#push him beyond that and you get the fawning. the sirs and bowing and easy obedience. broke the will out of him. god.
cdroloisms · 1 year
How about 4, 16, 29?
4. What's your favorite c!Dream scene?
Yeah I'm a filthy prison c!awesamdream lover so to literally no one's surprise I'm bringing up the post-Techno escape c!Sam and c!Dream stream in the prison. Look it's the literal only stream we ever got of the two of them in the prison with Sam as the Warden and Dream as the prisoner after they were teasing that shit for over half a year can you even blame me. It incited the worst round of c!Sam apologism known to man. I wrote a thread for six hours on twitter once going insane about it. It made cc!Sam all but expose Staged Finale in a QnA thread like the next day. Apparently they were gatekeeping secret prison warden roleplay the whole ass time and this like one 20 minute scene is all we ended up getting and it still bounces around my brain nonstop like a pinball. What more can you ask for
29. Which emotion do you think rules c!Dream the most?
Fear. By and large. He's so afraid that literally everything got twisted in on itself. Like, god.
L'manburg + the revolution starts w/ c!Dream reacting to c!Wilbur with a. Honestly. Pretty healthy level of apprehension for a guy literally threatening him and his home. This leads to the establishment of the mythos (with c!Dream-as-tyrant-monster-villain as one of its cornerstones) which leads to the slowly growing isolation from c!Dream towards his home and friends (stares directly at how c!Tommy described Exile and c!Dream saying he's scared to be alone. screams.) This is what gives us a c!Dream who has honestly had Quite A Damn Few changes of heart at the beginning of pogtopia pledging his allegiance to Wilbur after c!Schlatt quite evidently scares the shit out of him. Then Vassal happens, he's locked into Wilbur's narrative, he speedruns through ANOTHER bunch of changes of heart (and these two as a collective is what leads to his isolation by the time we get to november 16th onwards, such as when we get to dethronement and c!Quackity is commenting on how c!Dream doesn't have anyone, such as when we look at c!Wilbur confidently asserting that c!dream has nobody if not wilbur) and then the revive book deal just. Fucking shatters him.
He's scared of the supernatural that he doesn't understand and he's scared of the people that he DOES understand (and what he understands is simple: they want him six feet under) and he's grappling with the fact that the world is breaking around him and that he-is-the-villain-the-snake-pure-evil-and-he-has-always-been and every allyship he has is founded on transaction because what other leverage does he have if not what he can give and he puts himself in a fucking obsidian box because the world beyond it is too much of a threat to his life and the man he trusted to keep him safe hurts him and lets others hurt him in ways he couldn't have imagined. he's so fucking scared by the end of things that he can't leave the torture box that literally destroyed him.
c!Dream and it's not paranoia if They're Actually Out To Get You...put me down...god it's just fear all the way down All The Way Down and he was still trying to figure out how to Fix Death and Reset The World To Save It From Corruption because at the end of the day he was so damn scared of being alone. i frow up
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tonydadisbestdad · 6 years
A Knight’s Love
Peter ParkerxReader
Word Count: 3,412
Request from anon: Can I request a medieval au with Dad!Tony being the King and Peter being a Knight to help protect the the reader, but Peter really likes her and is scared because of Tony being the King?
A/N: The usual sorry this took so long. Thank you for the request. This one was different and I feel like it was weird and maybe a bit too much ooc but I powered through and got it done. (Thank you 12 hour car ride home.) Anyways enjoy.
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You really thought you were going to die. With how protective your father was, you never thought this would happen to you. But then again, a lot of things had started going wrong in the kingdom, so you supposed it was just a matter of time before things got this out of hand.
Like now, you were so sure you weren’t going to make it out of this alive. You were bound and gagged in a dark and dirty room. The smell alone was awful enough to make you gag. The two men who’d captured you, would come in periodically, whispering threats in your ears, pulling your hair and choking you. With the occasional slap to your face or a knife pressed to your neck.
It was all a waiting game now, either you were saved, or you were going to die. It tortured your mind alone not knowing which would be the outcome. But either way, you were hoping something happened soon, because you were pretty sure it’d been a few days with how hungry you were. It wouldn’t be long before that alone would be your demise.
If you made it out alive, you were going to be sure to never leave the castle again. Ever.
Those thoughts just swept through your mind as you finally passed out from the sheer exhaustion of not having slept at all since your capture. Just as your mind was taken over you could have sworn you heard shouting.
When you woke, your heart practically sprang from your chest.
