until he muscles in his fingers give out and all he can do is lay there and wait.
"We made it," Geralt says as he slips into Eskel's bed. His hair is starkly white now, and his eyes burn a fierce yellow. His freckles have faded to invisibility. Eskel can't stand to look at him, can't stand to look at reflective surfaces either. They took away his Geralt, he is sure of it, burned him out of his body and left a bleached shell.
"You made it twice," Eskel murmurs and jumps when something cool is pressed into his palm. He glances down to find that Geralt has placed yet another rock there. The collection is growing. "Why?"
"Because they make you happy."
"Where do you get these anyway?"
They're not like anything Eskel has found in and around Kaer Morhen, nor even near it. He would recognize a proper ore, he is sure of it, even after all this time.
"A secret," Geralt says on a smile and snuggles into Eskel's side. He needs the comfort, the warmth, the affection. Geralt puts on a strong front, but Eskel can see right through it. Two Grasses should have reduced anyone to a lifeless husk and here Geralt is, still bringing Eskel those stones.
Maybe they didn't kill his Geralt after all. Maybe Eskel is the one that got lost.
The fourth rock appears magically in Eskel's backpack after his first successful hunt. Not immediately after, but within the week. Eskel treasures that one the most, but he also resents it. If Geralt could drop by to give him the gift, couldn't he have also said hello? Given Eskel a hug?
Eskel's been aware of his budding feelings for his brother-in-arms for a while now. He feels every day spent apart as keenly as a Nekker bite, though these dull with time.
Geralt... doesn't seem to mind so much.
Their thirtieth birthday is the last one they celebrate. It's an arbitrary date they picked, way back when, and they always do it together. Always did, anyway. They promise each other - drunk on ale and swaying arm in arm to whatever shanty Lambert and his friends are hollering through the keep's main hall - that they won't need such a stupid thing as birthdays to be grateful for each other's existence. That they'll stop counting the years behind them.
Eskel doesn't want to disregard the past, but he nods along.
"To the next thirty years and whatever lies beyond," Geralt says and slips his hand into Eskel's pocket. When he withdraws, the fabric of his breeches pull down, heavy with whatever Geralt placed in there. "Happy birthday, Eskel." Geralt briefly bumps their foreheads together, then withdraws to chase Lambert away from the ale barrel.
Eskel squeezes his eyes shut and his hands clench into fists, one as it is, one around the object in his pocket.
It's not just the last birthday they celebrate, it is also the last bit of ore Geralt will ever give him.
"What are those," Geralt laughs when they part after their mandatory welcome-hug, and points at the spikes that adorn Eskel's jacket. They weren't there last winter, and Eskel wasted an entire month on crafting them, perfecting them. Each one shaped out of the dozen or so rocks Geralt gave him over the years, that last one now half a century past, and Eskel finally decided what to make with them.
Eskel opens his mouth to speak, but Geralt cuts him off before he can.
"These look like something Dandelion would put on his doublet and call it fashion."
Eskel's heart plummets. There are a million things he could say, he could explain, could confess, could... well. It would only make Geralt feel bad, wouldn't it?
"I, uh," he starts, then swallows hard, and Geralt's brow rises. "I did a job for a blacksmith who fancied himself a designer. He... insisted."
"They seem pretty useless to me," Geralt replies, then runs his fingers across them. "But I suppose that is beside the point."
I hate you, Eskel thinks then. I hate you for ever bringing me this damned material, I hate you.
I love you, Eskel thinks also. I love you for the way you used to think of me, I love you.
"At least not as useless as whatever Lambert's got going on," he says and that makes Geralt chuckle. He draws an arm around Eskel's shoulder, carefully avoiding the spikes, and together they make for the keep.
Eskel doesn't have the heart to pluck them off again. Not when he spent so much effort making them. He wears them as a reminder, and sheds them only on the day he leaves Kaer Morhen behind for the last time.
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seapups-cove · 2 years
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felt like doing a lil personal mood board!
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whatgaviiformes · 3 years
Shanties are now invading the songs I sing my pups - because its too easy with them all having two syllables names Behold -
What do you do with a Silly Della (x3)  early in the morning? Throw ‘er outside till she poo poos (x3) early in the morning.  There once was a ship that took to sea and the name of the ship was [dog’s name] baby. 
