#qui gon jinn slander
deermook · 2 years
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Assorted star wars junk from these past few weeks :P
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omgwowhahah · 9 months
Recently rewatched the Star Wars prequels….
Phantom Menace is the best, literally my favourite Star Wars movie and I will not accept any Qui Gon Jinn slander.
Also justice for Jar Jar, he doesn’t deserve all the hate he gets.
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youngprofesser · 2 years
Tldr: My ideal Anakin story bc yes he was a child murdering psycho but before that he deserved much better than what he got.
Yes I am up at 5 am. No I haven't slept.
In re-reading my "Freedom is Ours" series (it is so weird to read your own work like a book, yes I plugged it I really enjoyed it and want you to too.) I found a comment and realized that I have never enlightened my Tumblr page with what my ideal version of the Star Wars Universe is when it comes to Anakin Skywalker. So now I shall do so.
Now, it has been the topic of many fics that the Jedi fucked up when it comes to dealing with Mr. Anakin Force Skywalker. And I agree. However I do believe that the blame falls partially on J-dog himself (aka space Jesus, aka Qui Gon Jinn.) Therefore my ideal version of events would go something like this:
Some council members during TPM: "Jinn, we already told you this child was to old. Speaking of age, how did you get his family who has raised him for nine years to let him go in a span of three days."
J: "Oh you see he had no choice but to come with me, he was a slave and I won him after I bet on him participating in a sport that killed almost all of the other participants in the race. It was a no brainier, with his natural ability he couldn't lose. As for his family, his mother is still enslaved she asked me to take him."
Literally everybody with more than half a braincell and a sense of morality: "...you whAt"
(in case you cannot tell, I am no friend of tpm Qui Gon Jinn)
After that, his mother is rescued and Anakin and her both go live in a temple in the mid rim somewhere so that Anakin still receives training so he doesn't wreck the galaxy with his massive powers. Palpatine comes to prey on him obvs, but his mom's Mom Instincts™ kick in and as they are literally living with Jedi he can't quite get rid of her so he leaves and decides he'll try again when Anakin is older.
Anakin ends up realizing that the Jedi life is not for him and pursues his passion for mechanics instead. And that, combined his massive talent and intelligence with his resolve to go free the slaves, accidentally becomes a biomedical engineer and invents a device that can detect and disable slave chips from long range. Coincidentally, during the clone wars one of the clones gets in range of this device and WTF THE SOLDIERS HAVE SLAVE CHIPS.
The rest is history.
Sleep is for the weak. (I spelled that as week and stared at it for a moment until I realized it was wrong.) Good day.
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hedonistbyheart · 2 years
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“They gripped hands impulsively, and as quickly as that, the breach that had opened between them was closed.”
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palprotein · 4 years
SW characters as quotes from my science teacher:
Obi-Wan: I was just standing there I thought I was going to get stabbed
Anakin: They all drown. That one — I bet it gets eaten by a killer whale
Ahsoka: smart people know when to cut corners
Qui-Gon: I’ll be right back I have to pet a dog
Dooku: if they brought back the cane I’d use it
Yoda: come on, come out and embarrass yourself
Mace: who else can I bring down; their achievements. I can bring anyone down
Palpatine: He was keen. But being keen doesn’t make you smart
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harleykeener · 3 years
Back From The Dead, Lost In The Head (series)
I Will Never Be A Perfect Soul  c:25/25 w: 73,240
Obi-Wan managed to save Qui-Gon at Naboo, but at a great cost. Now in the clutches of Darth Maul, Obi-Wan is forced to his limits. Qui-Gon, haunted by Obi-Wan's unknown fate, accepts Anakin as his new Padawan. Together they try to find the lost Jedi, hoping they find someone they recognise.
I Can’t Drown My Demons, They Know How To Swim (wip)
His pulled out of hyperspace and suddenly before him was Coruscant. Obi-Wan Kenobi was coming back home. The planet shone, bright lights illuminated the planetwide cityscape and made it look like it was covered in glowing spiderwebs. His stomach swam with nerves. He could leave right now. He could turn back around. But where would I go? This was his last option and he had finally come to it.
