#quotes that rotate in my head
kiyocuck · 9 months
shout out to this poet, gotta be one of my favorite posts on the internet
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haedshct · 1 month
i like how despite actually being face to face approximately once in the entire show the singular impression that stanley managed to press upon bill, or rather. killing him. that it stung him so badly even after death that he treats stanley like hes the white goddamn whale to his isosceles captain ahab
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mechazushi · 4 months
Kaiju no.8 Incorrect Quotes <take 4>
Hoshina: been complaining for hours* God its cold out here Kafka: Don't you worry. Officer Kafka is here to keep you warm! *wraps Hoshina in a bear hug and explicitly shoves his face into his chest* Hoshina: HEY! What are you-? Hoshina: . . . Hoshina: Actually, this is kinda cozy.
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ao3userforgets · 2 months
the john pov clegan fic has uhhh begun. here is the product of the possession i’m currently suffering.
“When John first sees Gale, his lone star eyes and his young face, his thoughts run clear for the first time in his life. Every clamouring noise is cut out, any trace of chatter gone blessedly quiet. All that’s left, then, suspended in crystalline clarity, ringing clean and sharp as a bell, echoing like assured footfalls on the open paths of his life, is a knowing he’s been waiting for all this time.
There you are, it says. I thought I was alone.
I am going to love you.”
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Disgrace Chapter 1 : Crosshair x F!OC
After the rise of the Empire, neutral planet Ga'hah is occupied by Imperial forces. Governorship has been assigned to Nyem'Tok Ra, a Ga'haiian native who married into Coruscant money. Nyem'Tok's business is pleasure, owning and operating The Red Spire, a collection of brothels ranging in exclusivity. The highest club on the tower is The Red Crown, managed by Governor Ra's daughter, Tah'Nyem. The socialite delinquent shadows her fathers footsteps through the underworld, and now finds herself in a political maze with no guidance for what to expect. Thus, it comes as a surprise when her father insists she take a military escort back to Ga'hah suddenly one evening. Aboard the ship she meets an unlikely ally, a "defective" clone Commander on light duty after a long stint at sea. These two castaways feel a kinship, as if their worlds are changing too fast to leave a place for them. Will they be able to survive the shift, or be crushed by the traps that seem to be set for them both.
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Warnings: MC pushes boundaries, rough sexual tension. Some nasty threats made at MC. Sex work is legal/respected. MC swears a lot but its all in universe slang so technically she doesn't.
As for Tah'Nyem, her family control's the red light district on Coruscant. She's gonna have some social issues when it comes to boundaries and objectification. Sex positive af though, and don't insult sex workers around her that's her friends and family and she will fight you.
Word Count: 6k+
Dynamic: Princess x Guard, Speed running Co-dependancy, A Mangy Cat and his Aggressive little Chihuahua.
Read On Ao3 - Next Chapter >
Music Inspo- Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge
Listen on Spotify - Listen on Youtube
It's Illustrated
The first nine chapters of this fic are written (as of today, I'm just illustrating as I release...hopefully weekly? No promises. There's a planned 16 chaptahs.)
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Droplets patter across the roof of the palanquin as the shadows on the emergency port darted back and forth through the icy rain making their preparations. I catch the look of boredom in my reflection as a small regime of Troopers exited the transport and began receiving instructions from someone obscured from view by the artificial downpour and darkness. A figure crosses my window and I’m startled from my idle observing. It’s father. He presses his thumb to the window frame and the barrier blinks out of existence. 
“Now, li’ha. These nice gentlemen will be escorting you back home, Don’t fuss, Do as you’re told.” 
I pursed my lips at the condescending tone in his voice. 
“Are you not coming? What's going on Vah'hadarr?” 
The secret tunnels, the emergency exit, and now Empire Troopers escorting me separately from my parents. One didn’t need The Force to feel something was off here.
The pleading in my voice was heavy, but my father simply cast a pitying look in my direction before disappearing out of view once again. My mother quickly filled the space in his stead and she leaned in to whisper to me hurriedly. 
“We will be right behind you. Listen to the soldiers, and Tah’nyem,” 
She reached in and grabbed my chin, turning me to meet her eyes.
 “Be. Have.” 
I couldn’t help but slip into a sly smile. 
“Who me? What on Ga’hah could I do?”
I was feigning ignorance. I had a tendency to make my own fun in stretches of dire boredom... This wasn’t the first talking to she felt the need to impart on me.
“It’s different when you use to toy with the occasional padawan Tahny… but your father’s friends are dangerous men. Be careful who you rile up.”
It is quite unfortunate, but she’s right.
 “I’ll behave.” 
I finally acquiesced and she released my face leaving me to fall back against the plush seat. She slipped off to find my father and I closed the window to lean against it once more.
