velvet-red-void · 10 months
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"I suffer every day for what. Girlish whimsy?"
"You have something much sinister going on."
rbs are cool
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based off this
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cheeky-cheese · 1 year
Shout out to Jaiden and Alpharad for being the funnest people alive
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min3nc · 9 months
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q!jaiden textposts dump while i lose my mind bc no streams
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the-lgbtqsmp · 10 months
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updated EVEN MORE!!
Pierre's wife, Alpharad, Mariana, and Connor have been added, as well as Mousey's title
Luzu is now Lana's champion
animals and suggestions have also been added
Mousey is "Queen of Hell" because Satan is just A Name, and that's the official title of her job, yknow? I might tweak it to look like Bad's, as Mousey, Bad, and Tina are the same kind of entities
Connor is a line below everyone as he is not a god with a champion, he's just Mousey's suboordinate
I remembered after I answered the ask why Pierre's wife isn't on the doc: it's because I could never find any sort of name for her, not even an online username like Kari with 'Forevinha'. For now, she's just "???".
Like Pierre's wife, I unfortunately COMPLETELY FORGOT about Alpharad when I was making/updating the doc, but that's fixed now!
I'm not sure on the choices of animals for Barb, Matt, Grace, and Isa, so those are questioned
As for other deities who don't have an animal symbol, I'm not sure on what their animal would be at all
Luzu is Lana's champion, as (q)Luzu may or may not have history with other islanders, but it's nice to think, no? (I see you Luckity community)
extra details/headcanons:
Connor has next to no influence on Quesadilla Island. rip (sidenote: i remember being OBSESSED with Connor years ago and this is NOT HELPING my infatuation with voice acting /nm /lh)
I talked in one of my servers about this, but yes! Missa and Bad are both reapers. The Grim Reaper is the big guy in charge, while other reapers take the brunt of the workload (hence why Missa isn't on the island as often - he's reaping souls). Think of it like Death from Supernatural. There is a whole network of reapers, but the eldest (or most qualified) is The Grim Reaper. When The Grim Reaper is killed off, another reaper takes their place. Of course, Death from Supernatural in this anaology is The Grim Reaper. Mumza, who is Death, is The Grim Reaper's boss.
The Grim Reaper deals in deaths of special individuals and other important cases, as well as a kind of "office work"
The heirarchy goes: Death -> The Grim Reaper / Minor Death Deities -> Reapers
Missa was a devout follower of Santa Muerte in life, and when he died, Death turned him into one of her reapers, as thanks for his kindness and loyalty.
If you have any suggestions of animals/more deities/more entities/headcanons, feel free to flood my inbox!
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fruit-sauce · 11 months
Thinking about it more, I wanna expand on my Fallen Angel BBH headcanon, where he fell and became a demon because of Ironmouse questioning if the creator really existed (explained in this video), as well as update my personal headcanons/theories/timeline for q!BBH
Again, this is all my personal thought process, a lot of it is made up/may not makes sense, this is just me making a cool story lol:
Here's where my brain is at-
In her story, Ironmouse became curious in whether or not the creator existed, opening the inner chamber to see for herself. In the end, the image was stripped from her memory and she fell into the abyss below, along with many other angels who wanted to know, and was locked into a box, deprived of all her senses, until Bubi, the then ruler of hell, came along and freed her, wanting her power. She then became the new ruler of hell and.. you can watch her lore videos, they're really well made and she's super interesting
ANYWAYS!... BadBoyHalo :D
Going with the name "Saints of Games", before becoming a demon, Saint was an angelic deity that lived in heaven. He was a deity that revolved around games and luck. Alongside him was Philza, who is the angel of Death (Philza was not there when Mouse opened the chamber)
Being the curious creature he is, of course, he was there to witness Ironmouse opening the chamber, but knew of the dangers and stayed off to the side. So, when he fell down, he was not a part of Bubi's or Mouse's rule (as well as him not liking being ruled over).
Upon becoming a demon, he gained a new name and lost his status of being a deity of games and luck (with luck going to Alpharad and games becoming more like tricks/pranks), but he did not lose his power. Seeing as he resided in the outskirts of hell, most knew to stay away from him, resulting in him becoming very lonely, desperate for any type of interaction.
This desperation turned violent, growing worse as time went on, becoming hungry for food; for power; for soul energy... Until something finally happened.
