#qsmp birdhouse
rayven81194 · 4 months
guess who’s having thoughts about the birdhouse again
please free me it rewired my brain
Okay so idk how to start this, but I was just thinking about the was it a dream, was it not thing. q!Phil is unreliable in this situation, it fucked him over a lot and we can see that he doesn’t fucking know for sure either, he just went with it not being real
Now i’m not gonna pretend like I know which it is, I just want to point out silly things for both
First off, if it was real, it has a solid proof. Pretty sure Fit and Tubbo checked all of Phil’s house, even where he woke up, and he wasn’t there. Also, I’ve seen somewhere about the headcanon that Cucurocho can control dreams, which could also work heavily here, and explain some sentiments
Now for the it was actually a dream part, there isn’t as reliable proof, but oh god the possible angst that could come from this
When you dream, like literally not like aspirations, you are asleep, vulnerable. I think the bird house showed some of q!Phil’s most vulnerable moments. He sounded so defeated when Cucurocho showed up
Okay yadayada rambles, now for the angst
He dreamt that Tallulah wrote him a letter (didn’t know that when I watched it and for months after didn’t as well), with cords, where her and Chayanne could be. It was the best thing that could’ve happened to him. Missa came back, his kids sent him a letter. He just had to travel lightly and not tell anyone, and he would see them again
Then he was trapped, which we know for one thing, he doesn’t like. Look at his Hardcore world, his canonical dreams. It’s open, and he’s free, but his dream turned into a nightmare, being locked by a person we know he doesn’t like. The feds literally clipped his wings, being trapped by them if this was a dream was probably an amplified version of his emotions regarding that matter
Also for the it was real thing, he had a dream inside a dream, which was weird and knew where to go when he woke up, but bro also was in different clothes when he woke up for real
anyways those are my silly rambles
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time-is-restored · 6 months
anyone else thinking about how us crows canonically reacted to that diorama in the aquarium? like. imagine being q!phil, desparately trying to convince himself that none of this is happening and his dreams are just dreams... while all of the crows surrounding you are going NUTS
vocalising, ruffling their feathers, flapping their wings - immediately and viscerally reacting to all of the trappings of endlantis and the king.
im just. can you even imagine trying to process that. imagine ur kid wakes up and can't see any of the shit that's driving you + ur entire murder to hysterics, even when they're all Clearly reacting to... something in the aquarium. imagine phil trying to say he's fine and that he just needs air while the crows are fucking RIOTING.
we knew + were shouting abt the king and endlantis LONG before q!phil was able to acknowledge it. and the dissonance of that is just,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, OGH!
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toshirotang · 9 months
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Even if he frees the birds from one cage, they are still trapped. Trap in a cage; Trap in a birdhouse; Trap in this island.
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remitro · 6 months
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Other weird stuff from Philza's interview with Fred - answering 'how long have you been on the island' with "idk time works differently for me". Which is a bizarre answer. I might have missed previous Philza lore, but... Not I forgot, not I'm not sure, 'time works differently for me'. It's not an 'idk' in the doesn't remember sense, its 'idk' in the there's something fundamental about him that time doesn't quite... work like a normal person with. And I'd guess the island doesn't have calendars to re-orientate yourself with.
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becauseplot · 8 months
Someone mentioned how they should put qphil back in the birdhouse when ccphil leaves for Brazil later this week, and like. Now I can’t stop thinking about if qphil has a normal day on qsmp on Wednesdayand it doesn’t seem like anything is going to happen, and then when he goes to bed and simply wakes up in the birdhouse.
No fanfare, no explanation. Just a fade to black and a fade back into the birdhouse, like it’s the most natural thing.
And so qphil has to sit there and think wait a minute. So is—so is the birdhouse a dream? Or was me escaping the birdhouse a dream? Or are they both dreams? Dreams within dreams? Or two separate dreams slotted together, overlapping? And what about the Island? My Hardcore world? Was everything before the birdhouse a dream too? Was that world ever real? Was it ever mine?
Is this my dream?
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dnalt-d2 · 5 months
So QSMP Prison, right??
