#queued as well !
blitheringbongus · 2 months
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Personally I think they’d be cute
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14dayswithyou · 7 months
💖 Day 3 Updates! 💖
If you haven't already joined da 14DWY Discord, here are all of the Day 3 screenshots I've shared over the past months!
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⇢ More under the cut!!
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💖 General updates! 💖
(Some updates here are a continuation of this post!)
Translations have been put on hold until I push out more content for the game.
Most of the spites have received a few minor adjustments to (hopefully) fix the art inconsistency issue.
There will be another woohoo scene in Day 3... The 14 Nights With You DLC is slowly turning into a reality.....
You will be able to invite the cast to your apartment (or visit a few of them!) to hang out one-on-one 💗
I created a new and improved "relationship screen"! Now you can see the status and affinity meter of the cast more clearly.
To all of the 2017 Ren enjoyers… I see you I hear you I feel you 💕 Enjoy having the option to choose Ren's hair length now hehe
I changed up some of the UI so that the overall theme is more consistent.
There's now a new Dead End, a Fox Ren easter egg, and updated CG art to match Ren's hairstyle!
Still no ETA yet on when the beta version will be released to the public >.< But Discord "Server Boosters" currently have access to the beta build!
💖 Day 3 Beta Build! 💖
As a way to show my gratitude towards those who choose to boost the 14DWY server, I've decided to release the Day 3 beta build for them to test out! Because of them, we're able to have over 200 emote slots, a custom banner, and a vanity link!! I appreciate y'all very much!
I also don't have a specific date in mind, but once I'm satisfied with all of the feedback + bug fixes, I'll release Day 3 for everyone else to play. So no need to boost the server!! Feel free to wait until I release it to the public (which should be soon >:3).
Thank you all again for your endless patience and support!! ♡
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bressynonym · 21 days
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new handler
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kotaki · 4 months
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"With each card collected, a piece of destiny falls into place."
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rough day...
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little-pup-pip · 24 days
Build-A-Bear Chococat!!
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heartorbit · 1 year
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yikes-ajax · 7 months
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I dont have a clever and witty sarcastic comment tonight, I just think she's cute
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kierreras · 10 months
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a tragedy in three acts
THE SUMMER I TURNED PRETTY s2e06 «love fest»
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lemony-snickers · 1 year
kakashi leaves marks.
bruises shaped like fingerprints, the sharp indents of his teeth, his nails. they linger on your skin for hours, sometimes days.
he doesn't always mean to. in fact, the first time he sees the dark tattoos on your hips left by his hands, he panics.
i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't mean to hurt you.
he's long used to inflicting so much damage--pain, death--with his hands. he's tried so hard to scrub them clean only to find them stained red again and again. the thought that he might have hurt you? especially while he's trying to love you? he can't bear it.
it takes a long time to assure (and reassure and reassure and reassure) him enough for his shoulders to stop shaking. you capture his face between your hands, press your forehead against his tenderly, nose to nose.
breathe with me.
in and out, in and out, nice and slow, chests rising and falling in tandem. kakashi cages your hands with his own, you can feel the nervous sweat slicked over his palms, the slight tremor that dissipates a little more with each breath until it's finally gone.
i'm sorry.
his whisper is so soft, you almost miss it, even this close. his voice hitches in the middle of the apology, and you pull away just far enough to draw his gaze to yours.
you tell him there is nothing to apologize for, he swears he's hurt you. you want to laugh, but stop yourself because you know it's not the time. know it will hurt him the way he thinks he's hurt you.
but what he's inflicted upon you is the opposite of pain and you need him to understand.
you rub your thumbs over his cheekbones, relishing the slight scratch of silver stubble, waiting for his facial muscles to relax in the wake of your gentle touch so you can tell him:
i like when you leave marks.
and you do. you love to stare at the bruises in the mirror, trace them with your fingers while you recall all the things he did to leave them, especially when he's away on a long mission. you tell him he once left a bite mark at the juncture of your neck and shoulder the night before a long assignment and when you saw it the next morning, your knees buckled as pleasure flashed through you.
kakashi groans and you finally allow yourself to laugh.
i know you would never hurt me.
it's true, and you spend the rest of that night letting him trace your body with his teeth, his strong hands, allowing him, encouraging him, to carve his adoration into every centimeter of your body with patient attention.
it awakens something in kakashi he never expected, some primal need long buried finally coaxed to the surface. welcomed with open arms and long sighs and heady moans.
rewarded in the morning with new bruises in all your favorite places.
kakashi leaves plenty more marks after that. now that he knows you like it (and that he likes it just as much; maybe more), there's no reason for him to hold back.
