#pyl: terms and about
promisingyounglady · 7 months
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— enid. adult. she/her. aries. too mentally ill so I write fanfics.
my writing WILL NEVER have : incest, water sports, necrophilia, alpha/omega, domestic violence, bunny/animal shit, foot fetish, underage scenarios and race play
my writing MAY INCLUDE : smut (duh), mature themes, weapons, blood, age gaps, rough handling, pregnancy, somnophilia, cnc, dub/non-con, spit, voyeurism, free-use, breeding kink, knife play, mb bdsm, praise, degradation and power imbalances.
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I am a writer exploring my abilities and experience. some terms may change. please understand as I am learning what I am comfortable with.
top gun: maverick
— bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw, jake ‘hangman’ seresin, robert ‘bob’ floyd
keanu reeves
— john wick
pedro pascal
— javier peña, joel miller, jack ‘whiskey’ daniels, frankie ‘catfish’ morales
— tony stark
polar (film)
— duncan vizla
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emoji anons | 🪼
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tyriq-edits · 4 months
In the Plain Nysa -
First Draft of the Prologue
This is an early draft of the prologue for my planned Vashwood Fanfiction "In the Plain of Nysa”.
Given this is an early draft, keep in mind that this entire chapter and even its inclusion in the final product are still subject to change.
I also haven’t written fanfics in almost two years so I am a bit rusty and thus any and all constructive criticism is very much welcome. However PLEASE READ THE CONTENT WARNINGS BEFOREHAND
Content Warnings: Kidnapping, Gore, Blood, War, descriptions of amputations, mentions of murder, attempted murder, descriptions of physical torture, whipping
This level of violence presented in the prologue draft will not appear in the rest of the fan fiction however.
For further informations about this AU and its lore just look at the "in the plain of nysa” tag on my tumblr page
Prologue Draft under the cut
“Hold him down, Pylon”
“What do you think it is I’m trying to do, Lysander?”
Pylon shot his fellow soldier an annoyed look before redirecting his gaze down to the blonde youth struggling against all three trojan soldiers as they tried to keep him down on the floor.
Youth might be the wrong term to describe the wriggling gent beneath him, after all this “youth” was not just a few years but centuries older then Pylon and his comrades combined. For this boy, trashing his body around helplessly like a freshly caught fish on land, to escape his captors’ grips, was indeed a god.
Vash the recreationist.
Vash the bringer of order.
Vash the dancer.
Vash the god of peace.
It felt almost unreal to Pylon that this lad, who was flailing his legs around and fighting against the band of Trojans keeping him pinned to the ground, weiling like an abandoned kitten crying out for its mother to come and save it, was indeed an olympian. Weren’t the gods supposed to be almighty? So how come that they, a group of mere mortals, had been able to capture the messy-haired god of peace and his sister, the goddess of victory with such ease? How come they had been able to kill the goddess of victory with such ease? How come they were gonna kill the god of peace with the same amount of ease right now?
“Iphition, go get a rag or anything to stuff his mouth, he’s gonna wake up the entire neighbourhood at this rate” Lysander hissed at the youngest in their group.
“I can’t keep the brat down and also get up to grab some rags at the same time, Lysander!”
“I’ll take over for you” Pylon declared, now instead of clasping both his hands around the deity’s right arm, reaching out to grasp both of Vash’s wrists and keep them pinned above the blonde god’s head.
“Thanks Pyl” Iphition, releasing the god’s left arm from his clutches, rising from the floor, patting some of the dirt off of his garments before turning around to find anything of use to keep the divine being quiet.
Pylon did not dare to let his eyes linger on his comrades' filthy clothes longer than necessary. Those filthy…. Defiled….Bloodstained garments. Yet, looking at Lysander’s or his own vestments did not offer a more delightful view either. For they were equally filthy, equally defiled and equally blood stained. Stained with the blood of the Tesla. The blood of the goddess of victory. Reminding them of what he and his brothers in arms had done. And what they were about to do to the divine gent looking up at them with pleading, teary blue eyes.
Then again, Pylon thought, this entire room, a dark and dingy basement underneath one of Troy’s countless taverns, wasn’t hailing any differently than their attire. The floor they were kneeling on and keeping the sobbing god pressed against, was still painted in the now dried up, crimson blood of victory. In the dim flickering light of the handful of oil lamps they kept lit, Pylon spotted some loose feathers from her wings strewn around the room. The stale blood splattered onto them, having lost its warm scarlet hue and rust-coloured crust having taken its place.
