ramblingzombpossum · 1 year
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Queenus after biting my feet and face, because I was tired and trying to nap, passed out on my shoulder today.
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fluttershy-fangirl · 7 months
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Wow kawaii bestie hangout incase u can't tell
@n1lb0gn1l3pp3z queenus
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gothicwhore-daily · 3 months
Weenus peenus beenus keenus schweenus queenus
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fallensnowfan · 2 years
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More or less how I see the Akazaya. Not sure if I’ve made a post quite like this before.
In general, I'm so so proud of all of them for working so hard to make something of themselves, with guidance from Oden, Toki, and Yasu. Mostly the second two, at their own behest. Done to avoid fighting each other over who is Oden’s foremost disciple, remember? Their unshakable loyalty and love of Oden in the face of the tremendous opposition and loses they faced, both together and apart, makes them worthy of every bit of respect they get and more. Izo and Shinobu are honorary members. I could read 1000 chapters of the group as the main characters.
Kin'emon - Similar position to Usopp, were he to become the leader of the Straw Hats if they lost Luffy. Kin used to think so little of himself, back in his blond thug days. I'm so proud of him for achieving everything he has. Leader of the Akazaya/one of the founders of the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance, married Tsuru, and is father to Momo now.
Denjiro - The coolest, bluest, undercover-est, yakuza-est guy Wano's ever seen. Parent guy to Hiyori, after Kawamatsu. Underneath it all, he is still a goof like the rest of them.
Kiku - She is main character of a shoujo manga who grew up as a samurai. More or less raised by Kin’emon and is besties with Kitty, Doggy, and especially Kawamatsu. The youngest member now and is perfect.
Raizo & Ashura - The most grounded of the group and the two who have spent the most time without a close bond to another person. Love Ashura's hair and how goofy Raizo is too. Though compared to something like Brachio Queenus(I said what I said,) Raizo is no more or less goofy than most One Piece characters. Blame Law for skewing the scale too much towards serious. He’s an interesting character though in my opinion, Law's "cool guy” attitude kinda dampened the fun much of the time as a result.
Inu & Neko - I love how they still act like kids when having fun, though can shift into badass mode at the drop of a hat. Fluffy.
Kawamatsu - Care taker of Hiyori. Friend-shaped kappa sumo, but only to those he likes. If not, he will be fairly closed off or launch fish bones into the necks of his enemies. Kawamatsu and Usopp snipping contest when?
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8hotoke8 · 2 years
Czy jeszcze w dzisiejszym świecie istnieje moralność?
Mordercy stają się popularni jak inne gwiazdy. Tworząc o nich seriale, filmy, mimo że nie ma to nic na celu ponownie dając temu rozgłos.
Dziewczyna śpiewająca o kwestiach intymnych staje się idolką nastolatków godną cytowania. Dziewczyny sprzedają swoje ciało, a nawet nie raz obnażają się za darmo na instagramie. Czy to jest powód do dumy?
Osoby LGBT+ są popychadłami, ale nie jeden homofob słuchał kiedyś Queenu mając wielki szacunek do Freddiego Mercurego, który był Gejem. Oh ironio.
Powstają szlachetne idee, które tylko z początku były zdrowe. Teraz dwudziestolatce, która jest otyła, do stopnia gdzie jej skóra zamienia się w wały tłuszczu. Ludzie piszą, że jest piękna, a może umrzeć w przeciągu najbliższych lat jeśli nie zawalczy o siebie.
Poprawność polityczna zakładała równość ras, a biali zaczynają być co raz bardziej szykanowani i obwiniani za całe zło tego świata. Gdzie ta równość, zgoda i tolerancja?
Wszyscy pragną pokoju, spokoju, miłości i tolerancji. Jednocześnie plując jadem w zwykłej codzienności, bo ktoś nie ma markowych ubrań, bo ktoś odstaje od reszty.
Mogłabym wymienić jeszcze sporo przykładów jak bardzo ten system, świat, ludzie są zepsuci, ale po co? Skoro nic to nie zmieni.
~Hotoke 28.10.2022
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coolsharkpirate · 1 year
Just because this account is logged in, apparently leaving my partner home with a foster kitten means we don't have a foster kitten.
Also, I originally thought it a girl, but it's a little boy. So his name is now Egis Louneur (Edgy Loner) and he loves everything and everyone.
May have seen him on my original blog as Queenus.
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Things I need to draw:
1. Commission sheet I have the lay out I just need to fucking do it
2. Gif for my brothers birthday on Tuesday
3. The thing inspired by the sew together fic that doc wrote because uyes ( I have the reference and sketch I jus need ta do it
4. Candy skull Illinois I should have done this already but it just keeps slipping my mind and also makes me crave sugar skulls every time I think about it
5. The one thing to accompany the thing I wrote in a fever at midnight two nights ago (comic?) Or just art?
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torontosaurus · 2 years
When I look into my sweet kitty’s eyes I can see that there is a dried pea rolling around in there where her brain should be.
