#queenly aesthetic
hiddenvioletsgrow · 1 year
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He dared to place a hand on the empress' person," she said simply. "This cannot be allowed."
-Her eminence, Empress Modina Novron
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m00nb04rd5 · 6 days
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Amleth (MementoMori AFK RPG)
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cinderellaheist · 2 months
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La Dame de Monsoreau (1998)
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I LOVE YOU THE WORKS!! i love you hammer to fall i love you radio ga ga i love you keep passing the open windows i LOVE you i want to break free. i love you fresh new (for the time) batch of amazing classic songs after a not so great tenth album (hot space :/) i love you THREE greatest hits on one record i love you. I LOVE YOU THE WORKS 1984
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that-ari-blogger · 3 months
Family (The Coronation)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power has an earned reputation. It is a story about war, domestic and emotional abuse, healing, and redemption, all tying into one main idea. Trauma.
I genuinely cannot think of a series that handles the concept with as much depth and nuance as this. She-Ra even beats out Arcane here, in my opinion, although that is mostly through sheer force of runtime.
I’ve said before that She-Ra doesn’t go places or get good. It starts there and consolidates its ideas. Case and point, Glimmer.
Let me explain.
SPOILERS AHEAD: (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
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The episode is dedicated to setting up a new status quo for the series and a minour conflict for the setting. In the past, this was the overprotectiveness of Angella, but with her current situation, a new order is in order.
This takes the form of Glimmer not being cut out for queenly duties. She doesn’t have the bureaucratic mind or skillset. And I could mention that this is an example of the inherent flaws of monarchy. How, even without the moral component, not everyone has the interest or patience for rulership and bottling in one family to the role will eventually lead to one ruler with less aptitude for it. I could mention that. I could. But I won’t.
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Glimmer doesn’t begin the series without a tragic backstory. The death of her father has had a significant effect on her growing up through Angella. I wouldn’t call Glimmer traumatised by this, but the information isn’t lost on her.
However, the death of a parent is something that will mess a person up, especially when it happens to you as a teenager.
And for the record, I will be referring to Angella as dead for the rest of my coverage of this series, because that’s effectively what she is. Yes, she’s trapped between dimensions and technically still alive, but functionally, she’s dead.
The unfortunate thing about life is that, if things go well, you will have to grieve a parent. But this is usually in your older years. Glimmer was at a formative age when Angella died, and the two didn’t even get a proper goodbye.
For the best example of this, the stone that embodies Angella’s legacy is eternally in view while the characters are in the castle. In every scene there is a convenient window or similar that can be put in shot whenever the director wants. You can’t always see it, but its always there.
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Angella's last remnant is put on a pedestal above everything else. Her legacy is raised up and idolised as an impossible target and reminder.
But She Ra doesn’t just ask questions; it proposes an answer. Glimmer feels like she has lost her family, and everyone else would agree with her. Except she hasn’t. Not entirely.
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One of my favourite little details in the series is its appropriation of TTRPG aesthetics and themes. I say TTRPG because I am the type of person who preffers the more obscure systems and wanted to be general with this analogy (Seriously, check out Mythras, it’s so much fun), but we all know exactly what is going on here. She-Ra plays with the themes inherent in a game of Dungeons and Dragons.
The episode features a ragtag group of heroes, the mage, the fighter, and the rogue, as they journey beneath a castle to retrieve a MacGuffin and subdue the temple’s guardians. Everyone has a tragic backstory except for the one character whose notable trait is that they don’t. It’s even called a quest.
So, what gives?
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TTRPGs are fundamentally cooperative experiences. If you have a main character, you are playing the game wrong, and as such have a habit of forming close knit families amongst their casts of characters. The takeaway from the game should be that nobody can do anything alone.
More specifically, TTRPGs promote a nuanced understanding of support and family. It doesn’t just push you to do great things, it looks after you when things go wrong. A good family will lift you up, whether that is to the heights, or up from rock bottom.