It is not like killing the dual winged goddess of victory had been their plan from the start, Pylon kept trying to tell himself. It was an act of desperation. They had planned to merely kidnap the goddess of victory and her younger brother and keep them within the walls of Troy to assure Troy’s victory and a quick end to this war.
Their beloved city had been sieged by the Acheans for up to 9 years at this point. 9 years since their Prince Paris had kidnapped fair Helen of Sparta. 9 years since Menelaus had taken up arms to get his wife back. 9 years of being trapped within their own cities.
They were simply tired. Tired of waking up every morning, wondering which ones of their friends they would be forced to bury that day, or if it would be them ending up on the funerary pyre. Tired of living in fear for their family’s safety should the Acheans succeed to defeat the Trojan army and storm their city.
They had first discovered the god of peace, the youngest of holy siblings. Pylon could still clearly see in front of his inner eyes how they had spotted the son of the stars scurrying across the battlefield, hasting to the side of any wounded soldier he could find, putting his hands on them and healing their injuries. Yet what stuck out to the Trojan soldier the mist was how the deity seemingly did not discriminate between the two fronts. Whether you were a Trojan or Achean, if Vash the recreationist saw a wounded warrior he’d run to his side and help him get back on his feet.
So, they took him. When they thought no one on the battlefield was paying attention they simply grabbed the Olympian and dragged him towards their homecity.
And that was when Pylon and his two brothers in arms caught the sight of the goddess of victory flying overhead, leading the Achaean army. Pylon gazed at the ethereal deity, his mind going blank from the sheer awe, when suddenly his and Tesla’s eyes met. Those icy blues seemed to stare right into Pylon’s mortal soul and he physically felt a freezing cold shudder through his entire spine.
That was when the Trojan had realised that Vash, still being dragged towards the gates of Troy, had called out towards his sister the second he saw her. That’s when Pylon understood. That was not the gaze of a benevolent goddess of victory. This was the hateful stare of an older sister seeing her kin in danger. The trio had acted before they could truly process their thought process. Pylon remembers all too vividly as Lysanderhad had taken out his bow and arrow and pierced one of the goddesses’ wings with one clear shot, making her plummet down to the earth.
It was not meant to happen that way. But they had captured two Olympians. They only wanted to keep Victory and Peace in their city in hopes their presence alone would lead to Troy’s glorious triumph over the Acheans. By keeping victory locked and chained up in this basement and by making peace heal only Trojan soldiers from now on. That was the plan. They were going to let them go back to their fellow Olympians the second the Acheans had been defeated.
But it did not happen that way. Mighty and victorious Tesla kept trying to escape so they had to hack off her pure white pair of wings. But yet she kept on defying them. And the Acheans kept winning battle after battle. So they had to make her see that she had to work for them. Maybe then they would finally receive the blessings of victory. So they cut off her feet and legs next. Yet the Acheans kept winning.
So the trio began to grow desperate in the face of the Achaean army getting closer and closer to storming their cherished hometown. They even tried whipping the goddess’s darling baby brother Vash in front of her with such velocity that chunks of his skin and flesh flew off with each crack of the nine tailed whip. However this ended up being counter productive rather fast as well. For even though seeing her little brother in such pain had managed to sway the fair haired goddess of triumph to let the Trojans win some battles against the Acheans at long last, the injuries inflicted onto the god of peace proved to be so severe that he had become physically too weak to even crawl towards the hurt Trojan soldiers, let alone heal their wounds.
Having seemingly been backed against a wall with their “safe ticket to victory” refusing to work for them and their “divine healer” out of commission, they saw themselves forced to act fast.
So , in a last act of despair they did the unthinkable. They took an axe and hacked the goddess of victory into tiny little pieces of bone and flesh, handing them out to the soldiers so each and everyone of them would be fighting with a bit of victory at their side. A finger for Aeneas, a toe for Polybus, an earlobe for Glaucus…
It is for the safety of our friends and family. For our home… is what Pylon tried to tell himself as he watched Lysander’s axe come crashing down onto the poor goddess. The sounds of her flesh being ripped open, the bones cracking into halves and quarters and the goddesses piercing screams slowly dying down…. no matter how much Pylon tried to delude himself with thoughts of “we are doing this for our loved ones” he could never forget them. Hearing them every time he closed his eyes had been plaguing him every night since they had murdered Tesla. A part of him almost hoped the Acheans would just kill him at this point so he could finally be freed from this guilt.
