#queen nera
meruladelux · 2 years
They have tried to destroy all the temples of the Queen of Heaven, but the Great Mother's most powerful and sacred temples are indestructible, they are within those who honor her.
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[Sue about to adopted this BEAN] | @frznkingdom​
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Trying to clean up the newly capture streets was taxing enough. And while it was a good thing not many houses were destroyed, that also made looking down every alleyway a pain. And while she wasn’t a stranger to coming across people hiding out in those alleyways, this one particular instance would be a first for her.
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“... A child?” The Queen-coming Empress blinked, disbelief on her face, as the guards at her side in the same. Clearly frightened out of her skin as the young girl back away towards the wall of a building, pity filled her heart. With a sigh, & a motion of her hand for her guards to back off slightly, Sue eased her voice into someone more soft then her usual stern tone.
“We aren’t going to hurt you.” She assured. “Where are your parents, little one?”
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tvserie-film · 1 year
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Title:  Queen of the Black Coast (1934)
Author: Robert E. Howard
Vote: 7/10
I don't understand how a woman who leads a pirate crew falls in love with a man after he kills half of her crew. It must be her magnetic charm which, however, also brings a lot of bad luck since the woman ends badly. Maybe she's the only woman the barbarian has good feelings for but certainly not the last one he's entertained with. In some ways it seems that he considers them as objects but other times he proves to be more humane and sensitive than many other civilized men.
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liliaxhymn · 2 years
verse tags
—v. crossover ✾*·˚·˚. {two worlds into one} —v. modern ✾*·˚·˚. {long into the future} —v. hi3 ✾*·˚·˚. {for all that's beautiful in the world} —v. genpact ✾*·˚·˚. {celestial elements} —v. fe3h ✾*·˚·˚. {crests of gods} —v. colorless enigma ✾*·˚·˚. {the ethereal abyss} —v. colorless enigma: reincarnation ✾*·˚·˚. {rebirth into true happiness}
relationship tags
—r. elvira & nera ✾*·˚·˚. {a long awaited savior} —r. elvira & gale ✾*·˚·˚. {glimmering magic} —r. layla & crystal ✾*·˚·˚. {eternal gratitude to you} —r. layla & daffodil ✾*·˚·˚. {winter and summer} —complicated found family ✾*·˚·˚. {a butterfly; a nightingale; & a daffodil} —r. layla & cinder ✾*·˚·˚. {black and red flames}
url tags
—crxstallium ✾*·˚·˚. {crystalline butterfly of death} —booksofthelibrary ✾*·˚·˚. {the bright golden daffodil} —frznkingdom ✾*·˚·˚. {those of a kingdom of ice} —rosxtenebrae ✾*·˚·˚. {those who light up the dark}
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nyxmainex · 6 months
I finished it guys. I finished them. IN A DAY.
Be it, they are VERY rushed and look as such, but I AM PROUD OF MYSELF FOR ONCE.
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@velnna @bara-izu @necromosss
Fanart for your characters.
(Warnings: Me rambling)
If any of the artist I made this for see this, I hope you like it even maybe a portion as much as I do. Maybe more. Genuinely, each of these three artists inspire me to continue my hobby of making art. The reason I even do this hobby is to share it in hopes to inspire others. As much courage as it takes for me to even make these much less post them is just proof to myself how far I've come in terms of social interaction. I thank my friend, my mom and teacher for supporting my hobbies and specifically convincing me to make this. I'm off on a ramble, apologies.
I really do hope you like this. Each character has something I added to them, and I explain in their dedicated paragraph. Then you also get an overall part:).
Necromosss is the second BG3 artist I found on Tumblr and I adore their art. Everytime I see Moss post, I promise you I immediately spread it to my friends just so they get the recognition they deserve.
Mira was the last character I ended up drawing, and is definitely the most hurried and sloppy. I made hers pretty late, close to the time I sleep, yet I do feel proud of how I made her. Imagining Mira in the stories I've created, I believe she'd fit in with Meladonia, a kingdom of ghosts, poison, and death. Overlooking the main theme, Meladonia's queen, Chamixie (and funny enough, my character who romanced Gale), is a very lighthearted, flirty person. She, while respecting death and it's concepts, is always up to make an occasional joke. She doesn't take everything personally, and I think she'd get alone well with Mira. The Meladonia magic is dark magic known at Kalak. 'Mixie (Chamixie's nickname) created Kalak as a form of a way to express herself. Kalak magic is not negative, and it's not harmful. In fact, Kalak magic is meant to heal and embrace your fears to use positively. Most of the time, using Kalak magic causes small white, almost snake-like slits to form in the pupil of the user's eyes.
I hope you like how I drew her!:)
MAF is the first BG3 artist I found on Tumblr. I can't put in to words how much they've inspired me. Me and my mom both love Staeve, we think he's great, and I can't wait to see more art from Velnna.
Staeve is the first character I drew, and though not as rushed as Mira's, I wasn't confident drawing him. I'm not too sure about how I drew him, though I do hope anyone reading this likes it. Much like Mira, I imagine he'd be from Meladonia if put in my stories.
In case you haven't read about Kalak magic, I'll copy it: The Meladonia magic is dark magic known at Kalak. 'Mixie (Chamixie's nickname) created Kalak as a form of a way to express herself. Kalak magic is not negative, and it's not harmful. In fact, Kalak magic is meant to heal and embrace your fears to use positively. Most of the time, using Kalak magic causes small white, almost snake-like slits to form in the pupil of the user's eyes.
I've, as an anon, told Velnna about one version of my first OC (Broodmother Nera). And she's a version of my main five characters. Her and Chamixie are sisters, four years apart (Nera is 28). Chamixie is a much more sort of flirty person and takes everything told to her with a drop of comedy, unless it's extremely serious (ex: any abuse) as she has experienced negative situations herself. I imagine that she'd want to be friends with Staeve as long as he wants to, but would likely rather protect him even if he doesn't want to be friends. Staeve reminds Chamixie of Alison, the youngest of the five sisters, and was Chamixie's previous life's bio daughter. Even if they are sisters in this life, Chamixie still, while not overprotective, is cautious around Alison. To an extent, Staeve gives off a similar vibe as Alison, and 'Mixie would do more than her best to help Staeve without being overbearing.
I hope this is interesting enough, and that you enjoy how I drew Staeve.
I have so much trouble remembering how to write this lovely man's name, please correct me if it's wrong, I have terrible memory.
I recently found Bara, and I love all their characters. (No joke though, I ran to my mom to show her your characters). Halion is definitely one of my favourites.
I was the most confident creating Halion, and I genuinely am proud of my art. This is honestly one of the few times I do feel proud of myself. From the posts I read, which is not too many, I love his cheery personality. He makes me believe he'd be from Parfi if he was in my stories. Parfi is the kingdom of the Wasteland, but is known for war, previously known for lust, but after Lord Clemin became the ruler, she changed it to accommodate travellers. While it was re-built for wars, she's made it a beacon of light within a desert. That reminds me of Halion. Clemin, as a ruler, comes off as strong and demanding. But out of all five of the rulers, and as the second oldest sister, she's very soft. Even with her own insecurities, she lifts people up and encourages their positive ambitions. She's actually not very confident, even though presenting as such. Even if she is very silent, and kind of reserved, she'd feel comfortable with talking to Halion.
She created Taei magic, the magic of heat. Taei magic is considered neutral magic, and though she has used it negatively on herself, Taei was meant to be positive. Using Taei magic is essentially holding the essence of a flame, and it's a guiding light to find others. Clemin wants the people of her and her sister's kingdoms to never have to experience what any of them did/do. Using it reflects a flame in the user's eyes.
I hope you agree he'd be from Parfi, and if not, tell me why:)! I also hope you like the art I made for him.
I'm sorry this post is so long, and I wanted to be finish setting up my blog when I made this but I'm just too impatient to do so. The reason this post is so long is because while I could've made art of any artist I enjoy, these three artists inspired me the most. (And I'm an overthinker, so I want to make sure you understand how much I appreciate these artists.)
I hope you enjoy the ideas I had and the art I made. I love all three of these pieces I've made, and I love the original art that they were based on more. And if it's alright with the artists, I'd love to draw more!:)
While writing this, my hands are shaking. Ignore any mistakes in the writing.
Mira: (her Notion page)
And this
And this
Infinite painter for lineart and Clip Studio Paint (pro) for everything else.