Seven years after Obi-Wan left the Jedi Order he suddenly arrives back at the Temple battered, bruised, and broken. Haunted by his past he struggles to adapt to being back in the Order. Under the watchful of eye of those who wished he were still gone he finds the Dark Side has still not left him alone even in the Temple.
Qui-Gon isn't ready to face the consequences of past events. He sees the Darkness in his former Padawan and feels he hardly recognises him anymore.
Anakin is torn between the two Jedi. He's Qui-Gon's Padawan but his Master's insistence on fulfilling the prophesy is frustrating the boy. He's also angry at Obi-Wan for leaving but he can feel the Force pulling them together.  
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ttlurking · 3 years
My feed:
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gingersnapsstars · 4 years
obi-wan, young, has a bad feeling about this: it's something elsewhere...... elusive........
qui gon, Tired, has been dealing with this shit for way too fucking long, desperately wants his padawan to calm tf down, in his Exhausted voice: don't center on your anxieties, obi wan
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tessiete · 3 years
hii so idrk if u take reqs but can we have some korkie and obi-wan on fathers day?
Well, I have no concept of time, BUT I have finally completed this prompt! Hope you find it, anon, and I hope it lives up to your desires! Featuring cameos from Anakin, and Satine! Buituur = Parent's Day (It's become a full week, at this point!) Ijaat'ilor = Honour Meal Amalios = August(ish) (Basic) Haa'Tabguri = February(ish) (Mando'a) Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum = I love you. Alright, I think that's all the preamble! HERE WE GO!!
Master Kenobi has never missed a single Buituur Festival - not in all the seven years that Kiorkicek has been on Coruscant. Every year, with careful diligence, his master has marked off the dates on the little chronocalendar posted just at the door of Korkie’s room. It is always one standard week, but it always changes.
“It is based on the cycle of the moons,” his master says. “And there are two to keep track of, you know.”
“Yes!” Korkie agrees, eager to display the quality of his education. “Concordia, for eternal friendship, and Amity, for change.”
“Very good, Kiorkicek,” says his master, as he uses his stylus to draw a thick line across five days near the end of Amalios, which Korkie knows will be sometime in Haa’Tabguri on Mandalore.
“And will we go again this year?” he asks, bouncing on his seat. The thin pallet of his bed doesn’t rebound with the same elasticity as the one on Mandalore, but that’s alright - his enthusiasm is buoyant enough.
“Of course,” says his master, just as he knew he would, and Korkie grins.
“Thank you, Bebu! Thank you!”
His father understands, and his father would never miss it.
But the turn of the stars serves no single man’s purpose, and events conspire to grind promises to ash. Four years later, they are somewhere else, somewhere far away when Buituur Festival comes, and they cannot make it.
“You promised,” he says, cloak drawn tight to his body as he slides down the co-pilot seat, propping his feet on the dash. “You said we would be back in plenty of time.”
“I know what I said, Kiorkicek, but I was wrong.”
His master flicks a switch, calculating a sedate and altogether conservative flightplan back to Coruscant. Korkie watches the numbers scroll, and scoffs. Anakin would laugh at such a course. Anakin would die of shame if Obi-Wan were his master.
“So you lied,” Korkie says, toeing at one of the atmocontrols with his boot.
“Feet off, please,” says Obi-Wan. “I didn’t lie. I miscalculated.”
Korkie swings his legs to the floor, and stands with all the indignant wrath of a sullen fifteen year old. “Same thing,” he sneers, then he sweeps out the door to find his bunk.
The ship is too small for true privacy, and he’s compelled to share the narrow quarters with his father, but he’s not feeling particularly generous right now, so he shuts the door, and locks it behind him. Master Kenobi can sleep in the cockpit for all he cares.
He flops onto his bed, and throws his boots aside, unpolished. His cloak he drops in an untidy pile beside his bed. Let it crease, he thinks, as he pulls his tabards loose and flings his belt to the floor to join them. Let them wrinkle. I hope I lose them all. From the depths of his rucksack, still splattered with mud from their uncivilised flight, and hasty departure, he digs out a battered Temple issued comlink. Beneath his feet, he feels the rumble of engines drop to something subaural, and his stomach bottoms out to follow. For a moment, he feels weightless, like he sits at the top of a huge fall, but then he comes back to himself, and he flings himself backward over his bed. They’ve entered hyperspace.