“You’re okay,” Your father said, to your surprise he was sitting in your bed with you, he pulled you into him and held you gently. “I thought I lost you. I’m so sorry this happened,” he whispered, stroking your hair. You were the most important thing in his life. The whole kingdom was cast aside as he tirelessly had his forces out looking for you, himself included. He was surprised by the young knight that found you.
You clung to your father, not caring that it had been years since the last time you were this close to him. Once you came of age the time for hugs and cuddling was no more. It was a while before he spoke again.
“I refuse to let the chance of this ever happen again.” He told you. “No more of this not having someone guard you. I’m giving you a knight for protection. He’s not to leave your side.”
You didn’t argue with him. The only reason you didn’t have one before all this was because you had asked him to not give you one. However, not having one right now was not a good idea. You didn’t want him out of your sight either at this point.
“S-sir, I’m honored to be chosen for this job, but I can’t accept this. Someone more trained should be protecting your daughter,” Peter told him the following morning.
Tony rolled his eyes at the young man. “Peter, you’re a perfectly trained knight. You have amazing skill. You’re easy to talk to, which is something I know Y/N needs in a guard. I can’t have some stiff old guy watching her she’d go insane. It has to be you. I trust you to protect her.”
“Yessir,” Peter answered, he was still so unsure of it, but he knew he couldn’t really argue.
Tony nodded and motioned for Peter to follow him.
You were in the library when the two found you, working on your lessons with your tutor.
Tony cleared his throat as he approached, your tutor bowed to him, and as much as he hated when you did it, you both knew you would get scolded if you didn’t as well.
Peter offered you a bow as well.
“Sweetheart, this is Peter, he’ll be the one protecting you. You two are to stay together.” Your dad told you.
You nodded politely.
Peter gave a, “Yes sir.”
“Good, I’ll leave you to it then,” he addressed his knight before leaving.
Your thoughts were not focused on the rest of today’s lesson. Instead they were caught on your new guard. You were surprised by how young he looked and wondered how old he was. Then you got stuck thinking about how handsome he was. Of course you couldn’t linger on those thoughts long. Being a princess wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Especially when it entailed having to get married for the sake of the kingdom.
Your big problem with that was was your father was the one picking your mate, that would inevitably end up helping you run the country once it was your turn. That wouldn’t be too bad if your father thought more about your feelings with these sutors than what the kingdom would get out of it. At least he allowed you to say no to those that you didn’t like at all.
But all that meant was you couldn’t dwell on thoughts of people that looked appealing to you, in the end it wasn’t your decision.
But something about your new knight had you wishing you could at least have the chance to find out what it would be like to get that choice.
“So,” you started later that afternoon. You were strolling around the castle, you were still too nervous to go walking in the gardens.
Peter perked up some, he hadn’t been expecting you to want to talk. He figured you’d just tell him what you needed to when you had to. “Yes, my lady?”
You smiled softly back at him. “Please, you can just call me Y/N when it’s the two of us. If we’re going to be spending all our time together I don’t mind being less formal.”
He nodded to your request, he knew it was going to be difficult, but you were asking so he’d try.
Your smile widened at him. “I think we should get to know each other better, don’t you?”
“I-if you would like,” he said, a hint of nervousness in his voice.
But it turned out he didn’t need to be nervous about it. You were so accepting of who he was and where he came from. You were beyond sweet and charming. He realized a few months in that he was in a difficult position. He was falling for you, and sometimes he felt like you for him. But he tried his best to not dwell on those thoughts, they would only lead to disappointment.
The balls your father held every few months were one of your least favorite things. You would rather be stuck in lessons 30 times over than be getting ready for something that would only lead to you having to meet a bunch of men trying to marry you.
You exited your room alone and found Peter in the hall, standing guard.
His eyes widened at the site of you. “You look beautiful, my lady.”
You blushed and pushed a loose curl behind your ear. “I feel like a cake,” you admitted, earning a quiet chuckle. It sent shivers down your spine.
“But a beautiful cake,” he added, offering you his arm.
You linked your own with him as he guided you towards your entrance to the ball. “I hate these, can’t I just go up to bed?”
“I don’t think your father would approve.”
You sighed and nodded before releasing his arm and making your entrance to the ball.
The night was torture for both of you. You were stuck having to entertain men you couldn’t stand, and Peter was stuck watching men fawn over you.
When your father summoned you to his throne you bowed before kissing his cheek and sitting down next to him. There was a young man standing at his side. He bowed to you before introducing himself. You didn’t bother to learn his name because by the morning he’d be forgotten like the rest of them.