How much trouble can I really get up too in a tiny can full of little soldiers?
A wicked grin bloomed across my face and my eyes flicked back to the transport. A straggler was exiting the ship and just now joining the six other men. 
A strong gust of wind parted the curtain of rain giving me a clearer view of the newcomer. His armor was black, the helmet coming to a sharper silhouette. The downpour closed in again, obscuring him into black smudged profile standing lean and tall over the other Troopers. 
Must not be a clone…
There’ve been whispers of a new defense bill for soldiers to be conscripted rather than cloned now that the war was over… I didn't think they had voted on that yet. 
Who knows what was happening with the clones. With the destruction of Kamino so recent, you would assume Coruscant would be crawling with them. They must be relocating them to other, less inhabited worlds or… something. Either way, the holonet was silent on the matter. Not many showed much care or concern for the spontaneous army in our midst. 
There was a small vibration through the seat and the palanquin began its descent to the dock, the rhythmic patter from the roof fading to nothing as it passed under the nose of the ship. I could see my father shaking hands with someone and clapping them on the back before disappearing out of view again. The Troopers were just outside now and my confidence was fading as the questions came rushing back. 
Something is very, very wrong… I’ve never even seen a Trooper up close till now…
The side panel slid open with a soft hiss and the port master leaned in offering me his hand. I carefully gathered my hem and let him balance me as I stepped onto the slippery steel of the dock. The man I couldn’t make out before, who seemed to be in charge, stepped forward and gave me a formal salute. 
He was short, and paunchy, with a dark handlebar of a mustache and gray patches at the temple. His skin was ruddy from too much sun and he had a sour smile that didn't reach his eyes, which, were unfortunately now aimed at me. 
“Tah’nyem Ra, it will be a pleasure to escort you back to Ga’hah. My name is Lieutenant Hervos. Please,” 
He crooked his elbow and turned to guide me onto the ship. I squeezed the harbor master’s hand and released it, transferring to the offered arm of the Lieutenant. He took the lead and dragged me along to the rampway, lending some freedom to glance at the soldiers trailing behind us. 
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The tall man was now in front of the other six troopers and I determined he was probably in charge of the squad. My eyes flicked up to the visor, shining, green and opaque to me. The hair rose on the back of my neck, betraying the intensity of the gaze behind the iridescent panel. It felt like a target had been painted on my back and I stood a little straighter to battle the tingling that had started in my spine. 
Isn't he… Intimidating.
Once again, I’m left wondering why I warranted such a vanguard. 
Father was a businessman turned politician, but other than that he was a nobody from a backwater world with just enough civilization to compete in the now united Empire. Our family had mostly lived and operated on Coruscant before the beginning of the war, now that Ga'hah was part of the Empire, they wanted someone loyal in control of the planet. So, now I find myself the daughter of a governor… Wouldn't explain the present circumstances… 
Why guard me and not my father?
Our procession halted and the doors shut behind the assembled bodies with a mechanical whine. White and gray painted metal and a harsh white light framed the bland, utilitarian interior. It seemed like we were in the main holding area of the vessel, with a circular navigation module at the center of the space, displaying halomaps of the sectors we'd travel through, and some simple strapped benches lining the walls. 
The Lieutenant released my arm and stepped forward to address us as a whole. 
“It will be nearly six rotations till we reach Ga’hah. We’ll be jumping to hyperspace immediately once we confirm our clearance.  Please lead our guest to her… accommodations.” 
He seemed to chew on the last word as if he didn’t want to let it free of his lips and I could feel my eyebrows raise a little despite my attempts to keep my face neutral as he spoke. 
“A pleasure,” he had said. 
It was obvious once he was done with appearances that this was the last assignment he could care for and I squirmed at having to spend so much time locked in with the unpleasant man. 
Ga’hah was a small planet whose system was just inside the outer rim. The teal, polar oceans and temperate climate of its locked dark side made it a popular stop to refuel, resulting in a robust tourist industry over the centuries. 
Though the planet had been neutral, as soon as the war was over the Empire occupied the Western mining stations and rail line. Apparently not much has changed, the Southwest having been desolate for a while now, the occupation made the area feel alive. Not like I would know, I’ve been off-world since I started secondary school. I hated to admit it, but it would be nice to see home. 
Hervos turned on his heel and walked through a door disappearing with the soft shush of it closing behind him. 
Now then…
I rolled my head on my neck and stretched my arms above my head, letting out a lascivious groan. Sitting in the palanquin for so long had left me stiff. The thin shift of my traditional garb slid upward exposing my lower back and stomach, and I turned my head to look at the assembled soldiers. 
“Which of you nice, strong, men will help me to my room?” 
I slowly lowered my hands, trailing them over my own skin as I turned to face them properly, slipping into the character I've played almost every night.
