curioussubjects · 1 month
Kara/Lee Fic LiveJournal Links
It occurred to me a while ago maybe not everyone is familiar with navigating LiveJournal, much less how to go about finding fic there. I figured it could be helpful to have a list of personal journals and communities to make that easier, or just to have on hand. What's included on this list: * Authors (prolific and/or widely rec'd, some with partial AO3 archiving); * K/L Communities (great sources for other fics and fanworks); * General Battlestar Galactica (2003) fic communities; * Friend-Locked and Deleted Journals (for reference and archived links, if applicable); * Authors that moved all their fics to AO3 (not linked, also for reference). All that being said, this post is neither a rec list or comprehensive. Mainly, I wanted it to be a point of entry for new fans or fans who aren't familiar with LiveJournal. With that in mind, if I forgot a community or user you think should be here, let me know and I'll edit the post to include them. Let me know if there are any issues/questions!
If you see your username on this list and you'd like to be taken off of it, just let me know and I'll edit the post, and likewise if you have your fics listed on LiveJournal and you'd like me to link to them.
Note: You might notice reference to a specific archive for Kara/Lee fic, called Fallout Shelter, as you explore these links. The bad news is that the site is offline. Unfortunately, the site wasn't archived very well either, so pretty much all the fics that were exclusively archived there are gone. The good news is that the archive was a repository for fics originally posted on the ApolloStarbuckFic yahoo group, which was saved during the massive archival effort to backup YG back in 2019/2020. The even better news is that the data for that group might become available some time next week. I'll make a post explaining how to go about sifting through all the messages if/when the data becomes available. Keep in mind though that I haven't seen this data yet, so I have no idea what, if anything, is saved in the group's messages and files. Still, though, definitely something to be excited about!
Fics under the cut! ☺
General Communities
Battlestar Recs BSG 2003 Fics BSG Creative BSG Epics BSG Fic Finders BSG Kink BSG Remix BSG Slash
Kara/Lee Communities
The Applecart Beyond Insane KaraLeeFic No Takebacks Pilots Big Bang Pilots Presents Reel Pilots SASA HQ (additional fic tag)
Authors (A-Z)
alissabobissa (general k/l tag, ffn) anr (general k/l tag) apodixis bantha-fodder (general k/l tag on dw) that i should suffer (archived) brynnmck (general bsg tag) coffeesuperhero (general fic masterlist) daphnaea (general fic masterlist) dionusia (general k/l tag) elly427 (general k/l tag) embolalia (general k/l tag) fahye (general fic masterlist) hackaddict indigo419 kate98 (lj deleted, find on ffn) kdbleu leavingslowly leda13 (general fic tag) letterstonorah (lj deleted, general k/l tag on dw) liminalliz (general fic tag) lint (deleted lj, fin on ffn/ao3) lotus79 meyerlemon (lj deleted, find on ffn) mnemosyne olaf47 sangga (general bsg tag) shah-of-blah (general bsg fic tag) stars-like-dust (general bsg fic tag) svilleficrecs (general fic tag) tamsibling thefannishwaldo (general bsg tag, also on ffn) voleuse whatimages (general bsg tag) widget285 (general bsg tag) wisteria- (general bsg tag) zeplum (saintstreet, plumunited) F-Locked Journals queenofthorns (f-locked on dw) rawles/peri-peteia (ao3, dw) workerbee73
Deleted Journals/Fics
kag523 latteaddict nancy777ca (some fics on ffn) oxymoronassoc (archived, see below) Look Him Straight in the Eye Just Something Out of Step shawngf sloanesomething (archived, see below) And So I Woke (1 [might be gone], 2, 3, 4, 5) All the While Byzantium (SVU crossover) Terms Five Things that Didn’t Happen on Colonial Day Untitled
Find on AO3: callmeonetrack elzed Innibis ninjamonkey73 rachelindeed rayruz scifishipper SomewhereApart
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perennialwitness · 1 year
Theo sat alone in the window seat of a passenger train, staring out at the Eastern European countryside as it whizzed by. He was back on the continent again for the first time in years. Convinced by Matt to join him on a month-long sabbatical to take their minds off of the political climate in The States. In order to assuage Theo’s guilt for fleeing, he made the claim that it wasn’t uncommon for Black artists to seek asylum in European nations to allow themselves the peace to process and create. Think about Quincy Jones or James Baldwin, or Nina Simone, he would say, and Theo would agree, if only so that he would drop the subject.
A vibration in his lap shook him from his ruminating, his muscles clenched at the sight of his phone screen and the banner it displayed. A message from Rosalina Cruz-Diaz (@QueenOfThorns). He and Rose followed each other’s Feeds, though they hadn’t spoken directly in years. It was a way for them to silently acknowledge each other’s existence and observe from afar. The message was a reply to a photo he’d shared of him and Matt posing with two blondes in front of Brandenburg Gate.
I can’t believe you’re in Germany! You just missed me.
Theo scanned the text several times quickly before locking his phone and dropping it into his lap. He knew she was in Europe as well and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t hope to accidentally cross paths. Had she been thinking the same? His mind whirled with potentiality, thoughts sweeping in great ellipticals gathering force with each revolution until the pressure mounted and he forced his gaze outward through the window, his thoughts kept busy tracking the blurry landscape, soothed by long strokes of earth tones. He unlocked his phone again once he cooled off and began typing a response. Something casual, fun, something that showed he was well-adjusted without her and living a fulfilled life.
