errorsituacija · 2 years
Normal People appreciation post
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kitkatpancakestack · 1 year
Wait we can use quotation marks in tags now???? Most important thing that's ever happened to me fr
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lyriumsings · 1 year
fun: planning out all of octavia’s tattoos
not fun: having to draw them all and remember their placement for til i die
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citrusitonit · 1 year
"why are you so scared? I give you my heart, yet you fear me."
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longroadstonowhere · 1 year
tumblr text posts don't let me reply to replies the way i've always liked doing
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
"In the end, he chose mercy. He chose love, and I was undone." The Shadowkeeper, Final Fantasy XIV
This quote screams Dusk to me. Dusk and the Corries in general. My personal headcanon is that they put up with so much on Coruscant, and yet all it did was make them kind to their brothers.
"In your darkest hour, in the blackest night... think of me... and I will be with you. Always. For where else could I go? Who else could I love but you?" -Myste, Final Fantasy XIV
And this is a very Riff quote. Something said to his brothers before his decommissioning.
"Listen to my voice, listen to our heartbeat, I forgive you, I forgive you, I forgive you." - FFXIV
From Kanna to Wolffe and Fox after Order 66 goes out. In my Post Order 66 fics.
"The path you've chosen is paved with the dead. Walk it with your eyes open, or not at all." Master Matoya, FFXIV
Fira to Cody, in my "Stealing the Commander" verse, after he elects to remain with the pirates.
"If history must be unwritten, let it be unwritten." - FFXIV
Cal to Fives, as they change the fate of the Clones and the Jedi.
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notxjustxstories · 2 years
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taylor swift’s discography (album: midnights) + my ocs
↳ Lux Buckley + “Bejeweled” (with bonus all too well) (insp.)
everything tag: @witchofinterest, @megdonnellys, @foxesandmagic, @villanele, @sunlitscribe, @arrthurpendragon, @pinkykitten, @bravelittleflower, @ochub, @anotherunreadblog, @wokenhardies, @eddysocs, @ocappreciationtag, @stareyedplanet, @superspookyjanelle, @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle, @raith-way, @noratilney, @richitozier
(if you would like to be added, just shoot me an ask!)
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diaries-ali · 2 years
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Small steps add up. Be proud of your progress
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hexedwinchester · 13 days
Supernatural S03E14 Long-Distance Call
Oh my god! Sam is so charming when he is talking to Lanie.. it's the first time I've seen him use his dimples to full extent
the whole 'John calling Dean' was so good! Got me thinking if they would have had Jess call Sam! #team SamJess
Sam's advice to Dean on what to say if John calls back: Hello (babyboy, you went to college) 🤣
I agree with Dean: what's with the quotey fingers? 🤣🤣🤣
remember when I said Dean was a hypocrite? This episode is a classic example of that. Throughout the season, he gave Sam shit for trying to help him out of this deal and now all of a sudden he's jumping on this because dad said so? Also, he gets pissed at Sam for not being excited about finding a way out when Sam is just trying to understand what the hell is happening around? Oh and the catch is, it was Dean who brought this case! And oh my god, he literally turned this on Sam saying he didn't wanna accept this because Sam's still butting heads with John?! That's nonsense!
what i love about Sam in this scene is Dean's pissed and angry (what else is new?) But Sam still manages to keep him calm
loved the way Sam killed that monster
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secretgamergirl · 2 months
People really need to shout "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT!?" at bigots more often.
So I just kinda absently clicked a link to a super post of those comics with the stick figure and the "pills that make you turn green," which was neat since I only knew about the original. And I'm scrolling down through them all while also doing something else on my second monitor, sort of on autopilot, and ending up not only down in the comments but deep enough into them where the weird bigots start showing up and I see this quote from a weird bigot (skip the bold quotey bits if you don't want this garbage in your life):
BIGOT: "I feel like this is a major over simplification of what it's supposed to be an analog to. By all means, if you're happy transitioning, i won't stop you. But it's a procedure that is irreversable, and i believe it should only be taught to kids at the same age that they're being taught about the birds and the bees at the parents' disgression Any earlier and its edging on, if not, is teaching the birds and the bees to Minors"
RANDOM NORMAL PERSON: "teaching children about trans people isn't enforcing anything on them except hopefully empathy and knowledge, and acceptance if they are indeed trans"
BIGOT AGAIN: "while you're not wrong, you shouldn't teach them about it till they start experiencing puberty. Which is around middle school, which happens to be when they teach sex ed at the Parents Discression
My qualms come with teaching it to kids younger than that. If you want to teach your kids about it from a younger age, do it at home. But you shouldn't do it for the parents before then and even after you do it at the parents' discretion."