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Because tomorrow it is Halloween, I thought it might be fun to throw in a tag game that fits the theme.
What kind of costumes would your individual ships wear on Halloween? I'll start:
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Costume: Sandy and Danny from Grease
Well, this just screams Josuke and Bini. No explanation needed.
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Costume: Sally and Jack from A Nightmare before Christmas
Let's say Leone wasn't amused. At least he didn't have to show his face.
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Costume: Red Riding Hood and the big bad Wolf
Himiri's reasoning is that Shunsui is hairy enough to pull it off. Although, Tetsuzaemon would say it's in bad taste.
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Costume: Pirates
The one misses a leg and the other an eye. They would take it to their advantage. Perfect right?
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Tagging: @helpimhyperfixating @momokujo @white-nolse @weathersdarling @cherryfloweyhouse @jellyluchi @iceicewifey @mrsgiovanna @queen-ofsunflowers @cinemaspoppycornuwu @mermanwithpen
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lunamagicablu · 7 months
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Benedetto il dono dell’aria dolce, miele d’api, infusa di trifoglio, calendula, eucalipto, timo, le centinaia di essenze del vento. Benedetto l’apicoltore
che sceglie per i favi un posto tra letti d’acqua, violette, senza siepi né echi. La luce cadenzi, filtri, verde o dorata pigmenti di regine, e la gioia sia arcana eccetto lì, in armonia con epilobi e ruscelli, con il caldo e la brezza dell’estate, il corpo di ogni ape sul suo fiore vivido, amante stordito, strimpellando le fragranze, infatuato.
Per questo, sorgano i giardini dove il fronte delle api s’arresta, a sospirare di rose, fiori di zafferano, buddleia; lì dove le api si raccolgono in preghiera, salmodiano tra alberi di pero e pruni; api batterie dei frutteti, dei giardini, da difendere. Carol Ann Duffy Floriana Marinzuli e Bernardino Nera, traduttori ufficiali *************************** Blessed is the gift of sweet air, bee honey, clover infusion, calendula, eucalyptus, thyme, the hundreds of essences of the wind. Blessed beekeeper
which he chooses for the honeycombs a place among water beds, violets, without hedges nor echoes. The light cadences, filters, green or golden pigments of queens, and joy be arcane except there, in harmony with fireweed and streams, with the heat and the breeze of summer, each bee's body on its vivid flower, dazed lover, strumming the fragrances, infatuated.
Because of this, let the gardens arise where the front of the bees stops, to sigh of roses, saffron flowers, buddleia; where the bees gather in prayer, they chant among pear and blackthorn trees; bees batteries of orchards, gardens, to be defended. Carol Ann Duffy Floriana Marinzuli and Bernardino Nera, official translators 
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hazelcephalopod · 1 year
…like it’s cool we got to see more TNG characters but overall how did “alright synthetics lost rights but get them back but also there are probably evil synthetics in… somewhere where they can access the current time and place and have named themselves like protectors of all synthetic life(?) and might do immense violence to further that goal. So the… nvm. Anyway… something about the borg. Oh and look the Romulans, they are sad now, also they have warrior nuns and this one dude; also a weird cult bent on preventing the synthetic apocalypse by any means and they might be kinda right -but also might also be causing the things they fear most. But actually fucketh all that let’s do time travel and a new mirror universe. The borg queen is here and it’s all Q’s fault. One of the crew fuses with the borg queen. They have to figure out what to do with half the cast. Well fuck that too, hey look all the old guys. Neat. Look changelings, alright cool. Anyway that was fun but screw it. It’s the Borg! Surprise!” happen?
Ya know, I liked season one. I thought it brought a couple cool ideas we’d get to explore. Elnor, who wants to be a warrior nun, and is Picards like pseudo adopted son kinda but not because fucketh that. Rios and Rafi and 7 who have fucking problems, and that’s kinda interesting. Picard, he is old and has so many problems. Soji the android who has been pseudo Manchurian candidate for an while and is just kinda a cool character idea. Unpopular ‘pinion but that Neras Narak guy, what was his deal? Why did he have that like inferiority complex, was that anything? But again, the weird evil synthetics and all those newly freed Borg and then they all just go away. But that was neat! We sweep “synthetic’s get rights (back) and the romulans uh, I guess they are around somewhere? Those borg are mostly dead tho(?)” right under the rugs and tbh those weren’t fully baked ideas but they were baking into something potentially interesting. So, it’s all just a little disappointing.
I hope maybe it will do some neat stuff in the future. In something. Idk.
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violettedove · 17 days
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Nahara Reiko
Nahara Reiko, also known as the niece of Dandelion and the daughter of Nera. She has another name, but that also counts as her real name; well, that's her real name actually in the beginning. Rhaenys Celtigar. I first had her as the Symbol of Darkness and a Mystical Merchant OC. And then I almost forgot her lineage and connection to my Game of Thrones Universe, so yeah, I edited her lore and info a little until I had to do it again because it became confusing.
Reiko is the daughter of Nahara Nera (Dandelion's half-sister and the princess of the Kingdom of Solara, the Light Kingdom) and Nahara Endo (from the Kingdom of Obsidian, the Kingdom of Darkness, and a very, very distant relative). She holds multiple titles: Grand Princess of the City Lord Flea Bottom, the rogue princess, Princess Ser Commander of the City Watch, Master of Coin, and the Narrow Sea Lady of Runestone (claimant; briefly named "Queen of the Narrow Sea") and Protector of the Realm. She is often known as Star of the Sea, Lady Rhaenys, and Lady Shiera (due to her resemblance to her grandmother, a character in my universe, not the human character).
Family Information About the Naharas
Small Info About Nahara Nera (Mother of Reiko and Rei)
Real Name: Naelahnae Celtigar
Parents: Lady Raenehra Nohgyreon (a silver-haired woman with crimson eyes) and Lord Varion Celtigar (a captain with violet eyes and long silver-gold hair, tall and thin but strong, often underestimated to his advantage).
History of House Celtigar
House Celtigar is sworn to House Baratheon of Dragonstone within the Crownlands. Members of House Celtigar retain traces of their Valyrian ancestry, characterized by bright violet/magenta eyes and pale, fair skin. The ancestral Valyrian steel axe, Crab's Pincer, has been wielded by every King of the Claw since the kingdom's founding, and by the lords of House Celtigar before that. The axe has a golden hue, fading towards the hilt. While no member of House Celtigar is specified as having ridden a dragon, it's possible that their Valyrian descent includes marriages into the Targaryen or Velaryon families, suggesting a Celtigar might have ridden a dragon at some point.
One complicated aspect of their history involves a member of House Celtigar making a deal with a witch to gain power rivaling the dragonlords. The witch agreed, but the nature of the deal—curse or blessing—remained unclear. Following the deal, members of House Celtigar began acting strangely, their lives darkening, yet they gained powers and dragons, elevating House Celtigar to one of the most powerful houses of Old Valyria.
This story is part of my AU and links directly to the Black Eye Galaxy book I posted.
Reiko is essentially the opposite of her younger twin sister, Rei. However, they share many similarities while also being different in numerous ways.
Reiko possesses the INFJ personality type. She intuitively understood others and could naturally detect their motivations. She is very straightforward and always retains her calm and aloof personality in every situation. Not only that, but she can even know how someone else is feeling before the person knows it. When it comes to feelings, it was something to her and she hid them, she completely controlled them, quieted them, and made them fade. But despite showing no emotions and yet she can show her emotions when she feels relaxed or safe. Plus, she had trust issues.
Usually, she was seen to be manipulative both mentally and physically, thoughtful, cold, mysterious, secretive, flirty, playful, but she was also apparently a dark empath as well and she has the high levels of narcissism, psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and empathy.
Reiko knows her sense of self-importance, and some that she finds useful or something that she must keep for personal reasons, and even knows the preoccupation with power, beauty, or success. Entitled.
She can only be around people who are important or special for example her sister, her aunt, her parents’ graves, her house, and her soon to be lover, SwapNightmare. (Well, they were married now and I know it’s not canon but its canon in my AU).
Forgot to mention, she was also narcissistic. She’s interpersonally exploitative for her own gain. Arrogant. Lack empathy. Must be admired. Not only that, but she was also fearless, sadistic, lying for personal gain, attempting to control others with threats or aggression. However, she was honest and loyal to those she trusts and had been in debt to, like for example her aunt take care of both her and Rei that’s why.