She-Ra uses the imagery and gets the thematic rollover as a result, and it works. The moral of this episode is that Glimmer has people around her to rely on.
Angella wasn’t all that Glimmer had. She had a found family in her friends, and she still has that.
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This is backed up by the subplot of the series, that being the buddy cop dynamic developing between Mermista and Perfuma and the manic OCD of Castaspella, while Frosta is… I mean she’s there, I guess.
Mermista and Perfuma are so much fun as a pair, but most of their relationship up to this point has been conflict. Mermista is deliberately obtuse while Perfuma is way too extroverted for Mermista to deal with. They have strengths and skillsets, but they cross each other’s boundaries, and need to find a middle ground. Which they do.
They discover how to work together. It’s a simple plot, but there’s room to grow.
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Meanwhile, Castaspella is being narcissistic. Not in a malicious kind of way, but in a “I need things to go well and I’m the only person I trust” kind of way. Her story is about learning to back off and let others make their own decisions.
Now that I spell it out, that tracks really well with her relationship to Micah and Angella. Overbearing and distasteful of their decision making in an accidentally unempathetic way.
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But I want to dwell on Castaspella for a moment, because I read her as neurodivergent. Entrapta is the posterchild for this representation and storytelling within the series, but Castaspella to me is another side of that. She has a lot of that coding in this episode, most notably is her complete inability to read a room, which, I know how that feels.
But this is never represented as a core flaw, just a quirk of her character. Castaspella is just neurodivergent, and it plays into the story, but it isn’t framed as something she has to fix in herself. Even in this episode, the thing she overcomes isn’t her hyperfixation, it's her disinclination to trust other people’s decision making. Which isn’t a trait unique to neurodivergent people at all.
It’s almost as if neurodivergent people are people and writing them as such isn’t actually that hard. BBC Sherlock, look at this and learn, you got outclassed by a side character in a He-Man spinoff.
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However, there’s a difference between family and closure, and one is not a substitute for the other.
Adora spends the entirety of this episode trying to avoid the subject of Angella, which shines a light on her own coping mechanisms more than anything else, but it also takes away from the need for Glimmer to just talk through her feelings. Sometimes you have to grieve.
The twist is that Glimmer has also been avoiding the issue by avoiding recharging, and it is literally weakening her. This is magical literalism, of giving mechanics to the metaphor. So, what better to fix that by having Glimmer talk to the literalization of her mother's legacy?
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The symbolism of Glimmer trying to grab her mother's hand for support and failing, only for that role to be filled by her friends is brilliant. Sometimes things don't have to be complex to be meaningful.
“Glimmer, You are walking in the footsteps of all those who have come before us. Now, my darling, it's your turn. I wish I didn't have to leave you. But I know you will be all right. Because you are Glimmer, and you are so, so strong. I have done my best to prepare you to rule, but you were always ready to lead. I am so proud of you, Glimmer. I love you.”
This isn’t closure, and the tragedy and trauma of Glimmer is that she never will get the chance for that. The hologram is a prerecorded message, but it reminds Glimmer of something important. She was loved.
Because, if this was a prerecorded message, that makes it more powerful. It means Angella got to choose her final words to her daughter, knowing that this message would be played after her own death, and she chose to end the message with love.
Also, side note, this speech deliberately separates rulership from leadership, saying that Glimmer has what it takes for one of the two, but leaving it ambiguous as to the other. This episode does that a lot, hint at Glimmers capability as a queen.
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Holy moly is this a good shot. Angella is with Glimmer in spirit, hence the wings. But Glimmer is also physically raised above everyone else, finally equaling that pedestal she has put her mother on. Meanwhile, the shot creates smaller and smaller frames with Adora, then the monster, then the stairs, guiding your eye to the smallest thing in the shot, that being Glimmer. This is just really cool, and I wanted to point it out.
The speech reframes their last interaction from one of conflict to one of affection, and it lets Glimmer get out a response.
“I love you too.”