No matter. It won’t get them anywhere fast enough to turn back time. Forget Anakin’s embarrassment - if it takes them sixteen years to return to Coruscant Korkie couldn’t care less. It’d still be too late.
He flicks through his comdeck to find Anakin’s number, and pings him.
Anakin’s voice fills the room, staticky with distance and movement. There’s no image, so Korkie assumes he’s in the middle of something.
“Hello to you, too.”
“I’m kind of in the middle of something,” says Anakin, confirming Korkie’s hypothesis.
Korkie runs his hand through his hair in distress. “Well, I’m absolutely in the middle of nowhere,” he bemoans. “You should see the course my father set for this trip. I think Master Yaddle is a braver pilot than he is.”
“That sounds like Obi-Wan,” says Anakin. “One sec.”
There is the shuffle of fabric over the amplifier, and then muffled voices in the background. He thinks he hears Master Qui-Gon, and maybe distant blaster fire. A typical mission for the Jinn-Skywalker team. At least they have some excitement.
“You still there?” asks Anakin, a few minutes later.
“Nowhere else to be,” Korkie sighs.
“What’s wrong with your dad?” he asks, and Korkie frowns.
“Nothing,” he replies. “Why would you ask?”
“I dunno,” replies Anakin. He can hear the distraction in his voice. “Why else would you be calling me?”
Korkie sighs, making sure it is extravagant enough to be heard over the com. “Because I’m suffering,” he says.
Anakin’s tone hardly changes. Still that distracted disinterest. “Okay, well, tell him to call Master Jinn when he can. Something about remembering to bring back some nadashaap leaves from Sundari, or something.”
“We’re not going to Sundari.”
“Mandalore,” says Anakin. “Wherever. Look, I’ve really got to go. I - yes, master! I see them!” A lightsaber hums. “Korkie?”
“I’ve got to go.”
“May the Force be with you,” he says, but Anakin’s already signed off.
He ought to call his mother, and explain. She answers almost immediately, and he feels guilty - had she been waiting?
“Korkie, my love!” Her face appears, tinted blue and blurred with the flickering light of a hologram, but it is her, and Korkie aches to see her smile. “How are you, darling?”
“Fine,” he says, but he cannot smile in return.
“Are you keeping up with your studies?”
“Yes,” he says.
“Your father says you have top marks in Core History, and Outer Rim Politics of the Colonial Age, but that you failed your last assignment in Pollinators and Pests in Basic Agriculture.”
Korkie frowns. “Well, if you already know that, then why did you ask?”
“Korkie?” she says. Her voice turns inquisitive, and he hates the fragile note of hurt in the tone. He wishes now there were no hologram, and that he hadn’t called at all.
“Sorry, Belli,” he says, bowing his head, and picking at his fingers so that she can’t see the shame burn across his cheeks.
“What’s wrong?” she asks, all hurt transformed to concern, and that is almost worse.
“Nothing,” he says.
“Are you hurt?”
“Is your father -”
“Master Kenobi is fine,” he says. “Why does everybody ask?”
His mother recoils. Her image flickers as her expression shifts, and she lifts a brow in suspicion.
“Master Kenobi?” she repeats. “Not Bebu? Not father? What’s wrong?”
He lets out a groan, knowing that he cannot hide any longer. “It’s Buituur week,” he says.
“And, perhaps it is nothing to you, but you may have noticed we are not there!”
“I had noticed, cyar’ika,” she says, calm and soothing even in the face of his simmering upset. She speaks as though it is not the betrayal he knows it is. “Your father called me before you left Parvis to tell me you wouldn’t be back.”
“Did he not warn you?” she asks.
“No,” he replies. “He did.” He is angry, but he cannot lie. He will not slander his father with falsehoods, but neither will he defend him. “But he promised. He said - every year we would always go home for Buituur. Always.”
“And you have,” she says. “This is the first year that hasn’t been possible.”
“So he lied.”
His mother is taking none of this. He turns away so that he cannot see her lips press into a frown, and her brows draw together in displeasure.
“He didn’t lie, Kiorkicek,” she says, with the dreaded use of his full name. His mother never uses his full name. His father never shortens it. “He didn’t know you would be stuck in weeks of negotiations.”
