#or try and get the feds to admit if it was real or fake
rayven81194 · 4 months
guess who’s having thoughts about the birdhouse again
please free me it rewired my brain
Okay so idk how to start this, but I was just thinking about the was it a dream, was it not thing. q!Phil is unreliable in this situation, it fucked him over a lot and we can see that he doesn’t fucking know for sure either, he just went with it not being real
Now i’m not gonna pretend like I know which it is, I just want to point out silly things for both
First off, if it was real, it has a solid proof. Pretty sure Fit and Tubbo checked all of Phil’s house, even where he woke up, and he wasn’t there. Also, I’ve seen somewhere about the headcanon that Cucurocho can control dreams, which could also work heavily here, and explain some sentiments
Now for the it was actually a dream part, there isn’t as reliable proof, but oh god the possible angst that could come from this
When you dream, like literally not like aspirations, you are asleep, vulnerable. I think the bird house showed some of q!Phil’s most vulnerable moments. He sounded so defeated when Cucurocho showed up
Okay yadayada rambles, now for the angst
He dreamt that Tallulah wrote him a letter (didn’t know that when I watched it and for months after didn’t as well), with cords, where her and Chayanne could be. It was the best thing that could’ve happened to him. Missa came back, his kids sent him a letter. He just had to travel lightly and not tell anyone, and he would see them again
Then he was trapped, which we know for one thing, he doesn’t like. Look at his Hardcore world, his canonical dreams. It’s open, and he’s free, but his dream turned into a nightmare, being locked by a person we know he doesn’t like. The feds literally clipped his wings, being trapped by them if this was a dream was probably an amplified version of his emotions regarding that matter
Also for the it was real thing, he had a dream inside a dream, which was weird and knew where to go when he woke up, but bro also was in different clothes when he woke up for real
anyways those are my silly rambles
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"Stupid" Things the TWST Cast Believed As Kids
I was going to post this without a preamble but it just looked wrong LMAO -----------------------------------------------------
Riddle - He just mispronounced a lot of words out loud. This is actually common in a lot of kids that read a lot, they don't know how to say a word any differently than the way they've pronounced it in their head, so some examples: (Ladle -> would rhyme with Saddle, Rhythm had over-emphasis on the first 'h', etc.)
Trey - thought butter was made from the fat collected off of cow butts ('butt' was also the only 'naughty' word he knew for a long time). The thing is he had probably seen his parents make butter. either by accident or on purpose and it still didn't click for him.
Cater - only ate black beans, (when they were served). when he was a kid because he thought they were the same as coffee beans. He saw his dad eating chocolate covered coffee beans and got mad when he denied him the Delight Of Caffeine at Three Years Old so thought eating black beans was like. A super sneaky way of being like his dad.
Deuce - Chocolate covered strawberries came from a special plant, he didn't think his mom just set them up for him sometimes. He ended up asking more than a few times when his strawberries were plain when they could 'go back to the store and get the good kind' and would call the strawberries without chocolate 'rotten'.
Ace - For whatever reason, he didn't think bears were a real animal. Just. Teddy bears existed. And of course when his big brother showed him pictures of real bears he thought he was messing with him. Ace will not admit how long it took him to realize that bears are real.
Leona - Falena told him once that vanilla extract comes from 'beaver butt juice' and it was in all the vanilla flavoured desserts he's ever had. Yes Falena was messing with him to get his portion of desserts because Leona was too grossed out to eat them. It managed to last about 6 months before Leona was fed up and researched the information on his own.
Ruggie - His grandma protected him best she could from food scarcity, so he genuinely believed she knew how to make something from nothing. Same with his clothes.
Jack - Refused to eat hotdogs because he thought they were made from real dogs and cried whenever he saw someone else eating hot dogs. Even when they bough turkey hot dogs he thought they added 'turkey flavouring' to the Dogs.
Azul - Thought cuttlefish were 'cuddlefish' and would get so SO upset when they didn't want to snuggle with him
Jade - When he first heard the word 'hermaphrodite' he thought it meant someone who just really really liked hermit crabs.
Floyd - Was SO disappointed to find out ice cream didn't scream while you eat it (I-scream)
Kalim - Used to try and eat really fast, so Jamil told him if he ate his food too hot his tongue would melt to the top of his mouth. (Yeah Jamil got in trouble for that one but it worked, Kalim savoured his food and he still makes sure his food is cooled down a little before he eats).
Jamil - Didn't eat yogurt for a long time because he didn't want to 'feed the bacteria in his belly'. That was his only reasoning.
Vil - thought candy cigarettes were real cigarettes, this resulted in him biting one of his dad's or fellow actor's cigarettes and Regretting it. (Even the fake ones are filled with like an herbal blend, you don't want to eat it still)
Rook - kinda sad, but genuinely thought termites were considered dessert. They were fairly rampant in his home so he would eat them any chance he got (raw termites supposedly taste like pineapple).
Epel - yeah he thought he was a werewolf, there isn't much else to add.
Idia - Thought that microwaving a spider/other bugs for a very short amount of time would mutate their DNA and he could keep it as a pet, despite many failed attempts, he continued trying.
Ortho - (insert ugly crying here thinking about baby boys early years) he really believed that one day Idia would find a way to bring the characters from tv/video games into 'real life' so they could have play dates with them. (Idia promised him he would try his best)
Malleus - He thought computers were a type of pet people could have.
Lilia - Used to think that the stars were really big glow bugs
Silver - Fully believed the storks deliver babies thing. Not because of Lilia, but because of a story book and it made things easy so he just rolled with it anyways, until Silver was old enough.
Sebek - That the fountain of youth was real - he wanted to drink from it once he reached his prime so that he could serve Malleus always.
Che'nya - Refused to believe that gum ever came from trees because he 'tried sap before and it didn't even taste like syrup so how could something sweet as gum come from trees'.
Najma - Thought she was able to talk to ghosts, it was just Jamil fucking with her lskjfhsldkjfsdf
Neige - Didn't know what owls were, called them tree penguins.
Rollo - Called ambulances 'Body Rescue Busses' because even as a kid he knew only God could save your soul. (you can take that seriously or as satire idc) -------------------------------------------------------- @fluffle-writes thank you for the compliments, and the motivation to write!! ljfkjdshflkjsdf
If you want to be on a taglist in the future lmk
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burningvelvet · 2 years
so many movies and stories about the romantic era are about the byron/shelley circle’s time spent at the stormy villa diodati in 1816 when mary wrote frankenstein. but where is all the representation for their equally chaotic adventures in italy circa. 1821???
them being friends with a chaotic lesbian/trans couple (writer david lyndsay and isabel robinson) and mary shelley helping the couple skip the country and go to france with fake passports she procured so the two could live as a married couple,
percy dealing with john keats dying in rome & simultaneously saving byron from dying of STDs in venice where he had over 200 chaotic affairs with men and women who were literally dying and brawling over him,
byron becoming a captain in the mob faction of the carbonari during the italian revolution, his palace becoming an artillery & living with one of his sassy countess mistresses teresa who had to get consent from the pope to divorce her crazy old husband who was a powerful assassin just so she could be with byron, and byron & co. having to deal with shootings and sword fights outside his apartment all the time, in which mary shelley and teresa were once interrogated by police for hours after someone was stabbed & byron had to pay the bail,
claire clairmont (mary shelley’s step-sister) who secretly plans on kidnapping her and byron’s daughter from byron’s custody and/or fleeing & eventually does flee to become a russian nanny and live in anonymity after their daughter tragically dies in a convent and she becomes fed up with everyone’s chaotic bullshit and converts to catholicism, turning down multiple men to remain a single working woman by choice,
percy having to act as the go-between messenger for claire and byron since they refuse to talk to each other,
percy having or adopting a mysterious child who died young but who many thought was his and claire’s, although it possibly belonged to his nanny elise and/or male servant paolo, who both claimed it was claire’s, despite there being no evidence she was pregnant — percy and claire nonetheless having to battle rumours that they were a couple for this and a million other reasons, byron believing percy/claire had an affair, mary having to quell the rumours (but we still don’t know the entire truth about the mysterious child’s real parentage, or whether shelley had affairs with elise or claire???),
percy and mary basically becoming pseudo-swingers with a couple they lived with — edward & jane williams — jane being a cool sexy singer and guitar player who inspired a lot of shelley’s poems after he fell in love with her, and the bisexual mary admitting she found jane attractive too — and jane marrying one of shelley’s best friends after shelley died,
byron and percy sailing around 24/7 with edward trelawny the eccentric traveling pirate/sailor daredevil (who was also probably attracted to percy and demanded to be buried next to him after keeping his memory alive for 50+ years after he died despite only knowing him for ~6 months - and later writing a lot about him and byron, the stories of which were embellished and changed over time),
byron saving percy from drowning and chastising him for reading while sailing, percy refusing to learn how to swim, percy commissioning a fancy sailboat to be built and then byron renaming it after his own poem (don juan) as a prank, percy and edward unable to scrape the new name off, then byron having a huge pleasure yacht built just because he wanted a boat that was bigger than percy’s, but then he barely even used it and had to get rid of it which started a huge feud with trelawny and the boatmakers that lasted for years,
percy (and edward) dying in a boating accident with john keats’ poetry in his pocket, rabid tourists/fans trying to crash the funeral, byron then spending the funeral getting drunk, throwing up, practically trying to drown himself bc they all decided to go swimming during the cremation and byron stayed in the water for hours only to become deathly ill for the rest of his life afterwards from getting heat sick, byron trying to steal percy’s skull from trelawny, leigh hunt trying to steal percy’s heart, mary keeping percy’s heart in her desk next to his and byron’s hair, the heart being wrapped up in his poem adonaïs which he wrote for john keats death but which she noted was also mysteriously fitting for his own, mary later dying while staring at percy’s heart which no one knew was in her desk til then,
mary shelley hating italy in general & having miscarriages, her and percy going insane from grief and percy hallucinating their dead kids, percy/byron/leigh trying to form a newspaper together and then failing, etc.???,
byron inviting leigh hunt and his six rambuncious children to stay with him and then proceeding to be driven mad by said children who he called “yahoos” and “blackguards”, then hunt writing a passive aggressive thinkpiece where he roasts byron for singing loudly whenever hunt was trying to concentrate and get stupid drunk and would ride on his kids rocking-horse,
byron and edward trelawny fucking off to go be key figures in the greek revolutionary war bc why not (& partly out of tribute to percy who was obsessed with greece—although byron/trelawny were also obsessed with greece, there is some evidence that percy inspired them to join the war) . . .
i mean really. netflix, stop fucking around!
