#((sorry this took so long i had *depresion*))
vintageaustin · 5 months
goodbye kiss
austin butler x reader.
summeray: the reader and austin meet again, and spend one night together
warnings: angst cussing alchol depresion pregnancy cheating mention of sex not acteul sex tho
authors note: i personally really love this and i hope you guys do as well, enjoy kids, there are so many songs combined into this song let me know if you can find them!!
Massive thanks to @austinbutlerslovers and @elvismylove04 for the help🩷
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It was Friday night, and like usually, you felt alone. You didn´t mind feeling alone, but... there was something about being so lonely that you didn´t even notice you were crying till now. The road was long, sure, and you tried to have fun in the meantime.
So even though it was a whopping 57 degrees in Vegas, you decided to go out and maybe look for someone who was just as damaged as you are. You liked taking a walk on the wild side. It made you feel alive, and feeling alive was better than feeling nothing at all.
Your heart broke with every step you took. You had never really been in love, you thought as you wandered the streets of Las Vegas, except for that one boy. You were hoping that at the gates they´d tell you that he was yours. He was born in August. You just met him too soon.
As you got lost in your thoughts, you bumped into someone. I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking, you said softly. The stranger chuckled, and you, on the other hand, still hadn´t looked up. "It´s okay." He laughed gently. That voice that laugh, you recognized it. 
"A-austin, you whispered as you looked up. There he was standing in front of you, but something was different; it was like the light faded from his eyes. He wasn´t doing okay, and well, neither were you."W-what are you doing here? You stuttered, and he smiled softly looking.
Down at you, ¨I was looking for you" he whispered.
You looked at him a bit, taken aback. "For me?" you asked, kind of confused. To be fair, you and Austin broke up a while ago. Though you never stopped loving one another, you never really talked again after you broke up. "You're dad, he, uh, he called me." You looked at Austin and turned around, walking away.
"You´re dad!?" The little voice in your head was screaming. You hadn´t talked to your parents in ages, and now they send your ex-boyfriend over to check up on you??. How sick is that!? Your thoughts got interrupted as Austin called you multiple times, "Angel!? Wait up, cmon, let me explain!" he said. And you shook your head. "I don't wanna hear it aus, you either don´t mention them and we have a fun night and forget about this tomorrow, or I leave," you said, kind of cold and huffed. 
Looking at those striking blue eyes, Austin chuckled and nodded. "Wanna get drunk in my hotel room then?" You smiled softly and nodded as he grabbed your hand and started running down the street to the corner store. The two of you got a cheap bottle of vodka and whiskey. Then make your way back to his hotel room.
And you couldn´t help but think maybe the two of you lived in silence for too long. You were broken, and he ran allong like he was supposed to, and maybe the days the two of you had were gone, rock and roll sent the two of you insane back then... You couldn't help but wonder if it would do that again.
You got snapped out of your thoughts as Austin spoke up. "Do you want a drink?" he asked as he took a hold of your waist gently. You nodded and smiled. I'd love to" hear you whisper as Austin leaned closer and smiled. "I got you," he chuckled, kissing your cheek. He went over to the mini bar and poured the both of you a shot. As you got half way through the first bottle,.
You and Austin were talking about your lives now and reminiscing about the good old days. Those 20 minutes felt like forever, but you learned a lot about him. You learned he had a girlfriend, yet he remembered the day he wrote "mine" on your upper thigh so well.
This night was doomed from the start; you shouldn´t be here; he was taken, and this was wrong; no words could save this; he was drunk, and you were pissed. You sighed softly and got up. You walked over to the door and leaned against it. "I should go." You said soft enough that he could tell that you were hurt. As you looked up, he was walking over to you. "Angel," he said barely in a whisper as he looked into your soul with those striking blue eyes.
He made you look up at him as he took a hold of your chin. "Don't leave," he said barely in a whisper. "I just got my angel back,” he mumbled as his eyes fell down on your lips, and he started leaning in closer and closer until you felt his soft lips on yours. The kiss was rough but sweet. Was this your goodbye kiss? You thought to yourself.
One night, after that, you go your way, and I´ll go my way, you said, and Austin nodded and picked you up. Kissing you again, he laid you down on the bed. He was so gentle with you, and the both of you were so drunk. You knew it was wrong, and so did he, but you loved him, and he loved you.
So one thing led to another, and you woke up in Austin in his arms the next morning. You looked around and sighed softly. "Shit" you muttered and looked over at Austin, who was sleeping peacefully. You got up carefully and took a quick shower before getting your clothes back on. 