“Then he shouldn’t have accepted an assignment so far away!” he retorts, some of the heat in his cheeks moving to his stomach to stoke those banked fires of indignation.
“It is his duty,” the Duchess reminds him. “And yours. Or do you think yourself above your vows?”
He rolls his eyes, and flicks his braid. “No,” he says.
“Excuse me?” his mother asks, a warning in her tone.
“No, ma’am,” he replies, just as testily.
His mother tuts, and Korkie tightens his jaw, biting back his resentment. For a moment, there is a strained silence between them, like the elasti-band tension between two armies before the first shot is fired. But some of his father must have rubbed off on him, because Korkie relents first, the rigidity of his spine softening, and he wilts into loose limbed resignation.
“I’m just...disappointed,” he says. “I miss you.”
“Oh, my love,” Satine says. “I miss you, too. Always. But I will see you soon, yes? Your leave will just be a bit later this year.”
“But we’ll have missed the festival.”
“Do you miss me, or do you miss the festival?” his mother demands, with a playful lilt, intent now on jollying him out of his gloom.
“You, of course,” he says, tucking a reluctant smile away before she catches him at it.
“Then it doesn’t matter when I see you,” she says. “The festival is only meant to be a reminder: honour your parents, and celebrate them.”
“I know,” he says. “That’s what I wanted to do. Honour you.”
“You know, Korkie, you have two parents.”
He cocks his head, and looks up at her sharply. “Well, yes!” he says. “But I’m always with bebu.”
“So I wanted this week to be about you.”
“But we have decided that is impossible,” she says. “So how else might you celebrate it?”
He finds his father slumped over a datapad in the tiny galley, a cup of tea at his elbow. Korkie touches it as he sits down across from Master Kenobi, and feels that the ceramplast has grown cold with time, the liquid in it only half drunk. Obi-Wan looks up, blinking away the blur of distraction at his arrival.
“Kiorkicek -”
“I just wanted to apologise,” Korkie says, not waiting for his father to speak. Perhaps that might be considered impolite, but he knows that he is in the wrong, and he doesn’t want his father to excuse him before he can express his regret. “I’m sorry that I blamed you for the delay in Parvis, and I’m sorry that I was so unkind to you. I know that you couldn’t have foreseen that we would miss Buituur Festival, and that it was unfair to accuse you of lying. I was disappointed, but that is no excuse for my behaviour, and I promise it won’t happen again.”
His father is nonplussed. “Well…” he says, slipping his hands into the folds of his cloak. “Well, thank you. And I apologise for being unable to -”
“- To command time?” Korkie cracks a smile. “It wasn’t your fault, bebu. Don’t apologise.”
“Bebu?” says Obi-Wan, eyes sparkling. “Now I know I am forgiven.”
Korkie leans over the table to bring his father close, and pulls his hand from out his sleeve. He holds it between his own, and draws it to his lips leaving a delicate, reverential kiss upon the knuckles.
“Always,” Korkie vows. “And just because we can’t be home for Buituur Week doesn’t mean we cannot celebrate it.”
“Yes!” Korkie says. He releases his father’s hand, and leaps to his feet. “Now, I know that we are rather limited in our supplies, but I am not limited in my creativity, and I have a plan. Belli says that one of the most important traditions of Buituur is the Ijaat’ilor.”
“The honour meal.”
“Well, I am certain that we might come up with something suitable enough, and arrange a holocall with your mother so that you might dine together -”
“No, not with belli, alor,” says Korkie. “With you.”
“Are you not also my buir?”
“I am,” says Obi-Wan.
“Then I would honour you,” says Korkie.
He shifts away to search the stores and cupboards, seeking something moderately edible, something that may be reconstituted into a feast fit to exalt his master suitably enough, but in the hollow, ascetic reserves of their tiny ship there is nothing to match his desire. He gathers what he can, combining this packet with that tin, and adding the few spices that he knows his father can tolerate. He is done in minutes, thanks to the dull efficiency of ready-pack meals, and he sets a steaming plate of instant noodles, and nutricubes before him. As a last minute touch, he boils a little more of their precious water reserves and steeps a fresh cup of tea for his father.