Another person whose brain works comes along and is baffled at this person talking about having sex when the subject is... children being aware that trans people exist. But you know, passively.
BIGOT REALLY GOING MASK OFF NOW: "it is a sex thing. You are going through the act of irreversably changing things about your body that are inherently sex related. Therefore, they should be taught alongside other sex related topics in the appropriate manner and time"
Now, the real thing to do here is as soon as this person starts foaming at the mouth and screaming gibberish, you ideally have them removed from the conversation/venue for being a weird violent hatemonger shouting nonsense, but since you can't do that in every possibly context, sometimes you have to engage the person. Here's how that should look if someone pops off like this face to face:
BIGOT: "I feel like this is a major over simplification of what it's supposed to be an analog to. By all means, if you're happy transitioning, i won't stop you. But it's a procedure that is irreversable-"
Because see here we have the first instance of this weird bigot shouting baffling nonsense scare words that make no damn sense. What "procedure" is this crackpot here even talking about? You stop them dead, and refuse to let them move on until they explain what they mean. Having seen enough of these in the wild, I will tell you right now that this is almost certainly operating on the deranged bigot logic of "if someone says they are trans they are a crazy man pretending to be a woman and if they say they are transitioning that means they convinced a doctor to cut their genitalia off with a giant pair of scissors and there's no way to ever sew that back on!"
This of course has absolutely no basis in reality whatsoever. This is like... "if you listen to rock and roll music you'll be possessed by the devil and do drugs and get pregnant!" levels of crazy nonsense you can't just say out loud in public without revealing you're some kind of crackpot who doesn't live in reality. You just hold them to this and get them to admit that they are spewing absolute nonsense that makes zero sense in context and hey, nobody else in earshot is going to take this creep seriously and they might even be cowed out of moving on to their next propaganda point.
In this particular case you can also point out that in this specific context (and most other times this comes up, honestly) people are quite specifically talking about a comic metaphorically talking about how silly it is that when people start HRT we have to sign a big huge scary looking consent form that goes "hey, you do realize that if you take this combination of medications that makes your body produce less of these chemicals and more of these other chemicals your body is going to gradually change to be like everyone else's with that ratio right?" And that uh... totally is reversible. If you don't have enough estrogens and have too many androgens, you take one of these things to block production of the latter and these other things to supplement the former. Other way around? Just supplement the androgens, they conveniently suppress estrogen production at the right dosage. If for some reason you decide you don't like that new ratio (or you're freaking out over how people react), just... stop doing that. If it turns out your body fell out of the habit of producing the right ratio somehow, supplement accordingly. It's not really a big deal?
OUR BIGOT IN A HYPOTHETICAL WORLD WHERE BEING SHOUTED DOWN DIDN'T MAKE THEM STOP: "i believe it should only be taught to kids at the same age that they're being taught about the birds and the bees-"
Again, just cut this weirdo off. Don't let them keep rushing feverishly through the propaganda bullet points. Demand to know what, exactly, they're worried about being "taught to kids." Like... are we in fact just talking about the concept that trans people exist out there in the world? Because that's a completely absurd and indefensible position to hold. You don't even need to argue back against that one. Being trans is roughly as common as people having red hair. Fairly rare sure, but common enough that if you want to treat that as some sort of forbidden knowledge you're gonna have to keep that kid on like some sort of cult compound with no media access and like... why would you even want to do this?
Maybe they're willing to play the cards on the table that what they really have a problem with is letting trans kids know that being trans is a thing, and that they have options on the table that will allow them to actually lead a good happy life. Again, a pretty damn weird thing to object to, that kind of outs someone as a crank. You could maybe drill deeper on that. Does this person have a kid they suspect is trans? Are they in denial about that and abusing their child to try and "fix them?"
For taht matter, are we still in a world where this person is really conspicuously emphasizing this weird desire to live in a world where sex education isn't taught to children until after they hit puberty? And then only at their parents' discretion, like they kept repeated over and over when given free reign? Because that is a whole other can of worms that someone should really be opening up and interrogating the hell out of.
Like hey... the whole point of sex education is to make sure kids have some basic idea of what sex is prior to any situation where they might be taken advantage of sexually, contract an STI, and/or have some sort of pregnancy scare. You kinda want to get on that as early as you can reasonably expect the kid in question to comprehend what you're even warning them about, and it's kind of a huge red flag when you see people going "only if their parents are OK with it though!" Because like... why the hell wouldn't you be OK with it? The only reasons I can think of are A- you are sexually abusing your child and don't want someone to explain how these things you are doing to them are Bad Actually and they should tell someone, or B- you are confident enough that you have such complete control over where your child is and what your child is doing at every moment of every day that there is no way in hell said child will ever be involved in anything sexual without your direct approval. That one is also abusive, to be clear, and also stupid because we've already established your child is in public school, so, NOT, in fact, under your watchful eye at all times.