You wrote him one last note before you grabbed your stuff and left his hotel. "I hope someday we´ll meet again—forever, your angel." that´s what she wrote.
He tried calling you; he tried finding your apartment, but there was no luck.
You knew one day you'd meet again because, a month after you slept together, you found out you were pregnant.
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howlingday · 1 year
Ok so for a bit of backstory in this AU ruby manges to save pyrrha and beat cinder by using her silver eyes so she is recognised as a hero by all of vale, taking notice of that the counsil of vale decides tha she is the go-to huntress to deal with the grim.
At the beginning everything was great she a hero and loved by all but as time passed things changed when she came to help it was " thank you for comming you saved us" to "why did you not come before, if you were faster they would be alive" and now" i just lost my new car because of you, i missed a meating because you're useless"
So after 5 years of just being a tool for counsil they decided to send her on a last mission :kill salem or die trying
After all if she win she wil be the greatest hero ever if she died she will be a martyr who fought valiantly aganist the grim the council wins either way.
Ruby rose the unwilling puppet : the child prodigy turned icon has lost much of the childish wonder she once had after being used like a tool by vale council, she has become a no-nonse no mistakes kind of person in missions and in most civillian interaction with the exception of a few individuals
Yang xiao long the blind dragon : during the attack that pushed her sister into the spotlight she fought the leader of the now world wide searched terrorist group the white fang.
During this battle she lost the ability to see after her left eye was sliced rendering it useless and dealing a damage to her right eye that was so severe it would need at least 2 years of healing for it to see again.
Reports from that battle says that she was made into an example for the one who oposed the white fang and the disappearing of her parter yang xiao long was left in a severe depresion that was able to overcome with the help of her sister , father , uncle and [REDACTED] she is battle ready once more but the linhering trauma of thst fight limits her ability
Weiss schnee the gilded queen : the second born and former heir of the schnee minning company now the president of this one, she is now on the middle of a complete overhaul of the company she little to no time to deal with other things that not the company it self.
After being forced to come back to atlas by the now former president of the schnee company weiss spended two years of being a doll to her father concerts, parties ,dance recitals , you name it she was forced to do it this, changed after an encounter with ruby rose and [redacted] and a encounter with [redacted] ended violently into a fight she decided to overtake her father and took posetion of the schnee company
blake belladona the wandering shadow not much is know about her wereabouts apart from the fact that she formed a new organisation called golden fang that is hunting the white fang with many faunus that have been hurt by the white fang
[Redacted] has shown a great deal of distate towards belladona calling her a coward that abandoned her friends and parter to play hunter with the white fang
Sorry thats all i write now i will continue with team jnpr later
"Do you understand?"
"Yes, ma'am!"
Ruby nodded before giving a salute. Her heart thundered in her chest as she held upright as best she could. Her previous mission beforehand ended only a few hours ago, and even before that, she didn't have a lot of time to rest.
Ever since the attack on Beacon Academy five years ago, Ruby had been at the Council of Vale's beck and call. Professor Goodwitch, now acting Headmistress of Beacon, did all in her power to protect Ruby during her time of attendance. Unfortunately, this was not to last, as her tasks as a huntress had piled to the sky, and had since yet lower to below the clouds.
Professor Ozpin was dead. Cinder Fall was dead. Pyrrha Nikos was still alive. All of this was thanks to Ruby's silver eyes, as those on the Council explained. Cinder organized the White Fang to attack Beacon, gaining some assistance from Roman Torchwick, whom Ruby saw get swallowed by a Griffon. Ruby fell hundreds of feet before landing near Beacon Tower, where Weiss aided in her ascension to it's peak, where Ruby's eyes destroyed both Cinder and the Grimm nearby that spawned even more Grimm.
"You are to leave immediately." The seated and portly Councilman gruffed. Ruby had doubted the man had ever seen a Grimm before his election. "Your bullhead will depart in no less than an hour."
"Yes, sir." Ruby nodded, turning away for the exit.
This would be her most dangerous mission yet. There was word of strange growths along the northern shores of Sanus. What started as unseeming black foam soon grew into oily patches of Grimm growing across the fields and grasslands to the north of the city. Huntsmen and huntresses were called on to investigate, and found that the sludge was relatively harmless at first.
But as the moss-like entities were burned, spores were unleashed, and while the land beneath was free of Grimm, the soil beneath had withered. Those brave huntresses and huntsmen dispatched had found themselves then weakened by the invasive spores. It was then that the kingdoms understood what this growth was; Grimm. A new species that developed into a microscopic assault on the populace of Remnant, identified by experts as "Carcinogen".