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blitheringbongus · 28 days
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Summers returning <3
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samanthamulder · 9 months
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DAY 4: favourite dynamic — Mulder & Scully You were my friend and you told me the truth. Even when the world was falling apart, you were my constant, my touchstone. -And you are mine.
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sexydreamgirl · 8 months
I’m sorry to ask this repetitive question but I am autistic and struggle to understand many basic concepts within the Law of Assumption it's especially harder since most people speak in riddles and I'm not good with those things. I need clarification on a few things; What is imagination and what does it mean to imagine? Must you always be aware of the state that you're entertaining and micromanage your thoughts? How do I ignore the 3D and live in the imagination? Am I supposed to ignore all of my 3D responsibilities and pretend that I'm living my dream life? For example, if I have a test on Thursday and I want to manifest that I don't, should I not study and pretend that I don't have a test? If I remind myself, "Oh, you need to study for your test on Thursday" and I continue to study even though I'm manifesting that I don't have a test, would that be a contradiction and mean that I'm admitting that I don't have my desire? Should I think and act a certain way or continue living my life? There's too much information about what to do and what not to and I'm so confused because I don't understand it and it makes me insane!
Ma vie, it's much simpler than you think it is. Allow me to break it down little by little:
What is imagination and what does it mean to imagine?
Imagination: the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.
To imagine simply means to devise an idea. Ideas owe their origin to imagination. Before it became reality, everything around you was once merely an idea: the internet, social media apps, technology, electronics, the model of your home, cars, freeways, haircut trends, the design of the clothes you are currently wearing, the very idea of even wearing clothes, art as a whole, it doesn't matter what you point at; EVERYTHING was born from imagination.
Must you always be aware of the state that you're entertaining and micromanage your thoughts?
You make acknowledging your state sound like something you have to be constantly monitoring. You don't have to be monitoring anything. As I'm sure you know, you're always in a state because you are always conscious of being something. Regarding micromanaging your thoughts: NO! Your thoughts indicate your state so if you're thinking against your desired state of consciousness then that means you are not conscious of being who you desire to be, and so you change that via I AM and you persist in it.
How do I ignore the 3D and live in the imagination? Am I supposed to ignore all of my 3D responsibilities and pretend that I'm living my dream life?
Ignoring the 3D is not about pretending it isn't there. It is about not letting it have the last word.
Pretend? NO! Pretend implies that it isn't real, when imagination IS REAL. IMAGINATION IS THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD AROUND YOU!
"Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." - Philippians 4:8
When you live in imagination, you contemplate what you would like to experience and then immerse yourself in the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Accept that invisible state (your dream life) as reality. Then go your way knowing the desire is now yours.
If I remind myself, "Oh, you need to study for your test on Thursday" and I continue to study even though I'm manifesting that I don't have a test, would that be a contradiction and mean that I'm admitting that I don't have my desire? Should I think and act a certain way or continue living my life?
Do what you have to do in your day-to-day life, just remember to bring yourself back to that which you desire to be. Walk as though you were and persist in it. As I said, ignoring the 3D is not about pretending it isn't there. Attending it for a moment will not kill your imaginal act. So you take care of what needs to be taken care of and remember to bring yourself back to your idea if you waver. Accept what you want in imagination. Remember that imagination is the cause and the 3D is the effect.
I hope this cleared up your confusion. As always, if you have further questions you're welcome to send them over <3
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kotaki · 4 months
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character tropes
↳ Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure → Sora Harewataru
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stylesrecord · 1 year
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LOVE ON TOUR – Los Angeles (1/29)
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thebluesthour · 10 months
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from A Practical Field Guide to Mystery (by arsspoetica)
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