diioonysus · 5 years
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archive moodboard → @queen-of-ice101
want one?
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pens-swords-stuff · 5 years
Hey I love your stories! I was wondering if I would be able to added to your writing taglist?
Yes, of course! Thank you so much!!!!!!
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Ahh I saw your request for happy things so I thought I would share that I saw a guy walking a literal litter of golden puppies down our street!! There were five of them and they were incredibly excited to be out in the world, sniffing everything. XD He was pulled in several different directions at once as they all roamed to sniff different things, and one of them kept attacking his shoelaces. I think we have a dog breeder on our street, they always have the most adorable dogs^^
I’ve never been so happy mentally picturing something in my life!!! Five puppies.... that must have been so cute!
(Also the job of walking a litter of puppies?? That’s the dream.)
Thank you for sharing this!!! I’m so happy!
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writeblrs · 6 years
Living in a place ruled by superstition, forced to hide a power that would see her killed. With one word, one choice, life as Adrienne knew it came crashing down around her. They feared what inhabited the depths of hell, but the depths of hell didn't have the drive for vengeance she did. Their goal was to rid of the threat to their control, yet in their twisted motivation they created the birth of the night. This is the Dawn of the Darkness.
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Send us your elevator pitches!
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No Capes!
Well if you are expecting a dark fic or anything related, I’m afraid you have come to the wrong place. What do you want from me? I’m a fruit. 
But if you have come for fluff and humor, I believe this little story will suffice.
For Queen-of-ice101, who probably didn’t think I would actually write this but clearly she should not have underestimated me because here we are. I regret nothing.
Actually they had been getting along fine for weeks before that. According to all credible sources this was due to the agreement they had established between them. (Some less credible sources, i.e. Yemite, babbled about it having something to do with neutrality and the position of the stars, et cetera, et cetera, blah blah blah, Mel fell asleep at this point and was late to breakfast as usual even though she was the only one eating.) 
This “agreement” consisted of Gyendal promising not to call Mel by any disgusting diminutives, like “lamb” or… just lamb, really. (At least he never called her “succulent chopstick.” That would be… ew.) And Mel had agreed, with great reluctance, to refrain from bringing up all the times she had bested him in battle, or the fact that the world had yet to be plunged into eternal darkness, or that those contemptible orbs were destroyed, and—
Well, the point is her portion of the agreement was of a significantly greater length than was his. And Mel was of the highly controversial opinion that this was so not fair.
And that is why one particular day, after what seemed an eternity of what Te'ijal described as wedded bliss and Galahad most eloquently called “heck,” Mel finally took the opportunity to do what she had wanted to do from the moment the agreement had been established. It happened while she and Gyendal were coming back from a long day of Aislday shopping— which had been Te'ijal’s idea, and Mel suspected originally it was Galahad’s idea but the vampire paladin would never admit it— but anyway she and Gyendal were coming back from it, and Gyendal was walking in front of her down the hall, and his red, red cloak was billowing out behind him dramatically. And intimidatingly. Maybe even a little alluringly. Alluring, that is, in a way that made Mel walk a little faster and lift her booted foot a bit higher off the floor than she might have otherwise.
She couldn’t stop herself, the idea was too enticing to abandon. She caught up to the billowing scarlet cloth, finally, and she lifted her foot and stepped— on— his— cape!
“Argh!” Gyendal yelled, his arms flailing out to prevent his inevitable fall—
Actually apparently his fall was evitable because, it didn’t happen.
“Lam— Mel!” he protested, whirling to face her. “What do you think you are doing?”
Mel refrained from cackling— she’d picked up the habit from the witches who traveled through Ghed'ahre selling curses. Yemite loved curses, Mel liked Yemite well enough she supposed, stuff happened. But anyway, Mel did not cackle at this time.
“I’m just walking!” she said innocently, widening her eyes at him.
Gyendal shot a glare at her, but then turned around and continued down the hall.
He was letting it go! Ha! And Professor Gray thought she couldn’t lie!
Mel smirked to herself, and then—
And then.
She did it again.
Or she tried to, but suddenly the red, red cloak was swished away and instead she was staring up into red, red eyes that were a tad bit too murderous for her to really feel very comfortable.
“Mel,” he said, very slowly and distinctly and as though what he actually meant was I will kill you and not regret it remotely. He leaned towards her until she could feel his breath on her face, and he hissed, “Stop. Stepping. On. My. Cape.”
If she shook it certainly wasn’t out of fear. It was just that his breath was cold. Also, he pronounced his p’s with a careful pop and it was… funny.
“You know,” she began with great indifference, popping her hip like he popped his p’s and pretending to examine her nails, “you could easily solve this problem by not wearing a cape.”
She pointedly emphasized the p, and looked up to meet his red hot gaze with cool defiance.
He glared back.
She blinked and went back to her nails.
“Honestly, it’s ridiculous,” she informed him. She didn’t have to look to know his scowl was deepening and his eyes were sharpening to two red points like the ends of twin poisoned daggers. “It drags on the floor everywhere you go.” She pretended not to notice his building rage. “It has to be inconvenient. I bet it gets in the way of every simple thing you try to do.”
“It’s an intimidation strategy!” he protested, waving his arms angrily. “It heightens the drama!”
“In fact,” she continued as if she hadn’t heard him, “I bet if you didn’t insist on always wearing such a pompous piece of cloth, you wouldn’t have lost all those battles so miserably.”