Ruby's mission would begin at the location of the first sighting; the beach north of Vale. The Council prepared everything for her, including a gas mask, filters, and a last will and testament. Ruby was to land on the beach, and track down to find Salem.
And kill her.
"Do you concur?"
"Yes, General."
Weiss tapped and slid her finger across the computer screen in front of her. Profits and sales have steadily increased since their plummet years ago. It took time, but she was finally seeing the progress she desperately needed.
Her internship at the Schnee Dust Company yielded great results. Her father, although reluctant to welcome her back upon her graduation from Beacon, soon trusted her enough to serve as his second in command. This would prove to be his downfall, as she made swift work of exposing him of his misdeeds and forcing him to step down.
"Atlas Academy should see their shipment as usual." Weiss said, pulling away from her company's shares. "And what is the recent development in our research department?"
"There has been a recent development." General Ironwood replied. "As you read in our messages-"
"I can read, General." Weiss interrupted. "I'm asking about what you saw."
"Very well."
General Ironwood was a reasonable man, if a bit hard-headed. That said, Weiss learned from her time in Beacon that only firm can beat hard. Hard would simply clash and soft would reinforce the opposition, both cases ultimately ending in failure. Thus, iron was best defeated by rubber, as Ruby put it.
Ruby came to her mind again. It had been years since they last spoke, the previous time being at a gala held by her father. Her former leader was working security with a rather mysterious gentleman she had never met, and yet spoke so casually to her. It was at this event when she learned just how much things had changed since graduation. In her heeding of the man's advice, she made her move against her father.
"Please keep in mind this information is confidential at the moment."
"I understand." Weiss opened the attached folder in the message recently sent by him. And yet, as she looked over the images, she found she didn't understand anything at all. "My god..."
"Is that clear?"
"Yes, High Leader- Er, I mean, Truer Head."
"You are dismissed." Blake said with a sigh. Many of the recent recruits were former White Fang members, and were used to an all too familiar to Blake method of addressing one another. Blake had grown tired of her attempts to correct them, seeing as their failure to assimilate as a key flaw in the Golden Fang's organizational indoctrination.
After her graduation, the White Fang faced a great schism. It resulted in civil war, forcing many of her friends, neighbors, and her family to flee to Mistral. The situation became much worse from there, as their attempt to flee was blood in the water for the Mistrali loan sharks. She remembered sobbing during her conversation when her father explained the situation better in a teleconference.
Since then, and since graduation, her father and Sienna Khan, both former High Leaders of the White Fang, decided to work together once more to create a new faunus rights group in Mistral. The same organization she herself now operates.
Ever since, each mission carried out fulfilled the same purpose. Defeat the White Fang, which was done through their recruitment, assistance to the less fortunate, and if, and only if the situation called for it, violent expulsion of warfare equivalence. Her father didn't like, and neither did she, but she still couldn't disagree with Sienna or the results.
"Greater Leader!" A voice called from behind. She turned, finding her childhood best friend, Ilia, panting. "It's happening again!"
Vague as the reason was, it was enough to make Blake's eyes grow and her heart sink.
"Oh god. Oh fuck. Oh shit."
"You're not getting away this time."
Yang limped across the floor as Adam Taurus stalked behind her. His voice felt distant and yet close at the same time. She turned to her right, immediately turning forward again when she saw his red hair, eyes, and sword shimmer in the dark.
"H-Help me." She choked out in a soft sob. "Somebody... please..."
"YANG!" She lurched forward in a scream, thrashing away from her attacker. Light blinded her and she found herself in her room once more. "Yang, are you alright?"
Her dad held a worried look. That's right. She's home. She's safe again.
"I'm... I'm fine, Dad." She sighed. "Just another bad dream."
To say her encounter with Adam was scarier in reality would have been one hell of an understatement. In an attempt to shield Blake, her partner, during the attack on Beacon, Yang lost her left eye. With her semblance activated, she attempted to strike in retaliation. He avoided her attack and shot her in the right side of her face, completely blinding her. Thankfully, some huntsmen responded in time to save her and Blake, though they failed to capture Adam. Blake then left her alone as well.
She was medically discharged from Beacon and spent the next two years in therapy. Her sight came back in her right eye, but her left was permanently scarred. In her blindness, she was completely helpless, and everything terrified her. Especially when she heard metal scraping.