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vitchimage · 1 year
—Lies 𓆩♡𓆪
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Summary: Your beloved husband finally gets caught up by his past mistakes, choking on his own lies.
Pairing: Nanami Kento x reader
Type: Angst, hurt/comfort(?), open ending
Warning: suggestive so a tad bit NSFW (MDNI), Cheating, arguing, small cursing
A/N: Lyrics by MARINA, Lies.
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Here you guys were. In the livingroom of a shared penthouse of you both.
Screaming, shouting for the millionth time deep into the night.
“He's just a friend, Y/N! God!" Nanami states for the hundreds of times, like it would change anything you had to say in this, he was fed up about this.
And all honestly, you were getting tired of arguing about the same thing all the time as well.
"But you like him more as a friend right?!" You shout back at him, your hand running roughly through your hair.
His brows furrows further, "What the hell are you saying?! Are you listening to yourself?!"
"AM I LISTENING TO MYSELF?! I'M NOT THE ONE WHO LIES IN SOMEONE'S ARMS WHILE YOUR WIFE WAITS FOR YOU BACK AT HOME!" You threw the nearest thing you could get your hands on. The picture of your marriage falls to the floor, shattering to pieces.
Looking at it felt sickening, remembering his broken vow and all his unkempt promise. The smiles on the picture, you remember so vivid how happy you both were — it all seemed so fake now. What was even real up until now?
What's the point of sayin' it's never gonna end?
Nanami remains quiet, either stunned or trying to find a way to calm his wife down, to make a feeble excuse that would save them both.
"You didn't think I would find out about your little affair?" You huffed, holding your figure, "Well news flash sherlock I did, the day I said I would come home late due to work, yeah, I heard it all."
Another strike, he was taking in the information, another silence.
You're too proud to say you made a mistake.
The silence from him was killing you.
Nanami isn't even looking at you, rather on the floor, the broken picture of you both.
You're a coward till the end.
"Well, maybe if you weren't fighting, complaining, being so needy and clingy all the time, maybe this wouldnt happen!"
You scoffed, the words hurts you more than you thought they would.
"Are you seriously blaming me for your affair?!"
"I don't want to admit, but we're not gonna fit."
He let it slip past his lips, instantly wanting to take those words back, despite how nonchalant it sounded. He didn't mean any words of it. He never will. It was all a lie from his side, trying to protect himself.
Cause in all honesty, he loved it.
He loved the way you were always by his side, the way you would cling to him, the way you would talk about your day, your touch was heacrn, the sound of your voice was what held him down, being in your presence was like a blessing. Even your little flaws. He loves every single one of them, every single part of you.
He didn't know what he was trying to imply right then and there when saying that. Nor did he know why he was hurting you like this by sleeping with his bestfriend behind your back.
You voice is uncontrollably shaky,
"No, I'm not the type that you like."
The image of him and Yu Haibara together flashed your mind, and you cover your mouth to choke on another sob.
Times where he said he had to leave because his very bestfriend needed him, times where he would come home so late into the night due to work, times where he dismissed at the idea of taking a break, but the moment Yu did, he immediately took one, taking a vacation with him.
Times where you needed him the most he wasn't there but rather in another man's arms, times you asked a bit of his time but he always refused giving it to Yu instead. Everything started building up.
At first you thought he was just a friend, and you were sure it, but Nanami started to grow so distant he became a stranger to you. And you started to wonder if all the late night calls, all the love he showed you was ever even truly real or all a play. And the doubt of Yu being just a friend clouded your mind.
So you lied to his face saying you would be home quite late, when you were leaving much earlier than he expected.
And it confirmed your suspicion — the moans from the bedroom was loud and clear.
You slid against the wall at that moment, your legs giving out as you held your head, trying not to scream, to shout, to cry that day, as the moans just continued endlessly — confirming his betrayal to your marriage without knowing you were there.
"Fucking asshole."
Wiping your tears, you immediately grabbed the keys to the car and putting on some shoes.
"Y/N.." He called out to you, the same shaky voice you had.
Why don't we just pretend?
And you, wanted to turn, to hold him and say its going to be alright, that you both can fix this.
But his past mistakes has finally caught up to him, giving a taste of the consequence he reaped.
"Don't go.."
Turn, answer him.
But you don't, you finally got the shoes on, heading towards the exit — leaving him.
He was fast, Nanami immediately takes you by the arm, holding you from behind, the rain drenches both of you just before the door.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry.. Please don't leave, please don't. It's my fault, it's all my fault not yours, I know my mistakes, I won't do it again, I'll change..I-"
He was blabbering words of apologies, regrets and guilt tasted on his tongue and the sound of it.
You wanted to believe those words, but why was it so diffucult to do so? To save this broken marriage..
"LIES!" You lashed out, trying pry his arms away away but he held you tighter.
"You love him, Nanami, you don't love me." it hurts, "Atleast not anymore."
"Don't say that, it's not true.."
"Then why?! WHY DID YOU-"
Don't wanna know, dont wanna know, oh.
"I don't know." an honest answer from him, "Everything was in the heat of the moment and it just kept going..but I don't love him, Y/N, I love you..Just you.. "
Your hand flies to your mouth like you were going to puke again, the thought of him in someone else's arms all this time was killing you.
Their moans in your shared bedroom was living rent free in your mind, repeating over and over again — on how good he felt, how well his bestfriend took his cock.
The very same words Nanami had once said to you in bed.
You closed your eyes shut, crying silently into your hand.
I can't let you go, can't let you go, oh
Despite all this, you find it hard to walk away from his strong arms that used to feel like home. To let him go.
And he felt the same, he didn't want to let you go. He was desperate on not letting you go.
He wanted this fix this, to show you he can learn from his past mistake and love you the way you deserved to. To be happy, the both of you.
"I just want it to be perfect," You choke out as he rest his head against your shoulder, his eyes closing shut as to stop the tears from falling, "To believe it's all been worth the fight."
But was it worth it now? To fight for a relationship that was filled lies?
Don't wanna know, dont wanna know, oh
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
"I can't stand your kumbaya OT7 fake cheeriness. Be ffr."
First and foremost, I will always advocate that you police your own experience. PLEASE mute / block / unfollow me if my posts (and just my personality in general) are causing you distress. I never wish to be the source of problems in the world. So go with my blessing.
But second...
I hope you know there are some really good REASONS why I'm so "kumbaya" right now.
In my 44 years living on this space rock, I have:
--had a vicious abusive alcoholic parent who broke my nose when I was a kid
--been through my parents' nasty divorce that left us so poor we lived out of a car and ate one meal a day so our cats could have cat food
--developed disordered binge eating because I believed it was necessary during my semi-pro ballet days
--was sexually assaulted by a partner who professed to love me
--had not one but TWO diagnosed narcissistic bosses who made my beloved workplaces hell for years
--survived (so far) uterine cancer which took away my ability to ever be a bio-mom, something I'd always wanted for myself
I look at this laundry list of trauma (for which I am seeing a WONDERFUL therapist) and think to myself:
"Even so, I've lived such a cushy, privileged, safe and happy life. I've got four higher degrees; I've traveled the US and through Europe; I've worked on creative and charitable projects that I'm proud of; I've got a small band of wonderful real-life friends who stuck by me for the past 30+ years. It's been a good and meaningful life."
But I am TIRED of drama and I've had a lifetime supply of harsh words and meanspirited discourse. I'm just so fed up with it. I'm allergic to it now.
I'm not saying we should allow hate and harmful behavior to slide. But here on the internet, we have the power to block and remove anything we don't want to see or be a part of. I WISH we could do that in real life, where the stakes are so much higher.
So for my part, after being in all kinds of internet fandoms since 1999, I've come to the conclusion that I will not hang with mean girls, I will not feed trolls, I will not fight with antis, and I will TRY not to pop off on people who upset me (sometimes menopause gets the better of me, I admit it). Rather, I will just redirect my focus to what brings me joy, I will follow my bliss, I will take revenge by living happily.
And keep in mind... People are human. Fans and members alike are going to have bad takes, bad attitudes, bad days, bad habits. The question is: are they willfully causing harm? If yes, intervention is necessary. If no, then a little grace might be more useful.
I come from three generations of teachers and one of the most important things they've said to me is: Shame is not a teaching tool. It might temporarily change someone's behavior, but more often than not they double down in order to counteract embarrassment. If you want good results, thank a person for trying their best, acknowledge they are likely struggling, and invite them to be the better version of themselves you absolutely know they can be. Sometimes that works.
