#qintha's OCs
imaginejercy · 6 years
Just Another Day In The Jackson-Grace Household 2
Luke stares warily at the plate of black mush in front of him. “Mom, what is this?”
“It’s lunch.”
“I think what Luke meant say was, mom, what is this supposed to be?” Alex asked politely.
“It’s mash potatoes and chicken.”
“It doesn’t look like it.” Ana squints her eyes at the plate of ‘food’.
“Just eat it.”
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handicappedwriter · 6 years
Rainy: I once ate a chocolate as big as my head.
Seli: She did.
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imaginejercy · 7 years
An Omegaverse Biology Lesson (part 1)
Yo i wrote another dumb PJO story set in my OC Verse
You can also read it on ff.net and AO3
This is kind of a sequel to "An Omegaverse Sex Ed Lesson", and just like that story, this is also kinda cracky and humorous, and i planned for it to be a two parter. The IGIRLS won't appear on the first chapter, they will only be mentioned, but they will appear on the second chapter.
Information on everyone's second genders:
Alphas: Jason, Frank, Will, Reyna
Betas: Piper, Leo, Calypso
Omegas: Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, Nico
"I can't believe i'm saying this, but i think we need to teach those IGIRLS sex ed." Percy sighed exasperatedly.
He has asked all of his friends—the ones that also have The IGIRLS as Bonded Helpers just like him—to meet him in the Poseidon Cabin to discuss something very important: giving The IGIRLS sex ed lessons on their world's biology. Ever since his awkward conversation with Aina the other day, where she asked him about whether or not he gets periods sometimes, he decided that maybe it's about time The IGIRLS get some lessons on their world's sexual biology to avoid further awkward questions like Aina's previous one. And he is going to ask the help of the other Bonded Families.
"I think i have to agree with Percy." Nico rubbed his forehead as if he has a headache. "Just yesterday Vile asked me if i have a vagina, i had to explain to her multiple times that i don't have a vagina!"
"Also, one time Laura asked me if being a beta makes me a hermaphrodite." Piper exclaimed. "I don't even know what that means!"
"A hermaphrodite means having both male and female body parts." Annabeth explained to her girlfriend.
"Well i didn't know that!"
"Emerald once tried to take a look at my knot." Reyna deadpanned. Everybody else seemed really surprised when they heard the alpha female tell them that, even Reyna herself looks like she can't even believe her own words. "I don't want to talk about it." Nobody pressed further.
Jason is the only one that looks more exasperated than surprised. "That sounds like Emerald. Speaking of which, she also once asked me the same question as Vile did about Percy."
"What did you said to her?" Percy stare suspiciously at his boyfriend. Whatever his respond is to Emerald, it better not be something stupid.
"Don't worry, i told her i'm pretty sure you don't actually have a vagina." He reassured the male omega.
Percy sighs in relief.
"Wait, you don't right?" That earn him a slap in the head from Percy. He then began spluterring apologies to his boyfriend for asking such a thing.
"I don't think my experience is as weird as any of yours, but there was that one time Amber wanted to know if us omegas give birth to a lot of children all the time." Hazel thought out loud.
"That really doesn't sound that weird, since it's partially true." Annabeth said.
"That's what i said to her too, but then she grabbed onto me and wanted to know if condoms and birth control existed in this world, she looks so worried for me that she almost starts crying, i felt bad for her and told her that those things do exists." Hazel covers her face with her hands, while Frank rubs her back trying to comfort her.
"Okay then, it's official! We need to teach them sex ed immediately!" Percy announced.
Leo snorted. "I feel very sorry for the poor souls who has to do that."
Frank finished comforting his girlfriend to turn to Leo. "He said we Leo, that means we're all going to do it."
"Do i look like a sexologist to you?"
"Well, do you have a better idea on who should be giving those Helpers 'The Talk' Leo?" Piper raised her eyebrow at him.
"Yes i do," Leo retorted; "i think only four people should be giving them 'The Talk'. A female alpha, a male alpha, a female omega, and a male omega. No betas because i remember Hester saying something about betas being pretty much like the normal people from their world, so i believe they don't need any lessons on me, my girlfriend, and Piper's second gender."
"I guess that's understandable." Annabeth hummed in though. "So, who are going to be the unlucky alphas and omegas that are going to be teaching them?"
Everyone look towards Percy, Jason, Annabeth, and Reyna.
"Oh no, no way," Percy immediately refuse; "i do not want to deal with similar awkward questions about my body from them."
"You were the one who suggested the idea." Nico said matter of factly.
"And why am i the other chosen omega? I'm not the only female omega in this room. Why not Hazel?" Annabeth argued.
"I'm not that knowledgable in these kinds of things, also you're the smartest one out of all of us Annabeth." Hazel explained to her.
"I'm also not the only male alpha here, what about Frank or Will?" Jason pointed at the other alpha in the room.
"Oh hell no," Frank shook his head; "you have much more experience dealing with their crazyness, there is no way i can't ever handle all of them at once."
"I can't argue because i know i'm the only female alpha." Reyna sighed in defeat.
"All in favor of Percy, Jason, Annabeth, and Reyna to be the ones to teach The IGIRLS sex ed?" Leo exclaimed.
Everyone except for Percy, Jason, Annabeth, and Reyna raised their hands.