Yet, at the same time looking back at their horrific act, what had shocked Pylon more than the fact that a deity could be wounded and killed in the first place, was how human their blood seemed. He recalled the stories his mother had told him as a small child. How gods could not bleed. How through the deathless beings’ veins flowed instead the ethereal fluid of ichor. He had always imagined for it to shine golden like the sun itself. But instead it was red. Like his.
Yet they still had one last problem: Their joker, Vash, who was supposed to provide infinite healing to the Trojan troops was still far too weak to actively heal any of their soldiers. So Lysander suggested to do it all over again.
The pathetic little whimper ripped Pylon out of his thoughts and he once again looked down on the tear filled eyes of the youngest star born deity.
“Please. You don’t have to do this. Please”
His grip tightened, leading to another sob escaping the blonde’s throat. He could not exactly say why the Olympian’s please made him so angry. Was it truly anger he was feeling? Or was it perhaps guilt? But for what exactly? Guilt over murder? But he had killed countless men over the past 9 years on the battlefield. How is this any different from the countless innocent men he had slain before the gates of Troy?
“You think we’d do this if we didn’t have to?” Lysander growled before Pylon could even get a chance to answer Vash himself. The oldest among the three soldiers glared at Vash, while holding down the deity’s legs so he’d finally stop kicking the air around them.
Staring at his companion’s face, Pylon couldn’t help but notice the deep dark bags underneath his eyes, the glassy haze laying over his pupils like thick fog, the new strands of grey hair adorning both his beard and mane. The Trojan had known both Lysander and Iphition since his earliest childhood, literally having grown up with them like brothers. Yet he couldn't shake the feeling as if both his comrades had aged far more rapidly in the past few days since the goddess’s death than over the entire past decade since this forsaken war’s beginning. The way both their faces have grown haggard, with their deeply sunken in eyes, a permanent frown plastered over profile, acting as witnesses to sleepless nights his friends must have suffered through lately. Just like him. Pylon knew he could never say it out loud but it was almost strangely comforting to know that he was not the only one battling with this whirlwind of emotions their cruel deed had left behind. Be that as it may, Pylon also could not rid himself of the underlying realisation that he barely recognises his two best friends anymore. Were these men, pushing aside their own discomfort as they readied themselves for yet another godly slaughter, the same two boys he had shared so many happy moments with over the course of his life? As much as Pylon hoped that they could all just return to the how things used to be after the war, joking with his friends as they shared wine and freshly picked fruit, he knew it was not meant to be. Daring another glimpse at his companion’s face he was once again met with the harrowing reality that the pain, grime and the haunting spectre of their shared sin most likely had changed the three of them for all eternity on every level of their existence with no hope of going back to their once careless and hope-filled younger selves. From their physical appearance all the way down to the very core of their soul.
“Iphition what’s taking you so long?! We are running out of time. Troy is running out of time.” Lysander yapped at the youngest of the trio. Observing his youngest friend’s gloomy expression and paleness, Pylon knew that Iphition was struggling with the shame of their crime on the inside just like him. Despite his comrade’s lifelong reluctance to verbally express his thoughts and feelings, the soldier had known the olive-skinned man long enough to pick up on quirks and hints when Iphition was being plagued by or uncomfortable with something. Such as for example right now him having taken his sweet time trying to find some cloth. He had been stalling time. Trying to prolong the time to perhaps mentally prepare himself before the… execution.
“I’m here, I’m here.” Iphition mumbled, approaching the two other warriors, holding a simple linen cloth in his hand “it’s not much but it’s the best i could find.”
“Well then hurry up, stuff the brat’s mouth and go get my axe.”
“Got it” Iphition responded, more to appease Lysander than because he is somehow eager to watch yet another Olympian get dismembered, kneeling down once more beside the blonde god.
“Please. Please, I am begging you. Don’t do this!” The Olympian wailed, his eyes fixed on Pylon with the same intense stare as Tesla when she had first seen him on the battlefield almost a month ago at this point. Yet his eyes were not filled with righteous rage. They shone with… hope? Pity? Or was it perhaps sadness? Whatever it was, just looking directly at this pair of deep blues made Pylon’s heart wrench and he instantly averted his gaze, looking instead at some imaginary point on the opposite wall.