Did I? Oh well, better luck next time.
Three bubbles appeared at the bottom left corner of the screen and he locked the phone again, not wanting to appear too eager by seeing the message as soon as it was sent. His right leg shook up and down in a twitchy rhythm. He had the sudden urge to clench his jaw and crack his neck. His thoughts now turned to what he might say if he ever saw her in person; likely that he’d seen it all coming, that their end had been inevitable, doomed from the start. His phone vibrated and with clammy hands he unlocked it quickly, too quickly.
Who says there’s gonna be a next time?
Theo caught his own smirk of amusement reflected by the screen and it stung. He knew immediately what this had become. Rose was speaking in a language she’d reserved for him a lifetime ago. A reference she knew he’d understand. Rather than reply he pulled up her profile, the bio read: A Rose by any other name. Radicalized Afro-Latina Carmen San Diego. If you catch me I’ll tell you secrets. None of her photos were of tourist attractions or national monuments. Instead they depicted the intimate moments that occurred along the way. It made her seem to be perpetually in transit, never arriving at any place in particular. There were many times when he’d thought to comment on a photo, spent half an hour agonizing over word choice, but he never followed through. He tapped on her most recent, dated three weeks ago. It was black & white and captured Rose perusing records at a small shop in Kreuzberg. She’s mid gasp, eyes alight, pinching the edge of a copy of Pastel Blues. He swiped at his phone, taking him back to the message screen. He typed and as he did he was reminded of Rome. They weren’t making a stop there on this trip at his request. He was unsure if walking those streets would have a reaction on him or not and fearful of ghosts from his past he thought it best to avoid the Eternal City altogether. Though despite his efforts she appeared all the same, seeking to acknowledge their shared proximity to the place where it began.
I don’t know, it’s all coming and going.
Over the years Theo attempted on sleepless nights to rationalize his heartbreak. He’d tell himself that the love he felt for Rose was a result of something larger than them both, that their entanglement was as inevitable as their separation. They were young travelers bursting with hormonal desire, attempting to justify their escapes by validating themselves with the presence of another. Holidays were an opportunity for the romantics to act out the moments that felt too forced for day to day life, a chance to be cheesy and dramatic with the understanding that their actions will exist solely in that one point of space-time, carried onward only by memories as their lives would likely never intersect again, less they faced the reality that whatever magic conjured then had not been between their true selves but the people they dreamt of being. Theo and Rose had broken this rule and the result was their failed relationship. With time he came to believe that impermanence is an aphrodisiac, an invitation to tempt fate and while these moments may burn loud and bright they fizzled just as rapidly. Their love, like all love, had been a gamble, with particularly low odds and to lose such a wager was better than having never played at all. Her response was instantaneous.
Always will be.
As much as he tried, those rationalizations never stuck. He’d loved her, all of her, not just the version that existed in Rome. He’d seen the gory bits and his love remained constant. It was her who’d fallen out of love with him. He hadn’t lived up to the expectations she had for him, she hadn’t given him the opportunity to. She’d deemed him without potential and therefore a waste of her time. Theo sighed and focused on his hands as he tapped out,
Why didn’t you wait for me?
He stared at the text wondering if he should ruin this moment with accusations. Thinking better of himself he deleted the words, checking his need for answers. He’d gotten the message loud and clear.
I miss you and I hope you’re safe.
He snuck one last look at her profile, locked his phone and returned to his gazing. Proud of himself for showing restraint, he used it to soothe the wound reopened in his chest. It was the mature thing to let her go, he’d wasted enough of her time and she’d made it clear what the situation was when she left. He had no right to interfere, even if she was the one who’d reached out it was sanguine to assume she’d had anything other than platonic intentions. They could be friends, should have been from the start, he was beginning to see that now. What began as defensive logic for the sake of his id slowly dissolved and he began to paint pictures in his mind of what could have been. Matt was a good friend, loyal, but never really interested in the details, he arrived in every new city with a checklist of places to visit each of which only holding his attention for the minute or so it took for him to snap a selfie. Rose though, she had a knack for it, traveling, and a way of imbuing even the most mundane experiences with suspense and anticipation befitting an odyssey. Theo imagined himself following her around the planet, stumbling upon ancient spaces and taking them in with her whispering facts she’d gleaned from books and documentaries in his ear like gossip.
By the time Matt returned from the restroom, languid and unable to catch his balance on the speeding train, Theo was fully engulfed by his fantasies and did not acknowledge him as he took his seat. With a groan he slid into a slouched position, running a hand over his damp forehead.
“Left a mess in there, hard to aim with this thing bouncing around.” He waited, but Theo offered no response. “Hey, so uh, remember I told you about that girl I met at the bar last night?” Nothing. “Sticks, such a cool name, anyway she hooked me up with this—” Matt scrounged around his pocket for a moment shifting dramatically from side to side so that he bumped Theo’s shoulder finally drawing his attention.
“What?” he muttered with a few rapid blinks as he readjusted to reality.
“— It’s supposed to be like a psychoactive sleep drug,” Matt produced a pill bottle of little black tablets. “I’m thinking it’d be dope for the train rides, like a little trip between trips.”