“I should probably…change? Into something more… comfortable?” 
The group shifted here and there, obviously not knowing what to do and subtly not knowing where to look, the fine cloth of Ga’hah clung to the body leaving little to the imagination. It was too easy, and I was starting to feel disappointed in the Empire’s finest. 
An exasperated sigh broke the silence.
“This way.” 
The voice was soft, a steady, rasping slither and my eyes snapped sharply to look at the soldier in black armor. It wasn’t what I was expecting out of him, but the sound washed through me like gray silk, cold, caressing. I stifled a shiver. It was an alien feeling and my mask faltered a moment.
He had stepped forward to lead me and once he seemed satisfied that I would follow, turned wordlessly to the rear of the transport forcing me to fall in step behind him. 
I eyed the slender man as he led me down a boring corridor that looked like the rest of the boring corridors. Nice shoulders, slim waist, even, confident gate. My gaze was lingering and I shook myself.
Interesting indeed… 
“You got a name, tough guy?” 
The pointed mask didn’t reply. I eyed the dark armor now that I was up close and unobscured by torrential rain. Some sort of sensor jiggled from the helmet, not uncommon. It would look silly if the piece didn't scream of deadly purpose. Other than that it was mostly unique do to it's color and sleeker waistline. 
I picked up my pace to walk abreast, but my shorter stature struggled to keep up with the long strides that seemed to prefer staying ahead of me. 
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“C’mon now, I need to call you something. How am I supposed to ask for you specifically?” 
I kept my voice casual, thinking the tookesque archetype wasn’t going to win me any points with this one. Jogging forward a little I turned to walk backwards forcing him to slow. I could finally see the front of the armor’s plates and the final piece of the puzzle; a subtle series of dents and wear against the right pauldron and chestplate. 
Sniper. For sure. 
He didn’t speak again. 
“That’s not really a name.” 
“No. It’s not.” 
He stopped in front of a door and hit the panel just a little too forcefully. 
I stepped inside and my possessions were tossed unceremoniously on the floor next to me. The Trooper filled the doorway, not showing any signs of leaving.
“You planning on watching, C.T.” 
I hit each syllable pointedly as I dropped the loose neck of my shawl from my shoulders to hang from where I held it over my chest. 
He straightened abruptly and hit the panel, separating us with a clank of metal. I pouted exaggeratedly at the closed door and then giggled softly to myself. 
Gotcha tough guy. 
I let the shawl fall the rest of the way to the floor and reached for the bag holding my street wear. Pulling out my little comlink, I strapped it to my wrist and dialed Kahtzi's channel. 
There's no way she's back by now…
It was the begining of the evening for the club world, and she was usually working till dawn. As expected the receiver beeped and dropped me into an away message prompting me for a recording. To bad, I was told not to make any calls once I left the planet. 
“Kahtzi, I've been whisked away very rudely and won't be able to call you again till I get to Ga'hah. Vah'hadarr is arranging for my absence at The Crown… Sorry I won't be able to go to The Galleria with you… talk to you in a few days.- oh! There's someone here. Someone, interesting,”
I giggled a little, thinking of her getting the recording and having to sit in anticipation while I traveled,
“Pray for him, Goodnight li’nen,”
Ending the recording with a sigh I reached for my clothes. The room was freezing and my bare skin ached in the cold. The pants and sweater in the more conservative Coruscant style was welcomed, and I sighed as the heavy fabric began to trap my heat to me. 
I zipped up the vest and looked at myself in the tall mirror on the wall. The clothes were stuffy but did their job in making me less obtrusive. The bright lights made the white layer of my hair too harsh and for a moment I wished it was black throughout. I reached up and removed the golden adornment dangling from my left ear finishing the look. 
Kicking the duffle bag under the bunk I cast my eyes about the barren and depressing crevice I would be sleeping in. 
Three whole days, Be’llahl save me.
I thought about my new friend in black and smirked. Maybe the benevolent old one already had. He’ll be tough to crack, but then again, that’s the only thing that made it worth it. Why play with someone if they can’t make it fun for me, right?
The tickle in my spine was back, that might… complicate things. 
Only if you let it.
The smell of hot caf drifted to me, breaking the cold and unfamiliar with a burst of warmth and comfort. 
I wonder if the galley is close by…
They might not like me wandering by myself but I don’t need an escort to grab a cup of warm, bitter nectar. Well… as long as a certain someone isn’t just hanging around the door. 
I looked at the solid metal and cursed the design of military vehicles. No way of telling if any one was out there. 
I leaned on the door and closed my eyes, listening. Nothing but the electric thrum of the ship’s systems. 
If it’s clear, it’s clear.
If it’s not and he’s there, well… we’ll just play another round won’t we?