He heard the muffled sounds of Iphition forcing the balled up piece of cloth past Vash’s lips and vaguely noticing as his comrade went to grab Lysanders trusted axe before once again grabbing the blond god’s left arm and keeping it pinned to the ground.
Pylon felt his heart rate picking up when he could see Lysander’s shadow on the wall. Axe in hand, risen up high over his head. Pylon couldn’t tell if it was the flickering of the candles’ flames or not but he could see his friend’s grip on the axe seeming a bit… shaky? It was almost as if Lysander were hesitating.
However the soldier had no chance to ponder that thought any longer as the stifled screams and cries for mercy and the panicked trashing of the god beneath him was the only thing the soldier registered before he could feel the blast of cold air hitting his face as Lysander’s axe came crashing down onto the god’s left arm.
Another muffled cry of pain rang through his ears before it slowly ebbed into pitiful sobs of pain.
“That was the first arm.” Lysander’s booming voice broke the silence “Now onto the right on-“
Suddenly the murky basement’s door got thrown open, flying off of its hinges, the windblast of the the sheer force blowing out all the candles and oil lamps strewn around the cellar.
“Who in the Chronos’ name do you think you a-“ Lysander attempted to yell at the intruder but his voice failed him the very second he saw it. Even while hidden behind a boar tusk helmet he could see them clearly. Those same golden locks and those captivating blue eyes.
“L-Lord Nai!”
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dailyexo · 5 years
[INTERVIEW] Baekhyun, Kai - 190927 Billboard: “Why SuperM Is Being Touted as K-Pop's Avengers”
"With SM Entertainment’s newly formed supergroup, SuperM, the company hopes to reclaim its dominance as the genre continues to push into the U.S. mainstream.
There have been hip-hop collectives and rock supergroups, but SM Entertainment’s SuperM is being touted by the company as a boy band full of leading men -- and K-pop’s most impressive lineup to date, with seven members from SM’s most successful and still-active groups.
“I see this as a new challenge,” says EXO vocalist Baekhyun, who at 27 is the oldest member of SuperM and has emerged as its leader. “There are a lot of expectations, because even though this is new, each of us comes from a different [popular] group. But there’s this awesome synergy between us.”
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The group -- which will release its self-titled debut EP on Oct. 4 -- also consists of EXO’s Kai, 25, who recently became the global face of Gucci’s new eyewear campaign; WayV’s Lucas, the 20-year-old Hong Kong-born rapper, and Ten, the 23-year-old Thai artist; NCT 127’s Canadian songwriter-rapper Mark, 20, and 24-year-old leader Taeyong; and Taemin, 26, who has been in the industry the longest, joining SHINee at 14. “Our team is the aces of aces,” says Taemin.
EXO has scored four No. 1s on Billboard’s World Albums chart; in January, WayV debuted at No. 4 on Billboard’s Social 50 ranking; NCT 127 performed on Good Morning America in April; and SHINee has won the Seoul Music Awards’ popularity honor twice.
As for SuperM, its name is a nod to its roots at Korean company SM Entertainment, formed in 1995 by producer Lee Soo-man. Since then, SM has expanded K-pop’s reach, first in Asia and then in the United States. Earlier this year, SM partnered with Capitol Music Group to build a bigger following for NCT 127 in the States. And in August, the two companies, along with Capitol’s independent distribution and label services division Caroline, announced they would launch SuperM together.
Capitol CEO Steve Barnett says SuperM will “be part of our legacy to the future,” and calls Lee the “godfather” of K-pop. Lee’s résumé proves as much. In 1996, SM introduced H.O.T., largely considered the first K-pop idol group, and has continued to produce acts with stateside appeal.
Many South Korean entertainment companies have followed suit: Big Hit’s BTS has had three Billboard 200 No. 1 albums; this summer, YG’s Blackpink became the first female K-pop group to perform at Coachella; and Starship Entertainment’s Monsta X collaborated this year with French Montana on a Mainstream Top 40 hit. All three have redefined what U.S. success can look like for Korean pop groups in the second half of this decade. And while SuperM may seem like SM’s latest effort to rival its competitors, it’s equally an attempt to revive one of SM’s key sonic legacies: SMP, or SM Music Performance. The company-created term refers to dance performances set to a fusion of pop-rock, R&B and hip-hop production. SMP was best illustrated by early-2000s releases from record-breaking boy band TVXQ!, which in June 2018 became the best-selling foreign touring act in Japan, and Super Junior, which has had 21 top 20 hits on Billboard’s World Digital Song Sales chart.