“You know this counts as smuggling, right?” Matt looked from him to the bottle, his eyebrows scrunching in thought.
“I don’t think anyone cares. It’s not illegal, I’ve never even heard of it. When was the last time someone checked your bags anyway?” He gave the bottle a shake and let the rattle of tablets tie off his point. “So, you down?” Theo wavered, he didn’t love the idea of both of them being incapacitated in such a public place. Though in the second it took him to respond his mind was changed by a single thought; What am I doing any of this for, if not to take chances?
“Give me one,” he said and Matt shook out two tablets one for each of them, with a slight cheers they dry swallowed the NYX and then they were gone.
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twothangspopart · 4 years
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#rip to the #queenofthorns! You were one of my favorite characters on #gameofthrones! I never got a chance to paint you, but if I had expanded this painting to a whole throne room, you'd have mad a great #largemarge. #twothangs: #peeweeherman and @gameofthrones. (at Westeros) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE-JESkphPc/?igshid=14o5dn93nprwd
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jawaman77 · 4 years
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#StarWars #themandalorian #Mandalorian #BabyYoda #ThisIsTheWay #GameOfThrones #GOT #HouseTyrell #QueenOfThorns https://www.instagram.com/p/B-yCXtVnyvT/?igshid=9bowel23o25z
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catiprojectc · 4 years
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#DTIYS entry. Queen of Thorns. @finelinernerd under hashtag #finelinernerd35k Congratulations on hitting 35k and thank you for hosting this awesome dtiys. Here is my take on this, though I might have overdone it again, this time on the thorns. I had fun with this one though even added a little signature mask of mine. I think the most fun was using the tones paoer for this clvecquse it brings out the white so nicely. I would love feedback on this. #finelinernerd #finelinernerd35k #catiworks #art #traditional #traditionalart #queenofthorns #thors #crown #tonedpaper #sketch #drawing #drawthisinyourstyle #drawthisinyourstylechallenge https://www.instagram.com/p/B5zxSkzB0HD/?igshid=1c01a5u4u6wqf
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Had such a fun day today at our Game of Thrones photoshoot! Got to debut my new Margaery wig and dress and I can't wait to show you guys some of the amazing photos by @rainyfresh. For now, just have a selfie. 💁🏼 . . . #gameofthrones #got #gameofthronescosplay #gotcosplay #margaerytyrell #margaerycosplay #margaerytyrellcosplay #queenofthorns #littlequeen #cosplay #cosplayer #selfie #nataliedormer #highgarden #margaerysmirk #osgoodehall #toronto
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stephan-c · 5 years
I wonder if I say this atleast once a day
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“Game of Thrones” Season VI: Episode 3 - Slay Queen
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WARNING: SPOILERS for the latest episode below, so if you haven’t seen it and don’t know yet who dies, who fucks who, and how many costume changes Varys has, turn back now.
We begin July with a stop at my corner fire hydrant...
Remember back in Season 2 when everyone was like, “Wait a minute, how did Littlefinger get from King’s Landing to Renly’s camp to Highgarden in like an episode?” Well, everybody seems to have taken a hit of Littlefinger’s magic fairy dust because now they’re all fucking warping all over the goddamn place. Starting with J-Snow, who’s like -
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and washes up on the shores of Dragonstone right from the get-go. And P-Dinky’s there like -
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And J-Snow’s all -
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While Michelle is just like -
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Anyway, she makes the Dothraki strip-search J-Snow and co. and then she’s like -
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But she keeps getting interrupted by Davos, who’s like, “Where ya from, girl? I couldn’t place your ACCENT.” Even though literally everyone on this show is like -
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P-Dinky and J-Snow are catching up, giving recaps of their seasons since the show overtook the books and P-Dinky is like, “To be honest, I was drunk for most of it.” And D&D are like -
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CUE THE DRAGONS, because remember? She has dragons. And they’re all like ROAAAAAR FLYING OVER HEAD and J-Snow is all, “NAZGUUUUUUULLL!!” But Michelle and P-Dinky are just like -
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Cut to Melisandre creeping from above. Ya know, as she does. When she’s joined by Varys who’s using his newly-found confidence from his off-season Jenny Craig diet to rock this tight-fitting number that’s equal parts SS officer and... you guessed it...
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They’re basically like, “You’re up to shit,” “No, YOU’RE up to shit” when Melisandre is like, “I think I’m gonna peace. See the world and all that. Oh and by the way, you’re totally gonna die.”
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So we come to the moment we’ve all been waiting all our lives for - when D-Baby meets J-Snow. And it’s, like, fine. Michelle is like, “Paramount Pictures presents: Studio Canal’s presentation of a Fox Searchlight production, a film by Martin Scorsese, James Cameron’s Daenerys Targaryen.” And Jon is like -
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Basically D-Baby’s like -
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But he’s like -
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It doesn’t go well. But at some point, Varys does run in like -
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Later on, J-Snow is staring off a cliff like a Britney Spears music video when P-Dinky saunters over and is like, “I came here to brood. But I don’t brood as well as you.”
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Basically, he wants to help. But J-Snow is being all -
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And D-Baby literally can’t remember any of her lines except for -
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so P-Dinky has to totally Dick Cheney the both of them into playing nice. After which D-Baby even seems like she’s kinda -
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Again, she’s his aunt. Never forget.