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Glimmer hasn’t said this yet in the series. She is by no means stoic, but she is awful at showing affection to people, just like the majority of the other main characters. So, this is catharsis for her, and I think that is rather special.
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This episode starts the last tragic circle, the one that continues into the last season, but it starts it with the same message that it will end on.
No matter what happens, there will always be love.
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Final Thoughts
And we’re back with She-Ra analysis, and I have big plans for this series. I want to reference more archetypical tragedies to show how the series plays into the tropes and subverts them, and I want to avoid Shakespeare, because my final season analysis will feature that pretty heavily. I hope. I haven’t written it yet, but we will see.
I didn’t talk about Catra in this episode, or the new character designs, and that’s because I don’t really think much of Glimmer’s new design. She looks older and more mature as she is forced to grow up and fit a new role, but there isn’t much else there. Catra meanwhile isn’t really in this episode. She climbs to power, and that’s about it. But we will get to her in time.
Next week, we will journey into The Valley Of The Lost to reenforce the idea of community and coexistence, as well as to give more development to Perfuma, which I always welcome. Stick around if that interests you.
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lotrladiessource · 1 year
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Lord of the Rings Ladies Week is coming July 17-23, 2023!
Hello everyone! This year we are hosting a week dedicated to appreciating the women of The Lord of the Rings, from the queenly Arwen and courageous Eowyn to merry Goldberry and fierce Lobelia Sackville-Baggins. Prompts and guidelines for the event below!
Tag your posts with #lotrladiesweek and mention @lotrladiessource
We’re focusing on female characters from The Lord of the Rings itself & ones with connections to it, such as second age characters like Tar-Miriel, and characters from The Hobbit like Belladonna Took. There are many other amazing women from the Silmarillion and such, but this is the LotR Ladies chance to shine!
Fanwork of all kind is welcome- art, fanfic, gifsets, graphic/aesthetic edits, fanmixes, headcanons, crafts, anything!
Per our usual policy, we will not reblog nsfw content
Bigotry of any kind will not be tolerated
(Note: the prompts are completely non-mandatory and can be mixed and matched however you would like to use them! They’re just meant to provide a range of creative inspiration and you don’t have to use them at all!)
Day 1: Hobbits | Warm colours | Resilience | Music/Lyrics | Fairytales & Legends Day 2: Women of the North | Cool colours | Love | Minimalism | Family Day 3: Dwarrowdams | Monochrome | Joy | Motifs | Language Day 4: Women of the South | Black & white | Courage | Typography | Parallels Day 5: Elves | Pastels | Grief | Portraits | Archetypes Day 6: Original Characters | Complementary Colours | Anger | Faceless | Textual ghosts Day 7: Freeform | Multicolour | Hope | Blending | Alternate Universes
Happy creating! Feel free to shoot us an ask if you have any questions ⭐ 
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diamondcrownacademy · 11 months
DCA Info Part 44: Cercvile de Venin Outfits 👑
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Style: Gothic and Cool
A brand inspired by the gloom and despair of the animals and dwarves when Snow White was placed in the glass coffin. The clothes have a rather aesthetically pleasing yet grim design with plenty of dark colors and asymmetry. Many of the outfits in this brand were influenced by Queen Grimhilde and her vanity. This is the brand that Evonie uses for her "Masked Maiden" persona.
Queenly Peacock
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"Unapproachable beauty that depicts the vain nature of the peacock that the Beautiful Queen is fond of"
The outfit: Inspired by Queen Grimhilde's love for peacocks, this mermaid style dress is deep violet in color with the top half appearing to be a separate piece resembling a shawl. The shawl portion is broken up into two parts, have elegant floral patterns, and has a high neck collar. The crimson portion has pale yellow lace and it's hems have gold trim that resemble the shape of a crown. The ruffle sleeves are black with a red interior and have a feather pattern on them. The footwear consists of a pair of black heeled shoes.