But that doesn’t mean she wasn’t dishonest. Using charm or wit to manipulate others for personal gain or pleasure, having a sense of superiority and being extremely opinionated, but other than that she was also possessed six positive traits from her mother intelligence, power, confidence, smooth and sweet talker, nimbleness.
Not to mention, since her mother is a Targaryen then she was also impulsive and impatient ways, but in the bright side strong, confident, and courageous. And aggressive when it comes to fights. Reiko is a hard person when it comes to fights. For example, according to Rei during their teenage years, Reiko had thrown someone over her shoulder since that person tried to attack the twins during their way back home and without a second thought, Reiko knocked that attacker in one clean throw. She is the type of girl that is not someone to piss off. That explains why she was aggressive when it comes to fights.
Oh, and she also possessed all ten Targaryen personality traits. Hopes and dreams drive Targaryens forward with serious force and Reiko was no exception, but in her way. Reiko was like her two ancestors both Daenerys and Rhaenyra who were the examples of headstrong Targaryens. Targaryens are naturally passionate, and so does Reiko. She may be good at hiding her feelings and emotions, but when she talks about it or anything else then talking would show how enthusiastic she is. Targaryens represent the Dragon with their aggression, and yes, yes, Reiko was one too unsurprisingly. Targaryens endure tragedies with their strength and resilience, but not surprised with Reiko since she was seriously resilience and tragedies when she was young so yes. Reiko was no surprise when she was brave, daring, and ambitions just like the Targaryens. Reiko took pride in her family's storied legacy. Reiko was clever, she shown her intelligence and cunning in different ways just like the Targaryens. Reiko was still the leader whether she was a merchant or through duty of her being an heir or even talent. One thing, that you should know about the Targaryen Nahara twin sisters were also the Targaryens that symbolizes Power. Since Targaryens are the Symbols of Power.
[1] Reiko continues her business and makes deals with those she encounters, though it's not something inherently dangerous or entirely safe when dealing with the mystical merchant. She is neither evil nor good, but rather a neutral, calm individual. No one knows Reiko except her little twin sister and her friends; she is a nobody but mysterious. Reiko is usually a gentleman type, but when something annoys the masked lady, she won't hesitate to be very straightforward, always retaining her calm and aloof personality in every situation; that's the character she is.
[2] Reiko lived her life in the shadows, making deals and arrangements here and there. Her twin sister's path led her to the light, becoming a priestess and doing her best to serve people in need. Despite their differences, the two were still close, even if it was only for a few occasions. Reiko kept to herself most of the time, not bothering with the politics and affairs that often occupy people in the world or universe she was in, especially in the Mha universe.
[3] Reiko’s calm demeanor can sometimes come off as cold and distant, making it difficult for others to get close to her. But beneath the mask, there lies a thoughtful individual.
[4] She is Nightmare, the mysterious merchant that no one is supposed to know about. Reiko can help where she can and work for those willing to take the risk of working with someone whose powers are unknown. But she also lives in the shadows, a dark force that lurks in the background.
[5] In the Mha, Reiko promised herself not to get involved with people, especially heroes and villains. She must remain neutral, distant, and a mysterious character. No matter what, Reiko mustn't get involved in the events involving heroes and villains because it would be chaotic. Plus, she doesn’t want to be involved with problems as well, since she already has hers.
[6] Reiko keeps herself out of the limelight for the rest of the night. She spends the rest of the evening working silently in a darkened alley, making deals with those who come to the merchant. Reiko does help those she can, staying out of the chaos and turmoil that often occurs in the world of Mha.
[7] She keeps her interactions short, giving just enough information to make the deal, and then disappearing again. Reiko keeps her face hidden beneath her mask and never gives up any unnecessary information. She doesn’t want to make herself known, for reasons unknown.
[8] Reiko’s sister had become a priestess and had done her best to support the people, while Reiko worked behind the scenes. She was the mysterious merchant, and although Reiko helped where she could, both twins followed different paths. It has been a long day for the merchant, working in the shadows and making deals with those who come asking. Reiko is the mysterious merchant; she has no need for the limelight. And if anyone were to see her face, then they would know too much...
[9] But there are some things that no one knows more about Reiko except her little twin sister, Rei. As much as Reiko loves her sister, sometimes she had her limits, and the twin Nahara sisters can sometimes disagree with each other on something, which leads to arguments due to their opposite natures, like Reiko being dark while Rei is light. After all, not everyone is perfect, but both Reiko and Rei are Libras, so they balance and are perfect from the outside.
[10] However, their shells could break when they were alone together, and no one was there to see or hear their private conversations and talks that no one knows. Reiko could express her true feelings and everything when she was comfortable or when her guard was down in the presence of people she trusts.
[11] Signs of Reiko that you’ll need to run when it comes to it, like when she tilts her head or swears, and her glowing eyes in her awakened form.
[12] Reiko is very respectful and polite towards the people she trusts, such as her aunt and her parents. Reiko loves her biological mother dearly, and so does her aunt; she sees Dandelion as her mother figure. Because of the moment when she and Rei hear Dandelion’s words after their parents died: “I’ll treat you two as my own daughters. I’ll protect you both. And heal you two when you guys get hurt.” Their aunt’s words touched the twins’ hearts deeply…
[13] Reiko is seriously clever; her IQ is extremely high, but she tends to keep quiet about it and only show that she is smart when it's important, as she tends to show humor or what [1 to 8] just mention. Keeping her true intelligence a secret, except to Rei, because she knows Reiko is very clever, and so does Rei.
Rhaenys Celtigar, a young woman of striking beauty, possesses long silvery hair and mesmerizing mismatched eyes—one dark blue, the other green. Her charm is further accentuated by her sharp intellect and quick wit. Adorned in a dove grey sheath gown crafted from sand-washed silk, the gown boasts a round split neckline with a center front seam that accentuates her figure. Adding to her elegance are the long, fully lined hanging sleeves shaped into a collar with angel pleats, resembling a partial cape. Around her delicate neck, she wears a silver dragon choker necklace.
From a young age, Rhaenys displayed a love for reading and had a talent for languages, boasting fluency in many tongues. She maintained an extensive and esoteric library, rumored to rival her father Varion's expertise in the dark arts. Rhaenys also possessed a notable silver necklace adorned with alternating star sapphires and emeralds, a complement to her captivating eyes.
In times of war or during training sessions as a commander, she wears a textured silver Carthene-style gown with a stand-up collar, crafted from fabric that shimmers with silvery threads against a gray backdrop. The gown's underskirt boasts sunburst pleats, while the sleeves feature intricate lace detailing. Adorning her attire is a three-headed dragon pin, worn proudly without its chain.
During moments of relaxation and when she's truly herself, she is often seen with her lover or her sister, as well as her close confidants, including her aunt. In colder weather, she opts for a Dragonstone coat dress, featuring a cobra-style collar seamlessly integrated into the garment. The collar's fabric showcases a zigzag motif reminiscent of dragon scales when caught in certain light. This dress's construction is intricate, with princess seams providing shaping, and an additional tapered seam at the center back adding structural curves. A large vent at the back of the dress lends it a coat-like quality, necessary for riding dragons. The front of the dress is slightly shorter, wrapping around to the back and angling down into a pointed hem, emphasizing her waistline.
In the past, Reiko was a young woman in her twenties, tall with long raven hair, often hiding her face behind a dark smile mask. Her hair fell straight, with subtle curls at the ends. She wore an off-the-shoulder buttoned dress with an aqua-colored cloak draped over her shoulders, layered atop a purple garment. Adorning her attire were arm bracers, her mother's ring on her index finger, and bracelets on her left wrist. Dark purple leggings and platform spiked boots completed her ensemble. Finally, she donned white gloves and a large purple hat adorned with a golden orange ribbon.
Magical Powers – Reiko has incredibly powerful magic like her father the darkness side, able to overthrow powerful beings left and right with seemingly little effort, shown when she defeated Suzuki Ai casually (a character I haven't mentioned). She seems to practice voodoo magic and other magic stuff back when she was a teen and it was years after her parents’ death, and is seemingly known for making deals with others. Well, not surprisingly since she’s a Merchant and also a deal maker, she was aware of what she’s doing, and she knew it will make her powerful.
Fire Manipulation (Pyrokinesis) – Reiko can effortlessly project fire from her hands and manipulate existing flames to create massive waves of intense heat. On one occasion, she summoned a ball of fire to distract Rei before swiftly pushing them both away, tumbling into the river. She acted quickly to remove them from immediate danger, granting them a moment's respite before resuming their journey. Though Rei wasn't happy about being wet, Reiko didn't give a damn about it.