Then, he sits, and together they lift their grub-sticks to sample his work.
His father chews, swallows, and sips at his tea, wincing slightly at the heat. Korkie grimaces in distaste.
“Well,” says Obi-Wan. “At least it’s hot.”
Korkie shoves his plate away, his heart sinking down to his scuffed up boots.
“I’m sorry, bebu,” he says. “I did try.”
“I know you did, my one. It is not your fault. There is nothing to be salvaged from ration packs.”
“But I wanted to please you,” Korkie protests. “I wanted to show you how I admire you. I wanted to honour you for Buituur Week.”
Obi-Wan pushes his plate to join Korkie’s at the side, and stands. With a single step, he is around the edge of the table, and kneeling at his son’s feet. Korkie doesn’t resist when his father tugs him to the end of the bench, turning him to face him where he waits, and taking his hands in his.
“You always please me,” his father says. “You always honour me. Kiorkicek, I do not need Ijaat’ilor, I do not need Buituur Week. You honour me every day, just by being you, and it is my admiration I must express. I am so proud of you, my son. So proud. And I am honoured to be your father.”
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, bebu,” Korkie says, throwing his arms around his father’s neck.
His father wraps his own around him in turn, and holds him close. “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, Kiorkicek Kryze. Always.”
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lesbianlothcats · 2 years
YES qui gon jinn left his thirteen year old padawan on a war torn planet YES it is slander that he didn’t appear until the last thirty seconds of kenobi
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a-dorin · 4 years
Qui Gon Jinn Personally, I think he is underrated
i do not tolerate any form of qui-gon slander in this house 😤
i think he’s underrated too! i’m hoping & praying that we will MAYBE get a crumb of him in the kenobi series. especially since qui-gon is a force ghost.
while i’m not thirsting over him, he is very attractive and has nice hair. i bet he knows how to braid and was the one who braided obi’s little padawan braid hehe
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minniethemoocherda · 7 years
Five Times Ezra met a Force Ghost and One Time He Didn’t: Qui-Gon Jinn
Ever since I saw “The Twin Suns” I wondered what Ezra’s feelings about Obi-Wan refusing to join the Rebellion so this chapter explores that. (And I would have loved for Ezra to meet Luke in that episode too!)
Ezra had spent the moments since his return from tatoween in the caves by the Bendu. The caves were old, twisted and mysterious much like the creature himself. Perfect for avoiding one’s friends so that he didn’t lash out at them. He was just so angry at Obi-Wan for not joining the rebellion. He couldn’t understand how anyone could be so selfish. Ezra knew full well that he wasn’t a saint but at least he cared enough about people’s free will to try and stop the Empire. He kicked over a stack of rocks, hoping that the Bendu didn’t have some weird attachment to them or anything.
“What did that rock ever do to you?” A low rumbling voice with an unusual accent that he didn’t recognise said from behind him. Letting out an annoyed humph Ezra turned around to face who he assumed was another force ghost.
This one looked older than the previous figures or maybe that was just because of stress typical Jedi stress, after all Obi-Wan was only in his 50s yet could have easily passed for 80 and Kanan was constantly complaining about how Ezra was giving him grey hairs which didn’t seem like as big of a problem since it wasn’t like he could see them. Speaking of hair, this man’s was long and silver with part of it tied back which matched his long sharp face. Despite being a tall, imposing figure his eyes were filled with the glimmer of kind wit that reminded Ezra of his father.
Unlike the previous figures Ezra had absolutely no idea who this person was.
“Look, not that I don’t appreciate your forcely wisdom or whatever but I’m not in the mood right now.” He spat turning his back on the figure.
“Did your master never tell you it was rude to turn your back on someone who came back from beyond the grave for a chat?” The figure said in the tone of a bad Dad joke.
Ezra sighed, knowing that the ghost was right. Reluctantly he turned back to face him although couldn’t help but still feel angry.
“I’m sorry, I’ve just had a rough day. This jedi won’t help us to defeat The Empire!”
He then raised his eyebrow the way Hera has taught him. “Although if you’re here now then you probably already know that.”
The man let out a deep sigh. “Yes and I understand your frustration, however your anger should not be directed at my padawan. His path is different from yours young one.”