Everyone came to visit, save Blake, who Ruby tried to defend. The excuses were endless from her. Blake's studying for an exam during their semester breaks. Blake's pet raccoon got sick, and oh yeah, she has a pet raccoon now. Blake's dad is having butt transplant surgery, which Yang actually almost believed. It was easier than the truth; Blake abandoned her.
"Is there food?" Yang asked.
"Yeah." Her dad stood up. "I was coming to get you for lunch. But maybe you'd be up for a spar first?"
"Thanks, but... no thanks, Dad." Yang climbed out of bed. "I don't think I'm in the mood."
"Well, you know we're all here for you." He said. "Me, your uncle-"
"Who was passed out on the couch, last I saw."
"Your sister-"
"Who hasn't talked to us in three months because she's a huntress now."
"Dad, just... just stop." Yang sighed. "I know that you're trying to cheer me up, but I... I don't know if I can be."
"I know, sweetie." He sighed. "But it's the thought that counts, right? No need to be so sourdough about it."
She smirked. "I'm guessing that pun means lunch is bready."
He grinned. "Yup. Rye? You hungry?"
"If I had a pumpernickel for everytime..."
"I propose a toast..."
"No matter how you slice it..."
"Ugh! Just stop!" The comedy duo turned and found Qrow standing near the doorway, leaning against the wall behind their critic. "Honestly, I thought I heard enough puns the last time I came to visit."
Yang's eyes widened at the old friend of hers. "It's you..."
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midnight-radio-host · 3 years
[ Maze ] for our muses to get lost in the garden maze
“Shiiiit… I coul’ have sworn it was this way.” Feng Min groaned, stumbling on his high heels as he attempted to keep himself straight. The alcohol was strong and he was feeling it.
“I’m… so sooorry.. I just got us lost…”
Wanting to mingle with more survivors since it seemed he mostly only spoke with killers now-a-days Jude had happily agreed to go with one of the others to the maze. It was only after the two had gotten very deep in and very lost that he’d started to become a bit worried. Seeing the other stumble, he moves, ready to be support if he needs it.
“It’s alright, it's not like it’ll go on forever.. We’ll find the way out soon. I’m sure.” Jude wasn't actually confident in that statement. With how weird the realms already were, this thing might just go on forever.
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wickedw3asleys · 4 years
George x reader
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-> Part 1 , Part 2...
WARNINGS: emotional scenes, mentions of depresion, ptsd... george and y/n had had a hard time basically
AN: sorry for posting these so quickly, for once i had them written in advance and i want to post a part every day :) aLSO VERY SORRY ABOUT DEAN HE'S AN ANGEL AND I LOVE HIM I PROMISE TO DO HIM BETTER IN THE FUTURE :(
You woke up too a silent house, the moonlight shyly entering your window and resting on your face. You were feeling a little better now, more rested and ready to enter your new journey at the Burrow.
You were feeling peaceful, feeling the sheets in between your fingers and listening to the old house creaking and breathing in the wind that was calmly brushing it's walls; but your peace was quickly interrupted by the thought of George. He had told you that he wanted to talk to you, and now seemed like the moment to do so.
Looking at the clock on the wall in front of you, you were afraid of the current time of night, but as a fortunate surprise, it was only 2 a.m., meaning that George would probably be still awake, or at least, not deeply sleeping.
You got up from the bed, instantly feeling the cold floor under your feet; put a sweater and made your way to the door.
No one was awake anymore, not one light was peeking from under the doors, not even from the living room, so you thought George would still be in his room.
You shyly knocked, not too hard, afraid of Angelina waking up fuming rage, but hoping it would still be loud enough for George to hear it. You waited outside his door for a while and you actually were actually ready to go back to your room and let him sleep when he quietly opened the door.
"Sshh...", he put his finger on his lips. You looked over his shoulder and saw Angelina's back on the bed.
"Okay...", you smiled.
George closed his door and smiled at you, "Let's go then..."
You followed him downstairs, where the fireplace automatically lit up the moment you stepped in the living room.
"This has always amazed me...", you chuckle.
George continued smiling; he warmly took your hand and you both sat on the couch.
For a while you kept looking at the fireplace, still feeling George's gaze on you.
"It's rude to stare...", you tell him without looking at him.
He softly chuckles, shaking his head, "Sorry... I'm still processing the fact that you're here"
"Me too, actually..."
You felt his body relax next to you, his back now on the back of the sofa.
"I don't really know how to start this conversation...", you admit, looking at him.
"Me neither... I want this to be calm and with no rush... Like we used to talk..."