Outfit Alteration – Reiko can transform the clothes of others in a flash, as well as change objects or style someone's hair effortlessly, like styling Rei's hair, for example. She is capable of changing the outfits of her targets as well as her own with a snap of a finger. (I got inspired by one of Alastor's abilities).
Reality Warping – Reiko is constantly emitting magical glyphs as a side effect of her power. While their true abilities are unknown, they consistently glitch out and distort reality around her. This effect seems to be passive, but Reiko can suppress it at will. Currently, the full extent of this power is unknown, but it was able to warp space and relocate Rei, along with her desk, during a time when Reiko needed her little twin sister. Reiko is extremely opposed to anyone seeing her face, so she often uses this ability to interfere with devices that can take pictures, such as phones. Evidence of this is seen in images inadvertently taken of her or posted on Rei's Instagram, where Reiko's face without her mask appears completely glitched. The glyphs around her are also visible in Rei's Instagram image. This aversion may also stem from Reiko's dislike of modern technology used to capture images, particularly of herself without her mask. However, she doesn't mind technology and, in fact, enjoys using it.
Shapeshifting – Reiko has demonstrated the ability to transform herself into a shadow, allowing her to swiftly move behind people without being noticed.
Summoning – Reiko has displayed the ability to summon shadows, demons, and manipulate darkness at will. She can also summon individuals like Rei through darkness or Adora through reality-warping. Additionally, she can summon shadowy beings from portals during her activities.
Flexibility – Reiko can contort her body into numerous unnatural poses. Like an infamous urban legend ghost woman with supernatural stretching, as shown in the Halloween prank on Rei, even if it hasn't been mentioned. It's an event Rei cannot forget, and Reiko still laughs so hard about it.
Demonic Magic – Reiko can cast spells thanks to the high-power level inherited from her father. She has earned a rank in the Fandoms' ranking system. In some instances, this manifests as glowing black symbols resembling Voodoo veve, which float around her when she utilizes her abilities to any extent. Reiko is also proficient in blood magic; she clenches her fist, digging her nails into her skin without her gloves until droplets of blood can be seen falling from it, as a means to defeat Suzuki Ai.
Shadow Manipulation – Reiko can summon shadows and manipulate them to fulfill her commands.
Spatial Warping – Reiko can manipulate space with the assistance of her shadow, blackness. This ability was first demonstrated when she teleported behind Rei, surprising her with her powers. Reiko can also transport others to her location easily via the portals she creates. This was evident when she rescued Rei from a fire camp and when she brought Raina (along with a portion of the tree she was in) into the meeting room. While Reiko received a small scolding from Dandelion for summoning the New Generation into the main goddesses' meeting room, she seemed unfazed by her auntie's reprimand, as she was already used to it.
Phytokinesis – According to Rei, in the past, Reiko was able to make plants wilt with a single stare. This occurred when she was having a bad day and didn't expect her negative aura to affect her surroundings.
Deal-making – Reiko is shown to be a deal-maker merchant, offering Rei a deal in return for her help with something that her little twin sister desires. However, Rei wisely turns down the offer because she knows her sister better than anyone else. Reiko has learned that dealmakers, especially demons, can increase their power by dealing in souls, a powerful commodity in hell or any world. They are seen as very manipulative and not to be toyed with. Reiko takes full advantage of this. Deal-making is not something every person or even demon can do, so it is not to be taken lightly, as it generally does not work out well for the other party.
Vast Intellect – Reiko is shown to be quite a cunning individual, resulting in her accruing a large amount of power through her tricks and deal-making.
Umbrakinesis (Her main power): The ability to control darkness or shadows.
Dimensional Storage: Reiko possesses the ability to store items or beings in a separate dimension for safekeeping and can summon them back with relative ease. Additionally, she can open a portal to the Dimensional Storage and simply reach behind or within anything to retrieve the desired item.
Dimensional Travel: Reiko can traverse between different dimensions and universes, crossing over various planes of existence or traveling across different forms of reality. She has the capability to journey to alternate universes, other Earths, and even pocket dimensions.
Darkness Portal Creation: Reiko possesses the ability to create portals using darkness and shadows. These portals can lead to worlds of emptiness or darkness.
Darkness Teleportation: Reiko can teleport through shadows and darkness, seamlessly merging into them and emerging from any other shadow or darkness within the same element.
Awakened of Violence: This is when Reiko conjures a sword using shadows and darkness. She can summon a barrage of shallow slashes that culminate in a deep, powerful slash, marking a violent awakening. When she utilizes the darkness aura, techniques are also incorporated, limited to three. Reiko doesn’t intend to use this power often unless absolutely necessary.
Firstly, in the Deadly Morning Stars form: She lunges forward, slashing in five different directions in the shape of a star.
Secondly, in the Chaotic Stars form: She unleashes a relentless onslaught of slashes in every direction, decimating everything in her path.
Thirdly, in the Nightmare form: This is the most aggressive form... Reiko begins a breathing pattern that rapidly reduces brain function by redirecting oxygen to other parts of the body to bolster strength, while maintaining the minimum necessary oxygen flow to the brain for proper function. During this process, she launches toward her opponent, unleashing a whirlwind of aggressive strikes and slashes.
Darkness Healing: Reiko can heal herself and others using darkness and shadows. Additionally, she possesses a healing factor or fast regeneration. However, against weapons that are particularly effective against darkness, Reiko cannot be killed, although it may take her a considerable amount of time to heal.
Darkness Invasion: Reiko has the ability to envelop any area in complete darkness. This impenetrable darkness blocks out all light within a certain radius. Reiko activates this darkness by waving her hand in a "stop" motion, and she can deactivate it in the same manner. The pitch-black darkness can disorient her opponents, causing them to collide with walls or stumble into holes.
Darkness Aura: Reiko can release and surround herself in or with darkness/shadow for defensive and offensive purposes, possibly becoming almost untouchable. The aura may also give the user enhanced physical capabilities such as speed, strength, and durability.
Darkness Defense: Reiko possesses defensive skills that are enhanced by dark-based powers, allowing her to block, parry, dodge, etc. with darkness.
Darkness Empowerment: The darker or blacker the environment is, the stronger Reiko gets, with darkness also meaning shadows and nighttime environments. Reiko becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when she encounters darkness or shadow, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing existing powers.
Darkness Transformation: Reiko can transform the bodies of others into solid darkness. The target may become a hybrid between their normal state and darkness or become an entity of living darkness in a pure elemental form.
Personal Void: Ever since Reiko got this ability, she got herself a Personal Void and she can create a portal leading her there by using darkness of course. She used to chill herself there and can use to entrap objects or living beings, only Reiko can go in and out but not the beings. Her Void is a white blank empty space, but Reiko often stayed her Void to get her mind off things or taking a break.
Absorption Shield: Reiko has the ability to generate a shield capable of absorbing incoming attacks, providing her with protection. She can later release the absorbed energy to counterattack. Moreover, she possesses the capability to absorb individuals, including allies of her enemies, into herself, using them as hostages to deter further attacks.
Darkness Absorption: Reiko can absorb darkness and shadows.
Deadly Shadow: Reiko can also create a shadow of herself out of Darkness, like a sentient or something. But Reiko can also create a shadow that can kill anyone and possibly even destroy anything caught within it, which she calls the Shadow of Death. The form of death that this shadow can cause can range from a slow death to an outright cessation of existence.
Spiritual Darkness Manipulation: Reiko possesses the ability to create, shape, and manipulate darkness or shadows that originate from the soul or spirit.
Night Manipulation: Reiko possesses the ability to manipulate the nighttime, enabling her to control its duration and bring about nightfall irrespective of the sun's presence in specific regions of the world. She holds limited sway over the moon, stars, darkness, and other optical phenomena associated with the night. However, her abilities are not without limitations, as she can only affect nighttime in certain designated areas of the world.
Dream Manipulation: Reiko possesses the ability to enter, manipulate, and control someone's dreams. Not only that, but she can also give her target dreams or nightmares. Reiko can shatter her target’s minds by destroying their 'Spiritual Core' inside the dream, which mentally cripples them but leaves their bodies unharmed. Furthermore, she can enter her enemy's mind and drive them insane. Unlike Alyssa, the butterfly demoness, Reiko doesn't need to touch her enemies to control their thoughts and use their fears against them. This leaves her enemies terrified and completely defenseless.