Uncle Freddie Mercury is PARADING through the streets like -
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and everyone is so totally stoked to see him like, “Hosanna, heysanna, sanna sanna ho sanna hey sanna ho and -”
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Because the surviving Sand Snakes are being dragged around and the crowd is basically the Internet. Like, at some point there’s literally a man yelling “YOU’RE THE WORST! THE WORST!” 
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Anyway, he plops them down to Cersei, who’s instantly like -
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Like, so much so that Uncle Freddie is already asking sex tips from Jaime (I believe he mentions butt play). Jaime, of course, is all -
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Cut to Cersei wearing the loudest lipstick you’ve ever seen.
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She’s rehearsing her Emmy submission monologue for Mama and The One Who Showed Her Boobs. And we’re all like, “Aight Cersei, enough talk, we all know you’re just gonna have Frankenmountain smash their heads in and rape them, right?”
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But then Cersei’s just like so fucking turned on that she goes to The One Who Showed Her Boobs and is like -
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And we’re all like -
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But then we get it, ‘cause it’s poison. Except guess what? D&D don’t let us see The One Who Showed Her Boobs or Mama die. 
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Oh, no. They’re going to keep Mama alive. So that at any moment... if we give them too much shit... they can bring... her... BACK.
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At this point Cersei is wetter than a whore sweatin’ in church, so she goes to Jaime and she’s like -
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And let’s just say it might look like Jaime’s the one who likes the finger up the bum, knowhamsayin? 
Anyway, they wake up the next morning (or something, time doesn’t matter anymore on this show), and Jaime’s like, “No one can see us.” But Cersei’s just like -
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Meanwhile, Sansa is running around like -
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and Littlefinger’s wandering around like the kid who can’t find a table to sit at in the cafeteria, being like -
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And then he starts giving her like the most anti-Buddhist message of all time, like “Be stressed always.” At one point he literally says, “Everything that happens will be something you’ve seen before.” And I’m like...
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But there’s no time for nostalgia, because somebody is at the gate! And we’re all like - OHMIGOD IT’S DEF ARYA, HERE WE GO! ...
It’s Bran.
Still, Sansa is like -
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But Bran is just like -
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Like seriously, Sansa is just trying to be all, “Sooo... how are thiiiings?” And Bran’s just like, “You had a really nice dress on the night you were raped.”
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So of course, she’s like -
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And he’s like, “K. I’m gonna stay by this tree, I guess.”
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National Treasure Jim Motherfucking Broadbent is inspecting Daddy Mormont, who’s just like -
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NTJMFB lets Daddy go, and Daddy EVEN GETS A NEW SHIRT. Seriously, he’s been wearing that yellow one since Season 1. But Sam is NOT out of the clear, because NTJMFB pulls him aside like -
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And even though we’re still kinda like, “Wait. All Sam did was read the instructions and follow them and in all the history of Westeros no one at this super smart maester academy has EVER thought to do that?!?” Even though we’re still kinda like that, we really think NTJMFB is gonna expel Sam. When suddenly he’s like -
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So then we think he’s gonna turn around and suddenly be like -
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But instead he’s just like, “I need a shit-ton of copies.”
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P-Dinky’s monologue-ing as the Unsullied march on the Rock and he keeps talking about how it’s “impregnable,” but that somebody once told him when something’s “impregnable,” “impregnate the bitch.” And I’m like, “Whoever told you that (probably D&D) needs to wash their mouth out NOW, OKAY?!?”
Anyway, Barack’s there like -
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And I’m like, “This is the end, my only friend - the end.” But lo, Barack sneaks in through P-Dinky’s whore tunnels and surprises everyone. And P-Dinky’s making us think they’re outnumbered, but Grey Worm is just like -
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and lemme tell ya, he’s making. It. Work. He’s just like BAM KILLING BAM BAM but then he’s like, “Wait we killed everyone.”
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All it takes is for me to see Jaime and the massive Lannister army marching while D-Rigg watches from her tower to be like -
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Jaime takes the castle. Like really easily. Like too easily.
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But whatever. Because all that matters now is D-Rigg. And lemme tell ya, she’s not leaving without one last bid for that Emmy.
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First she’s ripping on him, him saying there’s always lessons in failures, and her being like, “Then you must be very wise.”
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And then she’s like, “Hmm that’s a nice fucking sword you got there. Whose was that, your CUNT SON?!?”
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And then she gets fucking real. She’s like, “Y’know Cersei?”
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“And not only that... but she’ll be the end of you...”
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So then, Jaime’s had enough, he’s like, “Drink your poison and be done.” And D-Rigg being D-Rigg, she doesn’t miss a beat, she’s just like -
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And then. With one foot out of this life and one in the next, she’s like, “Oh yeah... I almost forgot to mention... 
I killed your son.”
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“And I want Cersei to know.”
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BODY COUNT: 2, plus loads of Lannisters, Unsullied, and Highgarden troops (RIP The One Who Showed Her Boobs and... of course... D-Rigg) BOOB COUNT: 1 pair EPISODE GRADE: B+
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Friendly reminder there are only TEN episodes left of Game of Thrones.
Melisandre says, “I’ve done what I set out to do. I’ve brought ice and fire together.” But she’s never really spoken of the war in the North in those terms before, has she?