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definedinsanity · 3 years
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Wendy. ( full name: Wendy Bird! ) was a bulldog pup of a six litter that was beloved by a wealthy Danish couple in Sussex.  When she reached sexual maturity, she was sold to what was assumed to be breeders. The next few years Wendy Bird would sire several litters until she was deemed too inept to keep. A few years down the track dearest Wendy finds herself in the bowels of Indonesia, passed along from bidder to bidder as a high-class dogfighter, the only female in her rank. It would be here that she was taken with her troop with her latest master, to fight among the pirate's mutts who were kept here as either entertainment for dog fights or guard duty.
Wendy had already lost an eye when Vaas had found her in the back of a shanty bar in Badtown. Partially blind and missing two canines, she didn't sell for much and it was assumed she would be used to rally up the newest guard dogs in the pirate lord's compound. Much to the chagrin of the men of Vaas's sect, Wendy Bird appeared to be quite the scrapper. She'd nip at the heels of anyone who came too close to her personal den, refusing to eat unless in complete privacy. Naturally, Vaas had to tame her.  He fed her scrap by scrap at a distance until she permitted him close enough to sever a rotten left ear that she had been kicking at for months. She was eternally grateful.
Nowadays, if Vaas is on the main compound it is very rare that Wendy Bird won't be at his side. Wendy guards the room in the back of the compound's garage, the only place Vaas will ever permit himself to sleep.  She appears harsh, growling at anyone who so much as approaches and WILL bite on Vaas's command. (Which he finds hilarious)  However, she has a softness to her that appears to the right people. And she adores boar meat. If the player comes upon Wendy before Vaas's demise, boar meat will earn you a special treat. She will lead you to relics and stashes of syringes. However, if you try and access Vaas's compound after his death, Wendy will remain stationary at the lip of the compound. She will not react if you whistle or throw her some meat. Almost as if she is waiting.
You know a Wendy Bird is coming in because she wears a cherry pendant around her collar, the only remnant of her old life, around her neck. It jingles when she runs. The tag still has her name.
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disneytva · 4 years
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January 2021 Programming Highlights
Friday, Jan. 1
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures “There Goes Our Fun!/Don’t Wake the Baby!”
(8:30-9:00 a.m. EST)
“There Goes Our Fun!” – Mickey invites everyone to join him for Mickey Day at the amusement park.
“Don’t Wake the Baby!” – The Happy Helpers babysit the Matisses’ new baby boy, Ollie.
Friday, Jan. 8
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior
Mira, Royal Detective “The Case of the Missing Library Book/A Double Dosa Mystery”
(7:30-8:00 p.m. EST)
“The Case of the Missing Library Book” – Mira must find the missing library book that everyone wants to read.
“A Double Dosa Mystery” – When Sandeep’s dosa goes missing, Mira goes on a stakeout to discover who took it.
Friday, Jan. 15
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Puppy Dog Pals “New Year, New Bob/All for Show”
(10:30-11:00 a.m. EST)
“New Year, New Bob” – While in Hong Kong for the Chinese New Year, Bob’s homemade lantern for the Lantern Festival accidentally floats out his hotel window.
“All for Show” – Lollie is eager to win the top prize in the local dog show, so Bingo and Rolly go on a mission to help her complete her obstacle course training.
Saturday, Jan. 16
Original Series – Tentpole Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Big City Greens “Chipocalypse Now”
(9:00-9:30 a.m. EST)
Chip Whistler tears down the buildings around the Greens’ house to build a new Wholesome Foods store.
*Paul Scheer (“Star Trek: Lower Decks “) and Andy Richter (“Conan”) guest star as Chip Whistler and Mayor Hansock, respectively.
Friday, Jan. 22
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures “Donald’s Dilemma/The Royal-ympics!”
(6:00-6:30 p.m. EST)
“Donald’s Dilemma” – Donald’s day of doing chores is derailed when his Uncle Manny pays him a surprise visit.
*Richard Kind (“Curb Your Enthusiasm”) guest stars as Uncle Manny.
“The Royal-ympics!” – Princess Olivia of Royalandia asks the Happy Helpers for help with the Royal-ympics.