She had said it. Her end of the agreement was broken. Galahad would be ashamed. So would Stella, and Edward, and Ulf and so many others. But Te'ijal would laugh, and Mel would laugh with her. And Gyendal…
Could vampires self-combust? He looked like he was strongly considering doing so, regardless. He had his arms folded across his chest, his hands clenched into fists so tight she could see his lifeless veins sticking out from parchment-white skin.
“Just think of it,” she said, now smirking at him. “All your grand plans of eternal night and world domination thwarted by your poor fashion choices.”
Surely that was the proverbial last straw. He would begin raging any moment now. If she was lucky he would kick that stupid vase she had been trying to get rid of for months, and then she could be free of the vase and that cursed agreement.
But… he wasn’t kicking that vase. He wasn’t raging at her. He wasn’t even glaring anymore, he was smiling. Actually smiling! Why was he smiling at her?! Great, she had broken her husband–
“I suppose that is an interesting point,” he hissed softly. And then, a mere breath later, “Lamb.”
“Gyendal!” she squawked, feeling herself flush a bright angry shade of pink. “You promised!”
But he just grinned wickedly and winked, he actually winked. That was it. He was broken. She had broken him. She had only meant to irritate him, not drive him out of his mind! There was only one thing to do.
She must irritate him further.
With one quick movement, she grabbed the ends of his cape and wrapped them tightly around him— she had always been rather good with knots— and she pushed him against the wall and pulled his head down so she could glare into his eyes and be sure he understood the full magnitude of her undiminishable rage. And as much as she was concerned for him, she was full of rage; after all, he hadcalled her lamb.
“Why don’t you say that to my face?!” she shouted to his face.
“I did say it to your face! Lamb!”
Again! She had asked for one thing, that was all. She opened her mouth to retaliate. “I am not a baby sheep— mmph!”
His cold disgusting lips were moving over hers and this was greatly injust and also greatly concerning—
“Mel,” he breathed against her mouth, and never mind about the other thing, here was the least fair and most unsettling thing that had happened that evening and even that month—
“Let’s not fight,” he continued in the same low voice. “We must set a good example for my sister and her snack.”
Mel meant to roar and seethe, until Gyendal was also roaring and seething and everything was returned to its natural state. But instead she snorted, and the worst thing she could think to say was, “Her husband, you mean?”
“Whatever she’s calling him these days,” he said with a wry smile. Then he frowned (and she quickly decided she would tease him relentlessly about his pouting later, when she felt like teasing again). “I prefer to call you Lamb.”
“Well, I prefer to— to—”
They say showing is better than telling, so she showed him very decidedly what she preferred, which was—
Well, I am quite embarrassed to tell you, and I suspect Mel will repay me rather unpleasantly for my divulgence, but if you must know, and if you promise to exchange all the fluff for this invaluable information, I am willing to risk it.
You see, what the former Miss Mel Darkthrop preferred, was to be called Mel Ravenfoot, and to press her lips soundly against those of Mister Ravenfoot (who preferred to be called Lord Ravenfoot, thank you very much, you miserable mortal), and to live in perfectly happy wedded heck for the rest of her absurdly unfair life.
Thank you very much, the end.
@mu11berry‘s gift for @queen-of-ice101
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rhenanddameonshrine · 3 years
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I love pretty much every part of @queen-of-ice101 ‘s Sunbound AU but there is this one part that I knew I had to draw the moment I read it because it just... Here I will show you the part: ' She could see Dameon fall into step beside her, before quickly passing her with his long steps. Within moments he had strode several feet ahead of her, until seemingly realizing he was now walking alone and turning to see Rhen rushing to catch up. "I'm here, you can take another couple of steps now." Rhen teased lightly, giggling when Dameon ducked his head slightly to hide his blush. ' I JUST!!! ASDKGAJSF Imagining Dameon still growing into his height and his long limbs is just so cute, nd Rhen in her royal glory with her fancy Pendragon armor is just such a gorgeous concept (I drew a dragon design across her chest!! It ended up mostly hidden but XD), and them being so comfortable together and makin each other laugh and smile and blush. I just!!! Had to draw it. I HAD to. My roomie asked if this is their canon height difference and the short answer is no but also yes. The long answer is that there isn't REALLY a canon height difference because the profiles are not that detailed and the only comparison we have is these tiny pixelated sprites, BUT I have totally, non-obsessively, completely sanely and normally lined up all the sprites and counted the pixels vertically and calculated heights based on that and how tall I think they all are relative to the rest of the population (so i picked a conversion factor that made Rhen relatively short and Mad Marge unbelievably tall and did some proportions to get everyone else's height based on that and the pixel count lol) and so YES this is as close to the canon height difference as anyone is likely to get. And I am in love with it. They are so cute<333
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queenrhenpendragon · 3 years
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The au @queen-of-ice101 wrote for me has given me an excuse to draw something I have wanted to draw for a long time. A LONG time!! RHEN AND DAMEON AS CHILDREN!!! BEIN FRIENDS!!!! Before all the tragedy, when they can be just innocent and happy and explore Aveyond together AND MAKE FLOWER CROWNS!!!! They do all those things anyway but I really like drawing babies. And c'mon, they make such cute babies!! Look at their little faces!!! I want to squish their cheeks. Asagldfajr!!!!