With ruiners, it doesn't. They just want to ruin things. Ruining things makes them feel powerful, because they cannot create; they can only destroy. It is their only talent. Ruiners invade a space and absolutely delight in ruining it for everyone else. It's a disease and I don't know the cure. The only way I know to counteract a ruiner is to stay in your space and LOUDLY be joyful, be cheerful, focus on what you love, and drown out their vitriol and hate with compassion and love.
So THAT is why I'm so "kumbaya cheerful OT7." Even on days when I would love nothing more than to thrash and whine, I'm trying my best to be a good little oyster and filter out the toxins, so this place remains focused on what matters: supporting BTS and enjoying ARMY.
If after knowing all that, I'm still not your cup of tea? I totally understand and I really don't mind if you need to mute me. This blog is just a hobby, just a place I come to escape the stress of work deadlines and house renovations and sick kitties and my own health issues and real life problems. Probably that's why you're here too. It's meant to be fun and enjoyable. I'm sorry if you don't like me, but... I'll never change all my colors for you.
So go follow your joy and find like-minded blogs. You have my blessing. And maybe we'll meet each other again on down the road, and we'll both be in better places, and we can walk together by then. Either way, you deserve to be happy.
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Love, Roo
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Ok I’ll admit, I think I’ve gotten on they Roark hype train 😅 He’s super endearing and augh I just love the guy! 🥰 So, some headcanons are in check!
I like to think that Roark’s Pokémon (if I’m not mistaken, Geodude, Onix, and Cradinos) get very impatient during feeding time 😂 Roark has a whole system he uses for feeding and his Pokémon don’t really care for it. Onix has to get fed first cause his bowls are the hardest to prepare, he had to wear shin guards while he prepares all the food cause Cradinos headbutts him nonstop, and do you know how hard it is to find giant plastic spoons?? Cause Geodude doesn’t like getting his hands messy!
All this he has to follow, and in the end his Pokémon just push him over, spilling the pokè-kibble all over the place. This happens every week or so and actually upsets him. His Pokémon notice this, see that they did wrong, and say to themselves “Ok, let’s try not to make him sad anymore! Now, we tickle!!” And tickle the heart of gold miner back to his happy self 🥰
This was a bit long, but I hope you enjoy this!
Headcanons To Dabbles: Officially CLOSED!
I can't deny- I laughed really hard imagining the Pokemon sending kibble everywhere; mainly cause that's exactly what my animals do jarjkekjajkrakerkjej This was a delight of a headcanon and so much fun to write! I've gotcha covered friend! :D (And YES! Join the Roark hype- he deserves all the love! 🥰 I'm living for all of it- my babies getting recognition!)
“Okay.” Roark took a deep breath, slapping his own face a few times to warm himself up. “Here we go.”
It was meal time for his pokemon- and once again Roark was facing his biggest challenge yet. His shin guards were in place, strapped tightly with extra cushion between them and his legs. Behind him was a wagon carrying a large bowl- too heavy for Roark to carry in his arms. Attached to his hip was a toy shovel he got at the local shop- the closest thing he could get to a large spoon.
“We’re gonna get through this! We will!” He puffed up his chest, squared his shoulders, and pushed open the doors to the back of the gym where his crew waited.
He didn’t even get to the sorting.
Poke-Kibble was spilled everywhere from an upturned wagon, the shovel snapped in half and his shin pads were already coming loose from his stumble. Crandinos and Geodude were going to town on their meals, the armed-rock using the shovel-end of its broken toy to eat while Cradinos nudged its food into a little mountain before devouring it whole. Onix had its entire face in the wagon, rock tail wagging as it chomped away, nearly chewing through the wagon itself.
“Heh…at least you like the food.” Roark sighed, leaning into his arms as he watched his pokemon. He knew this was going to happen- it did without fail every time. No matter what system he put into place, there was always a mess by the end of it. He shouldn’t be so upset by this, but here he was fighting down tears after yet another failed attempt to come off as an organized gym leader.
“Geo? Geo, Geo.” The rock type waved at the others, pointing at Roark with a frown. Cradinos and Onix stopped, faces covered in kibble as they turned to look at their trainer. A shared thought passed over them before they made their move.
“Huh? Oh- hey…” Roark blinked upon feeling cool rock against his back.Onix had curled up around him. “I’m fine, don’t worry.” He wiped at his eyes before they could see, smiling. “Reall-EH!”
His fake smile was quickly shocked into a real one as Geodude attacked, squeezing his sides with surprisingly gentle-er-rock fingers. Cradinos was sitting on his lap, headbutting him back gently until he was trapped between it and Onix, giving Geodude more room to tickle. “Ahehahhahaha! Whahahait-wahhahahhait plhehhahahhhahase!”
The pokemon did not wait- too determined to fix their mistake and see Roark smiling. Geodude smiled brightly as it tapped along Roark’s torso, crying in glee when the redhead snorted. Onix’s tail beat against the ground, delighted, while Cradinos continued to headbutt, pressing its nose into Roark’s belly and adding to the tickles.
“Ahehahahhahha! Ohooohohohkay! Oohoohokay, I gihihihiihve!” Roark cried out, taking a breath when the pokemon finally stopped. Shaking his head, he couldn’t help but laugh, reaching out and petting Cradinos’ head. “Tahhalk about gehheeting caught between a rock and a hard place.”
The pokemon cheered- mainly because Roark was smiling and they accomplished their goal. Roark sighed, leaning back into Onix and giving its face a pat when it leaned down, his other hand petting Geodude.
Even if it was a bit disorganized, he loved his team very much.
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majaloveschris · 1 year
She really said that? I don't remember this. It's funny how she hates him and his fans, but of course when they provide "rumors" or "gossips," they come in handy so she can have more clicks./:
So I listened to her timeline last night and she is something else. First, her voice is irritating and grating, just no. I couldn’t listen to an entire hour of that.
But second: so she says she was fed information about Evans not dating someone in the business over the spring of 2021, but that’s when Baptista followed him back. She left that follow out. But she said she was getting emails from this woman’s friend talking her all about this “relationship” so that’s how she knew it was true. Not his side, the girls side.
So she went on saying once NYE 1.0 happened, she started to think okay, maybe. Even though no one saw the group split from the other group, she was told he was walking around with an unknown brunette in Vegas, but again, no pics.
Then she said the dust settles and we hear nothing, but she’s being sent all sorts of blinds about him and women in ATL, so she thinks they’re obviously fake, but maybe not, but that’s why she NEVER posted those blinds…🙄
Fast forward to the announcement dropping and the pap walk: LITERALLY the only reason she gives for believing this is real and that she’s now suddenly on team real relationship is the pap walk pictures. According to her, Evans is sooooooooo private. He would NEVEE hire a pap to take pictures of him.
So here’s the thing: we all thought she was getting paid to flip. No. She’s just an idiot who wanted clicks and interactions, and what better way to accomplish that than taking a very beloved actor who she’s admitted she’s never gotten any information from him or his side, and talk about their largest story to date. But also: if she’s being fed anything, it’s from Baptista’s side. She knew an awful lot about her, Justin, and Joana
Thanks for listening and writing it down; I couldn't get myself to do it.
So she basically received emails from that girl's friend, whom he was dating? I guess this was the East Coast girl, the one from Boston, or are we talking about three entirely different people, because this whole thing is confusing. In any case, I'm suspicious of the whole friend thing. I don't know if she actually received any evidence that this whole relationship is true or if she just basically believed a random somebody's email, because everybody can say their friend is dating him. I always found it surreal that she believes almost everything people say to her. She doesn't try to fact-check anything. It's not like people can only tell the truth, and somebody like her with more than a million followers, I think, should be more careful about the things she shares. I understand that she gets a lot of emails, anons, etc., but she should at least check those that are a little bit more serious.
It's so unbelievable that she, who doesn't really care if the things she shares are true or not or even if they don't make any sense, didn't want to share a story about Chris's love life, especially during the 2022 spring and summer, when a lot of people talked about him and Alba.
She knows that this isn't the first time Chris has done a pap walk, right? Or how does she imagine this? The pap was hiding in a random spot in New York, and they happened to walk past him. She is right that Chris would never hire one, because it's probably his team that calls the pap.
He is so private, which she's stated several times now, but somehow she still has information about his love life.
I don't know if she realizes how much bullshit she's been saying or if she simply thinks her followers are so stupid they don't realize that she contradicts herself all the time
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bogunicorn · 10 months
Speculation about Astarion from where I am right now (which is maybe a couple hours into Act 2, as a good-aligned custom PC who's slept with him a couple of times). Please don't spoil anything for me if I'm right or wrong! I want to be surprised, I just have Thoughts at this juncture.
So, Tav is flirting with everyone, she's in a "fling" with Lae'zel, but she actually slept with Astarion after the Grove and fucked him again later. And he's, like, he's friendly with her. Their relationship isn't AMAZING, but it's fair, he's generally willing to go along with her.
But he started doing this... thing. He's overly complimentary and sappy. And when she was like "you're fucking with me", it was like he switched tactics on her, but after he outright admitted that he was feeding her pickup lines that worked on Cazador's victims, his dramatic flirting whenever she talks to him definitely feels different. He also keeps trying to talk her into entertaining the idea of taking over the Absolute's cult, trying to play on her desires to be a good person who does good things to convince her (poorly) that having her own thrall army is the best way to do that.