Seemingly out of no where, he was dragged to the surface, summoned by a group of occultists, BadBoyHalo was pulled to the Earth's crust, against his own will. Unfortunately, they were a few centuries too late, this was not an all powerful demon, ready to make deals and offers- this was an all powerful demon, fuel with rage and hate, disdain for anything and everything that lived.
Atlantis sunk that day. Some random day in 9600 B.C.
Sitting in ash covered, charred ruins of once a thriving civilization, now sat a demon, curled in on himself, crying to no ears but his own. The one thing he wanted, he needed, was gone. And it was because of him.
For the first time in his eternal life, he felt so small; he couldn't stay here. He didn't want to stay here.
Thankfully, he didn't have to.
With the sheer amount of death and destruction he created, it was only a matter of time before one of Death's angel came by.
Philza, surprised to see Saint BadBoyHalo so far from hell, takes him to the Void as a last ditch effort to calm him down. I say "last ditch effort" because Philza tried to handle it there, but BBH was having none of it (they fought, which caused Atlantis to 100% sink)
Reaching the Void, BadBoyHalo was able to meet the Goddess of Death herself, Kristin (we love the goddesses in the household). Taking pity on him, the Goddess of Death, decided to help, healing his shattered soul and giving him purpose. While not fully whole, it was a start. From that moment on, he now serves as one of her highest ranking reapers (one of = there are others -> I see Missa as a grim reaper) BadBoyHalo then has the ability to travel from the Void to the surface, both for fun and for his job.
During this time, after destroying Atlantis, Foolish, a deity who once slept eternally, blessing a lucky few with the ability to come back from the dead, was awakened. He watched Philza and BadBoyHalo leave, but since he could not follow them, he walked the earth to bide the time.
In the background of all this BBH stuff, he is worshiped as a god, feared my many, and more, waiting for cross paths again. Basically, when BBH woke him, it forced a bond between the two that only death could break, but since BBH is immortal... they're kinda stuck with each other...
Eventually, BadBoyHalo finds himself in The War (hunger games), where he meets Cellbit. Instead of killing this small child, they form a pact, a deal-
BadBoyHalo becomes his familiar... temporarily, at least.
Of course, it doesn't last forever, they split paths; Cellbit gets arrested and BadBoyHalo does.. something???
Its during then and now where BBH not only finds Skeppy, but then the two of them manage to get themselves stuck in a timeloop, yet every time it looped, they still managed to find each other.
Skeppy is some sort of gem creature, being said to be made of purely diamond, only killable via extreme heat
To me, Skeppy and BadBoyHalo also form a pact, but it's way stronger than the one Cellbit and BadBoyHalo:
Skeppy is able to live for centuries, able to shift his body into any size and shape he so desires, look through diamonds as if they were his own eyes, shatter into billions of pieces and get back up again.
BadBoyHalo is constantly hungry, but no physical meal could satiate his hunger. No rare meats or pretty plants, rocks or wood, nothing.
Except soul energy.
In simple terms, Skeppy is a constant source of energy of which BadBoyHalo can eat from, without the worry of killing him. BadBoyHalo can consciously eat it, but he also naturally absorbs it, meaning that if he stays near someone for too long, he'll end up accidentally killing them or at least making them weaker. That's why, when he "pretends" to be the grim reaper, he's constantly telling people to drink water, or how he generally tries to keep people alive, healthy and happy- it lessens the chance for him to accidentally kill them.
By creating this deal, Skeppy gains some of BadBoyHalo's immortality, further becoming a constant fountain of soul energy.