Do we think she’ll be back this season? I would say she’s gonna need some time to go to Volantis and back, but she can probably get there in 5 minutes with these new warp capabilities.
And while we’re on the subject, the show’s depiction of time has ventured beyond forgivable into problematic. At a certain point around Season 5 it became clear that each story thread was operating under its own time rules; we’d jump forward to not see Jon travel from Hardhome and back, but the other storylines weren’t necessarily running exactly concurrent to his. However, now this is becoming a problem because everything is converging again. So if Jon can make it to Dragonstone in an episode, and if Jaime and Cersei hear the news of the Freys’ death in Episode 1 mere minutes after we’ve seen Arya kill them all, then it doesn’t really make sense that it would take Arya 4 episodes to find out that the Starks have Winterfell again. It’s refreshing to see the show moving quicker, but it also means that D&D can bend time to suit the needs of their plot, which is frustrating given the realism George brought to this world. On rewatch, this is going to be a very top-heavy series. The War of the Five Kings lasted three seasons, but Daenerys has gained and lost a whole host of allies in 3 episodes.
I don’t know why I actually expected Daenerys meeting Jon Snow to be this electric moment when Emilia Clarke and Kit Harington have been the least-nuanced performers of the cast for a long time (I think you could make the case they’re two of the least-nuanced leading actors on a highly-regarded prestige drama in history). Still, it was nice to see director Mark Mylod delay having the both of them in the same shot until the end of her speechifying.
Re: “I am the last Targaren, Jon Snow,” so those who have read the books know that there is this other Aegon Targaryen character who’s either legit or a fraud. Is J-Snow the real Aegon? I guess this matters more in the book, he would delegitimize the fake one, but he must have a Targaryen name right? He’s surely not Jon Targaryen.
D&D love their torture scenes, but the one with Cersei and Ellaria was interesting simply because the victims were just as ruthless as the torturer. I even found a small amount of empathy for Ellaria and Whatever Sand Snake That Is. And kudos to Ramin for that chilling reprise of Cersei’s end of Season 6 theme.
 Did we catch Jaime saying, “No,” as Cersei went in for him before their sex scene? Very frisky, D&D.
This was a much-needed solid Tyrion episode, although all of his plans from the last episode epic-failed. I look forward to the fallout. I’m ready for him to split with Daenerys already.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Sansa will be the queen at the end of all this.
Bran can see everything... except how to explain what being the Three-Eyed Raven means.
Although to be fair, I guess his speed-sync from last season before Max von Sydow died has left him with a fragmented manifestation of his capabilities.
Daenerys’ possessiveness of her dragons is being played up more than usual this season. Expect casualties.
If the Lannister feint seems familiar, that’s because it’s the same tactic Robb used in Season 1, leaving fewer troops to die against Tywin Lannister while leading the bulk of his men to kidnap Jaime. At first, I thought this was lazy writing. But it’s actually a really cool “Jaime learned his lesson” callback.
Oh, wait, there’s literally a line about this. My bad, I forgot D&D don’t trust us to figure things out for ourselves.
The Highgarden attack? Was it un-manned? Or was this just a case of they didn’t have the money to show a full-on battle here?
A note on Diana Rigg - truly one of the greatest assets of this show, and what an exit. Both D&D and her were so locked into that character - everything she said felt right and true. She will be missed. And hopefully Emmy awarded.
NEXT WEEK: D-Baby is done with clever plans, Theon with a boat, and dragons?!? I forgot she had those!!!
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kristenhartle · 7 years
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Finally had time to finish my Olenna piece! Gonna miss that snark. #gameofthrones #illustration #characterdesign #olennatyrell #queenofthorns #art
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poetponyofmidgard · 5 years
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After a brief walk in the swamp & a trip to Walmart, we’re resuming @gameofthrones marathon! Dame Diana Rigg was the bee’s knees, man! #olennatyrell #queenofthorns #housetyrell #got #dianarigg #thequeensjustice #season7 #gameofthrones #gameofthronespremiere @hbo @tonialoria @scifibae https://www.instagram.com/p/BwQMKPPnMZK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fcamh43c6goc
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jeffreyjerfay · 5 years
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Y’all last nights @geekhaus show themed @gameofthrones and sponsored in part by @thisfreelife was lit!!! I had a blast bringing out my inner #olennatyrell #queenofthorns - - - - - #drag #chicago #chicagodrag #queer #instaqueer #instagay #instadrag #lqqk #dragqueen #dragqueens #dragqueensofinstagram #queen #beardeddrag #beardedlady #beardedqueen #beard #werrrk #cosplay #cosplayqueen (at Berlin Nightclub - Chicago) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvo7egYBme_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nnl2nx4lu3ur
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wesonerdy · 7 years
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We will miss #OlennaTyrell so much! In honor of the #QueenOfThorns, we shared our top five of her shadiest quotes on Twitter. Take a look and share your faves with us! #GameOfThrones #GoTS7 #GoT #ThronesYall
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ghadzoeux · 5 years
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The Queen of Thorns and her friends are finished #igers #igersreims #Reims #nofilter #warhammer #GamesWorkshop #paintingwarhammer #figurine #ageofsigmar #shadespire #nighvault #nighthaunt #toysandgeek #ramstagstore #hobbyholder #citadel #queenofthorns (à Reims, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsGSS7xHHM7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kw9ql3mv8cg3
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lodessa · 4 years
I saw a post recently that said the very first jaime/brienne fic on ao3 was by a 'lodessa'. Was that you?? If so, how cool!!!! I feel honored that you follow my stupid j/b obsessed blog. 😂 Can you recall what inspired you to write and post that fic? Were you already part of a j/b community on Livejournal or anything? *chinhands*
That was definitely me!  (I don’t actually think I’ve ever run into another Lodessa in any fandom, so generally speaking if you run into one it is me.)  
