#qsmp fandom talk
qsmpconfessions · 10 months
I hate how active members have less fics and fanart than Wilbur. I get hes stereotypical pretty British boy but COME ON. There’s members who are so interesting lore wise, but a musician who’s been gone for half a year. Wilbur has a thousand while characters like Antoine? Forty. All of those have him as a side character except for one which is based on Chayanne. It’s so annoying, why don’t we give love to relevant creators? Why the fuck don’t we actually give love to cubitos who are working hard to make lore??
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phobiacoms · 1 year
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I just... love them a lot.
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royalarchivist · 7 months
I love the QSMP. Not only has it introduced me to many amazing international creators, it's also introduced me to the French and Brazilian community, who are so sweet, funny, and chaotic in their own unique ways. I love seeing fans sharing their culture and learning from one another, and I myself have learned a lot this past year. I think it's incredible how QSMP brings so many different people together – all of us united in our love and passion for this project and its goals.
But passion can often evoke strong emotions, and these strong emotions aren't always positive.
The past few months, I have seen multiple waves of hate, bad-faith generalizations of communities, and racist remarks directed at fellow fans – especially those who are part of the French / Brazilian community. This kind of behavior is inexcusable, and is in direct conflict with the mission of QSMP, which is to break language barriers and unite communities.
We are a global community with a variety of people from different backgrounds. Miscommunications may occasionally occur because of cultural differences and/or language barriers, but we should use these moments as opportunities to learn and engage with other people rather than assuming the worst about them and starting fights.
Although certain issues can be resolved with communication, sometimes it’s better to block and move on. Avoid spreading negativity or hate, and save yourself the headache of interacting with people who are just looking for someone to argue with.
No matter what community we're a part of or what languages we speak, we're all here to have fun. Please remember to be kind to each other. We have more in common than we have in conflict.
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gooperts-gunk · 7 months
me when bad getting called 굿보이 (good boy) by acau's chat when 굿 can also mean "exorcism/exorcise" according to the qsmp translator and papago translate,,, faints and dies (positive connotation i love u accidental demon lore)
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Saw Roier and Cellbit's communities freaking out today and I was worried I (somehow) missed a major stream, then I realize they're just reenacting the Guapoduo breakup for the funnies because Rubius' community called Cellbit's community "Gatinho" (a nickname Roier's community had exclusively used for them until now)
I've been watching it all unfold live and this is the only kind of fandom drama I've ever been invested in. Here are some highlights:
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Bonus: (I'm afraid, because Roier would 100% do this)
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the-crimson · 10 months
It kinda always makes me sad when people talk about arospec characters on the qsmp and only talk about q!Jaiden and q!mike without mentioning q!bbh :( like honestly q!bbh’s relationship with q!forever and how ambiguous it is is 100% an aromantic experience I’ve had.
People assuming my relationship with my partner is romantic when it’s not - at least not in the way they imagine - or assuming it will eventually turn romantic as if what we have isn’t good enough and I hate seeing the same thing happen to q!bbh
Idk I’m just sad and tired of q!bbh’s arospec identity being erased or forgotten or valued less than q!jaiden and q!mike because he has such a popular ship and complicated relationship with another character even tho cannon 4halo is incredibly aromantic/queer platonic in of itself :/
(Also q!forever is arospec/lithoromantic as well so in general their ship is incredibly aromantic/queer platonic from like every angle
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missycolorful · 10 months
I feel like people should just agree to not talk about the opposing team that they clearly don't watch, because the glaring misconceptions that get spread around can so easily be solved if you either accept that you're biased and just stick with your team, or literally just watched from the other povs.
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comradeboyhalo · 1 year
Because Dapper is a warrior and makes dark humor jokes, I think a lot of people (both fandom and character) forget that he's not only the egg that has been attacked the most by the code, but he's also the egg that has been kidnapped the most (three times). It does affect him, but he rarely lets it be seen.
Dapper's early days started with his dad hiding him in different holes in the ground out of fear someone would break his bed. He's been attacked by several islanders (Slime, Vegetta). His death by the code was particularly brutal, and it occurred after another targeted attack on the same day. He, alongside Bobby, were the last eggs to be rescued when kidnapped at the underground dungeon, having to wait a whole day while his other siblings were freed. After his nightmare, he was kidnapped and cracked just two days later.
Dapper's seen as a beacon of hope for both eggs and parents, and when he lost his first life, it was a reminder that any of them could die. And Dapper may say he doesn't fear death, but all these events do affect him. He's talked about how he's tired of always being in survival mode, how sometimes he just wants to build. He didn't like being left alone so soon after his kidnapping by ElQuackity. He feels guilt for dying and is uncharacteristically timid after these near-death events. He has written--and is still writing--books full of information for Bad in preparation of his death. As one of the original eight eggs, he remembers each of his siblings that have passed and mourns them every birthday.
Dapper is a little warrior and a mad scientist and a grim reaper in training, but he's still just a kid. A lot of people were talking about how his abandonment jokes triggered Tallulah (and they did) but less acknowledge the reason why Dapper made those jokes. For the longest time, Dapper's only family was Bad. Let the baby throw a tantrum when his dad leaves for an hour.
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natureismynature · 1 year
Ok. I'm gonna have to talk about this now for real because it's been getting on my nerves for a while now. I need EVERYONE to watch this video from start to FINISH and take in EVERYTHING that is said on the video.