Super exciting, and I super wish I'd been able to find that full subtitled Fuga Impossivel to prepare for it mentally, but oh well, time to start thinking
(And note: I wrote this yesterday and just straight-up forgot to post it, so if anything's changed since then and contradicts what I said, whoopsies)
Now for starters, am I the only one who thinks this is a bit out of nowhere?
The Islanders have been committing crimes for QUITE a while, (Especially Tazercraft lmao) so why only now are they imprisoning all the Islanders?? And why are the Eggs being imprisoned too??
If this is for some crimes they committed, then damn they sure took their sweet time on that, huh??
So what if this is for another reason?
Before, when the Black Concrete was being spread around the Island, the Federation sent the Islanders to Egg Island, thinking it would be safe for them. But it wasn't. It got hijacked by the Watcher, and ended up causing way more problems than it solved
Idk if the Black Concrete is still an issue (Though it seems to have mostly resolved for now) but there is ANOTHER issue of the Eye Workers and Purgatory attacking
And the Eggs are in danger, with Empanada even losing a life
What if this isn't necessarily meant as a punishment, but a way to protect the Islanders and Eggs while the Federation tries to figure out a way to defend them from the Eye Workers?
What if this IS how they defend them from the Eye Workers??
They tried sending them off to a nice place, but that wasn't controlled enough, and it ended up becoming the horror show that was Purgatory. So now, time to course-correct in the opposite direction, as hard as possible
Instead of an Island where they can have some semblance of freedom, thus causing them to be vulnerable, they get the incredibly strict environment of a Prison, where they can control everything they do, and everyone that comes in and leaves. They control every threat, thus ensuring that no matter what, the people inside are as safe as possible, to prevent anymore disasters from striking again
And if there's some other psychological effects, making them easier to control afterwards, then so be it. Anything for their Perfect Island, right?
(And just to add, we saw the images of the Eye Workers looking for someone, right?? It's easy to assume that they're looking for Luffy, but I think that maybe they've lost sight of where the Islanders are, specifically because the Federation hid them. I'm not sure on that entirely, since they looked like they were trying to find something yesterday specifically, and the Islanders were obviously still on the Island. For all we know, they're trying to find someone else entirely, and we just don't know who at the moment)
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angelsandarsenic · 4 months
Valentines Deathduo Oneshot!
A gift for Annzorua/Chillingxy for the valentines gift exchange :) happy valentines everybody!
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hepbaestus · 5 months
"You're in the doghouse, or should I say the birdhouse? Cause you're the birdman."
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[Start ID: a meme of a dog in a hat with a cup of something on the table surrounded by fire saying "this is fine". /EndID.]
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goldentlme · 6 months
anyone that says phil doesnt like roleplay or whatever after this gets shot by my million spear attack
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rakkuntoast · 8 months
and in the event to save the eggs when qphil is offered one chance to get his wings back (elytra +curse of binding +curse of vanishing) but has to say no because it would make it more difficult for him to defend his kids as they escape, so he has to give up any hope of flying again just for better odds to save his family 😈 hehe ticket with feathers amirite
no cuz getting the opportunity to fly again but sacrificing yourself in the process is such a selfish decision in part of q!philza. its cruel enough that the feds mock him being a grounded bird, seeing how vulnerable they managed to get him i would def see him consider getting the elytra at least once or twice
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rayven81194 · 5 months
Also not Missa art being legit canonically his shinnies. He acted so crow he legit sounded like a crow mimicking human speech being an impatient gremlin as his son wrote. Went so much crow it’s adorable.