With the idea that Skeppy and BadBoyHalo consistently found the other while in the time loop, I'm just gonna call them soulmates lol
Going back on myself, Skeppy being "a constant fountain of soul energy" is not an exaggeration, BadBoyHalo is considerably stronger the closer they are together. But, seeing as they are apart at the moment, BadBoyHalo is very weak; he doesn't want to feed off the other islanders, Cucurucho and the Code are not options he wants to try (looking at q!Slime being corrupted and q!Forever on the happy pills), so its just a waiting game
Things I don't know how to incorporate at the moment are all the references he makes towards Italy, being whatever happened in Venice and Naples, and anything involving Mount Vesuvius; I don't wanna make any guesses right now while cc!BBH is still dropping crumbs. Unfortunately, this includes anything with the Eggpire, not only do I need to rewatch it, but since it was retconned and cc!BBH said he'd reveal some stuff about it, that section is gonna be on hold for me. On top of that, apparently MCC being at least somewhat canon??? that was mentioned at one point
So instead, here are some little headcanons:
BBH hates being summoned, when he was summoned by Foolish, Cellbit, Roier and Jaiden is a perfect example of this; this trait was passed to Dapper, as she seems to also find it annoying to be summoned at random
BBH will pick up and cradle Dapper and/or Pomme while he sings to them, they find immediate comfort in being held by him
Grim Reapers don't kill, not often at least. They collect souls and guide them to the afterlife. It is the angels of Death that actively kill. This can be seen whenever Missa stands back while Philza kills off mobs. BBH, being a fallen angel/powerful deity, differs from this, as he does both the killing and soul gathering
BBH and Ironmouse never really knew each other as angels, nor as demons, but they could sense that the other was a demon, as well as just use their eyes, Mouse doesn't hide it and BBH is bad at hiding it. Tina, on the other hand, is good at hiding it! Since she has no wings and consistently files down her horns
Whilst wondering the mortal world, there have been times where people have tried to jail or contain him. Tried. Just for fun, BBH enjoys to wear some of the chains from their attempts, almost like jewelry! They make a frightening noise, clinking against each other, but it makes him even more terrifying when he appears without making any noise
Foolish and BBH love to fight, but it usually needs to be on a secluded island or a place very far from civilization because of how much destruction they usually cause
If BBH stands in one spot, the plants around him start to die. In contrast, if Foolish were to walk in the same path, they would regrow.
There are very few that BBH cannot eat soul energy from, some being: Death's angels and reapers (Philza, Missa, etc.) Dapper, Pomme, Tallulah and Chayanne. Everyone else would need time far away from him to recover, hence BBH living underground, far from anyone else
^ Foolish and Skeppy are technically in the same category for "infinite soul energy" but for different reasons
^ Very few eggs can withstand it, only the ones that are children of those who can already not be drained: BBH -> Pomme/Dapper; Philza/Missa -> Chayanne/Tallulah
^^ this means that, like Foolish, Leo has infinite soul energy
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alienssstufff · 2 months
top five qsmp fics (to you :3) maybe?
lemme check my phoneeee :3 in no particular order this was from my tabs list most of these are slimeriana btw
Heartaches by Crowbeni PREVIOUSLY called 'I wont announce my sheer descent (but holy fuck there will be signs)' -- saddest shit ever ohmygaw the beginning especially is so depressing.
The Daughter del Diablo en Slime by rainyday_fanfics tbf i started all of these back in 2023 when everyone else started these. I have vague memories of this one but I do remember enjoying it! Modern au but qSlime is a demon heeere
Burn You to Ash by tablrcloth Zombie apocalypse au recommendation from ur apocalypse au fanatic - fork in the kitchen. It's a mix between QSMP with SCU 100 Days
Would you look at that Lady Luck by primaryyy_coloursss not a slimeriana fic but a q!Jaiden one!.... with Q!ALPHARAD!!!!!? I found this one through art of it on twt omggg q!Jacob (like all non-qsmp confidants being deities) being the goddess of luck is so perfect for him i so willing to adapt that to my belief system. Always wanted to draw q!Jacob design (dessert wise he'd be Pure Vanilla... with a bit of alcohol)
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journeysfable · 1 year
On one hand we have too many goddesses I think Alpharad should be the token manifested into canon god I think he should join the ranks of Mumza, Mine, Lore, and Pearl, y'know? Lady Luck <3 <3
On another hand I think Alpharad being just some guy, and being q!Jaiden's roommate and trying to figure where the fuck she went would make for a really interesting story
My idea (full of so many headcanons that'll never come true) is that Alpharad is a chosen/champion on Pearl (who I hc to be the goddess of rebirth/second chances) and he met Jaiden after she left the federation. He just found her like laying on the ground with tattered clothes and she just so obviously had seen Some Shit and he was like "Sweet! A roommate!/Ok I guess it's by heavenly duty to help you out" and then they lived together for a few years. But one day she never came back home.
