#pyza na polskich dróżkach
wieczorynka · 2 years
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Wędrówki Pyzy, odcinek 12. Kielecka przygoda [The wanderings of Pyza, episode 12. Kielce adventure]    
In this episode Pyza arrives to Kielce region. She meets potters, who create sculpture in her likeness.
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k00286993 · 2 years
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Animation research.
Pyza na Polskich dróżkach.
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya.
The Spring Sprite; Fantasia.
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slavicafire · 4 years
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siemka witajcie na moim blogu tutaj ja z krajzygą, którą w wieku lat szesnastu prawie ucięłam sobie wszystkie palce lewej dłoni
przykryta jest ona plandeką, której nie wolno mi nawet podnosić (odkąd w wieku lat szesnastu prawie ucięłam sobie wszystkie palce lewej dłoni)
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wieczorynka · 2 years
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Wędrówki Pyzy, odcinek 13. Władca wydm [The wanderings of Pyza, episode 13. The lord of dunes]    
In the last episode Pyza arrives at the Baltic sea. She takes part in collecting the ambers. She also meets mysterious lord of dunes.
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wieczorynka · 2 years
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Wędrówki Pyzy, odcinek 11. Jarmark [The wanderings of Pyza, episode 11. Fayre]    
In this episode Pyza vistis the town, where the fayre is held. We can see the trading and bargainng scences. We can also see folk costumes, especially colorful scarves worn by women.
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wieczorynka · 2 years
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Wędrówki Pyzy, odcinek 2. W lesie [The wanderings of Pyza, episode 2. In the forest]  
In this episode we see the hunting and a lot of typical for polish forest animals (hedgehogs, deers, foxes, squirrels, rabibits, badgers, beavers).
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wieczorynka · 2 years
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Wędrówki Pyzy, odcinek 8. Żniwa [The wanderings of Pyza, episode 8. Harvest]  
In this episode we can see again traditional Polish village and a good number of birds (quails, geese, storks, hen, pheasants).
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wieczorynka · 2 years
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Wędrówki Pyzy, odcinek 10. Na zbójeckich dróżkach [The wanderings of Pyza, episode 10. On the ruffins’ lane]  
In this episode viewers can see Polish mountains and typical for that region fauna (chamoises, woodchuck) and flora (crocus). We also watch a traditional Polish folk dance - zbójncki, perform by the Gorals. This episode is conntected to stories about mountains bandtis - zbójnicy and legend about one of them - Janosik.
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wieczorynka · 4 years
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Wędrówki Pyzy, odcinek 1. Za progiem… [The wanderings of Pyza, episode 1. Outside the doorstep…]
Wędrówki Pyzy is Polish animation series produced form 1977 to 1983 by Studio Miniatur Filmowych (based on Hanna Januszewska’s book Pyza na polskich dróżkach). The series shows adventures of little Dumpling (pol. Pyza) in the Polish countryside. Each episode shows folklore, mores, national music and many other things representative for Poland.
In the first episode we can see traditional cottage and furniture, traditional dress from Łowicz region, throwing wreaths into river (tradition distinctive for Kupala Night). There are also shown typical (for Polish village) birds: stork, crane, greypartridge. 
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wieczorynka · 4 years
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Wędrówki Pyzy, odcinek 7. Jaworowi ludzie [The wanderings of Pyza, episode 7. Sycamore people]  
This episode alluded to old Polish folklore game with music - Jaworowi ludzie. We can hear old rhyme songs and see personify of Jaworowi ludzie (rough transaltion - Sycamore people). 
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wieczorynka · 4 years
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Wędrówki Pyzy, odcinek 9. Pyza i licho [The wanderings of Pyza, episode 9. Pyza and licho]  
In this episode Pyza meets licho -  creature from Slavic mythology, which is  is an embodiment of evil fate and misfortune. In The wanderings of Pyza licho can control wind.
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wieczorynka · 4 years
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Wędrówki Pyzy, odcinek 6. Pyza i bobaki [The wanderings of Pyza, episode 6. Pyza and bobaks]  
In this episode Pyza meets bobaks (pol. bobaki), fictional creatures, who live in thr forest. We can also see some of distnictive for Polish forest animals: fox, hare, boar, squirrel and more.
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wieczorynka · 4 years
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Wędrówki Pyzy, odcinek 5. Siedem koników [The wanderings of Pyza, episode 5. Seven little horses]  
In this episode Pyza meets Tatars (in past Poles were fighting with Tatars). She goes to Kraków/Cracow (capital of Poland from XIV to XVIII century). We can see traditional cracovian oufit and tradtional dance - Krakowiak. We can also hear hejnał mariacki (St. Mary's Trumpet Call) - more info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Mary%27s_Trumpet_Call
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wieczorynka · 4 years
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Wędrówki Pyzy, odcinek 3. Wesele kujawskie [The wanderings of Pyza, episode 3. Kuyavian wedding reception]  
The second episode shows traditonal wedding reception in Kuyavia (historical region in north-central Poland). We can see kuyavian folk costume and typical folk band. This episode is focused on music and dance.
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wieczorynka · 4 years
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Wędrówki Pyzy, odcinek 4. Toruńskie igraszki [The wanderings of Pyza, episode 4. Torunian frolics]  
In this episode Pyza is exploring city of Toruń (we can see some tenament houses). The story is focused on traditional Toruń gingerbreads ( a cate wich is produced in Toruń since Middle Ages). The viewer can see diffrent kinds of Polish gingerbread: figural, glaze, etc. More information about Toruń gingerbread: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toru%C5%84_gingerbread http://www.visittorun.pl/237,l2.html
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