"These were the best talks...", you smile at the thought.
"Okay, sorry for being so direct and shitting on the "no rush" part, but... why did you leave, Y/N?", he asks after a few seconds.
"Going right in, I see...", you chuckle, "After everything, I thought it would be better for me to disappear from everyone's life... I thought it would be better for your family, for me... And for you... I thought it would help us heal quicker..."
"No offense, but... That's bullshit...", George chuckles, making you laugh too.
"Fuck you! Everything I did was to protect and help you!", you pushed his arm.
"Ouch! No need to get aggressive on that one!", he laughs, "But really... Why did you leave?"
Your smile slowly faded away, not totally sure how to say it. "I wasn't sure if I would have been able to look at you ever again...", your voice breaks.
As sad and selfish it sounded, it was the truth. It is terrible and literally the worst thing someone could ever say but you couldn't lie to him, not anymore, not like that.
"I felt the same for so long...", George answers, "And because I know and understand that feeling, I can't be mad at you for that..."
"It's true... I mean, it's normal... I don't have any bad feelings towards you for that... It's just-
"I don't know how to justify or explain myself... I truly don't, but I promise, George, that it is not like that anymore... I see you, my friend, my Georgie. I was just afraid... I don't know how to explain all of that...", you started to feel you throat getting sore and dry, not knowing how to continue, "I-I... I was afraid to see him in you, and not being able to see you anymore... Does that make sense...?"
"It does... I get it... Promise...", he warmly smiles, "I was feeling exactly like that at first... I was afraid to forget about me and only seeing... Fred... And the first time I looked through a mirror I... I couldn't do it...", George lowered his head.
"Y/N... You loved him, right?", he asks after a few seconds of silence.
You nodded as you felt your eyes fill with tears again, "I'm sorry, George... I should have told you..."
He gently took your hand in his, locking his eyes with yours again, "I knew... Don't worry about that...", he softly smiled, "I've always thought you two would have ended up together, y'know?"
You let out a shaky breath you didn't know you were holding. For all these years spent with the twins, you have found yourself wondering the same thing too, and hoping for it to be true. You truly loved Fred. More than a friend. Always.
"But it's okay now...", you smile between tears, "He was still my best friend after all, just like you... I forgot about these feelings... I just miss him as him, as my best friend..."
George sighed, but never let your hand go, "Me too..."
"I didn't want to leave you, George... I want you to know that... What I did was stupid and impulsive... But I never wanted to do it..."
"I know, darling... I know...", he smiled at you, "But I needed you..."
"I know, I'm sorry...", you felt your eyes burn with tears, "I swear leaving was the biggest mistake in my life..."
"Like I said, you're here now... That's all that matters...", he says, tightening his grip on your hand.
"And what about you? You and Angelina, huh?", you tried to calm the situation.
"Uhm... Yeah...", he smiled, "It's... a long story..."
"That's why we're here, right?"
He chuckled again, "Well... I've had a... pretty bad time after... Fred's death...", his voice broke, "And I needed someone to be there for me... And she was there... She was writing to me almost every day, asking about me and how I was holding on... And when I told her that every day got worse and worse, that I wasn't even able to look at myself in the mirror... She came here... And she never left..."
"She helped you get better...", you say, faking a smile.
"Sort of... And one thing led to another and well... We've been dating for 3 years now..."
"I'm happy for you"
"No, you're not...", George laughs, making your
mouth open in fake annoyance.
"W-what do you mean? Of course I am! You're my best friend! I'm happy you had someone like her during these difficult times..."
"You're happy I wasn't alone... You're not happy for that person to he her...", he winked at you. He definitely knew you too well. It was true, you would have hoped George to have anybody else by his side but her.
"She wasn't very nice to me in school... I've always thought she hates me or something...", you awkwardly rubbed your forehead.
"Oh she does, she definitely does..."
"George!", you laugh loudly.
"What? You stole us from her since day one!", he laughed with you, "First Fred, then me... You were always first..."
"It's that true...?", you ask, looking at him in the eyes.
"Of course...", you could see him gain nervousness as he started looking at the fireplace, "It was always you... For everything... For Fred and for me..."
"W-what do you-
"Don't ask, you know what it means...", he looked down, as if he was ashamed of his answer.
You were completely in shock by his confession, paralyzed; not knowing what do say or even how to form words.
"Come on... You're going to tell me that you didn't know?"
"I-I... No... I didn't know...", you put your hand on your mouth, not believing anything, "You mean... You and Fred?"
He didn't say anything, he just smiled and nodded.
