kichisaburo3 · 7 months
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George Harrison and Paul McCartney As Quarrymen at Casbah Coffee Club Spider Room in Liverpool in 1959 Twitter Reblogged
TAG of BEATLES in my Tumblr https://kichisaburo3.tumblr.com/tagged/Beatles
#GeorgeHarrison #PaulMcCartney pic.twitter.com/xT4t9zEWOv
— izumi man second (@izumiBeatles) March 3, 2024
08 MAR 2024 Friday
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ilovedig · 7 months
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We hear about Duff all the time whenever Paul tells the story.
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july 6, 1957
Paul McCartney and John Lennon meet for the first time at the Village Fete in the Liverpool suburb of Woolton, where Lennon's group, the Quarrymen, are performing. When they meet again, Lennon asks McCartney to join his band.
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filosofablogger · 3 months
♫ I Want To Hold Your Hand ♫
I am turning today’s music post over to Dan Rather for a number of reasons that you will understand once you read his post and listen to the music, especially the second video!!  Thank you, Dan! Lennon & McCartney A Reason To Smile By Dan Rather 06 July 2024 Sixty-seven years ago this weekend, two teenagers met at a church gathering and changed the course of history. That meeting is this week’s…
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beatlesmenrock · 2 months
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more beatles backlog sketches i have
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beagleamarelos · 3 months
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And it all began on July 6th, 1957, when John and Paul met each other...
I'm posting here a bit late!!! I apologize ;-; But here's my McLennon-day-tribute!! It's actually my entry to @sleeper9 's Woolton Fete Zine!! That you can get for free (in PDF) here, and that you can buy a physical copy here too. Get yours!! It's filled with amazing work :^D
It was a huge honor to be part of this zine with such great artists and writer and I'm so happy about the outcome!
Hope you guys like it too! I've been keeping this one in secret for a while, but now it's here :^)
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harrisonsbabygirl · 5 months
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muzaktomyears · 5 months
Paul came across in 1963 as a fun-loving, footloose bachelor who turned on his charm to devastating effect when he wanted to manipulate rivals, colleagues or women he fancied. (...) He had enormous powers of persuasion within The Beatles. He would get his own way by subtlety and suaveness where John resorted to shouting and bullying. John may have been the loudest Beatle but Paul was the shrewdest. I watched him twist the others round to his point of view in all sorts of contentious situations, some trivial, some more significant, some administrative, some creative. George told me that when he joined Paul and John in the line-up of The Quarry Men in 1958, Paul was already acting as though he was the decision-maker in the group. According to George: "I knew perfectly well that this was John's band and John was my hero, my idol, but from the way Paul talked he gave every indication that he was the real leader, the one who dictated what The Quarry Men would do and where they should be going as a group." This made sense to me because, from what I saw for myself in 1963 and later, Paul's opinions and ideas tended to prevail with The Beatles, particularly on matters of musical policy such as whether a new number was worth recording or whether the running order for the group's stage show needed altering slightly. I didn't see any of the others resist him. They seemed to welcome Paul getting his way by winning arguments with John. When Paul wanted something badly enough from Brian Epstein he would speak softly, wooing the man rather than intimidating him. Epstein's defences would melt away as Paul looked him straight in the eye. In terms of song lyrics, Paul's idea of romantic was 'Michelle', John's was 'Norwegian Wood'.
John, Paul, George, Ringo & Me: The Real Beatles Story, Tony Barrow (2005)
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got-ticket-to-ride · 8 months
In October 1957 the Quarrymen performed one of their very first gigs in the New Clubmoor Hall, Paul unfortunately froze during his first guitar solo:
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"For my first gig, I was given a guitar solo on ‘Guitar Boogie’. I could play it easily in rehearsal so they elected that I should do it as my solo. Things were going fine, but when the moment came in the performance I got sticky fingers; I thought, ‘What am I doing here?’ I was just too frightened; it was too big a moment with everyone looking at the guitar player."