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It’s writeblr positivity week!!! So, taking large amounts of inspiration from @agnodice-writes posts because they’re so nice to look at ;-; I’ma go ahead and shout out some of my fav writeblrs!~
They were my first real follower on this blog.
You know
I’m basically just completely indebted to them for life xD
My NaNo buddy!
They’re super nice
And I just
Love them
I mean, if you don’t know who they are at this point
what are you even doing???
But seriously, without them we wouldn’t even have writeblr positivity week
@writing-instead-of-fighting // @panic-at-my-sexuality
First person to join my taglists
Once again, completely indebted to them
I’m just so genuinely shocked when literally anyone shows any actual interest in me or the things I do.
They do storyteller saturdays??
They’re super nice??
They’re amazing??
Their taglists were like the first I think I joined
They’re doing horror and mcu fanfiction so like??
bitch, I’m in love??
Anyhow, I love their content
Road to Obsidia is so good??
Like holy cow??
Also a nice person
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mu11berry · 5 years
another otp meme for rhen and dameon
I always steal memes from @the-moon-dust-writings because I can’t help myself, I’m sorry
Who offers their jacket when the other is cold? Dameon even though he is then freezing since he gets cold more easily but he really loves Rhen. And when Rhen notices him shivering she insists on sharing and they are a warm bundle of cuddly floof, thank you. Also there’s like an “imagine your otp” post or something I’ve seen about person A having a soft fluffy oversized jacket with their name on the back that they’ve kept carefully since high school in hopes that one day they’re significant other would wear it and when they meet person B it becomes their life mission to see B in the jacket and A would be Rhen and B would be Dameon and Rhen would be so frustrated because he would always remember to bring a coat and she just wants to be cute, dang it!  I really need both of these fics 
Who giggles uncontrollably when the other playfully picks them up? Dameon, and he has this adorable fairy-giggle except deeper and Rhen loves it. (When Dameon picks Rhen up she smiles and nuzzles into his neck and he still ends up being the one giggling, thank you)
Who compliments the other in front of everyone? Dameon, this is just pure canon. He’s always building her up and will tell everyone how great she is<3 Rhen keeps her compliments mostly private because she knows Dameon would get embarrassed and she respects him. Also pure canon. I am blessed.
Who is more likely to tell the other a pun and what is the other’s reaction to the pun? Dameon discovers to his horror that he has a sense of humor when he starts telling jokes to make Rhen laugh, and even more to his horror, most of the jokes are puns. Rhen does laugh though, not necessarily because she thinks the jokes are always funny but because Dameon makes her happy<3
When one of them has a bad day, what does the other do to help cheer them up? When Rhen has a bad day, Dameon makes her favorite dinner and takes her out for dessert, and he brushes her hair and listens while she talks it out and always knows the right things to say and the right times to be silent and he lets her cuddle into his chest and strokes her back and is so gentle and kind and being with him makes everything Okay. When Dameon has a bad day, Rhen brings food home and finds the biggest softest blanket to wrap them both in (+ the cat) and there are lots of cuddles and she doesn’t always know what to say but she cares enough to listen and try to say something and that means so much to Dameon and her courage and strength inspire and comfort him and they just love each other so much, I love them
If they got to pick what one another wears for a day, what would one another wear? Rhen would pick something soft and flowy and simple and light for Dameon and spend all day sitting in his lap because it’s so soft. And Dameon would pick something comfortable and pretty for Rhen, that she could easily move in but would also feel angelic in and also he would enchant it with a shield spell just in case. 
Who introduces their partner to their family first? How does it go? Well in canon Rhen meets Dameon’s family before she meets Dameon, and the introductions go messily. Being introduced as the other’s significant other is a whole different story. Rhen’s parents would have met Dameon before, the first time they passed through Clearwater (and ps I totally need that fic), and they would be thrilled because Dameon is so respectful and so obviously gentle and kind and so clearly adores Rhen, plus Ma is absolutely tickled by Dameon’s sense of humor, and he reminds Tailor of himself.  Devin is also thrilled because he knows a child of Talia’s will be good to his daughter. And Talia is obviously on the moon because she shipped them before they even met each other; remember when she introduced them? And had apparently been going on and on about Rhen to Dameon before that? They are her OTP, it’s canon. (Rhen has three parents and Dameon has one, I am crying help me </3)
In a coffee shop AU, who would be the coffee shop employee and who would be the customer? Okay you caught me, I haven’t actually read that many coffee shop AUs. But I think I can see Dameon as the employee more easily. Rhen is not a coffee person, she already has so much energy to burn, but she has a huuggee sweet-tooth and she likes to come in for hot cocoa sometimes, and when she meets the cute barista who says her name with that adorable half-twist and has beautiful dark eyes richer than the chocolate in her drink then she starts coming in for hot cocoa all the time. And Dameon used to dread work and having to put on a smile for hordes of grumpy people who haven’t had their morning coffee yet, until one day when he looked up to take an order there was an infectious smile and a chipper voice asked for hot cocoa with whipped cream and sprinkles and when he took her name he knew he’d never forget it and then they fall in love obviously. And now I need this fic too
When they sit side by side, do they touch one another? For example, does one person have their arm around the other, do they sit holding hands, or linked arms, ETC. Not at first because Dameon is not used to being touched and Rhen respects him, but when Dameon opens up and starts to feel comfortable he is a real life teddy bear and loves all the little touches like his arm around her waist or her head on his chest and half the time Rhen probably just plops down in his lap probably