Accessories: The accessories include a yellow rosette hairpiece with a purple and red ribbon with a red gem brooch in the center, violet feathers with fuchsia tips and gold chains attached to teardrop brooches. The outfit additionally comes with a necklace featuring the same teardrop brooch as the hairpiece chains. The most notable accessory is the transparent indigo cape with gold tips that resemble peacock feather.
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"Never let go of your prey, just remember to save the heart to offer to your beautiful queen, faithful huntress."
The outfit: Inspired by the Huntsman, this outfit includes a maroon sweetheart top worn underneath a purplish gray jacket dress with a black lapel with gold trim, and black rectangular epaulettes with gold trim, fringes and decorations in the shape of daggers. The bottom half of the outfit features an indigo floral overskirt with the other side being a solid crimson, the interior of the dress also includes a transparent black skirt with the same floral print as the overskirt. The footwear consists of a pair of purplish gray ankle boots with gold soles, black and gold straps and the top of the boots have brown fur.
Accessories: The accessories include a purplish gray hat with black plumage, black and gold ribbon, and a rectangular violet gem brooch accompanied by a dagger charm. The hat includes a black floral transparent veil that obscures the upper half of the wearer's face. Other accessories include a black and gold choker with the same brooch seen on the hat and is attached to pearl strands on each side, a black belt with a gold buckle and a pair of gold pearl strands attached to a gold key charm that includes a raven on it.
Caged Raven
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"The only thing the raven lived by is the smell of the potions brewed by the queen, there was nothing exciting happening at all... Until the queen brewed a poison apple."
The outfit: Based on Queen Grimhilde's pet raven, this navy blue colored dress with golden trimming features a sleeveless side on the right with a gold chain with red gem brooches serving as a sleeve and the left side features a midnight blue long sleeve with the end of the sleeve having a sparkly fuchsia and gold cuff. The skirt is asymmetrical  and appears to have a feather pattern on it and features a sparkly fuchsia interior and a tattered black petticoat. The footwear consists of a pair of indigo boots with gold trim, tips and laces. There is also a sparkly fuchsia strap with gold trim and on the top of the boots are a red gem brooch.
Accessories: The accessories include a hair accessory that resembles a ruffled indigo flower with a sparkly fuchsia interior and is attached to midnight blue feathers that obscures half of the wearer's face. There's a brooch in the center of the long sleeve portion of the dress. Additional accessories include a midnight blue arm warmer with a fuchsia and gold cuff on the right hand and a gold chain of teardrop brooches around the skirt.
Shrouded Queen
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"A beautiful face hidden under the dark veil of deceit, what could she be hiding?"
The outfit: Taking inspiration from Queen Grimhilde's old hag form, this dress features a gold and black bodice with gold trim in the shape of a V dividing both parts. The inner mini skirt is a solid black color with gold trim and the asymmetrical outer skirt is gray with a pattern that resembles a rabbit skull and has gold trim. The footwear consists of a pair of black and gold sandals with a gold brooch with a blue gem.
Accessories: The most significant accessory is the black veil with gold trim and diamond shaped charms attached to pearl strands throughout. Another significant accessory is the gold collar with black webbed accents and a blue gem brooch in the center. The gold parts resemble lotus petals. Other accessories include a pair of black opera length gloves, three gold bracelets on the wearer's left hand and a gold belt with the same pearl strands and charms as shown on the veil.
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mogai-sunflowers · 2 years
an allion that feels queenly and/or is related to queens/being a queen and queen aesthetics! this allion feels regal, strong, and related to the concept of queens!
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[Image ID: A flag with five concentric circles on a deep purple background. All the circles are thinly outlined in white. From the outermost to the innermost circles, the colors are pastel purple, golden, orange, red-orange, and medium red. The allion symbol, a deep purple flower with six petals, outlined in white, wearing a black crown symbol, is in the center of the flag. End ID.]
term and flag by me, requested by no one! tagging @allion-archive​​ !