"Sorry, Y/N..."
"It's o-okay... I just... I don't know...", you felt your heart beat quicker and quicker every second.
George chuckled and pulled you into a hug,
"Don't say anything, you don't have to if you don't want to... It's alright", he whispered to you.
It's not that you didn't want to say anything, you actually had a lot to say, but you didn't know how, and words refused to leave your mouth, fearing to say something bad when you didn't mean it. So you just stayed there, in his arms, breathing in his cologne and enjoying the warm feeling of his body against yours.
"And about you... How's it going with Dean?", he asks, breaking the silence.
"You know about Dean?", you were surprised by the question, you'd never thought he would know.
"Huh? How do you know I'm with him?"
"Hermione snitched last year...", he chuckles, "I'd never thought he was your type, though..."
"Come on, you just don't like him for breaking your sister's heart...", you smile.
"That's... not entirely false...", he says, making you laugh.
"I needed someone too... He was there when no one was..."
"Did he heal you?", George asks.
You take a moment to think about your answer. Has Dean really helped you? Did you heal thanks to him? You really appreciate him, and cherished every moment he stayed with you when you couldn't sleep or eat. He helped you ease your mind and find a little peace in your life. He was there when no one was.
He fed you, held your hair up when your stomach couldn't handle the food, when you woke up hysterically crying at 4 a.m., when you totally dissociated from reality...
"I would like to say yes, because he was there, always... At any time of the day and night... But I know he couldn't give me what I needed... And I know he tried his best, he has spent the last 4 years taking care of me, basically... Without asking anything in return...", you sigh, "But deep down I know he's not what I needed..."
"And what do you need?"
"I don't know yet..."
Once again, you let the silence install between you and George, not really knowing what to say, just thinking about everything.
But quickly, your thoughts got interrupted by the sound of the family clock hitting 4 a.m.
"We should go back to our rooms...", George says, helping you stand up with him.
"Yeah... I'm sorry for keeping you up, you have to sleep too"
"Don't worry, it was my idea after all...", he smiles.
You exchanged a quick smile and glance before going up the stairs together through the darkness of the house.
"Good night, Y/N..."
"Night, Georgie...", you took his arm and placed a soft kiss on his cheek, petting his hair on the way.
"Thank you for coming back, I truly mean it..."
"Thank you for not hating me...", you smile. And with that, George smiles and go back to his room, quietly closing the door behind him. You copied his actions and got back to yours, thinking about the conversation you had with George. You knew that lots of things were still needed to be said and talked about, but you didn't have the heart to ask more of it. You didn't want to rush things or pressure George to talk about the past or his feelings, so you thought it would be a good idea to go slowly but surely; letting George take his time and talk to you whenever he feels like it. After all, as selfish as it would sound, you were there mostly for him. You were happy to see the others, especially Molly; but you knew George was the most affected by everything, and you wanted to stay with him.
@28cnn , @lindsaytriestowrite , @jenniweaslee , @amityyyjade , @dracossimp01 , @themoonwithprophets , @hufflepuffflowers , @georgeweasley19 , @mendesdelight
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inkykeiji · 3 years
Heya! Not a new follower but I never really had the courage to send anything thru your askbox (: i just wanted to say that i really love your works and love the age gaps! Reason why im saying this is bc of one ask i saw and also bc my bf is seven years older than me and literally everyone we know gives us tons of shit for it. Last week he broke down abd told me we should break up bc he doesn't want me to go thru all that bullshit for him. I'm gonna be 21 in late december and he turned 28 in early September and one of my now ex friends sent him a card saying "happy bday old geezer go fuck someone your own age". We'd been together long distance ever since I was 19 and this year he finally managed to move in my town. When we were long distance it was easier to deal w these comments but now that we can't even go out bc we'll bump into someone we know is fuckin awful. Is our relationship really not okay? I have my fair share of traumatic experiences and his family situation is actually pretty similar to Touya (he introduced me to bnha bc he really connected with dabi and before that shouto for slightly diff reasons) but like, idk my therapist says she doesn't think my traumas are influencing me to be w someone older (i cant explain it any better bc it would ve too personal) but yea I'm just so fucking scared and worried and even though your works are helping both of us it's still so hard some days. If we break up I'd rather it be bc we just don't click anymore, not bc someone doesn't like that he's seven years older than me. What do you think? Are we really doing the wrong thing by being together? Is he a bad person for bejng with me when i was 19? Weve always been fully aware of our age difference and didn't just jump in the relatiinship, we rlly talked about it cuz we know we shouldn't fall back on ppl who have too much going on to help us and for us to help them if that makes sense so why is it so bad? Sorry for this long depresing ask i just dont know where else to say it without feeling judged..