SM has had U.S. crossover success before: In 2009, BoA became the first-ever K-pop star to enter the Billboard 200, and in 2012, Girls’ Generation performed on the Late Show With David Letterman. In June, NCT 127 debuted at No. 11 on the Billboard 200 with its We Are Superhuman EP. But SuperM, with its blockbuster lineup, is SM’s effort to lead the K-pop conversation in the U.S. market, as it once did in the early ’00s.
“I don’t want to compare SuperM to any of the other groups at SM, but if I had to describe [what] sets us apart, it’s the performance element,” says Taemin. “It’s not just dance, but includes vocals and rapping, where each member can showcase his ability and shine in a different way, that maybe they can’t in other groups.”
So far, SuperM has been tight-lipped about the sound and style of its album and doesn’t plan to share any tracks ahead of the set other than the already-released instrumental version of “I Can’t Stand the Rain.” One thing it has made clear, though, is its goal: “We’re doing something futuristic and more advanced than what the world has ever seen,” says Mark."
SuperM also arrives at a time when SM shareholders are demanding change. In July, SM rearranged its upper leadership at SM Entertainment Group and subsidiary SM Contents & Culture, and announced it would look to divest less-than-profitable business ventures -- mainly the SMTOWN Coex Artium complex in Seoul, a museum, café, theater and store that opened in 2015. If SuperM becomes a crossover success, the company could solidify its footing.
Despite the fact that SuperM already has debuted on Billboard’s Artist 100 chart without releasing a stitch of music, K-pop fans have expressed trepidation over its assembly. Immediately after Barnett and Lee announced SuperM at August’s Capitol Congress -- Capitol’s annual pep rally and presentation of upcoming releases — the hashtag #SuperMDisbandParty was created, as fans, concerned over how the supergroup would impact the futures of their favorite existing K-pop acts, demanded that SM and Capitol abandon the project.
SuperM isn’t fazed. Its members want to prove how strong they are as a whole -- especially when they’re together onstage. (The group is currently in rehearsals, but announced in a teaser Tuesday that it will be making its first-ever performance in Los Angeles at Capitol Records on Oct. 5 -- one day after the release of its debut EP.) “It’s always important to take the next step when people might not expect it,” says Mark. “We always try to make that challenge into something great for the fans -- and for us, as well.”
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SM Entertainment’s Pre-SuperM Supergroups
S.M. the Ballad: SM vocalists from TRAX, Super Junior (and its sub-unit Super Junior-M), SHINee, TVXQ!, Girls’ Generation and EXO -- and two former SM members, one of whom is now in Cube Entertainment’s boy band Pentagon -- released two EPs under the name S.M. the Ballad. In 2010, one grouping recorded Miss You; in 2014, another recorded Breath, which hit No. 9 on Billboard’s World Albums chart.
Younique: In 2012, South Korean car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Company unveiled its new marketing campaign, “Premium Younique Lifestyle,” and worked with SM to debut a supergroup in promotion. Within two months, Younique -- members of EXO, Girls’ Generation, SHINee, Super Junior and Super Junior-M -- released PYL Younique Volume 1, featuring singer-songwriter BoA and rappers Dok2 and The Quiett.
SM The Performance: The choreography-heavy team has released only two singles since it formed in 2012, and they arrived five years apart. The group debuted with a Korean remix of Zedd’s “Spectrum” (off his 2012 debut album, Clarity) featuring members from TVXQ!, Super Junior, SHINee and EXO. And in 2017, it released “Dream in a Dream,” a solo single from WayV’s Ten that was branded a group track."
Photo links: 1, 2
Credit: Billboard.
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a34trgv2 · 5 years
Why It Worked: The Flintstones
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Introduction: The Flintstones was an animated sitcom created by animation legends, William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. The show stars Alan Reed, Mel Blanc, Jean Vander Pyl, Bea Benaderet, Don Messick, John Stephenson and Harvey Korman. The show ran on ABC from September 30, 1960 to April 1, 1966 and was the first animated series to hold a prime time slot. Initially receiving mixed reviews, it currently holds an 8.6/10 on TV.com and a 7.5/10 on IMDb, as well as being dubbed one of the greatest cartoons of all time according to TV Guide. It spawned a spin-off starring Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm, 2 live action movies, several animated specials and a couple direct-to-video features. They're also the mascots for Fruity/Coco Pebbles cereal from Post. I remember watching this show on Boomerang growing up and my parents used to watch it all the time when they were kids. As an adult, I've found a great appreciation for this show and just how well constructed it is. So, without further adieu, let's talk about The Flinstones.