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ramblingzombpossum · 1 year
I guess welcome Egis Louneur to the family. Hubs made the comment he didn't think Queen was leaving. Last night I realized Queenus is a Kingus, but I already used that name.
So I decided to make him after his 7th Sea Character, who is a womanizing lover.
Egis Louneur who was an absolute throw away joke, now one of my 7th Sea char's favorite people. Much like the character, this guy is such a lover, he is also different from the other four, not only is he not grey, or a tux, he appears to be Longhair!
Guess it's time for another vet visit hahahah.
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acesincomics · 2 years
Ace Characters in Comics: Kai
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Kai, protagonist of the webcomic KAI, is demisexual.
KAI (2020-present) is a YA coming-of-age comic created by Queenue @rsqueenue.
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NEW JERSEY, 1986 - Seventeen-year-old Kai is grappling with the aftermath of losing their parents as they move in with their high strung aunt in North Jersey. Determined to regain some normalcy over their life, they begin rigorously training for the wrestling season while attempting to make a life for themself away from the island they grew up on. But, when their inner turmoil puts them at war with their own body, will their attempts to stay afloat only cause them to sink deeper? All the while, boy-next-door and popular varsity soccer player Alex Adriano takes Kai under his wing, unprepared to handle his growing feelings for the kid from Hawaii.
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Read KAI: Tapas | Webtoon
Created by
Queenue: Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Patreon | Ko-fi | Merchandise
[More ace characters in comics]
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Queen penis .... queenus
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tbdressreviews · 7 years
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tidestorereviews · 7 years
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queenofsassgard · 4 years
Queenue my head aching so much if i die rememher ilysm mwah mwah
I didn't even see this-
And ha fat chance you're going to die on my watch, you haven't seem me irl yet, remember?
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neon-ufo · 5 years
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Killa Queenu w/ markers
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comicteaparty · 4 years
May 4th-May 10th, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from May 4th, 2020 to May 10th, 2020.  The chat focused on Dead City by Michelle Parker and Jey Pawlik.
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Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Dead City by Michelle Parker and Jey Pawlik~! (http://topazcomics.com/deadcity/welcome/) You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until May 10th, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic! Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
I don't know how long these are in the queue, but wow, "infectious outbreak that focuses on characters coping with limited resources while self-isolating from anyone contagious" is hitting awfully close to home right now...
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic? I really liked how it jumped right in. It didn't feel the need to explain the outbreak, the history of it, what the symptoms are, etc. It simply showed a zombie, showed a non zombie, and the stage was set. 2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)? I think the Vending machine incident and Mikael ust straight up getting naked to take a rain shower. 3. Who is your favorite character? I like Mikael and his personality. He's just very blunt and to the point 4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most? So far there are only two, but their interaction, while simple, says a lot about their personalities and experiences with the outbreak so far. 5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it! Black and white is usually hard for me to read, but this one does it well. I love Mikael's freckles. 6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores? How people handle crisis 7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content? It's so simple, but even with few words, you can tell a lot about the character's and where they've been and what's brought them to where they are now. 8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are? Drawing the characters to show without having to tell.(edited)
@Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn) I looked out of curiosity. This was submitted January 13th. So it's a big happy coincidence.
Oh man I love Dead City! It was nice to refresh myself on the comic since I last read. I will say, the artist handles black and white beautifully. This is such a great comic with such a limited palette (almost pure b&w with some spinkles of gray). The style reminds me of really great classic American comics, and I dig it a lot. And as an intimate character study of two guys struggling in a post-apocalyptic world, it is fantastic. JP is my fave character as I find him really relatable. Overall, I feel his and Mikael's relationship was well built up and realistic. All of those cute, quiet little moments between them really make this story. One of the major themes that I gather is that humanity endures, even in the face of the apocalypse. The end of life as we know it isn't the end of us, we can still thrive, and even fall in love when the world's falling apart. That's kind of a theme in a lot of zombie media, but Dead City really hits on this. While I kind of wish there were more zombies in the comic (lol), I understand that it's mostly a romance/character-driven story. But, it also tackles the issue of isolation in these types of situations in a really genuine way. You get the feeling that these characters are the "only two people in the world" and that they felt so profoundly alone before they found each other. That's powerful writing.
But it also knows how to use humor and light-hearted character moments to lighten the mood, which I like. I've never seen a piece of media in this genre that wasn't super dark and gritty and that's one of the things I love about this comic. And, I don't know if I can pick a favorite moment, but I do like their whole time spent in the suburban house just lazing about, drinking wine and trying on the previous owners' clothing.