Limits: May become affected or even corrupted through extended exposure and Light Manipulation, Light Generation, and other light-based powers are especially effective against this power. So, to add as an example is that Rei is Reiko's weakness and Reiko is also Rei's weakness due to the two being absolutely the opposite, like Light and Darkness.
Since Reiko's powers awakened, there had been a gradual transformation in her appearance. It wasn't until she turned 24 that the changes became fully evident, revealing her natural self. Her once-long raven hair had turned into silvery-white strands, and she no longer felt the need to conceal her face behind a mask. Many noted her striking resemblance to her mother, Nahara Nera, except for her eyes, which took after her father's.
Nahara Nera, the Queen of the Kingdom of Darkness and Light, was described as a tall woman in her thirties, with crimson eyes, pale skin, and long pale-gold hair. Reiko inherited her mother's beauty and mysterious aura, born as a royal princess. However, after her parents' tragic demise, her journey was marked by a slow progression in the development of her powers. Influenced by her family's legacy and the trauma she endured, her abilities to manipulate others became legendary, especially after her Quirk awakening, leading her to delve into the practice of Dark Magic during her youth.
01– Parents.
Nahara Endo (Father) :
Nahara Nera (Mother) :
02– Relatives.
Dandelion (Aunt) :
• Astaroth, the literal "devil" (Doesn’t have anything to do with it and they weren’t close though Reiko can always sense something beside her auntie sometimes):
They don’t know each other but aware of their existence.
Valhaen (blood-related uncle, Dandelion’s older brother, well, one of and Nera’s half-brother):
04– Siblings.
Rei (Younger Twin Sister) :
Reiko likes making deals and torturing those, well, only who were in debt to her.
Reiko sometimes reads books, but isn't a bookworm like her younger twin sister, Rei.
She loves drawing, mainly about her deceased parents.
Reiko is an animal lover, especially of cats and snakes.
Reiko really cares about her twin little sister – Rei (Her only family) and her auntie, her parents.
Reiko loves playing with her shadows or talking with her shadows, especially Blackness, the shadow that identifies just like her.
Reiko likes solitude, like being alone.
Reiko likes games.
Reiko sometimes jokes around and makes people she cares about happy.
Reiko has a thing for introverts.
Reiko has a habit of listening to music while drawing.
Reiko loves rain.
And other things, such as making new friends, food, drinks, people looking at her for reasons like example she performs something.
Reiko does watch anime.
Helping the poor or people that needed but in her own way.
Unlike Rei, Reiko loves the dark.
Reiko hates bullies and bullying someone weaker than her. Since it involves her sister in it, Rei had been bullied in the past, so Reiko strongly despises bullies and also jerks.
Reiko dislikes failure because she thinks if she fails at something, then she's a freaking failure.
Reiko doesn't like those who try to annoy her or get on her nerves.
Reiko wasn't a fan of crowds and hates those who hurt her sister.
Reiko doesn't like being left out and crying, school, or people looking at her for no reasons.
Reiko is skilled at playing the violin.
As much as Reiko loves her sister, sometimes she has her limits. The twin Nahara sisters can sometimes disagree with each other, leading to arguments due to their opposing natures; Reiko is dark while Rei is light.
Signs that someone seriously needs to stop messing with Reiko include when she tilts her head, swears (Reiko may swears a lot but in all seriousness, a serious situation, or an argument then Reiko avoids cursing until she was angered) or her eyes glow in her awakened form when she has her mask off.
I know this has been mentioned, but Reiko enjoys reading when she’s bored, of course.
Reiko loves water, swimming, and sea areas, such as beaches or the ocean.
Reiko loves her biological mother dearly, and so does her aunt; she sees Dandelion as her mother figure. Because of the moment when she and Rei heard Dandelion’s words after their parents died: “I’ll treat you two as my own daughters. I’ll protect you both. And heal you two when you guys get hurt.” Their aunt’s words touched the twins’ hearts deeply…
Reiko is a tough person when it comes to fights. For example, according to Rei during their teenage years, Reiko once threw someone over her shoulder since that person tried to attack the twins on their way back home. Without a second thought, Reiko knocked the attacker out in one clean throw. She is the type of girl who is not someone to mess with. I think I had mentioned this but still.
Reiko, this woman, sleeps naked. Only Rei knows about it but can’t stop wondering why or how the hell her older twin is able to be this comfortable. Meanwhile, Reiko’s shadow in the background guards its owner at night as always while Reiko sleeps peacefully.
Reiko is not really an ideal type of friend. Yes, she can be nice or friendly and would do anything for her dear friend, but she has her limits. Both good and bad, you can’t really blame Reiko for sometimes getting annoyed by you, ignoring you, or being cold to you. She is the Symbol of Darkness, after all, so Reiko tends to avoid saying something that she will regret later or even worse.
Reiko isn’t very fond of boys flirting, but she tends to be disgusted at their advances until she lays eyes on her crush. Then yeah, right. In a flick of a switch. She flips the tables like a speed of light; her attitude changes every time she is alone with her crush. Of course, she is still the gentleman type until she starts to get flirty towards her crush. To put it simply, it's like a wolf stalking its prey, or should we say stalking a skeleton, since her crush is SwapNightmare. Even when it comes to training, she is vixen-like in the way she attacks him.
Doesn’t give a damn about people’s problems except her loved ones. “I don’t give a shit.” That’s what Reiko usually says when someone out of nowhere or even a stranger walk up to her and talks to her like they know her.
According to Rei, Reiko’s little twin sister, when Reiko wants something, then she has many ways to get what she wants. But when it comes to wanting someone, then it's another story. Most likely, Reiko will be shy and nervous around her crush, making it hard for her to lie to him. But as time goes by, Reiko becomes more straightforward and calmer about her attempts to get closer to SwapNightmare. Though, she will get flirtier if that happens, and plus, she is very dominant when it comes to getting to him.
Reiko may likely act top or dominant when it comes to flirting or attempting to make her crush flustered, but she prefers to be a submissive type when it comes to relationships.
Reiko doesn’t like being touched without her permission when it comes to relationships and even friendships. Unless she’s the one who started and she doesn’t really like physical contact except for speaking in languages. But when she starts to warm up in a relationship with SwapNightmare, then she doesn’t mind him touching her while they’re cuddling or doing anything else. She doesn’t give a damn about it anyway since she trusts him.
Just like mentioned before, Reiko is very aggressive when it comes to fights or battles, especially when it comes to protecting her sister.
Reiko once broke into a restaurant with Rei and hid there for months, tampering with their servers and modifying them without anyone knowing, not even their aunt. This caused things to descend into chaos. They were teenagers, causing their aunt to scold them for hours for worrying her and leaving without telling her. I mean, who would blame her?
Reiko could manipulate and shatter things with a wave of her hand, probably more, when she uses the aura of darkness. Reiko commanded shadows and seemed able to keep surviving on nothing but the purest determination to persist, no matter how long ago her impossibly body should've given out, physically able to keep going longer.
Reiko can rip off a vent without touching it, by her magic of course.
Reiko practiced not only Dark Magic but also inherited some powers from both her father’s and mother's side and possessed it.
Reiko’s powers are also similar to other allies of hers, though she is actually the first one with Dark Magic. Symbol of Darkness (Nahara Reiko the Goddess of Darkness). Reiko is also known by many titles such as the Symbol of Night, Symbol of Nightmare, and Symbol of Corruption.
Rei could never understand why Reiko was able to know everything about her, well, not too far, a limit of course. But since then, Rei would likely know how to control her emotions and body language because Reiko can read her little twin like a book. Which helps– Bullshit. Reiko was a master of disguising her emotions, and though she had a mask, her body language was the key. But no one knew except Rei.
Reiko also has a dragon too, a black dragon since she’s a Targaryen after all. Despite being a Celtigar.
Reiko’s dragon’s name is Nightfire, a male dragon. The black dragon is a stunning and formidable creature, possessing sleek, obsidian scales that shimmer with an iridescent sheen in the light. Its muscular, sinuous body exudes an air of lethal grace, moving with a fluidity that belies its immense power. The dragon's piercing, golden eyes hold an enigmatic intelligence, and its formidable antlers, reminiscent of those of a majestic stag, add an aura of regal magnificence to its visage. The creature's formidable wings stretch out, their dark membrane appearing almost translucent when backlit, allowing it to soar through the skies with effortless agility. Its long, sinewy tail ends in a series of razor-sharp barbs, serving as a deadly weapon in combat. As it moves, the dragon emits a low, resonant rumble, like distant thunder, further adding to its mysterious and captivating presence. Overall, the black dragon embodies a perfect balance of beauty and danger, a creature to be both admired and feared in equal measure.