It all sounds incredibly fake. It's giving, like, Sexy Evil Advisor. Which is a cool angle for him, and I like it, but it's definitely driving Tav away from him, because now she's thinking... well, did you sleep with me because you like me, or because you're messing with me? Are any of the nice things you've said real? Are you flirting because you're enjoying my presence or because you're trying to soften me up so I'll go along with your shit?
I'm honestly wondering if Tav really is the first sentient person he's ever fed on, or if he told her as much because looking needy and sad will play on her sympathies. I do genuinely think that Cazador is evil as fuck and that Astarion obviously longs for freedom, I don't think he's lying about any of that. And I'm sure he did make Astarion eat rats or whatnot. But Astarion's strength is his ability to manipulate how people see him, I think, and to make himself seem like an asset to the most powerful person in the room.
I also wonder if this storyline, at some point, will result in Astarion getting Tav&Co to take out powerful parts of the cult's leadership and then trying to snatch power for himself. I'd love to see a good Astarion betrayal.
And I do really really want to do an evil playthrough with someone who happily goes along with his ideas.
I also wonder if he goes this hard on the evil advisor schtick if you don't sleep with him or let him feed on you. Like, does he see that wholehearted attempt at intimacy as a foot in the door (if you're otherwise a goody-goody)?
We shall seeeeeeeee
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coffeedrgn87 · 2 years
The first time Teddy runs into the living room—wearing that daft Muggle Halloween costume you bought him—howling like a wolf that hasn’t been fed in a month, my heart genuinely stops. I know the mask is fake, I know it’s little Teddy underneath all that black fluffy fur, but he still terrifies the crap out of me…not that I let him know. Nope. After seven years of dating The Saviour, I’ve found a smidgen on Gryffindor bravery inside myself, though I will never admit that to your face. So, I ignore the near heart attack my little cousin just gave me and instead pick him up and fly him around the room until the squeals and laughs, flailing his arms and kicking his legs. It makes you laugh too, so much, and my heart soars at the sound of it. It’s beautiful to hear you laugh.
The second time Teddy scares the living daylights out of me, we’re in the kitchen. You’re trying to concentrate on some Quidditch strategies, but I can tell you’re pretending not to fall asleep. Teddy’s rendition of the Werewolf Rock has me drop the stirring spoon into the pot of bubbling tomato sauce. It splashes all over, creating a gigantic mess and ruining my light-blue cashmere jumper. I bought it just for you. You always say that colour brings out my eyes, so I wear it often, always. The noise gets your attention, and when you look at me you’ve got that fond smile on your face, the one that makes me weak at the knees.
The third time Teddy wears that ridiculous costume, we’re all outside in the garden. You’re sprawled out on a deck chair, counting clouds, and I’m hiding in the shade. It’s way too hot to be out in the blistering sun, not that you’d agree. And apparently neither does Teddy. The fur costume doesn’t seem to bother him in the slightest. He charges at me, howling and pretending to claw his way over to me, though this time I’m ready. Instead of jumping half a mile out of my skin (which is what Teddy expects), I chase the little rascal around the garden. He squeals and runs, zigzagging across the lawn. You lift your sunglasses and watch, an amused twinkle in your eyes. I deliberately allow Teddy to escape my grasp, but when he starts to get bold, he lunge for him and a moment later, we’re both on the grass and I’m subjecting him to a tickle attack.
He squeals and wriggles and begs for mercy — which I politely ignore, thank you very much. Out of the corner of my eye I notice you. You’re laughing now, eyes dancing, body shaking. There’s something about me, a snobbish pureblood wizard in designer clothes, rolling around the grass with an eight-year-old. It sets you off like nothing else does. Your laugh is real, genuine, and it melts my insides. So, mercy for little Teddy. I swoop him into my arms and we join you on the deck chair. I kiss you and Teddy pulls a face, telling us we’re disgusting and can we please snog elsewhere.
You reach out to pull some grass from my messy hair and we share a look, have a conversation without words. A moment later, we both kiss Teddy’s cheeks, you his left and I his right. He squeals, wriggles away, slides off the deck chair and runs into the house. We both laugh now. Our next kiss is a little less innocent and as you pull me closer, I realise that what I love most about you is being able to make you laugh. Your happiness is everything.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
A Dallas woman pretended to be a sexual abuse victim and then a grieving widow.
And now she’ll serve life in prison for faking both roles and instead orchestrating and attempting to cover up her husband’s murder.
Jennifer Faith was hit with a life federal prison sentence on Tuesday for falsely claiming that she was sexually abused by her husband Jamie Faith to get her lover to kill him. She then fundraised off his murder, the US Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Texas said.
Her public persona following the October 2020 slaying differed from her nefarious motives behind the scenes that a federal judge called “pure evil” during the sentencing, prosecutors said.
Faith, 49, even went as far as to set up fake email accounts pretending to be her husband, an American Airlines executive, and a friend of hers to trick gunman Darrin Ruben Lopez into believing she was physically abused. She also downloaded stock images of injuries from the internet and emailed them to Lopez to further convince him the abuse was real, according to prosecutors.
She admitted as part of her plea agreement there was never any abuse.
“Ms. Faith put on quite a performance in the wake of her husband’s murder. She poured out her sob story to reporters and law enforcement, then headed home to orchestrate her coverup,” said US Attorney Chad Meacham. “But crocodile tears didn’t stop the feds. We were committed to getting justice for Jamie, and with the Judge’s imposition of a life sentence this afternoon, we’re one step closer.”
Faith coordinated with Lopez, an Army vet and Tennessee resident, to orchestrate the slaying of Jamie Faith. Lopez, who has yet to stand trial, is accused of shooting Jamie Faith seven times outside his home while he and Jennifer Faith walked their dog, prosecutors said. The shooting was about seven months into the tryst.
Faith was caught on audio screaming during the attack and caught on video crying hysterically afterwards, which prosecutors showed at the sentencing.
“I turned around and I just saw this person shoot and shoot. I couldn’t believe – I didn’t know him. Like, why?” a sobbing Faith told a Dallas police detective after the shooting that was videotaped. “A lot of shots, five, six, maybe, I feel like. And he just kept going, and I’m like, stop it!
“And then I saw the person turn and like, just, dark eyes, coming toward me. And so I started – I yelled no, and I started to run. And he tackled me to the ground. He was trying to attack me the whole time I was screaming.” 
But before the murder, she sent Lopez, who she called her “one and only love,” gifts and money, the feds said. The two had dated in high school and college.
And after the shooting, she sent him two credit cards that she paid off using money from a GoFundMe fundraiser called “Support Jennifer Faith” launched in the wake of her husband’s death.
After police became aware of a “T” decal on Lopez’s pickup truck he used to drive away after the alleged shooting, Faith went on a television station to help investigators located the decaled truck.
But after the interview, she texted Lopez to remove the sticker.
“I woke up in a bit of a panic… Something is eating away at me telling me you need to take the sticker out of the back window of the truck,” she texted him, according to the feds. “I don’t normally overreact like this… really think you need to get that sticker off ASAP, like today.”
A month after the shooting death, Faith attempted to gobble up $629,000 in death benefits from her husband’s life insurance company with promises to Lopez of buying a home in Tennessee with him, prosecutors said.
When she was contacted to come in for questioning by investigators in early January 2021, Faith admitted she coordinated her cover story with Lopez.
“Don’t text me Monday. I am going to factory reset my phone on Sunday night after deleting texts,” she wrote.
“Ok sounds good,” Lopez responded. “Big hug.”
On top of the life sentence, Faith, who pleaded guilty to interstate murder-for-hire, also needs to pay her late husband’s family $6,500 to cover his funeral costs and another $250,000 in fines.
“No amount of time in federal prison will ever be able to bring Mr. Faith back, however this sentencing shows the gravity of Ms. Faith’s criminal acts,” said ATF Dallas Special Agent in Charge Jeffrey Boshek.
“Her spineless attempt to sway law enforcement and public opinion will forever be etched into the hearts of those affected by her monstrous crime.”
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At this point I have all my pictures downloaded and I made a list of people I want to stay in touch with after I delete my facebook account... now I'm trying to figure when would be the right time to send my message to everyone and delete my account for real... (trying to get them to contact me via whatsapp or my email instead).
I think I want to do it for real now, after more than 10 years of using it, I'm fed up and I've had enough... I recently made a new FB account for professional/uni/family stuff instead (not for maintaining fake toxic friendships with people I knew from school/uni like before). Definitely want to use my new account in a different way this time around... But it was a really hard decision to delete my 1st account and I been thinking about it for a long time, for a few years now because it's been making me miserable and upset... (it's not easy to leave because Facebook is still widely used to stay in touch with people or connect or meet with new people and it doesn't seem like it will die off any time soon). Also all these facebook groups that I used to exchange info and other stuff, I do admit that I was addicted to facebook and that's not good for you either... But I feel like it's time to leave if I am no longer appreciated among my "friends". It's become this toxic place where I don't feel valued and feel like everyone hates me or is envious of me for no reason. I can't say what I think in the chats or post what I want on my wall either because people get irritated way too easily by the slightest things and get butthurt. Not to mention that facebook encourages cyber-bullying, stalkers, trolls, envy and undercover haters. It seriously messed up my mental health and self-worth too. These horrible people will have a harder time finding me after all this shit they put me through...
I think the older generations who grew up without facebook during high school and university are so lucky to NOT have to deal with this bullshit...