The thought elated through me as I pressed the key and the door slid open ungracefully, the loud clank of metal making me suspicious that the room choice was deliberate. Casting my eyes to either side of the hallway… it seemed I was alone. 
Left and right look the same… I came from that way but which way is the galley…
Not caring for dignity, I sniffed the air, trying to place the smell’s origin. 
Ah hah! Right!
The walls were cold as I slid my fingertips over the grated panels, feeling the texture as I made my way along. It wasn’t far till I came to a brightly lit room smelling strongly of caf. 
There it is. 
I turned into the room and eyed the gathering of men sitting at the crowded table spanning the middle of the room. They stopped talking as I glanced over them. 
Definitely not supposed to be here…
“I’d like some of that caf, if you will.”
There was an open stool at the far end of the table and I perched myself delicately upon it. 
They were slow to react, but two of the soldiers suddenly stood and headed to the caf dispenser. 
Most of the men had removed their helmets and I couldn’t help but stare at their identical features. It was unsettling me more than I thought it would as I scanned each of them. Different haircuts. Different tattoos. Different Scars. Same face. There was something wrong about it, but I’m stuck deciding if it’s the clone aspect or if it had to do with the dull sheen that flickered in their eyes like they weren’t really in there looking out. 
Groups of troopers on leave used to be common in the red district until about a year ago, but they rarely made it to the top of The Spire where I was usually stationed. A clone at The Red Crown was practically unheard of. Not that a few hadn't been invited as guests by high priority clients, but I always seemed to be out when it happened.
I finally turned to look directly in front of me.
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By the counter, separating himself from the other troopers, CT-9904 leaned against the corner pouring himself a caf and pointedly blocking the two troopers who went to retrieve me a cup. His helmet was also missing and I was surprised at the web of scar tissue branching over his right ear. It looked fresh.
His eyes met mine and I raised a brow at him. He had a circle tattooed around one of his eyes, and a bit more I couldn’t make out from over here, but… lines maybe? 
Tough guy indeed. Is he going to let them do their job?
He barked something at them that sounded rude then spoke up so I could hear him.
“Get it yourself, princess.”
His tone was mocking, and it insulted me… but to let him know would lose me the round. 
Good to see he knows the rules.
 I smiled and tilted my head.
“I’ll give you a tip if you get it for me, tough guy.”
He downed the rest of his cup and placed a toothpick in his mouth, never breaking eye contact, before pushing himself off the wall. Strutting from the room he threw a last glaring smirk of challenge in my direction before exiting the galley and leaving me alone with the squad. 
My gaze lingered on the door, brow raised at the sass that was just on display. 
“Well, can any of you help a girl out?”
I glanced at the gathered men and they looked back at me uncomfortably. The six soldiers seemed rather reserved, eager to serve… but something was keeping them from bending to my request. 
“Uh… Commander Crosshair ordered us not to… uh…ma’am.”
I let out an exasperated huff.
Commander Crosshair, huh. 
The tattoo registered clearer now, plus with the context of the rifle wear on his armor…
A little on the nose don’t you think? We'll, if that’s how you’re gonna play…
I muttered, scoffingly as I got up and paced to the caf dispenser, grabbing a cup from the side.
“You're lucky he didn't call you BLOB,”
The nearest clone chuckled, hearing my disdain.
“That's just charming, a friendly bunch aren't you?”
I pressed the button on the machine filling the cup with a dark, robust smelling, refreshment.
My shoulders relaxed as I put the cup to my lips, drawing a mouthful of hot liquid …and immediately spat it out. There was a guffaw from the table. 
Oh that is awful. Enough playing, we’re finding the executive pot. 
Not bothering to excuse myself, I wandered back into the hall ignoring the snickering aimed in my direction. 
Kriff em. Where’s the Lieutenant get his caf from?
I pause in the hallway, realizing I was avoiding the itching in my brain by chasing a small comfort. Think. There's always a reason, and I need to know why I'm here. 
I started walking again, at a slower pace and listened. So far only my own footsteps… and then, voices. 
I crept to the opened arch where Hevos stood with another man positioned before a large consol. 
“We have the coordinates and once our clearance is registered we’ll be on our way out of orbit.”
It sounded like the usual preparations. 
“Any signs we may have pursuers?” 
I stopped breathing and focused on the Lieutenant’s back. There’s pursuers now? 
The varp did I do?
A hand closed firmly around my arm, and yanked me back down the hall. 
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“Time to go back to your room, princess.”
The raspy voice was engraing itself in my brain, growing more familiar as he dragged me away from the conversation I desperately wanted to overhear. 
“You know that’s a far cry from my actual title, I’m actually- HEY”
I was once again dumped into the sad little cubby, the door clunking shut behind me in what was quickly becoming our usual goodbye.
