caramialunaestelle · 6 months
@quirkycombatants || Liked for a Starter! (Mitsuru)
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She was not unaware of the eyes on her as she strutted through the crowd of thugs and vagrants. She was more than used to prying eyes. She was, after all, the current head of the Kirijo Group and its associated businesses. It was only natural that she'd be in the spotlight.
She weaved her way through the crowd, ignoring the leering glares of men whose intentions were probably not very good. She stopped short of the main fighting area, turning on a stiletto heel to face the group of misfit thugs. "Good evening," She greeted, taking off her sunglasses and flipping her long red hair over her shoulder in a dramatic flair.
"I need someone who can fight," She announced. "That's why I brought you all here tonight. I want the best of the best. So here's how it will work; You'll be paired up to fight. Winner moves on to the next round. Last man - or woman - wins."
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risingshine · 2 months
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Chiporo is right! He needs to tell Chiasa right away! So he'll carry Chiporo over there so he can continue the brushies.
"Chiasa. I know fighting, this is good, do this." Yes, he's definitely doing the communication well. "Stop worrying so much and trust me that I know how to make you stronger."
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"Huh?" Chiasa was busy brushing up the shrine - Himiko called in sick, so it was up to her to do it today. What does this have to do with fighting? What's good?
"Oh! Okay!" Honestly it was much easier for her to trust Noburu with this whole thing that it was with trying to figure it out herself.
Mission accomplished!
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nuravity · 10 months
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Pokes her. "Uh, is your boyfriend dying or something?"
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She turned quickly after being poked before Noburo's words confused her and sent a tiny amount of worry through her. "W-why would you say that?"
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sandzephyr · 1 month
@quirkycombatants liked this for a starter
The sandnin eyeballed the young man in front of her. He seemed unkempt and wild. Almost feral. "Noburu...I like that name." she stated and tilted her head with a friendly smile. "You remind me of someone, you have a similar look in your eyes. " she continued careful. Temari hoped that his look was the only resemblance to Gaara in his younger years. She hoped Noburu didn't suffer like Gaara did.
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epitomees · 10 months
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((Oh if you REALLY want actual Leviathan Sae…))
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penandswords · 2 months
THIS meme
●●○○○ | ATTRACTION ●●●○○ | AFFECTION ●●●○○ | INTEREST ●●●●○ | LOYALTY ●●●●○ | TRUST
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
Added note: Rima's OPINION can be changed OVER time. :) She's still a little weary about the 'murder endeavor' suggestion.
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minds-interlinked · 3 months
@quirkycombatants replied: Noburu is pretty sure that three of those options end in death, so he’ll propose, given his idea of how that works involves a fight to the death anyway.
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"Your idea of a proposal is an interesting one, I'll give you that much."
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iamgroundzero · 11 months
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@quirkycombatants asked: "Oh, you're back. And you look tougher too. Seems like you've worked hard." Don't mind Noburu, he seriously missed the guy.
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"What, you think I was just sittin' around with my thumb up my ass this whole time?"
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heirscrchd · 4 months
"what does your perfect future look like?"
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" Fine, I will entertain your little hypothetical inquiry since you won't leave me alone until I tell you and it seems I am stuck with you. " Azula groaned, rubbing the bridge of her nose in annoyance.
" The perfect future I had envisioned before my downfall was when I became Fire Lord started with reinstating my brother's place in the palace. He would have been my head advisor next to Lo and Li and helped settle more social disputes inside my court while I dealt with the grand design I had thought of. For many years we learned how the war took it's toll on our nation and how we lacked valuable resources that many other places do not.
With the conquered territories under my control, I would set up large farming settlements that would produce food in mass that would be shipped throughout the world. With it being under one nation and ruler we wouldn't need to worry about payments and tariffs that reside between normal borders of nations allowing us to easily move resources elsewhere in the world.
Using our factories I would produce metal piping that would allow us to better construct irrigation systems and produce fertile farmlands within the more habitable spots of the nations we had taken over provided no spirits gave us issues. If a spirit did so cause too much trouble I would simply find another place to set it up and leave it be. There's no reason for me to destroy and pick fights or wars with otherworldly entities that should be respected after all. A slip-up that Commander Zhao had learned the hard way.
I would generally allow for the northern and southern water tribes to remain self-governing provided that they supply their most valuable resource of ice for us, even giving them better tools to build infrastructure to ensure production wouldn't be disrupted. The lands there are hardly inhabitable for non-waterbenders and I have no reason to bring a factory there when it can easily be crumbled and crushed under the shifting waters.
As for other benders their skills would be put to use better advancing their skills and from their nobility pick representatives that are loyal to me to give insight on their land and advise me of better plans and settlements. While I might be a military genius I admit that there is only so much I personally know and insight from the people who live there would never do me harm. Of course, We would have to rename a few cities, tear down the old monarchies and ruling classes, and establish smaller rulers to ensure that our power is kept settled.
I would enrich the Fire Nation islands with the spoils of our conquest but also I would bring forth a better industrial age to the various cities where it is possible. Destroying everything as Father wanted might have sounded appealing to my younger self who was scorned by betrayal but in truth, it does nothing but cause us further issues in the long term idea. If we are going to conquer a land we should ensure that it's resources are not entirely destroyed nor their people.