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izzyspussy · 2 years
anyway so basically the crew overhears blackbonnet finally having sex, right, and it's ed's first time vanilla-ing so for the crew members who have overheard him before... sounds different. and everyone also just kind of alsfjasl figured that stede is not great in bed just given his general swaglessness. so ASLFKJASL they assume that ed is faking for him lmaoooo. even izzy is in on this. he hates the "invasion of blackbeard's privacy" BUT he loves the insult to stede and the potential for trouble in pansyboy paradise.
so the crew are all trying to figure this out. they're trying to catch them In It enough to really tell if those noises are genuine (and also, on the part of the black half what the fuck is captain bonnet doing) but at the same time nobody wants to actually have to bear witness. those are their dads.
throughout these hijinks (which mostly consist of gossip), izzy and the black half occasionally mention jack. izzy has the most info about That Whole Thing due to his curse/privilege of having been ed's (best? only? can you be the best if you're the only? much to forcibly not think about) friend previous to all of this. ed and jack had a Thing when they were young, and they usually take it up again briefly whenever they run into each other now.
so of course izzy gets an idea. he's already basically done this once, can't hurt to try again. but the rest of the crew is in on it this time - where izzy is trying to tempt ed and break him and stede up, everyone else just wants a first hand Source.
so izzy contacts jack by way of plot device messenger seagull or whatever and he shows up again (not sure if dead in canon...?). ed isn't as happy to see him this time but he doesn't seem upset either, though he does take jack aside on the first night so he can receive his threat to behave from Blackbeard (TM) without an audience. stede also, uh, has some words of warning for him. the crew (and the audience) know not what stede said, but strangely enough that seems to have been the more effective Talk.
unfortunately for izzy jack's presence does not do fuck or shit to cause drama between ed and stede. on the one hand, ed now has a direct comparison to make between the sex he was having and the sex he is having, and he's coming up preferable toward the present. on the other hand, jack makes stede jealous, which makes him possessive, which makes him get a little less vanilla, so really it's a moot point regardless. co-captain sex gets better/worse, depending which side of the door you're on.
jack, however, has a mission and he's gonna see it through. not izzy's mission, that guy is a fuckin downer (and he himself doesn't really want ed back, never really did honestly). the gossip mill, though. that thing needs fed and by god jack is gonna feed it. least he can do for murdering that bird is to tell everyone if their poncy captain is a hardcore freak or not.
so jack gives up trying to make ed horny - and it's not that this wasn't working, it's just that when ed got horny from, say, seeing jack mess around with that fucking whip, his first thought was always to take that up with stede - and instead just starts asking him things directly.
ed leads ship's business one morning (they alternate who has to get up early) and underneath his steadily growing scruff he looks like he's been fucking mauled. from just under both ears all the way down below the collar of his not especially high cut shirt (and who knows how much further) he's absolutely covered in red-purple hickeys.
"thought you hated being marked up," jack not-quite asks. ed grins at him, uncomplicatedly happy (and that's the real difference innit). he's the epitome of 'bright-eyed and bushy-tailed'.
"nah," he says. "didn't wanna risk being marked up. but i'm fucking blackbeard now, i can do whatever i want."
(now jack would never, ever admit this, not even to himself. but maybe now he's the one who's a little jealous, because-)
"you were blackbeard last time we fucked."
"yeah, guess i was," ed allows, entirely unperturbed. "you didn't try it."
"would you have let me?" jack asks, already knowing the answer perfectly well. ed thinks about it, very briefly, shrugs again.
"prob'ly not."
later, stede calls ed 'darling' on deck. jack asks about this too, and ed simply tells him that stede also calls him 'baby' and 'sweetheart'. sweetheart! he repeats in credulity, shaking his head, pointing at himself.
(jack did attempt to call ed 'baby' - once - and had been told that if he ever said it again he'd have his dick cut off and fed to him piece by piece over a period of several days.)
finally, finally, jack can't take the 'mystery' anymore and, in a tight weed circle with ed and a few lucky crew members one night after stede has long gone to bed, he asks straight up, "so how does he compare?"
it takes ed a moment to realize what the fuck jack is asking, and when he does he laughs out loud. "what, to you?"
and really. that fucking answers that, dunnit.
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myrulia · 3 years
"You two are dating?" - Michikatsu x Reader
.。.:*✧Synopsis: You and Michikatsu are secretly dating in college, mainly to not attract attention from both his brother and a certain horny friend of his. How will you react when you are caught?
.。.:*✧Warnings: Small smut
.。.:*✧[A/N]: This is my part of the Secret/Fake dating collab by @httptamaki, a Modern!AU with our favorite Kimetsu No Yaiba twins!
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➢ How you two started dating? Well you met back in High School and that’s where things started to prosper
➢ Michikatsu was a generally well known man with your classmates, and even had a few girls crushing on him and his twin brother, Yoriichi, due to their scarily good looks
➢ Both twins were scarily attractive and that intimidated you at first, especially during high school
`` Have you seen the Tsugikuni brothers today?! They look so good! I tried asking Yoriichi out today but his attention was else where! `` You were off somewhere in the corner of a class, speaking with a close friend of yours about something completely unrelated until all eyes were on you, for Michikatsu Tsugikuni approached you.
➢ Obviously, you were surprised - no, appalled at how a Tsugikuni wanted your attention
➢ That was the day he confessed his own little crush on you whilst being on the roof of the school. How could you not accept? You also had taken a liking to the attractive raven haired male and saying no would be similar to jumping off the same roof where you admitted your feelings
➢ That's when worry set in
➢ All types of girls, boys, and theys liked them both, and constantly thirsted over the two while claiming "they're mine!" It was immature to say the least, but entertaining to see their feelings not get reciprocated from one of them
`` What if by saying we are together, they would start attacking me on purpose? Or saying hurtful things out of spite? `` You inquired with worry laced in your tone. Michikatsu took your hand in his, expressing his own idea. `` I know this might not seem like the best idea, but we do not have to openly tell people we are together, it can be our secret. ``
➢ And that's how your secret relationship started
➢ Of course, you had your worries, but seeing as how your relationship even made it to college due to it starting in your senior year of high school, they all simply washed away
➢ It was actually not as hard as you made it out to be to hide your relationship. During your first year of college, you knew not to act too close, but instead as acquaintances who simply knew each other back in high school
➢ Yet, even though some females who also went to high school with you recognized you as the girl who got asked out by Michikatsu, they did not cause any problems surprisingly enough
➢ Now, you're probably asking how you got caught? Oh boy...
➢ During your second year of college, Yoriichi and Michikatsu started living off campus in their own home that you were excited to learn of from your lover who happily shared the news to you when you both were alone in your dorm
➢ Around that same time, Professor Muzan Kibutsuji, the one teacher you loath the most for always favoring other students and failing to hide it, assigned a group project of 5 for your classroom, and to your luck, you were put in a group with not only the twins, but Douma and Shinobu
➢ You were friends with Shinobu, but not so much with Douma. The male would constantly tease you, trying to get your number at any given second while you were put together at a different table to brainstorm ideas for said project
`` Sooo..~ What are we doing for the project hm? Maybe we should exchange numbers so that we can converse more afterwards. `` Douma's suggestion did not go unnoticed by everyone, who automatically knew what he meant by the wink he directed in your attention. Shinobu, who thankfully also hated the male, slapped him silly upside his head.
➢ Michikatsu, who absolutely despised him, always struggled to hide a specific vein that would pulse on his neck that hinted clear signs of aggravation, but unfortunately, you two were just not ready to openly express your relationship
➢ After the class and the slap hurricane Shinobu laid upon Douma, Yoriichi invited the group to their house, and you being excited that you could finally come over, said yes a little too quickly
➢ Thankfully, it did go unnoticed by everyone, so your nerves were relaxed
`` I'd love to, but I have plans with a special lady that weekend, so unfortunately I cannot make it, maybe Shinobu ca- `` ``I cannot make it either, but [Y/N] can and she'll text me the ideas anyways, have fun, `` was all the biology major female said before turning on her heel and leaving swiftly.
➢ Now having plans set in motion, you waited patiently for the weekend to arrive, and when it did, you were beyond ecstatic
➢ That's where everything went down hill
➢ Thanks to the directions messaged to you by Michikatsu, you made it to their estate with no issues. You were nervous and excited at the same time. It was impossible to not feel such ways when this is the first official time you would be in the private space of your boyfriend
➢ He had also given you a key to entering was not a problem, but what you did not expect to see was your boyfriend standing there and waiting for you
`` Yoriichi isn't going to be home this evening, so I figured we could come up with our own project instead, `` Michikatsu said with a fire ablaze in his eyes as he grew closer to you. The gaze itself caused shivers to emit from your spine once your brain registered at what he was suggesting, and you could not lie, the idea had you wet already.
➢ Obviously you and the raven haired male had slept together a plethora amount of times before, most times leaving you sore and having to suck it up and pretend nothing happened during classes while he sat proudly knowing he was the reason
➢ In a matter of seconds you both are now in his bedroom, you beneath him and him leaving butterfly kisses up and down your neck until his lips latch onto yours again, all the while getting you undressed
➢ Let's skip a little ahead because you know what happens here ;)
➢ By time Michikatsu is already balls deep within your wet depths and thrusting into you like no tomorrow, Yoriichi entered around that time with confusion plastered on his face upon hearing banging against a wall as well as another noise he could not quite decipher
➢ The confused twin trailed up the stairs until he knocked onto Michikatsu's room door, expecting an answer but instead all he heard was an audible moan of his brother's name
➢ The poor look on his face once he learns what his brother and his girlfriend is doing
➢ At that point he is fed up of being overheard so he bursts into the room, although he did not think the entire plan through because now he got the open sight of you having your legs wrapped around Michikatsu's waist, his hands interlocked with yours, as well as the evident sight of both your naked and sweaty bodies
➢ Needless to say, he was traumatized
`` Get out and knock!, `` your lover would say as he throws a pillow at the swiftfully exiting male who looked beyond apologetic. `` I did knock! You were too loud! `` At that point you were beyond red, trying to process the entire situation that just unfolded. Your relationship had finally been known.