And of course, there is again no reason to let a bigot ramble unchecked long enough to get to this point, beyond this being tumblr and moderation being hard to come by of course, but it should go without saying there is absolutely no connection at all between being trans and having sex. It's just a weird association bigots have because A- they are constantly trying to paint trans people as sexual deviants, and B- there is a... really alarming overlap between people who hate trans people and... people who I... don't want to discuss when I'm trying to keep this fairly light... but uh... see option A in the previous paragraph.
Anyway this is all getting way off topic but hey, I'm all for small children being aware that trans people exist and people making it known to young children that being trans is a thing they maybe are, in the interest of... you know, NOT forcing little girls whose parents really badly want them to be little boys to fake it, fail, and get beaten to a pulp by their peers for being weird, and vice versa, and little enbies from also dealing with some variation of this, etc. Let'em all be themselves, and let their weird parents get over it.
But yeah, bigots. Cut them off when they start talking. Interrogate every point as they bring them up. Don't let anything fly. Force them to either admit the horrible agenda they're trying to push today, or the fact that their beliefs are too awful to state in polite society and flee. And be rude and angry about it.
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raguna-blade · 1 year
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Ok, so I only just noticed the lights in the top corners which, obviously, plays to the set to this but somehow i just never like...noticed them til now? Which, ok fine.
But ANOTHER bit i didn't notice is in the quotey bits and
"If not for Kjera's perusal of some traditional Victorian fairytales prior to ordering, Pramanix might have utterly missed out on the look of furrowed perplexity that flitted across SilverAsh's face. And what of Kjera's thoughts, you say? She's having a great deal of fun."
I'm glad she's having a blast but man this is funnier than I was expecting
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quoteasks · 3 months
you like CUPCAKES!1!1?1!2!2?1!
make this gayass into a a cupcake NOW okay? okay.
(do not take this as a weird quote death arc if quote dies i will RIOT(basically just make cupcakes based of off quotey))
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x3no9 · 10 months
Soap x Ghost, post mission. A quick speed-fic I wrote this morning. Unpolished, raw thoughts running. My other stuff is on AO3 as this one may disappear here if ya catch what I am saying. ;)
Reblog if you want but please do NOT use this without giving me credit. It is mine.
"Riding with my Mate"
By x3no9
Soap listened to "Closer" on repeat while riding in the Hummer with Ghost post-mission. 
Ghost: "You sure love this song, don't ya?" 
Soap: "Ya, mate I do. It speaks to me." 
Ghost: "You mean the bit about *puts up quotey marks with gloved fingers​* fuckin you like an animal?"
Soap: "Oh fuck, yes please."
Ghost: "Come again, boyo?" 
Soap: "Yes SIR." 
Soap pulls over, it's night time on the outskirts of the city.
Ghost: "Something come up, Johnny?"  *clueless, because they haven't fully given into the idea that they want one another*
Soap hums softly in his throat as he climbs into Ghost's lap, squeezing his thigh as he does it. 
"Whoa, boy, what's this then?" Ghost's hands are up in surrender, he is sweating mentally a little in his mask. ​
Soap plants kisses all over his mask, taking some of the soft material between his teeth and tugging like a playful pup. 
Ghost finally lets his hands down and starts massaging Soap's muscular back, where his armored vest doesn't cover it. The impressive, tense muscles yield to his curious fingertips. Soap pulls the mask down from Ghost's mouth and traces his peachy lips with a gloved thumb. 
"So fuckin tasty, Si." Soap tells him with a knowing smirk, before planting a hard, moist kiss on him. He pulls back, sucking on Ghost's lower lip. 
Ghost can't stop himself, he grabs Soap's ass roughly, palming, squeezing and shaking the firm, ample globes. Soap doesn't warn him, he reaches down and reclines the seat too fast, they fall back. "Closer" starts up again and Ghost kicks the radio off with a heavy boot and grabs Soap with a growl, they tumble and wrestle into the large back seat, biting and pulling at one another. 
Soap starts tearing everything off; Velcro ripping and peeling, snaps snapping, buttons popping off, zippers running down, getting jammed with haste. Ghost cups Soap's naked, bulging pecs in his large leather-clad palms, pressing his half-masked face between them and then alternating between biting and kissing each one. The light layer of dark fuzz that Soap grew on his chest tickles his tongue as he laps at him. 
Soap moans very softly in his throat, careful not to sound desperate, but he certainly is. Ghost isn't going to strip, there isn't enough time, his need is too great. A lone vehicle speeds by, they don't give a shit. Ghost yanks Soap's pants down over his hips, down his thighs, Soap accommodates him in his mission, popping his ass up. The pants are around his ankles just above his boots, Ghost wants to get between his thighs but fuck, he can't. The damn pants around Soap's ankles. 
