Vanté: *murders 4 billion*
Some guy named Daniel:
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ash-isnt-writing · 9 months
Pyrathos’s followers were unrelenting. Merciless. Bloodthirsty, even. The same could be said about their sacrifices. They varied from deity to deity, and most didn’t ask for bloodshed, the blood rituals were usually to sate the demons…
All except Vanté’s.
Vanté, in his haze of hatred, demanded a new victim every week, a new meal to build his spiritual presence so he could eventually grow to immortality.
He didn’t care for age, or gender, or race. He just demanded and demanded. And of course, of the loyalty of his followers, he always received. Always, without fail.
Well, except this one time. This one time, when he hesitated. When he pondered, wondered if this was right, if this was what he really wanted, or if that was just what he was telling himself.
That pause was what allowed Cedar to flee. Cedar, in his youth, who was too small and agile for the people to stop him. Not that any of them wanted to, out of fear that if they moved, they’d become replacement.
Surprisingly enough, Vanté let him go. He just watched as his prey zipped off into the forest. He didn’t know where Cedar was going, but, nor did he care. He knew a new sacrifice would be offered, but that wasn’t his main thought, right now. Right now, he couldn’t stomach taking a life.
Cedar himself continued to flee. He ran for his life, as far as he could until his legs burned and his chest ached, but even then he kept going. All up until his legs finally gave out. Of course, he tried to keep going, but as his vision blurred and his head spun, he finally let his body fall into unconsciousness.
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I <3 Sora Ramirez. You know what time it is, boys bi's and bugs
That's right, another very rushed piece of writing for the beloved @an-author-and-his-characters, starring, you bloody guessed it, the eldtrich horror himself, Sora. Oh boy.
(do note I have no clue what I'm doing, I just had an idea and I'm writing it down. I have no clue how STS containment breaches work (also just realized this mini story isn't canonically possible considering Sora's in a heavily guarded and practically inescapable site all for himself, but shhhhh))
Sora towered above the mass of bloodied corpses of staff at his feet, his glimmering green eyes scanning the heavens above for what felt like the first time.
And it probably was the first time, too.
All he could remember was the lab he'd been trapped in for about 52 centuries now. All the brutal tests, examinations, the restless nights spent laying in his cell, every muscle in his body aching. The tiresome days of clawing at the walls, hoping upon hope that maybe, just fucking maybe, he'll be able to get out of the hellhole that was his prison.
And now he'd finally done it.
All the torture, the suffering, the days and nights, the weeks, months, years of utter pain, had finally led him to this very moment.
Looming above the bruised pile of his torturers, the researchers, the guards, Sora realized that he had won.
Sora Cyrus Ramirez, the God of divination in the Pyrathos religion,
Finally reigned victorious.
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the-000-crew · 2 years
New cover art for the pyrathos project finished :D now we just have to write the tracks. How fun.
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hush-little-darling · 6 months
pyrathos are gaslightin gatekeepin girlbossin rn ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Slay or whatever
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jaysen-vor-hee-hees · 2 years
..hm, perhaps i should finally finish this character summary for sora.
Ah, Sora Ramirez. Dear me, where do I start.
Sora Ramirez is a 52 century old eldritch god, representing divination in the religion of Pyrathos. He carries the ability to shift and change how he looks, this meaning he has a human masc form and a human fem form if he so desires.
Sora is commonly described as having a somewhat humanoid form, however also with a full set of arachnid legs on his back and black eyes littered all over his form except for on his face, which just has a set of two green eyes, his yellowed teeth usually said to be “razor sharp”, and much more spiked rather than cubed like human teeth. Sora also has shoulder length, unruly black hair.
Having spent the majority of his life in the overworld locked in a lab specifically built for his containment, Sora isn’t familiar with concepts like hygiene and exercise. It is theorised that there is a way to kill him, but all attempts at neutralisation have so far failed.
Literally nothing is known about his life in the Underworld before manifestation, not even by Helodite. Not much is even known about his life before containment. At this point in time, he virtually just.. appeared out of nowhere.
Honestly there’s not much to write about when it comes to Sora. He’s just kind of… interesting. Dear me, writing these things is tiring. I need to eat something.
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jaysen-vor-hee-hees · 2 years
due to high demand (about 1 person) i’m writing a character summary for the beloved Ryn Ramirez buckle up fuckers
Ryn motherfucking Ramirez. Oh my me do we love this man.
Ryn Ramirez, younger brother of Vanté Ramirez. Y’know- same parents as Vanté, same amount of siblings, blah blah blah, doesn’t have any kids though and probably won’t for a while. 28 centuries since manifestation into the Overworld from the Underworld.