Percy groan. "Fine, we'll do it." He then look towards the other three unlucky chosen teachers. "So, how are we going to teach them?"
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imaginejercy · 7 years
oooH CULD U DO 4 WITH JERCY (maybe... w/ percy.. as the single parent.. .
Using my own fankid for the kid, Luke. Also, i’ve never read any fics with this kind of prompt before, so i’m not sure if my take on it is good or not.
Tbh, i’m not exactly that happy with how this turns out.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Every school always has at least one trouble maker student, and one of those types of students happens to be one Luke Jackson.
Luke has always been a trouble maker ever since he first showed up. He’s been late to school plenty of times (but he always said it was never on purpose), he talks back to some—most—of the teachers, and he has gotten detention way too many times to count.
And guess who has to deal with it all? His single dad that’s who.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Today though, instead of normal detention, he was told by his English teacher, mister Grace to meet up with him later after school, and he was also told to bring his dad along with him.
You probably won’t believe Luke when he said he was surprised to hear that. Because for once he didn’t do anything wrong this time! And to make matters worse, mister Grace didn’t even told him why he has to meet up with him later, and he has to bring his dad along too.
So yeah, that’s how he ended up in the English classroom waiting for his dad to show up.
A few minutes later Luke’s dad finally appeared. He’s still wearing his aquarium work uniform, he must have been in a hurry to get to Luke’s school.
“Hello, i’m Percy Jackson, Luke’s dad.” His dad smiled and extends his hand towards mister Grace.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Luke’s English teacher, mister Grace.” His teacher shook his dad’s hand.
His dad sits down at the chair next to Luke. “Luke told me that you want to see me, did he did something wrong?”
Luke look down, he really didn’t want to see the dissapointed look his dad always give him whenever he heard him did something wrong at school. He really don’t want to cause anymore trouble for his dad, it’s already bad enough that he has to take care of him all by himself.
“No, actually he haven’t done anything wrong. Yet.” Mister Grace explained while chuckling.
His dad sighs relieved. “That’s a relieved. I’m sorry that he always causes trouble.”
“That’s fine, but, it must be hard for a pretty thing such as you to take care of a son all by yourself.” Mister Grace said.
Luke swore he could see his dad blushed a bit at that.
Okay what the heck was that?
Did his teacher just flirted with his own dad… In front of him?
Right now Luke is contemplating whether to just stay quiet and let it happen because it’s getting him out of possible trouble or to drag his dad out of the room immediately.
He choose to do the former instead.
The meeting went on like that. They would talk about Luke’s grades and his behaviour in school, he would join the conversation occasionally, even though he knows that mister Grace and his dad are just mostly flirting with eachother, he felt really awkward and uncomfortable the entire time. He also pretended that he didn’t hear when mister Grace offered his dad to get coffee with him someday, and his dad agreed too!
On the way back home Luke was entirely quiet, which is uncharacteristic for him. Even when his dad tried to strike up a conversation with him he still didn’t say a word. That meeting messed him up bad.
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handicappedwriter · 6 years
Dina: *Makes a pun*
The IGIRLS: *Groans*
The Families: *Groans*
The Entire Magic World: *Groans*
The Entire Earth: *Groans*
The Entire Universe: *Groans*
Every Universe in Existence: *Groans*
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handicappedwriter · 6 years
*Hester pointing to a broken teapot*
Hester: So...who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Ruby: I did, I broke-
Hester: No, no you didn't. Aina?
Aina: Don't look at me, look at Vile.
Vile: What? I didn't break it.
Aina: Huh, that's weird, how'd you even know it was broken?
Vile: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Aina: Suspcious.
Vile: No, it's not-
Emerald: If it matters, probably not, but Amber was the last one to use it.
Amber: Liar! I don't even drink that stuff!
Emerald: Oh, really? Then what were you doing by the tea set earlier?
Amber: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles, everyone knows that!
Ruby: Okay, okay! Let's not fight, I broke it, let me pay for it.
Hester: No, who broke it?
Annie: Hester, Layla has been awfully quiet.
Layla: Really?!
Annie: Yeah, really!
*arguing ensues between everyone as Hester steps out of the room* : I broke it. It burned my hand so I punched it. I predict ten minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with war paint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
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imaginejercy · 8 years
Remember that OC of mine named Dina that i mentioned in an earlier jercy post? Well the truth is she's actually a part of a much bigger thing. And i've been wanting to write a fanfic with her in it for a long time now. The story is that Dina is the leader/founder of an organization called the IGIRLS, who's job is to help people from many different universes/dimentions (AKA fandom worlds). So, i'm currently in the middle of doing a series of multifandom fanfics with the IGIRLS in it called: The Love Team. Dina isn't the main character, but three other IGIRLS are, they are Layla, Kelly and Frankie. The first episode is PJO/HOO, and the main pairings are jercy and pipabeth (with solangelo, frazel and caleo as side pairings). This is my first big project fanfiction in a year! So i hope you guys like it ^_^ Also, since all of my attention will be going towards The Love Team, i probably won't have time to come up with ideas for this blog. But submissions will still be open and i will still answer asks. And don't forget about jercy week that's coming up in a few weeks. 😉 Link to the first episode: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12039399/1/Everything-Has-Changed (I'm on mobile, i can't link)
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