~Paul Mccartney in the Anthology
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(Picture presumably from their second performance at the New Clubmoor Hall)
Just a few weeks after this, Len Garry gives us an account where Paul seems to be pepping himself up pre-performance:
"Tonight will run just like clockwork. I am going to give the audience the best rendition of 'Guitar Boogie' that they have ever heard this side of Garston."
"Hey this is a new twist." I said, "Paul just cracked a joke he must have a sense of humour after all. John, shall we have him in the group?"
John was enjoying the banter as ever.
"Yeah, we'll give him another try and if you don't get it right this time Jimmy...", Jimmy was Paul's middle name, "then..." John waited to see the expression on Paul's face, "then we'll..", again a pause, by this time we were hanging on John's next words, " ...then....we'll have to send him for some more guitar lessons!"
Paul joined in the laughter and we were all back to normal.
~Len Garry
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indieyuugure · 1 year
hi!! i have just a few questions for your future 2012 au, you don’t have to answer if you dont wanna :3
so how old is sydney anyway? cause she looks sorta kinda tiny compared to donnie in that one comic (she’s so small omg!!) but obviously that doesn’t really mean anything (should know, i’m tiny for my age too lol!!)
also, just out of curiosity, if she really is the same age as the turtles (or around it), are we going to see her and donnie in a relationship in the future or no? i’ve just seen so many ships at this point so I’m just wondering XP!!
sorry it’s so long, I just love your interpretation of her!!
love your art!!
No problem! Love answering questions(just wish I had more time…)
Sydney is around 22 and Donnie is 25. I don’t think I ever specified in my 2012 Future AU post how old they are exactly, but Donnie is an online college professor/tutor. Sydney is one of his students, so she’s a little younger than him, but only by 3 years.
It’s a little hard to gauge how tall she is since Donnie is so tall. I figured she’s probably around 5’ 2” or 3” while Donnie’s around six foot making close to a foot wide gap between them. He’s grown since he was a teenager, and same as the others.
And yes, they both fall in love with each other and form a loving relationship together! Sydney doesn’t care that he’s a turtles, partly because she’s absolutely fascinated by him but also cause she thinks he’s hot in a way. Donnie definitely thinks she beautiful as well, inside and out. She showed him that love doesn’t have to be dramatic and he really loves her for that. They spend a lot of time inventing crap and solving problems together and they also both love a lot of the same shows, namely Super Robo Mecha Force Five.
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(Some scrapped content from the comic I posted about when they meet, though it’s still canon in a way.)
Not sure how family dinners at Sydney’s are gonna go…
Sydney’s Mom: “OMG that’s great sweetie!! You wanna bring him over for dinner on Saturday?”
Sydney: *Read at 5:46pm*
lol good questions! :]
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bonithica-art · 7 months
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john and stuart!
in the early days
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kichisaburo3 · 7 months
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The Quarrymen BEFORE BEATLES at the Casbah Coffee Club in Liverpool England Reblogged
1 ) from left are Pete Best, Paul McCartney, Ken Brown and John Lennon
2 ) Casbah Coffee Club in West Derby Village in Liverpool England was owned by MOTHER Mona Best of PETE BEST who was a Drummer Before Ringo Starr joined
Ken Brown ( musician ) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Brown_(musician)
TAG of BEATLES in my Tumblr https://kichisaburo3.tumblr.com/tagged/Beatles
09 MAR 2024 Saturday
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dateinthelife · 10 months
23 November 1957
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Leslie Kearney takes what is believed to be the first photograph of John Lennon and Paul McCartney together, while performing as the Quarrymen at New Clubmoor Hall.
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august 7, 1957
The Quarrymen (minus new member Paul McCartney, away at Scout camp) make their debut at Liverpool's Cavern Club. Manager Alan Sytner instructs them not to play Rock and Roll, but midway through their skiffle performance, John lights into a version of Elvis' "Don't Be Cruel," which the crowd loves. The group, of course, becomes The Beatles.
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toddandersonsblog · 6 months
why aren't beatles fans talking more about that song "I don't know (oh johnny johnny)"? I think it is such an insane piece of media lol
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strwbryfeels · 8 months
Can't believe Paul really said "in spite of all the danger... I'll do anything for you" and John still doubted him
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