Idk if I'll ever write this and rn my brain is fried so I doubt I could write it. I might try writing a really small part of it, though.
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1moreff-creator · 1 year
Brain go brr on the Q&A
+Xander trying to hide his piercing from his school is so him, I love it.
+Listen, I don't want to overthink the Q&A too much, but my brain won't let me be normal about some things. The birthday thing caught my eye. Supposedly, some of the dates are important, but the rest are meant to be spread out, right? But Veronika and David's birthdays are, like, two days apart, so does that mean they're important? Same with Ace and Arei (ike three days), but at least Ace's birthday is Halloween so it's not hard to figure out. I don't remember most of the other birthdays, so I don't know if there's more examples.
+Why is this the "new David"'s default sprite? Is he so smug it runs all the way to his default pose? What.
+David can cook, malewife status confirmed. Also, "how does he handle his feelings? Badly" That's hilarious.
+New info on the Spurlings! This is getting outta hand, now there's two of them! I'm really intrigued as to what the hell their deal is. And Duke could have been alive during the Tragedy? What are we implying here? So many questions!
+Ace is officially gay! Many people are happy with this development. Though I have to ask, did anyone ship him with any woman? Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever seen that. Anyways, not like it matters now!
+Pan Veronika, pan Veronika, pan Veronika yes! I love it! New headcanon; she just dates/has sex with anyone she thinks will be entertaining to date/fuck. "Bit-sexual", as internet funnyman Alpharad would put it.
+I swear the David sexuality thing is an actual quote from somewhere. Hold on.
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Found it! Not the exact wording, but Andrew Garfield said something like it once. I love it, it's perfect for David!
+So Charles' scar is a dog bite, but he doesn't remember and thinks it's a birthmark? Is it... related to his brother's death? Dev, what. You can't just say things like that and then not elaborate. /j
+Levi with a sweet tooth is fantastic. I think it was already implied in his profile, but it's still great!
+Alright, about favorite colors:
Teruko: red (reasoning: association)
So... Xander or Mai? I'm leaning towards Mai, frankly.
Charles: "Why would I assign emotional value to colors? That's a ridiculous waste of energy." (cerulean)
That quote is hilarious. And now I can't help but imagine Charles unironically writing "cerulean orbs" in a fanfic-
Whit: neon pink (reasoning: "Pink!!")
God, I love these characters.
J: black (reasoning: cool)
I wouldn't expect less.
Nico: none (reasoning: no interest)
I honestly kinda love this, but also what does it mean.
Ace: dark blue/purple (reasoning: refuses to provide reasoning)
Acevi shippers are eating today, holy.
Arei: azure (reasoning: "I'm blue, so clearly it's the best color!")
Why did you have to die?
Min: taupe (reasoning: comforting)
Min information: absorbed. Love it. Also her design has a lot of taupe (I think) so it's comforting to me too.
Veronika: white in conjunction with other colors (reasoning: brings out other colors well)
Alright, now least favorite:
Whit: gray (reasoning: boring)
Alright, tone it down, Kamukura.
Rose: none (reasoning: all colors have their value in the right situations)
Fantastic, I adore this.
Eden: blue (reasoning: "Kind of a downer color...")
Areden shippers in shambles. How would you say this about your girlfriend's color, Eden?
J: pink (reasoning: obvious)
If you listen closely, you'll hear Whit's heart breaking in the distance. But this is expected.
Hu: blueish white (reasoning: sterile)
This is Arturo's fave. Are we setting up a foil thing here? I'd honestly love to see it, Arturo and Hu may be the characters I want to see the most of after maybe Veronika.
Nico: white (reasoning: unsettling)
Nico, what- what the hell are you talking about?
Ace: titian (reasoning: doesn't like himself)
Min: white and pink together (reasoning: annoying)
Dude, Whit cannot stop catching L's here, what is going on. Anyways, Min info absorbed.
Veronika: white in the absence of other colors (reasoning: soulless)
So, this is pretty interesting and all that... but she dislikes the same color as Nico? The Vero-Nico dynamic grows stronger! You love to see it. Or I love to see it, I adore them as friends/spiritual siblings.
+Ace has nine siblings?! That's a lot of kids!
+Nico cuts their own hair, and gets the cat ear things to stay up? Ultimate Hairdresser in the bulding!
Veronika's single green earring is a 'good luck charm' given to her by her dearest friend.