In his base form, Ryn is about 5’8”, shoulder length ✨auburn✨ hair, pale skin but not as pale as Vanté’s because he actually spends time outside, manifested in england so we’re just gonna say he’s british, same sort of build as Vanté just doesn’t have abs, blue eyes (not sure what shade, do with this what you will), constantly wears dark eyeshadow, has a sleeve tattoo on his left arm, has a lil loveheart tattoo on his uhm- what do people call it- v-line? whatever, has a fun little third eye tattoo on his forehead.
Ryn doesn’t really have any addictions like the others, has only gotten laid like- exactly once despite being half incubus, hasn’t really had many relationships at all, he’s just sort of an innocent lil guy that wants hugs.
Ryn is a incubus-blood demon mix, so he’s practically harmless, also has his own share of abilities, some overlapping with Vanté’s (Reality Bending, “Glitching”, Identity Shifting (post writing wynter here! just realised i in fact did not list what Identity Shifting is on Vanté’s, so I’ll list it here), and Possession). The ones that don’t overlap are as follows;
-Air Manipulation. More commonly known as “Air Bending”, Ryn can control the air around him within a certain radius, and any plants that produce air.
-“Seduction”. Ryn, despite the factor that he doesn’t actually use it, has an amplified seduction ability given he’s an incubus. This makes seduction rather easy if he so desired.
-Identity Shifting. Ryn can change his appearance however he desires. He rarely uses it, but he definitely has in the past. This does include changing genders entirely.
-Energy-reliant Immortality. Ryn is immortal in the sense that he relies on the ammounf of “spiritual energy” in his system. The moment it fades out, he will pretty much just drop dead instantly. Luckily Vanté came up with a little liquid medicine thing that keeps his energy up so he doesn’t just fucking die, (which is why he lives with Vanté), but if he were to stop taking this and the energy were to wear off, then he would just.. die.
Okay so lore segment; Ryn was the first one to test the official passageway between the Underworld and the Overworld. The only problem is, there’s no returning, and you lose all memory once you pass through except for your demon type, your siblings (yes, you forget who your parents are. cry about it /j), and how to use your abilities. It worked, of course.
Ryn also had the chance to just vibe for a while. He picked up a course in fine arts, graduated, just sort of lived life for a while. Until he too also was yoinked by STS. When he did breach with Vanté, instead of having his rage phase a fortnight later, he instead got extreme mood swings and just continued to live life anyway.
He was later on deemed the “God of Purity” in the Pyrathos religion when he was passing through the country it originated in and came across a group of followers of Pyrathos, where he was then reunited with Vanté. He didn’t stay for very long though and went back home where he started his own little small business of selling artworks and stickers and whatnot. During this time he got the tattoos he has now, not sure when or where quite yet but he did.
Honestly he doesn’t actually have too much lore now that I think about it. He’s just an innocent little guy that could just drop dead at any second.
Well, i guess since i did for Vanté, it’s only appropriate to elaborate on Ryn’s life before manifestation in the castle.
Considered to be the favourite child, Ryn got away with A Lot when he was inside and outside of the castle. He was essentially allowed to go wherever he wanted and do whatever he wanted. This unrestricted method of parenting however did end up leading him into some pretty hefty situations, which is eventually why he decided to volunteer to test the passageway.
And, due to his carefree, lenient attitude he’d developed from this, when he was at STS, Helix was able to bend him into doing his will and, eventually, weaponised him. It didn’t last very long though since he breached shortly afterwards, but if Helix were to get his hands on him again, then y’know. It’d be possible.
And that’s essentially it for Ryn’s baseline lore. He currently lives with Vanté but he also owns an apartment if he wants some space for a while. He’s a very loveable character, I’ve found, and I’m definitely going to do some more work on him and his lore because yes.
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jaysen-vor-hee-hees · 2 years
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jaysen-vor-hee-hees · 2 years
“Bow before me, my underlings, as I shall lead us into a new era! I shall right this world’s wrongs and none will every experience suffering ever again!”
And despite his lies, the peasants bowed before their new true saviour, in fear of what would fall upon them if they didn’t obey.
It’s not that they didn’t know, oh no no no. Vanté had made it very clear what would happen and that they keep it in mind. Nobody wanted what they’d seen happen to those who rebelled to happen to them.
And the new lord laughed at his success as merciless chaos overwhelmed the many unsuspecting followers at his feet, as he cried out “Fools! All of you, you’re all pathetic fools! Bow before the new era!”
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