hello anon <33
first off, i want to begin by saying that i'm super happy to hear that you can find comfort in my work; that means so very much to me <3
oh gosh anon babie i am so sorry this is causing you both so much stress and anguish!! i have a lot to say so please bear with me, my response will be long!!
first of all, in my opinion, as long as your relationship is healthy and you both are happy, then it is absolutely NONE of anyone else's business. you're both adults. you both took the time to seriously think this out and made an informed decision. no two relationships are alike; they're all unique and they all depend on the participants in the relationship, you know? age gaps aren't always inherently BAD. they can be, but almost anything 'can be' bad (ie too much coffee can be bad for you, too much time spent online can be bad for you, etc.). circumstances and nuances and all of those little details matter A LOT, and they will vary greatly from relationship to relationship depending on a variety of factors. i think that there are so many people in our contemporary world that so desperately wish that moral matters such as these were easily definable and neatly categorized to fit into these tiny little boxes of GOOD and BAD when in reality morality is so extremely grey.
for example, the relationship between, let’s say, a 21 year old student and her 28 year old teaching assistant, or a relationship between a 21 year old worker and her 28 year old supervisor would have a more substantial power imbalance than the more simple imbalance in your own relationship which, based on the information you've given me, seems to ONLY pertain to the age difference. now, those examples i gave above don't automatically make those relationships BAD, it just means that there is a bigger potential for misuse of that power, etc etc. my point here being that there are SEVERAL factors that would influence an abusive or toxic misuse of that power, not always solely the age difference itself. does that make sense?
i think that card your ex friend sent him is incredibly tasteless. once again, your relationship is absolutely none of their business. also, if you've discussed this with your therapist and they don't think that it's harming either of you, i think that's a good sign!
i think it's also important to keep in mind that everyone will have different opinions on this situation, just as everyone has their very own set of morals and opinions and beliefs. everyone will have different feelings and 'truths' towards it. but your opinion doesn't have to align with theirs. YOU know your relationship best. YOU know what is true for your specific relationship and what isn't. just because one person doesn't agree with your relationship or thinks it is somehow 'wrong' doesn't mean it IS. there are plenty of people who think the content i create is 'wrong', and their opinions are fine and valid, and they're allowed to have them. i, however, 100% disagree with them, for several reasons. and that's okay, we can agree to disagree, and move on with our lives. 
i think what i'm really trying to say is: COULD an age gap contribute to some sort of misdoing (ie abuse) in a relationship? sure. does it ALWAYS? no, not at all. COULD a relationship with no age gap experience the exact same misdoings? YES, absolutely. there's so much more that goes into an unhealthy/bad/toxic relationship; so many other factors, you know? an age gap is just one of those things that COULD *potentially* be a singular factor, but is in no means and by no way ALWAYS a factor, or is this ALWAYS the case.
i totally get what you mean when you say you’d rather you break up because you don’t mesh well, NOT because of what others think of your relationship, and i agree!! i think it’s super sweet that he’s so considerate and is worried about what you might go through due to the judgemental people you’re surrounded by, but if you think he is worth the suffering, then tell him so! to answer your final questions: no, i do not think it’s wrong for the two of you to be together: this is a consensual relationship between two adults. i most definitely do not think he is a bad person; what would make him a ‘bad’ person are his INTENTIONS. if he got with you at the age of 19 with the INTENT to use the power imbalance an age gap may sometimes present to HIS advantage, he’d be doing the wrong thing. if he was manipulating you and using your inexperience or naiveness against you, he would be doing the wrong thing. do you see where this is going? his intention matters a lot more than the seven year age gap, in my personal opinion.
at the end of the day, it's your decision, and your morals, and your relationship. i can only offer you my opinions here, but you in no way have to agree with them, you know? it isn't my place (or anyone else's!!) to tell you whether or not your relationship is 'bad'. that's up for the two of you to decide. ultimately, i can only give you my thoughts based on the information you’ve given me; i don’t know either of you or your relationship, but YOU DO!! work together to make an informed decision based on the unique details of YOUR relationship, and try not to care what others think. there will always people who disagree with you, no matter what you’re doing, no matter how good you’re striving to be, and honestly that’s their problem, not yours. what matters is that YOU know the truth.
i hope this all makes sense anon, and i hope it helps a little <3 these are my personal thoughts on the issue!