➢ Michikatsu immediately pulled out of you, cleaning the both of your bodies of any mess (mainly cum and sweat but shh)
➢ Once you both were clean and fully dressed, your boyfriend carried you bridal style out of his bedroom to a certain twin brother that was waiting impatiently in the living room for an explanation as to why he just saw his partner and twin sleeping together
➢ Now, as the three of you were sitting in the living room, you and your lover being even redder than tomatoes, waited for whatever Yoriichi had to say
`` Now, I do not mind if two consenting adults are having one night stands, but can you explain to me as to why you decided to have such loud sex? `` You completely flushed at his explicit words, but also thankful for the fact that he was utterly clueless about your relationship, although it was about time to come clean. `` Yoriichi, I am sorry you had to come home and see that, but there is something we need to tell you..- `` `` You two are dating? ``
➢ Now at that point, you fully died
➢ Seeing as how you have been silent the entire time and left Michikatsu to say everything, you decided to speak up
`` Yes we're together Yoriichi. We have been together for a long time, since high school actually. We've been in a relationship since then and I apologize for not saying anything. ``
➢ Now that the news was out to the one who deserved to know the most, he was much more understanding and even excited about his older brother finding the love of his life
➢ But the next day, things were real embarrassing
➢ You and Michikatsu were extremely silent at your group table during Professor Kibutsuji's class. Obviously Shinobu's observant self took note of this, along with how you did not send her any of the "ideas" you came up with
➢ Shinobu, Douma, and Yoriichi all stared at the two of you, who were now sitting beside each other and being reddened messes at the news you are about to drop on the observers who were starting to get impatient
➢ You've been secretly dating for years and now that the truth is about to come out, it felt gut wrenching to say the least
`` My brother and [Y/N] have something they'd like to say, `` Yoriichi started so that the topic could get a move on and everyone could get a good grade by getting it over with and working on the project. `` Well..- `` said Michikatsu. `` [Y/N] and I are together, and we have been since high school. We were in a secret relationship. ``
➢ Douma being the fucker he is definitely busted out laughing, holding his stomach as tears formed in his eyes
➢ Shinobu on the other hand stared wide eyed, refusing to believe that she could not realize you both were together for such a long time
➢ Although Yoriichi had a proud smile on his face in view of the fact that the news was already out
➢ But due to the prying ears of many around you, some began staring at your table, the secret was now out and you couldn't do anything about it
➢ Even though, you both were happy knowing you no longer had to hide the happiness you two brought each other, as well as now Michikatsu does not have to worry about Yoriichi anymore, for now he will fuck you if he feels like it, give you attention if he feels like it, and get attention himself if he feels like it.
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kokomochi · 2 years
𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐑𝐚𝐧
"𝙨𝙤 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙜𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙘𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙤𝙧 𝙣𝙖𝙝?"
suffering from a terminal illness- l/n y/n takes it upon herself to complete her little list before her time runs out. what she thought was a journey for one, turned into an adventure with roppongi's haitani ran
10. pillow fort MASTERLIST
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"you look constipated as shit- can you pass me the drinks please?"
the three teenagers were sitting at the brothers dining area, television playing a random movie in the background to avoid any unwanted tension falling on them- that's what rindou claimed it to be.
l/n y/n was busy being dotted by the youngest sibling, giving her food that he told her was made by the one and only haitani ran who was busy thinking about ways on how he should murder his brother without alerting the neighbors.
an obviously fake smile was plastered on his face, fingers drumming themselves on his thigh as he gestured for the (h/c) haired girl to continue on with her little feast- not without sending a death glare to his brother once she averted her attention away from him.
sharp violet eyes that screamed danger bore holes into the youngest haitani sibling who was busy laughing at him.
"by the way, why'd you call me over in such a hurry?" she asked, making ran hum in confusion, looking at rindou who shrugged as if he wasn't the reason why she's here in the first place.
"what do you mean?"
"i mean you told me and i quote 'hey babes, come to my house asap.'"
haitani ran never felt so embarrassed than right now, wanting to bury his sure to be red face into his futon and suffocate himself on it's soft exterior.
the male loved his brother, that he would admit with pride- but there were times that he just wanted to bury the glasses wearing haitani six feet under where the sun won't shine on him every again.
of course, the youngest is aware of this but couldn't care less. he knows that his brother didn't have the heart to do that to him- but he can take a few whoops here and there.
rindou stifled his laughter in his fists, coughing to compose himself as he passed a plate of dorayaki's and yakitori that the two had for dinner yesterday.
"i'm sorry about my idiot brother over here- do you want more juice?"
it's highly uncharacteristic for the male to be kind to guests, especially ones that he doesn't have any interest in what so ever.
but today's different- and it's all because sitting there in front of him was the girl that his brother has been crushing on.
and as the youngest and the most charming of the two, it's up to him to be his own brothers wingman and save the day.
before the dual hair colored male could even pass her the jug of iced tea, a cough caught their attention, turning their attention to the oldest who was silent the whole time.
"don't you have other agendas to do, rin?"
"i don't know, do i?"
(e/c) eyes watched the scene with great interest, munching on her third stick of yakitori like she's watching a movie- only this time it was a real reality show that's happening in front of her.
y/n can sense the tension between them, ran having that annoyed aura surrounding him while rindou had that aura of smugness and overall victory.
what's this all about? she doesn't know and doesn't bother on trying to know about it- not wanting to tire her brain out after she stayed up all night binge watching that one movie series that she liked.
in all honesty, the (h/c) haired girl didn't even get a wink of sleep.
she was about to go to bed, just finishing the last of the series when a ding alerted her- which was pretty odd because she usually doesn't get any texts at this time of day, her mother always texting at night because that's her only free time available.
to her surprise, it was haitani ran calling her over.
'sleep can wait. i need to know why braid hair called me over and if he really does live in a drug den.'
and now she's sitting in their dining area running on iced tea and onigiri's that she has been fed.
swallowing the last of the yakitori and dorayaki's, she ducked just in time to avoid being caught up in the brothers shenanigans- ran going over the table to throw a punch at rindou who laughed and sat up to avoid his fist.
this is so better than those reality shows that she remembered her mom used to watch.
"you think you're the bigger one? come over here so that i can whoop that fucking ass of yours."
"enjoy the stay y/n! i'll be away if you need me!"
and with that, both eighteen year olds watched the cackling younger brother bolt out of the room, slamming the front door shut behind him.
silence dawned down on them, the static coming from the television failing to act as their white noise as the (h/c) haired girl sipped on her drink with a knowing look.
ran was quite thankful and relieved that he had finally gotten his brother out of their hairs- meaning that he won't get embarrassed by him any longer.
a sigh left his mouth, lazy eyes shifting their attention to the female as he gave her a small grin.
"sorry about him- he's an annoying little bitch who can't keep his mouth shut."
"it's fine really."
the male watched her from where he was sitting at, chin resting on his palm as left over rice bits were still sticking on the corners of her mouth- making her look cuter than ever.
he didn't know what's happening right now, but he's confident that y/n has casted some sort of spell on him to get his heart to race at an unsteady pace.
(e/c) eyes widened when she felt the rough pads of his thumb gently caress the sides of her mouth- despite him having calloused hands due to fighting, he was incredibly soft when he did that.
ran was always known for his tactical brilliance and calculating strategies when it comes to the field of making it to the top of roppongi- but it seems like his brain decided to went on an unannounced vacation because of his actions.
when he finally realize what he was doing, he immediately retracted his hands and gave her an apologetic grin, not trusting his words to justify for his actions that he didn't even realize he was doing.
"you're getting odder and odder everyday... did you hit your head or something?"
as much as he wanted to retort back to her, the way on how she said it made his heart swell uncontrollably.
there was light in her eyes that made him want to whip out his phone and take a photo of it to preserve the memory- wanting nothing more than to see her (e/c) eyes every time that he wakes up.
the way her lips quirked in a teasing grin, trying to light up the mood- he can't deny it.
he's whipped, and big time.
letting out an amused chuckle, he leaned his cheek on his closed fists as he gazed at her like they were in a white room and she's the only thing to look at- similar to a museum perse.
"you can say that."
the awkward tension in the air was finally lifted, both of them being able to breathe freely again with no restraints holding them back.
"so, what do you wanna do?" she asked, looking at him with a wondering gaze, eyes hazy as she began thinking of more crazy things to do.
and ran knew this of course, immediately thinking of a more tame and calm activity for them to do- it's a sunday for christs sake, let him have a break.
"we have a shit ton of blankets and pillows." the two of them looked at each other knowingly, having the same idea plague their thoughts.
"pillow fight!"
"let's make a fort."
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"for the last time- you're too tall to enter my castle! stay there and be my bean pole you... bean pole!"
after thirty minutes of bickering whether or not to have a pillow fight or make a fort, the two settled on making a fort instead- y/n admitting to herself that she's tired to even raise a finger right now.
ran chuckled, slowly shuffling in their small cocoon of pillows and blankets that sort of fits for them both- his legs sticking out of the cozy environment as he laid his head on his arms.
the two of them were laying together, heads on top of their folded arms as their eyes meet for a second time- saying nothing but basking in each other presence.
a smile ghosted her lips, eyes closing as she let out a breath of relief.