What is a small thing that one another does to make their partner happy? Dameon does all the small things, cooking meals and helping Rhen with her hair and getting her flowers and everything he can think of to make her life easier and happier. Rhen likes to surprise him with kisses and cuddles and she uses the flowers to make flower crowns for him sometimes<3
What would they do to celebrate their one year anniversary? They both try to spoil each other and it becomes a playful contest but at the end of the day Rhen lets Dameon take care of dinner and he lets her get the doors because they know it’s nice for the other to feel useful and like they’re improving the other’s life and also they have a ball with all their friends and family and they and dance all night, thank you now I also need this fic
When did they know that loved each other, and when did they first tell each other that they loved one another? It happened very gradually for both of them. Rhen was stolen from her world and thrown into chaos, getting to know Dameon and experiencing his friendship and compassion felt like coming home and she didn’t realize how much she had come to adore him until she started to have chances to experience parts of her old world again and found she preferred everything, old and new, with his company. Dameon hasn’t felt at home in a long time, despite living in the same place his whole life; there hasn’t been love there since he was very small. When Rhen walks in the first time with her Big Personality and easy conviviality he immediately feels the difference, but he doesn’t know what’s happening and when he does start to realize how important she has become to him he’s terrified of letting her in and risking losing everything again but slowly, gradually her courage and strength inspire him and he does his best to open up and tell her how he feels even though he’s not sure he understands it, and when he does she kisses him and that’s answer enough for both of them and THIS TIME, I already wrote the fic so yay. I am still accepting submissions though. Also I like to headcanon the confession happens in or near Thais for symbolic reasons
Who likes to give the other hugs from behind followed by a kiss? Rhen does this! Very Gently because Dameon is precious to her<3 Also he has to bend down for the kiss because she is short XD
Who would make a playlist for the other person? What would be featured on the playlist? I think Dameon would be this sap, and he’d pick songs like the ones on my rhenxdameon playlists on spotify and youtube (I’m unstoppable guys). Recent additions are “You Are The Only Exception” by Paramore and “You Bring Me Home” by Imaginary Future. There would also be a lot of Sleeping At Last.
Who would bring their partner on a romantic date under the stars? Dameon-- he’s been dreaming of it for weeks, he prepares a little picnic with homemade desserts, all of Rhen’s favorites, and he brings the softest warmest blankets and casts some kind of shield spell to keep the bugs off, and he brushes up on all the constellations, and then Rhen is there and he forgets everything except how to laugh at all the silly stories she comes up with for the shapes she finds in the sky and how to wrap the blankets around them both when it gets cold. And Rhen loves it, her stories get sillier and sillier to keep Dameon laughing, and she appreciates the blankets but she mostly cuddles up against him, and it’s just them and the stars and they are in love and everything is beautiful<3
also am tagging @queen-of-ice101 and @ghedahrianvampress
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elisabethrosewrites · 5 years
Tagged: About the Writer
Tagged by @drown-in-lava-choke-on-rubies (Love your username by the way)
Rules of the Game: Answer these questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better.
Nickname: Nett, Lizzy (but no one’s called me that in years), my name is kind hard to do nicknames with
Zodiac: Taurus 
Height: 5′3″ (I’m kinda small) 
Time: 11:20PM
Favorite Band/Artist: Billie Eilish, Halsey, Grandson, Twenty-One Pilots, Weathers, Andy Black/Black Veil Brides, The Unlikely Candidates, Against the Current, Bring Me the Horizon, Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco, Hollywood Undead (there’s some in here that are leftover from my emo phase) 
Song Stuck In My Head: “Don’t Lose Your Head” from Six: The Musical (recently found it and I love it) 
Last Movie I Saw: The Matrix (I love this franchise) 
Last Thing I Googled: Michael Buckley 
Other Blogs: None
Do I Get Asks: Nope! But I would love them and I’m open to them all the time. 
Why This Username: My mom said if she had named me without my dad’s input my name would have been Elisabeth Rose and I think it’s really pretty, and I write, sometimes so ElisabethRoseWrites it is 
Following: 200ish blogs but some are probably inactive 
Average Amount of Sleep: Ha, what’s that, I don’t know her. (about 5-8 hours depending on the night and my level of insomnia and amount of caffeine intake) 
Lucky Number: 6 or 8
What am I wearing: a red tank top and blue shorts 
Dream Job: A successful author who is also a librarian that runs creative writing programs for kids to get them to express themselves 
Dream Trip: Just me, my s/o, my best friends chilling out in the mountains away from the rest of the world (sounds like the plot to a horror movie) 
Favorite Food: I love lots of food (Chinese and Japanese especially) 
Instruments I Play: Ironically my answer is the same as drown-in-lava-choke-on-rubies’, I also used to play the flute but that was almost a decade ago (I’m getting old) 
Eye Color: Hazel (my sister says I have Cullen eyes) 
Hair Color: My natural hair color hasn’t been seen in years (it’s brown and I find it boring), I’ve been dying my hair red since I was fifteen and recently discovered a love for a merlot/plum color 
Aesthetic: Sitting by an open window during a thunderstorm, reading books long into the night, long car rides on open roads, typing away furiously on my laptop trying to create a story, Earl Grey tea steaming in my favorite mug, late night hair dying ventures, random trips to Target to walk around and not buy things, stacks of books on every surface, wet-woods with rain darkened trunks and bright green leaves.