Aafgsj- Who?! Okay, first, I didn't even realize she had that, so thanks for pointing it out. Second, you can't just say that! Because you know I'm gonna assume that's Mai, especially with it being a 'good luck' charm when Mai is (kinda) the antithesis of Teruko and thus (kinda) the antithesis of bad luck. Am I to assume Veronika will be plot relevant now? Because I sure hope she is! I wasn't supposed to overthink the Q&A, dev, but look at what you're doing to me!
+Now the ice cream flavors:
Charles - coffee
This is actually stated in his profile. You gotta admire the consistency.
Hu - rose
Honey, wake up, a new random ship based on one (1) detail just dropped. It's a pretty cute one, too.
Nico - "the flavor" (doesn't elaborate further)
What is Nico doing in this Q&A? What am I supposed to gather from this?
Min - lemon
Min info drop spotted. I'm very normal about this character.
Xander - sauerkraut???
Xander, what the fuck are you talking about.
Veronika - funfetti
Honestly love this. White with other colors, right? It's perfect!
+Rose's painting preferences are cool to know, and she does give off a bit of middle child vibes, idk why. And two moms? Pog.
+That concept art! DRDT would have ended a lot earlier if Arei simply had a gun.
+Smells! (which of you people-)
Veronika - Womanly perfume (heavy)
I... was not expecting that! But it's Veronika info, so I absorb it. I kinda like the idea.
Nico - Cat
The more I learn about Nico, the more I love them.
Min - Lavender/eucalyptus/lemons/whatever essential oil she decided to use that day
W-Why does she use essential oils? I guess they must help her relax, because there's no way she actually believes they have any other benefit. Unexpected, but it's neat.
Whit - Fruity fun shampoo (for kids)
Yeah, yeah.
+Interesting that the Spurling Foundation and XF-Ture Tech don't have any connection, I guess that post I made on Min's secret is slightly outdated. Still, XF-Ture Tech "seems to do a lot of other things", huh? Peculiar.
I loved this Q&A, it was so much fun! I hope something like this is done again in the future, it's great.
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
jacob on the jaiden stream……. q!alpharad so real
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citruslllad · 1 year
(any thoughts on how q!alpha would interact with others on the island? maybe roier?)
i already kinda went over that in this post here, but since you mentioned roier specifically i'll go with how i think they'd interact
despite having different types of humor, i can definitely see them getting along well, with neither of them able to give up the bit (since jacob's sense of humor has turned more sincere recently while roier's is a lot of silly goofy stuff). considering the situation they both find themself in, too (roier's co-parent gone missing + jacob looking for her) they'd find comfort in knowing that both pre and post disappearance, jaiden was loved and cared about. roier also trusts jacob because of how much time he spends with cellbit, since he trusts cellbit with his life and he knows jacob wouldnt pull shit (he's aro just like jaiden)
speaking of that whole family, i might've mentioned it before but jacob would absolutely be a babysitter for richarlyson. he'd think it was so weird how the eggs work (they are literally big eggs with stick legs) but would still be so charmed and a little honored when entrusted with richas' safety. they end up sorta getting adopted into this family and by the end of it, roier, cellbit & richas won't be as important to him as jaiden, but they'll be very high up on the list
i want to explore the concept of jacob's relationship with them a bit deeper but i feel like my ideas would come across Kinda Weird and since people on the internet are nuts about mcyt i'm not gonna go into it, but tldr qpp polycule. yk
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velvet-red-void · 1 year
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"Jacob, wake up! You're on yaoi island!" "jaiden."
rbs are cool inspo
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sweetsmalldog · 1 year
I go to watch some Alpharad videos, I come back to check Tumblr and apparently q!Forever told Bagi that BBH was taken?
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min3nc · 8 months
jacob alpharad joins the qsmp and teaches its members the subtle art of using jaiden as clickbait
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velvet-red-void · 11 months
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best friends watch each other go through literal purgatory and their spiral into insanity <3
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velvet-red-void · 11 months
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based on that one fanart of jacob actually being cucurucho/part of the census bereau (ft. a cellbit)
rbs are cool ^o^
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velvet-red-void · 1 year
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Jaiden dragging Jacob's dead body to Yaoi Island (QSMP)
rbs are cool <3 based on this post
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