*Madison Pettis (“Five Points”) guest stars as Princess Olivia.
Saturday, Jan. 23
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Big City Greens “‘Rent Control/Pool’s Gold”
(9:00-9:30 a.m. EST)
“‘Rent Control” – When Gloria’s parents visit, she ropes the Greens into escalating lies about her success.
*Amy Hill (“Magnum P.I.”) and Keone Young (“Star Wars Rebels”) guest star as Mr. and Mrs. Sato.
“Pool’s Gold” – Cricket goes on a quest to find the best pool in Big City.
Friday, Jan. 29
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Puppy Dog Pals “My Bobby Valentine/Musical Mission Mishap”
(10:30-11:00 a.m. EST)
“My Bobby Valentine” – Ana is excited to give Bob his favorite candy for Valentine’s Day, but when every store is sold out, Bingo and Rolly must track down the special holiday treat.
“Musical Mission Mishap” – Bob surprises Ana by winning a walk-on role in “Pups: The Musical!”
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior
Mira, Royal Detective “Mira’s Birthday Mystery/The Great Art Mystery”
(7:30-8:00 p.m. EST)
“Mira’s Birthday Mystery” – On Mira’s birthday, Queen Shanti asks her to solve a strange mystery.
“The Great Art Mystery” – When an anonymous painting appears, Mira searches for the artist so it can be entered in Priya’s art show.
*Brian George (“The Big Bang Theory”) guest stars as the art shop owner, Mr. Burman.
Saturday, Jan. 30
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Big City Greens “Big Resolution/Winter Greens”
(9:00-9:30 a.m. EST)
“Big Resolution” – On New Year’s Eve, Cricket insists on helping Gloria complete her resolution of approaching her longtime crush, Kevin.
*Booboo Stewart (“Descendants” franchise) guest stars as Kevin.
“Winter Greens” – Cricket and Remy challenge Vasquez to a snowball fight, while Tilly creates a snowperson.
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makingsofgreatness · 3 years
Headcanon: Since Sarah is pretty much bed-ridden all day when she was heavily pregnant and gets very bored and restless after a while, how does Silver at least keep her company? Does he play little games or activities with her to keep her entertained? Does Jim join in, does he help out? Do the boys have their own way of keeping her company? And also I can imagine her knitting some more or (even sweeter 💞) adoringly playing with a little pair of baby shoes her husband bought home or some knit socks on her round belly and gently walking them over with her fingers while she rests }^3❤. This would be a great way of keeping herself entertained for now! Then when she grows very tiresome after a while, will her husband then later come into the room and try to keep her spirits high by playfully joining in on her little game, spending some quality time with her in their room playing with the little socks (or shoes) on her stomach after seeing what she has been doing lately while being bed-ridden and stuff? Did they even use the same white knit socks Sarah sent him? But let's face it, he can barely fit his fingers in them because they are so small LOL!☺😄🤭 So, I hope you like this sweet little idea or if you thought of something else otherwise.
*SLAMS HANDS DOWN ON TABLE* this is too cute !!! 😭
-First of all, Silver practically has to wrestle his dear love into bed. Despite the doctor’s orders, she believes she’s perfectly fINE thank YOU 😤. Sarah doesn’t even understand herself why she’s fighting the orders so much. She’s tired, her belly is huge, her feet are swollen. But at the same time, the thought of leaving Silver to run the inn makes her upset. She’s too helpful for her own good.
-Once Sarah eventually agrees to become bed-ridden, she gets bored pretty fast (although she won’t admit the break from work IS nice). Luckily for her Jim is on break from the Academy at this point, so he can help Silver out at Inn. This leaves Silver with free time to keep Sarah company. They’ll spend a lot of time just talking but sometimes Silver will sing some shanties he knows. Sarah joins in often!
-When the inn closes, Jim will join the two and do his best to brighten Sarah up when she’s feeling especially down. He’ll tell her funny stories from his time at the Academy, jump in on the singing, or even engage in playful banter with Silver because he knows it always makes her laugh.
-She does knit more! When Silver and Jim are too busy to come visit her she’ll take up knitting again. She’s made possibly everything she can think of, but she doesn’t mind making duplicates of some of them. It’s something to do anyways. She’ll play around with different designs and patterns in her knitting to keep things interesting.