Though I am pretty sure that zoeiona/Eloisa was the first person to actually post Jaime/Brienne fic, back on Livejournal, and she just didn’t backdate her earlier works to their original publication dates when she moved them to AO3 like I did (and/or just moved them there later).  
Back in the Livejournal/pre-show adaptation days, the fandom community (especially those willing to go against the wishes of GRRM and do fanfic) was a pretty small circle, so there weren’t ship specific communities, we were all in one (locked) community called “notafanficcommunity” together, tolerating one another’s shipping preferences (even if internally or privately side-eyeing).    It is difficult to explain how it was at the time, everyone excited to have an outlet for all their ASOIAF thoughts and feelings, other than their own head.  
 It is also importantly (probably) to understand that  the entire community was made up of fandom veterans (that is to say, pretty much everyone participating had been active in other fandoms beforehand) and that most of the first fic was as a result, kind of weird and the sort of thing you write after you’ve written all the obvious stuff (the very first fic I encountered was dub!con Loras/Brienne to give you an idea of what I am talking about). So like... half of us totally shipped Jaime/Brienne coming into fandom, but that wasn’t the first thing that got written.
I should be clear that it was a lovely community, and we certainly talked a lot about Jaime/Brienne. I am still in love with queenofthorns’ fancast of Simon Baker as Jaime.  @bidonica / @bidonicart is still one of my favorite fanartists of all time and her Jaime/Brienne fanart is breathtaking. 
redcandle17 organized the earliest fic exchange, followed by me.   And those exchanges are where people starting asking for what they wanted, instead of writing whatever edgy idea they came up with, and myself and zoeinoa were (as I recall) the first two to finally write Jaime/Brienne, circa 2007.  
It’s where On the Shadow (which is my earliest Jaime/Brienne fic according to AO3) came out of.  It was written for redcandle17′s fic exchange as a gift (for @sophia-helix actually).  My original vision was a lot larger, a sort of adventure romance multi-chapter I didn’t get written (I wouldn’t actually get more than a couple chapters into any multi chapter until 2014 or 2015), which had Jaime and Brienne traveling across Essos, following Arya’s trail, always one step behind until they finally caught up with her in Asshai and all three of them (plus Daenerys I think) were going to get the relevant information about how to defeat the Others. I still have the first chapter and a half of that version in my documents somewhere. Anyway, as the deadline approached, I basically cut to the romantic climax of the story and that’s what where that fic comes from.
TLDR: Yes that was me. Yes I was in the ASOIAF fandom on Livejoural. Yes, I’ve been shipping Jaime/Brienne since I read A Storm of Swords when it came out originally.
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jasnrob123 · 4 years
Jaime/Brienne updated Rec List
Anything by Astolat, especially Pretty https://archiveofourown.org/works/14612130
Brave New World series by queenofthorns https://archiveofourown.org/series/49823 The Spaces Between series by LadyEm https://archiveofourown.org/series/1370851 Tales of the West and of the North by LadyEm https://archiveofourown.org/series/1460266 Honor Thy Regard series by SigilBroken https://archiveofourown.org/series/48322 In This Light series by SigilBroken https://archiveofourown.org/series/53759 Game of Throne works by Aslolat https://archiveofourown.org/series/990141
The Gentlest Schism by SandwichesYumYum WIP from 2015 https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/4960371 (So beautiful, so painful and a lifetime of love)
The Seven Bind Their Fate by RoseHeart https://archiveofourown.org/works/1241512/chapters/2550229
The Covering Sky by Rellie https://archiveofourown.org/works/813223/chapters/1537534
A Dance with Ice and Fire by ShirleyAnn66 https://archiveofourown.org/works/6129911/chapters/14048249
This Is Why We Fight by lashieldmaiden https://archiveofourown.org/works/18735541 (Brienne rides South to call Jamie on his bullshit)
Ostructed View by AlynnaStrong https://archiveofourown.org/works/11113137
Anything by Lady Rhiyana but check ch 32 https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/54487504
An attendant to a Knight by lionheartedghost (Pod-centric nice POV change) https://archiveofourown.org/works/19006282
All the Roads Are Winding (Physics experiment prove multiverse for Jaime & Brienne) by ShirleyAnn66 https://archiveofourown.org/works/8737036
Fever (bull riding AU) by Lady_in_Red https://archiveofourown.org/works/1124643/chapters/2266936
Sapphires by NighReaderEnigma (77 chaps) sweet mild angsty https://archiveofourown.org/works/18837673/chapters/44704381
41 Nights series by rhye https://archiveofourown.org/series/1355197
the jaimebrienne spite coundown by janie_tangerine https://archiveofourown.org/series/1304693
Just kiss already says Everyone but Cersi Ten Broken Beds by Miss_M https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/2168664 The importance of Kocking by Miss_M https://archiveofourown.org/works/3372767 Full Fathom Five by hardlyfatal https://archiveofourown.org/works/12001872 when you invest your love you invest your life by janie_tangerine https://archiveofourown.org/works/239883 Diplomacy by Gwen77 https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/19237405 Not Together My Ass by rhapsodybree https://archiveofourown.org/works/20245804 It's Just a Fact. Everybody Knows. by sameboots shttps://archiveofourown.org/works/19828030 Second Impressions by coolhandjennie https://archiveofourown.org/works/8683417/chapters/19906354 As Invisible as Possible (until you notice me) by Kelly123 https://archiveofourown.org/works/875786 Drunken Shenanigans with Jaime and Brienne by BrienneofThrace https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/1953279 i fear no fate (for you are my fate) by sameboots https://archiveofourown.org/works/18636544 (a love) a latern in the dark by sameboots https://archiveofourown.org/works/18762214/chapters/44509591 I Will Not Close My Eyes by RoseHeart https://archiveofourown.org/works/863430/chapters/1957047#main more like the man you were meant to be by Janie_tangerine https://archiveofourown.org/works/12234609 What a King Should Look Like by angel_deux https://archiveofourown.org/works/20141131 The Right Questions by Aviss https://archiveofourown.org/works/19266907 Sworn Sword by Lady Sapphire https://archiveofourown.org/works/17344574 Home is Wherever I'm with You by BrienneofThrace https://archiveofourown.org/works/823035 I'm not that girl by Lady _in_Red https://archiveofourown.org/works/1004852