"Fuckin hell." Ghost mutters as he roughly flips Soap over on to his hands and knees. Soaps lets a small excited laugh escape as Ghost tosses him around a bit, he allows it. With a grunt, Ghost pulls Soap's delectable bubble ass up closer to him. He unzips, pulls his throbbing, swollen need out with a gloved hand, spits several times and sighs as he works his cock over a little.
Soap is there, in front of him, slightly fuzzy ass up in the air and eager. Ghost presses a large gloved thumb against his crack, moving his one cheek away a little. Too dark to see well, he spits in the right direction and shoves his finger in, spitting and pressing in until the lovely, snug hole gives way just enough.
Soap bites on his fist as Ghost presses the enormous head of his desperate cock in through the tight gate. Small, bursting thrusts and he is home, leaning down and spitting every now and again, he is rolling his hips, fucking Soap hard. Soap moans and coos, bites at the hard leather seat under him. He feels Ghost's rough hands gripping him by the haunches, driving in and exhaling hard through his slender nose. 
Ghost feels his knees get all rubbery, his thighs tingle, he is getting close. Soap moans more against tightly sealed, full lips, then Ghost taps his prostate, gently at first, then as he drives in deeper, he smashes into it. 
Soap can't hide any more, he comes out moaning and panting. Muttering worshipping praises at the novel sensation of Ghost's cock plumbing him deeply. He reaches blindly to hold on to anything at all, something to squeeze, something to get his tension out on. The pressure in his love canal is powerful, Ghost is merciless. Soap wants to jerk off but Ghost won't let him, he stops him with a firm, gloved grasp around the wrist.
Soap whimpers in protest and desperation. Ghost leans down, pressing his rigid, rough gear against Soap's bare back, he pulls him up around the front of his throat a little. "Shh." He whispers into Soap's ear. His breath is warm, but not hot, and minty with a hint of cigarette smoke. 
All Soap can do is pant, "Yes, Sir." 
"Good boy." Ghost tells him as he plants a kiss somewhere near his ear then leans up and spanks him a few times. 
He slows down and Soap feels Ghost's cock pulsing against his used rim, then he feels the hot liquid inside him. Both panting, Ghost pulls Soap up and holds him tight. They lock eyes, crystal light blue meets burning dark sapphires. 
He wraps his hand around Soap's dripping dick and slides his palm over it deliciously, slowly, tightly, he jerks him off as he drives inside. Soap's mouth drops a little, tongue visible and touching his front teeth, he climaxes, rolling his hips in unison with Ghost's.
Panting, laughing breathlessly and quietly, he let's Ghost finish, Ghost continues to stroke Soap's spent cock for a few extra minutes, giving him every ounce of pleasure possible. 
"I fuckin love you, mate." Soap pants.
"You too, luv." Ghost tells him and they kiss hard for a few minutes. 
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loveharlow · 2 months
feeling quotey tonight and TPOBAW is hitting me in the heart.
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rosebud2829 · 5 months
Never trust how you feel about life after 9pm!
Im having to remind myself of this lil quotey because its inching closer to monday and shit happened friday so i dont feel god and im just reminding myself its finna be okay
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for the fic writer asks - 💫 🌿 🎈?
💫 what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
honestly, I genuinely treasure every comment!!! but if i had to pick, i like the ones that tell me what really worked for them! every characterization comment just makes me !!!! and i also love the big long quotey ones too!!! (even if i... don't always know how to reply to those ones adequately lol)
🌿 how does creating make you feel?
hahahaha that depends and varies wildly. when i was doing battleship i felt like the human equivalent of
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down to the general unkemptness (to put it lightly) of the disturbing elmo cake. but i mean. 78k in 3 weeks???? who does that without going at least a little insane? ( @tavina-writes can back me up here haha we went insane TOGETHER)
but like honestly sometimes i'm just vibing. putting little guys in situations and feeling mostly normal about it.
i think it also varies a lot for things i write for myself (currently: Ravenclaw AU, Mutual Benefits, certain fest fics) and things I write for others (exchange fic, other fest fics).
If I'm writing for myself it's a lot of sickohahayes.jpg and way more self-indulgent.
if i'm writing for others, then I keep in mind what they like and what they want, and that's also ironically when I'm more likely to just totally go off the rails and like... write 10k in 25 hours or 22k in 3 days or what have you.
i like making people gifts. what can i say?
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
I am the worst person to ask this because I have no idea whatsoever. I'm good at character voice and canon tone matching, so I guess in that respect, it does change, but in terms of actual writing style, I would say I'm not hugely experimental or anything?
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