-Sarah LOVES playing with the little shoes and socks. She cannot believe how small they are and realizes they only fit around two fingers! She’ll walk them up and down her belly to make the baby kick. It almost never fails and it makes her laugh each time. When Silver first caught her doing this, he could have watched her for hours. She was so happy and content and he found it to be so sweet. It made him excited to finally see the little cub. Silver was in awe of the baby kicking, even if he’d felt it a thousand times. So while Sarah made the shoes and socks “walk” Silver was nearby to grin at the movement he felt in his wife’s abdomen. He often commented how the baby was a “strong pup, jus’ like her mama.”
-Yes, they are having a girl! Jim wanted a little brother since that was his childhood DREAM, but he was equally as thrilled to find out he was getting a sister! Silver is proud and pleased as heck. The guy is just so excited to have a daughter. His chest is constantly puffed out in pride and he will BEAM every time someone asks about Sarah and the baby. One time, a guy at the inn questioned rudely, “Oh, but wouldn’t you rather be having a son?” Silver snapped and shut down his sexism R E A L quick. All Sarah could hear from her room was the crash of tables and chairs and yelling and she figured Silver had something to do with it. She just smiled and shook her head, waiting for him to come in and go on a long rant. And you bet he did! No one talks about his baby girl like that! It was pretty clear to everyone in the inn that day that if you messed with Silver’s daughter, you’d get your ass beaten. Sarah is forever grateful that he is so caring.
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shreddinsl0th · 7 years
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seapups-cove · 2 years
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the urge to fish and eat fish continues however I've never been taught how to fish irl and where I live your not allowed to catch and eat...
so alternative, guess we check out how well this game is and if it grants a sliver of satisfaction ┐(´~`)┌
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iamvegorott · 4 years
Inspired by Wellerman by The Longest Johns and you ofc 😊 Love your stuff! - 💜 -------------------------------------------
Anti had known the power behind a Siren’s voice - the alluring resonance in his own voice calling out many a sailor for his feed - but he did not think it capable of humans to have this sort of power behind their voices as well.
He was sitting atop the railing of the ship, watching the humans they claimed scurry about it’s main deck. They had been called to bring back up the sails, as they did everytime the wind blew too harshly. It was busy work, and Anti thought it quite tedious to keep rigging back up the same cloths for better control over something as fickle as wind, but he had made no attempt to understand it anytime one of the Ipliers cared to explain.
He watched the Ipliers curiously, his eyes occasionally glancing up at the cockpit to find Dark muttering about something with their healer. He shifted his stare back down to the wooden floor every time before he was caught.
“Everyone’s being so stuffy today!” Wilford groaned, casually catching a rope that was thrown down by Bim.
“Well it’s not like you can expect us to be in any better spirits,” Google grumbled back, fiddling with a few of his sea charts. “We’ve been blown a good week off course all because of this damned wind.” Bing was sitting next to him, trying to keep him as calm as possible.
“Well still, no reason to fret! Another day at sea is a good day to me!” He boasted proudly as he tried to push his usual optimism onto Google. He did not succeed.
“I know how to help!” RJ bounced in place, holding the ropes as taught as he could.
“Oh really?” Wilford raised an eyebrow, a small knowing smirk on his face.
“We should sing shanties!” RJ excitedly announced, CJ lighting up with the same joy and nodding.
While Anti had no idea what a ‘shanty’ was, he couldn’t deny the beaming grin Wilford gave back the twins. “Why, that's just a wonderful idea!” He went into fake thought as he tied his rope to one of the booms, “Ah, but which one, which one indeed?” He gave a little snap as his mind sparked with an idea, “Ha! I’ve got the perfect one!” He cleared his throat, the twins bouncing in excitement. Anti tilted his head in confusion, his eyes widening as he heard Wilford start to hold a tune.
“There once was a ship that put to sea / The name of the ship was the Billy of Tea / The winds blew up, her bow dipped down / O blow, my bully boys, blow,” He smiled and ruffled the young ones hair as they cheered back at his verse with a loud “Ho!”