Remember Spring Swaps Snow for Leaves (sad and lovely) by Orphan Acct https://archiveofourown.org/works/8083705
still looking forward (Jaime & Brienne cops) by blindmadness https://archiveofourown.org/works/7029151
Uncle Jaime and the Sports Bra That Started It All by Kelly123 (modern) https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/1593961
Battle is the Great Redeemer (timeloop) by Lady_In_Red https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/47923150 The Shape of Time (timeloop) by LSquared80 https://archiveofourown.org/works/18882301
the summer queen by honey_wheeler (well rounded character cast still touches on Jaime/Brienne) https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/1043327
The Treaty by MotherofFirkins https://archiveofourown.org/works/1144961 Outstanding Rec List by shipping-receiving at Tumblr https://shipping-receiving.tumblr.com/post/185013445780/jaime-x-brienne-fic-recs-master-post
JB Appreciation Week 2019 collection https://archiveofourown.org/collections/JBWeek2019 also earlier years are posted too collections/JBWeek2018 etc.
AMAZING short one- little talks by robotsdance https://archiveofourown.org/works/20905916
Aww this would have been lovely!  You make me happy by oathkceper https://archiveofourown.org/works/19871227
the battliefield between us (isn't here tonight) (Jaime and Brienne marry during the war in secret) by robotsdance https://archiveofourown.org/works/20088457
The Only Prayer by sea_spirit https://archiveofourown.org/works/16192616
In Her Eyes by sea_spirit https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/36210807
The Winterfell Collection by Kirazi (Fluff after the longest night) https://archiveofourown.org/series/1352434 Seven Days of the Seven by greyathena https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/37948037
O-T-P: A Saga of Epic True Love and Stuff (teenagers get J/B OTP) by QuizzicalQuinnia https://archiveofourown.org/series/332755
series- time is just a symptom of love by renlybardatheon (tamilprongspotter) multi-verse https://archiveofourown.org/series/1461547 series- we should kind of forget about season 8 by angel_deux https://archiveofourown.org/series/1476620
ardently admire by NotusLethe https://archiveofourown.org/works/18666865
blessed and cursed and won. by cereal https://archiveofourown.org/works/18605230
Same Time, Next Year by angelowl https://archiveofourown.org/works/20438255
Works and Days series by mussimm https://archiveofourown.org/series/504271
Runaways by AlynnaStrong (Jaime&Brienne run away to be knights) https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/39904107
all I've ever known series, (Jaime meets Brienne at 6 when he's a knight) by thesarcasticone https://archiveofourown.org/series/1511672
Bow Down by WackyGoofball (slight plot change at Riverrun. Author wordy but good change to story) https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/31043382
Promises and Porridge by GilShalos1 (3 parts but 1st is best and banter about Pod's delicate ears is the best) https://archiveofourown.org/works/18703801/chapters/44359552
Choices by Gwen77 (excellent post 8.05 fix, last chapter a little rushed) https://archiveofourown.org/works/19120546
Imaginary by PrioritiesSorted https://archiveofourown.org/works/4589832
Ten Days by SandwichesYumYum https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/14224648
So Many Vows by MotherofFirkins https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/2198898
Always Been a Pencil series by Vera https://archiveofourown.org/series/1337353
(every single one of us) still left in want of mercy by Roccolinde archiveofourown.org/works/20289736 and companion POV you have come by way of sorrow (you have come by way of tears) by Roccolinde
Not a Song by Holograms https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/49059749
One Good, Honest Kiss by winterkill (modern AU, well done friends to lovers) https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/51821368
The Opinions of Sheep by winterkill (Brienne squires for Jaime after page training, slow burn) https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/50589296
Butterfly Effect by Aviss (Jaime doesn't join Kingsguard making all the difference) https://archiveofourown.org/works/21537844
The Unwilling King series by Aviss https://archiveofourown.org/series/1596448
READ THIS NOW, so good! Jaime meets young Brienne over the years. songs of kissing and love by sameboots https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/50621756
Points of a Pistol by Aviss https://archiveofourown.org/works/20045944
A Date For Sevenmas by majoris 7 dates with fake dating https://archiveofourown.org/works/21973369
Your Kiss is on my List by winterkill https://archiveofourown.org/works/21668866
VERY WELL DONE, Souls to Hear by Albatros_assoiffe https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/53472085
i went looking for knives and i was looking for you by 152glasslippers
Surety of Promise by Diary https://archiveofourown.org/works/6354703
Fault by EwanMcGregorIsMyHomeboy12  https://archiveofourown.org/works/19867762
Darling, Let's Hurt Tonight by kataurah https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/49302401 sweet and lovely and packed into just 3 chapters.