Languages I speak: English and a little bit of Spanish (once I graduate I want to learn more languages) 
Most Iconic Song: Uhhhh, I dunno. 
Random Fact: I am a Wiccan, new to the practice but loving every minute of it. My favorite thing about being a Wiccan is making my own little self-care rituals because they feel like I’m casting spells that create their own kind of magic and make me feel better. 
Yay! I did it. I hope you guys got to know a little more about me. 
Tagging: @fanastyfinder (you can’t escape this), @quilloftheclouds @i-rove-rock-n-roll @scars-where-my-wings-should-be @mouwwie @lookslikechill @lovenotesuggestions @cadewrites @ladycravenheart @you-can-find-me-writing @soul-write @queen-of-ice101 @emmathenovelist @sleepy-and-anxious @bringingthewhumperflies @the-real-rg @incandescent-creativity @cogesque @captivity-whump @capricious-writes
I think that’s twenty, I dunno, I do the English, not the math. Feel free to jump in even if you weren’t tagged! I’d love to see them. 
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pens-swords-stuff · 5 years
Hello! I had a question about art/writing blogs. I'm a relatively new Writeblr and previous to establishing my blog as a writing based one I had posted random unrelated art there as well. After setting myself as a writeblr though I've been unsure what to do with my non-story art. Is combining an artbrl into my writeblr with unrelated content risky for building an audience? Should I keep them seperate? Or would combining them be fine.
I think it just really depends on what you personally want to do with your blog.
There’s a lot of hybrid artblrs and writeblrs out there that make it work, and there are people who prefer to keep them separate. 
In terms of audience... Honestly I have no clue, I don’t make art, so I never really considered it. I think you win some you lose some either way to a net difference of zero so I don’t think you really need to worry about it too much if you don’t want to.
If you do combine them, just make sure to have a consistent tagging system for both!
I now have an updated FAQ and Ask Guidelines for Writing Advice, please check those out first if you have a question about writing or Writeblr!
Ask Guidelines | FAQ | Advice Masterlist
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writeanapocalae · 5 years
Ten Things
Thank you @klywrites for the tag! I’m sorry I’ve been so bad at tag games lately! I’ve just been having a Time(tm)
rules: list 10 words or phrases that have something to do with your wip, then tag 10 people to do the same!
I’m doing this for the Dream Estate
white roses
broken limbs
the rolling stones
@silvertalonwriteblr @candiedwriter @teomuchtohandle @francestroublr @rhikasa @z-creates-strange-worlds @athiefswarwriteblr @soul-write @queen-of-ice101 @jessawriter
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bookenders · 6 years
11/11/11 Tag Game! Round 3
I think it’s round 3? Maybe 4? Who cares! Fun times ahead!
Big thank you to @writeouswriter for the tag! Sorry for the huge delay, brains are dumb sometimes. 💜
Bilbo Taggins: @moonbeam-muse @quilloftheclouds @vhum @nerocael @pantheion @ink-flavored @queen-of-ice101 @elliswriting @witchywrite @elisabethrosewrites @capricious-writes
rules: answer 11 questions, ask 11 questions, tag 11 people!
My Questions:
What’s your favorite snack?
What’s your personal theme song?
Who would be your superhero sidekick? What are your names/uniforms/powers/aesthetic(s)?
If you could have one author/writer give you advice on something in your story, who would it be and what would you ask?
Which of your characters has changed the most from your initial concept of them?
What’s your favorite title? And how do you title your own stories?
What kind of pens do you like?
How willing are you to change/tweak parts of your stories based on feedback you receive anonymously or from a respected friend?
What interests/fascinates you about the setting(s) you chose for your WIP(s)?
Of what you’ve written so far, what is your favorite scene/part?
What do you love about stories?
1. What’s the weirdest thing you were ever inspired by for one of your WIPs?
Most of my story inspirations are super out there. I’ve been inspired by taking a history test, this video of Sebastian Stan, cool body paint art, the blue colander in my kitchen, Hubble’s Law, and this song, to name a few. 
2. Do any of your OCs have famous face claims? If so, who are they?
I don’t really like doing face claims for my characters. I like people to imagine what they look like themselves. (Also, I never have one set appearance for anyone. Everyone’s looks are constantly changing until the final draft. And even then, I interpret them differently depending on how I’m reading the story at the time.) 
Harry reminds me of Ming-Na Wen, though. 
3. What’s your favourite season and why?
FALL. Or Autumn, whatever. The colors, the crunchy leaves, the scarves, the sweaters, the coziness. When it’s just cool enough to bust out my sweater collection and my boots. I live in the desert and fall is my favorite month of the year.
4. Do you have any superstitions?
My mom won’t throw away pictures (and as a result, I won’t, either). Don’t keep fortune cookie fortunes in the car. Spill salt, throw it over your shoulder (not because Devil things, but for Reasons). Knock on wood (if no wood is available, I use my head). The “Scottish Play” theatre thing. Respect the ghost light and the theatre ghosts. No whistling in the theatre. Actually, most of mine are theatre-based now that I think about it...
Most of my friends kiss the roof of their car when they go through a yellow light.