“Y/N,” Tony started, the look on his face was an uncomfortable one. Like he didn’t want to tell you what he needed to.
Your stomach churned. This wasn’t how it normally happened. All night you’d been passed around, usually your father hoped you would come back and say that you found someone that he sent to you. He never made you come to him to meet someone.
Peter watched as your fell. He could see the heartbreak in your eyes when you cast a subtle glance his way.
“No more excuses,” Tony said, unable to even look at you. “No more putting it off, no more letting you choose. You’re now engaged to be wed. We will be holding a formal engagement tomorrow morning.”
Tears welled in your eyes as you looked to the man beside your father. The look on his face was all wrong. He was showing a sly smile, like he was about to conquer the world. “Daddy, please,” you said barely above a whisper.
“This is no longer your decision. You will be married in one month. You have a lot to prepare for. I need you to step up into your duties. A war is coming and I will not leave my country in your hands alone if something were to happen to me.”
“B-but,” you started, looking at the man again. His eyes were dark orbs that felt like they were sucking the life out of you.
“Do not talk back to me.” Tony snapped, he hated doing this to you, but his hands were tied at this point. There was a lot he couldn’t bare to tell you. But this had to happen.
You closed your mouth, tears pricked your eyes.
Peter shifted uncomfortably. He wanted to wipe the smug look off of your new fiance’s face. He didn’t like the feeling he was getting from him. He’d have to talk to your father. His heart broke for you, no one should be forced to be with someone they didn’t want to be with. And of course that had nothing to do with his growing feelings for you. Or the jealousy he felt that he would never be able to even tell you he liked you and this guy got to marry you without even knowing you for more than a few minutes.
Tony could see it all in Peter’s eyes as he look at him. It was the look he knew he himself would give to his chamberlain, Pepper. He returned his attention back to you just as you looked to Peter, that same heartbroken look in your eyes. “You need to do what’s best for your country. Not yourself.”
You didn’t want to listen to him anymore, you sprang from your seat and ran out to the gardens.
“Princess,” Peter called, running after you. He froze on the spot when he made it outside and he heard your muffled scream.
“Don’t even think about it,” the man holding you, with his hand over your mouth and a knife to your neck, shot at Peter as he reached for his sword.
Peter didn’t make any sudden movements.
You sobbed into the man's hand. Why did this keep happening to you?
“Y/N,” Peter said, making you look at him.
The knife pressed more into your neck, you could feel the skin there start to split. A whimper left you.
“You’re gonna be okay, just close your eyes.” He sounded so confident, but you had no hope in him getting you out of this.
You were either going to be killed or taken. You closed your eyes anyway.
“Like you really think-“ the man started to ask, a comical tint to his voice, knowing Peter couldn’t possibly think he’d beat him without getting you killed.
However, his confidence was his downfall. Peter pulled a flat whip from the confines of his sleeve. With quick movements the whip snapped around the man's wrist, successfully pulling his hand away from your neck.
The knife hit the ground as the man stumbled forward, almost knocking you over.
You opened your eyes just as Peter wrapped the whip around the man's neck and pulled tightly.
“How dare you hurt her,” Peter whispered to the man. “I should kill you for even touching her.” The whip tightened again.
The man struggled against him before losing consciousness.
Peter dropped him to the ground. He turned to make sure you were alright, but you were already flinging yourself into his arms.
You sobbed into his shoulder.
He hesitantly wrapped his arms around you. “We need to get you back inside. I need to tell the king what happened, and get you fixed up.”
As much as you just wanted to go up to your room and get into bed you knew Peter had his duties and you were not going to leave his side.
The ball ended quickly after that and you were sent to your room. Peter was to stay on guard for the night just in case someone else was planning another attack on you. With how well he protected you, your father wanted him there just for the night rather than the usual switch to someone else for the night.
You stayed close to Peter as he checked through your room.
“All clear, my lady, I’ll be right outside if you need me.” Peter told you, holding formalities. He knew things were going to have to change. He wasn’t going to be able to be as close as the two of you had been getting.
“Peter, wait,” You said, getting him to turn around to face you.
“My lady, you should be getting to bed. You’ve had an eventful evening. I’m sure you’re tired.” He didn’t want to stay and talk.
“Peter, you saved my life tonight,” you stated. You wanted to thank him properly.
“Just doing my duty, miss.” He offered a small bow.
You stepped closer to him, it wasn’t hard to tell he was closing up on you. You hated your father for causing this. “Why are you suddenly back to speaking to me formally?”