“Soon may the Wellerman come / To bring us sugar and tea and rum / One day, when the tuggin' is done / We'll take our leave and go!” They started to bounce and sway with their tune, harmonizing their voices in such a perfect trio that Anti swore they had rehearsed this. He saw the eyes of the other Ipliers light up, the two up on the mainsail climbing down quickly.
“She had not been two weeks from shore / When down on her a right whale bore,” Bim started to join, carrying the same tune Wilford had started this mesmerizing music with.
Yandere cut in not long after, “The captain called all hands and swore / He'd take that whale in tow!” All five joined in for another “Ho” before the chorus started up again.
“What are they doing?” Robbie asked, getting Anti to jolt a little. The little pup must have crawled up the boat beside him as soon as he heard the noise.
“I think they’re attemptin’ to sing,” Anti chuckled, ruffling Robbie’s hair.
“I didn’t know humans could sing,” Robbie stared intensely as the little group started to dance around and with each other, a smile growing on his face.
“Don’t underestimate humans, little pup,” Anti jerked again, seeing Marvin, Chase, Henrik, and JJ had also pulled themselves up onto the rail to watch the humans. Chase spoke again, “They’re not nearly as talented as we are, but they know how to hold a tune.”
“Before the boat had hit the water / The whale's tail came up and caught her / All hands to the side, harpooned and fought her / When she dived down below,” Bing had joined in, Google mumbling an occasional harmony under his breath. Bing chuckled and nudged him, getting him to reluctantly put the papers down and join the harmony as the much needed baritone for the group.
He overheard Robbie humming along, seeing his head bounce to the beat. Anti chuckled, and caught himself swaying his tail to the tune, almost tempted to hum alongside him for the chorus. He refrained though, almost certain of the chaos that would ruin the crew's high spirits.
“No line was cut, no whale was freed / The Captain's mind was not of greed,” Edward sang next, stepping down from the cockpit and joining the rest who sang and swayed. Wilford joined him in an odd dance, bumping the outer edge of their wrists before twirling around, hands gripping together with a loud clap. “But he belonged to the whaleman's creed / She took the ship in tow.”
Anti caught how red Henrik had become just by listening to the Medic sing, and had ducked out of sight from the Ipliers to hide his shame. JJ gave a silent chuckle and pat Henrik’s back, Anti chuckling at how enthralled he had become just by a single verse. He would have to remember to tease him about it later.
The crew became silent for a moment, suddenly their boisterous singing becoming a soft hum.
Huh? Did they ferget the tune er something? He looked up to see Dark had become aware of their shenanigans, and scoffed silently to himself. Of course, you just have to put a stop to everyone’s fun, don’chya?
His sour attitude was quickly flung away as he heard Dark’s voice start to sing, the hums growing in volume in support. “For forty days, or even more / The line went slack, then tight once more,” He stepped down to the main deck with a soft smile on his lips. “All boats were lost, there were only four / But still that whale did go.”
The whole crew cheered as they joined in for the chorus, but Anti was still rebooting after hearing Dark’s singing voice. With how brooding and deep he usually sounded, it was surprising to hear the brassy tones become smooth and even gentle. He barely even caught the last verse as he had focused in on Dark participating in the chorus, his voice overtaking the last singing of it as he proved himself to have a range that outdid most - if not all - of his crew. It was almost as if Anti couldn’t hear the other loud and proud Ipliers, and could only hear Dark’s additions to the group.
The crew cheered proudly as the shanty ended, all the sirens who witnessed the strange event finding themselves clapping. “That was quite good, for humans,” Marvin teased before dipping back into the water, Chase chuckling as he followed behind his mate.
JJ hopped up onto the starboard deck and started signing away at how lovely Wilford’s voice was and how sad he was to not come up sooner. Henrik was approached by Edward, the two mumbling to each other compliments under a shroud of red on their cheeks.
Anti barely paid attention to anything else as he stared at Dark, who was talking to CJ and RJ about how much they had improved. Something about Dark’s voice was still enchanting him somehow, leaving him in a daze as he sat on the rail. He quickly jolted out of it as Dark’s gaze drifted his way and he jumped off the side of the boat, feeling the cold sea contrast against the strong warmth built up in his cheeks.
I love this so much!!!!!!
This is so well done and adorable and just aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!
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