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mistysharks · 2 years
This was meant to be a continuation of my Cis!swap Steddie thoughts but I think it's just becoming a fic? Oops
(Ooh) honey honey part 1 They meet properly for the first time through the kids, because of course they do. Hellfire runs late, a rain storm rolls in, and Dustin knows he can call in a favor. Knows that Stevies big sister instincts will kick in the moment he mentions words like "weather hazard", "unsafe road conditions" and "hydroplaning" (though he'd had to explain that last one)
And the moment Eddie hears exactly who's coming to pick them up? yeah she suddenly needs to get home rather urgently- the old van can only manage puddles so deep, you know?
And if maybe she catches a few extra glimpses of Stevies narrow frame shuttling the kids into the Beemer before she turns the ignition, well, she's only human, right?
Of course, that's when old shadowfaxe (the name ironic, of course) decides that she's not having it, actually. The engine huffs, coughs, and wirrs before falling silent. Okay. That's ok, the old girl was always a little temperamental. A good kick to the dashboard, a few choice words, and usually she's right as rain.
Well. The rain might very well be the problem, because the second try levers no better result. The third even worse.
Eddie manages some very choice words about just what the old piece of junk might do better at than being a van, such as a trash can, or small tin of sardines. That's, of course, when the knock on the window comes, scaring her half to death. The shape outside the window is blurry from the rain, but unmistakable, horrifyingly, Stevie Harrington shaped.
Regaining her composure, Eddie rolls down her window, wincing at the high-pitched squeal of the crank. And yeah, its her all right. Grey jacket with neon pink details zipped up over rain-speckled leggings, hood pulled up to cover her hair (only an artful wave has been pulled forward to frame her face, of course. it is now rapidly losing its shape in the pouring rain), golden eyes a little squinting under long lashes of waterproof mascara. She's... Fuck. She looks great.
"Hey, you good?" the Stevie-shaped apparition says, and Eddie nods without thinking, even though she clearly isn't. "Sorry, shado- uh, my van is just being dramatic" she manages, tapping the dashboard, angles for fondly but ends up kind of violent (ow, her hand). "I'm sure she just needs a minute." She adds, with a tense smile, as Stevie leans forward, one hand on the roof of the car like she's cool or something (she is. She is very cool. fuck) Turning the ignition again, she hopes beyond hope that maybe, maybe this is not as bad as it seems. Sends a quick prayer to satan or whatever. It's not like god's been listening, so why the fuck not.
Please please please please she whispers under her breath, incredibly aware of Stevies eyes on her. Like her blasphemy might have been heard, and immediately punished, the van doesn't even bother this time. Just sputters weakly, once, twice, before falling deadly, eerily silent. Fantastic. "Battery might be dead?" Stevie suggests, her voice still even, calm, like she talks to the school freak about car trouble in the middle of a rainstorm on the regular. Unfortunately, she might be right. Did Eddie turn the lights off before she left the car this morning? Fuck, she's not sure. Still not looking up, she bangs her head lightly against the steering wheel with a big sigh, because she's nothing if not dramatic.
Outside the car, Stevie is still leaning in, still looking mildly curious, such a far cry from the Queenly sneer she used to wear, and Eddie... Well, Eddies hair is a mess (thank you humidity), her clothes are half-soaked because its June, and aesthetic be damned, far too hot for her leather jacket. And her makeup? yeah, it sure as hell ain't waterproof. That shit's expensive! She probably looks like a drenched racoon. Or maybe one of those funky red panda things, considering the slow creep of redness across her face.
"So..." Stevie taps the roof of the van, and even the water dripping from her nose looks like an artistic choice "Need a lift?"
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zhoras-bitch · 1 year
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Havenfall Finest Series [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Razi Nassar
Nikolai Stirling
Quince x RP MC #1
Quince x RP MC #2
Galen x MC #1
Galen x MC #2
Zain Blackwood
Zeke x VN MC
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On the Question of Queenliness Quince x RP MC | fluff | everyone | 1.0k words | complete It’s a slow, sweet morning in the queen’s bedroom, until duty calls.