5. Rural, suburbs, city, in which do you live and which do you most often write about?
I live in a city! I don’t enjoy this city too much, though. Hopefully I’ll be moving to an even bigger city soon! This is an interesting question because my stories are often set in single locations, like single rooms and fire escapes and stuff. I think it’s an even split between rural towns and cities. 
6. What’s your favourite book series?
The Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher! And The Gentleman’s Guide / Montague Siblings duology!
7. Is there a book/series that ever left you intensely disappointed? (Or one that left you pleasantly surprised?)
Most of what I read in college, HA. The only book I remember putting down was Replay by Sharon Creech. I was like 10 when I tried to read it. 
The most a book has surprised me is The Secret Loves of Geek Girls. I thought it’d be a cool look at fandom and stuff, but NOPE, surprise, it’s a nonfiction collection by a bunch of badass ladies in the geek industry (comics, movies, fanfic, writers, tv, etc.) about love and life. It’s AMAZING. Please, for the love of all that is holy, go read it. I recommend it to everyone. There are three anthologies and they’re all amazing. 
Here’s a link to more info about it.
8. What’s one of the weirdest/funniest out of context lines from your WIPs?
From any of them? Oh, man. Let’s see. Oh. 
Oh, I’ve got one.
“Mussolini was delicious.”
[One of my favorite comments on that story was “you just wanted an excuse to use this line didn’t you.” Yes. 
Yes I did.]
9. A movie/show that made you cry? (Unless you’re dead inside)
I could make you an itemized list sorted by the level of weeping, but I won’t. Instead, here’s a short list of tear-jerkers off the top of my head:
The first ten minutes of P.S. I Love You. Yes, I know it’s the happy part. 
Recently, a few episodes of One Day At A Time (#SAVEODAAT).
The animated short film One Small Step (saw this one with a friend in theatres. We both bawled openly in public).
One or two episodes of the new Queer Eye.
Big Fish
[there are so many that it’s getting hard for me to remember individual cries]
The plane episodes of Grey’s Anatomy. You know the ones. Ugh.
The last episode of the first campaign of Critical Role - oh my God thank the heavens my roommate was out that night I was a mess. And episode 44. And any episode that has really emotional bits (you know the ones).
The end of The Adventure Zone. Oh MAN. 
I can’t think of any more right now...
10. What movies or books or shows do you think are criminally underrated?
Galavant! It’s so GOOD. I really like Babyface, which is a movie from the 1930s, so I dunno how underrated it is. The Magicians show is really good, too. The White Queen. Rat Queens. I follow a bunch of webcomics, too! They’re all amazing:
Heartstopper. Jamie. Autophobia. Miss Abbott and the Doctor. Wilde Life. Patrik the Vampire. Heart of Gold. Novae. The Glass Scientists. Finding Home. Magical Boy. Long Exposure.
11. Which fictional character would you like to steal borrow from any world for a crossover with your own WIP?
Felicity Montague would have a ball with my setting. Oh, man. Medical science and magic at the same time? A playground. I’d like to see how Harry Dresden handles himself, too. That’d be entertaining. 
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Homemade Holidays
A cheery fire crackled in the far corner of the many ornate bedrooms filling the Sedona Manor. The fire cast a warm glow over the room, illuminating the sword singer armour hanging on the rack and the violet haired young woman sitting on her bed. Melancholy hung around her as she gazed at the fresh sprig of holly in her hand. 
A soft knock on the door of her room made the female jump slightly, a startled look washing over her ruddy features. 
“Rhen, can I come in?” Called a familiar voice. 
“Uh, sure.” Rhen called, her answer a beat behind what would have been normal. 
At her words the door opened slightly, making just enough room for the more slender form of a certain green haired sorcerer to slip inside before the door was closed behind him. 
“Lars? Please tell me that Galahad didn’t break another dining chair throwing it at Te’ijal.” Rhen groaned, envisioning the mess already.
“Actually, no. They’re all actually coexisting pretty well.” He said distractedly, glancing away for a moment. “I came more here for….well I came to see how you were doing.” 
He trailed off then, Rhen staring at him in puzzlement. 
“How I was doing?? I’m not sick..” Then she considered her statement for a moment. “At least I’m pretty sure I’m not. Did Dameon say he sensed illness or something?”
Lars heaved a theatric sigh. 
“The Sun Priest never said a thing, I came here because of that.” Lars scoffed, pointing at the holly in her hands. “When that traveller gave it to us in talking about spreading the joy your face sort of fell. You’ve been absurdly happy all week before that after we finished the most recent quest so what changed?”
Rhen hesitated, purple eyes travelling from her friend and down to the green leaves in her hand. As she stared down her minds eye let the room around her fade, memories of a cozy cottage filled with the sound of winter sweets and the folk songs celebrating the winter solace dancing through her mind. She could almost smell the cinnamon-..
“-ehn? Rhen?? Helloo!”
The hand that settled on her shoulder to give a light shake jolted her back into awareness and she looked up at Lars with a slightly sad smile. 
“Back home right now in Clearwater they’re having a festival, to celebrate the Winter Solace which falls today. Since I….was taken I haven’t payed much attention to the holidays but when I saw that man it all just suddenly hit me.” Rhen ran a finger over one of the leaves, “I knew him from a nearby village, seeing him again and receiving the holly we use in the celebrations just brought back memories.”