Reiko also has a dragon cane as well, but a dragon head cane with a hidden sword. The blade was a unique black Valyrian steel one, a form of metal that was forged in the days of the mighty Valyrian Freehold. It is exceptionally sharp and tremendously strong, yet light, keeping its edge and requiring no maintenance. With this, it is said that Valyrian steel was forged with the aid of both magic and dragon fire. The metal itself is distinguishable for its rippled pattern, and any warrior can confirm that it is distinctly lighter, stronger, and sharper than any other known steel.
Personally, when it comes to her sister, Reiko's protective instincts run deep.
If someone or something were to hurt her sister:
For physical harm: Reiko would find them and swiftly eliminate them, without hesitation. Yet, she wouldn't stop there; she might subject them to torture before they met their end, or worse.
For mental harm: Reiko would ensure that the perpetrator experiences sleepless nights for a while...
The facts that the twin Nahara sisters shared, like they had in common.
Both Reiko and Rei had trust issues.
Their body language, crossing their arms behind their back since it was a part of their physical language. Eyes glowing when they’re angry or using their powers.
One of the twins or even both almost fell out of their own seat right then and there. Only when they’re surprisingly shocked at something.
When they had their partners carrying them, the twins would often have their arms rested upon their partner’s shoulders. Which is obvious.
They liked cuddles from their partners and their other sibling (Like Reiko likes to cuddle with her little twin sister, Rei).
These two are toxic as f– in different ways, and they both are manipulators. But Reiko was more experienced than Rei since Reiko had learned from her mistakes.
Quotes (I think? And words from Reiko herself.):
‘If you knew Darkness all too well then you wouldn’t fear them, don’t you?’
A question from Reiko.
“An eye, you say? Well then… an eye for an eye.”
Revenge from Reiko.
“There are times that we can’t control such as situations, Rei. Not everything is under our control and so does mine. I can’t control everything at the same time, Rei. Just like our Creator had told us. She created us. First, a pure birth and second, a tragic death for our parents after having us. There’s nothing we can do since yeah… everything has to be a secret, sister. What’s done is done. Or… even if the secret is revealed then it’s not like it’s the truth unless… we or anything, like the witness? Or whatever it is called, are the truth.”
An explanation from Reiko to Rei. “The reality that we’re in.”
“I don’t say that I’m good or evil. I’m just a merchant, wandering around, and making deals! Or… Giggles... Well, it depends on your choice though, don’t make me angry, kiddo!”
A practical warning from Reiko.
“I agree, though fate is fucking cruel enough to take our parents away and here we are, living our life forward for the sake of our parents.”
Reiko’s agreement with Rei about life and fate.
“Oh, my dear sister… there’s nothing we can do except cherish every moment of our time together. One day, one of us will leave for personal reasons. I won’t be mad about that since nothing is perfect anyway. Though… betrayal is an exception. I expect a good fucking reason why if one of us dies by betrayal or if one of us is a traitor among us.”
Unknown, but Reiko’s words.
Chuckles “What do you mean, Rei? I find it amusing, to be honest… why would I kill you? Why? Firstly, you’re my sister. My blood. Secondly, there are many reasons why we’re alive right now, my dear sister. Hurting you? Well, in words, I will but I know how to watch my tongue. And physically? It depends, sister. Though, yes, maybe, no. I could hurt anyone. I could kill them all if I want now, but not you. Don’t be afraid, Rei. Your fear should be somewhere else because if it was up to me, you’d never see a single drop of your own blood again.”
This is why Rei didn’t ask Reiko about the reason why Reiko didn’t hurt her. Well, it’s a dumb question but it’s important to Rei, yet Reiko understands why since Reiko saw Rei’s expression even without Rei knowing herself. Because Reiko can read her little twin like a book.
“Oh, please, I really do wish you to go to hell, but I don’t want to see you there since I will be there after I die, idiot.”
One of Reiko’s sarcastic lines to her enemies. Although, she’s a god and she cannot die so Reiko is just saying.
“Well, they're really on top of things.”
One of Reiko’s sarcastic lines, her words describe a group of people who are very disorganized.
Why should you never ask, ‘Do you know what I love about you?’ to Reiko?
“What? Don’t you love me???”
A question from Reiko, well, trust issues kicked in.
Just because she’s polite doesn't mean she can’t say bad words–
Reiko: “Fuck off.”
Rei: “That’s not very polite.”
Reiko: “Rei, you stay out of this. Okay, fine, please fuck off.”
Rei: “Sis-“
Reiko: “See? Polite enough, though. Don’t say those words like me, Rei.”
Yeah, one of the twin Nahara sisters’ moments!
That one thing you should always know about Reiko is that she is an experienced person.
For example:
Enemy: “I’m going to-“
Reiko: “Okay, okay, enough. You’ve been blabbering on about how you’re going to kill me for a while now, but I’m seriously beginning to doubt your commitment.”
All right, all right, please note that Reiko can sometimes be chaotic, like dragging Rei into some troubles.
Here’s one of the examples:
Rei: “Don’t you dare do it!”
Reiko: “But I have to, okay?!!”
Rei: “No, you do not! I swear to god if you-“
Reiko: “Listen, don’t forget that you’re a priestess, Rei! And who cares right now since we’re going to 'die' if we’re not going to jump off the railing right here and right now.”
Rei: “Seriously???”
Reiko: “Yeah, no chit chat now! But I'd like to say that I officially know what a broken rib feels like since I've been in fights before and yeah, right.”
Rei: Almost screamed when Reiko pulled them both down and jumped off the railing.
It took place when they were in a chase, pursued by their enemies' guards, minions, or even assassins.
When Rei didn’t acknowledge her thoughts before asking Reiko.
Rei: “Why are you still here???”
Reiko: “Idiot, is that even a question?? That’s because I care about you, devil.”
Rei: “Hey!!”
“A single word, a single action, a single event is all it takes for a person's mindset to change or begin to adapt a belief.”
Reiko’s proof that everyone will be changed anyway, no matter what under circumstances.
“The people you call 'friends' usually are not your friends. Like you said, they are full of pride and self-serving. Most of them just use you to boost their own ego and when you are no use to them any longer, they leave you in the dirt. Just garbage humans who have no consideration for others.”
Reiko’s lecture to a pink-haired teenager, an unstable one that the merchant would gladly take advantage of but helping the poor girl at the same time.
Rei was never wrong when Reiko was hard when it comes to fights, but even brutal when she’s mad or had something to take care of.
Reiko: “Here, hold my morals, I got some sketchy shit to take care of.”
Rei: “Wait, what-“
Reiko’s opinion about Queen and King, her own opinion by the way.
“What’s a queen without her king? Well, historically better.”
”That's offensive.” – Rei.
”Our dear parents are the exception.” – Reiko adds as Rei said so.
“Have you ever noticed every hurricane gets its name from a girl like this?”
A question from Reiko.
“Darling, I’m a Nightmare but dressed like a Daydream.”
Just Reiko being Reiko. She kind of likes that phrase while Rei just rolls her eyes about it.
“Years ago, one of my clients, or should I say… a victim of mine. At first, she was just a child, something I wouldn’t do anything except taking advantage of it though… I’m being kindly nice at that time, so I remained patient.”
‘As expected, when the years passed by, the cute little girl grew into an extremely beautiful young woman with long golden hair that was finer than the finest silken strands, sky-blue eyes that were always full of laughter, skin as soft and ivory as a dove's feathers, a mouth as enticing as a rosebud, and cheeks as bright and rosy as the apples in her family's orchard. But she wasn't famed for her beauty alone, she was also of unparalleled goodness and sweetness of temper.’
It wasn’t the first time that one of Reiko’s clients was a child, so this is the part where Reiko meets a young cute client, a pure soul, but in the end, there are consequences.
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Lila, but her akuma forms are based off the Main Five.
Volpina - Rena Rouge
Tartaruga - Carapace
Vesperia* - Queen Bee
Gatta Nera - Chat Noir
Coccinella - Ladybug
*I will always throw shade at Vesperia and Miracle Queen!