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Premise and Execution: The show focuses on the daily lives of a husband and wife and their best friends and neighbors. Very basic set up, but what sets this show apart from other sitcoms is that it's in a caveman setting and it's animated. The caveman aspect allows the creators to come up with not just clever puns, but also creative world building. From dinosaurs being used as machines, rocks and bolders for household items, and animal fur for clothes, the world of the Flintstones takes full advantage of it's caveman setting and leaves no stone unturned. While it's easy to pass the animation off as cheap and choppy, it's important to remember when this was made. Back then, high quality animation only existed in feature films; hence why shows like Crusader Rabbit and Paddy the Pelican had very limited use of animation. Believe it or not, the Flintstones had the best use of animation on television at the time. The crew at Hanna-Barbara made the characters very expressive, the backgrounds were well done, and the designs were more detailed and layered. Sure, we've gotten SO much better animating shows for TV, but for what that had to do at the time, I say they did a very good job.
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Cast and Characters: The voice talent they got for this show couldn't have been better. Alan Reed is very much Fred Flintstone, a cynical hard working caveman who tries his best to be a good husband and father, even if he's in over his head sometimes. Alan gives Fred a very grounded and relatable voice, making him sound like the average American man living in the suburbs who lives a hard life, but never gives up thanks to the love he has for his family. His wife, Wilma, and daughter, Pebbles, are his pride and joy and without them, well, then this show wouldn't be called The Flintstones. Wilma is a sassy, optimistic, loving and caring wife who's not afraid to give Fred a piece of her mind when ever he does something stupid. Pebbles (born towards the end of Season 3) was an adorable baby girl who gives Fred a very valid reason to try and do better. Jean Vander Pyl really sells it as Wilma and Pebbles. Not only does she make a convincing sassy housewife, but she makes the cutest baby noises. Then there's Barney Rubble, played by the Man of 1000 Voices himself, Mel Blanc. Barney is somewhat slow, but he's Fred's best friend and it shows throught the series that he does care for him. It also helps that he's quite funny and knows just how to tickle Fred's buttons without going too far. Blanc of course did a stupendous job voicing the character, not only making him funny, but also providing his iconic laugh. Also, while Blanc was recovering from a car accident he had, Daws Butler filled in for him and you almost couldn't tell the difference. Bea Benaderet was just perfect as Betty, a very cheerful and bubbly housewife who makes for a perfect friend for Wilma. I imagine Benaderet was smiling when recording her lines for Betty, because there's hardly anytime when Betty isn't cheerful. Gerry Johnston took over the role in Season 5 and 6 and just as good a job as Benederet. Bamm-Bamm is very much the opposite of Pebbles in terms of personality. He's still cute, but is super strong and because he's so young, he doesn't know how to control his own strength, unless he's with Pebbles. Don Messick (who would later become the voice of Scooby Doo until his passing in 1997) did an excellent job voicing this little tyke, and his signature catchphrase "Bamm-Bamm!" never gets old.
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Where it Falters: While Harvey Korman did a nice job voicing the Great Gazoo, I have to agree with the popular consensus that his very much out of place in the world of the Flintstones. The character himself isn't annoying or insufferable, but his presence in the show is like putting the Empire State Building in the Shire from Middle Earth. It makes absolutely no sense. Also, the show inadvertently had a negative influence on animated sitcoms going forward. Almost every animated sitcom has an idiotic father, a useless wife, an over reliance on gags, and is so immature it's just sad. Sure, they're popular and have their fans, but the formula that The Flintstones is known for doesn't work for every animated sitcom. Finally, there's that notorious episode where they introduce a Chinese stereotype. I'll go into more detail in a later post, but the character would've worked so much better if he wasn't given an overbite and a thick Chinese accent. As it stands, it's just not funny.
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Conclusion: The Flintstones still holds up as one of the best cartoons of all time. It's got memorable characters, a great voice cast, some clever writing and well made animation (at leadt for the time it was made). At one point, Seth MacFarlane was supposed to reboot the series, but that ultimately fell by the wayside. While it would be cool if we did have a modern Flintstones (in the same vain of What's New Scooby Doo), I'm still happy with the show we got. Thanks so much for reading, and I'll see you next time ;)
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