It is absolutely genuinely IRRITATING how much people in this fandom refuse to see reason and offer forgiveness. Ya'll hate on the guy for things he did not do and harass him for things he's already apologized for. You call him things that he is not and refuse to LISTEN to the truth.
I don't even want to mention his name, I don't even want to tag him. You know why? Because I need people to SEE THIS. I know people have probably blocked his tag and are angry at him, but please. I need you to see this.
It just baffles me. How much undeserved hate this man gets. Everyone just chose to zoom in on his bad side which barely even exists.
And you say you want him out the server, that you think Quackity should kick him out. Do you really have that little faith in Quackity? Do you really think he'd let a horrible person stay in the server he created with so much love? We all know that Q will not hesitate to drop anyone who he thinks is not a good person, so it's quite telling that he hasn't kicked anyone yet, don't you think?
Quackity himself has talked about this. He's sat down with Pierre and they TALKED about all this. Pierre asked questions and Quackity educated him because he wants to LEARN.
When you see a person make mistakes, point them out, but instead of being a dick about it, why don't you try and be a good person and help them learn? The guy already apologized, he's SHOWING how much he's been growing and learning and you just choose not to LOOK and LISTEN.
Ya'll want streamers to take accountability for their mistakes, but the moment they do, you suddenly go blind. Absolutely ridiculous.
Stop being a asshole for the sake of being an asshole.
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rakkuntoast · 7 months
said this on birdapp earlier cuz I've seen it but if you're planning to redesign Tallulah for the love of god don't take away her curly hair. you can separate her from that man if you change the beanie and sweater (even so people draw more the mushroom hat and the sweater depends on the artist) but her curly hair is part of her identity <- read her admin saying that short and curly hair is canon for Tallulah
that man doesn't own curly hair, his isn't that curly to be honest. not to the extent people draw Tallulah's hair anyway, she's also like one of the few eggs that is constantly drawn with curly hair
I could go on a tangent on how curly haired people (me included btw) struggle with self image and how it always end up with permanently straightening the hair but I feel like it's a conversation for another moment
but yeah the main point is please don't take away her main traits, same goes for her being mexican and having hearing aids
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qsmpconfessions · 10 months
When/if things go back to normal, I hope more characters can get into foolish’s office rp. I think some viewers view “real” rp as epic monologues or serious/deep moments, but the improv nature of the office rp had actually sweet and hilarious moments. The absolute mundaneness of it has so much comedy potential and felt perfect for those that don’t vibe with serious lore
Idk I wish more people could see the value in lighthearted improv, especially since I genuinely don’t really understand where the ~serious rp~ storyline is going lol
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raisunomii · 1 month
One of the sillier things about fandoms of roleplay (MCD, DSMP, QSMP, etc) is like . People will theorize about things that are completely canon because they missed the livestream that canonized it. And YOU saw it because you’ve been here the whole time. But they never saw it and probably won’t watch it. So they just think it’s a theory. Like the source materials there but people just WONT REVISIT IT.
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dappersautismcreature · 9 months
ik a lot of yall like things to be evenly laid out and known but im sorry the lore right now is wavy and weird and gray. and that is ok, you will survive i promise.
not everything has to make sense, there will be mistakes, retcons, imperfections, jokes that get turned into canon, etc. its a story made by HUMANS, not everything is written down and remembered and edited like a book or script. this is rp.
if you are mad at bad for "messing with canon" consider that the admins gave him permission, he is trying to continue lore that has been put on pause like three times by now, and create fun content while helping gather cookies so eggs DONT DIE
gray area, it doesnt have to make sense, you dont have to connect everything to purely fiction or purely out of character. i promise you it doesnt, its not that important, mistakes can be made, things can be weird. this isnt a purely serious all intensive highly edited tv show, its a roleplay with like 30+ people all with pcs with individual lore.
calm the fuck down. yall are acting like this is the Final Sin. its just,, content,, you will be ok, the story will be ok, THEYRE ADULTS they can sort out their own issues if a cc doesnt like another cc including something in canon.
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im gonna be honest i dont care that the eggs bedrooms at NINHO look super scary rn. NINHO is a nuclear bunker built for survival, and that should ALWAYS be the #1 priority when building a space meant to be safe. If it isn't safe, then it has failed as a safe space, just by definition. That SAID- gaining functionality doesn't mean they have to give up a nice room entirely. There's still ways to decorate. The space has to be different now, but remember that each room started out as a double-block layered square box. even a nuclear bunker can have paintings on the wall
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It's still so crazy to me that Pac made it canon that Felps saw Cell maul him in prison. I wonder who he hated more in that moment — the perpetrator or the bystander
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54625 · 10 months
People gotta start understanding that a fictional character's actions do not have to be justified, because they're a fictional character.
A character does not have to be morally good to be compelling. A character does not have to be morally good for people to enjoy them. Sometimes characters are enjoyable and compelling because they aren't morally good. It is often reductive to gloss over a character's flaws and pitfalls, because that isn't the point. They aren't supposed to be perfect, and you pretending that they are shows a lack of comprehension.
"Character A should be allowed to do this because..." No they shouldn't. And that's okay.
"Character A is justified in this because..." No they aren't. And that's fine.
Understand nuance in the stories you enjoy. A character doesn't have to be in the right just because you like them. Sometimes people do fucked up shit, and you're taking away from that by pretending it's not fucked up. Let characters be morally grey; a lot of them are better that way.
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