“Because, I don’t think we should be speaking informally. That is not my place, I should know better. I’m here to keep you safe, not be friends. You’re getting married soon, if I continue to protect you I won’t be able to do it anyway. It’s better to just put an end to it now, my lady, I apologize.”
With another step forward you moved into his space, just barely chest to chest. “I want us to be close, Peter. I trust you with my life. More than I’ll ever trust anyone else. I don’t want me being forced to marry someone I don’t love to come between us.” You slid a hand up and placed it on the back of his neck.
Peter swallowed hard. He was reading things wrong, wasn’t he? But that gentle hand you had on him had shivers coursing through him. “M-my lady…”
“Just stop me if you really don’t want this, Peter,” you leaned up on your tiptoes and kissed him.
He couldn’t stop you, much less himself. His arms wrapped around you as your hand slipped into his hair.
Peter knew he was going to be dead soon. There was no way that the two of you were going to keep getting away with this. And when your dad finds out he was surly going to decapitate him. He should never have fallen into your lips, he should have known he’d be lost to you. It was too dangerous.
But every time you smiled at him he stopped caring. Except right now you were standing before him in a beautiful white dress, preparing to walk down the aisle to marry a man that would officially put an end to everything the two of you had shared in the past month.
“It doesn’t matter,” you told him. It was just the two of you in a corridor away from the main part of the church, waiting for your father to get you to give you away.
“You’ll never be alone now, there’s no way we could keep this going.” Peter told you.
“I don’t want to lose you,” you took his hand in yours, but you couldn’t look up into his beautiful brown eyes.
He gave your hand a soft squeeze, “I’m not going anywhere. So long as it’s my duty to keep you safe…”
Tears pricked your eyes, you figured now would be your only chance. “I love you, Peter. I don’t want to marry this man. I want to be with you.”
When he thought of those words coming out of your mouth he’d imagined something better. Yet, they only broke his heart. He had two options, tell you the truth, or break your heart and get over him. “I-,” he started, but was immediately silenced.
“Not another word,” Your father’s voice cut through the air.
You turned around to look at him, fear filled you. You went to speak but he held up a hand to silence you.
“I don’t want to discuss this. So, all I will say, is if it’s necessary be careful that no one finds out about it. But you’re still getting married. So, let’s get a move on.”
You were both surprised.
“Come, sweetheart,” Your father said, offering his arm. “It has to be this way.”
You offered Peter one last glance, both of you knew things would be different, but they had to be. It was your life.
So, you married the man with the dark eyes. Even though you had a terrible feeling about him. And from the look on Peter’s face, so did he.
When your wedding reception was just coming to an end you figured out why. Chaos broke out as your new husband’s own army sieged your palace.
You had no opportunity to even get away from him before he had a knife to your throat.
Peter tried to get to you, but the man offered him a challenging look.
“Take another step and she dies.” He offered.
Peter glared at him, he had to get you out of here. The fear in your eyes struck him to the core. He thought quickly, “You aren’t going to kill her. You need her. You need her or you wouldn’t have went through all this trouble in the first place.” He took a few slow steps forward.
“Can’t you see, I’ve already gotten what I wanted?” He cackled. “I don’t need anyone else here, especially her.”
Peter took another small step and was finally just close enough. He quickly used his whip and managed to get it on the knife. He pulled it towards himself and caught the handle, surprising the man that was holding onto you. He tossed the knife away.
This angered him to the point he released you and charged for Peter.
Of course, it was Peter’s job to protect you. He wasn’t some rich prince who had someone fighting his battles for him. So, he definitely had the upper hand. It didn’t even take more than a hit to knock the man to the ground.
You could have sworn that he started crying, but Peter had grabbed hold of you and carried you out of there with all the speed he had. He didn’t set you down until you were in the safe room where your father had already made it to.
Tony hugged you as tight as he could. He couldn’t believe this happened. He let his guard down too much. He was too trusting. When he should have trusted you and Peter about your feelings for this man. “We have the upper hand thanks to Peter. I promise this marriage will be null and void before the end of the night. I should never have forced you into this. I’m so glad you’re okay.”
You didn’t say a word and just held onto him. You sent Peter a glance, silently thanking him for doing his duty.
He bowed his head to you.
“Screw having relationships with other countries. I want you to be with whoever you want, and by that I mean I think Peter would be the right choice in grooms for you.” Your father whispered in your ear.
Your eyes widened in surprise as you looked up at him.
He kissed your forehead before offering Peter a wink.
You looked to Peter, a wide smile on your face.
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