"this shit is cozy as fuck." she said, causing the male to chuckle at this as he shuffled, trying to figure out a more comfortable position for his tall body to be in.
he silently cursed to himself, hearing a small crack emitting from his back that caused the (h/c) haired girl to turn to him.
"hey, you good?"
"yeah, just tall people problems that you wouldn't understand- the fort will give in dammit!"
y/n chuckled, stopping on her ministrations on slapping the male on the chest as he grumbled in fake annoyance- yet that didn't stop a smile from gracing his ever so serious face.
she turned towards him with a small smile on her features, the look in her eyes making the male question what she had in mind.
"close your eyes for a bit." this made ran raise a brow at her.
the (h/c) haired girl rolled her eyes at his skepticism, nudging him repeatedly until he give in.
"just do as i say or i'm banning you from my kingdom you ugly giant."
"damn alright." a sigh left his lips, hearing the fabric of the blankets shuffle under her weight as she purposefully tugged on his hair just for the fun of it.
loose strands of his dual colored hair weaved themselves into her (h/c) colored ones, creating some sort of colorful hair color that connected to them both.
ran hitched his breath when he felt pressure on his chest, feeling the warmth of her skin pierce through the thin fabric of his shirt as his eyes opened in shock.
the color (h/c) welcomed him, purple eyes looking down to see the girl laying on his chest with her head facing the on opposite direction.
he couldn't stop his cheeks from heating up at this, slowly laying his head back down as he shuffled into a more comfortable position.
"oi... what are you doing?"
silence responded to his question, hearing her soft breathing as he felt her shoulders rise and fall as he gently moved an arm to envelope her figure for more warmth.
y/n was practically on top of him, legs tangling themselves with his long limbs and hands gently clutching on his shirt- god did he just want to disappear right then and there.
"hey, you good?"
when she still hasn't answered him, his hands daringly circled on her waist- keeping his gaze up as he cuddled with her sleeping figure.
ran noticed how tired she was the moment that she sat on their table and began eating on the food that rindou cooked- deducting that she had stayed up late to watch the series that he had recommended her.
his fingers rubbed soothing circles on her sides, soft breathing served as his white noise as he sighed with a small smile on his face.
"you didn't have to stay up late just for that you dummy... what if you passed out on the way here?"
purple eyes looked at her head with a loving gaze, thankful that she was asleep as he planted a loving kiss on top of her head.
"god... you don't know how much i fucking love you."
the two teenagers dozed off that afternoon, basking in each other's warmth and presence as they were taken away into neverland- the sun setting over the horizon as the starry night sky projected on top of the city.
haitani ran and l/n y/n was finally able to sleep in peace- feeling security in each other's arms that made them not want to let go.
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craigslistdiavolo · 3 years
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Requested by @otome-scribbles
Anyway I love this idea sm 😳💖
Obey me boys x gender neutral reader
Warnings - Language
Sees the baby and has to do a double take
It's too early for this, it's always too early for this
Feels like his soul has left his body when he sees you holding a baby
Who's is it?
Where did you get it from?
Who the fuck gave you a baby?
Dies a little when the baby smiles at him
Is immediately reminded of when he was taking care of his brothers
Lowkey wants to start a family with you now
Lucifer sighed and gripped his coffee cup. "MC what is that?" You smiled at him and grabbed the baby's hand to make it wave at Lucifer. "A baby." Lucifer sighed and put his head in his hands. "I can see that's it's a baby. More importantly where did you get it from and who would trust you with a baby?" You faked a hurt gasp. "Are you trying to say that I'm not responsible enough to take care of a child." You laughed a little. "The baby is my friend's and I'm babysitting, his name is Tatum. Say hi Tatum." The baby giggled and smiled at Lucifer. You laughed at the baby and began to walk away. Lucifer put his hand over his chest and sat down. He had no idea that a baby's smile would make him so emotional, he also had no idea why it gave him the sudden desire to have a family with you.
Why do have a baby?
Why are you holding a baby?
Who's baby is that?
That baby seems suspicious you probably shouldn't be loving on it
Stop laughing, he is not jealous of a baby (he totally is)
Okay but that's a really cute baby, he could probably make some money off of it
Please do not let him profit off of the baby
Mammon was sitting on the couch in his room when you walked in with a baby. "Oi human, where'd ya get a baby from." You glanced at Mammon as you sat down on the couch next to him. "Oh he's my friend's baby and I'm babysitting." Mammon looked at the baby you were holding and cooing at. "Hey, you shouldn't be lovin' on that baby so much, you don't know where he's been." You laughed at him. "Mammon are you jealous of a baby?" Mammon started blushing. "NO, where'd ya get that idea from?" Mammon turned away from to hide his blush as you laughed at him. After you finally stopped laughing and his blush settled down, Mammon glanced at the baby. The baby looked up at Mammon and smiled brightly. He was pretty cute, and people love cute babies, just then something clicked in Mammon's head. "MC this baby could be a model and we could make so much money off of him." You gasped, "Mammon, I'm not gonna let you make profit off of my friend's baby." You got up from the couch and left his room. Mammon got up and chased after you. "MC please it's a full proof idea!"
Levi glanced back at you when he heard you walk into his room
"Oh hi MC."
Takes him a second to process the fact that you're carrying a baby
Get it out of here now before it destroys his precious anime merch and collectables
Please explain to him that the baby has no interest in his stuff omg
Levi was in his room wondering if he should text you or not to come check out the new game he got. He heard his door open. "Hey Levi." He glanced back at you, "Oh hi MC, I was just about to text to ask if you could come over and chec- IS THAT A FUCKING BABY??????" You laughed at Levi's reaction. "Yeah I'm babysitting for my friend." You placed that baby in Levi's lap. "Isn't he adorable?" Levi sputtered as the baby smiled up at him and snuggled into him. "Get him out of here before he ruins everything." You looked at Levi a little offended. "Levi, he is a 7 month old and can't even walk. He's not gonna ruin your stuff." Levi blushed, a little embarrassed. "B-But what if he chews on things." You laughed at him and took the baby back. "Trust me he won't, but if you want us to leave that badly then I guess we'll just go." Levi quickly gets up from his chair. "MC wait don't go, you guys can stay as long as he doesn't mess up my stuff."
Satan looked up from his book when you entered his room and immediately noticed the baby
"Why do you have a baby?"
You put the baby on his chest and he kinda just looked at it like :/
It's not a cat so not worth it 🙄💅
Just put cat ears on the baby or smth and then he will literally help you take care of it for the rest of the day
Who know babies could be so cute when they're dressed as cat
He will have or adopt a child with you right now as long as he gets to dress it up as a cat
"MC, why do you have a baby?" You smiled down at Satan and placed the baby on his chest. "I'm babysitting for my friend, isn't he a cutie?" The baby happily smiled at Satan and began cooing. Satan picked up the baby and sat up. "I suppose he's a little cute." You rolled your eyes and then pulled a cat ear headband out of the baby's diaper bag and placed it on his head. Satan gasped, "MC, why didn't you put the cat ears on him from the very start." He picked the baby up and began to walk off with him, saying something about needing to show the baby the library. You grabbed the diaper bag and ran to catch up with Satan. "SATAN WAIT I'M THE ONE WATCHING HIM!"
What is that?
Why did you bring a baby into his room?
Babies are gross and dirty
Okay he does look really cute when he smiled though 🥺
"Asmo~ look what I have." Asmo turned around excitedly from his vanity, but his expression soon dropped. "MC why are you carrying a baby?" "Oh I'm babysitting for my friend. Isn't he such a cute baby?" Asmo glanced down at the baby. "Babies are gross." You gasped, "Asmo don't bully him he's only 7 months old." The baby smiled up at Asmo and started making grabby hands while babbling. Asmo gasped, "Oh my gosh, why wasn't he being this cute from the start???" Asmo quickly whisked the baby away from you and started carrying him around his room. You sighed and sat down on Asmo's bed, at least he wasn't bullying the baby.
He's just in the kitchen when you walk in with a baby?
Thinks the baby is very adorable
Please let him hold the baby
And feed it :)
Is very soft with the baby
A little scared to hold it at first but when he does hold the baby he just 🥺💕
Please have or adopt a baby with this man right now, please he's so soft and just wants a little domestic life with you now
Beel was in the kitchen grabbing some food when you walked in carrying a baby. He quickly smiled down at you and the baby. "MC why do you have a baby?" You looked at Beel. "Oh I'm just babysitting my friend's baby, isn't he adorable?" Beel's eyes light up when the baby smiles at him. "Yes! Is he hungry? What do babies like to eat?" You laughed at Beel and grabbed something out of the fridge. "Here you can give him this." Beel fed the baby until he didn't want anymore. The baby yawned a little bit. "Looks like it's nap time, you know Beel, you can hold him and rock him if you want." Beel looks a little nervous but nods and takes the baby from your arms. It honestly felt like the three of you were a small, happy family.