My mood was boiling over and I kicked the panel in the beginning of a tantrum. 
You know what? You're not in charge here. 
I hit the button on my door… and nothing happened. I hit it a few more times…locked in. A frustrated cry escaped me and I slammed my fists into the metal repeatedly. 
He can’t DO that!
But my arms quickly tire, and I slump to the floor with my back to the door. Less than an hour and I’ve already been locked into my quarters. Terrific.
I crawled into the bunk and closed my eyes. I really hope everything is exactly what I'm being told…
One thing’s for sure…
I reached under the bunk and searched the bag with my fingertips looking for the cold, small chunk of metal. Finally finding it and withdrawing the recording device into the light. 
I don't trust any of this. 
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A rhythmic clanging rang through my half woken thoughts and my eyes fluttered open, refocusing on the dull room of the military ship. Someone was knocking.
“Come in?”
The door slid open revealing Lieutenant Hevos, his face twisted in an expression of false hospitality. 
“Care for supper, Tah’nyem Ra?”
“Oh! Yes… yes, of course. Give me a moment.”
The door shut again and I walked to the mini fresher tucked into the corner to splash some water on my face and straighten my ruffled hair. Scratching at the short black strands on the back of my neck I smoothed the uneven, asymetrical bob till it once again lay flat. My eyes reflected the stress of sudden departure and fitful napping and I pinched my cheeks to bring out some color. 
Back in front of the door I shake myself gently, organizing my thoughts, preparing for the unpleasant pleasantries ahead.  I was ready, and hit the button letting me into the hall. 
Lieutenant Hevos doesn’t turn to look at me, and simply offers his arm like he had at the loading dock. I took it, and he led me slightly further than I managed to venture earlier through the compact vessel. He steered me into a small but formal dining room fitted with slightly more adornments than the rest of the ship.
“It’s good to know they let you have some nice things, Lieutenant.”
“They made an extra effort on your account.” 
He dropped his arm and my hand along with it, making his way to the chair at the far end of the table. 
“They shouldn’t have.”
They really, really shouldn’t have.
I eyed the sad plant at the center of the table and took a seat opposite the Lieutenant. I resented the contempt radiating out of his cold, polite smile and I flashed a venom laced grin back. 
What a wonderful companion for meal times. 
My thoughts drifted to the tall Commander stored somewhere on the ship. Somewhere that was else. He would surely make for a more entertaining company… 
I picked at a scratch on the table top. Must have been pouting like a child, because when I looked back up at Hevos his hateful expression was colored with a layer of puzzlement. He regained his composure and I reorganized my features to reflect the coldness the situation called for, my mother’s words ringing in my head:
“Your fathers friends are dangerous men.”
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“Shall we?” 
He didn’t wait for a response, pressing a com signaling for our food to be brought. 
“You shook hands with Vah’hadarr at the dock. Do you know each other?”
He stiffened. Of course, asking someone if they're friendly with my father was a rather loaded question, but his sudden discomfort spoke volumes. 
“I’m assigned to the governor’s enforcement battalion, that is all,” 
How far in father's pockets are you Lieutenant?
It's true a few of these small ships were for father's uses, but the soldiers still answered to the Emperor. We weren't much involved on who was assigned where, a little money could go a long way in securing loyalty.
The trays arrived, smoking with a nice cut of meat and roasted greens, the red juices pooling on the plate. I picked up my utensil and poked at the food. Nothing in the galley looked this fresh and I wondered if this was another benevolent “accommodation”. 
“Do you ever eat with your men, Lieutenant?”
I once again lost interest in being careful and political and took the lead in starting the conversation with something that might lead to some stimulation. 
Sitting at this table with this man is going to bore me. to. death. 
He chuckled without mirth, and fixed me with those hateful eyes.
“Those aren’t men.”
He said it without a blink or a tremor. He meant it. 
“They may look like men,” He continued, “but they’re just tools for the empire. Outdated tools at that.” 
His tone had taken on a shade of self pity, as if he felt he was above serving with clones. 
“They seem to be unique individuals, despite appearances…”
I thought about the variety in body language, the haircuts, the tattoos…a specific tattoo. 
He scoffed, and ungracefully stuffed a cut of meat into his gullet.
“They’re more than expendable, and are being phased out as we speak, you should be wary of seeing them as people,”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
He didn’t answer, so I pressed on. 
“What about the Commander? He seems… different.” 
The thin face floated back into focus. It was similar to the others, but the elongated features gave him a more unique look. No denying he was a clone though. 
“That one's more like a monster.” 
He shoved another forkful of meat into his jowls and I eyed a trail of blood dripping down his chin in disgust. 
“Don’t keep me in the dark Lieutenant, Elaborate.”
The Lieutenant set his utensil down with a harsh clatter and fixed his eyes on me with all seriousness. 