“Your padawan? So you’re Obi-Wan’s master?” Ezra asked although he probably should have figured that out by now.
“Yes.” He replied proudly. “I am Qui-Gon Jinn.”
“Cool.” Ezra said unimpressed. “That still doesn’t explain why Obi-Wan couldn’t help us fight the empire. With him on our side we could-“
“Did Obi-Wan strike you as someone who wouldn’t want to help?” Qui-Gon interrupted. Ezra wasn’t sure if it was becuase he wanted to get straight to the point or because he didn’t like someone slandering his padawan. Ezra would put money on the latter since he had yet to come across a Jedi that actually plaint told him what he needed to know with using a thousand riddles.
“No. He was kind and wise. But that makes him even more of a coward for not helping!” His anger started building again. He felt the rocks he’d kicked over start to tremble around him.
“So think.” Qui-Gon said calmly, ignoring the young padawan’s outburst. “Why would someone like Obi-Wan stay on that planet if they could help?”
“I don’t know.” Ezra said. His anger turned in to frustration causing the stones to suddenly drop. He took in a deep breath like Kanan had taught him to do and almost immediately he felt the dark never that had started to built up inside him begin to calm down. Once his mind was settled he was able to think clearly. As he began to rationally think an idea came into his head that he couldn’t believe he hadn’t thought of before.
“Was he protecting something? Like a weapon or something?” Ezra exclaimed eagerly. The rebellion could really use that right now.
At first he was disappointed when Qui-Gon shook his head. That was until he spoke.
“Not something. Someone.”
Ezra’s interest was instantly hooked. “Who?”
“A young man just like you, who’s got more in common with you than just your age.”
A force sensitive. Ezra thought reading between the lines easily. He’d met very few people who were fore sensitive in his life anyway but non of the had been his age. He would be nice to finally have someone his age that he could relate to who understand as little about the force as he did.
“Is he cute?” He asked with a smirk.
“Padawans.” Qui-Gon sighed with a low rumbling chuckle clearly showing that he was stranger to such antics. “Always so eager to run off with their hearts. At least my padawan has more sense than my grand padawan in that regard. Anyway you’ll find out for yourself soon enough.”
“I’m looking forward to it.” Ezra said. “And I promise I’ll apologise to Obi-Wan when I see him too.”
Qui-Gon’s only reply was a sad smile that stayed a moment longer then the rest of his imposing figure before it to faded away.
Ezra was feeling a lot happier after his talk with the once wise Jedi and he left the cave with his head full of dreams about who this new force wielder would be.
A/N There won’t be anymore chapters until Star Wars Rebels has finished because I want to see if they do anything like this in the show first.
Also I haven’t seen the latest episodes so NO SPOILERS IN THE COMMENTS/TAGS PLEASE!!! Thank you!! Xxxxxx
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ratmonologue · 7 years
Mash for the TV series one and all the questions and star wars for the salty asks
Favourite character: Dr.+Captain Benjamin Franklin “Hawkeye” Pierce, the one and only, and love of my life even though he really shouldn’t be
Funniest character: They’re… all hilarious in their own ways…. I love Hawkeye’s punning, Trapper’s one-liners, Frank’s patheticness, Klinger’s sheer zaniness…. Though Hawkeye and Trapper have had me in tears of laughter the most out of everyone, so I guess them
Best-looking character: None of them are especially handsome/pretty or anything, but I’ll go with pre-mustache BJ. I have yet to see anyone else pull off a pink henley like he did.
3 favourite ships: I don’t romantically ship anyone. I like how Hawkeye and Margaret’s relationship develops, the Radar/Henry father-son dynamic is adorable, and Frank and Margaret did make for some comedy gold even though she deserves sooooo much better than him.
Least favourite character: I honestly love all of the main cast. A lot of the one-off military brass higher-ups were complete assholes, so I guess one of them? I know this is cheating but so there.
Least favourite ship: I don’t see romantic Hawkeye/Trapper or Hawkeye/BJ (sorry 90% of the MASH fandom), so those, even though I love both friendships.
Reason why I watch it: The quality comedy, the zany characters, and the hope and humanity that (usually) persists even in the middle of the most depressing circumstances there could be. The show (and especially Hawkeye) was also one of the main things that helped me get through a pretty rough patch in my life, so, yeah, I’m eternally grateful for Alan Alda’s existence.