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elvendara · 8 years
Werecat mc coferting werewolf saeyoung after one of his bad days ? Like depresive
Ahhh, Saeyoung angst! Why you do this to me????
MC walked in the house, she hadn’t planned on being gone solong but the grocery store had been packed and there had been a car accident onher way back so she had sat in a traffic jam for almost an hour. The stillnessof the house hit her immediately. Usually she could hear Saeyoung clicking awayin his office and talking to himself. He always left the door open, he said sothat she wouldn’t feel so lonely while he worked, but MC knew it was so that hecould hear her around the house. He was still coming to terms with acceptingthat someone loved him and he was no longer alone. Most days were good now, butthere were times when there was a certain dimming of the light in his eyes.
If he wasn’t working he was usually tinkering in his workroom with something, in which case, he would have music blaring. Those were thedays Saeran would ask for soundproofed walls in his bedroom. Eventually, hewould just pack up his stuff and go to Yoosung’s.
He had bummed a ride from her when she had left and she haddropped him off at Yoosung’s agreeing to pick him up in the morning. ButSaeyoung should be home, none of his cars were gone and he would never go on arun during the day.
The silence was deafening. She dropped off the bags she wascarrying on the kitchen counter, throwing her purse and keys alongside.
“Saeyoung?” she yelled. She checked his office, thecomputers were on, the monitors lit, the wallpaper on them were pictures of Mc,Saeyoung, Saeran, and Yoosung. The people he considered as part of his pack. Occasionallythere would be one of the other RFA members. They were an extension of theirfamily. But he was nowhere to be seen.
She opened the door to their bedroom, it was dark, Saeyounghad put up light resistant curtains, and the bed was empty. She was about towalk out and close the door when she saw movement at the far corner of the roomon the other side of the bed. Saeyoung’s glasses glinted from the light comingin from the hallway.
He was huddled against the corner, knees to his chest, armswrapped around his legs. MC gasped and ran to him, he buried his head betweenhis knees and rocked back and forth. He wasn’t crying, his eyes were dry, butsomehow, that was worse.
“Saeyoung.” she whispered quietly. He looked up at her,desperation in his eyes.
“I’m sorry.” He said. His voice cracking and the tearsfinally stinging his eyes, he let them fall, not bothering to try and stop themor wipe them away. MC took his glasses off and lay them on the nightstand byher side. She ran her hand through his thick hair, the other she lay on hisknee.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“I don’t know why this happens. I’m happy MC, really I am! It…itjust felt like my heart was going to explode. I couldn’t breathe. I tried thebreathing exercises but they didn’t work. I thought I was going to pass out. I ranin here but, all I could do was huddle in this corner like a pathetic loser.”
“Don’t say that! This isn’t your fault! You are not a loser,you have never been a loser.”
His eyes were tormented and she wished there was somethingshe could say or do to make him feel better. But depression didn’t work thatway. He would feel what he felt until he didn’t. All she could do was be there forhim.
There was something that she had been thinking about for along time. However, she had never attempted it as his depression hadn’t beenthis bad in months.
She closed her eyes and turned into her tabby cat form.Saeyoung let go of his legs and sat back against the wall. There was a ghost ofa smile beginning on his face. He picked her up and set her on his lap.
The hollowness in his being was still there. But petting MChelped to keep him calm. She curled into herself, resting her head on his chestand purring. How could he feel this bad when he had everything he had everwanted? When these episodes had hit him before, he understood them. He wasalone. In a room full of people, he was alone. He had been conditioned not tolet people get too close because it would be too painful when he left. But nowhe had MC, his wife, his mate, love of his life. And he had Saeran, hisbrother, his pack mate, who had been separated from him for so long! And he hadYoosung, another pack mate who was the best friend he had ever had. He shouldbe happy, he was happy, but this feeling would not let go of him. He hatedhimself in these moments, wanting to shake it off, wanting to throw on his 707 personaeand laugh it off.
He knew it was not that easy. And he knew that no matter howbad it got, MC still loved him, accepted him, wanted to help him. He pulled herin closer, nuzzling her head and kissing her affectionately. He knew she wouldstay with him until this episode loosened its grip on him. And if Saeran andYoosung were there, they would do the same. He smiled thinking about how luckyhe was. The engulfing darkness that tried to drag him down into its depths waskept at bay by the softness of his wife and the vibration of her purr againsthis skin. He would survive this depressive episode, and the next one, and thenext one.
He sat, huddled, desperate, but with a small glimmer ofhope.
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