#queen of shade
Sometimes it be like this.
My heart and brain want to work together.
My soul and mind still have a few values they are negotiating.
And I'm just standing here, holding the scales, waiting for them to balance.
Impatiently, I may add.
Fearfully, sometimes.
My mind has its intelligence and knowledge that I've painstakingly acquired and organized into different skills and crafts.
My heart has one of those burning souls that have all the wings and eyes and a thousand different creatures all spiraling within it.
My eyes have enough tears to flood the world, and they have tried.
My arms have the ability to both swim and fly.
My feet are beginning to learn how to dance and step without my mind setting limits others gave to it.
My hands are learning how to touch without fearing themselves weapons of destruction. They are weapons of destruction, but it is I who master the controls. These palms will never strike another thoughtlessly. These fists will never stop curling into themselves when my anger begs for control.
My fingertips will consensually explore whatever they desire.
My body is my own to control.
No matter what regulations others try to set.
I choose my own compliance.
I choose my own submission.
I choose my preferences and my comfort.
I choose to step out of them whenever I want.
I choose to let you understand me.
I choose to understand you with the information you give to me.
And you give me so much information.
I catch all of it.
I collect your movements, your words, and what things or feelings put the emotion into your expression.
I know what makes your eyes flash.
I know what makes them flood.
I know how to get them to focus on what I want.
I am at this time in my life where I now have to make decisions.
Everything is in pieces.
I am staring at the pile of it.
My life feels like it is just in piles around my room.
I have razed my beloved garden into ashes.
Everything that I am.
Everything I was.
Everything that made me.
Everything that destroyed me.
Everything I tried to build.
Everything I successfully destroyed.
Everything I'm willing to take back.
Everything I will never forgive.
Everything I will allow to follow me.
Everything I will leave in the ashes.
Everything I will step away from.
I have to begin considering my choices.
For the first time in my life, I am going to wholly and consciously contemplate my true wishes, desires, dreams, ideals, values, and relationships.
I am going to make lists.
I am going to compile evidence.
My own internal scarlet crusade is here in full banner and calvary.
Who do you think burned the garden down?
I didn't call them.
I never knew how to knowingly summon forces outside myself.
Fuck, I can't even ask for help in this life from people I trust when I so desperately need it.
(But I'm learning. I'm learning. I'm learning and making it part of whatever integrated self I have at the end of this.)
But this image.
This art.
This picture that someone conjured by the tools they had skill with...
This picture says everything to me that I needed to put into words.
The words found me and ran like sugar in my bloodstream to my mind who then told my fingers to find the keys and surrender all of my to my heart.
It's my heart who writes.
My hands are only her wings.
And my soul is the one who whispers in song to her all the beauty she inspires to make him burn.
She melts into him.
And my mind gives them whatever they need.
We're all learning how to work together.
If you measure time without season and cycle, how can you truly learn the lessons nature is here to teach us?
Nature worships Balance.
And so will I.
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Artist Of Image -Giulia Grillo
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yudol-skorbi · 7 months
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luluy33art · 7 months
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Sometimes life just makes your enemy hot, Chloe 🤷‍♀️
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bonedwoo · 7 months
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doctormargarine · 9 months
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Hashtag girl or something
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polliwoggers · 3 months
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so. i got a comment on my magolor post and i uh. blacked out and this was on my screen. Props to merfirevulpixia for the character comparison of all time
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brw · 4 months
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i don't die easy.
brieuc’s 1k celebreation: 🤖 interest edit for @lovecatsys!
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alpacacare-archive · 2 years
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ok so @youcancallmenoob made this post about the tf2 men in drag and its been haunting me for weeks now so i made it real
some thoughts an stuff behind these designs :]  🌈❤️
[warning: idk how to shut tf up] 
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puppyeared · 1 year
I just skimmed through the art part of your blog and holy bajeebus your LMK art is so beautiful and the headcanon ideas you come up with are so good I wanna steal em-
Kinda wanna see like a part 2 of the little angst you did between MK and Macaque a while ago. It's so interesting and I wanna see Macaque's reaction in your art style. (You don't have to of course, it's just a suggestion [idk if i spelled that right])
Thanks for reading and hope you have a good day/night!
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Hope this is to your liking ^^
Part one here
#I’m sure there are some character nuances im forgetting but well 🤷🏽#I want their misunderstanding or whatever they have going on between then come to a head. literally just going ‘wait what’#for me I think it’s entirely possible that there was an actual fight and maybe tension leading up to that point#cause I feel like macaque is not just bitter about thinking he died to wukong but maybe some stuff that built up to that#maybe the fight was just the breaking point. maybe they’re idiots who don’t talk about it because they think they’re on the same page idk#chipper-smol wrote a cool theory abt them using macaques ‘you’re nothing’ line in s4ep1. from what I understand it could be a direct parall#parallel to when he said that to MK right before MK regained his nerve and hit macaque in the eye.. since flying bark foreshadowed monkey mk#waaaay back in season 1 (where his shadow is his monkey form in the opening) i think that could be deliberate#and they could have gotten billy to voice an entirely different line for that scene. but they reused his line from s3#in a very specific scene with wukongs narrative foil. hm#that aside I would have liked to hear billy voice the ‘you abandoned me’ line that would have killed me. but that’s just me lol#also looking at this I should have shaded the last frame to make it look more dramatic and serious but I ran out of time :(#if anything I want to see MK try and help them get back together. poor kid tries so hard to understand people so I think it would be cool to#see that happen. that’s what I like about him.. he asked macaque why he was working for LBD instead of accusing him of dooming everyone bc#he wants to and he tried to comfort spider queen by admitting he was scared of LBD too 😭😭#my art#myart#Lego Monkie kid#lmk#Monkie kid#lmk spoilers#Lego Monkie kid spoilers#lmk macaque#six eared macaque#lmk sun wukong#lmk swk#lmk MK#lmk xiaotian#lmk season 4#Lego Monkie kid s4
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thequeenofsarcaasm · 8 months
I’m sorry but Takaba can’t win this one. He’s fighting a goofy-off with the most annoying mf to ever exist, and who also happens to inhabit the body of the biggest clown of the entire series.
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runaway outlaw
I let you slink off into the night
I figure if you need
that guilty solitude
I'll let you have it
I refuse to beg for
an explanation I'm entitled to
I'm not going to walk
back into your little channel
for more correspondence violence
I will wear the sparkling
diadem of my artesian intelligence
I usually let you return with grace
I am often calm and reasonable
for I know how to conquer and defeat
my rage and bitterness
now I wait in my stone halls
carved and embroidered crystal
in the stained glass windows
I've crafted myself
and watch from my tower
as an archer
or a friend
or the transient dragon
of my soul
who has no conflict in morality
for consuming you
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rocknrolltrailertrash · 6 months
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☆Living After Midnight☆
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luluy33art · 3 months
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First comic of my AU!! and is shadybee :D
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bonedwoo · 2 months
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amethyst-halo · 4 months
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ive been thinking abt rockapocalypse poppy a lot
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soosoosoup · 4 months
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Queen Poppy spins into our hearts!!! (an Alt. pallete for her Valentine's outfit.)
couldn't decide which i prefer, so have both :)
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