[other fandoms]
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queenoftheboard · 1 year
I am once more thinking about Eirene and the significance of her name and how I've always found it a little bit strange that the first thing that will pop up in any searches is the association to the Greek goddess of Peace, Eirene - mostly because PtN Eirene doesn't come across as a pacifist. There is also a nice thread on the PtN reddit from some time ago where some guesses for the names of several characters were ventured and although some appear more obvious (NOX, Langley, Kelvin), the only mention there for Eirene is a former empress of the Byzantine empire.
And while I am 100% in favor of queenly aesthetics for Eirene (given the chessboard motifs, Quinn, etc), I never really liked this rather obscure association (I doubt 'empress Eirene' is the first empress or female monarch that comes to anyone's mind these days). As a result, I went back to the Greek mythology and thought it interesting that one of the few surviving statues of Eirene is a Roman copy, which depicts Eirene holding an infant Plutus - the Greek good for wealth. Now - this is more interesting; Eirene is the dominating figure of the Greed libram, and it's what drives her.
That statue is considered to be an allegory for 'Plenty' - in other words, 'Plutus' prospering under 'Peace'; frankly, this makes a lot more sense: while it's true that during wartime there is a financial gain for some enterprises, usually this leads to significant strife for the economy of a country and increased debt to finance war efforts. From a purely business, broader economic perspective - peace is actually more profitable.
And while Eirene (as a character) seems to not be afraid to 'get her hands dirty' (her own beginning battle quote) to achieve what she must for Quinn, she didn't resort to war to get to where she is; in fact, Eirene's wealth accumulates from sensible business choices, trade channels, political connections... Eirene's empire is built on peace (or the illusion of it) rather than all-out war. And then, one last element for consideration made me realize this is actually a pretty damn good name.
Eirene's equivalent in Roman mythology is Pax - and the Roman Empire reached its golden age during the so-called Pax Romana, going as far as inspiring other similar periods in human history where one had domination over the world in terms of geographical reach, cultural matters, trade and so on. The Roman Empire prospered as it had never done so because peace (or what was deemed 'peace' at the time) allowed them to be the strongest they ever were.
In a way - this seems to be what Eirene is doing; she is not seeking to go to war against any government agencies (at least not on the outside). Eirene is effectively establishing her own empire, going from DisCity to Outlands, controlling trade routes, having fingers in all sort of pies in DisCity in several different business segments and benefitting from 'civility' and 'order'.
Honestly - I have no idea if Eirene's name is supposed to be that deep and if Aisno went for all these connections when naming her; but now my mind has done these links, I feel much more at ease with her being named after the Greek goddess of peace.
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noblehcart · 2 years
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The moon had sunk low down behind a bank of clouds. In the east a soft grey light was beginning to chase away the heavy mantle of the night. He could only see her graceful outline now, the small queenly head, with its wealth of reddish golden curls, and the glittering gems forming the small, star-shaped, red flower which she wore as a diadem in her hair.
Aesthetic: Lady Blakeney (The Scarlet Pimpernel)
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stingslikeabee · 2 years
🍭 (for reasons c:) & the heart with the arrow through it ! ^^ ily and heid loves mel ok bye now ldnklgs
OOC shipping meme . accepting
1. 🍭 – What are some thoughtful gift ideas to get your muse?
Melissa appreciates symbolism over monetary value in most of the verses - although she enjoys typically feminine gifts in almost all versions of her (except for the odd one out where she doesn’t rock these aesthetics) such as jewelry, flowers, chocolate and etc, what will really make her surprised are the tailored or custom-made things alluding to special events or occasions that will have her be reminded of the gift giver when using said gift.
Generally, anything having to do with bees & royal/queenly imagery are guaranteed to work; but depending on the verse, there may be further options available - i.e. references to her homeland, the true name (if she uses ‘Melissa’ as an alias), something involving her children, tools for some of her hobbies (e.g. powerful stones for visions where she is a witch, rare ingredients for a particular meal when she’s living abroad, etc). If it’s hand-made or created specifically for her (a song, a painting, a poem), chances are she will also ugly cry and treasure it forever.