Silence fell over the pair, the corners of Rhen’s mouth drooping again. There was a shift from in front before and impatient sigh escaped a certain green haired male as he unceremoniously reached down to yank Rhen to her feet.
“Lars?! What-”
“We already have a moping and overall irritating member of this group, you won’t add a second one or I swear I’ll blast you all” He snarked, Rhen rolling her eyes at him as he continued. “So what you can’t be home? It hardly means that you have to ignore the celebration, we can make our own right here.”
His statement made Rhen blink in surprise before she slowly glanced around them, a small smile beginning to form.
“That’s true, and I know the perfect person to help me make this a Winter Solace……”
At the suddenly mischievous gleam in Rhen’s eyes Lars immediately put his hands up in protest, but there was no stopping the swordsinger as she in one fell swoop pulled all the blankets and sheets off her bed to dump over his arms.
“Hey! I have things I want to get done before we start off for the next part of the quest!” Lars protested in vain as he was pulled over to under the large chandelier hanging over an ornate carpet. 
“Can you create light that doesn’t come from fire?” Rhen asked eagerly, ignoring her friends protest.
Indignation washed across Lars features before he finally let out a sigh and rolled his eyes, apparently giving in.
“Yes I can, I’ll take care of that now before you get too excited and end up setting our manor on fire.” He muttered, the rush of magic in the room snuffing out the candles as floating around near the roof incandescent green orbs.
“That’s perfect!! And it’s the colour of the holly even….” Rhen smiled softly before a look of determination pushed aside the melancholy as she went to work.
Grabbing a nearby chair Rhen placed it firmly beneath the chandelier, grabbing one end of a thin sheet from Lars arms to pull up with her as she stood on the chair and stretched up to loop the end of the sheet around one of the chandelier arms and tie it.
“Pass me another blanket end will you?? I’m going to turn this into the Maypole!” Rhen exclaimed with bright grin.
“You’re going to fall if you aren’t careful.” Her friend sighed, though despite his words he handed up another blanket end for tying.
The young sword singer just laughed at his concern, leaning and bending as she tied blankets to the metal arms perfectly spaced for their improvised solace celebration. Soon she had tied all the blankets, except for one last one on the far end from where she was standing.
“Get off the chair so we can move it over.” Lars ordered, moving towards the chair only to be hit in the face with the end of the sheet by Rhen.
“Halt thy steps! I can do it from here, I’ll show you.“ 
Then without the least bit of concern for her own wellbeing the lilac haired young woman proceeded to brace one foot on the back of the chair and push off the seat to balance on the back.
“What are you DOING?!” Lars shrieked, voice hitting a rather impressive pitch as he watched Rhen hurriedly tie the sheet just in time for the chair to tip forward and send her tumbling towards the ground.
The green haired male let out a startled curse, lurching forward to catch the young woman before she could hit the ground but before he could so much as touch her Rhen had already curled and twisted before landing lithely on her feet with a small cheer.
“…….Our quest is being led by a reckless idiot.” Lars grumbled.
Rhen laughed at that, turning to grin impishly at her friend who muttered a few choice words under his breath as he grabbed the chair and moved it back to where it had been originally sitting against the wall.
With a light and excited laugh Rhen grabbed one of the sheets in a loose grip, twirling around the fabric before setting off in dance as she wove between sheets and attempted to sing the song that was traditional during the Winter Solace.
“You’re dreadfully off-key.” Lars complained, Rhen stopping her song and pouting a moment.
“I’d like to see you do better.” She sniffed, turning her nose up at him teasingly.
“Alright then, I will.”
His words brought Rhen pause as she stopped and stared at him, surprise filling her features as he opened his mouth and a soft but steady song began to fill the room, volume growing with Lars confidence.
Soon Rhen was dancing again, clapping and whirling between the fabric that moved in the breeze coming in her open window at the far end of the room. Lars song rose and fell with the movements of the dance, the sorcerer having all but entirely forgotten that the song he sang was one he had only ever heard from the mouths of the slaves he had once held such distain for.
As the song ended and Lars voice faded Rhen paused in her spinning and moving under the chandelier, turning to look at Lars who had been watching her antics with a barely there smile. 
“Hey Lars, c'mere a moment.” Rhen singsonged, stepping out away from her improvised maypole.
Lars raised a brow, clearly uninspired by her call as he leaned comfortably against her wall. She snorted at his look, approaching her friend and catching his hand to pull him into the middle of the open space of her room. At her causal touch Lars eyes widened slightly, a soft blush lighting his features although he would have denied it had anything to do with the beaming sword singer holding his hand to his dying breath.
“Come on! I’m going to teach you the traditional dance!” Rhen urged, pulling him to the middle of the empty carpet and grabbing his other hand as she turned to face him.
“A  dance?!” Lars squawked, halfheartedly attempting to pull free.
Rhen tightened her grip slightly to keep him in place, cheeks pink from excitement and exertion as she nodded eagerly.
“Come on! You’re a noble that’s danced before right? This shouldn’t be that hard for you.“ 
Lars gave a pointed sniff.
"I’ll have you know I’ve been learning dance since I was a child, the kinds of formal dance that takes place in the empress courts. I would hardly know what to do during a commoners folk dance.”