Why I started watching it: It would be on TV and my mom would sometimes watch it and I just kinda got sucked in
Aaand Salty Star Wars under the cut, bc this is probably gonna get long
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Reylo. Sorry. But no. I hate that fucker and Rey deserves so much better.
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Most of them, tbh….. I’m really not a shipper.
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
OHHHH YES. Many times.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
I already mentioned my disgust for reylo right
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Not in Star Wars, at least, but that’s because I don’t ship anyone anyway. Except for Han/Leia and Kylo/purgatory. Those I do ship.
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
The oversaturation of TFA stuff (especially when compared to Rogue One, which was, imo, a FAR superior movie but doesn’t have a third as much fandom recognition) cooled my feelings toward TFA somewhat. I still like it, but in more of a “whatever, it’s alright” sort of way.
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?
Pfft no I’m not that important
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Kylo. Whiny little pissbaby. I don’t like Anakin either, but at least he had REASONS why he was such a tortured little whiner. Kylo doesn’t have any of those backstory sads, he’s just a not-so-little emo fuck with a nonsensical boner for the dark side.
Jabba and Palpatine are also terrible people, and I really do not understand the fandom’s obsession with Hux. He’s so boring. He’s just….. occasionally kinda there.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Attack of the Clones is irredeemably terrible in every single way. Sorry. (Not.) Though the Padme+Anakin “““romance”““ is especially cringeworthy.
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I don’t see enough love for Qui-Gon Jinn and his fuck-the-council-I-do-what-I-want poncho-wearing fabulousness
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I like the ewoks. Fight me.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
I think I’ve slandered Kylo enough for the time being
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Can the Rogue One fandom maybe please stop shipping everyone in sight? I like Cassian/Jyn too, but frankly this is getting ridiculous. Also Bodhi. Y’all fuckers need to start showing some more love for him.
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
God forbid Star Wars ever becomes an anime…..
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
The entire prequels tbh. Just…. scrap them entirely, rewrite them from scratch so they actually make sense, practical effects > cgi, and hire a halfway competent director.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Instead of Padme dying because “she lost the will to live” (?????) I’d have made her start what eventually becomes the rebellion and die in a way that actually means something and makes sense for her character. And wait a few years for that death so Leia actually CAN remember her like she claims to in RotJ.
18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
Uh…. what the fuck is this asking…… people can have different opinions and also everyone has biases……..? there is no ~objective shipping truth~ that people must be in denial from…….? what the fuck
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
Shippers. That goes for any and every fandom.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
I guess Finn/Rey or Finn/Poe is as “““pure”““ as it gets. Have I ever mentioned that I hate tumblr’s obsession with “““purity”““, by the way? Because I do. I fucking despise it.
If we’re talking literal ships, then the Millennium Falcon is the most perfect piece of junk in the entire galaxy.
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
I mean, smugglers and drug dealers have to make a living too, though personally I think that captaining a crack ship would be too dangerous.
22. Popular character you hate?
Never mind I guess I’m not done bashing Kylo yet. Also, Yoda’s a reasonably interesting character but god I hate him and his terrible TERRIBLE black-and-white outlook on the world. Most of the Jedi Council is guilty of that, actually. I kinda hate them all.
23. Unpopular character you love?
I think I’ve already mentioned Qui-Gon and Bodhi
24. Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?
Yes because for all its flaws Star Wars (the original trilogy at the very least) is a classic and deservedly so. It’s such a great archetypal underdog story with wonderful characters and action and MUSIC, DEAR GOD THE MUSIC, ALL HAIL JOHN WILLIAMS FOREVER AND EVER AMEN
25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
I mean, Star Wars as a whole is still ongoing. I’d change quite a few things in TFA, especially the whole Han/Leia (lack of a) thing. That was so unnecessary.
26. Most shippable character?
Han Solo spends his life in various spaceships, so probably him. Luke, Poe, Rey, and Anakin also qualify, as they have plenty of spaceship time.
27. Least shippable character?
Do we ever see Jabba on a ship? I think he’d be too heavy and take up too much space, personally. He should stay on the ground.
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