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crowandmoonwriting · 1 year
WIP Intro
If I can't have love...
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…I want power
☽✥♛✥☾ Genres ☽✥♛✥☾
high fantasy, LGBTQ+, adult
☽✥♛✥☾ Themes ☽✥♛✥☾
love, femininity, beauty, betrayal, revenge, gender expression, transgender experience in a medieval society (it works out well actually!), sexuality, motherhood, autonomy, political intrigue, family
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☽✥♛✥☾ Synopsis ☽✥♛✥☾
Nera was never a princess, but she will become a Queen. 
In the lush countryside of the Heledd, Nera was an innocent. But soon the deadly games of Heledd’s great noble families bring her into darkness. She is trapped by her marriage to a handsome but wild nobleman, and party to his schemes. She is at the mercy of her mad and beautiful son, who would do anything to seize the crown. But behind closed doors, her battle for power, for independence, for freedom, and the love of a knight with a great secret, goes on, even as the fires of war threaten to consume her and all she loves.
☽✥♛✥☾ Setting and Playlist☽✥♛✥☾
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The country of Heledd:
They say the South is the province of bastards, a nest of debauchery. But the South is the cradle of Men, and of all the lands of Men, Heledd is the most verdant, the most rich. Any Northerner who means to tarnish the face of Heledd will find that it is not so easy to tarnish gold. 
Here passes the common knowledge of the region: that Heledd is wealthy, that it is abundant in all manner of verdure, especially flowers and fruits, in precious metals and stones, in the most beautiful women and men in the Lands. Heledd is the birthplace of luxury.
Playlist featuring Karliene, Ramin Djawadi, Ensemble Galilei, Sonya Beloousova, Adrian Von Ziegler, Celestial Aeon Project and more!
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☽✥♛✥☾ Main Playlist ☽✥♛✥☾
Love is a monstrous thing. And beauty is its sign and seal, stamped on his face as on her own, the mother of all her woes.
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Featuring Halsey, Fleurie, Ruelle, Paris Paloma, Florence + The Machine, and more!
Tag list: ask to be added!
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demontouched · 10 months
here's my to be watched list:
luna nera (all)
devilman crybaby (all)
the haunting of bly manor (all)
ajin: demi-human (all)
japan sinks: 2020 (all)
the imperfects (all)
dragon pilot: hisone & masotan (all)
sirius the yeager (all)
spriggan (all)
blood of zeus (all)
violet evergarden (all)
buffy the vampire slayer (all)
vampire in the garden (all)
the way of the househusband (all)
a whisker away
kuromukuro (all)
wakfu (all)
the adam project
heaven official's blessing (all)
john wick ch4
dota: dragon's blood (all)
love, death & robots (all)
warrior nun (all)
chilling adventures of sabrina (all)
bridgerton (all)
locke & key (all)
shadow and bone (all)
the sandman (all)
good omens (all)
castlevania (all)
the queen's gambit (all)
the dragon prince (all)
my happy marriage (all)
loki (all)
the falcon and the winter soldier (all)
wandavision (all)
avatar: the way of water
ms marvel (all)
hawkeye (all)
shang-chi and the legend of the ten rings
moon knight (all)
antman: quatumania
maleficent: mistress of evil
hocus pocus 2
the mandalorian (all)
kenobi (all)
andor (all)
seven deadly sins (s4-)
naruto: shippuden (all)
the umbrella academy (s2-)
izombie (all)
record of ragnarok (s2-)
how to get away with murder (all)
sword art online (s2-)
the end of the f***ing world (all)
death note (s2-)
the promised neverland (s2-)
sweet home (all)
blue exorcist: kyoto saga (all)
stranger things (s4-)
my hero academia (s5-)
adventure time (all)
steven universe (s2-)
fire force (s2-)
black clover (s2-)
fma: brotherhood (s2-)
dr. stone (all)
chainsaw man (all)
extraordinary (all)
how i met your father (all)
spy x family (all)
miraculous (s5-)
vox machina (all)
owl house (all)
she-ra (all)
danny phantom (all)
phineas and ferb (honestly idk)
baymax! (all)
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defjux · 1 year
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100 of my favorite non hip hop releases from 2022. I made a seperate list for hip hop already which you can find here if you’re interested. 2022 will go down as a memorable year for me not just for the sheer quantity of great releases, but also because i feel that all my of my favorite genres had a chance to shine. I started returning to my hardcore/punk/metal roots within the last couple years and 2022 was the first time in recent memory where I really felt like I was fully tapped in. There were so many highly anticipated releases from a ton of different artists last year, and the majority lived up to the hype for me. Grindcore, Mathcore, and Post-Hardcore seems to have been making a huge comeback with some incredible new efforts from modern genre staples like Wormrot, Callous Daoboys, Brutus, Greyhaven, Birds in row, Knoll, and Cloud Rat. Not to mention the much welcome return of some legendary acts including Gospel, Sawtooth Grin, and City of Caterpillar. I’m sure there’s plenty of stuff I missed out on too, so feel free to hit me with any recommendations you might have or just let me know what projects you enjoyed the most last year. Oh and you can also click the titles of any of these albums and it’ll take you to the bandcamp or spotify page where you can check them out if you’d like. Peace. Chart with album titles 1. Wormrot - Hiss 2. Alvvays - Blue Rev 3. Brutus - Unison Life 4. Cloud Rat - Threshold 5. Weyes Blood - And In The Darkness, Hearts Aglow 6. Gospel - The Loser 7. Natalia Lafourcade - De todas las flores 8. Massa Nera - Derramar | Querer | Borrar 9. Messa - Close 10. Soul Glo - Diaspora Problems 11. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Omnium Gatherum 12. Cult of Luna - The Long Road North 13. tricot - Fudeki 14. White Ward - False Light 15. The Callous Daoboys - Celebrity Therapist 16. The Sawtooth Grin - Good. 17. Ultha - All That Has Never Been True 18. Joel Ross - The Parable Of The Poet 19. Autonoesis - Moon of Foul Magics 20. Knoll - Metempiric 21. Joyce Moreno - Natureza 22. Birds in Row - Gris Klein 23. Artificial Brain - Artificial Brain 24. Wake - Thought Form Descent 25. Tómarúm - Ash In Realms Of Stone Icons 26. Greyhaven - This Bright and Beautiful World 27. Sudan Archives - Natural Brown Prom Queen 28. Nilüfer Yanya - PAINLESS 29. Mary Halvorson - Amaryllis 30. Celeste - Assassine(s) 31. Naked Flames - Miracle in Transit 32. Elephant Gym - Dreams 33. Cave In - Heavy Pendulum 34. Silvana Estrada - Marchita 35. Tomas Fujiwara's Triple Double - March 36. Imperial Triumphant - Spirit Of Ecstasy 37. Blind Girls - The Weight of Everything 38. Chat Pile - God's Country 39. fleshwater - We're Not Here to Be Loved 40. Fievel Is Glauque - Flaming Swords
41. Melody's Echo Chamber - Emotional Eternal 42. NEPTUNIAN MAXIMALISM - Set Chaos To The Heart Of The Moon 43. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Ice, Death, Planets, Lungs, Mushrooms and Lava 44. An Abstract Illusion - Woe 45. Sigh - SHIKI 46. City of Caterpillar - Mystic Sisters 47. Big Thief - Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You 48. Conjurer - Páthos 49. Kali Malone - Living Torch 50. Krallice - Crystalline Exhaustion 51. Aeviterne - The Ailing Facade 52. Scarcity - Aveilut 53. The Comet Is Coming - Hyper-Dimensional Expansion Beam 54. Makaya McCraven - In These Times 55. Misþyrming - Með hamri 56. Loraine James - Building Something Beautiful For Me 57. Knxwledge. - 家​.​V1 58. Hylda - Juniper Pyre 59. Gillian Carter - Salvation Through Misery 60. Beach House - Once Twice Melody 61. Angles - A Muted Reality 62. Hatchie - Giving The World Away 63. Daniel Rossen - You Belong There 64. Pyrithe - Monuments to Impermanence 65. Otoboke beaver - SUPER CHAMPON 66. The Orielles - Tableau 67. Sunrise Patriot Motion - Black Fellflower Stream 68. Blut aus Nord - Disharmonium - Undreamable Abysses 69. Helpless - Caged In Gold 70. Immanuel Wilkins - The 7th Hand 71. Mizmor & Thou - Myopia 72. The Wind in the Trees - Architects of Light 73. Daniel Avery - Ultra Truth 74. Rolo Tomassi - Where Myth Becomes Memory 75. Show Me The Body - Trouble The Water 76. Sault - 11 77. Bríi - Corpos Transparentes 78. Sweet Pill - Where the Heart Is 79. Vein.FM - This World is Going to Ruin You 80. Ravyn Lenae - Hypnos 81. Disheveled Cuss - Into the Couch 82. Aoife Nessa Frances - Protector 83. Niechęć - Unsubscribe 84. Elder - Innate Passage 85. Raum - Daughter 86. Viagra Boys - Cave World 87. Chalk Hands - Don't Think About Death 88. Boris - fade 89. Nouns - WHILE OF UNSOUND MIND 90. ANNA SAGE - Anna Sage 91. Nu Genea - Bar Mediterraneo 92. JYOCHO - Let's Promise to Be Happy 93. Black Country, New Road - Ants From Up There 94. Waajeed - Memoirs of Hi-Tech Jazz 95. Petrol Girls - Baby 96. DIM - Steeped Sky, Stained Light 97. lilien rosarian - every flower in my garden 98. Work Money Death - Thought, Action, Reaction, Interaction 99. A.A. Williams - As The Moon Rests 100. Vital Spirit - Still as the Night, Cold as the Wind
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rainpebble3 · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Thank you so much for the tag @thequeenofthewinter  and what a fabulous snippet to be tagged in.