“That clone was bred to be vicious, elite, Black Ops, His most recent mission he wiped out the rest of his special unit, these clones feel nothing and they shoot at what they're told, even their own comrades, don't trust them… they're not people, Miss Ra, remember that,”
I chewed as I processed this. 
Their own comrades? Other clones it seems… Jedi too maybe?
The betrayal of the Jedi had been a rather hot topic on Coruscant over the past year. I was starting to believe the rumors that they were being wiped out…
Something else bothered me about the divulged information, something that probably wasn't supposed to slip. 
“Lieutenant… Why is a Black Ops sniper included in my escort to Ga’hah?”
Only a flicker of the grim composer before he covered,
“He's being transferred to his new assignment, this just kills two birds with one stone,”
Maybe I'm overthinking all of this…
 He finished his meal and stood.
“Tah’nyem Ra.” 
A quick nod and he left me alone in the dining room. For someone under “Black Ops” guard they sure have no interest in actually being around me. Then again, where the kark could I really get off to. 
After eating what I could off my plate I stood up to look around the pitifully decorated room. I fingered the bug in my pocket and weighed whether this might be a good place for it. 
No… doesn't look like it gets used much…
The little device had been left in the manager's office of The Crown. Apparently one of the Ja’hans had a thing for listening to his favorite girl… uh… meeting with other clients. 
Can’t have that now…
I was thinking idle thoughts about my father's business and the clientele in question while determining what to do with the recorder. 
The bug was primitive, just an on/ playback switch, timer, and a com jack. No remote access. Nice and discreet, but that does mean wherever I put it I’ll need to be able to get it back. I had checked briefly, but the device should record for 72 hours before looping over itself… 
I’ll need to retrieve it before then. 
There were two exits to the room and I determined if I should head into the hall or through the door the food trays had been brought in from. I thought back to the quick walk with the Lieutenant, taking inventory of the doors between here and mine. At least one should be another quarter room, leaving two others to be anything. I shifted my attention to the service door and knew it was where I was headed. I wanted to know what’s back there.
I pushed the panel and thankfully it opened. I wouldn’t be able to hack my way in, so I’m really staking on most doors just being…unlocked.
Good plan. Wander through a military ship on a prayer they just leave things unlocked. Very plausible. No notes.
I stopped chidding myself and slipped into the narrower service hall. It was darker, the walls less presentable with visible tubes and wires and blinking, lighted panels. The air was warmer here, smelling of dust and hot plastics.
This is promising. 
Looking over the guts of the ship I tried to determine if left or right down the hall would yield better results for a room the Lieutenant might let loose in. 
Et tu, beck tu, Nah-mehn-da!
I playfully pointed my finger at the tubes, selecting the thickest of them and turning to follow it down the left hall. 
The passage was disappointingly short and it wasn’t long till I was spit back into the main hall. Orienting myself, I figured I was just beyond the galley and turned to retrace my steps back to the bridge. 
The corridor was dark, the dimmed lights the only hint that it was night. I found the door I was looking for and paused…
Hope you’re empty…
I hit the panel next to the door and it smoothly slid open. 
The bridge was vacant as I had hoped, the hypnotizing array of hyperspace bathing the room in flashing light. 
I judged the three consoles in the room. 
The one in the middle should do…
Hopefully it'll be the one the Lieutenant would stand closest to. I crouched and wedged the little recorder under the lip of the keyboard. Looking at my watch, I set the timer to start recording six hours from now. 
I stood up, and once again turned to the vastness of space whipping past me at unfathomable speeds. The job was done so I let myself sink into the moment, marveling at how many stars and planets there really were out there. 
I jumped a little at the sound of the door sliding open and straightened from where I was leaning against the consol. I turned around, trying to keep my face innocent. 
It was Crosshair, and the surprise at finding someone here only colored his expression a moment before being reeled in. 
“Come to look at the stars, tough guy?”
He flicked the toothpick between his lips from side to side, as if making a decision, and turned to leave.
A pained sound escaped me before I even really knew I made it…
It caused him pause though, and he turned back.
“I’m sorry. You should stay…” 
“I was hoping to be… alone.”
“I’ll be quiet” 
I crooked my fingers into the symbol of promise. 
“By Be’llahl.”
He hesitated but seemed satisfied by that. Silently he strode to the left console and sat propping his boots next to the keys and switches. I leaned against my console of choice again and turned back to the infinite stars, my eyes occasionally wandering to the shadow of his head, the angry patch of melted skin over his ear.
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A thousand ideas on how to annoy the man flitted through me, but I had made a promise and squashed the impulse to play around. 
Time and place… besides, I swore by Be’llahl…
I wasn’t really sure why it mattered, possibly had to do with how tired he looked. It was one thing to mess with entitled little rich boys on Coruscant, but the man sitting across the room was a hardened soldier. He could have a time out.