2. 💘 – What is a romantic AU you’ve always wanted to write, but haven’t yet?
Oh, good one! I’ll skip the coffee shop AU because we’ve joked about this before, but one I don’t think I’ve written out in detail or really plotted before is the cliché story about nurse falling for amnesiac patient during their road to recovery and although I tend to picture Melissa as the nurse (because, honestly, this is almost a secondary profession for her in every verse, the amount of times she’s patched up these strong, violent and headstrong men she likes is INSANE), but in fact having her with no sense of self and desperately relying on this one familiar and kind face also hits the spot.
I think this would be an interesting one to explore, really! :) I have also not done any arranged marriage AUs where they end up falling in love - I do have one in that sense, but it meshes with a royal/medieval one where she’s fallen completely for her husband-to-be by the time they formally wed, so I guess this wouldn’t really count. XD So maybe a fully-fledged arranged marriage AU where she’s convinced she will be unhappy and miserable and YET things turn out to be different would be very interesting to elaborate, too. :)
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woorubyseas · 2 months
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The Heart of WooRuby
At WooRuby, we believe that every woman deserves to feel confident, comfortable, and beautiful in her own skin. Born under the warm, sunny skies of Florida, WooRuby was inspired by the vibrant beaches and the carefree spirit of the coast. Our journey began with a simple yet powerful vision: to create a line of bikinis that not only enhances a woman’s natural beauty but also embodies the energetic and sunny vibe of the place we call home.
Inspired by Nature and Art
Our designs are a blend of nature’s organic beauty and the dynamic energy of abstract art. Each piece is thoughtfully crafted, drawing inspiration from the flowing lines and vibrant colors of Florida’s landscapes and the surrounding ocean. The “Warmth Peach Bikini Set,” for instance, captures the serene beauty of a sunset, blending soft peach hues with the warmth and vibrancy of a summer’s day. Similarly, the “Luminous Bikini Set” reflects a sleek, modern aesthetic with its metallic-themed design, symbolizing the power and grace of every woman who wears it.
The Symbolism of Our Logo
The WooRuby logo is centered around a distinctive "W," which not only stands for WooRuby but also symbolizes **Women**. This choice reflects our core mission to celebrate and empower women through our designs. Above the "W" rests a crown, symbolizing the queenly nature of every woman who wears WooRuby. This crown element highlights our belief that every woman is unique, powerful, and deserving of the finest quality and style, reinforcing the idea that each woman is a queen in her own right.
Commitment to Quality and Comfort
At WooRuby, quality and comfort are at the forefront of our creations. We use only the finest fabrics, ensuring each bikini not only looks stunning but feels like a second skin. Our attention to detail and commitment to craftsmanship ensure that every piece meets the highest standards, offering support and comfort for all-day wear.
Empowering Confidence
WooRuby is more than just a bikini brand. It’s a celebration of confidence and style. We understand that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and our diverse range of styles is designed to flatter and celebrate each woman’s figure. We encourage our customers to embrace their own style, feel confident, and make a statement in our vibrant designs.
A Community of Confidence
We are proud to foster a community where women feel empowered and supported. Through our social media platforms and events, we connect with our customers, share styling tips, and celebrate the stories of women who inspire us. We believe in the power of positivity and the importance of creating a space where everyone feels welcome and valued.
Join Us on Our Journey
As we continue to grow, we invite you to join us on our journey. Whether you’re lounging by the pool, catching waves at the beach, or simply enjoying the sunshine, WooRuby is here to make sure you do it in style and confidence. Discover our collections, explore our latest designs, and become a part of the WooRuby family today.