The moment the words left his mouth, hints of distain in his tone a sudden look of sheepish regret crossed his features, shoulders slumping slightly. There were some habits that died hard clearly. He moved to pull away once again but Rhen gave him a tug, causing the tanned male to stumble forward towards her.
“Well then it’s only fair that you learn my dance, since you’re not in the empress courts right now, you’re in my room.” Rhen stated, Lars hesitating before giving a slight nod. “Great! Now follow my steps as I go back….”
It didn’t take long for the young sorcerer to pick up the steps she was teaching him, and soon the two of them were dancing around the carpet with only a few mishaps of Rhen stepping on Lars feet as he missed a step.
Their laughter floated through the window over the streets as the two teens let go of the weight of the quest on their shoulders for just a few moments, the room blurring around them as they spun and let their steps carry them around the ornate carpet. 
“Hey yoUWAH!" 
Rhen’s statement was cut off as in her as in distraction her leg caught the blue robe swirling around Lars feet in time to his movements. With twin exclamations as they were brought to halt the two of them found themselves tangled as they tipped backwards and landed in a heap on the carpet.
Lars let out a loud oof as Rhen landed rather ungracefully on top of him, both of them staring at each other in shock as they processed what had just happened.
A moment of stunned silence.
Then at once both of them burst into hysterical laughter, Rhen rolling sideways to land on the carpet next to Lars as chortles escaped her. She gasped slightly trying to catch her breath as she recovered from the whirlwind of movement they had just abruptly fallen out of.
"That was fun, I haven’t been this relaxed in forever.” Rhen admitted, still slightly breathless.
Lars made a sound of agreement and Rhen turned her head to look at her friend. As she dropped her head to he side she found herself face to face with Lars, vibrant green eyes so close as they met her violet orbs. There was a heavy silence before Lars turned pink and abruptly pushed himself upright to stand.
“There’s supposed to be a meteor shower tonight, come on.” He tossed gruffly over his shoulder as he moved to her window and opened it fully.
Rhen scrambled to her feet, slightly thrown by what had just taken place but recovering quickly as she reached the window and climbed out behind her sorcerer friend.
“Careful.” Lars said quietly as Rhen stepped out and wobbled slightly.
Reaching over and taking hold of Rhen’s hand from where he stood above her he carefully helped guide her further up, Rhen actually allowing him despite herself as they made their way up to the flat portion over her room.
“It’s freezing out here.” Rhen muttered as they took a seat with their backs against the other peak.
There was a shuffling noise next to her and Rhen turned sharply only to flush as with a flair of blue fabric a warm robe was settled over her front and she was pulled into Lars side.
“To conserve warmth.” He defended, refusing to look at her when the violet eyes young woman looked up at him from where she had been tucked under his arm.
A pleased smile flitted across Rhen’s lips and she ducked her head to hide the expression from her companion, leaning into him slightly as she rested her head against his shoulder.
Silence fell over them as they gazed up at the sky, a soft cry of delight escaping Rhen as a shooting star flew overhead through the midnight sky.
“I know that this wasn’t exactly the holiday you wanted at home, but did this at least help?”
Lars question broke the silence and Rhen looked over at her friend, the green eyed male gazing down at her inquisitively.
Rhen considered his question a moment before smiling softly, eyes sparkling as stars flew by overhead.
“Yeah. This was a wonderful Winter Solace, thank you Lars.” She said quietly, leaning up to brush a featherlight kiss across his cheek.
Surprise flickered across his face before he shot her a crooked smile, dipping his head down to gently press his lips against hers. 
Moments later he pulled away, both blushing brightly yet wearing matching smiles as they settled back to watch the show. Rhen’s head nestled against his shoulder. his cheek resting on the crown of her hair as they watched the stars celebrate the Winter Solace.
@queen-of-ice101‘s gift for @anusha52!
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rhenanddameonshrine · 4 years
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"And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you."
-Kiersten White
A while ago I told some friends to feel free to send me reference pics for their favorite pairings and I'd draw them and @queen-of-ice101 sent me one and requested Rhen and Dameon because she loves me and is awesome. And when I asked what they should be wearing she suggested their outfits in the AU I'm writing where Talia ends up being killed by her husband instead of the other way around and the whole quest gets flipped around and I get to explore my favorite story from a new angle... so of course I couldn't resist! In this AU Dameon is the Druid of Dreams instead of the Druid of Light, so I gave him some flowy white robes inspired by Talia's but not identical. And Rhen is still a fierce warrior but she gets there by a less traditional route so I tried to give her armor a more home-made sort of feel. And they are still in love, because they'll always be in love♥♥♥
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queenrhenpendragon · 4 years
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I asked my roomies (one who is finally actually my roomie again!!!!!!) what to draw for Valentine's day (so a whole month ago now lol) and they decided on Rhen and Dameon looking at the stars. Then I asked if they should be on a rooftop or in a meadow with flowers and they pointed out I could put flowers on a rooftop. I also asked @queen-of-ice101 and she pointed out the same thing so it's destiny and here they are on the roof of their Sedona manor, watching the stars. Rhen is looking at the cheap imitations in the sky and Dameon is looking at the real star ✯ ✯ ✯
If you've read "Night Watch" you can maybe recognize some of my constellations >.> But if not it's okay, Rhen doesn't recognize them either, she is just making up her own shapes and stories and having fun with it, and clearly Dameon is more than fine with that XD
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