“That one's a monster…”
Would he be ordered to shoot for no reason? 
I glanced at the tired silhouette again, it didn't seem like he wore the fatigue in a carefree kind of way. They must feel… surely.
We stayed there, silently, for nearly an hour before he stood and stretched, gazing at me a moment…
“C’mon. I should escort you back to your quarters.”
Silently, I got up and followed him out, only speaking once we had left the threshold of the bridge. Time out over.
“Do you come here often?”
I matched his pace as we set down the hall he himself had dragged me down hours before. 
“What happened to being quiet?”
“We left.”
I swear he rolled his eyes, but either way, he dodged the question. I dropped it, allowing him a few more moments of peace before we arrived at my stateroom.
Coming astride my door he started to turn as if to leave me on my own but I caught his arm pulling him back. 
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I leaned against the wall and pulled him to me, taking the docile position of being trapped looking up at him. 
“You should stay here too…”
I placed his hands on my hips and though he didn’t recoil it did seem like a grimace passed over him a moment and I raised my brow in question. 
“You shouldn’t get involved with soldiers, princess.”
He slipped his hands from my waist.
“And leave the Regs out of it. They’re risking a court martial just looking at you.”
Something tells me they wouldn't be as… fun.
A very real ache was growing in me, a little follow through couldn't hurt… just this once. 
“Let me change your mind, how can I make you stay?”
I hooked my fingers into the utility belt at his hips, not letting him get away yet. My voice dropped to a conspiratorial tone. 
“How long, do you think, till you break a rule or two?”
His voice came out in a low growl.
“It isn’t the rules keeping me from giving you what you’re asking for.”
He gripped my shoulders and pushed me harder into the metal behind me, causing an involuntary flutter through my groin as he bent to look me in the eyes.
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“You, princess, have no idea what you’ve stepped into here,”
“I think I can take you, tough guy.”
I leaned forward, brushing a cheek against his ear.
“What do you have to lose?”
The question was full of promise,
Kriff it, I know it's been hours but I want him.
“I don't know anymore,”
The whisper was soft, and fell from him as if he had accidentally let it go. 
He tried to push off but I held tight and he took hold of me again, pushing the panel on the wall opening the door to my quarters with a clank. I was thrown in, more forcefully than before, my body splaying in a disgraceful position on the bunk. I left myself disheveled and looked up as he took a step into the room.
Our eyes met and I held him there, challenging him to give in and take things further.
We were still a moment, tensed, and in stalemate between my resolve and his.
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Crosshair spun as the Lieutenant cleared his throat in the doorway.
“I hope I’m not…interrupting…”
“I was just putting our guest back in her crate,” 
He said it smoothly, nothing to hint at the mix of emotions that had been there before.
“Good, Wouldn’t want you caught up in anything…regrettable.”
The taller man straightened and left the room, bumping the shoulder of the Lieutenant as he passed. 
Hervos then fixed his eyes on me, hungrily looking over my legs still sprawled across the bunk. I crossed my knees and sat up to make the show less inviting and get him on his way. His eyes flicked back up to my face.
“They told me about you, Your…reputation… in the briefing for this transport,”
I stiffened. What do they know? It wasn’t all that bad honestly, but I had started a few things that got a little…out of control.
“Don’t distract my soldiers, or I’ll put you in your place myself, Which, I can assure you, will be far more enjoyable than what a squad of troopers might have in store for you,”
His eyes flicked down my body once more and he smiled the first genuine grin since I had arrived… I stifled a shiver. 
Instead, he received a rude gesture and I spit in his direction defiantly. 
“They seem far more charitable than you, Lieutenant.”
His face twisted into the more familiar anger and he forcefully pressed the panel on the wall.
The door clanked shut as he left me to myself and I scrambled off the bunk, slamming the inner lock on the door panel. 
I stood still, staring at the closed door and slowed my breathing. I shouldn’t have let him get to me. 
Calmer, I went to the refresher and started the water in the narrow stall. 
Stepping into the warm stream the rest of the tension left my body and I could let my mind drift to more pleasant things.
I pursed my lips remembering what was interrupted. 
How close was he really… toe on the line?
I had the feeling his nerves were stronger than the earlier episode might suggest…
Not used to being turned down I slipped the feeling on like a cloak, noting its weight and deciding how to think about it.
I don’t like it.
I don’t usually drive things so far either;  Always to an edge but never over it… Maintain the mystique. Only ever tempted if there was that…
I shivered as a certain intense gaze drifted through my thoughts again. 
No, it was odd for me to want to throw the match like that… few times it's happened before… 
They never resisted. 
I turned the water off and dripped dry a moment before stepping out into the cold.