It might be hard to believe but I personally believe the Air benders should never have been killed as they were. Every bender has it's place and skills that are unique to them, it simply takes a good mind to corral them into the correct choices that will benefit myself. . . and others of course. My father thought imprisoning them and torturing them was the best solution but like with the Dai Li I learned if I earned their loyalty and respect through convincing them of my methods they would become powerful allies and my vision could be fulfilled. A far better way than simply destroying people we could otherwise use to cut down on resources used to compensate for their absence.
The Avatar though would no longer be needed, my father would retire to Ember Island to live out his old age in luxury with my uncle, and my brother and I would rule over the world with our respective partners bringing a new golden age of prosperity.
That was my perfect future I had worked towards. All ruined by my father's poor choices to mindlessly burn everything down and my own betrayals scarring me as it had. Now, none of that matters. "
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queenxfjustice · 7 months
@quirkycombatants replied to your post “Noburu has no idea what a 'white day' is. But he...”:
Blinks. "Wait, is white day about engagements?"
​"It's a day to show your love and appreciation for the girl you feel closest to."
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amplifyingtrace · 2 years
@quirkycombatants​  ♥’d for a starter for Noburu
While she was excited to train with the upperclassman, she couldn’t help but be slightly nervous. Noburu has always been so very intense when training himself, either by him telling her exactly what he does and or her coming across him training intently somewhere on UA grounds. Usually she would need to give him a gentle reminder on taking a break so he didn’t end up exhausting himself, though she started to wonder if he could even feel tired at this point.
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“Before we start, we are just doing hand to hand combat without support items, right?” For support items for herself she was referring more towards her collapsible bo staff than her two capture weapons. “I just want to double check before we start and not accidently use my bo staff, though I’m sure it would be no match for you” She laughed, just imagining him taking it away not long after she starts using it.
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caramialunaestelle · 6 months
@quirkycombatants || Continued from Here! (Makoto & Daichi)
The lady of the manor stared down the man claiming to be her sister's saviour. He wasn't bad-looking, and he seemed decently refined enough. Respectful, too. She could see potential in him - he probably wouldn't need too much in terms of etiquette and proper nobility. Makoto could use a good influence like him by her side.
But a ronin? Not that it wasn't unheard of, it was just... not the status quo. Despite that, Sae kept the idea in the back of her head for now.
"You may fancy my sister, but I assure you she will find a way to ruin any arrangement made for her hand in marriage," Sae sighed. "As for employment, I would need to see your skills and abilities. Saving my sister is a noble deed, but it does not prove your loyalty and strength to the Niijima name."
As soon as Sae finished, a nurse came out to greet her, whispering something into her ear before bowing respectfully and rushing back to the wing where Makoto was being kept.
"It seems my sister wishes to thank you in person, Kawahara-san," Sae announced. "Please, follow me."
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risingshine · 2 months
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"So I don't know what to get people for birthdays. But here's a duffle bag of money to use for the shrine. Maybe give Himiko a raise? I never know how to give gifts. Anyway, Happy birthday Chiasa. Thanks for giving me a home these days."
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"Daww, thank ya Nobu!~" She will happily accept the bag of money: she'll find a way to spend this soon enough. "Hope ya enjoy the party! And do let me know if ya ever need help getting a present fa someone, ne?"
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electricea · 3 months
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Oh, it was his birthday? What did people get people for gifts...?
Well, he'll just give him a duffle bag. Totally normal. Kinda heavy though. "Figured you could use this. Happy birthday!"
Though when he opens it later it's filled with unmarked non-sequential yen bills. So many.
There's like $8 million yen in there.
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From @quirkycombatants. ( Ryuji's Birthday 2024 - Accepting! )
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"Oh hey, dude," He waves, curiously looking over at his friend.
He had to admit, he was pretty intrigued to see what was in the bag as his friend had already shown himself to be quite the unique guy so far, so this gift ought to be good.
"Thanks for the gift, dude!" He slings the duffel bag over his shoulder, only opening it until a bit later when he's back home.
"Whoa...!" His eyes nearly pop out of his head as he sees what's inside. "I've never seen so much money in my life, before...!"
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webbedphantom · 1 year
🌻  friends like siblings
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Congrats Aaron, you've been adopted.
Ship Symbols
I could see this happening at some point. Might take a while, and they'd probably have some friction at times, especially when it comes to morality and using your powers for the right reasons, but they do give off that sort of vibe.
Whether he'd consider Noboru's family his own is a whole other thing. It's not impossible, I like to see him having that sort of bond with Futaba and Sojiro, but it kinda depends on whether he gets along with, or even likes them or not. Aaron doesn't throw the term family around loosely. He doesn't have many actual family members, literally just his Aunt and Uncle (who hates him after his arrest so mostly just his Aunt) and maybe a sister he doesn't know about should I decide to make a Teresa Parker parallel, because I do really like her but that's a whole other thing-
Anyways, since he doesn't have many people he can call family, he doesn't want to bring someone into that circle who might hurt him later. So it really just depends on how well they get along and whether he thinks he can trust them.
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wishmcker · 1 year
∘ ◦ 💖 — starter call @quirkycombatants
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❝ Today was so exhausting... ❞ Ochako whines as she walks in tandem with Shōji away from the gym and back to their dormitories. ❝ How did you go today, Shōji-kun? Any progress? You look stronger every day! ❞
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