Not as enthusiastic as Beel, that's for sure
Just :| is the best way to describe his reaction
Glances at you with the baby and is like "oh cool baby"
The baby: (◍•ᴗ•◍) Belphie: :|
Will 100% take a nap with the baby though and think it's very cute but won't admit it
You walked into Belphie's room carrying a baby with you. "Hey Belphie look, I've got a baby." It was clear that he was getting ready to take a nap when you had walked in. The baby smiled at Belphie and began babbling random baby nonsense. Belphie yawned and glanced at the baby. "Oh cool baby." You laughed. "Really that's it? I bring a random baby in here and all you have to say is cool baby?" "Yeah pretty much." You jokingly rolled your eyes. "Well it's his nap time anyway so we might as well stay and take a nap with you." Belphie sighs kind of annoyed but let's you hand him the baby and get in bed next to him. You all take a nap together but end up getting woken up when the baby cries. The moment was nice while it lasted through.
Woah a real life baby
Is shook
Would like to hold the baby
Thinks you look very lovely carrying a baby
If you weren't married before, you are now because after seeing you take care of a child he would like your hand in marriage and to start a family with you
You walked into the Demon Lord's castle and began looking for Diavolo. You wanted to see how he would react to you carrying a baby around. "MC, is that you?" You turned around and saw Diavolo. "Oh hey I was jus-" You were cut off by Diavolo's gasp. "What a cute baby! May I hold it?" You passed the baby over to Diavolo. "Yeah you can hold him, just be really careful." Diavolo smiled at the baby and bounced him a little before handing him back to you. Diavolo blushed, the way you gently took the baby from his arms and held him made him think about having a family with you. The baby smiled at him and babbled, you laughed. "I think he likes you Dia." Diavolo smiled at you and the baby. "MC let's get married." "WAIT WHAT?"
Has a somewhat reaction to Lucifer
Will hold the baby if you ask him to
Thinks the baby is pretty cute
Will give the baby some cake
Ok but what if you guys started a family jkjk..... unless 😳👉👈
"Oh MC, you have a baby, why?" You walked up to Barbatos carrying a baby. "I'm just babysitting him for a friend, isn't he a cutie?" Barbatos looks at you questioningly, "Why did someone trust you with a baby?" You gasped, "Barbatos! I'm perfectly capable of taking care of a baby!" Barbatos laughed at your reaction. "I was just teasing you MC. Is he old enough to eat cake?" You looked at Barbatos, "Yeah, he can eat cake without a problem." Barbatos goes and retrieves a small slice of cake for the baby, who was clearly very excited about getting cake as he smiled and giggled at the sight of it. After the baby was done with his cake, he made grabby hands at Barbatos. You looked at him. "Barbatos will you hold him, he clearly wants you to." Barbatos sighed and took the baby from your lap. It was nice to share a small domestic moment like this with you, he can only hope for more moments like this in the future.
Will literally snatch the baby from you
Is so soft
Does not put the baby down
Loves the baby
Please don't take the baby from him, he really likes holding it
Marry this man and start a family with him rn
"Oh my gosh MC, is that a baby? Can I hold it?" Simeon just about cries when he sees you carrying a baby, and when the baby smiled at him he swears he died. You laugh at Simeon's reaction to the baby that you're carrying. "Yeah you can hold him." Simeon quickly takes the baby from your arms and begins cooing at him. You smile at Simeon, you didn't think he would be so happy to see a baby. The two of you plus the baby spent the rest of the day doing cute domestic things. Simeon cried every time the baby smiled at him. He had forgotten what it felt like to take care of a baby, so this was nice.
Doesn't really care
The baby smiles at him and he's just like 😐
Annoyed if you make him hold the baby
Thinks you look cute holding the baby though
"Solomon, I'm babysitting my friend's baby, isn't he sooooo adorable?" Solomon looks up from his desk and glances at the baby. "Yeah he's cute I guess." You roll your eyes, "Try to be more enthusiastic." Solomon jokingly glares at you. You walk over and sit on his bed. Unbeknownst to you, Solomon blushes a little because you look very cute when you're carrying a baby.
A/N - The first time I started writing this I accidentally posted it so I panicked and deleted it 🧍‍♂️ Anyway I hope you enjoyed reading this and I'm sorry if there's any mistakes, I was just trying to get it done as fast as possible because I was frustrated with the fact that I accidentally posted it. Feel free to follow me on the instagram that I created a day or two ago, the @ is the same as on here, craigslistdiavolo. You can also find it by clicking the link in my bio.
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onlyonekenobi · 3 years
A little 1k deancas wedding ficlet from the lovely @seraphlm ‘s prompt “special occasion shoes” And what better time to upload than this, the day of their wedding!! read on ao3
Dean stared at himself in the dusty little floor-length mirror that Ellen had drudged up for the occasion. As he turned to inspect his shirt for wrinkles, he had to admit it: he looked pretty good.
Having decided against wearing his suit jacket (“I bought that at a thrift mart so I could wear it around and lie to people. It’s got no business at my wedding.”) he was dressed down in just a white button up, slacks, and a forest green tie, which had been purchased new last week. (“To bring out your eyes,” Cas had smiled so sweetly, handing it over at the store.)
The look was simple, but effective, and now there was just one thing missing.
“Sammy?” he called, not breaking eye contact with himself in the glass.
“Yeah?” Sam called back, popping his head around the back corner of the room.
“Where’s my boots?”
Sam’s mouth fell into the hard line it took on when he was trying to make a split second decision between lie and avoid.
“Boots?” he repeated, a pitch-up in his voice. “You came here in your boots, but why would you need those n-”
“-not my work boots, Sammy,” Dean cut him off. If he wanted to avoid, Dean could at least make it difficult. “My boots.”
He could practically hear Sam swallow; glancing up in the mirror, he could absolutely see the panic in Sam’s eyes.
“Oh. Uh. Right. Yeah, your boots. Uh-”
“Okay, yeah, um. I thought… it’s just, I thought we agreed… that you were gonna wear your dress shoes?”
“My fed shoes?” Dean snapped back, finally turning around “Hell, no! That’s why I ain’t wearing the jacket.”
“They’re just shoes, Dean,” Sam practically begged. “And it’s your wedding-”
Dean cut him off there, sensing Sam rev up to argue a mile a minute. He didn’t have time for that today.
“Exactly, Sammy. It’s my wedding. I can wear whatever I want, and I want my cowboy boots!”
Sam’s mouth thinned into another line, his shoulders and chest full of an almost comical amount of tension. A beat passed before he said, “Okay. Fine, I’ll go grab them.”
Dean sighed and turned back to the mirror, trying to artfully muss his hair as he heard Sam leave. It was almost perfect when a soft knock fell against the door.
He whipped around, chest rapidly filling with the warm feeling of static.
“Sam came out here looking for Claire. He seems to be hoping she’ll take his side in some debate about your attire.”
Dean considered that. “I’m sure she’ll find a way to tell us we’re both wrong.” He could almost hear Cas smiling in response.
“Well,” he heard from Cas’s disembodied voice, “I just snuck over here to tell you that I’m barefoot.”
Dean blinked. “You’re barefoot?”
“Mhmm,” Cas chirped. “You know how I like to be barefoot so I can feel the ground?”
“‘Course,” Dean grinned. “And how’s this carpet treating you?”
“Very well, thank you,” Cas smiled into the door, his head leaned up against it. “But I like it because it makes me feel connected to my surroundings- more like me. And I wanted to feel that way when I married you.”
Hearing those words caused a pleasant hitch in Dean’s breath. They were about to get married. Like, married married.
“I love you,” he said, before he even really realized what he was doing.
A little scuff sound came through the door as Cas tilted his head up along it. “I love you,” he laughed, sounding pleasantly surprised at the sudden change of subject.
Dean felt his ears burn as he joked back, “Well, guess it’s good we got that settled. But, uh, yeah, I wanted to wear my cowboy boots. For kind of the same reason.” He paused for just a moment, but Cas stayed silent, letting him continue. “They’re nice, ya know? But in a- in a me way. Sam wants me to wear my fed shoes. But everything about those is fake. And I wanna just be me right now. For… for you. For us. You know? This is for us.”
“It is for us,” Cas smiled. “And I think you’ll look especially handsome in your boots. Of course,” he tilted his head again, “you would look handsome in anything. Or nothing.” (Dean blushed deeper.) “But yes, I think you’ll look very nice in- oh-”
A muffled voice cut Cas off. Dean heard something like laughter, followed by a whispered “Thank you” and a distinct chuckle from Cas.
“Cas, buddy?” Dean tried. Yet another chuckle answered him.
“It seems Sam made the mistake of telling Claire where he was hiding your shoes. Here-” he whispered conspiratorially, carefully opening the door just a crack. There, in the tiny space, appeared Dean’s treasured cowboy boots.
A broad grin swept over his face as he grabbed his shoes with one and caught Cas’s fingers in the other. “Heh, thanks,” he laughed quietly. Cas squeezed his hand in answer, and for a moment, they just stayed like that.
It was Cas’s soft voice that eventually broke the silence with a “Well,” and Dean could tell, somehow, that he was grinning at the floor. “I guess I’ll see you out there.”
“Yeah,” Dean smiled, his whole chest fit to burst. “See you real soon, sunshine.”
“I love you.”
Leaning down so as not to pull Cas into view, Dean brushed his lips across his fiancee’s knuckles and let them linger there. He didn’t know this, but Cas had brought his free hand up to rest on the door, as though he could hold Dean’s face through the wood.
Tears were starting in Dean’s eyes, and though he tried to wipe them away, they fell in earnest. He didn’t know this either, but he would be crying again in about twenty minutes (and that time around, Cas would be able reach up and cradle Dean’s cheek, wiping the tears with his thumb; Claire would immortalize this moment in a photograph, which now sits on their mantle).
“Always,” he answered, and he slipped on his shoes, more ready than ever.
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