Wrapping a warm shawl about myself I crawled onto the bunk, hugging my knees to my chest, letting my heavy lids fall shut.
“You have no idea what you’ve stepped into…”
How so? I’ll have to rip that out of him.
I grinned to myself at that, thinking of the fire in those steely, intense eyes. 
Oh yes…
I stretched out slidding my hands down the skin of my torso, down my thighs, enjoying the sparks racing from my trailing fingertips to my brain. Electric.
… I’m gonna kriffing tear you apart.
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averlym · 11 months
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" just...come here. just sit here with me" (...that one scene from princess momonoke, click for better resolution)
#tw death mentioned for the tag rambles!! (sorry)#meme redraw gone wrong (high effort). don't ask me how i did this- i don't know either. consider this perhaps an AU of the pyre scene?#or more accurately just my internal wonderings visualised. sometimes the vibes from the implications don't pan out the same way#i also lost the original sketch somewhere in my papers. alas. i vaguely recall thinking this would be haha funny and then somewhere down#the line it turned to angst. other quotes that inspired this from the show were 'ily. i'm sorry' and 'i will always be so proud of you'.#smth smth they met on the roof!! vincent stops quincy from jumping off and then. vincent tries to die + eventually quincy kills him on the#very same roof. anyway the quincent death scene was spinning around for a bit in my head and out of the miscellaneous sketches this won out#wanted to play w the strong blue lighting + bg + silhouette things that you get w stage lighting // replaced the knife w vincent's scalpel#quincy is kneeling bc poses + idk why it's fun staging for him ;-; // also the proximity + intimacy.. // the pyre is also in the bg#but it's silhouetted behind quincy. i think the last quincy post made me associate symbolism (help??) bc as i was painting i was thinking o#angel wings ksdjfh // not to mention the halos. halos are always fun to paint.. shiny stuff...#and from the last vincent art. i guess the star and eye imagery carried over. hm. tried to get the quincy halo to match so its like a#rounder less spiky star? which hehe aligns w the sun vibes (that i??can't explain??) but more importantly here i was thinking about#binary stars for the glowy parts. two in orbit in pull to one another.. tension.. ue. also the glow for vincent goes to stabby eye so like#behind the face shown to viewer. meanwhile for quincy it goes in front of the face#and of course u have the downward linking implied line from quincy's tears +scalpel + glowy eye.#this is supposed to be rotatable.. in landscape form u can have either quincy or vincent upright (pov) + it should work both ways#//bonus stuff is vincent holding the skask w bloody hands + shadow looks like blood spatters. like it would if quincy did the stabby.#hhhh this is the most. confused i have been making a piece lately.. just toss in a lot of fun visual stuff and mix..#if the rambling analysis here seems pointless and confused i think that's why. this is why u should plan out your essays o.O..#oh. stuff i just remembered: the whole impetus for vincent planning his own death was so quincy would be happy / it's already#mentioned before quincy kills vincent that he's severely injured- vincent says it's fine- ig u could intepret it as a finishing blow?#hastened over the phaethon announcement- when they make the second announcement quincy looks up smiling until the admin gives it to#beatrix-he didn't know.. // <- so for this it's possible to infer that vincent wasn't very attached to living anymore.. hence why they look#more accepting above. while quincy is looking very angsty and conflicted. yeah.. // tldr! don't look into it too deeply it's a meme redraw#adamandi#quincy cynthius martin#vincent aurelius lin#tw knife
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monofazz · 1 year
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When given the option of Kiss Marry Kill, these two do all three simultaneously
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madokasoratsugu · 1 year
love the idea that sherlock and liam get so caught up in each other's worlds when theyre bantering (flirting) sometimes they forget that they are also around equally educated people. sherlock quotes othello and moran mumbles for them to suffocate him while theyre at it. liam turns a forensic observation into a flirt and john quips how that is not scientifically possible. silly things :"))
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burningvelvet · 9 months
"'. . . Be with me always — take any form — drive me mad! only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, God! it is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!'"
— Heathcliff talking about Catherine me talking about Wuthering Heights
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arsenicflame · 8 months
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loveaetingkids · 11 months
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(Credit or reblog if you wanna use)
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snowrassa · 5 months
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happy birthday Mordred <3 <3 <3
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sh4d0w-gl · 6 months
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lady-harrowhark · 2 years
Ianthe “ultimate power and posters of my face” Tridentarius vs Wake’s mass produced portraits. There’s something there.
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robynthesavior · 2 months
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taylor swift - so it goes / david foster wallace / mitski - pink in the night
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meatsouuuuup · 1 year
Klink: I can’t believe it, Hogan. You played me like a fiddle!
Hogan: Oh no, Kommandant. Fiddles are actually difficult to play. I played you like the cheap kazoo you are.
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