This is, as always open to any and everyone. The marvellous queen herself tagged anyone I could think of tagging. But I’m excited to see the WIPs :D
This snippet comes from Chapter 7 - No idea of a title yet!
Mea, as she gets used to her new identity has to tell her family she wants to leave... you know it’ll go well, don’t you? :D
Chapter 7
Ignoring the chill dribbling down her back, as jarring as a melting icicle, Nera held on to her drunken courage and smiled widely. “I met a Dunmer who’s actually here from Morrowind! She’s passing through on her way to this place… um, the College of Winterhold? I think. And she invited me to join her…”
“Absolutely not. No!” father bellowed, cutting off her words. He threw is cup into the fire and the traces of alcohol in it ignited violently.
Nera bit back a gasp as she shrank back from him and covered her eyes. “But why not?!”
Mother watched her with hurt clear in her face, her red eyes seemed shinier in the dim light of their fire. “Sweetheart, we can’t afford to send you to some college… it’ll cost a fortune,” she mumbled, her head hanging low and one of her knitting needles twirled wildly between her fingers.
Father scoffed. “That and we don’t know who this Brelyna is!”
Nera burped and winced at the taste of matze returning up her throat. “She’s kind, she helped me. She’s a Dunmer from Port Telvannis and…”
“Port Telvannis?! Then it’s a definite no! Do you have any idea who lives in Port Telvannis?!” father seethed with spit flying through his bared teeth.
Nera absorbed some of his anger and it ignited her own. Her eyes burned as she threw her hands up in frustration. “No I don’t! That’s exactly the problem! I don’t know anything!”
“So you would run away with some Telvanni stranger over staying with us?” mother asked, her voice low and pained.
“What’s wrong with a Telvanni?!” Nera groaned, rubbing her eyes. “What is a Telvanni?!”
Mother looked horrified. “Other than their history of…”
“But I don’t know any of that history! I don’t know any history!” Nera nearly shrieked as frustration took over. Mother recoiled with a gasp.
Her father watched her quietly and leaned on the wall by the fireplace, looking over at her every so often with clear hurt in his features. His red eyes shimmered and shook, glistening like pools of blood, pouring freely down his face as she wounded him. She didn’t realise her heart could break any more than it had done already. What hurt her most was the knowledge that it wasn’t enough to stop her from leaving.
“I can’t stay here any longer,” Nera said and shook her head, “this city, it’s killing me.”
“And what about us?” he snapped and started pacing on the worn floor. “Mea, I never believed you could be so selfish!”
Nera flinched. “If you knew…”
“Oh but I do!” he shouted. “Your Nord friend was here earlier, said you got in a fight with none other than that Rolff Stone-Fist! He’s also noticed that you’ve changed! Honestly Neramea, what’s gotten into you?”
“A fight?” Nera gasped as her head spun, she pressed her hands to her scalp, pulling on fistfuls of hair. The faint sting reminded her that this was actually happening and not a dream. “That’s what he called it?”
“Apparently, Rolff is still being treated for some kind of magical burns in the temple. You should thank Azura that you have a friend like Reiwulf to cover for your mistakes! If it wasn’t for him, I don’t know what would have happened to you. Gods, I know Rolff has a loud mouth, but you mustn’t make these kinds of…”
“If you say ‘waves’,” Nera started, her voice quivering and threatening to break, “I will walk out of that door right now.”
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divaricca · 2 years
Queen of Heaven, Empress of Hell, Mary, Venus, Ishtar, Isis, Inanna, Lilith, Asherah, Kali, Diana, Cybele, Hecate, Madonna Nera, Sophia-Lucifera...
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Let me honor you, let your divine light shine upon me, let me be a channel for your power, beauty, wisdom and love.
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charlezarrd · 2 years
11/30/22 - In the Hall of the Golden Goddess
There it is, folks. The last entry for Novembeat this year. Hope you enjoyed. Let me know which one was your favorite if you want. Keep an eye out for @the-backspin-alchemist's music for my stuff, and I'll probably be making a masterpost for all this tomorrow, if I have time.
See you next year!
Or, yknow. Next week if you're following me here.
Lanter enters Tasimira’s hall, the gilded casino, with rows of gambling tables on each side of him, framed by golden pillars.
At the far end, on a throne of dice, sits the Goddess of Fate and Chance herself, as tall as five men.
“Well, well.” She says. “If it isn’t my delinquent proxy. Did you come to apologize for ignoring me, or did you just miss our face-to-face talks that much?”
“Shut your mouth.” Lanter tells her.
He stands at his full height, ready for a confrontation. He’s only able to make eye contact with her knee.
“Excuse me!?” She blinks, taken aback.
“I’ve met your sons, and I’ve met your daughters. Not all of them, but enough. I see through your facade now. I know you never intended to follow through on the deal we made, did you? It didn’t matter how much money I gathered for you, you never had the power to bring her back.”
“Now. The situation was fairly complicated…” Tasimira frowns.
“No. No, it wasn’t.” Lanter interrupts her. “Shut up and let me finish. You’re a fucking child playing with people’s lives. You had all the guts to stand up and declare yourself queen at the beginning of time, and yet, I have yet to see evidence of you actually wield that title with any level of authority or responsibility.”
“Hold on. To be fair, it wasn’t me that took your fiancee. That was entirely Nera’s doing.” Tasimira holds up a hand to stop him, as if defending herself from his words.
“And now you’re deflecting your responsibility onto the goddess of Pain and Death. If you were really going to act like a queen, you’d keep the rest of your pantheon in line.”
“What are you trying to get at? I’m a very busy goddess, so would you mind getting to the point?” Tasimira sighs.
He’s starting to get under her skin.
“That you’re either an incompetent fool of a goddess, or you’re outright malicious. Either way, you’re entirely unfit to be a goddess at all, let alone Queen of the Pantheon.” Lanter spits on the floor.
“How dare you. I won’t stand for such acquisitions. Why, I have half a mind to smite you in a thousand different ways this instant!” Tasimira glares at him
“But you won’t.” Lanter smirks. “Because you need me. I’m your agent of chaos, your rogue agent. I’m the wildcard. Without people like me, your ‘story’ falls apart. Whatever you want, you need conflict. It fuels you. You crave drama. And you need me to make that happen.”
Tasimira sighs, and slumps down in her throne sullenly. “Well, then what now? What will the ever observant Lanter Spade do next?”
“Whatever the fuck I want.” Lanter tells her. “Since I know you’re not gonna do jack shit about it. Next time you give me a mission or an order or whatever you call it, I’ll decide if it’s worth my time or not. Because now I see through your facade. And I’m not gonna let you fuck with me anymore. And boy I’m gonna make you regret making me your proxy. Because I’m the only person I know that’s more petty, more selfish, and more malicious than you are.”
With that as his last word, he turns and leaves Tasimira’s hall, flipping her off on the way out. No doubt she’ll be sulking about this one for the next few years, if not a couple hundred.
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