Im so normal about them and his crow behaviour with Missa
Even more so when you think about how before then q!Phil perched but didn’t show much other crow behaviours, but suddenly q!Missa’s there and we got a very happy bird
Also just the thought of Missa or the thought of Missa being a safe place for bird instincts for Phil is very dear to me, because like the bird house 100% impacted that, it was literally an emotionally destructive place that I don’t think q!Phil has worked though fully
Idk just the thought of Phil letting his bird instincts go ham with Missa because he feels safe will always be dear to me
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kiwinatorwaffles · 1 year
hi I'm sorry if this is a stupid question but would you mind explaining what's going on with the so-called 'multilingual' smp? I keep seeing mocking references to it but I don't actually know who is trying to make it or anything. from the mocking I've seen it sounds like someone doesn't understand what the word multilingual means, but I don't have any context for any of this, lol. if you don't want to answer then that's alright, I just figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. thanks and have a nice day <3
sure! i'll answer to the most of what i know but i use twitter very little so most of this info is through osmosis
i know some people call this discourse, but personally i don't really see it as such in terms of my blog at least. as someone who is multilingual myself i find it incredibly entertaining to watch this entire situation go down its like a little treat for me /silly
quackity, being a mcyter who speaks both spanish and english, made his own "first ever bilingual server" (qsmp) to join his two communities together and break the language barrier. then dream shows up basically saying he's ALSO making a new server, and it'll be the "first ever multilingual server" (which is really funny because two languages is already multilingual. and also i truly doubt either of them made the first multilingual server, but i'll throw quackity the bone here since this is his passion project) with SIXTY members and SIX languages and TEN creators speaking each language. and... competitive leaderboards???
but here's the thing: quackity made his server because he wanted to join two communities he was in together. dream is monolingual and pretty much only participates in the english mcyt community. even without taking into consideration the sheer amount of effort it would take to run a survival multiplayer server with Sixty Fucking People speaking Six Different Languages you see how these two things are not quite weighing out here on the actual cultural side of things. like sure. okay dude. now, where and how are you gonna find those 50 other non-english speaking creators? google translate? good luck!
there's just been a lot of shade being thrown around on mcyttwt recently and while i won't cover all of them here you can probably find some around here yourself. it's all incredibly entertaining to me personally and i can't wait to see what goofy misconducts will be passed around next
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dontcryminecraft · 8 months
A cage for a cage
"a cage for a cage," phil wrote. The federation building is built like a cage, and with the eggs gone and people being given happy pills, it's more symbolic than ever how trapped everyone is. And this feeling of hopelessness is symbolized by the federation building at spawn. Here is a physical cage around the symbolic cage.
"a cage for a cage," QSMP wrote in the book Phil found. Cucurucho laughed and locked him in the birdhouse. Don't try this again. You did this to yourself. Don't resist. Don't ask questions. Don't push your luck. All of these messages, built into a twist on Phil's original one. You try to cage us, so we cage you.
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qbebou · 4 months
i’m so happy tallulah is enjoying the exotic birds mod 🫶 it’s one of my favorites i always get obsessed with getting every bird its so fun
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There are three certainties that Fit knows in the world - death, pain, and the Murder which follows Philza Minecraft. While their friendship has waned and waxed over the years, strongest now that they are trapped together in this hellish paradise, he knows it nearly as intimately as he knows the man.
In the spring, the crows disperse about their way, to breed and feast and whatever else black death-birds do. A few always remain with Philza, but only a few, breeding and summering where-ever he decides to rest.
It is not strange, then, to only see the five birds trailing after Philza on the Island; Fit is certain there are more, spread about and hidden, but the flocks will not combine until the weather turns, and then they shall descend upon their master as a giant black swarm to block out even the sky.
So neither is it so strange when Monday rolls around, and Fit does not see any crows swooping in; their father is being lazy, sleeping in his sealed bunker now he has no children to entertain. The five or so crows will be entertaining themselves with stealing wheat and harassing spawn, maybe stealing chips of quartz from the Federation train station if they feel especially adventurous. Philza being asleep so long is a little strange, but the man needs it - he was up late helping with the Maze, Fit knows, and depression has hit them all hard with their children gone.
But then that night the weather turns. A storm blows through, the air takes on a chill, and almost as though by clockwork the leaves fade to red and brown.
Morning comes with a slight ground fog, but not a thick one. It makes Fit crave apple pies, and that enough is to know that autumn is here.
Instinctively, he turns his gaze to the sky, looking for the blacken stain which follow in autumn's wake.
The sun is weak, the sky is cloudy, but the air is clear.
Philza lives not so far away; the crows should be swarming now, with a murder large enough to blot out the very sun.
Fit's stomach drops, and he feels vaguely sick. No matter how hard he scans the sky, the answer remains the same; autumn has come, but the crows have not come in to roost.
Something is wrong.
Something is very wrong, and FitMC of 2b2t has no idea what it might be.
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