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teapotpiggy · 6 months
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Josiah: My inspiration for Josiah was my ideal type at the time, mostly basing it on otome and anime characters that I'm usually drawn to. Blond and Black hair, green eyes, and a gentle and soft disposition. Cottage-core aesthetic with androgenous features - long hair, long eyelashes, soft facial features. Josiah's story is always evolving, so inspiration comes and goes randomly.
Orion: I chose to base him off Orion from the otome game, Amnesia. Orion was a cute, little spirit that would guide the MC through different routes and experiences. Essentially being her only trusted friend. I didn't want to fully copy him, so I thought of things that I liked and put a twist to it. Orion is an "alien" from the planet Katentea, in the constellation of Bellatrix. His real name is Atlas. Again, for his physical appearance, I just chose what I liked on anime characters - white and black hair, red and purple eyes. The gemstones on his head was a spur-of-the-moment decision.
Sage: I don't even remember how I found inspiration for him. Maybe I just wanted a circus-type character after watching/reading Black Butler. A British, dark academia aesthetic was something I really liked back then.
Hikage & Alani: I remember seeing a Crobidoll Zion with white hair (sort of like a wolf-cut style), and instantly thought of a Prince. Since I loved both Crobidoll Zion and Zia, I figured I could just make them twins, and make them royalty. I remember being intimidated at first because there's a lot that goes into royalty aesthetics and politics. For Alani's character, I wanted someone who would make a prefect queen. Someone girly, bubbly, and outgoing. Yet someone who was strong-willed, stubborn, and decisive. For Hikage, I wanted the opposite. I love twins who look the same, yet feel like two complete strangers. Someone who was introverted, yet strong, brave and confident. Someone who could blend into the shadows and collect intel to his sister. I also love siblings who get along well, especially when the brother is the protector, whether or not the sister needs the protection. He'll always be on his sister's team. Later on, I wanted to incorporate ninja somewhere in my story, and I thought the easiest would be for Hikage. As time went on, Alani's side was pretty straight forward with her girly and queenly aesthetics, but Hikage's character became darker and darker. I originally wanted him to be this, happy-go-lucky character with great humor and loved teasing his sister. Now he's all serious about work lol.
Constance: His character was just based off brainstorming. I want to make a ton of more characters, and on the list was a fairy or pixie. And I chose that for him. I also wanted to make a poor character and an orphan, so I put those on him too. I guess I thought I was being too light and bright on my other OC's.
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lotrladiessource · 1 year
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Lord of the Rings Ladies Week is just one week away!
This year we’re hosting a week dedicated to appreciating the female characters of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, from the queenly Arwen and courageous Eowyn to merry Goldberry and fierce Lobelia Sackville-Baggins.
Tag your posts with #lotrladiesweek andmention @lotrladiessource
We’re focusing on female characters from The Lord of the Rings itself & ones with connections to it, such as second age characters like Tar-Miriel, and characters from The Hobbit like Belladonna Took. There are many other amazing women from the Silmarillion and such, but this is the LotR Ladies chance to shine!
Fanwork of all kind is welcome- art, fanfic, gifsets, graphic/aesthetic edits, fanmixes, headcanons, crafts, anything!
Per our usual policy, we will not reblog nsfw content
Bigotry of any kind will not be tolerated
(Note: the prompts are completely non-mandatory and can be mixed and matched however you would like to use them! They’re just meant to provide a range of creative inspiration and you don’t have to use them at all!)
Day 1: Hobbits | Warm colours | Resilience | Music/Lyrics | Fairytales & Legends Day 2: Women of the North | Cool colours | Love | Minimalism | Family Day 3: Dwarrowdams | Monochrome | Joy | Motifs | Language Day 4: Women of the South | Black & white | Courage | Typography | Parallels Day 5: Elves | Pastels | Grief | Portraits | Archetypes Day 6: Original Characters | Complementary Colours | Anger | Faceless | Textual ghosts Day 7: Freeform | Multicolour | Hope | Blending | Alternate Universes
Happy creating! Feel free to send us an ask if you have any questions ⭐
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