I like that the beginning of the comic begins kind of typical to a zombie story. Where character A meets character B but then oh no trust issues cause survival of the fittest. And then the story just completely deviates from it in a lot of ways. I really kind of like how it used the tropes to establish the setting quickly, before becoming its own thing. My favorite moment in the comic so far has probably been when Mikael froze and JP had to step up and take action against a zombie. I actually wasn't sure JP had it in him tbh, so for me that was a cool moment of just seeing another side to this character. I also liked seeing confirmation that nah, Mikael has been affected by the scenario and the whole has-it-together vibe isnt entirely accurate. My favorite character is probably JP if not for the fact I see myself in him a bit more just for the fact he never quite feels like he knows what he's doing and is just kind of winging it. Considering there's really only two characters, it's obviously JP and Mikael. Their relationship builds up in a very organic way that feels natural, so it's really enjoyable. As for the art, what I like the most is the attention to detail. Like Mikael's freckles, the fact JP's facial hair grows, etc. Those small things really just kind of give the comic that extra bit of polish that's really nice. As for a theme the comic explores, I think I enjoy most right now the human need for connection. Cause sure Mikael didn't trust JP at first (and possibly vice versa), and yet, are you really going to turn away perhaps one of the few ppl left? I think this story really captures that need for people to have someone else in their life.
As for the story's overall content, what I like the most is just how un-zombie of a zombie apocalypse this is. Sure we see them, but overall they aren't the focus. I also like that the zombies aren't treated as like this OP always have to worry about thing. One line that super sticks with me is Mikael noting the zombies got slower cause they're, ya know, dead and rotting. So I like that there is this hope that maybe it won't be a forever thing. As for the comic's strengths, again, probably the premise where it's a zombie apocalypse but that is so far from the focus it makes it really unique and stand out.
Comic Tea Party
9. Do you think JP and Mikael’s relationship will be able to last, or will the situation of the apocalypse get the better of them? In what unexpected ways do you think their relationship will be challenged despite the situation?
10. JP and Mikael’s backstories are both decently vague, so what sort of theories do you have surrounding them? Do you think we’re in for a shocking truth bomb that may drive a wedge between the two?
11. Given what we know about the world at the moment, do you think the apocalypse will last forever, or might things get better someday? What do you think will happen if JP and Mikael run into more survivors?
12. What story moment about the harsh realities of survival hit you the hardest? In contrast, what moment about human connection hit you the stronger? All in all, what do you think the comic says about connecting with other people, even in survival situations?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
I think JP and Mikael's relationship will last. But, what I think will challenge their relationship is the idea that maybe the apocalypse won't last forever, or things won't always be super dire. Cause I think that forces them to reexamine who they were as people in the past and talk about that a lot more than they do at present. At present I get way more of an impression they're living in the now, so once the past and future can be relevant again, I think that will prompt some interesting discussions. I don't have anything concrete at the moment regarding background theories. However, I do think there's a dark edge to Mikael somewhere in there that will make JP go "I'm not sure if I like that." Given my opinions above and it being mentioned the zombies aren't as fast as they used to be, no. I actually think we're already seeing the signs that as long as humanity can whole themselves up somewhere and implement proper containment procedures, things will get better. As for more survivors, I actually don't forsee that being an issue anytime soon. And if they do meet other survivors, that is when I expect something super bad more zombie apocalypse like will happen cause humans are the most trustworthy bunch in this genre. I think the moment for harsh realities of survival that hit me the strongest was really when they realized they had to move and couldn't stay in one spot forever due to factors beyond their control. It's really hard to leave a place you feel safe, so that hurts the heart that they really didn't have a choice. As for the moment of human connection, it was when the freezing scene happened and Mikael was upset someone he knew was a zombie. Cause I didn't get the impression they were super duper close, and yet that hurt was too real. As for what the comic is saying, I think it's a message about how regardless of situation, we need to feel connected to others - even more so in survival situations.
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
13: I think seeing JP and MIkael's relationship change and grow over the course of the comic has been a delight so far and I think it's going to continue to be interesting into the future. 14. I wish more people were reading it! It's definitely got all sorts of hooks...
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I've loved reading Dead City! I really like how this story feels like... progress? Like a lot of zombie survival stories are about the protagonists slowly falling apart as more of them get picked off, but this felt... hopeful. Like, the two get better at surviving as time goes on. Especially given how JP & Mikael's relationship is such a major part of the story. The fact that they can find love in the zombie apocalypse shows that there is hope for humanity after all.
I am most looking forward to them dealing with more zombies actually or survivors. Unfortunately, resources are gonna become scarcer as time goes on, so I'm interested to see how they change to deal with that. My final words are that this comic is super unique in its storytelling and, to me at least, is a beautiful story about human connection and how there is always hope even when humanity is struggling
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Dead City this week! Please also give a special thank you to Michelle Parker and Jey Pawlik for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Dead City, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://topazcomics.com/deadcity/welcome/
Jey’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jpawlik
Topaz Comic’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/topazcomics
Topaz Comic’s Shop: https://topazcomics.com/shop/
Topaz Comic’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/topazcomics
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