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jasnrob · 5 years
Game of Thrones Rec List for Jaime/Brienne
Jaime/Brienne Collection
Anything by Astolat, especially Pretty https://archiveofourown.org/works/14612130
Brave New World series by queenofthorns https://archiveofourown.org/series/49823
The Spaces Between series by LadyEm https://archiveofourown.org/series/1370851
Tales of the West and of the North by LadyEm https://archiveofourown.org/series/1460266
Honor Thy Regard series by SigilBroken https://archiveofourown.org/series/48322
In This Light series by SigilBroken https://archiveofourown.org/series/53759
Game of Throne works by Aslolat https://archiveofourown.org/series/990141
The Gentlest Schism by SandwichesYumYum (Beautiful and painful) https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/4960371
The Seven Bind Their Fate by RoseHeart https://archiveofourown.org/works/1241512/chapters/2550229
The Covering Sky by Rellie https://archiveofourown.org/works/813223/chapters/1537534
A Dance with Ice and Fire by ShirleyAnn66 https://archiveofourown.org/works/6129911/chapters/14048249
This Is Why We Fight (Brienne rides South to call Jamie on his bullshit) by lashieldmaiden https://archiveofourown.org/works/18735541
Ostructed View by AlynnaStrong https://archiveofourown.org/works/11113137
All the Roads Are Winding (Physics experiment prove multiverse for Jaime & Brienne) by ShirleyAnn66 https://archiveofourown.org/works/8737036
Fever (bull riding AU) by Lady_in_Red https://archiveofourown.org/works/1124643/chapters/2266936
Sapphires by NighReaderEnigma (77 chaps) sweet mild angsty https://archiveofourown.org/works/18837673/chapters/44704381
41 Nights series by rhye https://archiveofourown.org/series/1355197
the jaimebrienne spite coundown by janie_tangerine https://archiveofourown.org/series/1304693
Just kiss already says Everyone but Cersi
Ten Broken Beds by Miss_M https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/2168664
The importance of Kocking by Miss_M https://archiveofourown.org/works/3372767
when you invest your love you invest your life by janie_tangerine https://archiveofourown.org/works/239883
Diplomacy by Gwen77 https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/19237405
Not Together My Ass by rhapsodybree https://archiveofourown.org/works/20245804
It's Just a Fact. Everybody Knows. by sameboots https://archiveofourown.org/works/19828030
Second Impressions by coolhandjennie https://archiveofourown.org/works/8683417/chapters/19906354
As Invisible as Possible (until you notice me) by Kelly123 https://archiveofourown.org/works/875786
Drunken Shenanigans with Jaime and Brienne by BrienneofThrace https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/1953279
I fear no fate (for you are my fate) by sameboots https://archiveofourown.org/works/18636544
(a love) a latern in the dark by sameboots https://archiveofourown.org/works/18762214/chapters/44509591
I Will Not Close My Eyes by RoseHeart https://archiveofourown.org/works/863430
more like the man you were meant to be by Janie_tangerine https://archiveofourown.org/works/12234609
What a King Should Look Like by angel_deux https://archiveofourown.org/works/20141131
The Right Questions by Aviss https://archiveofourown.org/works/19266907
Sworn Sword by Lady Sapphire https://archiveofourown.org/works/17344574
Home is Wherever I'm with You by BrienneofThrace https://archiveofourown.org/works/823035
I'm not that girl by Lady _in_Red https://archiveofourown.org/works/1004852
Remember Spring Swaps Snow for Leaves (sad and lovely) by Orphan Acct https://archiveofourown.org/works/8083705
still looking forward (Jaime & Brienne cops) by blindmadness https://archiveofourown.org/works/7029151
Uncle Jaime and the Sports Bra That Started It All by Kelly123 (modern) https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/1593961
Battle is the Great Redeemer (timeloop) by Lady_In_Red https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/47923150
The Shape of Time (timeloop) by LSquared80 https://archiveofourown.org/works/18882301
the summer queen by honey_wheeler (well rounded character cast still touches on Jaime/Brienne) https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/1043327
The Treaty by MotherofFirkins https://archiveofourown.org/works/1144961
Outstanding Rec List by shipping-receiving at Tumblr
JB Appreciation Week 2019 collection https://archiveofourown.org/collections/JBWeek2019
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