dr3amofagame · 9 months
How about 4, 16, 29?
4. What's your favorite c!Dream scene?
Yeah I'm a filthy prison c!awesamdream lover so to literally no one's surprise I'm bringing up the post-Techno escape c!Sam and c!Dream stream in the prison. Look it's the literal only stream we ever got of the two of them in the prison with Sam as the Warden and Dream as the prisoner after they were teasing that shit for over half a year can you even blame me. It incited the worst round of c!Sam apologism known to man. I wrote a thread for six hours on twitter once going insane about it. It made cc!Sam all but expose Staged Finale in a QnA thread like the next day. Apparently they were gatekeeping secret prison warden roleplay the whole ass time and this like one 20 minute scene is all we ended up getting and it still bounces around my brain nonstop like a pinball. What more can you ask for
29. Which emotion do you think rules c!Dream the most?
Fear. By and large. He's so afraid that literally everything got twisted in on itself. Like, god.
L'manburg + the revolution starts w/ c!Dream reacting to c!Wilbur with a. Honestly. Pretty healthy level of apprehension for a guy literally threatening him and his home. This leads to the establishment of the mythos (with c!Dream-as-tyrant-monster-villain as one of its cornerstones) which leads to the slowly growing isolation from c!Dream towards his home and friends (stares directly at how c!Tommy described Exile and c!Dream saying he's scared to be alone. screams.) This is what gives us a c!Dream who has honestly had Quite A Damn Few changes of heart at the beginning of pogtopia pledging his allegiance to Wilbur after c!Schlatt quite evidently scares the shit out of him. Then Vassal happens, he's locked into Wilbur's narrative, he speedruns through ANOTHER bunch of changes of heart (and these two as a collective is what leads to his isolation by the time we get to november 16th onwards, such as when we get to dethronement and c!Quackity is commenting on how c!Dream doesn't have anyone, such as when we look at c!Wilbur confidently asserting that c!dream has nobody if not wilbur) and then the revive book deal just. Fucking shatters him.
He's scared of the supernatural that he doesn't understand and he's scared of the people that he DOES understand (and what he understands is simple: they want him six feet under) and he's grappling with the fact that the world is breaking around him and that he-is-the-villain-the-snake-pure-evil-and-he-has-always-been and every allyship he has is founded on transaction because what other leverage does he have if not what he can give and he puts himself in a fucking obsidian box because the world beyond it is too much of a threat to his life and the man he trusted to keep him safe hurts him and lets others hurt him in ways he couldn't have imagined. he's so fucking scared by the end of things that he can't leave the torture box that literally destroyed him.
c!Dream and it's not paranoia if They're Actually Out To Get You...put me down...god it's just fear all the way down All The Way Down and he was still trying to figure out how to Fix Death and Reset The World To Save It From Corruption because at the end of the day he was so damn scared of being alone. i frow up
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cloudcastor · 2 months
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some dungeon meshis 💥
from patreon
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FNAF movie Mike fights Moon at the Pizzaplex..
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fael-draws · 24 days
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She's telling him about her frog
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popipopipopipopipo000 · 3 months
Pov you woke them up
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clawz-loopz · 4 months
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Tired after so much drama of the hearts
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wispscribbles · 8 months
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They’re not morning people 😴
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theriverbeyond · 7 months
the problem with griddlehark is that Gideon desperately wants to be a well used chewtoy but Harrow has carefully put her up on the shelf like she is a limited edition funko pop still in the box
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creetchre · 6 months
cannot stop thinking about saltburn in the context of the growing trend of criticizing movies for having sex & nudity. there’s all of this fucked up sexual stuff happening, but it’s all one degree removed from an actual sex scene. where we would expect to find nudity, we instead have blood (venetia) & shadows (farleigh) as our visuals. where we do see nudity, it’s either in a sexless context or it technically amounts to masturbation rather than sex (looking at you, grave scene). we never get the standard sex scene modern audiences seem to hate so much or anything even remotely resembling it. it’s what was asked for, and it’s also so much worse. you’re deeply disturbed, but thank god you don’t have to see tits
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leisi-lilacdreams · 7 months
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i wonder if @somerandomdudelmao will touch upon the unique connection the donnies have with the kraang? hehehe
cass, think of the angst potential 🙏
i didn't mean to continue with the "twin senses active across space and time" bit, but i thought with the leos in the future, this would be a good chance for the donnies to talk and bond, but it gets derailed when they compared their kraang encounters and everyone's screaming and no one's happy
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robdogdraws · 2 months
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dog girl boss
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wackarat · 3 months
Finished PT.1 if an ask!
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My hands hurty.
next part comes out when i make it
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sava-smth-draws · 1 month
double date disaster pt2
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@themurmuring full face of piña colada, as per wievers request lol
yes it stains. yes it's sticky. he's not going to save these garments
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astrolavas · 1 year
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an old emerald trio piece i never posted! shh they’re eepy
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happy pride everyone i offer this to yall
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grub exclusive before i go eep gnight
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wispscribbles · 9 months
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Rest for the wicked
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